
734 lines
21 KiB

/* global tinymce */
window.wp = window.wp || {};
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
var $window = $( window ),
$document = $( document ),
$adminBar = $( '#wpadminbar' ),
$footer = $( '#wpfooter' ),
$wrap = $( '#postdivrich' ),
$contentWrap = $( '#wp-content-wrap' ),
$tools = $( '#wp-content-editor-tools' ),
$visualTop = $(),
$visualEditor = $(),
$textTop = $( '#ed_toolbar' ),
$textEditor = $( '#content' ),
$textEditorClone = $( '<div id="content-textarea-clone"></div>' ),
$bottom = $( '#post-status-info' ),
$menuBar = $(),
$statusBar = $(),
$sideSortables = $( '#side-sortables' ),
$postboxContainer = $( '#postbox-container-1' ),
$postBody = $('#post-body'),
fullscreen = window.wp.editor && window.wp.editor.fullscreen,
mceBind = function(){},
mceUnbind = function(){},
fixedTop = false,
fixedBottom = false,
fixedSideTop = false,
fixedSideBottom = false,
lastScrollPosition = 0,
pageYOffsetAtTop = 130,
pinnedToolsTop = 56,
sidebarBottom = 20,
autoresizeMinHeight = 300,
initialMode = window.getUserSetting( 'editor' ),
// These are corrected when adjust() runs, except on scrolling if already set.
heights = {
windowHeight: 0,
windowWidth: 0,
adminBarHeight: 0,
toolsHeight: 0,
menuBarHeight: 0,
visualTopHeight: 0,
textTopHeight: 0,
bottomHeight: 0,
statusBarHeight: 0,
sideSortablesHeight: 0
$textEditorClone.insertAfter( $textEditor );
$textEditorClone.css( {
'font-family': $textEditor.css( 'font-family' ),
'font-size': $textEditor.css( 'font-size' ),
'line-height': $textEditor.css( 'line-height' ),
'white-space': 'pre-wrap',
'word-wrap': 'break-word'
} );
function getHeights() {
var windowWidth = $window.width();
heights = {
windowHeight: $window.height(),
windowWidth: windowWidth,
adminBarHeight: ( windowWidth > 600 ? $adminBar.outerHeight() : 0 ),
toolsHeight: $tools.outerHeight() || 0,
menuBarHeight: $menuBar.outerHeight() || 0,
visualTopHeight: $visualTop.outerHeight() || 0,
textTopHeight: $textTop.outerHeight() || 0,
bottomHeight: $bottom.outerHeight() || 0,
statusBarHeight: $statusBar.outerHeight() || 0,
sideSortablesHeight: $sideSortables.height() || 0
// Adjust for hidden
if ( heights.menuBarHeight < 3 ) {
heights.menuBarHeight = 0;
function textEditorKeyup( event ) {
var VK = jQuery.ui.keyCode,
key = event.keyCode,
range = document.createRange(),
selStart = $textEditor[0].selectionStart,
selEnd = $textEditor[0].selectionEnd,
textNode = $textEditorClone[0].firstChild,
buffer = 10,
offset, cursorTop, cursorBottom, editorTop, editorBottom;
if ( selStart && selEnd && selStart !== selEnd ) {
// These are not TinyMCE ranges.
try {
range.setStart( textNode, selStart );
range.setEnd( textNode, selEnd + 1 );
} catch ( ex ) {}
offset = range.getBoundingClientRect();
if ( ! offset.height ) {
cursorTop = offset.top - buffer;
cursorBottom = cursorTop + offset.height + buffer;
editorTop = heights.adminBarHeight + heights.toolsHeight + heights.textTopHeight;
editorBottom = heights.windowHeight - heights.bottomHeight;
if ( cursorTop < editorTop && ( key === VK.UP || key === VK.LEFT || key === VK.BACKSPACE ) ) {
window.scrollTo( window.pageXOffset, cursorTop + window.pageYOffset - editorTop );
} else if ( cursorBottom > editorBottom ) {
window.scrollTo( window.pageXOffset, cursorBottom + window.pageYOffset - editorBottom );
function textEditorResize() {
if ( ( mceEditor && ! mceEditor.isHidden() ) || ( ! mceEditor && initialMode === 'tinymce' ) ) {
var textEditorHeight = $textEditor.height(),
$textEditorClone.width( $textEditor.width() - 22 );
$textEditorClone.text( $textEditor.val() + '&nbsp;' );
hiddenHeight = $textEditorClone.height();
if ( hiddenHeight < autoresizeMinHeight ) {
hiddenHeight = autoresizeMinHeight;
if ( hiddenHeight === textEditorHeight ) {
$textEditor.height( hiddenHeight );
// We need to wait for TinyMCE to initialize.
$document.on( 'tinymce-editor-init.editor-expand', function( event, editor ) {
var hideFloatPanels = _.debounce( function() {
! $( '.mce-floatpanel:hover' ).length && tinymce.ui.FloatPanel.hideAll();
$( '.mce-tooltip' ).hide();
}, 1000, true );
// Make sure it's the main editor.
if ( editor.id !== 'content' ) {
// Copy the editor instance.
mceEditor = editor;
// Set the minimum height to the initial viewport height.
editor.settings.autoresize_min_height = autoresizeMinHeight;
// Get the necessary UI elements.
$visualTop = $contentWrap.find( '.mce-toolbar-grp' );
$visualEditor = $contentWrap.find( '.mce-edit-area' );
$statusBar = $contentWrap.find( '.mce-statusbar' );
$menuBar = $contentWrap.find( '.mce-menubar' );
function mceGetCursorOffset() {
var node = editor.selection.getNode(),
range, view, offset;
if ( editor.plugins.wpview && ( view = editor.plugins.wpview.getView( node ) ) ) {
offset = view.getBoundingClientRect();
} else {
range = editor.selection.getRng();
try {
offset = range.getClientRects()[0];
} catch( er ) {}
if ( ! offset ) {
offset = node.getBoundingClientRect();
return offset.height ? offset : false;
// Make sure the cursor is always visible.
// This is not only necessary to keep the cursor between the toolbars,
// but also to scroll the window when the cursor moves out of the viewport to a wpview.
// Setting a buffer > 0 will prevent the browser default.
// Some browsers will scroll to the middle,
// others to the top/bottom of the *window* when moving the cursor out of the viewport.
function mceKeyup( event ) {
var VK = tinymce.util.VK,
key = event.keyCode;
// Bail on special keys.
if ( key <= 47 && ! ( key === VK.SPACEBAR || key === VK.ENTER || key === VK.DELETE || key === VK.BACKSPACE ||
key === VK.UP || key === VK.RIGHT || key === VK.DOWN || key === VK.LEFT ) ) {
// OS keys, function keys, num lock, scroll lock
} else if ( ( key >= 91 && key <= 93 ) || ( key >= 112 && key <= 123 ) || key === 144 || key === 145 ) {
mceScroll( key );
function mceScroll( key ) {
var VK = tinymce.util.VK,
offset = mceGetCursorOffset(),
buffer = 10,
cursorTop, cursorBottom, editorTop, editorBottom;
if ( ! offset ) {
cursorTop = offset.top + editor.iframeElement.getBoundingClientRect().top;
cursorBottom = cursorTop + offset.height + buffer;
cursorTop -= buffer;
editorTop = heights.adminBarHeight + heights.toolsHeight + heights.menuBarHeight + heights.visualTopHeight;
editorBottom = heights.windowHeight - heights.bottomHeight - heights.statusBarHeight;
// Don't scroll if the node is taller than the visible part of the editor
if ( editorBottom - editorTop < offset.height ) {
// WebKit browsers scroll-into-view to the middle of the window but not for arrow keys/backspace.
// The others scroll to the top of the window, we need to account for the adminbar and editor toolbar(s).
if ( cursorTop < editorTop && ( ! tinymce.Env.webkit ||
( key === VK.UP || key === VK.RIGHT || key === VK.DOWN || key === VK.LEFT || key === VK.BACKSPACE ) ) ) {
window.scrollTo( window.pageXOffset, cursorTop + window.pageYOffset - editorTop );
} else if ( cursorBottom > editorBottom ) {
window.scrollTo( window.pageXOffset, cursorBottom + window.pageYOffset - editorBottom );
// Adjust when switching editor modes.
function mceShow() {
$window.on( 'scroll.mce-float-panels', hideFloatPanels );
setTimeout( function() {
editor.execCommand( 'wpAutoResize' );
}, 300 );
function mceHide() {
$window.off( 'scroll.mce-float-panels' );
setTimeout( function() {
var top = $contentWrap.offset().top;
if ( window.pageYOffset > top ) {
window.scrollTo( window.pageXOffset, top - heights.adminBarHeight );
}, 100 );
mceBind = function() {
editor.on( 'keyup', mceKeyup );
editor.on( 'show', mceShow );
editor.on( 'hide', mceHide );
// Adjust when the editor resizes.
editor.on( 'setcontent wp-autoresize wp-toolbar-toggle', adjust );
// Scroll to the caret or selection after undo/redo
editor.on( 'undo redo', mceScroll );
$window.off( 'scroll.mce-float-panels' ).on( 'scroll.mce-float-panels', hideFloatPanels );
mceUnbind = function() {
editor.off( 'keyup', mceKeyup );
editor.off( 'show', mceShow );
editor.off( 'hide', mceHide );
editor.off( 'setcontent wp-autoresize wp-toolbar-toggle', adjust );
editor.off( 'undo redo', mceScroll );
$window.off( 'scroll.mce-float-panels' );
if ( $wrap.hasClass( 'wp-editor-expand' ) ) {
// Adjust "immediately"
initialResize( adjust );
} );
// Adjust the toolbars based on the active editor mode.
function adjust( type ) {
// Make sure we're not in fullscreen mode.
if ( fullscreen && fullscreen.settings.visible ) {
var windowPos = $window.scrollTop(),
resize = type !== 'scroll',
visual = ( mceEditor && ! mceEditor.isHidden() ),
buffer = autoresizeMinHeight,
postBodyTop = $postBody.offset().top,
borderWidth = 1,
contentWrapWidth = $contentWrap.width(),
$top, $editor, sidebarTop, footerTop, canPin,
topPos, topHeight, editorPos, editorHeight;
// Refresh the heights
if ( resize || ! heights.windowHeight ) {
if ( ! visual && type === 'resize' ) {
if ( visual ) {
$top = $visualTop;
$editor = $visualEditor;
topHeight = heights.visualTopHeight;
} else {
$top = $textTop;
$editor = $textEditor;
topHeight = heights.textTopHeight;
topPos = $top.parent().offset().top;
editorPos = $editor.offset().top;
editorHeight = $editor.outerHeight();
// Should we pin?
canPin = visual ? autoresizeMinHeight + topHeight : autoresizeMinHeight + 20; // 20px from textarea padding
canPin = editorHeight > ( canPin + 5 );
if ( ! canPin ) {
if ( resize ) {
$tools.css( {
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
width: contentWrapWidth
} );
if ( visual && $menuBar.length ) {
$menuBar.css( {
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
width: contentWrapWidth - ( borderWidth * 2 )
} );
$top.css( {
position: 'absolute',
top: heights.menuBarHeight,
width: contentWrapWidth - ( borderWidth * 2 ) - ( visual ? 0 : ( $top.outerWidth() - $top.width() ) )
} );
$statusBar.add( $bottom ).attr( 'style', '' );
} else {
// Maybe pin the top.
if ( ( ! fixedTop || resize ) &&
// Handle scrolling down.
( windowPos >= ( topPos - heights.toolsHeight - heights.adminBarHeight ) &&
// Handle scrolling up.
windowPos <= ( topPos - heights.toolsHeight - heights.adminBarHeight + editorHeight - buffer ) ) ) {
fixedTop = true;
$tools.css( {
position: 'fixed',
top: heights.adminBarHeight,
width: contentWrapWidth
} );
if ( visual && $menuBar.length ) {
$menuBar.css( {
position: 'fixed',
top: heights.adminBarHeight + heights.toolsHeight,
width: contentWrapWidth - ( borderWidth * 2 ) - ( visual ? 0 : ( $top.outerWidth() - $top.width() ) )
} );
$top.css( {
position: 'fixed',
top: heights.adminBarHeight + heights.toolsHeight + heights.menuBarHeight,
width: contentWrapWidth - ( borderWidth * 2 ) - ( visual ? 0 : ( $top.outerWidth() - $top.width() ) )
} );
// Maybe unpin the top.
} else if ( fixedTop || resize ) {
// Handle scrolling up.
if ( windowPos <= ( topPos - heights.toolsHeight - heights.adminBarHeight ) ) {
fixedTop = false;
$tools.css( {
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
width: contentWrapWidth
} );
if ( visual && $menuBar.length ) {
$menuBar.css( {
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
width: contentWrapWidth - ( borderWidth * 2 )
} );
$top.css( {
position: 'absolute',
top: heights.menuBarHeight,
width: contentWrapWidth - ( borderWidth * 2 ) - ( visual ? 0 : ( $top.outerWidth() - $top.width() ) )
} );
// Handle scrolling down.
} else if ( windowPos >= ( topPos - heights.toolsHeight - heights.adminBarHeight + editorHeight - buffer ) ) {
fixedTop = false;
$tools.css( {
position: 'absolute',
top: editorHeight - buffer,
width: contentWrapWidth
} );
if ( visual && $menuBar.length ) {
$menuBar.css( {
position: 'absolute',
top: editorHeight - buffer,
width: contentWrapWidth - ( borderWidth * 2 )
} );
$top.css( {
position: 'absolute',
top: editorHeight - buffer + heights.menuBarHeight,
width: contentWrapWidth - ( borderWidth * 2 ) - ( visual ? 0 : ( $top.outerWidth() - $top.width() ) )
} );
// Maybe adjust the bottom bar.
if ( ( ! fixedBottom || resize ) &&
// +[n] for the border around the .wp-editor-container.
( windowPos + heights.windowHeight ) <= ( editorPos + editorHeight + heights.bottomHeight + heights.statusBarHeight + borderWidth ) ) {
fixedBottom = true;
$statusBar.css( {
position: 'fixed',
bottom: heights.bottomHeight,
width: contentWrapWidth - ( borderWidth * 2 )
} );
$bottom.css( {
position: 'fixed',
bottom: 0,
width: contentWrapWidth
} );
} else if ( ( fixedBottom || resize ) &&
( windowPos + heights.windowHeight ) > ( editorPos + editorHeight + heights.bottomHeight + heights.statusBarHeight - borderWidth ) ) {
fixedBottom = false;
$statusBar.add( $bottom ).attr( 'style', '' );
// Sidebar pinning
if ( $postboxContainer.width() < 300 && heights.windowWidth > 600 && // sidebar position is changed with @media from CSS, make sure it is on the side
$document.height() > ( $sideSortables.height() + postBodyTop + 120 ) && // the sidebar is not the tallest element
heights.windowHeight < editorHeight ) { // the editor is taller than the viewport
if ( ( heights.sideSortablesHeight + pinnedToolsTop + sidebarBottom ) > heights.windowHeight || fixedSideTop || fixedSideBottom ) {
// Reset when scrolling to the top
if ( windowPos + pinnedToolsTop <= postBodyTop ) {
$sideSortables.attr( 'style', '' );
fixedSideTop = fixedSideBottom = false;
} else {
if ( windowPos > lastScrollPosition ) {
// Scrolling down
if ( fixedSideTop ) {
// let it scroll
fixedSideTop = false;
sidebarTop = $sideSortables.offset().top - heights.adminBarHeight;
footerTop = $footer.offset().top;
// don't get over the footer
if ( footerTop < sidebarTop + heights.sideSortablesHeight + sidebarBottom ) {
sidebarTop = footerTop - heights.sideSortablesHeight - 12;
position: 'absolute',
top: sidebarTop,
bottom: ''
} else if ( ! fixedSideBottom && heights.sideSortablesHeight + $sideSortables.offset().top + sidebarBottom < windowPos + heights.windowHeight ) {
// pin the bottom
fixedSideBottom = true;
position: 'fixed',
top: 'auto',
bottom: sidebarBottom
} else if ( windowPos < lastScrollPosition ) {
// Scrolling up
if ( fixedSideBottom ) {
// let it scroll
fixedSideBottom = false;
sidebarTop = $sideSortables.offset().top - sidebarBottom;
footerTop = $footer.offset().top;
// don't get over the footer
if ( footerTop < sidebarTop + heights.sideSortablesHeight + sidebarBottom ) {
sidebarTop = footerTop - heights.sideSortablesHeight - 12;
position: 'absolute',
top: sidebarTop,
bottom: ''
} else if ( ! fixedSideTop && $sideSortables.offset().top >= windowPos + pinnedToolsTop ) {
// pin the top
fixedSideTop = true;
position: 'fixed',
top: pinnedToolsTop,
bottom: ''
} else {
// if the sidebar container is smaller than the viewport, then pin/unpin the top when scrolling
if ( windowPos >= ( postBodyTop - pinnedToolsTop ) ) {
$sideSortables.css( {
position: 'fixed',
top: pinnedToolsTop
} );
} else {
$sideSortables.attr( 'style', '' );
fixedSideTop = fixedSideBottom = false;
lastScrollPosition = windowPos;
} else {
$sideSortables.attr( 'style', '' );
fixedSideTop = fixedSideBottom = false;
if ( resize ) {
$contentWrap.css( {
paddingTop: heights.toolsHeight
} );
if ( visual ) {
$visualEditor.css( {
paddingTop: heights.visualTopHeight + heights.menuBarHeight
} );
} else {
$textEditor.css( {
marginTop: heights.textTopHeight
} );
$textEditorClone.width( contentWrapWidth - 20 - ( borderWidth * 2 ) );
function fullscreenHide() {
function initialResize( callback ) {
for ( var i = 1; i < 6; i++ ) {
setTimeout( callback, 500 * i );
function afterScroll() {
clearTimeout( scrollTimer );
scrollTimer = setTimeout( adjust, 100 );
function on() {
// Scroll to the top when triggering this from JS.
// Ensures toolbars are pinned properly.
if ( window.pageYOffset && window.pageYOffset > pageYOffsetAtTop ) {
window.scrollTo( window.pageXOffset, 0 );
$wrap.addClass( 'wp-editor-expand' );
// Adjust when the window is scrolled or resized.
$window.on( 'scroll.editor-expand resize.editor-expand', function( event ) {
adjust( event.type );
} );
// Adjust when collapsing the menu, changing the columns, changing the body class.
$document.on( 'wp-collapse-menu.editor-expand postboxes-columnchange.editor-expand editor-classchange.editor-expand', adjust )
.on( 'postbox-toggled.editor-expand', function() {
if ( ! fixedSideTop && ! fixedSideBottom && window.pageYOffset > pinnedToolsTop ) {
fixedSideBottom = true;
window.scrollBy( 0, -1 );
window.scrollBy( 0, 1 );
}).on( 'wp-window-resized.editor-expand', function() {
if ( mceEditor && ! mceEditor.isHidden() ) {
mceEditor.execCommand( 'wpAutoResize' );
} else {
$textEditor.on( 'focus.editor-expand input.editor-expand propertychange.editor-expand', textEditorResize );
$textEditor.on( 'keyup.editor-expand', textEditorKeyup );
// Adjust when entering/exiting fullscreen mode.
fullscreen && fullscreen.pubsub.subscribe( 'hidden', fullscreenHide );
if ( mceEditor ) {
mceEditor.settings.wp_autoresize_on = true;
mceEditor.execCommand( 'wpAutoResizeOn' );
if ( ! mceEditor.isHidden() ) {
mceEditor.execCommand( 'wpAutoResize' );
if ( ! mceEditor || mceEditor.isHidden() ) {
function off() {
var height = window.getUserSetting('ed_size');
// Scroll to the top when triggering this from JS.
// Ensures toolbars are reset properly.
if ( window.pageYOffset && window.pageYOffset > pageYOffsetAtTop ) {
window.scrollTo( window.pageXOffset, 0 );
$wrap.removeClass( 'wp-editor-expand' );
$window.off( '.editor-expand' );
$document.off( '.editor-expand' );
$textEditor.off( '.editor-expand' );
// Adjust when entering/exiting fullscreen mode.
fullscreen && fullscreen.pubsub.unsubscribe( 'hidden', fullscreenHide );
// Reset all css
$.each( [ $visualTop, $textTop, $tools, $menuBar, $bottom, $statusBar, $contentWrap, $visualEditor, $textEditor, $sideSortables ], function( i, element ) {
element && element.attr( 'style', '' );
fixedTop = fixedBottom = fixedSideTop = fixedSideBottom = false;
if ( mceEditor ) {
mceEditor.settings.wp_autoresize_on = false;
mceEditor.execCommand( 'wpAutoResizeOff' );
if ( ! mceEditor.isHidden() ) {
if ( height ) {
mceEditor.theme.resizeTo( null, height );
if ( height ) {
$textEditor.height( height );
// Start on load
if ( $wrap.hasClass( 'wp-editor-expand' ) ) {
// Ideally we need to resize just after CSS has fully loaded and QuickTags is ready.
if ( $contentWrap.hasClass( 'html-active' ) ) {
initialResize( function() {
} );
// Show the on/off checkbox
$( '#adv-settings .editor-expand' ).show();
$( '#editor-expand-toggle' ).on( 'change.editor-expand', function() {
if ( $(this).prop( 'checked' ) ) {
window.setUserSetting( 'editor_expand', 'on' );
} else {
window.setUserSetting( 'editor_expand', 'off' );
// Expose on() and off()
window.editorExpand = {
on: on,
off: off