114 lines
2.6 KiB
114 lines
2.6 KiB
/* Functions missing from older PHP versions */
/* Added in PHP 4.2.0 */
if (!function_exists('floatval')) {
function floatval($string) {
return ((float) $string);
if (!function_exists('is_a')) {
function is_a($object, $class) {
// by Aidan Lister <aidan@php.net>
if (get_class($object) == strtolower($class)) {
return true;
} else {
return is_subclass_of($object, $class);
if (!function_exists('ob_clean')) {
function ob_clean() {
// by Aidan Lister <aidan@php.net>
if (@ob_end_clean()) {
return ob_start();
return false;
/* Added in PHP 4.3.0 */
function printr($var, $do_not_echo = false) {
// from php.net/print_r user contributed notes
$code = htmlentities(ob_get_contents());
if (!$do_not_echo) {
echo "<pre>$code</pre>";
return $code;
/* compatibility with PHP versions older than 4.3 */
if ( !function_exists('file_get_contents') ) {
function file_get_contents( $file ) {
$file = file($file);
return !$file ? false : implode('', $file);
if (!defined('CASE_LOWER')) {
define('CASE_LOWER', 0);
if (!defined('CASE_UPPER')) {
define('CASE_UPPER', 1);
* Replace array_change_key_case()
* @category PHP
* @package PHP_Compat
* @link http://php.net/function.array_change_key_case
* @author Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>
* @author Aidan Lister <aidan@php.net>
* @version $Revision$
* @since PHP 4.2.0
* @require PHP 4.0.0 (user_error)
if (!function_exists('array_change_key_case')) {
function array_change_key_case($input, $case = CASE_LOWER)
if (!is_array($input)) {
user_error('array_change_key_case(): The argument should be an array',
return false;
$output = array ();
$keys = array_keys($input);
$casefunc = ($case == CASE_LOWER) ? 'strtolower' : 'strtoupper';
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$output[$casefunc($key)] = $input[$key];
return $output;
// From php.net
if(!function_exists('http_build_query')) {
function http_build_query( $formdata, $numeric_prefix = null, $key = null ) {
$res = array();
foreach ((array)$formdata as $k=>$v) {
$tmp_key = urlencode(is_int($k) ? $numeric_prefix.$k : $k);
if ($key) $tmp_key = $key.'['.$tmp_key.']';
$res[] = ( ( is_array($v) || is_object($v) ) ? http_build_query($v, null, $tmp_key) : $tmp_key."=".urlencode($v) );
$separator = ini_get('arg_separator.output');
return implode($separator, $res);