
719 lines
18 KiB

/* global _wpThemeSettings, confirm */
window.wp = window.wp || {};
( function($) {
// Set up our namespace...
var themes = wp.themes = wp.themes || {};
// Store the theme data and settings for organized and quick access
// themes.data.settings, themes.data.themes, themes.data.i18n
themes.data = _wpThemeSettings;
// Setup app structure
_.extend( themes, { model: {}, view: {}, routes: {}, router: {}, template: wp.template });
themes.model = Backbone.Model.extend({});
// Main view controller for themes.php
// Unifies and renders all available views
// Hooks to #appearance and organizes the views to be rendered
themes.view.Appearance = wp.Backbone.View.extend({
// Set DOM container
// {#appearance} by default
el: themes.data.settings.container,
window: $( window ),
// Pagination instance
page: 0,
events: {
'click .themes-bulk-edit': 'editMode',
'click .theme .delete-theme': 'deleteTheme'
// Sets up a throttler for binding to 'scroll'
initialize: function() {
var self = this;
// Keep a boolean check so that we don't run
// too much code on every event trigger
this.window.bind( 'scroll.themes', function() {
this.throttle = true;
setInterval( function() {
if ( this.throttle ) {
// Once the case is the case, the action occurs and the fact is no more
this.throttle = false;
}, 300 );
// Main render control
render: function() {
// Setup the main theme view
// with the current theme collection
this.view = new themes.view.Themes({
collection: this.collection,
parent: this
// Render and append
this.$el.append( this.view.el );
// Search form
// Search input and view
// for current theme collection
search: function() {
var view,
self = this;
view = new themes.view.Search({ collection: self.collection });
// Render and append after screen title
self.$el.find( '> h2' ).after( view.el );
// Checks when the user gets close to the bottom
// of the mage and triggers a theme:scroll event
scroller: function() {
var self = this,
bottom, threshold;
bottom = this.window.scrollTop() + self.window.height();
threshold = self.$el.offset().top + self.$el.outerHeight( false ) - self.window.height();
threshold = Math.round( threshold * 0.9 );
if ( bottom > threshold ) {
this.trigger( 'theme:scroll' );
// Enters edit mode that allows easy access to deleting themes
editMode: function() {
$( 'body' ).toggleClass( 'edit-mode' );
this.$el.find( '.themes-bulk-edit' ).toggleClass( 'mp6-text-highlight' );
deleteTheme: function() {
return confirm( themes.data.settings.confirmDelete );
// Set up the Collection for our theme data
// @has 'id' 'name' 'screenshot' 'author' 'authorURI' 'version' 'active' ...
themes.Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: themes.model,
// Search terms
terms: '',
// Controls searching on the current theme collection
// and triggers an update event
doSearch: function( value ) {
// Updates terms with the value passed
this.terms = value;
// If we have terms, run a search...
if ( this.terms.length > 0 ) {
this.search( this.terms );
// If search is blank, show all themes
// Useful for resetting the views when you clean the input
if ( this.terms === '' ) {
this.reset( themes.data.themes );
// Trigger an 'update' event
this.trigger( 'update' );
// Performs a search within the collection
// @uses RegExp
search: function( term ) {
var self = this,
match, results, haystack;
// Start with a full collection
self.reset( themes.data.themes );
// The RegExp object to match
// Consider spaces as word delimiters and match the whole string
// so matching terms can be combined
term = term.replace( ' ', ')(?=.*' );
match = new RegExp( '^(?=.*' + term + ').+', 'i' );
// Find results
// _.filter and .test
results = self.filter( function( data ) {
haystack = _.union( data.get( 'name' ), data.get( 'author' ), data.get( 'tags' ) );
if ( match.test( data.get( 'author' ) ) ) {
data.set( 'displayAuthor', true );
return match.test( haystack );
self.reset( results );
// Paginates the collection with a helper method
// that slices the collection
paginate: function( instance ) {
var collection = this;
instance = instance || 0;
// Themes per instance are set at 15
collection = _( collection.rest( 15 * instance ) );
collection = _( collection.first( 15 ) );
return collection;
// This is the view that controls each theme item
// that will be displayed on the screen
themes.view.Theme = wp.Backbone.View.extend({
// Wrap theme data on a div.theme element
className: 'theme',
// Reflects which theme view we have
// 'grid' (default) or 'detail'
state: 'grid',
// The HTML template for each element to be rendered
html: themes.template( 'theme' ),
events: {
'click': 'expand'
render: function() {
var data = this.model.toJSON();
// Render themes using the html template
this.$el.html( this.html( data ) );
// Renders active theme styles
if ( this.model.get( 'displayAuthor' ) ) {
this.$el.addClass( 'display-author' );
// Adds a class to the currently active theme
// and to the overlay in detailed view mode
activeTheme: function() {
if ( this.model.get( 'active' ) ) {
this.$el.addClass( 'active' );
this.$el.find( '.theme-name' ).addClass( 'mp6-primary' );
$( '#theme-overlay' ).addClass( 'active' );
// Single theme overlay screen
// It's shown when clicking a theme
expand: function( event ) {
var self = this;
event = event || window.event;
// Prevent the modal from showing when the user clicks
// one of the direct action buttons
if ( $( event.target ).is( '.theme-actions a, .delete-theme' ) ) {
this.trigger( 'theme:expand', self.model.cid );
// Theme Details view
// Set ups a modal overlay with the expanded theme data
themes.view.Details = wp.Backbone.View.extend({
// Wrap theme data on a div.theme element
id: 'theme-overlay',
events: {
'click': 'collapse',
'click .delete-theme': 'deleteTheme',
'click .left': 'previousTheme',
'click .right': 'nextTheme'
// The HTML template for the theme overlay
html: themes.template( 'theme-single' ),
render: function() {
var data = this.model.toJSON();
this.$el.html( this.html( data ) );
// Renders active theme styles
// Set up navigation events
// Adds a class to the currently active theme
// and to the overlay in detailed view mode
activeTheme: function() {
// Check the model has the active property
if ( this.model.get( 'active' ) ) {
this.$el.addClass( 'active' );
} else {
$( '#theme-overlay' ).removeClass( 'active' );
// Single theme overlay screen
// It's shown when clicking a theme
collapse: function( event ) {
var self = this,
event = event || window.event;
// Detect if the click is inside the overlay
// and don't close it unless the target was
// the div.back button
if ( $( event.target ).is( '.theme-backdrop' ) || $( event.target ).is( 'div.back' ) || event.keyCode === 27 ) {
// Add a temporary closing class while overlay fades out
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'closing-overlay' );
// With a quick fade out animation
this.$el.fadeOut( 130, function() {
// Clicking outside the modal box closes the overlay
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'theme-overlay closing-overlay' );
// Handle event cleanup
// Get scroll position to avoid jumping to the top
scroll = document.body.scrollTop;
// Clean the url structure
themes.router.navigate( '' );
// Restore scroll position
document.body.scrollTop = scroll;
// Handles arrow keys navigation for the overlay
// Triggers theme:next and theme:previous events
navigation: function() {
var self = this;
$( 'body' ).on( 'keyup', function( event ) {
// Pressing the right arrow key fires a theme:next event
if ( event.keyCode === 39 ) {
self.trigger( 'theme:next', self.model.cid );
// Pressing the left arrow key fires a theme:previous event
if ( event.keyCode === 37 ) {
self.trigger( 'theme:previous', self.model.cid );
// Pressing the escape key closes the theme details panel
if ( event.keyCode === 27 ) {
// Performs the actions to effectively close
// the theme details overlay
closeOverlay: function() {
this.trigger( 'theme:collapse' );
// Setups an image gallery using the theme screenshots supplied by a theme
screenshotGallery: function() {
var screenshots = $( '#theme-screenshots' ),
current, img;
screenshots.find( 'div.first' ).next().addClass( 'selected' );
// Clicking on a screenshot thumbnail drops it
// at the top of the stack in a larger size
screenshots.on( 'click', 'div.thumb', function() {
current = $( this );
img = $( this ).find( 'img' ).clone();
current.siblings( '.first' ).html( img );
current.siblings( '.selected' ).removeClass( 'selected' );
current.addClass( 'selected' );
// Confirmation dialoge for deleting a theme
deleteTheme: function() {
return confirm( themes.data.settings.confirmDelete );
nextTheme: function() {
var self = this;
self.trigger( 'theme:next', self.model.cid );
previousTheme: function() {
var self = this;
self.trigger( 'theme:previous', self.model.cid );
// Controls the rendering of div#themes,
// a wrapper that will hold all the theme elements
themes.view.Themes = wp.Backbone.View.extend({
id: 'themes',
// Number to keep track of scroll position
// while in theme-overlay mode
index: 0,
// The theme count element
count: $( '#theme-count' ),
initialize: function( options ) {
var self = this;
// Set up parent
this.parent = options.parent;
// Set current view to [grid]
this.setView( 'grid' );
// Move the active theme to the beginning of the collection
// When the collection is updated by user input...
this.listenTo( self.collection, 'update', function() {
self.parent.page = 0;
self.render( this );
this.listenTo( this.parent, 'theme:scroll', function() {
self.renderThemes( self.parent.page );
// Manages rendering of theme pages
// and keeping theme count in sync
render: function() {
// Clear the DOM, please
this.$el.html( '' );
// Generate the themes
// Using page instance
this.renderThemes( this.parent.page );
// Display a live theme count for the collection
this.count.text( this.collection.length );
// Iterates through each instance of the collection
// and renders each theme module
renderThemes: function( page ) {
var self = this;
self.instance = self.collection.paginate( page );
// If we have no more themes bail
if ( self.instance.length === 0 ) {
// Make sure the add-new stays at the end
if ( page >= 1 ) {
$( '#add-new' ).remove();
// Loop through the themes and setup each theme view
self.instance.each( function( theme ) {
self.theme = new themes.view.Theme({
model: theme
// Render the views...
// and append them to div#themes
self.$el.append( self.theme.el );
// Binds to theme:expand to show the modal box
// with the theme details
self.listenTo( self.theme, 'theme:expand', self.expand, self );
// 'Add new theme' element shown at the end of the grid
this.$el.append( '<div id="add-new" class="theme add-new"><a href="' + themes.data.settings.install_uri + '"><div class="theme-screenshot"><span></span></div><h3 class="theme-name">' + themes.data.i18n.add_new + '</h3></a></div>' );
// Grabs current theme and puts it at the beginning of the collection
currentTheme: function() {
var self = this,
current = self.collection.findWhere({ active: true });
// Move the active theme to the beginning of the collection
if ( current ) {
self.collection.remove( current );
self.collection.add( current, { at:0 } );
// Sets current view
setView: function( view ) {
return view;
// Renders the overlay with the ThemeDetails view
// Uses the current model data
expand: function( id ) {
var self = this;
// Set the current theme model
this.model = self.collection.get( id );
// Trigger a route update for the current model
themes.router.navigate( 'theme/' + this.model.id );
// Sets this.view to 'detail'
this.setView( 'detail' );
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'theme-overlay' );
// Set up the theme details view
this.overlay = new themes.view.Details({
model: self.model,
className: 'theme-' + self.model.id
this.$el.append( this.overlay.el );
// Resets counter whenever the overlay is opened
this.index = 0;
// Bind to theme:next and theme:previous
// triggered by the arrow keys
// The index keep track of where we are at
// any given time
this.listenTo( this.overlay, 'theme:next', function() {
// Bump the index number to keep track of how far
// we should go for the next theme
// Renders the next theme on the overlay
self.next( [ self.model.cid, self.index ] );
.listenTo( this.overlay, 'theme:previous', function() {
// Decrease the index number to keep track of how far
// we should go for the previous theme
// Renders the previous theme on the overlay
self.previous( [ self.model.cid, self.index ] );
// This method renders the next theme on the overlay modal
// based on the current position in the collection
// @params [model cid] and [index]
next: function( args ) {
var self = this,
model, nextModel;
// Get the current theme
model = self.collection.get( args[0] );
// Get the next one
nextModel = self.collection.at( self.collection.indexOf( model ) + args[1] );
// Sanity check which also serves as a boundary test
if ( nextModel !== undefined ) {
// We have a new theme...
// Clean the overlay
// Create the view
this.nextTheme = new themes.view.Details({
model: nextModel,
className: 'theme-' + nextModel.id
// Trigger a route update for the current model
themes.router.navigate( 'theme/' + nextModel.id );
// Render and fill this.overlay with the new html
return this.overlay.$el.html( this.nextTheme.el );
// If we got this far it means we have no other themes
// so move back the counter to keep it sane
// This method renders the previous theme on the overlay modal
// based on the current position in the collection
// @params [model cid] and [index]
previous: function( args ) {
var self = this,
model, previousModel;
// Get the current theme
model = self.collection.get( args[0] );
previousModel = self.collection.at( self.collection.indexOf( model ) + args[1] );
if ( previousModel !== undefined ) {
// We have a new theme...
// Clean the overlay
this.overlay.$el.html( '' );
// Create the view
this.previousTheme = new themes.view.Details({
model: previousModel,
className: 'theme-' + previousModel.id
// Trigger a route update for the current model
themes.router.navigate( 'theme/' + previousModel.id );
// Render and fill this.overlay with the new html
return this.overlay.$el.html( this.previousTheme.el );
// If we got this far it means we have no other themes
// so move back the counter to keep it sane
// Search input view controller
// renders #search-form
themes.view.Search = wp.Backbone.View.extend({
className: 'search-form',
// 'keyup' triggers search
events: {
'keyup #theme-search': 'search'
// Grabs template file
html: themes.template( 'theme-search' ),
// Render the search form
render: function() {
var self = this;
self.$el.html( self.html );
// Runs a search on the theme collection
// bind on 'keyup' event
search: function() {
this.collection.doSearch( $( '#theme-search' ).val() );
// Sets up the routes events for relevant url queries
// Listens to [theme] and [search] params
themes.routes = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'search/:query': 'search',
'theme/:slug': 'theme'
// Set the search input value based on url
search: function( query ) {
$( '#theme-search' ).val( query );
// Make routes easily extendable
_.extend( themes.routes, themes.data.settings.extraRoutes );
// Execute and setup the application
themes.Run = {
init: function() {
// Initializes the blog's theme library view
// Create a new collection with data
this.themes = new themes.Collection( themes.data.themes );
// Set up the view
this.view = new themes.view.Appearance({
collection: this.themes
render: function() {
// Render results
// Calls the routes functionality
// Set ups history with pushState and our root
Backbone.history.start({ root: themes.data.settings.root });
routes: function() {
var self = this;
// Bind to our global thx object
// so that the object is available to sub-views
themes.router = new themes.routes();
// Handles theme details route event
themes.router.on( 'route:theme', function( slug ) {
self.view.view.expand( slug );
// Handles search route event
themes.router.on( 'route:search', function( query ) {
self.themes.doSearch( query );
// Ready...
jQuery( document ).ready(
// Bring on the themes
_.bind( themes.Run.init, themes.Run )
})( jQuery );