1438 lines
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1438 lines
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* WordPress scripts and styles default loader.
* Several constants are used to manage the loading, concatenating and compression of scripts and CSS:
* define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true); loads the development (non-minified) versions of all scripts and CSS, and disables compression and concatenation,
* define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false); disables compression and concatenation of scripts and CSS,
* define('COMPRESS_SCRIPTS', false); disables compression of scripts,
* define('COMPRESS_CSS', false); disables compression of CSS,
* define('ENFORCE_GZIP', true); forces gzip for compression (default is deflate).
* The globals $concatenate_scripts, $compress_scripts and $compress_css can be set by plugins
* to temporarily override the above settings. Also a compression test is run once and the result is saved
* as option 'can_compress_scripts' (0/1). The test will run again if that option is deleted.
* @package WordPress
/** WordPress Dependency Class */
require( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-dependency.php' );
/** WordPress Dependencies Class */
require( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class.wp-dependencies.php' );
/** WordPress Scripts Class */
require( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class.wp-scripts.php' );
/** WordPress Scripts Functions */
require( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/functions.wp-scripts.php' );
/** WordPress Styles Class */
require( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class.wp-styles.php' );
/** WordPress Styles Functions */
require( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/functions.wp-styles.php' );
* Register all WordPress scripts.
* Localizes some of them.
* args order: `$scripts->add( 'handle', 'url', 'dependencies', 'query-string', 1 );`
* when last arg === 1 queues the script for the footer
* @since 2.6.0
* @param WP_Scripts $scripts WP_Scripts object.
function wp_default_scripts( &$scripts ) {
include( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/version.php' ); // include an unmodified $wp_version
$develop_src = false !== strpos( $wp_version, '-src' );
if ( ! defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) ) {
define( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG', $develop_src );
if ( ! $guessurl = site_url() ) {
$guessed_url = true;
$guessurl = wp_guess_url();
$scripts->base_url = $guessurl;
$scripts->content_url = defined('WP_CONTENT_URL')? WP_CONTENT_URL : '';
$scripts->default_version = get_bloginfo( 'version' );
$scripts->default_dirs = array('/wp-admin/js/', '/wp-includes/js/');
$suffix = SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min';
$dev_suffix = $develop_src ? '' : '.min';
$scripts->add( 'utils', "/wp-includes/js/utils$suffix.js" );
did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'utils', 'userSettings', array(
'url' => (string) SITECOOKIEPATH,
'uid' => (string) get_current_user_id(),
'time' => (string) time(),
'secure' => (string) ( 'https' === parse_url( site_url(), PHP_URL_SCHEME ) ),
) );
$scripts->add( 'common', "/wp-admin/js/common$suffix.js", array('jquery', 'hoverIntent', 'utils'), false, 1 );
did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'common', 'commonL10n', array(
'warnDelete' => __( "You are about to permanently delete these items from your site.\nThis action cannot be undone.\n 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete." ),
'dismiss' => __( 'Dismiss this notice.' ),
'collapseMenu' => __( 'Collapse Main menu' ),
'expandMenu' => __( 'Expand Main menu' ),
) );
$scripts->add( 'wp-a11y', "/wp-includes/js/wp-a11y$suffix.js", array( 'jquery' ), false, 1 );
$scripts->add( 'sack', "/wp-includes/js/tw-sack$suffix.js", array(), '1.6.1', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'quicktags', "/wp-includes/js/quicktags$suffix.js", array(), false, 1 );
did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'quicktags', 'quicktagsL10n', array(
'closeAllOpenTags' => __( 'Close all open tags' ),
'closeTags' => __( 'close tags' ),
'enterURL' => __( 'Enter the URL' ),
'enterImageURL' => __( 'Enter the URL of the image' ),
'enterImageDescription' => __( 'Enter a description of the image' ),
'textdirection' => __( 'text direction' ),
'toggleTextdirection' => __( 'Toggle Editor Text Direction' ),
'dfw' => __( 'Distraction-free writing mode' ),
'strong' => __( 'Bold' ),
'strongClose' => __( 'Close bold tag' ),
'em' => __( 'Italic' ),
'emClose' => __( 'Close italic tag' ),
'link' => __( 'Insert link' ),
'blockquote' => __( 'Blockquote' ),
'blockquoteClose' => __( 'Close blockquote tag' ),
'del' => __( 'Deleted text (strikethrough)' ),
'delClose' => __( 'Close deleted text tag' ),
'ins' => __( 'Inserted text' ),
'insClose' => __( 'Close inserted text tag' ),
'image' => __( 'Insert image' ),
'ul' => __( 'Bulleted list' ),
'ulClose' => __( 'Close bulleted list tag' ),
'ol' => __( 'Numbered list' ),
'olClose' => __( 'Close numbered list tag' ),
'li' => __( 'List item' ),
'liClose' => __( 'Close list item tag' ),
'code' => __( 'Code' ),
'codeClose' => __( 'Close code tag' ),
'more' => __( 'Insert Read More tag' ),
) );
$scripts->add( 'colorpicker', "/wp-includes/js/colorpicker$suffix.js", array('prototype'), '3517m' );
$scripts->add( 'editor', "/wp-admin/js/editor$suffix.js", array('utils','jquery'), false, 1 );
// Back-compat for old DFW. To-do: remove at the end of 2016.
$scripts->add( 'wp-fullscreen-stub', "/wp-admin/js/wp-fullscreen-stub$suffix.js", array(), false, 1 );
$scripts->add( 'wp-ajax-response', "/wp-includes/js/wp-ajax-response$suffix.js", array('jquery'), false, 1 );
did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'wp-ajax-response', 'wpAjax', array(
'noPerm' => __('Sorry, you are not allowed to do that.'),
'broken' => __('An unidentified error has occurred.')
) );
$scripts->add( 'wp-pointer', "/wp-includes/js/wp-pointer$suffix.js", array( 'jquery-ui-widget', 'jquery-ui-position' ), '20111129a', 1 );
did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'wp-pointer', 'wpPointerL10n', array(
'dismiss' => __('Dismiss'),
) );
$scripts->add( 'autosave', "/wp-includes/js/autosave$suffix.js", array('heartbeat'), false, 1 );
$scripts->add( 'heartbeat', "/wp-includes/js/heartbeat$suffix.js", array('jquery'), false, 1 );
did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'heartbeat', 'heartbeatSettings',
* Filters the Heartbeat settings.
* @since 3.6.0
* @param array $settings Heartbeat settings array.
apply_filters( 'heartbeat_settings', array() )
$scripts->add( 'wp-auth-check', "/wp-includes/js/wp-auth-check$suffix.js", array('heartbeat'), false, 1 );
did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'wp-auth-check', 'authcheckL10n', array(
'beforeunload' => __('Your session has expired. You can log in again from this page or go to the login page.'),
* Filters the authentication check interval.
* @since 3.6.0
* @param int $interval The interval in which to check a user's authentication.
* Default 3 minutes in seconds, or 180.
'interval' => apply_filters( 'wp_auth_check_interval', 3 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ),
) );
$scripts->add( 'wp-lists', "/wp-includes/js/wp-lists$suffix.js", array( 'wp-ajax-response', 'jquery-color' ), false, 1 );
// WordPress no longer uses or bundles Prototype or script.aculo.us. These are now pulled from an external source.
$scripts->add( 'prototype', 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/prototype/', array(), '1.7.1');
$scripts->add( 'scriptaculous-root', 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/scriptaculous/1.9.0/scriptaculous.js', array('prototype'), '1.9.0');
$scripts->add( 'scriptaculous-builder', 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/scriptaculous/1.9.0/builder.js', array('scriptaculous-root'), '1.9.0');
$scripts->add( 'scriptaculous-dragdrop', 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/scriptaculous/1.9.0/dragdrop.js', array('scriptaculous-builder', 'scriptaculous-effects'), '1.9.0');
$scripts->add( 'scriptaculous-effects', 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/scriptaculous/1.9.0/effects.js', array('scriptaculous-root'), '1.9.0');
$scripts->add( 'scriptaculous-slider', 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/scriptaculous/1.9.0/slider.js', array('scriptaculous-effects'), '1.9.0');
$scripts->add( 'scriptaculous-sound', 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/scriptaculous/1.9.0/sound.js', array( 'scriptaculous-root' ), '1.9.0' );
$scripts->add( 'scriptaculous-controls', 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/scriptaculous/1.9.0/controls.js', array('scriptaculous-root'), '1.9.0');
$scripts->add( 'scriptaculous', false, array('scriptaculous-dragdrop', 'scriptaculous-slider', 'scriptaculous-controls') );
// not used in core, replaced by Jcrop.js
$scripts->add( 'cropper', '/wp-includes/js/crop/cropper.js', array('scriptaculous-dragdrop') );
// jQuery
$scripts->add( 'jquery', false, array( 'jquery-core', 'jquery-migrate' ), '1.12.4' );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-core', '/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js', array(), '1.12.4' );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-migrate', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate$suffix.js", array(), '1.4.1' );
// full jQuery UI
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-core', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/core$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-effects-core', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/effect$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-effects-blind', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/effect-blind$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-effects-core'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-effects-bounce', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/effect-bounce$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-effects-core'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-effects-clip', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/effect-clip$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-effects-core'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-effects-drop', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/effect-drop$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-effects-core'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-effects-explode', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/effect-explode$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-effects-core'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-effects-fade', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/effect-fade$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-effects-core'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-effects-fold', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/effect-fold$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-effects-core'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-effects-highlight', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/effect-highlight$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-effects-core'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-effects-puff', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/effect-puff$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-effects-core', 'jquery-effects-scale'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-effects-pulsate', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/effect-pulsate$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-effects-core'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-effects-scale', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/effect-scale$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-effects-core', 'jquery-effects-size'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-effects-shake', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/effect-shake$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-effects-core'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-effects-size', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/effect-size$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-effects-core'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-effects-slide', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/effect-slide$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-effects-core'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-effects-transfer', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/effect-transfer$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-effects-core'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-accordion', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/accordion$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-widget'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-autocomplete', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/autocomplete$dev_suffix.js", array( 'jquery-ui-menu', 'wp-a11y' ), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-button', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/button$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-widget'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-datepicker', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/datepicker$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-ui-core'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-dialog', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/dialog$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-ui-resizable', 'jquery-ui-draggable', 'jquery-ui-button', 'jquery-ui-position'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-draggable', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/draggable$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-ui-mouse'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-droppable', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/droppable$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-ui-draggable'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-menu', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/menu$dev_suffix.js", array( 'jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-widget', 'jquery-ui-position' ), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-mouse', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/mouse$dev_suffix.js", array( 'jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-widget' ), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-position', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/position$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-progressbar', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/progressbar$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-widget'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-resizable', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/resizable$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-ui-mouse'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-selectable', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/selectable$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-ui-mouse'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-selectmenu', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/selectmenu$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-ui-menu'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-slider', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/slider$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-ui-mouse'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-sortable', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/sortable$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-ui-mouse'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-spinner', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/spinner$dev_suffix.js", array( 'jquery-ui-button' ), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-tabs', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/tabs$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-widget'), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-tooltip', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/tooltip$dev_suffix.js", array( 'jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-widget', 'jquery-ui-position' ), '1.11.4', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-ui-widget', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/widget$dev_suffix.js", array('jquery'), '1.11.4', 1 );
// Strings for 'jquery-ui-autocomplete' live region messages
did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'jquery-ui-autocomplete', 'uiAutocompleteL10n', array(
'noResults' => __( 'No results found.' ),
/* translators: Number of results found when using jQuery UI Autocomplete */
'oneResult' => __( '1 result found. Use up and down arrow keys to navigate.' ),
/* translators: %d: Number of results found when using jQuery UI Autocomplete */
'manyResults' => __( '%d results found. Use up and down arrow keys to navigate.' ),
'itemSelected' => __( 'Item selected.' ),
) );
// deprecated, not used in core, most functionality is included in jQuery 1.3
$scripts->add( 'jquery-form', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.form$suffix.js", array('jquery'), '3.37.0', 1 );
// jQuery plugins
$scripts->add( 'jquery-color', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.color.min.js", array('jquery'), '2.1.1', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'schedule', '/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.schedule.js', array('jquery'), '20m', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-query', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.query.js", array('jquery'), '2.1.7', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-serialize-object', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.serialize-object.js", array('jquery'), '0.2', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-hotkeys', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.hotkeys$suffix.js", array('jquery'), '0.0.2m', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-table-hotkeys', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.table-hotkeys$suffix.js", array('jquery', 'jquery-hotkeys'), false, 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-touch-punch', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.ui.touch-punch.js", array('jquery-ui-widget', 'jquery-ui-mouse'), '0.2.2', 1 );
// Not used any more, registered for backwards compatibility.
$scripts->add( 'suggest', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/suggest$suffix.js", array('jquery'), '1.1-20110113', 1 );
// Masonry v2 depended on jQuery. v3 does not. The older jquery-masonry handle is a shiv.
// It sets jQuery as a dependency, as the theme may have been implicitly loading it this way.
$scripts->add( 'imagesloaded', "/wp-includes/js/imagesloaded.min.js", array(), '3.2.0', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'masonry', "/wp-includes/js/masonry.min.js", array( 'imagesloaded' ), '3.3.2', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'jquery-masonry', "/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.masonry$dev_suffix.js", array( 'jquery', 'masonry' ), '3.1.2b', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'thickbox', "/wp-includes/js/thickbox/thickbox.js", array('jquery'), '3.1-20121105', 1 );
did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'thickbox', 'thickboxL10n', array(
'next' => __('Next >'),
'prev' => __('< Prev'),
'image' => __('Image'),
'of' => __('of'),
'close' => __('Close'),
'noiframes' => __('This feature requires inline frames. You have iframes disabled or your browser does not support them.'),
'loadingAnimation' => includes_url('js/thickbox/loadingAnimation.gif'),
) );
$scripts->add( 'jcrop', "/wp-includes/js/jcrop/jquery.Jcrop.min.js", array('jquery'), '0.9.12');
$scripts->add( 'swfobject', "/wp-includes/js/swfobject.js", array(), '2.2-20120417');
// error message for both plupload and swfupload
$uploader_l10n = array(
'queue_limit_exceeded' => __('You have attempted to queue too many files.'),
'file_exceeds_size_limit' => __('%s exceeds the maximum upload size for this site.'),
'zero_byte_file' => __('This file is empty. Please try another.'),
'invalid_filetype' => __('Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.'),
'not_an_image' => __('This file is not an image. Please try another.'),
'image_memory_exceeded' => __('Memory exceeded. Please try another smaller file.'),
'image_dimensions_exceeded' => __('This is larger than the maximum size. Please try another.'),
'default_error' => __('An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later.'),
'missing_upload_url' => __('There was a configuration error. Please contact the server administrator.'),
'upload_limit_exceeded' => __('You may only upload 1 file.'),
'http_error' => __('HTTP error.'),
'upload_failed' => __('Upload failed.'),
/* translators: 1: Opening link tag, 2: Closing link tag */
'big_upload_failed' => __('Please try uploading this file with the %1$sbrowser uploader%2$s.'),
'big_upload_queued' => __('%s exceeds the maximum upload size for the multi-file uploader when used in your browser.'),
'io_error' => __('IO error.'),
'security_error' => __('Security error.'),
'file_cancelled' => __('File canceled.'),
'upload_stopped' => __('Upload stopped.'),
'dismiss' => __('Dismiss'),
'crunching' => __('Crunching…'),
'deleted' => __('moved to the trash.'),
'error_uploading' => __('“%s” has failed to upload.')
$scripts->add( 'plupload', '/wp-includes/js/plupload/plupload.full.min.js', array(), '2.1.8' );
// Back compat handles:
foreach ( array( 'all', 'html5', 'flash', 'silverlight', 'html4' ) as $handle ) {
$scripts->add( "plupload-$handle", false, array( 'plupload' ), '2.1.1' );
$scripts->add( 'plupload-handlers', "/wp-includes/js/plupload/handlers$suffix.js", array( 'plupload', 'jquery' ) );
did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'plupload-handlers', 'pluploadL10n', $uploader_l10n );
$scripts->add( 'wp-plupload', "/wp-includes/js/plupload/wp-plupload$suffix.js", array( 'plupload', 'jquery', 'json2', 'media-models' ), false, 1 );
did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'wp-plupload', 'pluploadL10n', $uploader_l10n );
// keep 'swfupload' for back-compat.
$scripts->add( 'swfupload', '/wp-includes/js/swfupload/swfupload.js', array(), '2201-20110113');
$scripts->add( 'swfupload-swfobject', '/wp-includes/js/swfupload/plugins/swfupload.swfobject.js', array('swfupload', 'swfobject'), '2201a');
$scripts->add( 'swfupload-queue', '/wp-includes/js/swfupload/plugins/swfupload.queue.js', array('swfupload'), '2201');
$scripts->add( 'swfupload-speed', '/wp-includes/js/swfupload/plugins/swfupload.speed.js', array('swfupload'), '2201');
$scripts->add( 'swfupload-all', false, array('swfupload', 'swfupload-swfobject', 'swfupload-queue'), '2201');
$scripts->add( 'swfupload-handlers', "/wp-includes/js/swfupload/handlers$suffix.js", array('swfupload-all', 'jquery'), '2201-20110524');
did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'swfupload-handlers', 'swfuploadL10n', $uploader_l10n );
$scripts->add( 'comment-reply', "/wp-includes/js/comment-reply$suffix.js", array(), false, 1 );
$scripts->add( 'json2', "/wp-includes/js/json2$suffix.js", array(), '2015-05-03' );
did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->add_data( 'json2', 'conditional', 'lt IE 8' );
$scripts->add( 'underscore', "/wp-includes/js/underscore$dev_suffix.js", array(), '1.8.3', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'backbone', "/wp-includes/js/backbone$dev_suffix.js", array( 'underscore','jquery' ), '1.2.3', 1 );
$scripts->add( 'wp-util', "/wp-includes/js/wp-util$suffix.js", array('underscore', 'jquery'), false, 1 );
did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'wp-util', '_wpUtilSettings', array(
'ajax' => array(
'url' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php', 'relative' ),
) );
$scripts->add( 'wp-backbone', "/wp-includes/js/wp-backbone$suffix.js", array('backbone', 'wp-util'), false, 1 );
$scripts->add( 'revisions', "/wp-admin/js/revisions$suffix.js", array( 'wp-backbone', 'jquery-ui-slider', 'hoverIntent' ), false, 1 );
$scripts->add( 'imgareaselect', "/wp-includes/js/imgareaselect/jquery.imgareaselect$suffix.js", array('jquery'), false, 1 );
$scripts->add( 'mediaelement', "/wp-includes/js/mediaelement/mediaelement-and-player.min.js", array('jquery'), '2.22.0', 1 );
did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'mediaelement', 'mejsL10n', array(
'language' => get_bloginfo( 'language' ),
'strings' => array(
'Close' => __( 'Close' ),
'Fullscreen' => __( 'Fullscreen' ),
'Turn off Fullscreen' => __( 'Turn off Fullscreen' ),
'Go Fullscreen' => __( 'Go Fullscreen' ),
'Download File' => __( 'Download File' ),
'Download Video' => __( 'Download Video' ),
'Play' => __( 'Play' ),
'Pause' => __( 'Pause' ),
'Captions/Subtitles' => __( 'Captions/Subtitles' ),
'None' => _x( 'None', 'no captions/subtitles' ),
'Time Slider' => __( 'Time Slider' ),
/* translators: %1: number of seconds (30 by default) */
'Skip back %1 seconds' => __( 'Skip back %1 seconds' ),
'Video Player' => __( 'Video Player' ),
'Audio Player' => __( 'Audio Player' ),
'Volume Slider' => __( 'Volume Slider' ),
'Mute Toggle' => __( 'Mute Toggle' ),
'Unmute' => __( 'Unmute' ),
'Mute' => __( 'Mute' ),
'Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.' => __( 'Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.' ),
'Use Left/Right Arrow keys to advance one second, Up/Down arrows to advance ten seconds.' => __( 'Use Left/Right Arrow keys to advance one second, Up/Down arrows to advance ten seconds.' ),
) );
$scripts->add( 'wp-mediaelement', "/wp-includes/js/mediaelement/wp-mediaelement$suffix.js", array('mediaelement'), false, 1 );
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* Filters the MediaElement configuration settings.
* @since 4.4.0
* @param array $mejs_settings MediaElement settings array.
apply_filters( 'mejs_settings', $mejs_settings )
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'unknown' => _x( 'Password strength unknown', 'password strength' ),
'short' => _x( 'Very weak', 'password strength' ),
'bad' => _x( 'Weak', 'password strength' ),
'good' => _x( 'Medium', 'password strength' ),
'strong' => _x( 'Strong', 'password strength' ),
'mismatch' => _x( 'Mismatch', 'password mismatch' ),
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'warn' => __( 'Your new password has not been saved.' ),
'warnWeak' => __( 'Confirm use of weak password' ),
'show' => __( 'Show' ),
'hide' => __( 'Hide' ),
'cancel' => __( 'Cancel' ),
'ariaShow' => esc_attr__( 'Show password' ),
'ariaHide' => esc_attr__( 'Hide password' ),
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'noMatchesFound' => __('No results found.'),
'linkSelected' => __( 'Link selected.' ),
'linkInserted' => __( 'Link inserted.' ),
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* translators: If your word count is based on single characters (e.g. East Asian characters),
* enter 'characters_excluding_spaces' or 'characters_including_spaces'. Otherwise, enter 'words'.
* Do not translate into your own language.
'type' => _x( 'words', 'Word count type. Do not translate!' ),
'shortcodes' => ! empty( $GLOBALS['shortcode_tags'] ) ? array_keys( $GLOBALS['shortcode_tags'] ) : array()
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'save' => __( 'Save & Publish' ),
'saveAlert' => __( 'The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page.' ),
'saved' => __( 'Saved' ),
'cancel' => __( 'Cancel' ),
'close' => __( 'Close' ),
'cheatin' => __( 'Cheatin’ uh?' ),
'notAllowed' => __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to customize this site.' ),
'previewIframeTitle' => __( 'Site Preview' ),
'loginIframeTitle' => __( 'Session expired' ),
'collapseSidebar' => _x( 'Hide Controls', 'label for hide controls button without length constraints' ),
'expandSidebar' => _x( 'Show Controls', 'label for hide controls button without length constraints' ),
'untitledBlogName' => __( '(Untitled)' ),
// Used for overriding the file types allowed in plupload.
'allowedFiles' => __( 'Allowed Files' ),
) );
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// To enqueue media-views or media-editor, call wp_enqueue_media().
// Both rely on numerous settings, styles, and templates to operate correctly.
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'noPerm' => __('Sorry, you are not allowed to do that.'),
'broken' => __('An unidentified error has occurred.')
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'hotkeys_highlight_first' => isset($_GET['hotkeys_highlight_first']),
'hotkeys_highlight_last' => isset($_GET['hotkeys_highlight_last']),
'replyApprove' => __( 'Approve and Reply' ),
'reply' => __( 'Reply' ),
'warnQuickEdit' => __( "Are you sure you want to edit this comment?\nThe changes you made will be lost." ),
'warnCommentChanges' => __( "Are you sure you want to do this?\nThe comment changes you made will be lost." ),
'docTitleComments' => __( 'Comments' ),
/* translators: %s: comments count */
'docTitleCommentsCount' => __( 'Comments (%s)' ),
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'tagDelimiter' => _x( ',', 'tag delimiter' ),
'removeTerm' => __( 'Remove term:' ),
'termSelected' => __( 'Term selected.' ),
'termAdded' => __( 'Term added.' ),
'termRemoved' => __( 'Term removed.' ),
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'ok' => __('OK'),
'cancel' => __('Cancel'),
'publishOn' => __('Publish on:'),
'publishOnFuture' => __('Schedule for:'),
'publishOnPast' => __('Published on:'),
/* translators: 1: month, 2: day, 3: year, 4: hour, 5: minute */
'dateFormat' => __('%1$s %2$s, %3$s @ %4$s:%5$s'),
'showcomm' => __('Show more comments'),
'endcomm' => __('No more comments found.'),
'publish' => __('Publish'),
'schedule' => __('Schedule'),
'update' => __('Update'),
'savePending' => __('Save as Pending'),
'saveDraft' => __('Save Draft'),
'private' => __('Private'),
'public' => __('Public'),
'publicSticky' => __('Public, Sticky'),
'password' => __('Password Protected'),
'privatelyPublished' => __('Privately Published'),
'published' => __('Published'),
'saveAlert' => __('The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page.'),
'savingText' => __('Saving Draft…'),
'permalinkSaved' => __( 'Permalink saved' ),
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'newPost' => __( 'Title' ),
'serverError' => __( 'Connection lost or the server is busy. Please try again later.' ),
'saveAlert' => __( 'The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page.' ),
/* translators: %d: nth embed found in a post */
'suggestedEmbedAlt' => __( 'Suggested embed #%d' ),
/* translators: %d: nth image found in a post */
'suggestedImgAlt' => __( 'Suggested image #%d' ),
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'submittedOn' => __( 'Submitted on:' ),
/* translators: 1: month, 2: day, 3: year, 4: hour, 5: minute */
'dateFormat' => __( '%1$s %2$s, %3$s @ %4$s:%5$s' )
) );
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did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'inline-edit-post', 'inlineEditL10n', array(
'error' => __( 'Error while saving the changes.' ),
'ntdeltitle' => __( 'Remove From Bulk Edit' ),
'notitle' => __( '(no title)' ),
'comma' => trim( _x( ',', 'tag delimiter' ) ),
'saved' => __( 'Changes saved.' ),
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did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'inline-edit-tax', 'inlineEditL10n', array(
'error' => __( 'Error while saving the changes.' ),
'saved' => __( 'Changes saved.' ),
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'plugin_information' => __( 'Plugin:' ),
'plugin_modal_label' => __( 'Plugin details' ),
'ays' => __('Are you sure you want to install this plugin?')
) );
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'ajax_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'updates' ),
'l10n' => array(
/* translators: %s: Search string */
'searchResults' => __( 'Search results for “%s”' ),
'searchResultsLabel' => __( 'Search Results' ),
'noPlugins' => __( 'You do not appear to have any plugins available at this time.' ),
'noItemsSelected' => __( 'Please select at least one item to perform this action on.' ),
'updating' => __( 'Updating...' ), // No ellipsis.
'pluginUpdated' => _x( 'Updated!', 'plugin' ),
'themeUpdated' => _x( 'Updated!', 'theme' ),
'update' => __( 'Update' ),
'updateNow' => __( 'Update Now' ),
/* translators: %s: Plugin name and version */
'pluginUpdateNowLabel' => _x( 'Update %s now', 'plugin' ),
'updateFailedShort' => __( 'Update Failed!' ),
/* translators: %s: Error string for a failed update */
'updateFailed' => __( 'Update Failed: %s' ),
/* translators: %s: Plugin name and version */
'pluginUpdatingLabel' => _x( 'Updating %s...', 'plugin' ), // No ellipsis.
/* translators: %s: Plugin name and version */
'pluginUpdatedLabel' => _x( '%s updated!', 'plugin' ),
/* translators: %s: Plugin name and version */
'pluginUpdateFailedLabel' => _x( '%s update failed', 'plugin' ),
/* translators: Accessibility text */
'updatingMsg' => __( 'Updating... please wait.' ), // No ellipsis.
/* translators: Accessibility text */
'updatedMsg' => __( 'Update completed successfully.' ),
/* translators: Accessibility text */
'updateCancel' => __( 'Update canceled.' ),
'beforeunload' => __( 'Updates may not complete if you navigate away from this page.' ),
'installNow' => __( 'Install Now' ),
/* translators: %s: Plugin name */
'pluginInstallNowLabel' => _x( 'Install %s now', 'plugin' ),
'installing' => __( 'Installing...' ),
'pluginInstalled' => _x( 'Installed!', 'plugin' ),
'themeInstalled' => _x( 'Installed!', 'theme' ),
'installFailedShort' => __( 'Install Failed!' ),
/* translators: %s: Error string for a failed installation */
'installFailed' => __( 'Installation failed: %s' ),
/* translators: %s: Plugin name and version */
'pluginInstallingLabel' => _x( 'Installing %s...', 'plugin' ), // no ellipsis
/* translators: %s: Theme name and version */
'themeInstallingLabel' => _x( 'Installing %s...', 'theme' ), // no ellipsis
/* translators: %s: Plugin name and version */
'pluginInstalledLabel' => _x( '%s installed!', 'plugin' ),
/* translators: %s: Theme name and version */
'themeInstalledLabel' => _x( '%s installed!', 'theme' ),
/* translators: %s: Plugin name and version */
'pluginInstallFailedLabel' => _x( '%s installation failed', 'plugin' ),
/* translators: %s: Theme name and version */
'themeInstallFailedLabel' => _x( '%s installation failed', 'theme' ),
'installingMsg' => __( 'Installing... please wait.' ),
'installedMsg' => __( 'Installation completed successfully.' ),
/* translators: %s: Activation URL */
'importerInstalledMsg' => __( 'Importer installed successfully. <a href="%s">Run importer</a>' ),
/* translators: %s: Theme name */
'aysDelete' => __( 'Are you sure you want to delete %s?' ),
/* translators: %s: Plugin name */
'aysDeleteUninstall' => __( 'Are you sure you want to delete %s and its data?' ),
'aysBulkDelete' => __( 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected plugins and their data?' ),
'aysBulkDeleteThemes' => __( 'Caution: These themes may be active on other sites in the network. Are you sure you want to proceed?' ),
'deleting' => __( 'Deleting...' ),
/* translators: %s: Error string for a failed deletion */
'deleteFailed' => __( 'Deletion failed: %s' ),
'pluginDeleted' => _x( 'Deleted!', 'plugin' ),
'themeDeleted' => _x( 'Deleted!', 'theme' ),
'livePreview' => __( 'Live Preview' ),
'activatePlugin' => is_network_admin() ? __( 'Network Activate' ) : __( 'Activate' ),
'activateTheme' => is_network_admin() ? __( 'Network Enable' ) : __( 'Activate' ),
/* translators: %s: Plugin name */
'activatePluginLabel' => is_network_admin() ? _x( 'Network Activate %s', 'plugin' ) : _x( 'Activate %s', 'plugin' ),
/* translators: %s: Theme name */
'activateThemeLabel' => is_network_admin() ? _x( 'Network Activate %s', 'theme' ) : _x( 'Activate %s', 'theme' ),
'activateImporter' => __( 'Run Importer' ),
/* translators: %s: Importer name */
'activateImporterLabel' => __( 'Run %s' ),
'unknownError' => __( 'An unknown error occurred' ),
'connectionError' => __( 'Connection lost or the server is busy. Please try again later.' ),
'nonceError' => __( 'An error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again.' ),
'pluginsFound' => __( 'Number of plugins found: %d' ),
'noPluginsFound' => __( 'No plugins found. Try a different search.' ),
) );
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'clear' => __( 'Clear' ),
'defaultString' => __( 'Default' ),
'pick' => __( 'Select Color' ),
'current' => __( 'Current Color' ),
) );
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did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'media', 'attachMediaBoxL10n', array(
'error' => __( 'An error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again.' ),
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did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'image-edit', 'imageEditL10n', array(
'error' => __( 'Could not load the preview image. Please reload the page and try again.' )
$scripts->add( 'set-post-thumbnail', "/wp-admin/js/set-post-thumbnail$suffix.js", array( 'jquery' ), false, 1 );
did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'set-post-thumbnail', 'setPostThumbnailL10n', array(
'setThumbnail' => __( 'Use as featured image' ),
'saving' => __( 'Saving...' ), // no ellipsis
'error' => __( 'Could not set that as the thumbnail image. Try a different attachment.' ),
'done' => __( 'Done' )
) );
// Navigation Menus
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did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize( 'nav-menu', 'navMenuL10n', array(
'noResultsFound' => __( 'No results found.' ),
'warnDeleteMenu' => __( "You are about to permanently delete this menu. \n 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete." ),
'saveAlert' => __( 'The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page.' ),
'untitled' => _x( '(no label)', 'missing menu item navigation label' )
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* Assign default styles to $styles object.
* Nothing is returned, because the $styles parameter is passed by reference.
* Meaning that whatever object is passed will be updated without having to
* reassign the variable that was passed back to the same value. This saves
* memory.
* Adding default styles is not the only task, it also assigns the base_url
* property, the default version, and text direction for the object.
* @since 2.6.0
* @param WP_Styles $styles
function wp_default_styles( &$styles ) {
include( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/version.php' ); // include an unmodified $wp_version
if ( ! defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) )
define( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG', false !== strpos( $wp_version, '-src' ) );
if ( ! $guessurl = site_url() )
$guessurl = wp_guess_url();
$styles->base_url = $guessurl;
$styles->content_url = defined('WP_CONTENT_URL')? WP_CONTENT_URL : '';
$styles->default_version = get_bloginfo( 'version' );
$styles->text_direction = function_exists( 'is_rtl' ) && is_rtl() ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
$styles->default_dirs = array('/wp-admin/', '/wp-includes/css/');
// Open Sans is no longer used by core, but may be relied upon by themes and plugins.
$open_sans_font_url = '';
/* translators: If there are characters in your language that are not supported
* by Open Sans, translate this to 'off'. Do not translate into your own language.
if ( 'off' !== _x( 'on', 'Open Sans font: on or off' ) ) {
$subsets = 'latin,latin-ext';
/* translators: To add an additional Open Sans character subset specific to your language,
* translate this to 'greek', 'cyrillic' or 'vietnamese'. Do not translate into your own language.
$subset = _x( 'no-subset', 'Open Sans font: add new subset (greek, cyrillic, vietnamese)' );
if ( 'cyrillic' == $subset ) {
$subsets .= ',cyrillic,cyrillic-ext';
} elseif ( 'greek' == $subset ) {
$subsets .= ',greek,greek-ext';
} elseif ( 'vietnamese' == $subset ) {
$subsets .= ',vietnamese';
// Hotlink Open Sans, for now
$open_sans_font_url = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300italic,400italic,600italic,300,400,600&subset=$subsets";
// Register a stylesheet for the selected admin color scheme.
$styles->add( 'colors', true, array( 'wp-admin', 'buttons' ) );
$suffix = SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min';
// Admin CSS
$styles->add( 'common', "/wp-admin/css/common$suffix.css" );
$styles->add( 'forms', "/wp-admin/css/forms$suffix.css" );
$styles->add( 'admin-menu', "/wp-admin/css/admin-menu$suffix.css" );
$styles->add( 'dashboard', "/wp-admin/css/dashboard$suffix.css" );
$styles->add( 'list-tables', "/wp-admin/css/list-tables$suffix.css" );
$styles->add( 'edit', "/wp-admin/css/edit$suffix.css" );
$styles->add( 'revisions', "/wp-admin/css/revisions$suffix.css" );
$styles->add( 'media', "/wp-admin/css/media$suffix.css" );
$styles->add( 'themes', "/wp-admin/css/themes$suffix.css" );
$styles->add( 'about', "/wp-admin/css/about$suffix.css" );
$styles->add( 'nav-menus', "/wp-admin/css/nav-menus$suffix.css" );
$styles->add( 'widgets', "/wp-admin/css/widgets$suffix.css", array( 'wp-pointer' ) );
$styles->add( 'site-icon', "/wp-admin/css/site-icon$suffix.css" );
$styles->add( 'l10n', "/wp-admin/css/l10n$suffix.css" );
$styles->add( 'wp-admin', false, array( 'dashicons', 'common', 'forms', 'admin-menu', 'dashboard', 'list-tables', 'edit', 'revisions', 'media', 'themes', 'about', 'nav-menus', 'widgets', 'site-icon', 'l10n' ) );
$styles->add( 'login', "/wp-admin/css/login$suffix.css", array( 'dashicons', 'buttons', 'forms', 'l10n' ) );
$styles->add( 'install', "/wp-admin/css/install$suffix.css", array( 'buttons' ) );
$styles->add( 'wp-color-picker', "/wp-admin/css/color-picker$suffix.css" );
$styles->add( 'customize-controls', "/wp-admin/css/customize-controls$suffix.css", array( 'wp-admin', 'colors', 'ie', 'imgareaselect' ) );
$styles->add( 'customize-widgets', "/wp-admin/css/customize-widgets$suffix.css", array( 'wp-admin', 'colors' ) );
$styles->add( 'customize-nav-menus', "/wp-admin/css/customize-nav-menus$suffix.css", array( 'wp-admin', 'colors' ) );
$styles->add( 'press-this', "/wp-admin/css/press-this$suffix.css", array( 'buttons' ) );
$styles->add( 'ie', "/wp-admin/css/ie$suffix.css" );
$styles->add_data( 'ie', 'conditional', 'lte IE 7' );
// Common dependencies
$styles->add( 'buttons', "/wp-includes/css/buttons$suffix.css" );
$styles->add( 'dashicons', "/wp-includes/css/dashicons$suffix.css" );
// Includes CSS
$styles->add( 'admin-bar', "/wp-includes/css/admin-bar$suffix.css", array( 'dashicons' ) );
$styles->add( 'wp-auth-check', "/wp-includes/css/wp-auth-check$suffix.css", array( 'dashicons' ) );
$styles->add( 'editor-buttons', "/wp-includes/css/editor$suffix.css", array( 'dashicons' ) );
$styles->add( 'media-views', "/wp-includes/css/media-views$suffix.css", array( 'buttons', 'dashicons', 'wp-mediaelement' ) );
$styles->add( 'wp-pointer', "/wp-includes/css/wp-pointer$suffix.css", array( 'dashicons' ) );
$styles->add( 'customize-preview', "/wp-includes/css/customize-preview$suffix.css", array( 'dashicons' ) );
$styles->add( 'wp-embed-template-ie', "/wp-includes/css/wp-embed-template-ie$suffix.css" );
$styles->add_data( 'wp-embed-template-ie', 'conditional', 'lte IE 8' );
// External libraries and friends
$styles->add( 'imgareaselect', '/wp-includes/js/imgareaselect/imgareaselect.css', array(), '0.9.8' );
$styles->add( 'wp-jquery-ui-dialog', "/wp-includes/css/jquery-ui-dialog$suffix.css", array( 'dashicons' ) );
$styles->add( 'mediaelement', "/wp-includes/js/mediaelement/mediaelementplayer.min.css", array(), '2.22.0' );
$styles->add( 'wp-mediaelement', "/wp-includes/js/mediaelement/wp-mediaelement$suffix.css", array( 'mediaelement' ) );
$styles->add( 'thickbox', '/wp-includes/js/thickbox/thickbox.css', array( 'dashicons' ) );
// Deprecated CSS
$styles->add( 'deprecated-media', "/wp-admin/css/deprecated-media$suffix.css" );
$styles->add( 'farbtastic', "/wp-admin/css/farbtastic$suffix.css", array(), '1.3u1' );
$styles->add( 'jcrop', "/wp-includes/js/jcrop/jquery.Jcrop.min.css", array(), '0.9.12' );
$styles->add( 'colors-fresh', false, array( 'wp-admin', 'buttons' ) ); // Old handle.
$styles->add( 'open-sans', $open_sans_font_url ); // No longer used in core as of 4.6
$rtl_styles = array(
// wp-admin
'common', 'forms', 'admin-menu', 'dashboard', 'list-tables', 'edit', 'revisions', 'media', 'themes', 'about', 'nav-menus',
'widgets', 'site-icon', 'l10n', 'install', 'wp-color-picker', 'customize-controls', 'customize-widgets', 'customize-nav-menus', 'customize-preview',
'ie', 'login', 'press-this',
// wp-includes
'buttons', 'admin-bar', 'wp-auth-check', 'editor-buttons', 'media-views', 'wp-pointer',
// deprecated
'deprecated-media', 'farbtastic',
foreach ( $rtl_styles as $rtl_style ) {
$styles->add_data( $rtl_style, 'rtl', 'replace' );
if ( $suffix ) {
$styles->add_data( $rtl_style, 'suffix', $suffix );
* Reorder JavaScript scripts array to place prototype before jQuery.
* @since 2.3.1
* @param array $js_array JavaScript scripts array
* @return array Reordered array, if needed.
function wp_prototype_before_jquery( $js_array ) {
if ( false === $prototype = array_search( 'prototype', $js_array, true ) )
return $js_array;
if ( false === $jquery = array_search( 'jquery', $js_array, true ) )
return $js_array;
if ( $prototype < $jquery )
return $js_array;
array_splice( $js_array, $jquery, 0, 'prototype' );
return $js_array;
* Load localized data on print rather than initialization.
* These localizations require information that may not be loaded even by init.
* @since 2.5.0
function wp_just_in_time_script_localization() {
wp_localize_script( 'autosave', 'autosaveL10n', array(
'autosaveInterval' => AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL,
'blog_id' => get_current_blog_id(),
) );
* Localizes the jQuery UI datepicker.
* @since 4.6.0
* @link http://api.jqueryui.com/datepicker/#options
* @global WP_Locale $wp_locale The WordPress date and time locale object.
function wp_localize_jquery_ui_datepicker() {
global $wp_locale;
if ( ! wp_script_is( 'jquery-ui-datepicker', 'enqueued' ) ) {
// Convert the PHP date format into jQuery UI's format.
$datepicker_date_format = str_replace(
'd', 'j', 'l', 'z', // Day.
'F', 'M', 'n', 'm', // Month.
'Y', 'y' // Year.
'dd', 'd', 'DD', 'o',
'MM', 'M', 'm', 'mm',
'yy', 'y'
get_option( 'date_format' )
$datepicker_defaults = wp_json_encode( array(
'closeText' => __( 'Close' ),
'currentText' => __( 'Today' ),
'monthNames' => array_values( $wp_locale->month ),
'monthNamesShort' => array_values( $wp_locale->month_abbrev ),
'nextText' => __( 'Next' ),
'prevText' => __( 'Previous' ),
'dayNames' => array_values( $wp_locale->weekday ),
'dayNamesShort' => array_values( $wp_locale->weekday_abbrev ),
'dayNamesMin' => array_values( $wp_locale->weekday_initial ),
'dateFormat' => $datepicker_date_format,
'firstDay' => absint( get_option( 'start_of_week' ) ),
'isRTL' => $wp_locale->is_rtl(),
) );
wp_add_inline_script( 'jquery-ui-datepicker', "jQuery(document).ready(function(jQuery){jQuery.datepicker.setDefaults({$datepicker_defaults});});" );
* Localizes community events data that needs to be passed to dashboard.js.
* @since 4.8.0
function wp_localize_community_events() {
if ( ! wp_script_is( 'dashboard' ) ) {
require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-community-events.php' );
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
$saved_location = get_user_option( 'community-events-location', $user_id );
$saved_ip_address = isset( $saved_location['ip'] ) ? $saved_location['ip'] : false;
$current_ip_address = WP_Community_Events::get_unsafe_client_ip();
* If the user's location is based on their IP address, then update their
* location when their IP address changes. This allows them to see events
* in their current city when travelling. Otherwise, they would always be
* shown events in the city where they were when they first loaded the
* Dashboard, which could have been months or years ago.
if ( $saved_ip_address && $current_ip_address && $current_ip_address !== $saved_ip_address ) {
$saved_location['ip'] = $current_ip_address;
update_user_option( $user_id, 'community-events-location', $saved_location, true );
$events_client = new WP_Community_Events( $user_id, $saved_location );
wp_localize_script( 'dashboard', 'communityEventsData', array(
'nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'community_events' ),
'cache' => $events_client->get_cached_events(),
'l10n' => array(
'enter_closest_city' => __( 'Enter your closest city to find nearby events.' ),
'error_occurred_please_try_again' => __( 'An error occurred. Please try again.' ),
'attend_event_near_generic' => __( 'Attend an upcoming event near you.' ),
* These specific examples were chosen to highlight the fact that a
* state is not needed, even for cities whose name is not unique.
* It would be too cumbersome to include that in the instructions
* to the user, so it's left as an implication.
/* translators: %s is the name of the city we couldn't locate.
* Replace the examples with cities related to your locale. Test that
* they match the expected location and have upcoming events before
* including them. If no cities related to your locale have events,
* then use cities related to your locale that would be recognizable
* to most users. Use only the city name itself, without any region
* or country. Use the endonym (native locale name) instead of the
* English name if possible.
'could_not_locate_city' => __( 'We couldn’t locate %s. Please try another nearby city. For example: Kansas City; Springfield; Portland.' ),
// This one is only used with wp.a11y.speak(), so it can/should be more brief.
/* translators: %s is the name of a city. */
'city_updated' => __( 'City updated. Listing events near %s.' ),
) );
* Administration Screen CSS for changing the styles.
* If installing the 'wp-admin/' directory will be replaced with './'.
* The $_wp_admin_css_colors global manages the Administration Screens CSS
* stylesheet that is loaded. The option that is set is 'admin_color' and is the
* color and key for the array. The value for the color key is an object with
* a 'url' parameter that has the URL path to the CSS file.
* The query from $src parameter will be appended to the URL that is given from
* the $_wp_admin_css_colors array value URL.
* @since 2.6.0
* @global array $_wp_admin_css_colors
* @param string $src Source URL.
* @param string $handle Either 'colors' or 'colors-rtl'.
* @return string|false URL path to CSS stylesheet for Administration Screens.
function wp_style_loader_src( $src, $handle ) {
global $_wp_admin_css_colors;
if ( wp_installing() )
return preg_replace( '#^wp-admin/#', './', $src );
if ( 'colors' == $handle ) {
$color = get_user_option('admin_color');
if ( empty($color) || !isset($_wp_admin_css_colors[$color]) )
$color = 'fresh';
$color = $_wp_admin_css_colors[$color];
$url = $color->url;
if ( ! $url ) {
return false;
$parsed = parse_url( $src );
if ( isset($parsed['query']) && $parsed['query'] ) {
wp_parse_str( $parsed['query'], $qv );
$url = add_query_arg( $qv, $url );
return $url;
return $src;
* Prints the script queue in the HTML head on admin pages.
* Postpones the scripts that were queued for the footer.
* print_footer_scripts() is called in the footer to print these scripts.
* @since 2.8.0
* @see wp_print_scripts()
* @global bool $concatenate_scripts
* @return array
function print_head_scripts() {
global $concatenate_scripts;
if ( ! did_action('wp_print_scripts') ) {
/** This action is documented in wp-includes/functions.wp-scripts.php */
do_action( 'wp_print_scripts' );
$wp_scripts = wp_scripts();
$wp_scripts->do_concat = $concatenate_scripts;
* Filters whether to print the head scripts.
* @since 2.8.0
* @param bool $print Whether to print the head scripts. Default true.
if ( apply_filters( 'print_head_scripts', true ) ) {
return $wp_scripts->done;
* Prints the scripts that were queued for the footer or too late for the HTML head.
* @since 2.8.0
* @global WP_Scripts $wp_scripts
* @global bool $concatenate_scripts
* @return array
function print_footer_scripts() {
global $wp_scripts, $concatenate_scripts;
if ( ! ( $wp_scripts instanceof WP_Scripts ) ) {
return array(); // No need to run if not instantiated.
$wp_scripts->do_concat = $concatenate_scripts;
* Filters whether to print the footer scripts.
* @since 2.8.0
* @param bool $print Whether to print the footer scripts. Default true.
if ( apply_filters( 'print_footer_scripts', true ) ) {
return $wp_scripts->done;
* Print scripts (internal use only)
* @ignore
* @global WP_Scripts $wp_scripts
* @global bool $compress_scripts
function _print_scripts() {
global $wp_scripts, $compress_scripts;
$zip = $compress_scripts ? 1 : 0;
if ( $zip && defined('ENFORCE_GZIP') && ENFORCE_GZIP )
$zip = 'gzip';
if ( $concat = trim( $wp_scripts->concat, ', ' ) ) {
if ( !empty($wp_scripts->print_code) ) {
echo "\n<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
echo "/* <![CDATA[ */\n"; // not needed in HTML 5
echo $wp_scripts->print_code;
echo "/* ]]> */\n";
echo "</script>\n";
$concat = str_split( $concat, 128 );
$concat = 'load%5B%5D=' . implode( '&load%5B%5D=', $concat );
$src = $wp_scripts->base_url . "/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c={$zip}&" . $concat . '&ver=' . $wp_scripts->default_version;
echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . esc_attr($src) . "'></script>\n";
if ( !empty($wp_scripts->print_html) )
echo $wp_scripts->print_html;
* Prints the script queue in the HTML head on the front end.
* Postpones the scripts that were queued for the footer.
* wp_print_footer_scripts() is called in the footer to print these scripts.
* @since 2.8.0
* @global WP_Scripts $wp_scripts
* @return array
function wp_print_head_scripts() {
if ( ! did_action('wp_print_scripts') ) {
/** This action is documented in wp-includes/functions.wp-scripts.php */
do_action( 'wp_print_scripts' );
global $wp_scripts;
if ( ! ( $wp_scripts instanceof WP_Scripts ) ) {
return array(); // no need to run if nothing is queued
return print_head_scripts();
* Private, for use in *_footer_scripts hooks
* @since 3.3.0
function _wp_footer_scripts() {
* Hooks to print the scripts and styles in the footer.
* @since 2.8.0
function wp_print_footer_scripts() {
* Fires when footer scripts are printed.
* @since 2.8.0
do_action( 'wp_print_footer_scripts' );
* Wrapper for do_action('wp_enqueue_scripts')
* Allows plugins to queue scripts for the front end using wp_enqueue_script().
* Runs first in wp_head() where all is_home(), is_page(), etc. functions are available.
* @since 2.8.0
function wp_enqueue_scripts() {
* Fires when scripts and styles are enqueued.
* @since 2.8.0
do_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts' );
* Prints the styles queue in the HTML head on admin pages.
* @since 2.8.0
* @global bool $concatenate_scripts
* @return array
function print_admin_styles() {
global $concatenate_scripts;
$wp_styles = wp_styles();
$wp_styles->do_concat = $concatenate_scripts;
* Filters whether to print the admin styles.
* @since 2.8.0
* @param bool $print Whether to print the admin styles. Default true.
if ( apply_filters( 'print_admin_styles', true ) ) {
return $wp_styles->done;
* Prints the styles that were queued too late for the HTML head.
* @since 3.3.0
* @global WP_Styles $wp_styles
* @global bool $concatenate_scripts
* @return array|void
function print_late_styles() {
global $wp_styles, $concatenate_scripts;
if ( ! ( $wp_styles instanceof WP_Styles ) ) {
$wp_styles->do_concat = $concatenate_scripts;
* Filters whether to print the styles queued too late for the HTML head.
* @since 3.3.0
* @param bool $print Whether to print the 'late' styles. Default true.
if ( apply_filters( 'print_late_styles', true ) ) {
return $wp_styles->done;
* Print styles (internal use only)
* @ignore
* @since 3.3.0
* @global bool $compress_css
function _print_styles() {
global $compress_css;
$wp_styles = wp_styles();
$zip = $compress_css ? 1 : 0;
if ( $zip && defined('ENFORCE_GZIP') && ENFORCE_GZIP )
$zip = 'gzip';
if ( $concat = trim( $wp_styles->concat, ', ' ) ) {
$dir = $wp_styles->text_direction;
$ver = $wp_styles->default_version;
$concat = str_split( $concat, 128 );
$concat = 'load%5B%5D=' . implode( '&load%5B%5D=', $concat );
$href = $wp_styles->base_url . "/wp-admin/load-styles.php?c={$zip}&dir={$dir}&" . $concat . '&ver=' . $ver;
echo "<link rel='stylesheet' href='" . esc_attr($href) . "' type='text/css' media='all' />\n";
if ( !empty($wp_styles->print_code) ) {
echo "<style type='text/css'>\n";
echo $wp_styles->print_code;
echo "\n</style>\n";
if ( !empty($wp_styles->print_html) )
echo $wp_styles->print_html;
* Determine the concatenation and compression settings for scripts and styles.
* @since 2.8.0
* @global bool $concatenate_scripts
* @global bool $compress_scripts
* @global bool $compress_css
function script_concat_settings() {
global $concatenate_scripts, $compress_scripts, $compress_css;
$compressed_output = ( ini_get('zlib.output_compression') || 'ob_gzhandler' == ini_get('output_handler') );
if ( ! isset($concatenate_scripts) ) {
$concatenate_scripts = defined('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS') ? CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS : true;
if ( ( ! is_admin() && ! did_action( 'login_init' ) ) || ( defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG ) )
$concatenate_scripts = false;
if ( ! isset($compress_scripts) ) {
$compress_scripts = defined('COMPRESS_SCRIPTS') ? COMPRESS_SCRIPTS : true;
if ( $compress_scripts && ( ! get_site_option('can_compress_scripts') || $compressed_output ) )
$compress_scripts = false;
if ( ! isset($compress_css) ) {
$compress_css = defined('COMPRESS_CSS') ? COMPRESS_CSS : true;
if ( $compress_css && ( ! get_site_option('can_compress_scripts') || $compressed_output ) )
$compress_css = false;