<?php require_once('admin.php'); wp_reset_vars(array('action', 'cat')); switch($action) { case 'addcat': check_admin_referer('add-link-category'); if ( !current_user_can('manage_categories') ) wp_die(__('Cheatin’ uh?')); if ( wp_insert_term($_POST['name'], 'link_category', $_POST ) ) { wp_redirect('edit-link-categories.php?message=1#addcat'); } else { wp_redirect('edit-link-categories.php?message=4#addcat'); } exit; break; case 'delete': $cat_ID = (int) $_GET['cat_ID']; check_admin_referer('delete-link-category_' . $cat_ID); if ( !current_user_can('manage_categories') ) wp_die(__('Cheatin’ uh?')); $cat_name = get_term_field('name', $cat_ID, 'link_category'); $default_cat_id = get_option('default_link_category'); // Don't delete the default cats. if ( $cat_ID == $default_cat_id ) wp_die(sprintf(__("Can’t delete the <strong>%s</strong> category: this is the default one"), $cat_name)); wp_delete_term($cat_ID, 'link_category', array('default' => $default_cat_id)); $location = 'edit-link-categories.php'; if ( $referer = wp_get_original_referer() ) { if ( false !== strpos($referer, 'edit-link-categories.php') ) $location = $referer; } $location = add_query_arg('message', 2, $location); wp_redirect($location); exit; break; case 'edit': $title = __('Categories'); $parent_file = 'edit.php'; $submenu_file = 'edit-link-categories.php'; require_once ('admin-header.php'); $cat_ID = (int) $_GET['cat_ID']; $category = get_term_to_edit($cat_ID, 'link_category'); include('edit-link-category-form.php'); include('admin-footer.php'); exit; break; case 'editedcat': $cat_ID = (int) $_POST['cat_ID']; check_admin_referer('update-link-category_' . $cat_ID); if ( !current_user_can('manage_categories') ) wp_die(__('Cheatin’ uh?')); $location = 'edit-link-categories.php'; if ( $referer = wp_get_original_referer() ) { if ( false !== strpos($referer, 'edit-link-categories.php') ) $location = $referer; } $update = wp_update_term($cat_ID, 'link_category', $_POST); if ( $update && !is_wp_error($update) ) $location = add_query_arg('message', 3, $location); else $location = add_query_arg('message', 5, $location); wp_redirect($location); exit; break; } ?>