
2531 lines
76 KiB

/* global _wpCustomizeNavMenusSettings, wpNavMenu, console */
( function( api, wp, $ ) {
'use strict';
* Set up wpNavMenu for drag and drop.
wpNavMenu.originalInit = wpNavMenu.init;
wpNavMenu.options.menuItemDepthPerLevel = 20;
wpNavMenu.options.sortableItems = '> .customize-control-nav_menu_item';
wpNavMenu.options.targetTolerance = 10;
wpNavMenu.init = function() {
api.Menus = api.Menus || {};
// Link settings.
api.Menus.data = {
nonce: '',
itemTypes: {
taxonomies: {},
postTypes: {}
l10n: {},
menuItemTransport: 'postMessage',
phpIntMax: 0,
defaultSettingValues: {
nav_menu: {},
nav_menu_item: {}
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof _wpCustomizeNavMenusSettings ) {
$.extend( api.Menus.data, _wpCustomizeNavMenusSettings );
* Newly-created Nav Menus and Nav Menu Items have negative integer IDs which
* serve as placeholders until Save & Publish happens.
* @return {number}
api.Menus.generatePlaceholderAutoIncrementId = function() {
return -Math.ceil( api.Menus.data.phpIntMax * Math.random() );
* wp.customize.Menus.AvailableItemModel
* A single available menu item model. See PHP's WP_Customize_Nav_Menu_Item_Setting class.
* @constructor
* @augments Backbone.Model
api.Menus.AvailableItemModel = Backbone.Model.extend( $.extend(
id: null // This is only used by Backbone.
) );
* wp.customize.Menus.AvailableItemCollection
* Collection for available menu item models.
* @constructor
* @augments Backbone.Model
api.Menus.AvailableItemCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: api.Menus.AvailableItemModel,
sort_key: 'order',
comparator: function( item ) {
return -item.get( this.sort_key );
sortByField: function( fieldName ) {
this.sort_key = fieldName;
api.Menus.availableMenuItems = new api.Menus.AvailableItemCollection( api.Menus.data.availableMenuItems );
* wp.customize.Menus.AvailableMenuItemsPanelView
* View class for the available menu items panel.
* @constructor
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
api.Menus.AvailableMenuItemsPanelView = wp.Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#available-menu-items',
events: {
'input #menu-items-search': 'debounceSearch',
'keyup #menu-items-search': 'debounceSearch',
'click #menu-items-search': 'debounceSearch',
'focus .menu-item-tpl': 'focus',
'click .menu-item-tpl': '_submit',
'click #custom-menu-item-submit': '_submitLink',
'keypress #custom-menu-item-name': '_submitLink',
'keydown': 'keyboardAccessible'
// Cache current selected menu item.
selected: null,
// Cache menu control that opened the panel.
currentMenuControl: null,
debounceSearch: null,
$search: null,
searchTerm: '',
rendered: false,
pages: {},
sectionContent: '',
loading: false,
initialize: function() {
var self = this;
this.$search = $( '#menu-items-search' );
this.sectionContent = this.$el.find( '.accordion-section-content' );
this.debounceSearch = _.debounce( self.search, 500 );
_.bindAll( this, 'close' );
// If the available menu items panel is open and the customize controls are
// interacted with (other than an item being deleted), then close the
// available menu items panel. Also close on back button click.
$( '#customize-controls, .customize-section-back' ).on( 'click keydown', function( e ) {
var isDeleteBtn = $( e.target ).is( '.item-delete, .item-delete *' ),
isAddNewBtn = $( e.target ).is( '.add-new-menu-item, .add-new-menu-item *' );
if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'adding-menu-items' ) && ! isDeleteBtn && ! isAddNewBtn ) {
} );
this.$el.on( 'input', '#custom-menu-item-name.invalid, #custom-menu-item-url.invalid', function() {
$( this ).removeClass( 'invalid' );
// Load available items if it looks like we'll need them.
api.panel( 'nav_menus' ).container.bind( 'expanded', function() {
if ( ! self.rendered ) {
self.rendered = true;
// Load more items.
this.sectionContent.scroll( function() {
var totalHeight = self.$el.find( '.accordion-section.open .accordion-section-content' ).prop( 'scrollHeight' ),
visibleHeight = self.$el.find( '.accordion-section.open' ).height();
if ( ! self.loading && $( this ).scrollTop() > 3 / 4 * totalHeight - visibleHeight ) {
var type = $( this ).data( 'type' ),
obj_type = $( this ).data( 'obj_type' );
if ( 'search' === type ) {
if ( self.searchTerm ) {
self.doSearch( self.pages.search );
} else {
self.loadItems( type, obj_type );
// Close the panel if the URL in the preview changes
api.previewer.bind( 'url', this.close );
// Search input change handler.
search: function( event ) {
if ( ! event ) {
// Manual accordion-opening behavior.
if ( this.searchTerm && ! $( '#available-menu-items-search' ).hasClass( 'open' ) ) {
$( '#available-menu-items .accordion-section-content' ).slideUp( 'fast' );
$( '#available-menu-items-search .accordion-section-content' ).slideDown( 'fast' );
$( '#available-menu-items .accordion-section.open' ).removeClass( 'open' );
$( '#available-menu-items-search' ).addClass( 'open' );
if ( '' === event.target.value ) {
$( '#available-menu-items-search' ).removeClass( 'open' );
if ( this.searchTerm === event.target.value ) {
this.searchTerm = event.target.value;
this.pages.search = 1;
this.doSearch( 1 );
// Get search results.
doSearch: function( page ) {
var self = this, params,
$section = $( '#available-menu-items-search' ),
$content = $section.find( '.accordion-section-content' ),
itemTemplate = wp.template( 'available-menu-item' );
if ( self.currentRequest ) {
if ( page < 0 ) {
} else if ( page > 1 ) {
$section.addClass( 'loading-more' );
$content.attr( 'aria-busy', 'true' );
wp.a11y.speak( api.Menus.data.l10n.itemsLoadingMore );
} else if ( '' === self.searchTerm ) {
$content.html( '' );
wp.a11y.speak( '' );
$section.addClass( 'loading' );
self.loading = true;
params = {
'customize-menus-nonce': api.Menus.data.nonce,
'wp_customize': 'on',
'search': self.searchTerm,
'page': page
self.currentRequest = wp.ajax.post( 'search-available-menu-items-customizer', params );
self.currentRequest.done(function( data ) {
var items;
if ( 1 === page ) {
// Clear previous results as it's a new search.
$section.removeClass( 'loading loading-more' );
$content.attr( 'aria-busy', 'false' );
$section.addClass( 'open' );
self.loading = false;
items = new api.Menus.AvailableItemCollection( data.items );
self.collection.add( items.models );
items.each( function( menuItem ) {
$content.append( itemTemplate( menuItem.attributes ) );
} );
if ( 20 > items.length ) {
self.pages.search = -1; // Up to 20 posts and 20 terms in results, if <20, no more results for either.
} else {
self.pages.search = self.pages.search + 1;
if ( items && page > 1 ) {
wp.a11y.speak( api.Menus.data.l10n.itemsFoundMore.replace( '%d', items.length ) );
} else if ( items && page === 1 ) {
wp.a11y.speak( api.Menus.data.l10n.itemsFound.replace( '%d', items.length ) );
self.currentRequest.fail(function( data ) {
// data.message may be undefined, for example when typing slow and the request is aborted.
if ( data.message ) {
$content.empty().append( $( '<p class="nothing-found"></p>' ).text( data.message ) );
wp.a11y.speak( data.message );
self.pages.search = -1;
self.currentRequest.always(function() {
$section.removeClass( 'loading loading-more' );
$content.attr( 'aria-busy', 'false' );
self.loading = false;
self.currentRequest = null;
// Render the individual items.
initList: function() {
var self = this;
// Render the template for each item by type.
_.each( api.Menus.data.itemTypes, function( typeObjects, type ) {
_.each( typeObjects, function( typeObject, slug ) {
if ( 'postTypes' === type ) {
type = 'post_type';
} else if ( 'taxonomies' === type ) {
type = 'taxonomy';
self.pages[ slug ] = 0; // @todo should prefix with type
self.loadItems( slug, type );
} );
} );
// Load available menu items.
loadItems: function( type, obj_type ) {
var self = this, params, request, itemTemplate;
itemTemplate = wp.template( 'available-menu-item' );
if ( 0 > self.pages[type] ) {
$( '#available-menu-items-' + type + ' .accordion-section-title' ).addClass( 'loading' );
self.loading = true;
params = {
'customize-menus-nonce': api.Menus.data.nonce,
'wp_customize': 'on',
'type': type,
'obj_type': obj_type,
'page': self.pages[ type ]
request = wp.ajax.post( 'load-available-menu-items-customizer', params );
request.done(function( data ) {
var items, typeInner;
items = data.items;
if ( 0 === items.length ) {
self.pages[ type ] = -1;
items = new api.Menus.AvailableItemCollection( items ); // @todo Why is this collection created and then thrown away?
self.collection.add( items.models );
typeInner = $( '#available-menu-items-' + type + ' .accordion-section-content' );
items.each(function( menu_item ) {
typeInner.append( itemTemplate( menu_item.attributes ) );
self.pages[ type ] = self.pages[ type ] + 1;
request.fail(function( data ) {
if ( typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.error ) {
console.error( data );
request.always(function() {
$( '#available-menu-items-' + type + ' .accordion-section-title' ).removeClass( 'loading' );
self.loading = false;
// Adjust the height of each section of items to fit the screen.
itemSectionHeight: function() {
var sections, totalHeight, accordionHeight, diff;
totalHeight = window.innerHeight;
sections = this.$el.find( '.accordion-section-content' );
accordionHeight = 46 * ( 1 + sections.length ) - 16; // Magic numbers.
diff = totalHeight - accordionHeight;
if ( 120 < diff && 290 > diff ) {
sections.css( 'max-height', diff );
} else if ( 120 >= diff ) {
this.$el.addClass( 'allow-scroll' );
// Highlights a menu item.
select: function( menuitemTpl ) {
this.selected = $( menuitemTpl );
this.selected.siblings( '.menu-item-tpl' ).removeClass( 'selected' );
this.selected.addClass( 'selected' );
// Highlights a menu item on focus.
focus: function( event ) {
this.select( $( event.currentTarget ) );
// Submit handler for keypress and click on menu item.
_submit: function( event ) {
// Only proceed with keypress if it is Enter or Spacebar
if ( 'keypress' === event.type && ( 13 !== event.which && 32 !== event.which ) ) {
this.submit( $( event.currentTarget ) );
// Adds a selected menu item to the menu.
submit: function( menuitemTpl ) {
var menuitemId, menu_item;
if ( ! menuitemTpl ) {
menuitemTpl = this.selected;
if ( ! menuitemTpl || ! this.currentMenuControl ) {
this.select( menuitemTpl );
menuitemId = $( this.selected ).data( 'menu-item-id' );
menu_item = this.collection.findWhere( { id: menuitemId } );
if ( ! menu_item ) {
this.currentMenuControl.addItemToMenu( menu_item.attributes );
$( menuitemTpl ).find( '.menu-item-handle' ).addClass( 'item-added' );
// Submit handler for keypress and click on custom menu item.
_submitLink: function( event ) {
// Only proceed with keypress if it is Enter.
if ( 'keypress' === event.type && 13 !== event.which ) {
// Adds the custom menu item to the menu.
submitLink: function() {
var menuItem,
itemName = $( '#custom-menu-item-name' ),
itemUrl = $( '#custom-menu-item-url' );
if ( ! this.currentMenuControl ) {
if ( '' === itemName.val() ) {
itemName.addClass( 'invalid' );
} else if ( '' === itemUrl.val() || 'http://' === itemUrl.val() ) {
itemUrl.addClass( 'invalid' );
menuItem = {
'title': itemName.val(),
'url': itemUrl.val(),
'type': 'custom',
'type_label': api.Menus.data.l10n.custom_label,
'object': ''
this.currentMenuControl.addItemToMenu( menuItem );
// Reset the custom link form.
itemUrl.val( 'http://' );
itemName.val( '' );
// Opens the panel.
open: function( menuControl ) {
this.currentMenuControl = menuControl;
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'adding-menu-items' );
// Collapse all controls.
_( this.currentMenuControl.getMenuItemControls() ).each( function( control ) {
} );
this.$el.find( '.selected' ).removeClass( 'selected' );
// Closes the panel
close: function( options ) {
options = options || {};
if ( options.returnFocus && this.currentMenuControl ) {
this.currentMenuControl.container.find( '.add-new-menu-item' ).focus();
this.currentMenuControl = null;
this.selected = null;
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'adding-menu-items' );
$( '#available-menu-items .menu-item-handle.item-added' ).removeClass( 'item-added' );
this.$search.val( '' );
// Add keyboard accessiblity to the panel
keyboardAccessible: function( event ) {
var isEnter = ( 13 === event.which ),
isEsc = ( 27 === event.which ),
isDown = ( 40 === event.which ),
isUp = ( 38 === event.which ),
isBackTab = ( 9 === event.which && event.shiftKey ),
selected = null,
firstVisible = this.$el.find( '> .menu-item-tpl:visible:first' ),
lastVisible = this.$el.find( '> .menu-item-tpl:visible:last' ),
isSearchFocused = $( event.target ).is( this.$search );
if ( isDown || isUp ) {
if ( isDown ) {
if ( isSearchFocused ) {
selected = firstVisible;
} else if ( this.selected && 0 !== this.selected.nextAll( '.menu-item-tpl:visible' ).length ) {
selected = this.selected.nextAll( '.menu-item-tpl:visible:first' );
} else if ( isUp ) {
if ( isSearchFocused ) {
selected = lastVisible;
} else if ( this.selected && 0 !== this.selected.prevAll( '.menu-item-tpl:visible' ).length ) {
selected = this.selected.prevAll( '.menu-item-tpl:visible:first' );
this.select( selected );
if ( selected ) {
} else {
// If enter pressed but nothing entered, don't do anything
if ( isEnter && ! this.$search.val() ) {
if ( isSearchFocused && isBackTab ) {
this.currentMenuControl.container.find( '.add-new-menu-item' ).focus();
event.preventDefault(); // Avoid additional back-tab.
} else if ( isEsc ) {
this.close( { returnFocus: true } );
* wp.customize.Menus.MenusPanel
* Customizer panel for menus. This is used only for screen options management.
* Note that 'menus' must match the WP_Customize_Menu_Panel::$type.
* @constructor
* @augments wp.customize.Panel
api.Menus.MenusPanel = api.Panel.extend({
attachEvents: function() {
api.Panel.prototype.attachEvents.call( this );
var panel = this,
panelMeta = panel.container.find( '.panel-meta' ),
help = panelMeta.find( '.customize-help-toggle' ),
content = panelMeta.find( '.customize-panel-description' ),
options = $( '#screen-options-wrap' ),
button = panelMeta.find( '.customize-screen-options-toggle' );
button.on( 'click', function() {
// Hide description
if ( content.not( ':hidden' ) ) {
content.slideUp( 'fast' );
help.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
if ( 'true' === button.attr( 'aria-expanded' ) ) {
button.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
panelMeta.removeClass( 'open' );
panelMeta.removeClass( 'active-menu-screen-options' );
options.slideUp( 'fast' );
} else {
button.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );
panelMeta.addClass( 'open' );
panelMeta.addClass( 'active-menu-screen-options' );
options.slideDown( 'fast' );
return false;
} );
// Help toggle
help.on( 'click', function() {
if ( 'true' === button.attr( 'aria-expanded' ) ) {
button.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
help.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );
panelMeta.addClass( 'open' );
panelMeta.removeClass( 'active-menu-screen-options' );
options.slideUp( 'fast' );
content.slideDown( 'fast' );
} );
* Show/hide/save screen options (columns). From common.js.
ready: function() {
var panel = this;
this.container.find( '.hide-column-tog' ).click( function() {
var $t = $( this ), column = $t.val();
if ( $t.prop( 'checked' ) ) {
panel.checked( column );
} else {
panel.unchecked( column );
this.container.find( '.hide-column-tog' ).each( function() {
var $t = $( this ), column = $t.val();
if ( $t.prop( 'checked' ) ) {
panel.checked( column );
} else {
panel.unchecked( column );
saveManageColumnsState: function() {
var hidden = this.hidden();
$.post( wp.ajax.settings.url, {
action: 'hidden-columns',
hidden: hidden,
screenoptionnonce: $( '#screenoptionnonce' ).val(),
page: 'nav-menus'
checked: function( column ) {
this.container.addClass( 'field-' + column + '-active' );
unchecked: function( column ) {
this.container.removeClass( 'field-' + column + '-active' );
hidden: function() {
this.hidden = function() {
return $( '.hide-column-tog' ).not( ':checked' ).map( function() {
var id = this.id;
return id.substring( id, id.length - 5 );
}).get().join( ',' );
} );
* wp.customize.Menus.MenuSection
* Customizer section for menus. This is used only for lazy-loading child controls.
* Note that 'nav_menu' must match the WP_Customize_Menu_Section::$type.
* @constructor
* @augments wp.customize.Section
api.Menus.MenuSection = api.Section.extend({
* @since Menu Customizer 0.3
* @param {String} id
* @param {Object} options
initialize: function( id, options ) {
var section = this;
api.Section.prototype.initialize.call( section, id, options );
section.deferred.initSortables = $.Deferred();
ready: function() {
var section = this;
if ( 'undefined' === typeof section.params.menu_id ) {
throw new Error( 'params.menu_id was not defined' );
* Since newly created sections won't be registered in PHP, we need to prevent the
* preview's sending of the activeSections to result in this control
* being deactivated when the preview refreshes. So we can hook onto
* the setting that has the same ID and its presence can dictate
* whether the section is active.
section.active.validate = function() {
if ( ! api.has( section.id ) ) {
return false;
return !! api( section.id ).get();
section.navMenuLocationSettings = {};
section.assignedLocations = new api.Value( [] );
api.each(function( setting, id ) {
var matches = id.match( /^nav_menu_locations\[(.+?)]/ );
if ( matches ) {
section.navMenuLocationSettings[ matches[1] ] = setting;
setting.bind( function() {
section.assignedLocations.bind(function( to ) {
section.updateAssignedLocationsInSectionTitle( to );
populateControls: function() {
var section = this, menuNameControlId, menuControl, menuNameControl;
// Add the control for managing the menu name.
menuNameControlId = section.id + '[name]';
menuNameControl = api.control( menuNameControlId );
if ( ! menuNameControl ) {
menuNameControl = new api.controlConstructor.nav_menu_name( menuNameControlId, {
params: {
type: 'nav_menu_name',
content: '<li id="customize-control-' + section.id.replace( '[', '-' ).replace( ']', '' ) + '-name" class="customize-control customize-control-nav_menu_name"></li>', // @todo core should do this for us
label: '',
active: true,
section: section.id,
priority: 0,
settings: {
'default': section.id
} );
api.control.add( menuNameControl.id, menuNameControl );
menuNameControl.active.set( true );
// Add the menu control.
menuControl = api.control( section.id );
if ( ! menuControl ) {
menuControl = new api.controlConstructor.nav_menu( section.id, {
params: {
type: 'nav_menu',
content: '<li id="customize-control-' + section.id.replace( '[', '-' ).replace( ']', '' ) + '" class="customize-control customize-control-nav_menu"></li>', // @todo core should do this for us
section: section.id,
priority: 999,
active: true,
settings: {
'default': section.id
menu_id: section.params.menu_id
} );
api.control.add( menuControl.id, menuControl );
menuControl.active.set( true );
refreshAssignedLocations: function() {
var section = this,
menuTermId = section.params.menu_id,
currentAssignedLocations = [];
_.each( section.navMenuLocationSettings, function( setting, themeLocation ) {
if ( setting() === menuTermId ) {
currentAssignedLocations.push( themeLocation );
section.assignedLocations.set( currentAssignedLocations );
* @param {array} themeLocations
updateAssignedLocationsInSectionTitle: function( themeLocations ) {
var section = this,
$title = section.container.find( '.accordion-section-title:first' );
$title.find( '.menu-in-location' ).remove();
_.each( themeLocations, function( themeLocation ) {
var $label = $( '<span class="menu-in-location"></span>' );
$label.text( api.Menus.data.l10n.menuLocation.replace( '%s', themeLocation ) );
$title.append( $label );
section.container.toggleClass( 'assigned-to-menu-location', 0 !== themeLocations.length );
onChangeExpanded: function( expanded, args ) {
var section = this;
if ( expanded ) {
wpNavMenu.menuList = section.container.find( '.accordion-section-content:first' );
wpNavMenu.targetList = wpNavMenu.menuList;
// Add attributes needed by wpNavMenu
$( '#menu-to-edit' ).removeAttr( 'id' );
wpNavMenu.menuList.attr( 'id', 'menu-to-edit' ).addClass( 'menu' );
_.each( api.section( section.id ).controls(), function( control ) {
if ( 'nav_menu_item' === control.params.type ) {
} );
if ( 'resolved' !== section.deferred.initSortables.state() ) {
wpNavMenu.initSortables(); // Depends on menu-to-edit ID being set above.
section.deferred.initSortables.resolve( wpNavMenu.menuList ); // Now MenuControl can extend the sortable.
// @todo Note that wp.customize.reflowPaneContents() is debounced, so this immediate change will show a slight flicker while priorities get updated.
api.control( 'nav_menu[' + String( section.params.menu_id ) + ']' ).reflowMenuItems();
api.Section.prototype.onChangeExpanded.call( section, expanded, args );
* wp.customize.Menus.NewMenuSection
* Customizer section for new menus.
* Note that 'new_menu' must match the WP_Customize_New_Menu_Section::$type.
* @constructor
* @augments wp.customize.Section
api.Menus.NewMenuSection = api.Section.extend({
* Add behaviors for the accordion section.
* @since Menu Customizer 0.3
attachEvents: function() {
var section = this;
this.container.on( 'click', '.add-menu-toggle', function() {
if ( section.expanded() ) {
} else {
* Update UI to reflect expanded state.
* @since 4.1.0
* @param {Boolean} expanded
onChangeExpanded: function( expanded ) {
var section = this,
button = section.container.find( '.add-menu-toggle' ),
content = section.container.find( '.new-menu-section-content' ),
customizer = section.container.closest( '.wp-full-overlay-sidebar-content' );
if ( expanded ) {
button.addClass( 'open' );
button.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );
content.slideDown( 'fast', function() {
customizer.scrollTop( customizer.height() );
} else {
button.removeClass( 'open' );
button.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
content.slideUp( 'fast' );
* wp.customize.Menus.MenuLocationControl
* Customizer control for menu locations (rendered as a <select>).
* Note that 'nav_menu_location' must match the WP_Customize_Nav_Menu_Location_Control::$type.
* @constructor
* @augments wp.customize.Control
api.Menus.MenuLocationControl = api.Control.extend({
initialize: function( id, options ) {
var control = this,
matches = id.match( /^nav_menu_locations\[(.+?)]/ );
control.themeLocation = matches[1];
api.Control.prototype.initialize.call( control, id, options );
ready: function() {
var control = this, navMenuIdRegex = /^nav_menu\[(-?\d+)]/;
// @todo It would be better if this was added directly on the setting itself, as opposed to the control.
control.setting.validate = function( value ) {
return parseInt( value, 10 );
// Add/remove menus from the available options when they are added and removed.
api.bind( 'add', function( setting ) {
var option, menuId, matches = setting.id.match( navMenuIdRegex );
if ( ! matches || false === setting() ) {
menuId = matches[1];
option = new Option( setting().name, menuId );
control.container.find( 'select' ).append( option );
api.bind( 'remove', function( setting ) {
var menuId, matches = setting.id.match( navMenuIdRegex );
if ( ! matches ) {
menuId = parseInt( matches[1], 10 );
if ( control.setting() === menuId ) {
control.setting.set( '' );
control.container.find( 'option[value=' + menuId + ']' ).remove();
api.bind( 'change', function( setting ) {
var menuId, matches = setting.id.match( navMenuIdRegex );
if ( ! matches ) {
menuId = parseInt( matches[1], 10 );
if ( false === setting() ) {
if ( control.setting() === menuId ) {
control.setting.set( '' );
control.container.find( 'option[value=' + menuId + ']' ).remove();
} else {
control.container.find( 'option[value=' + menuId + ']' ).text( setting().name );
* wp.customize.Menus.MenuItemControl
* Customizer control for menu items.
* Note that 'menu_item' must match the WP_Customize_Menu_Item_Control::$type.
* @constructor
* @augments wp.customize.Control
api.Menus.MenuItemControl = api.Control.extend({
* @inheritdoc
initialize: function( id, options ) {
var control = this;
api.Control.prototype.initialize.call( control, id, options );
control.active.validate = function() {
return api.section( control.section() ).active();
* @since Menu Customizer 0.3
* Override the embed() method to do nothing,
* so that the control isn't embedded on load,
* unless the containing section is already expanded.
embed: function() {
var control = this,
sectionId = control.section(),
if ( ! sectionId ) {
section = api.section( sectionId );
if ( section && section.expanded() ) {
* This function is called in Section.onChangeExpanded() so the control
* will only get embedded when the Section is first expanded.
* @since Menu Customizer 0.3
actuallyEmbed: function() {
var control = this;
if ( 'resolved' === control.deferred.embedded.state() ) {
control.deferred.embedded.resolve(); // This triggers control.ready().
* Set up the control.
ready: function() {
if ( 'undefined' === typeof this.params.menu_item_id ) {
throw new Error( 'params.menu_item_id was not defined' );
* Show/hide the settings when clicking on the menu item handle.
_setupControlToggle: function() {
var control = this;
this.container.find( '.menu-item-handle' ).on( 'click', function( e ) {
var menuControl = control.getMenuControl();
if ( menuControl.isReordering || menuControl.isSorting ) {
} );
* Set up the menu-item-reorder-nav
_setupReorderUI: function() {
var control = this, template, $reorderNav;
template = wp.template( 'menu-item-reorder-nav' );
// Add the menu item reordering elements to the menu item control.
control.container.find( '.item-controls' ).after( template );
// Handle clicks for up/down/left-right on the reorder nav.
$reorderNav = control.container.find( '.menu-item-reorder-nav' );
$reorderNav.find( '.menus-move-up, .menus-move-down, .menus-move-left, .menus-move-right' ).on( 'click', function() {
var moveBtn = $( this );
var isMoveUp = moveBtn.is( '.menus-move-up' ),
isMoveDown = moveBtn.is( '.menus-move-down' ),
isMoveLeft = moveBtn.is( '.menus-move-left' ),
isMoveRight = moveBtn.is( '.menus-move-right' );
if ( isMoveUp ) {
} else if ( isMoveDown ) {
} else if ( isMoveLeft ) {
} else if ( isMoveRight ) {
moveBtn.focus(); // Re-focus after the container was moved.
} );
* Set up event handlers for menu item updating.
_setupUpdateUI: function() {
var control = this,
settingValue = control.setting();
control.elements = {};
control.elements.url = new api.Element( control.container.find( '.edit-menu-item-url' ) );
control.elements.title = new api.Element( control.container.find( '.edit-menu-item-title' ) );
control.elements.attr_title = new api.Element( control.container.find( '.edit-menu-item-attr-title' ) );
control.elements.target = new api.Element( control.container.find( '.edit-menu-item-target' ) );
control.elements.classes = new api.Element( control.container.find( '.edit-menu-item-classes' ) );
control.elements.xfn = new api.Element( control.container.find( '.edit-menu-item-xfn' ) );
control.elements.description = new api.Element( control.container.find( '.edit-menu-item-description' ) );
// @todo allow other elements, added by plugins, to be automatically picked up here; allow additional values to be added to setting array.
_.each( control.elements, function( element, property ) {
element.bind(function( value ) {
if ( element.element.is( 'input[type=checkbox]' ) ) {
value = ( value ) ? element.element.val() : '';
var settingValue = control.setting();
if ( settingValue && settingValue[ property ] !== value ) {
settingValue = _.clone( settingValue );
settingValue[ property ] = value;
control.setting.set( settingValue );
if ( settingValue ) {
element.set( settingValue[ property ] );
control.setting.bind(function( to, from ) {
var itemId = control.params.menu_item_id,
followingSiblingItemControls = [],
childrenItemControls = [],
if ( false === to ) {
menuControl = api.control( 'nav_menu[' + String( from.nav_menu_term_id ) + ']' );
_.each( menuControl.getMenuItemControls(), function( otherControl ) {
if ( from.menu_item_parent === otherControl.setting().menu_item_parent && otherControl.setting().position > from.position ) {
followingSiblingItemControls.push( otherControl );
} else if ( otherControl.setting().menu_item_parent === itemId ) {
childrenItemControls.push( otherControl );
// Shift all following siblings by the number of children this item has.
_.each( followingSiblingItemControls, function( followingSiblingItemControl ) {
var value = _.clone( followingSiblingItemControl.setting() );
value.position += childrenItemControls.length;
followingSiblingItemControl.setting.set( value );
// Now move the children up to be the new subsequent siblings.
_.each( childrenItemControls, function( childrenItemControl, i ) {
var value = _.clone( childrenItemControl.setting() );
value.position = from.position + i;
value.menu_item_parent = from.menu_item_parent;
childrenItemControl.setting.set( value );
} else {
// Update the elements' values to match the new setting properties.
_.each( to, function( value, key ) {
if ( control.elements[ key] ) {
control.elements[ key ].set( to[ key ] );
} );
control.container.find( '.menu-item-data-parent-id' ).val( to.menu_item_parent );
// Handle UI updates when the position or depth (parent) change.
if ( to.position !== from.position || to.menu_item_parent !== from.menu_item_parent ) {
* Set up event handlers for menu item deletion.
_setupRemoveUI: function() {
var control = this, $removeBtn;
// Configure delete button.
$removeBtn = control.container.find( '.item-delete' );
$removeBtn.on( 'click', function() {
// Find an adjacent element to add focus to when this menu item goes away
var $adjacentFocusTarget;
if ( control.container.next().is( '.customize-control-nav_menu_item' ) ) {
if ( ! $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'adding-menu-items' ) ) {
$adjacentFocusTarget = control.container.next().find( '.item-edit:first' );
} else {
$adjacentFocusTarget = control.container.next().find( '.item-delete:first' );
} else if ( control.container.prev().is( '.customize-control-nav_menu_item' ) ) {
if ( ! $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'adding-menu-items' ) ) {
$adjacentFocusTarget = control.container.prev().find( '.item-edit:first' );
} else {
$adjacentFocusTarget = control.container.prev().find( '.item-delete:first' );
} else {
$adjacentFocusTarget = control.container.next( '.customize-control-nav_menu' ).find( '.add-new-menu-item' );
control.container.slideUp( function() {
control.setting.set( false );
wp.a11y.speak( api.Menus.data.l10n.itemDeleted );
$adjacentFocusTarget.focus(); // keyboard accessibility
} );
} );
_setupLinksUI: function() {
var $origBtn;
// Configure original link.
$origBtn = this.container.find( 'a.original-link' );
$origBtn.on( 'click', function( e ) {
api.previewer.previewUrl( e.target.toString() );
} );
* Update item handle title when changed.
_setupTitleUI: function() {
var control = this;
control.setting.bind( function( item ) {
if ( ! item ) {
var titleEl = control.container.find( '.menu-item-title' );
// Don't update to an empty title.
if ( item.title ) {
.text( item.title )
.removeClass( 'no-title' );
} else {
.text( api.Menus.data.l10n.untitled )
.addClass( 'no-title' );
} );
* @returns {number}
getDepth: function() {
var control = this, setting = control.setting(), depth = 0;
if ( ! setting ) {
return 0;
while ( setting && setting.menu_item_parent ) {
depth += 1;
control = api.control( 'nav_menu_item[' + setting.menu_item_parent + ']' );
if ( ! control ) {
setting = control.setting();
return depth;
* Amend the control's params with the data necessary for the JS template just in time.
renderContent: function() {
var control = this,
settingValue = control.setting(),
control.params.title = settingValue.title || '';
control.params.depth = control.getDepth();
control.container.data( 'item-depth', control.params.depth );
containerClasses = [
'menu-item-depth-' + String( control.params.depth ),
'menu-item-' + settingValue.object,
if ( settingValue.invalid ) {
containerClasses.push( 'invalid' );
control.params.title = api.Menus.data.invalidTitleTpl.replace( '%s', control.params.title );
} else if ( 'draft' === settingValue.status ) {
containerClasses.push( 'pending' );
control.params.title = api.Menus.data.pendingTitleTpl.replace( '%s', control.params.title );
control.params.el_classes = containerClasses.join( ' ' );
control.params.item_type_label = api.Menus.getTypeLabel( settingValue.type, settingValue.object );
control.params.item_type = settingValue.type;
control.params.url = settingValue.url;
control.params.target = settingValue.target;
control.params.attr_title = settingValue.attr_title;
control.params.classes = _.isArray( settingValue.classes ) ? settingValue.classes.join( ' ' ) : settingValue.classes;
control.params.attr_title = settingValue.attr_title;
control.params.xfn = settingValue.xfn;
control.params.description = settingValue.description;
control.params.parent = settingValue.menu_item_parent;
control.params.original_title = settingValue.original_title || '';
control.container.addClass( control.params.el_classes );
api.Control.prototype.renderContent.call( control );
* Begin public API methods
* @return {wp.customize.controlConstructor.nav_menu|null}
getMenuControl: function() {
var control = this, settingValue = control.setting();
if ( settingValue && settingValue.nav_menu_term_id ) {
return api.control( 'nav_menu[' + settingValue.nav_menu_term_id + ']' );
} else {
return null;
* Expand the accordion section containing a control
expandControlSection: function() {
var $section = this.container.closest( '.accordion-section' );
if ( ! $section.hasClass( 'open' ) ) {
$section.find( '.accordion-section-title:first' ).trigger( 'click' );
* Expand the menu item form control.
expandForm: function() {
this.toggleForm( true );
* Collapse the menu item form control.
collapseForm: function() {
this.toggleForm( false );
* Expand or collapse the menu item control.
* @param {boolean|undefined} [showOrHide] If not supplied, will be inverse of current visibility
toggleForm: function( showOrHide ) {
var self = this, $menuitem, $inside, complete;
$menuitem = this.container;
$inside = $menuitem.find( '.menu-item-settings:first' );
if ( 'undefined' === typeof showOrHide ) {
showOrHide = ! $inside.is( ':visible' );
// Already expanded or collapsed.
if ( $inside.is( ':visible' ) === showOrHide ) {
if ( showOrHide ) {
// Close all other menu item controls before expanding this one.
api.control.each( function( otherControl ) {
if ( self.params.type === otherControl.params.type && self !== otherControl ) {
} );
complete = function() {
.removeClass( 'menu-item-edit-inactive' )
.addClass( 'menu-item-edit-active' );
self.container.trigger( 'expanded' );
$inside.slideDown( 'fast', complete );
self.container.trigger( 'expand' );
} else {
complete = function() {
.addClass( 'menu-item-edit-inactive' )
.removeClass( 'menu-item-edit-active' );
self.container.trigger( 'collapsed' );
self.container.trigger( 'collapse' );
$inside.slideUp( 'fast', complete );
* Expand the containing menu section, expand the form, and focus on
* the first input in the control.
focus: function() {
this.container.find( '.menu-item-settings :focusable:first' ).focus();
* Move menu item up one in the menu.
moveUp: function() {
this._changePosition( -1 );
wp.a11y.speak( api.Menus.data.l10n.movedUp );
* Move menu item up one in the menu.
moveDown: function() {
this._changePosition( 1 );
wp.a11y.speak( api.Menus.data.l10n.movedDown );
* Move menu item and all children up one level of depth.
moveLeft: function() {
this._changeDepth( -1 );
wp.a11y.speak( api.Menus.data.l10n.movedLeft );
* Move menu item and children one level deeper, as a submenu of the previous item.
moveRight: function() {
this._changeDepth( 1 );
wp.a11y.speak( api.Menus.data.l10n.movedRight );
* Note that this will trigger a UI update, causing child items to
* move as well and cardinal order class names to be updated.
* @private
* @param {Number} offset 1|-1
_changePosition: function( offset ) {
var control = this,
settingValue = _.clone( control.setting() ),
siblingSettings = [],
if ( 1 !== offset && -1 !== offset ) {
throw new Error( 'Offset changes by 1 are only supported.' );
// Skip moving deleted items.
if ( ! control.setting() ) {
// Locate the other items under the same parent (siblings).
_( control.getMenuControl().getMenuItemControls() ).each(function( otherControl ) {
if ( otherControl.setting().menu_item_parent === settingValue.menu_item_parent ) {
siblingSettings.push( otherControl.setting );
siblingSettings.sort(function( a, b ) {
return a().position - b().position;
realPosition = _.indexOf( siblingSettings, control.setting );
if ( -1 === realPosition ) {
throw new Error( 'Expected setting to be among siblings.' );
// Skip doing anything if the item is already at the edge in the desired direction.
if ( ( realPosition === 0 && offset < 0 ) || ( realPosition === siblingSettings.length - 1 && offset > 0 ) ) {
// @todo Should we allow a menu item to be moved up to break it out of a parent? Adopt with previous or following parent?
// Update any adjacent menu item setting to take on this item's position.
adjacentSetting = siblingSettings[ realPosition + offset ];
if ( adjacentSetting ) {
adjacentSetting.set( $.extend(
_.clone( adjacentSetting() ),
position: settingValue.position
) );
settingValue.position += offset;
control.setting.set( settingValue );
* Note that this will trigger a UI update, causing child items to
* move as well and cardinal order class names to be updated.
* @private
* @param {Number} offset 1|-1
_changeDepth: function( offset ) {
if ( 1 !== offset && -1 !== offset ) {
throw new Error( 'Offset changes by 1 are only supported.' );
var control = this,
settingValue = _.clone( control.setting() ),
siblingControls = [],
// Locate the other items under the same parent (siblings).
_( control.getMenuControl().getMenuItemControls() ).each(function( otherControl ) {
if ( otherControl.setting().menu_item_parent === settingValue.menu_item_parent ) {
siblingControls.push( otherControl );
siblingControls.sort(function( a, b ) {
return a.setting().position - b.setting().position;
realPosition = _.indexOf( siblingControls, control );
if ( -1 === realPosition ) {
throw new Error( 'Expected control to be among siblings.' );
if ( -1 === offset ) {
// Skip moving left an item that is already at the top level.
if ( ! settingValue.menu_item_parent ) {
parentControl = api.control( 'nav_menu_item[' + settingValue.menu_item_parent + ']' );
// Make this control the parent of all the following siblings.
_( siblingControls ).chain().slice( realPosition ).each(function( siblingControl, i ) {
menu_item_parent: control.params.menu_item_id,
position: i
// Increase the positions of the parent item's subsequent children to make room for this one.
_( control.getMenuControl().getMenuItemControls() ).each(function( otherControl ) {
var otherControlSettingValue, isControlToBeShifted;
isControlToBeShifted = (
otherControl.setting().menu_item_parent === parentControl.setting().menu_item_parent &&
otherControl.setting().position > parentControl.setting().position
if ( isControlToBeShifted ) {
otherControlSettingValue = _.clone( otherControl.setting() );
{ position: otherControlSettingValue.position + 1 }
// Make this control the following sibling of its parent item.
settingValue.position = parentControl.setting().position + 1;
settingValue.menu_item_parent = parentControl.setting().menu_item_parent;
control.setting.set( settingValue );
} else if ( 1 === offset ) {
// Skip moving right an item that doesn't have a previous sibling.
if ( realPosition === 0 ) {
// Make the control the last child of the previous sibling.
siblingControl = siblingControls[ realPosition - 1 ];
settingValue.menu_item_parent = siblingControl.params.menu_item_id;
settingValue.position = 0;
_( control.getMenuControl().getMenuItemControls() ).each(function( otherControl ) {
if ( otherControl.setting().menu_item_parent === settingValue.menu_item_parent ) {
settingValue.position = Math.max( settingValue.position, otherControl.setting().position );
settingValue.position += 1;
control.setting.set( settingValue );
} );
* wp.customize.Menus.MenuNameControl
* Customizer control for a nav menu's name.
* @constructor
* @augments wp.customize.Control
api.Menus.MenuNameControl = api.Control.extend({
ready: function() {
var control = this,
settingValue = control.setting();
* Since the control is not registered in PHP, we need to prevent the
* preview's sending of the activeControls to result in this control
* being deactivated.
control.active.validate = function() {
return api.section( control.section() ).active();
control.nameElement = new api.Element( control.container.find( '.menu-name-field' ) );
control.nameElement.bind(function( value ) {
var settingValue = control.setting();
if ( settingValue && settingValue.name !== value ) {
settingValue = _.clone( settingValue );
settingValue.name = value;
control.setting.set( settingValue );
if ( settingValue ) {
control.nameElement.set( settingValue.name );
control.setting.bind(function( object ) {
if ( object ) {
control.nameElement.set( object.name );
* wp.customize.Menus.MenuControl
* Customizer control for menus.
* Note that 'nav_menu' must match the WP_Menu_Customize_Control::$type
* @constructor
* @augments wp.customize.Control
api.Menus.MenuControl = api.Control.extend({
* Set up the control.
ready: function() {
var control = this,
menuId = control.params.menu_id;
if ( 'undefined' === typeof this.params.menu_id ) {
throw new Error( 'params.menu_id was not defined' );
* Since the control is not registered in PHP, we need to prevent the
* preview's sending of the activeControls to result in this control
* being deactivated.
control.active.validate = function() {
return api.section( control.section() ).active();
control.$controlSection = control.container.closest( '.control-section' );
control.$sectionContent = control.container.closest( '.accordion-section-content' );
api.section( control.section(), function( section ) {
section.deferred.initSortables.done(function( menuList ) {
control._setupSortable( menuList );
} );
// Add menu to Custom Menu widgets.
if ( control.setting() ) {
api.control.each( function( widgetControl ) {
if ( ! widgetControl.extended( api.controlConstructor.widget_form ) || 'nav_menu' !== widgetControl.params.widget_id_base ) {
var select = widgetControl.container.find( 'select' );
if ( select.find( 'option[value=' + String( menuId ) + ']' ).length === 0 ) {
select.append( new Option( control.setting().name, menuId ) );
} );
$( '#available-widgets-list .widget-inside:has(input.id_base[value=nav_menu]) select:first' ).append( new Option( control.setting().name, menuId ) );
* Update ordering of menu item controls when the setting is updated.
_setupModel: function() {
var control = this,
menuId = control.params.menu_id;
control.elements = {};
control.elements.auto_add = new api.Element( control.container.find( 'input[type=checkbox].auto_add' ) );
control.elements.auto_add.bind(function( auto_add ) {
var settingValue = control.setting();
if ( settingValue && settingValue.auto_add !== auto_add ) {
settingValue = _.clone( settingValue );
settingValue.auto_add = auto_add;
control.setting.set( settingValue );
control.elements.auto_add.set( control.setting().auto_add );
control.setting.bind(function( object ) {
if ( ! object ) {
control.elements.auto_add.set( object.auto_add );
control.setting.bind( function( to ) {
if ( false === to ) {
} else {
// Update names in the Custom Menu widgets.
api.control.each( function( widgetControl ) {
if ( ! widgetControl.extended( api.controlConstructor.widget_form ) || 'nav_menu' !== widgetControl.params.widget_id_base ) {
var select = widgetControl.container.find( 'select' );
select.find( 'option[value=' + String( menuId ) + ']' ).text( to.name );
$( '#available-widgets-list .widget-inside:has(input.id_base[value=nav_menu]) select:first option[value=' + String( menuId ) + ']' ).text( to.name );
} );
control.container.find( '.menu-delete' ).on( 'click', function( event ) {
control.setting.set( false );
* Allow items in each menu to be re-ordered, and for the order to be previewed.
* Notice that the UI aspects here are handled by wpNavMenu.initSortables()
* which is called in MenuSection.onChangeExpanded()
* @param {object} menuList - The element that has sortable().
_setupSortable: function( menuList ) {
var control = this;
if ( ! menuList.is( control.$sectionContent ) ) {
throw new Error( 'Unexpected menuList.' );
menuList.on( 'sortstart', function() {
control.isSorting = true;
menuList.on( 'sortstop', function() {
setTimeout( function() { // Next tick.
var menuItemContainerIds = control.$sectionContent.sortable( 'toArray' ),
menuItemControls = [],
position = 0,
priority = 10;
control.isSorting = false;
_.each( menuItemContainerIds, function( menuItemContainerId ) {
var menuItemId, menuItemControl, matches;
matches = menuItemContainerId.match( /^customize-control-nav_menu_item-(-?\d+)$/, '' );
if ( ! matches ) {
menuItemId = parseInt( matches[1], 10 );
menuItemControl = api.control( 'nav_menu_item[' + String( menuItemId ) + ']' );
if ( menuItemControl ) {
menuItemControls.push( menuItemControl );
} );
_.each( menuItemControls, function( menuItemControl ) {
if ( false === menuItemControl.setting() ) {
// Skip deleted items.
var setting = _.clone( menuItemControl.setting() );
position += 1;
priority += 1;
setting.position = position;
menuItemControl.priority( priority );
// Note that wpNavMenu will be setting this .menu-item-data-parent-id input's value.
setting.menu_item_parent = parseInt( menuItemControl.container.find( '.menu-item-data-parent-id' ).val(), 10 );
if ( ! setting.menu_item_parent ) {
setting.menu_item_parent = 0;
menuItemControl.setting.set( setting );
control.isReordering = false;
* Keyboard-accessible reordering.
this.container.find( '.reorder-toggle' ).on( 'click', function() {
control.toggleReordering( ! control.isReordering );
} );
* Set up UI for adding a new menu item.
_setupAddition: function() {
var self = this;
this.container.find( '.add-new-menu-item' ).on( 'click', function( event ) {
if ( self.$sectionContent.hasClass( 'reordering' ) ) {
if ( ! $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'adding-menu-items' ) ) {
$( this ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );
api.Menus.availableMenuItemsPanel.open( self );
} else {
$( this ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
} );
_handleDeletion: function() {
var control = this,
menuId = control.params.menu_id,
section = api.section( control.section() );
removeSection = function() {
api.section.remove( section.id );
if ( section && section.expanded() ) {
completeCallback: function() {
wp.a11y.speak( api.Menus.data.l10n.menuDeleted );
api.panel( 'nav_menus' ).focus();
} else {
// Remove the menu from any Custom Menu widgets.
api.control.each(function( widgetControl ) {
if ( ! widgetControl.extended( api.controlConstructor.widget_form ) || 'nav_menu' !== widgetControl.params.widget_id_base ) {
var select = widgetControl.container.find( 'select' );
if ( select.val() === String( menuId ) ) {
select.prop( 'selectedIndex', 0 ).trigger( 'change' );
select.find( 'option[value=' + String( menuId ) + ']' ).remove();
$( '#available-widgets-list .widget-inside:has(input.id_base[value=nav_menu]) select:first option[value=' + String( menuId ) + ']' ).remove();
// Setup theme location checkboxes.
_setupLocations: function() {
var control = this;
control.container.find( '.assigned-menu-location' ).each(function() {
var container = $( this ),
checkbox = container.find( 'input[type=checkbox]' ),
navMenuLocationSetting = api( 'nav_menu_locations[' + checkbox.data( 'location-id' ) + ']' );
updateSelectedMenuLabel = function( selectedMenuId ) {
var menuSetting = api( 'nav_menu[' + String( selectedMenuId ) + ']' );
if ( ! selectedMenuId || ! menuSetting || ! menuSetting() ) {
container.find( '.theme-location-set' ).hide();
} else {
container.find( '.theme-location-set' ).show().find( 'span' ).text( menuSetting().name );
element = new api.Element( checkbox );
element.set( navMenuLocationSetting.get() === control.params.menu_id );
checkbox.on( 'change', function() {
// Note: We can't use element.bind( function( checked ){ ... } ) here because it will trigger a change as well.
navMenuLocationSetting.set( this.checked ? control.params.menu_id : 0 );
} );
navMenuLocationSetting.bind(function( selectedMenuId ) {
element.set( selectedMenuId === control.params.menu_id );
updateSelectedMenuLabel( selectedMenuId );
updateSelectedMenuLabel( navMenuLocationSetting.get() );
* Update Section Title as menu name is changed.
_setupTitle: function() {
var control = this;
control.setting.bind( function( menu ) {
if ( ! menu ) {
// Empty names are not allowed (will not be saved), don't update to one.
if ( menu.name ) {
var section = control.container.closest( '.accordion-section' ),
menuId = control.params.menu_id,
controlTitle = section.find( '.accordion-section-title' ),
sectionTitle = section.find( '.customize-section-title h3' ),
location = section.find( '.menu-in-location' ),
action = sectionTitle.find( '.customize-action' );
// Update the control title
controlTitle.text( menu.name );
if ( location.length ) {
location.appendTo( controlTitle );
// Update the section title
sectionTitle.text( menu.name );
if ( action.length ) {
action.prependTo( sectionTitle );
// Update the nav menu name in location selects.
api.control.each( function( control ) {
if ( /^nav_menu_locations\[/.test( control.id ) ) {
control.container.find( 'option[value=' + menuId + ']' ).text( menu.name );
} );
// Update the nav menu name in all location checkboxes.
section.find( '.customize-control-checkbox input' ).each( function() {
if ( $( this ).prop( 'checked' ) ) {
$( '.current-menu-location-name-' + $( this ).data( 'location-id' ) ).text( menu.name );
} );
} );
* Begin public API methods
* Enable/disable the reordering UI
* @param {Boolean} showOrHide to enable/disable reordering
toggleReordering: function( showOrHide ) {
showOrHide = Boolean( showOrHide );
if ( showOrHide === this.$sectionContent.hasClass( 'reordering' ) ) {
this.isReordering = showOrHide;
this.$sectionContent.toggleClass( 'reordering', showOrHide );
this.$sectionContent.sortable( this.isReordering ? 'disable' : 'enable' );
if ( showOrHide ) {
_( this.getMenuItemControls() ).each( function( formControl ) {
} );
* @return {wp.customize.controlConstructor.nav_menu_item[]}
getMenuItemControls: function() {
var menuControl = this,
menuItemControls = [],
menuTermId = menuControl.params.menu_id;
api.control.each(function( control ) {
if ( 'nav_menu_item' === control.params.type && control.setting() && menuTermId === control.setting().nav_menu_term_id ) {
menuItemControls.push( control );
return menuItemControls;
* Make sure that each menu item control has the proper depth.
reflowMenuItems: function() {
var menuControl = this,
menuSection = api.section( 'nav_menu[' + String( menuControl.params.menu_id ) + ']' ),
menuItemControls = menuControl.getMenuItemControls(),
reflowRecursively = function( context ) {
var currentMenuItemControls = [],
thisParent = context.currentParent;
_.each( context.menuItemControls, function( menuItemControl ) {
if ( thisParent === menuItemControl.setting().menu_item_parent ) {
currentMenuItemControls.push( menuItemControl );
// @todo We could remove this item from menuItemControls now, for efficiency.
currentMenuItemControls.sort( function( a, b ) {
return a.setting().position - b.setting().position;
_.each( currentMenuItemControls, function( menuItemControl ) {
// Update position.
context.currentAbsolutePosition += 1;
menuItemControl.priority.set( context.currentAbsolutePosition ); // This will change the sort order.
// Update depth.
if ( ! menuItemControl.container.hasClass( 'menu-item-depth-' + String( context.currentDepth ) ) ) {
_.each( menuItemControl.container.prop( 'className' ).match( /menu-item-depth-\d+/g ), function( className ) {
menuItemControl.container.removeClass( className );
menuItemControl.container.addClass( 'menu-item-depth-' + String( context.currentDepth ) );
menuItemControl.container.data( 'item-depth', context.currentDepth );
// Process any children items.
context.currentDepth += 1;
context.currentParent = menuItemControl.params.menu_item_id;
reflowRecursively( context );
context.currentDepth -= 1;
context.currentParent = thisParent;
// Update class names for reordering controls.
if ( currentMenuItemControls.length ) {
_( currentMenuItemControls ).each(function( menuItemControl ) {
menuItemControl.container.removeClass( 'move-up-disabled move-down-disabled move-left-disabled move-right-disabled' );
.addClass( 'move-up-disabled' )
.addClass( 'move-right-disabled' )
.toggleClass( 'move-down-disabled', 1 === currentMenuItemControls.length );
currentMenuItemControls[ currentMenuItemControls.length - 1 ].container
.addClass( 'move-down-disabled' )
.toggleClass( 'move-up-disabled', 1 === currentMenuItemControls.length );
reflowRecursively( {
menuItemControls: menuItemControls,
currentParent: 0,
currentDepth: 0,
currentAbsolutePosition: 0
} );
menuSection.container.find( '.menu-item .menu-item-reorder-nav button' ).prop( 'tabIndex', 0 );
menuSection.container.find( '.menu-item.move-up-disabled .menus-move-up' ).prop( 'tabIndex', -1 );
menuSection.container.find( '.menu-item.move-down-disabled .menus-move-down' ).prop( 'tabIndex', -1 );
menuSection.container.find( '.menu-item.move-left-disabled .menus-move-left' ).prop( 'tabIndex', -1 );
menuSection.container.find( '.menu-item.move-right-disabled .menus-move-right' ).prop( 'tabIndex', -1 );
menuControl.container.find( '.reorder-toggle' ).toggle( menuItemControls.length > 1 );
* Note that this function gets debounced so that when a lot of setting
* changes are made at once, for instance when moving a menu item that
* has child items, this function will only be called once all of the
* settings have been updated.
debouncedReflowMenuItems: _.debounce( function() {
this.reflowMenuItems.apply( this, arguments );
}, 0 ),
* Add a new item to this menu.
* @param {object} item - Value for the nav_menu_item setting to be created.
* @returns {wp.customize.Menus.controlConstructor.nav_menu_item} The newly-created nav_menu_item control instance.
addItemToMenu: function( item ) {
var menuControl = this, customizeId, settingArgs, setting, menuItemControl, placeholderId, position = 0, priority = 10;
_.each( menuControl.getMenuItemControls(), function( control ) {
if ( false === control.setting() ) {
priority = Math.max( priority, control.priority() );
if ( 0 === control.setting().menu_item_parent ) {
position = Math.max( position, control.setting().position );
position += 1;
priority += 1;
item = $.extend(
nav_menu_term_id: menuControl.params.menu_id,
original_title: item.title,
position: position
delete item.id; // only used by Backbone
placeholderId = api.Menus.generatePlaceholderAutoIncrementId();
customizeId = 'nav_menu_item[' + String( placeholderId ) + ']';
settingArgs = {
type: 'nav_menu_item',
transport: 'postMessage',
previewer: api.previewer
setting = api.create( customizeId, customizeId, {}, settingArgs );
setting.set( item ); // Change from initial empty object to actual item to mark as dirty.
// Add the menu item control.
menuItemControl = new api.controlConstructor.nav_menu_item( customizeId, {
params: {
type: 'nav_menu_item',
content: '<li id="customize-control-nav_menu_item-' + String( placeholderId ) + '" class="customize-control customize-control-nav_menu_item"></li>',
section: menuControl.id,
priority: priority,
active: true,
settings: {
'default': customizeId
menu_item_id: placeholderId
previewer: api.previewer
} );
api.control.add( customizeId, menuItemControl );
wp.a11y.speak( api.Menus.data.l10n.itemAdded );
return menuItemControl;
} );
* wp.customize.Menus.NewMenuControl
* Customizer control for creating new menus and handling deletion of existing menus.
* Note that 'new_menu' must match the WP_New_Menu_Customize_Control::$type.
* @constructor
* @augments wp.customize.Control
api.Menus.NewMenuControl = api.Control.extend({
* Set up the control.
ready: function() {
_bindHandlers: function() {
var self = this,
name = $( '#customize-control-new_menu_name input' ),
submit = $( '#create-new-menu-submit' );
name.on( 'keydown', function( event ) {
if ( 13 === event.which ) { // Enter.
} );
submit.on( 'click', function( event ) {
} );
* Create the new menu with the name supplied.
* @returns {boolean}
submit: function() {
var control = this,
container = control.container.closest( '.accordion-section-new-menu' ),
nameInput = container.find( '.menu-name-field' ).first(),
name = nameInput.val(),
placeholderId = api.Menus.generatePlaceholderAutoIncrementId();
customizeId = 'nav_menu[' + String( placeholderId ) + ']';
// Register the menu control setting.
api.create( customizeId, customizeId, {}, {
type: 'nav_menu',
transport: 'postMessage',
previewer: api.previewer
} );
api( customizeId ).set( $.extend(
name: name
) );
* Add the menu section (and its controls).
* Note that this will automatically create the required controls
* inside via the Section's ready method.
menuSection = new api.Menus.MenuSection( customizeId, {
params: {
id: customizeId,
panel: 'nav_menus',
title: name,
customizeAction: api.Menus.data.l10n.customizingMenus,
type: 'nav_menu',
priority: 10,
menu_id: placeholderId
} );
api.section.add( customizeId, menuSection );
// Clear name field.
nameInput.val( '' );
wp.a11y.speak( api.Menus.data.l10n.menuAdded );
// Focus on the new menu section.
api.section( customizeId ).focus(); // @todo should we focus on the new menu's control and open the add-items panel? Thinking user flow...
* Extends wp.customize.controlConstructor with control constructor for
* menu_location, menu_item, nav_menu, and new_menu.
$.extend( api.controlConstructor, {
nav_menu_location: api.Menus.MenuLocationControl,
nav_menu_item: api.Menus.MenuItemControl,
nav_menu: api.Menus.MenuControl,
nav_menu_name: api.Menus.MenuNameControl,
new_menu: api.Menus.NewMenuControl
* Extends wp.customize.panelConstructor with section constructor for menus.
$.extend( api.panelConstructor, {
nav_menus: api.Menus.MenusPanel
* Extends wp.customize.sectionConstructor with section constructor for menu.
$.extend( api.sectionConstructor, {
nav_menu: api.Menus.MenuSection,
new_menu: api.Menus.NewMenuSection
* Init Customizer for menus.
api.bind( 'ready', function() {
// Set up the menu items panel.
api.Menus.availableMenuItemsPanel = new api.Menus.AvailableMenuItemsPanelView({
collection: api.Menus.availableMenuItems
api.bind( 'saved', function( data ) {
if ( data.nav_menu_updates || data.nav_menu_item_updates ) {
api.Menus.applySavedData( data );
} );
api.previewer.bind( 'refresh', function() {
} );
* When customize_save comes back with a success, make sure any inserted
* nav menus and items are properly re-added with their newly-assigned IDs.
* @param {object} data
* @param {array} data.nav_menu_updates
* @param {array} data.nav_menu_item_updates
api.Menus.applySavedData = function( data ) {
var insertedMenuIdMapping = {};
_( data.nav_menu_updates ).each(function( update ) {
var oldCustomizeId, newCustomizeId, oldSetting, newSetting, settingValue, oldSection, newSection;
if ( 'inserted' === update.status ) {
if ( ! update.previous_term_id ) {
throw new Error( 'Expected previous_term_id' );
if ( ! update.term_id ) {
throw new Error( 'Expected term_id' );
oldCustomizeId = 'nav_menu[' + String( update.previous_term_id ) + ']';
if ( ! api.has( oldCustomizeId ) ) {
throw new Error( 'Expected setting to exist: ' + oldCustomizeId );
oldSetting = api( oldCustomizeId );
if ( ! api.section.has( oldCustomizeId ) ) {
throw new Error( 'Expected control to exist: ' + oldCustomizeId );
oldSection = api.section( oldCustomizeId );
settingValue = oldSetting.get();
if ( ! settingValue ) {
throw new Error( 'Did not expect setting to be empty (deleted).' );
settingValue = _.clone( settingValue );
insertedMenuIdMapping[ update.previous_term_id ] = update.term_id;
newCustomizeId = 'nav_menu[' + String( update.term_id ) + ']';
newSetting = api.create( newCustomizeId, newCustomizeId, settingValue, {
type: 'nav_menu',
transport: 'postMessage',
previewer: api.previewer
} );
if ( oldSection.expanded() ) {
// Add the menu section.
newSection = new api.Menus.MenuSection( newCustomizeId, {
params: {
id: newCustomizeId,
panel: 'nav_menus',
title: settingValue.name,
customizeAction: api.Menus.data.l10n.customizingMenus,
type: 'nav_menu',
priority: oldSection.priority.get(),
active: true,
menu_id: update.term_id
} );
// Remove old setting and control.
api.section.remove( oldCustomizeId );
// Add new control to take its place.
api.section.add( newCustomizeId, newSection );
// Delete the placeholder and preview the new setting.
oldSetting.callbacks.disable(); // Prevent setting triggering Customizer dirty state when set.
oldSetting.set( false );
// Update nav_menu_locations to reference the new ID.
api.each( function( setting ) {
var wasSaved = api.state( 'saved' ).get();
if ( /^nav_menu_locations\[/.test( setting.id ) && setting.get() === update.previous_term_id ) {
setting.set( update.term_id );
setting._dirty = false; // Not dirty because this is has also just been done on server in WP_Customize_Nav_Menu_Setting::update().
api.state( 'saved' ).set( wasSaved );
} );
if ( oldSection.expanded.get() ) {
// @todo This doesn't seem to be working.
// @todo Update the Custom Menu selects, ensuring the newly-inserted IDs are used for any that have selected a placeholder menu.
} );
_( data.nav_menu_item_updates ).each(function( update ) {
var oldCustomizeId, newCustomizeId, oldSetting, newSetting, settingValue, oldControl, newControl;
if ( 'inserted' === update.status ) {
if ( ! update.previous_post_id ) {
throw new Error( 'Expected previous_post_id' );
if ( ! update.post_id ) {
throw new Error( 'Expected post_id' );
oldCustomizeId = 'nav_menu_item[' + String( update.previous_post_id ) + ']';
if ( ! api.has( oldCustomizeId ) ) {
throw new Error( 'Expected setting to exist: ' + oldCustomizeId );
oldSetting = api( oldCustomizeId );
if ( ! api.control.has( oldCustomizeId ) ) {
throw new Error( 'Expected control to exist: ' + oldCustomizeId );
oldControl = api.control( oldCustomizeId );
settingValue = oldSetting.get();
if ( ! settingValue ) {
throw new Error( 'Did not expect setting to be empty (deleted).' );
settingValue = _.clone( settingValue );
// If the menu was also inserted, then make sure it uses the new menu ID for nav_menu_term_id.
if ( insertedMenuIdMapping[ settingValue.nav_menu_term_id ] ) {
settingValue.nav_menu_term_id = insertedMenuIdMapping[ settingValue.nav_menu_term_id ];
newCustomizeId = 'nav_menu_item[' + String( update.post_id ) + ']';
newSetting = api.create( newCustomizeId, newCustomizeId, settingValue, {
type: 'nav_menu_item',
transport: 'postMessage',
previewer: api.previewer
} );
// Add the menu control.
newControl = new api.controlConstructor.nav_menu_item( newCustomizeId, {
params: {
type: 'nav_menu_item',
content: '<li id="customize-control-nav_menu_item-' + String( update.post_id ) + '" class="customize-control customize-control-nav_menu_item"></li>',
menu_id: update.post_id,
section: 'nav_menu[' + String( settingValue.nav_menu_term_id ) + ']',
priority: oldControl.priority.get(),
active: true,
settings: {
'default': newCustomizeId
menu_item_id: update.post_id
previewer: api.previewer
} );
// Remove old setting and control.
api.control.remove( oldCustomizeId );
// Add new control to take its place.
api.control.add( newCustomizeId, newControl );
// Delete the placeholder and preview the new setting.
oldSetting.callbacks.disable(); // Prevent setting triggering Customizer dirty state when set.
oldSetting.set( false );
newControl.container.toggleClass( 'menu-item-edit-inactive', oldControl.container.hasClass( 'menu-item-edit-inactive' ) );
// @todo trigger change event for each Custom Menu widget that was modified.
* Focus a menu item control.
* @param {string} menuItemId
api.Menus.focusMenuItemControl = function( menuItemId ) {
var control = api.Menus.getMenuItemControl( menuItemId );
if ( control ) {
* Get the control for a given menu.
* @param menuId
* @return {wp.customize.controlConstructor.menus[]}
api.Menus.getMenuControl = function( menuId ) {
return api.control( 'nav_menu[' + menuId + ']' );
* Given a menu item type & object, get the label associated with it.
* @param {string} type
* @param {string} object
* @return {string}
api.Menus.getTypeLabel = function( type, object ) {
var label,
data = api.Menus.data;
if ( 'post_type' === type ) {
if ( data.itemTypes.postTypes[ object ] ) {
label = data.itemTypes.postTypes[ object ].label;
} else {
label = data.l10n.postTypeLabel;
} else if ( 'taxonomy' === type ) {
if ( data.itemTypes.taxonomies[ object ] ) {
label = data.itemTypes.taxonomies[ object ].label;
} else {
label = data.l10n.taxonomyTermLabel;
} else {
label = data.l10n.custom_label;
return label;
* Given a menu item ID, get the control associated with it.
* @param {string} menuItemId
* @return {object|null}
api.Menus.getMenuItemControl = function( menuItemId ) {
return api.control( menuItemIdToSettingId( menuItemId ) );
* @param {String} menuItemId
function menuItemIdToSettingId( menuItemId ) {
return 'nav_menu_item[' + menuItemId + ']';
})( wp.customize, wp, jQuery );