( function( tinymce, wp, twemoji ) { tinymce.PluginManager.add( 'wpemoji', function( editor ) { var typing, env = tinymce.Env, ua = window.navigator.userAgent, isWin = ua.indexOf( 'Windows' ) > -1, isWin8 = ( function() { var match = ua.match( /Windows NT 6\.(\d)/ ); if ( match && match[1] > 1 ) { return true; } return false; }()); if ( ! wp || ! wp.emoji || ! wp.emoji.replaceEmoji ) { return; } function setImgAttr( image ) { image.className = 'emoji'; image.setAttribute( 'data-mce-resize', 'false' ); image.setAttribute( 'data-mce-placeholder', '1' ); image.setAttribute( 'data-wp-emoji', image.alt ); } function replaceEmoji( node ) { wp.emoji.parse( node, { className: 'emoji _inserted-emoji' } ); tinymce.each( editor.dom.$( 'img._inserted-emoji', node ), setImgAttr ); } if ( isWin8 ) { // Windows 8+ emoji can be "typed" with the onscreen keyboard. // That triggers the normal keyboard events, but not the 'input' event. // Thankfully it sets keyCode 231 when the onscreen keyboard inserts any emoji. editor.on( 'keyup', function( event ) { var node; if ( event.keyCode === 231 ) { node = editor.selection.getNode(); if ( twemoji.test( node.textContent || node.innerText ) ) { replaceEmoji( node ); } } } ); } else if ( ! isWin ) { // In MacOS inserting emoji doesn't trigger the stanradr keyboard events. // Thankfully it triggers the 'input' event. // This works in Android and iOS as well. editor.on( 'keydown keyup', function( event ) { typing = ( event.type === 'keydown' ); } ); editor.on( 'input', function() { if ( typing ) { return; } var bookmark, selection = editor.selection, node = selection.getNode(); if ( twemoji.test( node.textContent || node.innerText ) ) { if ( env.webkit ) { bookmark = selection.getBookmark(); } replaceEmoji( node ); if ( env.webkit ) { selection.moveToBookmark( bookmark ); } } }); } editor.on( 'setcontent', function( event ) { var selection = editor.selection, node = selection.getNode(); if ( twemoji.test( node.textContent || node.innerText ) ) { replaceEmoji( node ); // In IE all content in the editor is left selected after wp.emoji.parse()... // Collapse the selection to the beginning. if ( env.ie && env.ie < 9 && event.load && node && node.nodeName === 'BODY' ) { selection.collapse( true ); } } } ); // Convert Twemoji compatible pasted emoji replacement images into our format. editor.on( 'PastePostProcess', function( event ) { if ( twemoji ) { tinymce.each( editor.dom.$( 'img.emoji', event.node ), function( image ) { if ( image.alt && twemoji.test( image.alt ) ) { setImgAttr( image ); } }); } }); editor.on( 'postprocess', function( event ) { if ( event.content ) { event.content = event.content.replace( /]+data-wp-emoji="([^"]+)"[^>]*>/g, '$1' ); } } ); editor.on( 'resolvename', function( event ) { if ( event.target.nodeName === 'IMG' && editor.dom.getAttrib( event.target, 'data-wp-emoji' ) ) { event.preventDefault(); } } ); } ); } )( window.tinymce, window.wp, window.twemoji );