/** * plugin.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing */ /*global tinymce:true */ tinymce.PluginManager.add('image', function(editor) { function getImageSize(url, callback) { var img = document.createElement('img'); function done(width, height) { if (img.parentNode) { img.parentNode.removeChild(img); } callback({width: width, height: height}); } img.onload = function() { done(Math.max(img.width, img.clientWidth), Math.max(img.height, img.clientHeight)); }; img.onerror = function() { done(); }; var style = img.style; style.visibility = 'hidden'; style.position = 'fixed'; style.bottom = style.left = 0; style.width = style.height = 'auto'; document.body.appendChild(img); img.src = url; } function buildListItems(inputList, itemCallback, startItems) { function appendItems(values, output) { output = output || []; tinymce.each(values, function(item) { var menuItem = {text: item.text || item.title}; if (item.menu) { menuItem.menu = appendItems(item.menu); } else { menuItem.value = item.value; itemCallback(menuItem); } output.push(menuItem); }); return output; } return appendItems(inputList, startItems || []); } function createImageList(callback) { return function() { var imageList = editor.settings.image_list; if (typeof imageList == "string") { tinymce.util.XHR.send({ url: imageList, success: function(text) { callback(tinymce.util.JSON.parse(text)); } }); } else if (typeof imageList == "function") { imageList(callback); } else { callback(imageList); } }; } function showDialog(imageList) { var win, data = {}, dom = editor.dom, imgElm, figureElm; var width, height, imageListCtrl, classListCtrl, imageDimensions = editor.settings.image_dimensions !== false; function recalcSize() { var widthCtrl, heightCtrl, newWidth, newHeight; widthCtrl = win.find('#width')[0]; heightCtrl = win.find('#height')[0]; if (!widthCtrl || !heightCtrl) { return; } newWidth = widthCtrl.value(); newHeight = heightCtrl.value(); if (win.find('#constrain')[0].checked() && width && height && newWidth && newHeight) { if (width != newWidth) { newHeight = Math.round((newWidth / width) * newHeight); if (!isNaN(newHeight)) { heightCtrl.value(newHeight); } } else { newWidth = Math.round((newHeight / height) * newWidth); if (!isNaN(newWidth)) { widthCtrl.value(newWidth); } } } width = newWidth; height = newHeight; } function onSubmitForm() { var figureElm, oldImg; function waitLoad(imgElm) { function selectImage() { imgElm.onload = imgElm.onerror = null; if (editor.selection) { editor.selection.select(imgElm); editor.nodeChanged(); } } imgElm.onload = function() { if (!data.width && !data.height && imageDimensions) { dom.setAttribs(imgElm, { width: imgElm.clientWidth, height: imgElm.clientHeight }); //WP editor.fire( 'wpNewImageRefresh', { node: imgElm } ); } selectImage(); }; imgElm.onerror = selectImage; } updateStyle(); recalcSize(); data = tinymce.extend(data, win.toJSON()); var wpcaption = data.wpcaption; // WP if (!data.alt) { data.alt = ''; } if (!data.title) { data.title = ''; } if (data.width === '') { data.width = null; } if (data.height === '') { data.height = null; } if (!data.style) { data.style = null; } // Setup new data excluding style properties /*eslint dot-notation: 0*/ data = { src: data.src, alt: data.alt, title: data.title, width: data.width, height: data.height, style: data.style, caption: data.caption, "class": data["class"] }; editor.undoManager.transact(function() { // WP var eventData = { node: imgElm, data: data, wpcaption: wpcaption }; editor.fire( 'wpImageFormSubmit', { imgData: eventData } ); if ( eventData.cancel ) { waitLoad( eventData.node ); return; } // WP end if (!data.src) { if (imgElm) { dom.remove(imgElm); editor.focus(); editor.nodeChanged(); } return; } if (data.title === "") { data.title = null; } if (!imgElm) { data.id = '__mcenew'; editor.focus(); editor.selection.setContent(dom.createHTML('img', data)); imgElm = dom.get('__mcenew'); dom.setAttrib(imgElm, 'id', null); } else { dom.setAttribs(imgElm, data); } editor.editorUpload.uploadImagesAuto(); if (data.caption === false) { if (dom.is(imgElm.parentNode, 'figure.image')) { figureElm = imgElm.parentNode; dom.insertAfter(imgElm, figureElm); dom.remove(figureElm); } } function isTextBlock(node) { return editor.schema.getTextBlockElements()[node.nodeName]; } if (data.caption === true) { if (!dom.is(imgElm.parentNode, 'figure.image')) { oldImg = imgElm; imgElm = imgElm.cloneNode(true); figureElm = dom.create('figure', {'class': 'image'}); figureElm.appendChild(imgElm); figureElm.appendChild(dom.create('figcaption', {contentEditable: true}, 'Caption')); figureElm.contentEditable = false; var textBlock = dom.getParent(oldImg, isTextBlock); if (textBlock) { dom.split(textBlock, oldImg, figureElm); } else { dom.replace(figureElm, oldImg); } editor.selection.select(figureElm); } return; } waitLoad(imgElm); }); } function removePixelSuffix(value) { if (value) { value = value.replace(/px$/, ''); } return value; } function srcChange(e) { var srcURL, prependURL, absoluteURLPattern, meta = e.meta || {}; if (imageListCtrl) { imageListCtrl.value(editor.convertURL(this.value(), 'src')); } tinymce.each(meta, function(value, key) { win.find('#' + key).value(value); }); if (!meta.width && !meta.height) { srcURL = editor.convertURL(this.value(), 'src'); // Pattern test the src url and make sure we haven't already prepended the url prependURL = editor.settings.image_prepend_url; absoluteURLPattern = new RegExp('^(?:[a-z]+:)?//', 'i'); if (prependURL && !absoluteURLPattern.test(srcURL) && srcURL.substring(0, prependURL.length) !== prependURL) { srcURL = prependURL + srcURL; } this.value(srcURL); getImageSize(editor.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(this.value()), function(data) { if (data.width && data.height && imageDimensions) { width = data.width; height = data.height; win.find('#width').value(width); win.find('#height').value(height); } }); } } imgElm = editor.selection.getNode(); figureElm = dom.getParent(imgElm, 'figure.image'); if (figureElm) { imgElm = dom.select('img', figureElm)[0]; } if (imgElm && (imgElm.nodeName != 'IMG' || imgElm.getAttribute('data-mce-object') || imgElm.getAttribute('data-mce-placeholder'))) { imgElm = null; } if (imgElm) { width = dom.getAttrib(imgElm, 'width'); height = dom.getAttrib(imgElm, 'height'); data = { src: dom.getAttrib(imgElm, 'src'), alt: dom.getAttrib(imgElm, 'alt'), title: dom.getAttrib(imgElm, 'title'), "class": dom.getAttrib(imgElm, 'class'), width: width, height: height, caption: !!figureElm }; // WP editor.fire( 'wpLoadImageData', { imgData: { data: data, node: imgElm } } ); } if (imageList) { imageListCtrl = { type: 'listbox', label: 'Image list', values: buildListItems( imageList, function(item) { item.value = editor.convertURL(item.value || item.url, 'src'); }, [{text: 'None', value: ''}] ), value: data.src && editor.convertURL(data.src, 'src'), onselect: function(e) { var altCtrl = win.find('#alt'); if (!altCtrl.value() || (e.lastControl && altCtrl.value() == e.lastControl.text())) { altCtrl.value(e.control.text()); } win.find('#src').value(e.control.value()).fire('change'); }, onPostRender: function() { /*eslint consistent-this: 0*/ imageListCtrl = this; } }; } if (editor.settings.image_class_list) { classListCtrl = { name: 'class', type: 'listbox', label: 'Class', values: buildListItems( editor.settings.image_class_list, function(item) { if (item.value) { item.textStyle = function() { return editor.formatter.getCssText({inline: 'img', classes: [item.value]}); }; } } ) }; } // General settings shared between simple and advanced dialogs var generalFormItems = [ { name: 'src', type: 'filepicker', filetype: 'image', label: 'Source', autofocus: true, onchange: srcChange }, imageListCtrl ]; if (editor.settings.image_description !== false) { generalFormItems.push({name: 'alt', type: 'textbox', label: 'Image description'}); } if (editor.settings.image_title) { generalFormItems.push({name: 'title', type: 'textbox', label: 'Image Title'}); } if (imageDimensions) { generalFormItems.push({ type: 'container', label: 'Dimensions', layout: 'flex', direction: 'row', align: 'center', spacing: 5, items: [ {name: 'width', type: 'textbox', maxLength: 5, size: 3, onchange: recalcSize, ariaLabel: 'Width'}, {type: 'label', text: 'x'}, {name: 'height', type: 'textbox', maxLength: 5, size: 3, onchange: recalcSize, ariaLabel: 'Height'}, {name: 'constrain', type: 'checkbox', checked: true, text: 'Constrain proportions'} ] }); } generalFormItems.push(classListCtrl); if (editor.settings.image_caption && tinymce.Env.ceFalse) { generalFormItems.push({name: 'caption', type: 'checkbox', label: 'Caption'}); } // WP editor.fire( 'wpLoadImageForm', { data: generalFormItems } ); function mergeMargins(css) { if (css.margin) { var splitMargin = css.margin.split(" "); switch (splitMargin.length) { case 1: //margin: toprightbottomleft; css['margin-top'] = css['margin-top'] || splitMargin[0]; css['margin-right'] = css['margin-right'] || splitMargin[0]; css['margin-bottom'] = css['margin-bottom'] || splitMargin[0]; css['margin-left'] = css['margin-left'] || splitMargin[0]; break; case 2: //margin: topbottom rightleft; css['margin-top'] = css['margin-top'] || splitMargin[0]; css['margin-right'] = css['margin-right'] || splitMargin[1]; css['margin-bottom'] = css['margin-bottom'] || splitMargin[0]; css['margin-left'] = css['margin-left'] || splitMargin[1]; break; case 3: //margin: top rightleft bottom; css['margin-top'] = css['margin-top'] || splitMargin[0]; css['margin-right'] = css['margin-right'] || splitMargin[1]; css['margin-bottom'] = css['margin-bottom'] || splitMargin[2]; css['margin-left'] = css['margin-left'] || splitMargin[1]; break; case 4: //margin: top right bottom left; css['margin-top'] = css['margin-top'] || splitMargin[0]; css['margin-right'] = css['margin-right'] || splitMargin[1]; css['margin-bottom'] = css['margin-bottom'] || splitMargin[2]; css['margin-left'] = css['margin-left'] || splitMargin[3]; } delete css.margin; } return css; } function updateStyle() { function addPixelSuffix(value) { if (value.length > 0 && /^[0-9]+$/.test(value)) { value += 'px'; } return value; } if (!editor.settings.image_advtab) { return; } var data = win.toJSON(), css = dom.parseStyle(data.style); css = mergeMargins(css); if (data.vspace) { css['margin-top'] = css['margin-bottom'] = addPixelSuffix(data.vspace); } if (data.hspace) { css['margin-left'] = css['margin-right'] = addPixelSuffix(data.hspace); } if (data.border) { css['border-width'] = addPixelSuffix(data.border); } win.find('#style').value(dom.serializeStyle(dom.parseStyle(dom.serializeStyle(css)))); } function updateVSpaceHSpaceBorder() { if (!editor.settings.image_advtab) { return; } var data = win.toJSON(), css = dom.parseStyle(data.style); win.find('#vspace').value(""); win.find('#hspace').value(""); css = mergeMargins(css); //Move opposite equal margins to vspace/hspace field if ((css['margin-top'] && css['margin-bottom']) || (css['margin-right'] && css['margin-left'])) { if (css['margin-top'] === css['margin-bottom']) { win.find('#vspace').value(removePixelSuffix(css['margin-top'])); } else { win.find('#vspace').value(''); } if (css['margin-right'] === css['margin-left']) { win.find('#hspace').value(removePixelSuffix(css['margin-right'])); } else { win.find('#hspace').value(''); } } //Move border-width if (css['border-width']) { win.find('#border').value(removePixelSuffix(css['border-width'])); } win.find('#style').value(dom.serializeStyle(dom.parseStyle(dom.serializeStyle(css)))); } if (editor.settings.image_advtab) { // Parse styles from img if (imgElm) { if (imgElm.style.marginLeft && imgElm.style.marginRight && imgElm.style.marginLeft === imgElm.style.marginRight) { data.hspace = removePixelSuffix(imgElm.style.marginLeft); } if (imgElm.style.marginTop && imgElm.style.marginBottom && imgElm.style.marginTop === imgElm.style.marginBottom) { data.vspace = removePixelSuffix(imgElm.style.marginTop); } if (imgElm.style.borderWidth) { data.border = removePixelSuffix(imgElm.style.borderWidth); } data.style = editor.dom.serializeStyle(editor.dom.parseStyle(editor.dom.getAttrib(imgElm, 'style'))); } // Advanced dialog shows general+advanced tabs win = editor.windowManager.open({ title: 'Insert/edit image', data: data, bodyType: 'tabpanel', body: [ { title: 'General', type: 'form', items: generalFormItems }, { title: 'Advanced', type: 'form', pack: 'start', items: [ { label: 'Style', name: 'style', type: 'textbox', onchange: updateVSpaceHSpaceBorder }, { type: 'form', layout: 'grid', packV: 'start', columns: 2, padding: 0, alignH: ['left', 'right'], defaults: { type: 'textbox', maxWidth: 50, onchange: updateStyle }, items: [ {label: 'Vertical space', name: 'vspace'}, {label: 'Horizontal space', name: 'hspace'}, {label: 'Border', name: 'border'} ] } ] } ], onSubmit: onSubmitForm }); } else { // Simple default dialog win = editor.windowManager.open({ title: 'Insert/edit image', data: data, body: generalFormItems, onSubmit: onSubmitForm }); } } editor.on('preInit', function() { function hasImageClass(node) { var className = node.attr('class'); return className && /\bimage\b/.test(className); } function toggleContentEditableState(state) { return function(nodes) { var i = nodes.length, node; function toggleContentEditable(node) { node.attr('contenteditable', state ? 'true' : null); } while (i--) { node = nodes[i]; if (hasImageClass(node)) { node.attr('contenteditable', state ? 'false' : null); tinymce.each(node.getAll('figcaption'), toggleContentEditable); } } }; } editor.parser.addNodeFilter('figure', toggleContentEditableState(true)); editor.serializer.addNodeFilter('figure', toggleContentEditableState(false)); }); editor.addButton('image', { icon: 'image', tooltip: 'Insert/edit image', onclick: createImageList(showDialog), stateSelector: 'img:not([data-mce-object],[data-mce-placeholder]),figure.image' }); editor.addMenuItem('image', { icon: 'image', text: 'Insert/edit image', onclick: createImageList(showDialog), context: 'insert', prependToContext: true }); editor.addCommand('mceImage', createImageList(showDialog)); });