/** * @output wp-admin/js/customize-nav-menus.js */ /* global _wpCustomizeNavMenusSettings, wpNavMenu, console */ ( function( api, wp, $ ) { 'use strict'; /** * Set up wpNavMenu for drag and drop. */ wpNavMenu.originalInit = wpNavMenu.init; wpNavMenu.options.menuItemDepthPerLevel = 20; wpNavMenu.options.sortableItems = '> .customize-control-nav_menu_item'; wpNavMenu.options.targetTolerance = 10; wpNavMenu.init = function() { this.jQueryExtensions(); }; /** * @namespace wp.customize.Menus */ api.Menus = api.Menus || {}; // Link settings. api.Menus.data = { itemTypes: [], l10n: {}, settingTransport: 'refresh', phpIntMax: 0, defaultSettingValues: { nav_menu: {}, nav_menu_item: {} }, locationSlugMappedToName: {} }; if ( 'undefined' !== typeof _wpCustomizeNavMenusSettings ) { $.extend( api.Menus.data, _wpCustomizeNavMenusSettings ); } /** * Newly-created Nav Menus and Nav Menu Items have negative integer IDs which * serve as placeholders until Save & Publish happens. * * @alias wp.customize.Menus.generatePlaceholderAutoIncrementId * * @return {number} */ api.Menus.generatePlaceholderAutoIncrementId = function() { return -Math.ceil( api.Menus.data.phpIntMax * Math.random() ); }; /** * wp.customize.Menus.AvailableItemModel * * A single available menu item model. See PHP's WP_Customize_Nav_Menu_Item_Setting class. * * @class wp.customize.Menus.AvailableItemModel * @augments Backbone.Model */ api.Menus.AvailableItemModel = Backbone.Model.extend( $.extend( { id: null // This is only used by Backbone. }, api.Menus.data.defaultSettingValues.nav_menu_item ) ); /** * wp.customize.Menus.AvailableItemCollection * * Collection for available menu item models. * * @class wp.customize.Menus.AvailableItemCollection * @augments Backbone.Collection */ api.Menus.AvailableItemCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.Menus.AvailableItemCollection.prototype */{ model: api.Menus.AvailableItemModel, sort_key: 'order', comparator: function( item ) { return -item.get( this.sort_key ); }, sortByField: function( fieldName ) { this.sort_key = fieldName; this.sort(); } }); api.Menus.availableMenuItems = new api.Menus.AvailableItemCollection( api.Menus.data.availableMenuItems ); /** * Insert a new `auto-draft` post. * * @since 4.7.0 * @alias wp.customize.Menus.insertAutoDraftPost * * @param {object} params - Parameters for the draft post to create. * @param {string} params.post_type - Post type to add. * @param {string} params.post_title - Post title to use. * @return {jQuery.promise} Promise resolved with the added post. */ api.Menus.insertAutoDraftPost = function insertAutoDraftPost( params ) { var request, deferred = $.Deferred(); request = wp.ajax.post( 'customize-nav-menus-insert-auto-draft', { 'customize-menus-nonce': api.settings.nonce['customize-menus'], 'wp_customize': 'on', 'customize_changeset_uuid': api.settings.changeset.uuid, 'params': params } ); request.done( function( response ) { if ( response.post_id ) { api( 'nav_menus_created_posts' ).set( api( 'nav_menus_created_posts' ).get().concat( [ response.post_id ] ) ); if ( 'page' === params.post_type ) { // Activate static front page controls as this could be the first page created. if ( api.section.has( 'static_front_page' ) ) { api.section( 'static_front_page' ).activate(); } // Add new page to dropdown-pages controls. api.control.each( function( control ) { var select; if ( 'dropdown-pages' === control.params.type ) { select = control.container.find( 'select[name^="_customize-dropdown-pages-"]' ); select.append( new Option( params.post_title, response.post_id ) ); } } ); } deferred.resolve( response ); } } ); request.fail( function( response ) { var error = response || ''; if ( 'undefined' !== typeof response.message ) { error = response.message; } console.error( error ); deferred.rejectWith( error ); } ); return deferred.promise(); }; api.Menus.AvailableMenuItemsPanelView = wp.Backbone.View.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.Menus.AvailableMenuItemsPanelView.prototype */{ el: '#available-menu-items', events: { 'input #menu-items-search': 'debounceSearch', 'focus .menu-item-tpl': 'focus', 'click .menu-item-tpl': '_submit', 'click #custom-menu-item-submit': '_submitLink', 'keypress #custom-menu-item-name': '_submitLink', 'click .new-content-item .add-content': '_submitNew', 'keypress .create-item-input': '_submitNew', 'keydown': 'keyboardAccessible' }, // Cache current selected menu item. selected: null, // Cache menu control that opened the panel. currentMenuControl: null, debounceSearch: null, $search: null, $clearResults: null, searchTerm: '', rendered: false, pages: {}, sectionContent: '', loading: false, addingNew: false, /** * wp.customize.Menus.AvailableMenuItemsPanelView * * View class for the available menu items panel. * * @constructs wp.customize.Menus.AvailableMenuItemsPanelView * @augments wp.Backbone.View */ initialize: function() { var self = this; if ( ! api.panel.has( 'nav_menus' ) ) { return; } this.$search = $( '#menu-items-search' ); this.$clearResults = this.$el.find( '.clear-results' ); this.sectionContent = this.$el.find( '.available-menu-items-list' ); this.debounceSearch = _.debounce( self.search, 500 ); _.bindAll( this, 'close' ); /* * If the available menu items panel is open and the customize controls * are interacted with (other than an item being deleted), then close * the available menu items panel. Also close on back button click. */ $( '#customize-controls, .customize-section-back' ).on( 'click keydown', function( e ) { var isDeleteBtn = $( e.target ).is( '.item-delete, .item-delete *' ), isAddNewBtn = $( e.target ).is( '.add-new-menu-item, .add-new-menu-item *' ); if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'adding-menu-items' ) && ! isDeleteBtn && ! isAddNewBtn ) { self.close(); } } ); // Clear the search results and trigger an `input` event to fire a new search. this.$clearResults.on( 'click', function() { self.$search.val( '' ).focus().trigger( 'input' ); } ); this.$el.on( 'input', '#custom-menu-item-name.invalid, #custom-menu-item-url.invalid', function() { $( this ).removeClass( 'invalid' ); }); // Load available items if it looks like we'll need them. api.panel( 'nav_menus' ).container.bind( 'expanded', function() { if ( ! self.rendered ) { self.initList(); self.rendered = true; } }); // Load more items. this.sectionContent.scroll( function() { var totalHeight = self.$el.find( '.accordion-section.open .available-menu-items-list' ).prop( 'scrollHeight' ), visibleHeight = self.$el.find( '.accordion-section.open' ).height(); if ( ! self.loading && $( this ).scrollTop() > 3 / 4 * totalHeight - visibleHeight ) { var type = $( this ).data( 'type' ), object = $( this ).data( 'object' ); if ( 'search' === type ) { if ( self.searchTerm ) { self.doSearch( self.pages.search ); } } else { self.loadItems( [ { type: type, object: object } ] ); } } }); // Close the panel if the URL in the preview changes. api.previewer.bind( 'url', this.close ); self.delegateEvents(); }, // Search input change handler. search: function( event ) { var $searchSection = $( '#available-menu-items-search' ), $otherSections = $( '#available-menu-items .accordion-section' ).not( $searchSection ); if ( ! event ) { return; } if ( this.searchTerm === event.target.value ) { return; } if ( '' !== event.target.value && ! $searchSection.hasClass( 'open' ) ) { $otherSections.fadeOut( 100 ); $searchSection.find( '.accordion-section-content' ).slideDown( 'fast' ); $searchSection.addClass( 'open' ); this.$clearResults.addClass( 'is-visible' ); } else if ( '' === event.target.value ) { $searchSection.removeClass( 'open' ); $otherSections.show(); this.$clearResults.removeClass( 'is-visible' ); } this.searchTerm = event.target.value; this.pages.search = 1; this.doSearch( 1 ); }, // Get search results. doSearch: function( page ) { var self = this, params, $section = $( '#available-menu-items-search' ), $content = $section.find( '.accordion-section-content' ), itemTemplate = wp.template( 'available-menu-item' ); if ( self.currentRequest ) { self.currentRequest.abort(); } if ( page < 0 ) { return; } else if ( page > 1 ) { $section.addClass( 'loading-more' ); $content.attr( 'aria-busy', 'true' ); wp.a11y.speak( api.Menus.data.l10n.itemsLoadingMore ); } else if ( '' === self.searchTerm ) { $content.html( '' ); wp.a11y.speak( '' ); return; } $section.addClass( 'loading' ); self.loading = true; params = api.previewer.query( { excludeCustomizedSaved: true } ); _.extend( params, { 'customize-menus-nonce': api.settings.nonce['customize-menus'], 'wp_customize': 'on', 'search': self.searchTerm, 'page': page } ); self.currentRequest = wp.ajax.post( 'search-available-menu-items-customizer', params ); self.currentRequest.done(function( data ) { var items; if ( 1 === page ) { // Clear previous results as it's a new search. $content.empty(); } $section.removeClass( 'loading loading-more' ); $content.attr( 'aria-busy', 'false' ); $section.addClass( 'open' ); self.loading = false; items = new api.Menus.AvailableItemCollection( data.items ); self.collection.add( items.models ); items.each( function( menuItem ) { $content.append( itemTemplate( menuItem.attributes ) ); } ); if ( 20 > items.length ) { self.pages.search = -1; // Up to 20 posts and 20 terms in results, if <20, no more results for either. } else { self.pages.search = self.pages.search + 1; } if ( items && page > 1 ) { wp.a11y.speak( api.Menus.data.l10n.itemsFoundMore.replace( '%d', items.length ) ); } else if ( items && page === 1 ) { wp.a11y.speak( api.Menus.data.l10n.itemsFound.replace( '%d', items.length ) ); } }); self.currentRequest.fail(function( data ) { // data.message may be undefined, for example when typing slow and the request is aborted. if ( data.message ) { $content.empty().append( $( '
  • ' ).text( data.message ) ); wp.a11y.speak( data.message ); } self.pages.search = -1; }); self.currentRequest.always(function() { $section.removeClass( 'loading loading-more' ); $content.attr( 'aria-busy', 'false' ); self.loading = false; self.currentRequest = null; }); }, // Render the individual items. initList: function() { var self = this; // Render the template for each item by type. _.each( api.Menus.data.itemTypes, function( itemType ) { self.pages[ itemType.type + ':' + itemType.object ] = 0; } ); self.loadItems( api.Menus.data.itemTypes ); }, /** * Load available nav menu items. * * @since 4.3.0 * @since 4.7.0 Changed function signature to take list of item types instead of single type/object. * @access private * * @param {Array.} itemTypes List of objects containing type and key. * @param {string} deprecated Formerly the object parameter. * @return {void} */ loadItems: function( itemTypes, deprecated ) { var self = this, _itemTypes, requestItemTypes = [], params, request, itemTemplate, availableMenuItemContainers = {}; itemTemplate = wp.template( 'available-menu-item' ); if ( _.isString( itemTypes ) && _.isString( deprecated ) ) { _itemTypes = [ { type: itemTypes, object: deprecated } ]; } else { _itemTypes = itemTypes; } _.each( _itemTypes, function( itemType ) { var container, name = itemType.type + ':' + itemType.object; if ( -1 === self.pages[ name ] ) { return; // Skip types for which there are no more results. } container = $( '#available-menu-items-' + itemType.type + '-' + itemType.object ); container.find( '.accordion-section-title' ).addClass( 'loading' ); availableMenuItemContainers[ name ] = container; requestItemTypes.push( { object: itemType.object, type: itemType.type, page: self.pages[ name ] } ); } ); if ( 0 === requestItemTypes.length ) { return; } self.loading = true; params = api.previewer.query( { excludeCustomizedSaved: true } ); _.extend( params, { 'customize-menus-nonce': api.settings.nonce['customize-menus'], 'wp_customize': 'on', 'item_types': requestItemTypes } ); request = wp.ajax.post( 'load-available-menu-items-customizer', params ); request.done(function( data ) { var typeInner; _.each( data.items, function( typeItems, name ) { if ( 0 === typeItems.length ) { if ( 0 === self.pages[ name ] ) { availableMenuItemContainers[ name ].find( '.accordion-section-title' ) .addClass( 'cannot-expand' ) .removeClass( 'loading' ) .find( '.accordion-section-title > button' ) .prop( 'tabIndex', -1 ); } self.pages[ name ] = -1; return; } else if ( ( 'post_type:page' === name ) && ( ! availableMenuItemContainers[ name ].hasClass( 'open' ) ) ) { availableMenuItemContainers[ name ].find( '.accordion-section-title > button' ).click(); } typeItems = new api.Menus.AvailableItemCollection( typeItems ); // @todo Why is this collection created and then thrown away? self.collection.add( typeItems.models ); typeInner = availableMenuItemContainers[ name ].find( '.available-menu-items-list' ); typeItems.each( function( menuItem ) { typeInner.append( itemTemplate( menuItem.attributes ) ); } ); self.pages[ name ] += 1; }); }); request.fail(function( data ) { if ( typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.error ) { console.error( data ); } }); request.always(function() { _.each( availableMenuItemContainers, function( container ) { container.find( '.accordion-section-title' ).removeClass( 'loading' ); } ); self.loading = false; }); }, // Adjust the height of each section of items to fit the screen. itemSectionHeight: function() { var sections, lists, totalHeight, accordionHeight, diff; totalHeight = window.innerHeight; sections = this.$el.find( '.accordion-section:not( #available-menu-items-search ) .accordion-section-content' ); lists = this.$el.find( '.accordion-section:not( #available-menu-items-search ) .available-menu-items-list:not(":only-child")' ); accordionHeight = 46 * ( 1 + sections.length ) + 14; // Magic numbers. diff = totalHeight - accordionHeight; if ( 120 < diff && 290 > diff ) { sections.css( 'max-height', diff ); lists.css( 'max-height', ( diff - 60 ) ); } }, // Highlights a menu item. select: function( menuitemTpl ) { this.selected = $( menuitemTpl ); this.selected.siblings( '.menu-item-tpl' ).removeClass( 'selected' ); this.selected.addClass( 'selected' ); }, // Highlights a menu item on focus. focus: function( event ) { this.select( $( event.currentTarget ) ); }, // Submit handler for keypress and click on menu item. _submit: function( event ) { // Only proceed with keypress if it is Enter or Spacebar. if ( 'keypress' === event.type && ( 13 !== event.which && 32 !== event.which ) ) { return; } this.submit( $( event.currentTarget ) ); }, // Adds a selected menu item to the menu. submit: function( menuitemTpl ) { var menuitemId, menu_item; if ( ! menuitemTpl ) { menuitemTpl = this.selected; } if ( ! menuitemTpl || ! this.currentMenuControl ) { return; } this.select( menuitemTpl ); menuitemId = $( this.selected ).data( 'menu-item-id' ); menu_item = this.collection.findWhere( { id: menuitemId } ); if ( ! menu_item ) { return; } this.currentMenuControl.addItemToMenu( menu_item.attributes ); $( menuitemTpl ).find( '.menu-item-handle' ).addClass( 'item-added' ); }, // Submit handler for keypress and click on custom menu item. _submitLink: function( event ) { // Only proceed with keypress if it is Enter. if ( 'keypress' === event.type && 13 !== event.which ) { return; } this.submitLink(); }, // Adds the custom menu item to the menu. submitLink: function() { var menuItem, itemName = $( '#custom-menu-item-name' ), itemUrl = $( '#custom-menu-item-url' ), url = itemUrl.val().trim(), urlRegex; if ( ! this.currentMenuControl ) { return; } /* * Allow URLs including: * - http://example.com/ * - //example.com * - /directory/ * - ?query-param * - #target * - mailto:foo@example.com * * Any further validation will be handled on the server when the setting is attempted to be saved, * so this pattern does not need to be complete. */ urlRegex = /^((\w+:)?\/\/\w.*|\w+:(?!\/\/$)|\/|\?|#)/; if ( '' === itemName.val() ) { itemName.addClass( 'invalid' ); return; } else if ( ! urlRegex.test( url ) ) { itemUrl.addClass( 'invalid' ); return; } menuItem = { 'title': itemName.val(), 'url': url, 'type': 'custom', 'type_label': api.Menus.data.l10n.custom_label, 'object': 'custom' }; this.currentMenuControl.addItemToMenu( menuItem ); // Reset the custom link form. itemUrl.val( '' ).attr( 'placeholder', 'https://' ); itemName.val( '' ); }, /** * Submit handler for keypress (enter) on field and click on button. * * @since 4.7.0 * @private * * @param {jQuery.Event} event Event. * @return {void} */ _submitNew: function( event ) { var container; // Only proceed with keypress if it is Enter. if ( 'keypress' === event.type && 13 !== event.which ) { return; } if ( this.addingNew ) { return; } container = $( event.target ).closest( '.accordion-section' ); this.submitNew( container ); }, /** * Creates a new object and adds an associated menu item to the menu. * * @since 4.7.0 * @private * * @param {jQuery} container * @return {void} */ submitNew: function( container ) { var panel = this, itemName = container.find( '.create-item-input' ), title = itemName.val(), dataContainer = container.find( '.available-menu-items-list' ), itemType = dataContainer.data( 'type' ), itemObject = dataContainer.data( 'object' ), itemTypeLabel = dataContainer.data( 'type_label' ), promise; if ( ! this.currentMenuControl ) { return; } // Only posts are supported currently. if ( 'post_type' !== itemType ) { return; } if ( '' === $.trim( itemName.val() ) ) { itemName.addClass( 'invalid' ); itemName.focus(); return; } else { itemName.removeClass( 'invalid' ); container.find( '.accordion-section-title' ).addClass( 'loading' ); } panel.addingNew = true; itemName.attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ); promise = api.Menus.insertAutoDraftPost( { post_title: title, post_type: itemObject } ); promise.done( function( data ) { var availableItem, $content, itemElement; availableItem = new api.Menus.AvailableItemModel( { 'id': 'post-' + data.post_id, // Used for available menu item Backbone models. 'title': itemName.val(), 'type': itemType, 'type_label': itemTypeLabel, 'object': itemObject, 'object_id': data.post_id, 'url': data.url } ); // Add new item to menu. panel.currentMenuControl.addItemToMenu( availableItem.attributes ); // Add the new item to the list of available items. api.Menus.availableMenuItemsPanel.collection.add( availableItem ); $content = container.find( '.available-menu-items-list' ); itemElement = $( wp.template( 'available-menu-item' )( availableItem.attributes ) ); itemElement.find( '.menu-item-handle:first' ).addClass( 'item-added' ); $content.prepend( itemElement ); $content.scrollTop(); // Reset the create content form. itemName.val( '' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' ); panel.addingNew = false; container.find( '.accordion-section-title' ).removeClass( 'loading' ); } ); }, // Opens the panel. open: function( menuControl ) { var panel = this, close; this.currentMenuControl = menuControl; this.itemSectionHeight(); if ( api.section.has( 'publish_settings' ) ) { api.section( 'publish_settings' ).collapse(); } $( 'body' ).addClass( 'adding-menu-items' ); close = function() { panel.close(); $( this ).off( 'click', close ); }; $( '#customize-preview' ).on( 'click', close ); // Collapse all controls. _( this.currentMenuControl.getMenuItemControls() ).each( function( control ) { control.collapseForm(); } ); this.$el.find( '.selected' ).removeClass( 'selected' ); this.$search.focus(); }, // Closes the panel. close: function( options ) { options = options || {}; if ( options.returnFocus && this.currentMenuControl ) { this.currentMenuControl.container.find( '.add-new-menu-item' ).focus(); } this.currentMenuControl = null; this.selected = null; $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'adding-menu-items' ); $( '#available-menu-items .menu-item-handle.item-added' ).removeClass( 'item-added' ); this.$search.val( '' ).trigger( 'input' ); }, // Add a few keyboard enhancements to the panel. keyboardAccessible: function( event ) { var isEnter = ( 13 === event.which ), isEsc = ( 27 === event.which ), isBackTab = ( 9 === event.which && event.shiftKey ), isSearchFocused = $( event.target ).is( this.$search ); // If enter pressed but nothing entered, don't do anything. if ( isEnter && ! this.$search.val() ) { return; } if ( isSearchFocused && isBackTab ) { this.currentMenuControl.container.find( '.add-new-menu-item' ).focus(); event.preventDefault(); // Avoid additional back-tab. } else if ( isEsc ) { this.close( { returnFocus: true } ); } } }); /** * wp.customize.Menus.MenusPanel * * Customizer panel for menus. This is used only for screen options management. * Note that 'menus' must match the WP_Customize_Menu_Panel::$type. * * @class wp.customize.Menus.MenusPanel * @augments wp.customize.Panel */ api.Menus.MenusPanel = api.Panel.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.Menus.MenusPanel.prototype */{ attachEvents: function() { api.Panel.prototype.attachEvents.call( this ); var panel = this, panelMeta = panel.container.find( '.panel-meta' ), help = panelMeta.find( '.customize-help-toggle' ), content = panelMeta.find( '.customize-panel-description' ), options = $( '#screen-options-wrap' ), button = panelMeta.find( '.customize-screen-options-toggle' ); button.on( 'click keydown', function( event ) { if ( api.utils.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent( event ) ) { return; } event.preventDefault(); // Hide description. if ( content.not( ':hidden' ) ) { content.slideUp( 'fast' ); help.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); } if ( 'true' === button.attr( 'aria-expanded' ) ) { button.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); panelMeta.removeClass( 'open' ); panelMeta.removeClass( 'active-menu-screen-options' ); options.slideUp( 'fast' ); } else { button.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panelMeta.addClass( 'open' ); panelMeta.addClass( 'active-menu-screen-options' ); options.slideDown( 'fast' ); } return false; } ); // Help toggle. help.on( 'click keydown', function( event ) { if ( api.utils.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent( event ) ) { return; } event.preventDefault(); if ( 'true' === button.attr( 'aria-expanded' ) ) { button.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); help.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); panelMeta.addClass( 'open' ); panelMeta.removeClass( 'active-menu-screen-options' ); options.slideUp( 'fast' ); content.slideDown( 'fast' ); } } ); }, /** * Update field visibility when clicking on the field toggles. */ ready: function() { var panel = this; panel.container.find( '.hide-column-tog' ).click( function() { panel.saveManageColumnsState(); }); // Inject additional heading into the menu locations section's head container. api.section( 'menu_locations', function( section ) { section.headContainer.prepend( wp.template( 'nav-menu-locations-header' )( api.Menus.data ) ); } ); }, /** * Save hidden column states. * * @since 4.3.0 * @private * * @return {void} */ saveManageColumnsState: _.debounce( function() { var panel = this; if ( panel._updateHiddenColumnsRequest ) { panel._updateHiddenColumnsRequest.abort(); } panel._updateHiddenColumnsRequest = wp.ajax.post( 'hidden-columns', { hidden: panel.hidden(), screenoptionnonce: $( '#screenoptionnonce' ).val(), page: 'nav-menus' } ); panel._updateHiddenColumnsRequest.always( function() { panel._updateHiddenColumnsRequest = null; } ); }, 2000 ), /** * @deprecated Since 4.7.0 now that the nav_menu sections are responsible for toggling the classes on their own containers. */ checked: function() {}, /** * @deprecated Since 4.7.0 now that the nav_menu sections are responsible for toggling the classes on their own containers. */ unchecked: function() {}, /** * Get hidden fields. * * @since 4.3.0 * @private * * @return {Array} Fields (columns) that are hidden. */ hidden: function() { return $( '.hide-column-tog' ).not( ':checked' ).map( function() { var id = this.id; return id.substring( 0, id.length - 5 ); }).get().join( ',' ); } } ); /** * wp.customize.Menus.MenuSection * * Customizer section for menus. This is used only for lazy-loading child controls. * Note that 'nav_menu' must match the WP_Customize_Menu_Section::$type. * * @class wp.customize.Menus.MenuSection * @augments wp.customize.Section */ api.Menus.MenuSection = api.Section.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.Menus.MenuSection.prototype */{ /** * Initialize. * * @since 4.3.0 * * @param {String} id * @param {Object} options */ initialize: function( id, options ) { var section = this; api.Section.prototype.initialize.call( section, id, options ); section.deferred.initSortables = $.Deferred(); }, /** * Ready. */ ready: function() { var section = this, fieldActiveToggles, handleFieldActiveToggle; if ( 'undefined' === typeof section.params.menu_id ) { throw new Error( 'params.menu_id was not defined' ); } /* * Since newly created sections won't be registered in PHP, we need to prevent the * preview's sending of the activeSections to result in this control * being deactivated when the preview refreshes. So we can hook onto * the setting that has the same ID and its presence can dictate * whether the section is active. */ section.active.validate = function() { if ( ! api.has( section.id ) ) { return false; } return !! api( section.id ).get(); }; section.populateControls(); section.navMenuLocationSettings = {}; section.assignedLocations = new api.Value( [] ); api.each(function( setting, id ) { var matches = id.match( /^nav_menu_locations\[(.+?)]/ ); if ( matches ) { section.navMenuLocationSettings[ matches[1] ] = setting; setting.bind( function() { section.refreshAssignedLocations(); }); } }); section.assignedLocations.bind(function( to ) { section.updateAssignedLocationsInSectionTitle( to ); }); section.refreshAssignedLocations(); api.bind( 'pane-contents-reflowed', function() { // Skip menus that have been removed. if ( ! section.contentContainer.parent().length ) { return; } section.container.find( '.menu-item .menu-item-reorder-nav button' ).attr({ 'tabindex': '0', 'aria-hidden': 'false' }); section.container.find( '.menu-item.move-up-disabled .menus-move-up' ).attr({ 'tabindex': '-1', 'aria-hidden': 'true' }); section.container.find( '.menu-item.move-down-disabled .menus-move-down' ).attr({ 'tabindex': '-1', 'aria-hidden': 'true' }); section.container.find( '.menu-item.move-left-disabled .menus-move-left' ).attr({ 'tabindex': '-1', 'aria-hidden': 'true' }); section.container.find( '.menu-item.move-right-disabled .menus-move-right' ).attr({ 'tabindex': '-1', 'aria-hidden': 'true' }); } ); /** * Update the active field class for the content container for a given checkbox toggle. * * @this {jQuery} * @return {void} */ handleFieldActiveToggle = function() { var className = 'field-' + $( this ).val() + '-active'; section.contentContainer.toggleClass( className, $( this ).prop( 'checked' ) ); }; fieldActiveToggles = api.panel( 'nav_menus' ).contentContainer.find( '.metabox-prefs:first' ).find( '.hide-column-tog' ); fieldActiveToggles.each( handleFieldActiveToggle ); fieldActiveToggles.on( 'click', handleFieldActiveToggle ); }, populateControls: function() { var section = this, menuNameControlId, menuLocationsControlId, menuAutoAddControlId, menuDeleteControlId, menuControl, menuNameControl, menuLocationsControl, menuAutoAddControl, menuDeleteControl; // Add the control for managing the menu name. menuNameControlId = section.id + '[name]'; menuNameControl = api.control( menuNameControlId ); if ( ! menuNameControl ) { menuNameControl = new api.controlConstructor.nav_menu_name( menuNameControlId, { type: 'nav_menu_name', label: api.Menus.data.l10n.menuNameLabel, section: section.id, priority: 0, settings: { 'default': section.id } } ); api.control.add( menuNameControl ); menuNameControl.active.set( true ); } // Add the menu control. menuControl = api.control( section.id ); if ( ! menuControl ) { menuControl = new api.controlConstructor.nav_menu( section.id, { type: 'nav_menu', section: section.id, priority: 998, settings: { 'default': section.id }, menu_id: section.params.menu_id } ); api.control.add( menuControl ); menuControl.active.set( true ); } // Add the menu locations control. menuLocationsControlId = section.id + '[locations]'; menuLocationsControl = api.control( menuLocationsControlId ); if ( ! menuLocationsControl ) { menuLocationsControl = new api.controlConstructor.nav_menu_locations( menuLocationsControlId, { section: section.id, priority: 999, settings: { 'default': section.id }, menu_id: section.params.menu_id } ); api.control.add( menuLocationsControl.id, menuLocationsControl ); menuControl.active.set( true ); } // Add the control for managing the menu auto_add. menuAutoAddControlId = section.id + '[auto_add]'; menuAutoAddControl = api.control( menuAutoAddControlId ); if ( ! menuAutoAddControl ) { menuAutoAddControl = new api.controlConstructor.nav_menu_auto_add( menuAutoAddControlId, { type: 'nav_menu_auto_add', label: '', section: section.id, priority: 1000, settings: { 'default': section.id } } ); api.control.add( menuAutoAddControl ); menuAutoAddControl.active.set( true ); } // Add the control for deleting the menu. menuDeleteControlId = section.id + '[delete]'; menuDeleteControl = api.control( menuDeleteControlId ); if ( ! menuDeleteControl ) { menuDeleteControl = new api.Control( menuDeleteControlId, { section: section.id, priority: 1001, templateId: 'nav-menu-delete-button' } ); api.control.add( menuDeleteControl.id, menuDeleteControl ); menuDeleteControl.active.set( true ); menuDeleteControl.deferred.embedded.done( function () { menuDeleteControl.container.find( 'button' ).on( 'click', function() { var menuId = section.params.menu_id; var menuControl = api.Menus.getMenuControl( menuId ); menuControl.setting.set( false ); }); } ); } }, /** * */ refreshAssignedLocations: function() { var section = this, menuTermId = section.params.menu_id, currentAssignedLocations = []; _.each( section.navMenuLocationSettings, function( setting, themeLocation ) { if ( setting() === menuTermId ) { currentAssignedLocations.push( themeLocation ); } }); section.assignedLocations.set( currentAssignedLocations ); }, /** * @param {Array} themeLocationSlugs Theme location slugs. */ updateAssignedLocationsInSectionTitle: function( themeLocationSlugs ) { var section = this, $title; $title = section.container.find( '.accordion-section-title:first' ); $title.find( '.menu-in-location' ).remove(); _.each( themeLocationSlugs, function( themeLocationSlug ) { var $label, locationName; $label = $( '' ); locationName = api.Menus.data.locationSlugMappedToName[ themeLocationSlug ]; $label.text( api.Menus.data.l10n.menuLocation.replace( '%s', locationName ) ); $title.append( $label ); }); section.container.toggleClass( 'assigned-to-menu-location', 0 !== themeLocationSlugs.length ); }, onChangeExpanded: function( expanded, args ) { var section = this, completeCallback; if ( expanded ) { wpNavMenu.menuList = section.contentContainer; wpNavMenu.targetList = wpNavMenu.menuList; // Add attributes needed by wpNavMenu. $( '#menu-to-edit' ).removeAttr( 'id' ); wpNavMenu.menuList.attr( 'id', 'menu-to-edit' ).addClass( 'menu' ); _.each( api.section( section.id ).controls(), function( control ) { if ( 'nav_menu_item' === control.params.type ) { control.actuallyEmbed(); } } ); // Make sure Sortables is initialized after the section has been expanded to prevent `offset` issues. if ( args.completeCallback ) { completeCallback = args.completeCallback; } args.completeCallback = function() { if ( 'resolved' !== section.deferred.initSortables.state() ) { wpNavMenu.initSortables(); // Depends on menu-to-edit ID being set above. section.deferred.initSortables.resolve( wpNavMenu.menuList ); // Now MenuControl can extend the sortable. // @todo Note that wp.customize.reflowPaneContents() is debounced, // so this immediate change will show a slight flicker while priorities get updated. api.control( 'nav_menu[' + String( section.params.menu_id ) + ']' ).reflowMenuItems(); } if ( _.isFunction( completeCallback ) ) { completeCallback(); } }; } api.Section.prototype.onChangeExpanded.call( section, expanded, args ); }, /** * Highlight how a user may create new menu items. * * This method reminds the user to create new menu items and how. * It's exposed this way because this class knows best which UI needs * highlighted but those expanding this section know more about why and * when the affordance should be highlighted. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @return {void} */ highlightNewItemButton: function() { api.utils.highlightButton( this.contentContainer.find( '.add-new-menu-item' ), { delay: 2000 } ); } }); /** * Create a nav menu setting and section. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {string} [name=''] Nav menu name. * @return {wp.customize.Menus.MenuSection} Added nav menu. */ api.Menus.createNavMenu = function createNavMenu( name ) { var customizeId, placeholderId, setting; placeholderId = api.Menus.generatePlaceholderAutoIncrementId(); customizeId = 'nav_menu[' + String( placeholderId ) + ']'; // Register the menu control setting. setting = api.create( customizeId, customizeId, {}, { type: 'nav_menu', transport: api.Menus.data.settingTransport, previewer: api.previewer } ); setting.set( $.extend( {}, api.Menus.data.defaultSettingValues.nav_menu, { name: name || '' } ) ); /* * Add the menu section (and its controls). * Note that this will automatically create the required controls * inside via the Section's ready method. */ return api.section.add( new api.Menus.MenuSection( customizeId, { panel: 'nav_menus', title: displayNavMenuName( name ), customizeAction: api.Menus.data.l10n.customizingMenus, priority: 10, menu_id: placeholderId } ) ); }; /** * wp.customize.Menus.NewMenuSection * * Customizer section for new menus. * * @class wp.customize.Menus.NewMenuSection * @augments wp.customize.Section */ api.Menus.NewMenuSection = api.Section.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.Menus.NewMenuSection.prototype */{ /** * Add behaviors for the accordion section. * * @since 4.3.0 */ attachEvents: function() { var section = this, container = section.container, contentContainer = section.contentContainer, navMenuSettingPattern = /^nav_menu\[/; section.headContainer.find( '.accordion-section-title' ).replaceWith( wp.template( 'nav-menu-create-menu-section-title' ) ); /* * We have to manually handle section expanded because we do not * apply the `accordion-section-title` class to this button-driven section. */ container.on( 'click', '.customize-add-menu-button', function() { section.expand(); }); contentContainer.on( 'keydown', '.menu-name-field', function( event ) { if ( 13 === event.which ) { // Enter. section.submit(); } } ); contentContainer.on( 'click', '#customize-new-menu-submit', function( event ) { section.submit(); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } ); /** * Get number of non-deleted nav menus. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {number} Count. */ function getNavMenuCount() { var count = 0; api.each( function( setting ) { if ( navMenuSettingPattern.test( setting.id ) && false !== setting.get() ) { count += 1; } } ); return count; } /** * Update visibility of notice to prompt users to create menus. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {void} */ function updateNoticeVisibility() { container.find( '.add-new-menu-notice' ).prop( 'hidden', getNavMenuCount() > 0 ); } /** * Handle setting addition. * * @since 4.9.0 * @param {wp.customize.Setting} setting - Added setting. * @return {void} */ function addChangeEventListener( setting ) { if ( navMenuSettingPattern.test( setting.id ) ) { setting.bind( updateNoticeVisibility ); updateNoticeVisibility(); } } /** * Handle setting removal. * * @since 4.9.0 * @param {wp.customize.Setting} setting - Removed setting. * @return {void} */ function removeChangeEventListener( setting ) { if ( navMenuSettingPattern.test( setting.id ) ) { setting.unbind( updateNoticeVisibility ); updateNoticeVisibility(); } } api.each( addChangeEventListener ); api.bind( 'add', addChangeEventListener ); api.bind( 'removed', removeChangeEventListener ); updateNoticeVisibility(); api.Section.prototype.attachEvents.apply( section, arguments ); }, /** * Set up the control. * * @since 4.9.0 */ ready: function() { this.populateControls(); }, /** * Create the controls for this section. * * @since 4.9.0 */ populateControls: function() { var section = this, menuNameControlId, menuLocationsControlId, newMenuSubmitControlId, menuNameControl, menuLocationsControl, newMenuSubmitControl; menuNameControlId = section.id + '[name]'; menuNameControl = api.control( menuNameControlId ); if ( ! menuNameControl ) { menuNameControl = new api.controlConstructor.nav_menu_name( menuNameControlId, { label: api.Menus.data.l10n.menuNameLabel, description: api.Menus.data.l10n.newMenuNameDescription, section: section.id, priority: 0 } ); api.control.add( menuNameControl.id, menuNameControl ); menuNameControl.active.set( true ); } menuLocationsControlId = section.id + '[locations]'; menuLocationsControl = api.control( menuLocationsControlId ); if ( ! menuLocationsControl ) { menuLocationsControl = new api.controlConstructor.nav_menu_locations( menuLocationsControlId, { section: section.id, priority: 1, menu_id: '', isCreating: true } ); api.control.add( menuLocationsControlId, menuLocationsControl ); menuLocationsControl.active.set( true ); } newMenuSubmitControlId = section.id + '[submit]'; newMenuSubmitControl = api.control( newMenuSubmitControlId ); if ( !newMenuSubmitControl ) { newMenuSubmitControl = new api.Control( newMenuSubmitControlId, { section: section.id, priority: 1, templateId: 'nav-menu-submit-new-button' } ); api.control.add( newMenuSubmitControlId, newMenuSubmitControl ); newMenuSubmitControl.active.set( true ); } }, /** * Create the new menu with name and location supplied by the user. * * @since 4.9.0 */ submit: function() { var section = this, contentContainer = section.contentContainer, nameInput = contentContainer.find( '.menu-name-field' ).first(), name = nameInput.val(), menuSection; if ( ! name ) { nameInput.addClass( 'invalid' ); nameInput.focus(); return; } menuSection = api.Menus.createNavMenu( name ); // Clear name field. nameInput.val( '' ); nameInput.removeClass( 'invalid' ); contentContainer.find( '.assigned-menu-location input[type=checkbox]' ).each( function() { var checkbox = $( this ), navMenuLocationSetting; if ( checkbox.prop( 'checked' ) ) { navMenuLocationSetting = api( 'nav_menu_locations[' + checkbox.data( 'location-id' ) + ']' ); navMenuLocationSetting.set( menuSection.params.menu_id ); // Reset state for next new menu. checkbox.prop( 'checked', false ); } } ); wp.a11y.speak( api.Menus.data.l10n.menuAdded ); // Focus on the new menu section. menuSection.focus( { completeCallback: function() { menuSection.highlightNewItemButton(); } } ); }, /** * Select a default location. * * This method selects a single location by default so we can support * creating a menu for a specific menu location. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {string|null} locationId - The ID of the location to select. `null` clears all selections. * @return {void} */ selectDefaultLocation: function( locationId ) { var locationControl = api.control( this.id + '[locations]' ), locationSelections = {}; if ( locationId !== null ) { locationSelections[ locationId ] = true; } locationControl.setSelections( locationSelections ); } }); /** * wp.customize.Menus.MenuLocationControl * * Customizer control for menu locations (rendered as a