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synced 2025-03-09 07:00:01 +00:00
Some regressions happened alongside the release of jQuery UI 1.13.0, this brings the fixes from 1.13.1 downstream to WordPress, notably relating to Widget, Autocomplete, Sortable, and Tooltip modules. See the changelog between version 1.13.0 and 1.13.1 at https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/compare/1.13.0...1.13.1 Props blogaid, linux4me2, mgol. Fixes #54902. Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@52648 git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@52237 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
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* jQuery UI Controlgroup 1.13.1
* http://jqueryui.com
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
* http://jquery.org/license
//>>label: Controlgroup
//>>group: Widgets
//>>description: Visually groups form control widgets
//>>docs: http://api.jqueryui.com/controlgroup/
//>>demos: http://jqueryui.com/controlgroup/
//>>css.structure: ../../themes/base/core.css
//>>css.structure: ../../themes/base/controlgroup.css
//>>css.theme: ../../themes/base/theme.css
( function( factory ) {
"use strict";
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define( [
], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery );
} )( function( $ ) {
"use strict";
var controlgroupCornerRegex = /ui-corner-([a-z]){2,6}/g;
return $.widget( "ui.controlgroup", {
version: "1.13.1",
defaultElement: "<div>",
options: {
direction: "horizontal",
disabled: null,
onlyVisible: true,
items: {
"button": "input[type=button], input[type=submit], input[type=reset], button, a",
"controlgroupLabel": ".ui-controlgroup-label",
"checkboxradio": "input[type='checkbox'], input[type='radio']",
"selectmenu": "select",
"spinner": ".ui-spinner-input"
_create: function() {
// To support the enhanced option in jQuery Mobile, we isolate DOM manipulation
_enhance: function() {
this.element.attr( "role", "toolbar" );
_destroy: function() {
this._callChildMethod( "destroy" );
this.childWidgets.removeData( "ui-controlgroup-data" );
this.element.removeAttr( "role" );
if ( this.options.items.controlgroupLabel ) {
.find( this.options.items.controlgroupLabel )
.find( ".ui-controlgroup-label-contents" )
_initWidgets: function() {
var that = this,
childWidgets = [];
// First we iterate over each of the items options
$.each( this.options.items, function( widget, selector ) {
var labels;
var options = {};
// Make sure the widget has a selector set
if ( !selector ) {
if ( widget === "controlgroupLabel" ) {
labels = that.element.find( selector );
labels.each( function() {
var element = $( this );
if ( element.children( ".ui-controlgroup-label-contents" ).length ) {
.wrapAll( "<span class='ui-controlgroup-label-contents'></span>" );
} );
that._addClass( labels, null, "ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-state-default" );
childWidgets = childWidgets.concat( labels.get() );
// Make sure the widget actually exists
if ( !$.fn[ widget ] ) {
// We assume everything is in the middle to start because we can't determine
// first / last elements until all enhancments are done.
if ( that[ "_" + widget + "Options" ] ) {
options = that[ "_" + widget + "Options" ]( "middle" );
} else {
options = { classes: {} };
// Find instances of this widget inside controlgroup and init them
.find( selector )
.each( function() {
var element = $( this );
var instance = element[ widget ]( "instance" );
// We need to clone the default options for this type of widget to avoid
// polluting the variable options which has a wider scope than a single widget.
var instanceOptions = $.widget.extend( {}, options );
// If the button is the child of a spinner ignore it
// TODO: Find a more generic solution
if ( widget === "button" && element.parent( ".ui-spinner" ).length ) {
// Create the widget if it doesn't exist
if ( !instance ) {
instance = element[ widget ]()[ widget ]( "instance" );
if ( instance ) {
instanceOptions.classes =
that._resolveClassesValues( instanceOptions.classes, instance );
element[ widget ]( instanceOptions );
// Store an instance of the controlgroup to be able to reference
// from the outermost element for changing options and refresh
var widgetElement = element[ widget ]( "widget" );
$.data( widgetElement[ 0 ], "ui-controlgroup-data",
instance ? instance : element[ widget ]( "instance" ) );
childWidgets.push( widgetElement[ 0 ] );
} );
} );
this.childWidgets = $( $.uniqueSort( childWidgets ) );
this._addClass( this.childWidgets, "ui-controlgroup-item" );
_callChildMethod: function( method ) {
this.childWidgets.each( function() {
var element = $( this ),
data = element.data( "ui-controlgroup-data" );
if ( data && data[ method ] ) {
data[ method ]();
} );
_updateCornerClass: function( element, position ) {
var remove = "ui-corner-top ui-corner-bottom ui-corner-left ui-corner-right ui-corner-all";
var add = this._buildSimpleOptions( position, "label" ).classes.label;
this._removeClass( element, null, remove );
this._addClass( element, null, add );
_buildSimpleOptions: function( position, key ) {
var direction = this.options.direction === "vertical";
var result = {
classes: {}
result.classes[ key ] = {
"middle": "",
"first": "ui-corner-" + ( direction ? "top" : "left" ),
"last": "ui-corner-" + ( direction ? "bottom" : "right" ),
"only": "ui-corner-all"
}[ position ];
return result;
_spinnerOptions: function( position ) {
var options = this._buildSimpleOptions( position, "ui-spinner" );
options.classes[ "ui-spinner-up" ] = "";
options.classes[ "ui-spinner-down" ] = "";
return options;
_buttonOptions: function( position ) {
return this._buildSimpleOptions( position, "ui-button" );
_checkboxradioOptions: function( position ) {
return this._buildSimpleOptions( position, "ui-checkboxradio-label" );
_selectmenuOptions: function( position ) {
var direction = this.options.direction === "vertical";
return {
width: direction ? "auto" : false,
classes: {
middle: {
"ui-selectmenu-button-open": "",
"ui-selectmenu-button-closed": ""
first: {
"ui-selectmenu-button-open": "ui-corner-" + ( direction ? "top" : "tl" ),
"ui-selectmenu-button-closed": "ui-corner-" + ( direction ? "top" : "left" )
last: {
"ui-selectmenu-button-open": direction ? "" : "ui-corner-tr",
"ui-selectmenu-button-closed": "ui-corner-" + ( direction ? "bottom" : "right" )
only: {
"ui-selectmenu-button-open": "ui-corner-top",
"ui-selectmenu-button-closed": "ui-corner-all"
}[ position ]
_resolveClassesValues: function( classes, instance ) {
var result = {};
$.each( classes, function( key ) {
var current = instance.options.classes[ key ] || "";
current = String.prototype.trim.call( current.replace( controlgroupCornerRegex, "" ) );
result[ key ] = ( current + " " + classes[ key ] ).replace( /\s+/g, " " );
} );
return result;
_setOption: function( key, value ) {
if ( key === "direction" ) {
this._removeClass( "ui-controlgroup-" + this.options.direction );
this._super( key, value );
if ( key === "disabled" ) {
this._callChildMethod( value ? "disable" : "enable" );
refresh: function() {
var children,
that = this;
this._addClass( "ui-controlgroup ui-controlgroup-" + this.options.direction );
if ( this.options.direction === "horizontal" ) {
this._addClass( null, "ui-helper-clearfix" );
children = this.childWidgets;
// We filter here because we need to track all childWidgets not just the visible ones
if ( this.options.onlyVisible ) {
children = children.filter( ":visible" );
if ( children.length ) {
// We do this last because we need to make sure all enhancment is done
// before determining first and last
$.each( [ "first", "last" ], function( index, value ) {
var instance = children[ value ]().data( "ui-controlgroup-data" );
if ( instance && that[ "_" + instance.widgetName + "Options" ] ) {
var options = that[ "_" + instance.widgetName + "Options" ](
children.length === 1 ? "only" : value
options.classes = that._resolveClassesValues( options.classes, instance );
instance.element[ instance.widgetName ]( options );
} else {
that._updateCornerClass( children[ value ](), value );
} );
// Finally call the refresh method on each of the child widgets.
this._callChildMethod( "refresh" );
} );
} );