
258 lines
6.6 KiB

(function( exports, $ ){
var api = wp.customize;
* @param options
* - previewer - The Previewer instance to sync with.
* - method - The method to use for syncing. Supports 'refresh' and 'postMessage'.
api.Control = api.Value.extend({
initialize: function( id, value, options ) {
var name = '[name="' + api.settings.prefix + id + '"]';
api.Value.prototype.initialize.call( this, value, options );
this.id = id;
this.container = $( '#customize-control-' + id );
this.element = this.element || new api.Element( this.container.find( name ) );
this.method = this.method || 'refresh';
this.element.link( this );
this.link( this.element );
this.bind( this.sync );
sync: function() {
switch ( this.method ) {
case 'refresh':
return this.previewer.refresh();
case 'postMessage':
return this.previewer.send( 'setting', [ this.id, this() ] );
api.ColorControl = api.Control.extend({
initialize: function( id, value, options ) {
var self = this,
picker, ui, text, toggle, update;
api.Control.prototype.initialize.call( this, id, value, options );
picker = this.container.find( '.color-picker' );
ui = picker.find( '.color-picker-controls' );
toggle = picker.find( 'a' );
update = function( color ) {
color = '#' + color;
toggle.css( 'background', color );
self.farbtastic.setColor( color );
this.input = new api.Element( ui.find( 'input' ) ); // Find text input.
this.link( this.input );
this.input.link( this );
picker.on( 'click', 'a', function() {
this.farbtastic = $.farbtastic( picker.find('.farbtastic-placeholder'), function( color ) {
self.set( color.replace( '#', '' ) );
this.bind( update );
update( this() );
validate: function( to ) {
return /^[a-fA-F0-9]{3}([a-fA-F0-9]{3})?$/.test( to ) ? to : null;
api.UploadControl = api.Control.extend({
initialize: function( id, value, options ) {
var control = this;
api.Control.prototype.initialize.call( this, id, value, options );
this.uploader = new wp.Uploader({
browser: this.container.find('.upload'),
success: function( attachment ) {
control.set( attachment.url );
this.container.on( 'click', '.remove', function( event ) {
// Change objects contained within the main customize object to Settings.
api.defaultConstructor = api.Setting;
api.Previewer = api.Messenger.extend({
refreshBuffer: 250,
* Requires params:
* - iframe - a selector or jQuery element
* - form - a selector or jQuery element
* - url - the URL of preview frame
initialize: function( params, options ) {
$.extend( this, options || {} );
this.loaded = $.proxy( this.loaded, this );
this.loaderUuid = 0;
* Wrap this.refresh to prevent it from hammering the servers:
* If refresh is called once and no other refresh requests are
* loading, trigger the request immediately.
* If refresh is called while another refresh request is loading,
* debounce the refresh requests:
* 1. Stop the loading request (as it is instantly outdated).
* 2. Trigger the new request once refresh hasn't been called for
* self.refreshBuffer milliseconds.
this.refresh = (function( self ) {
var refresh = self.refresh,
callback = function() {
timeout = null;
refresh.call( self );
return function() {
if ( typeof timeout !== 'number' ) {
if ( self.loading ) {
delete self.loading;
} else {
return callback();
clearTimeout( timeout );
timeout = setTimeout( callback, self.refreshBuffer );
})( this );
this.iframe = api.ensure( params.iframe );
this.form = api.ensure( params.form );
this.name = this.iframe.prop('name');
this.container = this.iframe.parent();
api.Messenger.prototype.initialize.call( this, params.url, this.iframe[0].contentWindow );
this._formOriginalProps = {
target: this.form.prop('target'),
action: this.form.prop('action')
this.bind( 'url', function( url ) {
// Bail if we're navigating to the current url, to a different origin, or wp-admin.
if ( this.url() == url || 0 !== url.indexOf( this.origin() + '/' ) || -1 !== url.indexOf( 'wp-admin' ) )
this.url( url );
// Prevent the form from saving when enter is pressed.
this.form.on( 'keydown', function( e ) {
if ( 13 === e.which ) // Enter
loader: function() {
if ( this.loading )
return this.loading;
this.loading = $('<iframe />', {
name: this.name + '-loading-' + this.loaderUuid++
}).appendTo( this.container );
return this.loading;
loaded: function() {
this.iframe = this.loading;
delete this.loading;
this.iframe.prop( 'name', this.name );
this.targetWindow( this.iframe[0].contentWindow );
refresh: function() {
this.loader().one( 'load', this.loaded );
target: this.loader().prop('name'),
action: this.url()
submit: function( props ) {
if ( props )
this.form.prop( props );
if ( props )
this.form.prop( this._formOriginalProps );
/* =====================================================================
* Ready.
* ===================================================================== */
api.controls = {
color: api.ColorControl,
upload: api.UploadControl
$( function() {
if ( ! api.settings )
// Initialize Previewer
var previewer = new api.Previewer({
iframe: '#customize-preview iframe',
form: '#customize-controls',
url: api.settings.preview
$.each( api.settings.controls, function( id, data ) {
var constructor = api.controls[ data.control ] || api.Control;
api.add( id, new constructor( id, data.value, {
previewer: previewer
} ) );
// Temporary accordion code.
$('.customize-section-title').click( function() {
$( this ).parents('.customize-section').toggleClass( 'open' );
return false;
// Button bindings.
$('#save').click( function() {
return false;
// Background color uses postMessage by default
api('background_color').method = 'postMessage';
// api('background_image').method = 'postMessage';
api('background_image').uploader.param( 'post_data', { context: 'custom-background' });
})( wp, jQuery );