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'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]('count-0'); }); $('.post-com-count span.comment-count').each( function() { var a = $(this); var n = parseInt(a.html(),10); var t = parseInt(a.parent().attr('title'), 10); if ( $('#' + settings.element).is('.unapproved') ) { // we unapproved a formerly approved comment n = n - 1; t = t + 1; } else { // we approved a formerly unapproved comment n = n + 1; t = t - 1; } if ( n < 0 ) { n = 0; } if ( t < 0 ) { t = 0; } if ( t >= 0 ) { a.parent().attr('title', adminCommentsL10n.pending.replace( /%i%/, t.toString() ) ); } if ( 0 === t ) { a.parents('strong:first').replaceWith( a.parents('strong:first').html() ); } a.html( n.toString() ); }); }; var delAfter = function( r, settings ) { $('li span.comment-count').each( function() { var a = $(this); var n = parseInt(a.html(),10); if ( $('#' + settings.element).is('.unapproved') ) { // we deleted a formerly unapproved comment n = n - 1; } else if ( $( 'span.unapprove' ).size() ) { // we "deleted" an approved comment from the approved list by clicking "Unapprove" n = n + 1; } if ( n < 0 ) { n = 0; } a.html( n.toString() ); $('#awaiting-mod')[ 0 == n ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]('count-0'); }); $('.post-com-count span.comment-count').each( function() { var a = $(this); if ( $('#' + settings.element).is('.unapproved') ) { // we deleted a formerly unapproved comment var t = parseInt(a.parent().attr('title'), 10); if ( t < 1 ) { return; } t = t - 1; a.parent().attr('title', adminCommentsL10n.pending.replace( /%i%/, t.toString() ) ); if ( 0 === t ) { a.parents('strong:first').replaceWith( a.parents('strong:first').html() ); } return; } var n = parseInt(a.html(),10) - 1; a.html( n.toString() ); }); $('li span.spam-comment-count' ).each( function() { var a = $(this); var n = parseInt(a.html(),10); if ( $( 'span.spam' ).size() ) { // we marked a comment as spam n = n + 1; } else if ( $('#' + settings.element).is('.spam') ) { // we approved or deleted a comment marked as spam n = n - 1; } if ( n < 0 ) { n = 0; } a.html( n.toString() ); }); if ( theExtraList.size() == 0 || theExtraList.children().size() == 0 ) { return; } theList.get(0).wpList.add( theExtraList.children(':eq(0)').remove().clone() ); $('#get-extra-comments').submit(); }; theExtraList = $('#the-extra-comment-list').wpList( { alt: '', delColor: 'none', addColor: 'none' } ); theList = $('#the-comment-list').wpList( { alt: '', dimAfter: dimAfter, delAfter: delAfter, addColor: 'none' } ); }; $(document).ready(function(){ setCommentsList(); }); })(jQuery); (function($){ commentReply = { open : function(c, p) { var d = $('#comment-'+c).offset(), H = $('#replydiv').height(), top = 200, left = 100, h = 120; if ( d && H ) { top = ( - H) < 10 ? 10 : - H - 5; left = d.left; } $('#replydiv #comment_post_ID').val(p); $('#replydiv #comment_ID').val(c); $('#replydiv').draggable({ handle : '#replyhandle', containment : '#wpwrap' }).resizable({ handles : 'se', minHeight : 200, minWidth : 400, containment : '#wpwrap', resize : function(e,o) { h = o.size.height - 80 - $('#ed_reply_qtags').height(); $('#replycontainer').height(h); }, stop : function(e,o) { if ( $.browser.msie ) $('#replycontent').height(h); } }); $('.ui-resizable-se').css({ border: '0 none', width: '11px', height: '12px', background: 'transparent url(images/se.png) no-repeat scroll 0 0' }); $('#replydiv').css({ 'position' : 'absolute', 'top' : top, 'left' : left }).show(); $('#replycontent').focus().keyup(function(e){ if (e.which == 27) commentReply.close(); // close on Escape }); // emulate the Safari/Opera scrollIntoView var to = $('#replydiv').offset(); var scr = document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : 0; if ( scr - 20 > ) window.scroll(0, - 100); }, close : function() { $('#replycontent').val(''); $('#replyerror').hide(); $('#replydiv').draggable('destroy').resizable('destroy').css('position','relative'); $('#replydiv').hide(); return false; }, send : function() { var post = {}; $('#replyform input').each(function() { post[ $(this).attr('name') ] = $(this).val(); }); post.comment = $('#replycontent').val(); = post.comment_post_ID; $.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : wpListL10n.url, data : post, success : function(x) {; }, error : function(r) { commentReply.error(r); } }); }, show : function(xml) { if ( typeof(xml) == 'string' ) { this.error({'responseText': xml}); return; } var r = wpAjax.parseAjaxResponse(xml); if ( r.errors ) this.error({'responseText': wpAjax.broken}); r = r.responses[0]; this.close(); // var scr1 = $('#the-comment-list').offset(), scr2 = $('#the-comment-list').height(); if ( r.position == -1 ) { // window.scroll(0, - 100); // Scroll to the new comment? Seems annoing.. $('#the-comment-list').prepend(; } else { // window.scroll(0, + scr2 + 200); $('#the-comment-list').append(; } $('#comment-' .animate( { backgroundColor:"#CFEBF7" }, 600 ) .animate( { backgroundColor:"transparent" }, 600 ); setCommentsList(); }, error : function(r) { var er = r.statusText; if ( r.responseText ) er = r.responseText.replace( /<.[^<>]*?>/g, '' ); if ( er ) { var o = $('#replydiv').offset(); $('#replydiv').hide(); $('#replyerror').css({ 'top' : + 60 + 'px', 'left' : o.left + 'px' }).show().draggable(); $('#replyerrtext').html(er) $('#close-button').css('outline','none').focus().keyup(function(e) { if (e.which == 27) commentReply.close(); // close on Escape }); } }, back : function() { if ( $('#replydiv').is(':hidden') && $('#replyerror').is(':visible') ) { $('#replyerror').hide(); $('#replydiv').show(); } } }; $(document).ready(function(){ if ( typeof QTags != 'undefined' ) ed_reply = new QTags('ed_reply', 'replycontent', 'replycontainer', 'more'); }); })(jQuery);