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synced 2025-03-04 12:29:22 +00:00
Many variables in the JavaScript were defined in the global scope without being explicitly assigned to the window. When built with Webpack, the code gets encapsulated in anonymous functions and those implicit globals get assigned to the wrong scope. This patch prevents that from happening. Fixes #44371. See #43731. Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@43577 git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@43406 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
625 lines
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625 lines
19 KiB
* @output wp-admin/js/dashboard.js
/* global pagenow, ajaxurl, postboxes, wpActiveEditor:true, ajaxWidgets */
/* global ajaxPopulateWidgets, quickPressLoad, */
window.wp = window.wp || {};
* Initializes the dashboard widget functionality.
* @since 2.7.0
jQuery(document).ready( function($) {
var welcomePanel = $( '#welcome-panel' ),
welcomePanelHide = $('#wp_welcome_panel-hide'),
* Saves the visibility of the welcome panel.
* @since 3.3.0
* @param {boolean} visible Should it be visible or not.
* @returns {void}
updateWelcomePanel = function( visible ) {
$.post( ajaxurl, {
action: 'update-welcome-panel',
visible: visible,
welcomepanelnonce: $( '#welcomepanelnonce' ).val()
// Unhide the welcome panel if the Welcome Option checkbox is checked.
if ( welcomePanel.hasClass('hidden') && welcomePanelHide.prop('checked') ) {
// Hide the welcome panel when the dismiss button or close button is clicked.
$('.welcome-panel-close, .welcome-panel-dismiss a', welcomePanel).click( function(e) {
updateWelcomePanel( 0 );
$('#wp_welcome_panel-hide').prop('checked', false);
// Set welcome panel visibility based on Welcome Option checkbox value.
welcomePanelHide.click( function() {
welcomePanel.toggleClass('hidden', ! this.checked );
updateWelcomePanel( this.checked ? 1 : 0 );
* These widgets can be populated via ajax.
* @since 2.7.0
* @type {string[]}
* @global
window.ajaxWidgets = ['dashboard_primary'];
* Triggers widget updates via AJAX.
* @since 2.7.0
* @global
* @param {string} el Optional. Widget to fetch or none to update all.
* @returns {void}
window.ajaxPopulateWidgets = function(el) {
* Fetch the latest representation of the widget via Ajax and show it.
* @param {number} i Number of half-seconds to use as the timeout.
* @param {string} id ID of the element which is going to be checked for changes.
* @returns {void}
function show(i, id) {
var p, e = $('#' + id + ' div.inside:visible').find('.widget-loading');
// If the element is found in the dom, queue to load latest representation.
if ( e.length ) {
p = e.parent();
setTimeout( function(){
// Request the widget content.
p.load( ajaxurl + '?action=dashboard-widgets&widget=' + id + '&pagenow=' + pagenow, '', function() {
// Hide the parent and slide it out for visual fancyness.
p.hide().slideDown('normal', function(){
$(this).css('display', '');
}, i * 500 );
// If we have received a specific element to fetch, check if it is valid.
if ( el ) {
el = el.toString();
// If the element is available as AJAX widget, show it.
if ( $.inArray(el, ajaxWidgets) !== -1 ) {
// Show element without any delay.
show(0, el);
} else {
// Walk through all ajaxWidgets, loading them after each other.
$.each( ajaxWidgets, show );
// Initially populate ajax widgets.
// Register ajax widgets as postbox toggles.
postboxes.add_postbox_toggles(pagenow, { pbshow: ajaxPopulateWidgets } );
* Control the Quick Press (Quick Draft) widget.
* @since 2.7.0
* @global
* @returns {void}
window.quickPressLoad = function() {
var act = $('#quickpost-action'), t;
// Enable the submit buttons.
$( '#quick-press .submit input[type="submit"], #quick-press .submit input[type="reset"]' ).prop( 'disabled' , false );
t = $('#quick-press').submit( function( e ) {
// Show a spinner.
$('#dashboard_quick_press #publishing-action .spinner').show();
// Disable the submit button to prevent duplicate submissions.
$('#quick-press .submit input[type="submit"], #quick-press .submit input[type="reset"]').prop('disabled', true);
// Post the entered data to save it.
$.post( t.attr( 'action' ), t.serializeArray(), function( data ) {
// Replace the form, and prepend the published post.
$('#dashboard_quick_press .inside').html( data );
// Focus the title to allow for quickly drafting another post.
* Highlights the latest post for one second.
* @returns {void}
function highlightLatestPost () {
var latestPost = $('.drafts ul li').first();
latestPost.css('background', '#fffbe5');
setTimeout(function () {
latestPost.css('background', 'none');
}, 1000);
} );
// Change the QuickPost action to the publish value.
$('#publish').click( function() { act.val( 'post-quickpress-publish' ); } );
* Adds accessibility context to inputs.
* Use the 'screen-reader-text' class to hide the label when entering a value.
* Apply it when the input is not empty or the input has focus.
* @returns {void}
$('#title, #tags-input, #content').each( function() {
var input = $(this), prompt = $('#' + this.id + '-prompt-text');
if ( '' === this.value ) {
prompt.click( function() {
input.blur( function() {
if ( '' === this.value ) {
input.focus( function() {
$('#quick-press').on( 'click focusin', function() {
wpActiveEditor = 'content';
// Enable the dragging functionality of the widgets.
$( '.meta-box-sortables' ).sortable( 'option', 'containment', '#wpwrap' );
* Adjust the height of the textarea based on the content.
* @since 3.6.0
* @returns {void}
function autoResizeTextarea() {
// When IE8 or older is used to render this document, exit.
if ( document.documentMode && document.documentMode < 9 ) {
// Add a hidden div. We'll copy over the text from the textarea to measure its height.
$('body').append( '<div class="quick-draft-textarea-clone" style="display: none;"></div>' );
var clone = $('.quick-draft-textarea-clone'),
editor = $('#content'),
editorHeight = editor.height(),
* 100px roughly accounts for browser chrome and allows the
* save draft button to show on-screen at the same time.
editorMaxHeight = $(window).height() - 100;
* Match up textarea and clone div as much as possible.
* Padding cannot be reliably retrieved using shorthand in all browsers.
'font-family': editor.css('font-family'),
'font-size': editor.css('font-size'),
'line-height': editor.css('line-height'),
'padding-bottom': editor.css('paddingBottom'),
'padding-left': editor.css('paddingLeft'),
'padding-right': editor.css('paddingRight'),
'padding-top': editor.css('paddingTop'),
'white-space': 'pre-wrap',
'word-wrap': 'break-word',
'display': 'none'
// The 'propertychange' is used in IE < 9.
editor.on('focus input propertychange', function() {
var $this = $(this),
// Add a non-breaking space to ensure that the height of a trailing newline is
// included.
textareaContent = $this.val() + ' ',
// Add 2px to compensate for border-top & border-bottom.
cloneHeight = clone.css('width', $this.css('width')).text(textareaContent).outerHeight() + 2;
// Default to show a vertical scrollbar, if needed.
editor.css('overflow-y', 'auto');
// Only change the height if it has changed and both heights are below the max.
if ( cloneHeight === editorHeight || ( cloneHeight >= editorMaxHeight && editorHeight >= editorMaxHeight ) ) {
* Don't allow editor to exceed the height of the window.
* This is also bound in CSS to a max-height of 1300px to be extra safe.
if ( cloneHeight > editorMaxHeight ) {
editorHeight = editorMaxHeight;
} else {
editorHeight = cloneHeight;
// Disable scrollbars because we adjust the height to the content.
editor.css('overflow', 'hidden');
$this.css('height', editorHeight + 'px');
} );
jQuery( function( $ ) {
'use strict';
var communityEventsData = window.communityEventsData || {},
* Global Community Events namespace.
* @since 4.8.0
* @memberOf wp
* @namespace wp.communityEvents
app = window.wp.communityEvents = /** @lends wp.communityEvents */{
initialized: false,
model: null,
* Initializes the wp.communityEvents object.
* @since 4.8.0
* @returns {void}
init: function() {
if ( app.initialized ) {
var $container = $( '#community-events' );
* When JavaScript is disabled, the errors container is shown, so
* that "This widget requires JavaScript" message can be seen.
* When JS is enabled, the container is hidden at first, and then
* revealed during the template rendering, if there actually are
* errors to show.
* The display indicator switches from `hide-if-js` to `aria-hidden`
* here in order to maintain consistency with all the other fields
* that key off of `aria-hidden` to determine their visibility.
* `aria-hidden` can't be used initially, because there would be no
* way to set it to false when JavaScript is disabled, which would
* prevent people from seeing the "This widget requires JavaScript"
* message.
$( '.community-events-errors' )
.attr( 'aria-hidden', 'true' )
.removeClass( 'hide-if-js' );
$container.on( 'click', '.community-events-toggle-location, .community-events-cancel', app.toggleLocationForm );
* Filters events based on entered location.
* @returns {void}
$container.on( 'submit', '.community-events-form', function( event ) {
var location = $.trim( $( '#community-events-location' ).val() );
* Don't trigger a search if the search field is empty or the
* search term was made of only spaces before being trimmed.
if ( ! location ) {
location: location
if ( communityEventsData && communityEventsData.cache && communityEventsData.cache.location && communityEventsData.cache.events ) {
app.renderEventsTemplate( communityEventsData.cache, 'app' );
} else {
app.initialized = true;
* Toggles the visibility of the Edit Location form.
* @since 4.8.0
* @param {event|string} action 'show' or 'hide' to specify a state;
* or an event object to flip between states.
* @returns {void}
toggleLocationForm: function( action ) {
var $toggleButton = $( '.community-events-toggle-location' ),
$cancelButton = $( '.community-events-cancel' ),
$form = $( '.community-events-form' ),
$target = $();
if ( 'object' === typeof action ) {
// The action is the event object: get the clicked element.
$target = $( action.target );
* Strict comparison doesn't work in this case because sometimes
* we explicitly pass a string as value of aria-expanded and
* sometimes a boolean as the result of an evaluation.
action = 'true' == $toggleButton.attr( 'aria-expanded' ) ? 'hide' : 'show';
if ( 'hide' === action ) {
$toggleButton.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
$cancelButton.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
$form.attr( 'aria-hidden', 'true' );
* If the Cancel button has been clicked, bring the focus back
* to the toggle button so users relying on screen readers don't
* lose their place.
if ( $target.hasClass( 'community-events-cancel' ) ) {
} else {
$toggleButton.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );
$cancelButton.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );
$form.attr( 'aria-hidden', 'false' );
* Sends REST API requests to fetch events for the widget.
* @since 4.8.0
* @param {Object} requestParams REST API Request parameters object.
* @returns {void}
getEvents: function( requestParams ) {
var initiatedBy,
app = this,
$spinner = $( '.community-events-form' ).children( '.spinner' );
requestParams = requestParams || {};
requestParams._wpnonce = communityEventsData.nonce;
requestParams.timezone = window.Intl ? window.Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone : '';
initiatedBy = requestParams.location ? 'user' : 'app';
$spinner.addClass( 'is-active' );
wp.ajax.post( 'get-community-events', requestParams )
.always( function() {
$spinner.removeClass( 'is-active' );
.done( function( response ) {
if ( 'no_location_available' === response.error ) {
if ( requestParams.location ) {
response.unknownCity = requestParams.location;
} else {
* No location was passed, which means that this was an automatic query
* based on IP, locale, and timezone. Since the user didn't initiate it,
* it should fail silently. Otherwise, the error could confuse and/or
* annoy them.
delete response.error;
app.renderEventsTemplate( response, initiatedBy );
.fail( function() {
'location' : false,
'error' : true
}, initiatedBy );
* Renders the template for the Events section of the Events & News widget.
* @since 4.8.0
* @param {Object} templateParams The various parameters that will get passed to wp.template.
* @param {string} initiatedBy 'user' to indicate that this was triggered manually by the user;
* 'app' to indicate it was triggered automatically by the app itself.
* @returns {void}
renderEventsTemplate: function( templateParams, initiatedBy ) {
var template,
l10nPlaceholder = /%(?:\d\$)?s/g, // Match `%s`, `%1$s`, `%2$s`, etc.
$toggleButton = $( '.community-events-toggle-location' ),
$locationMessage = $( '#community-events-location-message' ),
$results = $( '.community-events-results' );
* Hide all toggleable elements by default, to keep the logic simple.
* Otherwise, each block below would have to turn hide everything that
* could have been shown at an earlier point.
* The exception to that is that the .community-events container is hidden
* when the page is first loaded, because the content isn't ready yet,
* but once we've reached this point, it should always be shown.
elementVisibility = {
'.community-events' : true,
'.community-events-loading' : false,
'.community-events-errors' : false,
'.community-events-error-occurred' : false,
'.community-events-could-not-locate' : false,
'#community-events-location-message' : false,
'.community-events-toggle-location' : false,
'.community-events-results' : false
* Determine which templates should be rendered and which elements
* should be displayed.
if ( templateParams.location.ip ) {
* If the API determined the location by geolocating an IP, it will
* provide events, but not a specific location.
$locationMessage.text( communityEventsData.l10n.attend_event_near_generic );
if ( templateParams.events.length ) {
template = wp.template( 'community-events-event-list' );
$results.html( template( templateParams ) );
} else {
template = wp.template( 'community-events-no-upcoming-events' );
$results.html( template( templateParams ) );
elementVisibility['#community-events-location-message'] = true;
elementVisibility['.community-events-toggle-location'] = true;
elementVisibility['.community-events-results'] = true;
} else if ( templateParams.location.description ) {
template = wp.template( 'community-events-attend-event-near' );
$locationMessage.html( template( templateParams ) );
if ( templateParams.events.length ) {
template = wp.template( 'community-events-event-list' );
$results.html( template( templateParams ) );
} else {
template = wp.template( 'community-events-no-upcoming-events' );
$results.html( template( templateParams ) );
if ( 'user' === initiatedBy ) {
wp.a11y.speak( communityEventsData.l10n.city_updated.replace( l10nPlaceholder, templateParams.location.description ), 'assertive' );
elementVisibility['#community-events-location-message'] = true;
elementVisibility['.community-events-toggle-location'] = true;
elementVisibility['.community-events-results'] = true;
} else if ( templateParams.unknownCity ) {
template = wp.template( 'community-events-could-not-locate' );
$( '.community-events-could-not-locate' ).html( template( templateParams ) );
wp.a11y.speak( communityEventsData.l10n.could_not_locate_city.replace( l10nPlaceholder, templateParams.unknownCity ) );
elementVisibility['.community-events-errors'] = true;
elementVisibility['.community-events-could-not-locate'] = true;
} else if ( templateParams.error && 'user' === initiatedBy ) {
* Errors messages are only shown for requests that were initiated
* by the user, not for ones that were initiated by the app itself.
* Showing error messages for an event that user isn't aware of
* could be confusing or unnecessarily distracting.
wp.a11y.speak( communityEventsData.l10n.error_occurred_please_try_again );
elementVisibility['.community-events-errors'] = true;
elementVisibility['.community-events-error-occurred'] = true;
} else {
$locationMessage.text( communityEventsData.l10n.enter_closest_city );
elementVisibility['#community-events-location-message'] = true;
elementVisibility['.community-events-toggle-location'] = true;
// Set the visibility of toggleable elements.
_.each( elementVisibility, function( isVisible, element ) {
$( element ).attr( 'aria-hidden', ! isVisible );
$toggleButton.attr( 'aria-expanded', elementVisibility['.community-events-toggle-location'] );
if ( templateParams.location && ( templateParams.location.ip || templateParams.location.latitude ) ) {
// Hide the form when there's a valid location.
app.toggleLocationForm( 'hide' );
if ( 'user' === initiatedBy ) {
* When the form is programmatically hidden after a user search,
* bring the focus back to the toggle button so users relying
* on screen readers don't lose their place.
} else {
app.toggleLocationForm( 'show' );
if ( $( '#dashboard_primary' ).is( ':visible' ) ) {
} else {
$( document ).on( 'postbox-toggled', function( event, postbox ) {
var $postbox = $( postbox );
if ( 'dashboard_primary' === $postbox.attr( 'id' ) && $postbox.is( ':visible' ) ) {