context['queryId'] ) ? 'query-' . $block->context['queryId'] . '-page' : 'query-page'; $page = empty( $_GET[ $page_key ] ) ? 1 : filter_var( $_GET[ $page_key ], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT ); $query_args = construct_wp_query_args( $block, $page ); // Override the custom query with the global query if needed. $use_global_query = ( isset( $block->context['query']['inherit'] ) && $block->context['query']['inherit'] ); if ( $use_global_query ) { global $wp_query; if ( $wp_query && isset( $wp_query->query_vars ) && is_array( $wp_query->query_vars ) ) { // Unset `offset` because if is set, $wp_query overrides/ignores the paged parameter and breaks pagination. unset( $query_args['offset'] ); $query_args = wp_parse_args( $wp_query->query_vars, $query_args ); if ( empty( $query_args['post_type'] ) && is_singular() ) { $query_args['post_type'] = get_post_type( get_the_ID() ); } } } $query = new WP_Query( $query_args ); if ( ! $query->have_posts() ) { return ''; } $classnames = ''; if ( isset( $block->context['layout'] ) && isset( $block->context['query'] ) ) { if ( isset( $block->context['layout']['type'] ) && 'flex' === $block->context['layout']['type'] ) { $classnames = "is-flex-container columns-{$block->context['layout']['columns']}"; } } $wrapper_attributes = get_block_wrapper_attributes( array( 'class' => $classnames ) ); $content = ''; while ( $query->have_posts() ) { $query->the_post(); $block_content = ( new WP_Block( $block->parsed_block, array( 'postType' => get_post_type(), 'postId' => get_the_ID(), ) ) )->render( array( 'dynamic' => false ) ); $content .= "