
179 lines
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// Remove the unit of a length
// @param {Number} $number - Number to remove unit from
// @return {Number} - Unitless number
@function strip-unit($number) {
@if type-of($number) == "number" and not unitless($number) {
@return $number / ($number * 0 + 1);
@return $number;
// ----
// Sass (v3.3.14)
// Compass (v1.0.0.rc.1)
// ----
@function pow($x, $y) {
$ret: 1;
@if $y > 0 {
@for $i from 1 through $y {
$ret: $ret * $x;
} @else {
@for $i from $y to 0 {
$ret: $ret / $x;
@return $ret;
// Map deep get
// @author Hugo Giraudel
// @access public
// @param {Map} $map - Map
// @param {Arglist} $keys - Key chain
// @return {*} - Desired value
// Example:
// $m-breakpoint: map-deep-get($__prefix-default-config, "layouts", "M");
@function map-deep-get($map, $keys...) {
@each $key in $keys {
$map: map-get($map, $key);
@return $map;
// Deep set function to set a value in nested maps
// @author Hugo Giraudel
// @access public
// @param {Map} $map - Map
// @param {List} $keys - Key chaine
// @param {*} $value - Value to assign
// @return {Map}
// Example:
// $__prefix-default-config: map-deep-set($__prefix-default-config, "layouts" "M", 650px);
@function map-deep-set($map, $keys, $value) {
$maps: ($map);
$result: null;
// If the last key is a map already
// Warn the user we will be overriding it with $value
@if type-of(nth($keys, -1)) == "map" {
@warn "The last key you specified is a map; it will be overridden with `#{$value}`.";
// If $keys is a single key
// Just merge and return
@if length($keys) == 1 {
@return map-merge($map, ($keys: $value));
// Loop from the first to the second to last key from $keys
// Store the associated map to this key in the $maps list
// If the key doesn't exist, throw an error
@for $i from 1 through length($keys) - 1 {
$current-key: nth($keys, $i);
$current-map: nth($maps, -1);
$current-get: map-get($current-map, $current-key);
@if $current-get == null {
@error "Key `#{$key}` doesn't exist at current level in map.";
$maps: append($maps, $current-get);
// Loop from the last map to the first one
// Merge it with the previous one
@for $i from length($maps) through 1 {
$current-map: nth($maps, $i);
$current-key: nth($keys, $i);
$current-val: if($i == length($maps), $value, $result);
$result: map-merge($current-map, ($current-key: $current-val));
// Return result
@return $result;
// jQuery-style extend function
// - Child themes can use this function to `reset` the values in
// config maps without editing the `master` Sass files.
// - src: https://www.sitepoint.com/extra-map-functions-sass/
// - About `map-merge()`:
// - - only takes 2 arguments
// - - is not recursive
// @param {Map} $map - first map
// @param {ArgList} $maps - other maps
// @param {Bool} $deep - recursive mode
// @return {Map}
// Examples:
// $grid-configuration-default: (
// 'columns': 12,
// 'layouts': (
// 'small': 800px,
// 'medium': 1000px,
// 'large': 1200px,
// ),
// );
// $grid-configuration-custom: (
// 'layouts': (
// 'large': 1300px,
// 'huge': 1500px
// ),
// );
// $grid-configuration-user: (
// 'direction': 'ltr',
// 'columns': 16,
// 'layouts': (
// 'large': 1300px,
// 'huge': 1500px
// ),
// );
// $deep: false
// $grid-configuration: map-extend($grid-configuration-default, $grid-configuration-custom, $grid-configuration-user);
// --> ("columns": 16, "layouts": (("large": 1300px, "huge": 1500px)), "direction": "ltr")
// $deep: true
// $grid-configuration: map-extend($grid-configuration-default, $grid-configuration-custom, $grid-configuration-user, true);
// --> ("columns": 16, "layouts": (("small": 800px, "medium": 1000px, "large": 1300px, "huge": 1500px)), "direction": "ltr")
@function map-extend($map, $maps.../*, $deep */) {
$last: nth($maps, -1);
$deep: $last == true;
$max: if($deep, length($maps) - 1, length($maps));
// Loop through all maps in $maps...
@for $i from 1 through $max {
// Store current map
$current: nth($maps, $i);
// If not in deep mode, simply merge current map with map
@if not $deep {
$map: map-merge($map, $current);
} @else {
// If in deep mode, loop through all tuples in current map
@each $key, $value in $current {
// If value is a nested map and same key from map is a nested map as well
@if type-of($value) == "map" and type-of(map-get($map, $key)) == "map" {
// Recursive extend
$value: map-extend(map-get($map, $key), $value, true);
// Merge current tuple with map
$map: map-merge($map, ($key: $value));
@return $map;