(function($){ var media = wp.media, Attachment = media.model.Attachment, Attachments = media.model.Attachments, Query = media.model.Query; /** * ======================================================================== * CONTROLLERS * ======================================================================== */ /** * wp.media.controller.Workflow */ media.controller.Workflow = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { multiple: false }, initialize: function() { this.createSelection(); // Initialize views. this.modal = new media.view.Modal({ controller: this }); this.workspace = new media.view.Workspace({ controller: this }); }, createSelection: function() { var controller = this; // Initialize workflow-specific models. this.selection = new Attachments(); _.extend( this.selection, { // Override the selection's add method. // If the workflow does not support multiple // selected attachments, reset the selection. add: function( models, options ) { if ( ! controller.get('multiple') ) { models = _.isArray( models ) ? _.first( models ) : models; this.clear( options ); } return Attachments.prototype.add.call( this, models, options ); }, // Removes all models from the selection. clear: function( options ) { return this.remove( this.models, options ); }, // Override the selection's reset method. // Always direct items through add and remove, // as we need them to fire. reset: function( models, options ) { return this.clear( options ).add( models, options ); }, // Create selection.has, which determines if a model // exists in the collection based on cid and id, // instead of direct comparison. has: function( attachment ) { return !! ( this.getByCid( attachment.cid ) || this.get( attachment.id ) ); } }); }, render: function() { this.workspace.render(); this.modal.content( this.workspace ).attach(); return this; } }); /** * ======================================================================== * VIEWS * ======================================================================== */ /** * wp.media.view.Modal */ media.view.Modal = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'div', template: media.template('media-modal'), events: { 'click .media-modal-backdrop, .media-modal-close' : 'closeHandler' }, initialize: function() { this.controller = this.options.controller; _.defaults( this.options, { title: '', container: document.body }); }, render: function() { // Ensure content div exists. this.options.$content = this.options.$content || $('
'); // Detach the content element from the DOM to prevent // `this.$el.html()` from garbage collecting its events. this.options.$content.detach(); this.$el.html( this.template( this.options ) ); this.$('.media-modal-content').append( this.options.$content ); return this; }, attach: function() { this.$el.appendTo( this.options.container ); }, detach: function() { this.$el.detach(); }, open: function() { this.$el.show(); }, close: function() { this.$el.hide(); }, closeHandler: function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); this.close(); }, content: function( $content ) { this.options.$content = ( $content instanceof Backbone.View ) ? $content.$el : $content; return this.render(); }, title: function( title ) { this.options.title = title; return this.render(); } }); /** * wp.media.view.Toolbar */ media.view.Toolbar = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'div', className: 'media-toolbar', initialize: function() { this._views = {}; this.$primary = $('').prependTo( this.$el ); this.$secondary = $('').prependTo( this.$el ); if ( this.options.items ) { _.each( this.options.items, function( view, id ) { this.add( id, view, { silent: true } ); }, this ); this.render(); } }, render: function() { var views = _.chain( this._views ).sortBy( function( view ) { return view.options.priority || 10; }).groupBy( function( view ) { return ( view.options.priority || 10 ) > 0 ? 'primary' : 'secondary'; }).value(); // Make sure to detach the elements we want to reuse. // Otherwise, `jQuery.html()` will unbind their events. $( _.pluck( this._views, 'el' ) ).detach(); this.$primary.html( _.pluck( views.primary, 'el' ) ); this.$secondary.html( _.pluck( views.secondary, 'el' ) ); return this; }, add: function( id, view, options ) { if ( ! ( view instanceof Backbone.View ) ) { view.classes = [ id ].concat( view.classes || [] ); view = new media.view.Button( view ).render(); } this._views[ id ] = view; if ( ! options || ! options.silent ) this.render(); return this; }, remove: function( id, options ) { delete this._views[ id ]; if ( ! options || ! options.silent ) this.render(); return this; } }); /** * wp.media.view.Button */ media.view.Button = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'a', className: 'media-button', attributes: { href: '#' }, events: { 'click': 'click' }, initialize: function() { _.defaults( this.options, { style: 'secondary', text: '', classes: [] }); }, render: function() { var classes = [ this.className ]; if ( this.options.style ) classes.push( 'button-' + this.options.style ); classes = classes.concat( this.options.classes ); this.el.className = classes.join(' '); this.$el.text( this.options.text ); return this; }, click: function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); if ( this.options.click ) this.options.click.apply( this, arguments ); } }); /** * wp.media.view.Workspace */ media.view.Workspace = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'div', className: 'media-workspace', template: media.template('media-workspace'), events: { 'dragenter': 'maybeInitUploader', 'mouseenter': 'maybeInitUploader' }, initialize: function() { this.controller = this.options.controller; _.defaults( this.options, { selectOne: false, uploader: {} }); this.$content = $(''); // If this supports multiple attachments, initialize the sample toolbar view. if ( this.controller.get('multiple') ) this.initToolbarView(); this.attachmentsView = new media.view.Attachments({ controller: this.controller, directions: 'Select stuff.', collection: new Attachments( null, { mirror: media.query() }) }); this.$content.append( this.attachmentsView.$el ); // Track uploading attachments. this.pending = new Attachments( [], { query: false }); this.pending.on( 'add remove reset change:percent', function() { this.$el.toggleClass( 'uploading', !! this.pending.length ); if ( ! this.$bar || ! this.pending.length ) return; this.$bar.width( ( this.pending.reduce( function( memo, attachment ) { if ( attachment.get('uploading') ) return memo + ( attachment.get('percent') || 0 ); else return memo + 100; }, 0 ) / this.pending.length ) + '%' ); }, this ); }, render: function() { this.attachmentsView.render(); this.$el.html( this.template( this.options ) ).append( this.$content ); this.$bar = this.$('.media-progress-bar div'); return this; }, maybeInitUploader: function() { var workspace = this; // If the uploader already exists or the body isn't in the DOM, bail. if ( this.uploader || ! this.$el.closest('body').length ) return; this.uploader = new wp.Uploader( _.extend({ container: this.$el, dropzone: this.$el, browser: this.$('.upload-attachments a'), added: function( file ) { file.attachment = Attachment.create( _.extend({ file: file, uploading: true, date: new Date() }, _.pick( file, 'loaded', 'size', 'percent' ) ) ); workspace.pending.add( file.attachment ); }, progress: function( file ) { file.attachment.set( _.pick( file, 'loaded', 'percent' ) ); }, success: function( resp, file ) { var complete; _.each(['file','loaded','size','uploading','percent'], function( key ) { file.attachment.unset( key ); }); file.attachment.set( 'id', resp.id ); Attachment.get( resp.id, file.attachment ).fetch(); complete = workspace.pending.all( function( attachment ) { return ! attachment.get('uploading'); }); if ( complete ) workspace.pending.reset(); }, error: function( message, error, file ) { file.attachment.destroy(); } }, this.options.uploader ) ); }, // Initializes the toolbar view. Currently uses defaults set for // inserting media into a post. This should be pulled out into the // appropriate workflow when the time comes, but is currently here // to test multiple selections. initToolbarView: function() { this.toolbarView = new media.view.Toolbar({ items: { 'selection-preview': new media.view.SelectionPreview({ controller: this.controller, collection: this.controller.selection, priority: -40 }), 'insert-into-post': { style: 'primary', text: 'Insert into post', priority: 40 }, 'create-new-gallery': { style: 'primary', text: 'Create a new gallery', priority: 30 }, 'add-to-gallery': { text: 'Add to gallery', priority: 20 } } }); this.controller.selection.on( 'add remove', function() { this.$el.toggleClass( 'with-toolbar', !! this.controller.selection.length ); }, this ); this.$content.append( this.toolbarView.$el ); } }); /** * wp.media.view.Attachments */ media.view.Attachments = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'div', className: 'attachments', template: media.template('attachments'), events: { 'keyup input': 'search' }, initialize: function() { this.controller = this.options.controller; _.defaults( this.options, { refreshSensitivity: 200, refreshThreshold: 3 }); _.each(['add','remove'], function( method ) { this.collection.on( method, function( attachment, attachments, options ) { this[ method ]( attachment, options.index ); }, this ); }, this ); this.collection.on( 'reset', this.refresh, this ); this.$list = $('