
723 lines
21 KiB

* imgAreaSelect jQuery plugin
* version 0.9.6
* Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Michal Wojciechowski (odyniec.net)
* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
* and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
* http://odyniec.net/projects/imgareaselect/
(function($) {
var abs = Math.abs,
max = Math.max,
min = Math.min,
round = Math.round;
function div() {
return $('<div/>');
$.imgAreaSelect = function (img, options) {
$img = $(img),
$box = div(),
$area = div(),
$border = div().add(div()).add(div()).add(div()),
$outer = div().add(div()).add(div()).add(div()),
$handles = $([]),
left, top,
imgOfs = { left: 0, top: 0 },
imgWidth, imgHeight,
parOfs = { left: 0, top: 0 },
zIndex = 0,
position = 'absolute',
startX, startY,
scaleX, scaleY,
resizeMargin = 10,
minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight,
x1, y1, x2, y2,
selection = { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0, width: 0, height: 0 },
docElem = document.documentElement,
$p, d, i, o, w, h, adjusted;
function viewX(x) {
return x + imgOfs.left - parOfs.left;
function viewY(y) {
return y + imgOfs.top - parOfs.top;
function selX(x) {
return x - imgOfs.left + parOfs.left;
function selY(y) {
return y - imgOfs.top + parOfs.top;
function evX(event) {
return event.pageX - parOfs.left;
function evY(event) {
return event.pageY - parOfs.top;
function getSelection(noScale) {
var sx = noScale || scaleX, sy = noScale || scaleY;
return { x1: round(selection.x1 * sx),
y1: round(selection.y1 * sy),
x2: round(selection.x2 * sx),
y2: round(selection.y2 * sy),
width: round(selection.x2 * sx) - round(selection.x1 * sx),
height: round(selection.y2 * sy) - round(selection.y1 * sy) };
function setSelection(x1, y1, x2, y2, noScale) {
var sx = noScale || scaleX, sy = noScale || scaleY;
selection = {
x1: round(x1 / sx || 0),
y1: round(y1 / sy || 0),
x2: round(x2 / sx || 0),
y2: round(y2 / sy || 0)
selection.width = selection.x2 - selection.x1;
selection.height = selection.y2 - selection.y1;
function adjust() {
if (!$img.width())
imgOfs = { left: round($img.offset().left), top: round($img.offset().top) };
imgWidth = $img.innerWidth();
imgHeight = $img.innerHeight();
imgOfs.top += ($img.outerHeight() - imgHeight) >> 1;
imgOfs.left += ($img.outerWidth() - imgWidth) >> 1;
minWidth = options.minWidth || 0;
minHeight = options.minHeight || 0;
maxWidth = min(options.maxWidth || 1<<24, imgWidth);
maxHeight = min(options.maxHeight || 1<<24, imgHeight);
if ($().jquery == '1.3.2' && position == 'fixed' &&
imgOfs.top += max(document.body.scrollTop, docElem.scrollTop);
imgOfs.left += max(document.body.scrollLeft, docElem.scrollLeft);
parOfs = $.inArray($parent.css('position'), ['absolute', 'relative']) + 1 ?
{ left: round($parent.offset().left) - $parent.scrollLeft(),
top: round($parent.offset().top) - $parent.scrollTop() } :
position == 'fixed' ?
{ left: $(document).scrollLeft(), top: $(document).scrollTop() } :
{ left: 0, top: 0 };
left = viewX(0);
top = viewY(0);
if (selection.x2 > imgWidth || selection.y2 > imgHeight)
function update(resetKeyPress) {
if (!shown) return;
$box.css({ left: viewX(selection.x1), top: viewY(selection.y1) })
.add($area).width(w = selection.width).height(h = selection.height);
$area.add($border).add($handles).css({ left: 0, top: 0 });
.width(max(w - $border.outerWidth() + $border.innerWidth(), 0))
.height(max(h - $border.outerHeight() + $border.innerHeight(), 0));
$($outer[0]).css({ left: left, top: top,
width: selection.x1, height: imgHeight });
$($outer[1]).css({ left: left + selection.x1, top: top,
width: w, height: selection.y1 });
$($outer[2]).css({ left: left + selection.x2, top: top,
width: imgWidth - selection.x2, height: imgHeight });
$($outer[3]).css({ left: left + selection.x1, top: top + selection.y2,
width: w, height: imgHeight - selection.y2 });
w -= $handles.outerWidth();
h -= $handles.outerHeight();
switch ($handles.length) {
case 8:
$($handles[4]).css({ left: w >> 1 });
$($handles[5]).css({ left: w, top: h >> 1 });
$($handles[6]).css({ left: w >> 1, top: h });
$($handles[7]).css({ top: h >> 1 });
case 4:
$handles.slice(1,3).css({ left: w });
$handles.slice(2,4).css({ top: h });
if (resetKeyPress !== false) {
if ($.imgAreaSelect.keyPress != docKeyPress)
if (options.keys)
$.imgAreaSelect.onKeyPress = docKeyPress);
if ($.browser.msie && $border.outerWidth() - $border.innerWidth() == 2) {
$border.css('margin', 0);
setTimeout(function () { $border.css('margin', 'auto'); }, 0);
function doUpdate(resetKeyPress) {
x1 = viewX(selection.x1); y1 = viewY(selection.y1);
x2 = viewX(selection.x2); y2 = viewY(selection.y2);
function hide($elem, fn) {
options.fadeSpeed ? $elem.fadeOut(options.fadeSpeed, fn) : $elem.hide();
function areaMouseMove(event) {
var x = selX(evX(event)) - selection.x1,
y = selY(evY(event)) - selection.y1;
if (!adjusted) {
adjusted = true;
$box.one('mouseout', function () { adjusted = false; });
resize = '';
if (options.resizable) {
if (y <= options.resizeMargin)
resize = 'n';
else if (y >= selection.height - options.resizeMargin)
resize = 's';
if (x <= options.resizeMargin)
resize += 'w';
else if (x >= selection.width - options.resizeMargin)
resize += 'e';
$box.css('cursor', resize ? resize + '-resize' :
options.movable ? 'move' : '');
if ($areaOpera)
function docMouseUp(event) {
$('body').css('cursor', '');
if (options.autoHide || selection.width * selection.height == 0)
hide($box.add($outer), function () { $(this).hide(); });
$(document).unbind('mousemove', selectingMouseMove);
options.onSelectEnd(img, getSelection());
function areaMouseDown(event) {
if (event.which != 1) return false;
if (resize) {
$('body').css('cursor', resize + '-resize');
x1 = viewX(selection[/w/.test(resize) ? 'x2' : 'x1']);
y1 = viewY(selection[/n/.test(resize) ? 'y2' : 'y1']);
.one('mouseup', docMouseUp);
$box.unbind('mousemove', areaMouseMove);
else if (options.movable) {
startX = left + selection.x1 - evX(event);
startY = top + selection.y1 - evY(event);
$box.unbind('mousemove', areaMouseMove);
.one('mouseup', function () {
options.onSelectEnd(img, getSelection());
$(document).unbind('mousemove', movingMouseMove);
return false;
function fixAspectRatio(xFirst) {
if (aspectRatio)
if (xFirst) {
x2 = max(left, min(left + imgWidth,
x1 + abs(y2 - y1) * aspectRatio * (x2 > x1 || -1)));
y2 = round(max(top, min(top + imgHeight,
y1 + abs(x2 - x1) / aspectRatio * (y2 > y1 || -1))));
x2 = round(x2);
else {
y2 = max(top, min(top + imgHeight,
y1 + abs(x2 - x1) / aspectRatio * (y2 > y1 || -1)));
x2 = round(max(left, min(left + imgWidth,
x1 + abs(y2 - y1) * aspectRatio * (x2 > x1 || -1))));
y2 = round(y2);
function doResize() {
x1 = min(x1, left + imgWidth);
y1 = min(y1, top + imgHeight);
if (abs(x2 - x1) < minWidth) {
x2 = x1 - minWidth * (x2 < x1 || -1);
if (x2 < left)
x1 = left + minWidth;
else if (x2 > left + imgWidth)
x1 = left + imgWidth - minWidth;
if (abs(y2 - y1) < minHeight) {
y2 = y1 - minHeight * (y2 < y1 || -1);
if (y2 < top)
y1 = top + minHeight;
else if (y2 > top + imgHeight)
y1 = top + imgHeight - minHeight;
x2 = max(left, min(x2, left + imgWidth));
y2 = max(top, min(y2, top + imgHeight));
fixAspectRatio(abs(x2 - x1) < abs(y2 - y1) * aspectRatio);
if (abs(x2 - x1) > maxWidth) {
x2 = x1 - maxWidth * (x2 < x1 || -1);
if (abs(y2 - y1) > maxHeight) {
y2 = y1 - maxHeight * (y2 < y1 || -1);
selection = { x1: selX(min(x1, x2)), x2: selX(max(x1, x2)),
y1: selY(min(y1, y2)), y2: selY(max(y1, y2)),
width: abs(x2 - x1), height: abs(y2 - y1) };
options.onSelectChange(img, getSelection());
function selectingMouseMove(event) {
x2 = resize == '' || /w|e/.test(resize) || aspectRatio ? evX(event) : viewX(selection.x2);
y2 = resize == '' || /n|s/.test(resize) || aspectRatio ? evY(event) : viewY(selection.y2);
return false;
function doMove(newX1, newY1) {
x2 = (x1 = newX1) + selection.width;
y2 = (y1 = newY1) + selection.height;
$.extend(selection, { x1: selX(x1), y1: selY(y1), x2: selX(x2),
y2: selY(y2) });
options.onSelectChange(img, getSelection());
function movingMouseMove(event) {
x1 = max(left, min(startX + evX(event), left + imgWidth - selection.width));
y1 = max(top, min(startY + evY(event), top + imgHeight - selection.height));
doMove(x1, y1);
return false;
function startSelection() {
$(document).unbind('mousemove', startSelection);
x2 = x1;
y2 = y1;
resize = '';
if ($outer.is(':not(:visible)'))
shown = true;
$(document).unbind('mouseup', cancelSelection)
.mousemove(selectingMouseMove).one('mouseup', docMouseUp);
$box.unbind('mousemove', areaMouseMove);
options.onSelectStart(img, getSelection());
function cancelSelection() {
$(document).unbind('mousemove', startSelection)
.unbind('mouseup', cancelSelection);
setSelection(selX(x1), selY(y1), selX(x1), selY(y1));
options.onSelectChange(img, getSelection());
options.onSelectEnd(img, getSelection());
function imgMouseDown(event) {
if (event.which != 1 || $outer.is(':animated')) return false;
startX = x1 = evX(event);
startY = y1 = evY(event);
return false;
function windowResize() {
function imgLoad() {
imgLoaded = true;
setOptions(options = $.extend({
classPrefix: 'imgareaselect',
movable: true,
parent: 'body',
resizable: true,
resizeMargin: 10,
onInit: function () {},
onSelectStart: function () {},
onSelectChange: function () {},
onSelectEnd: function () {}
}, options));
$box.add($outer).css({ visibility: '' });
if (options.show) {
shown = true;
setTimeout(function () { options.onInit(img, getSelection()); }, 0);
var docKeyPress = function(event) {
var k = options.keys, d, t, key = event.keyCode;
d = !isNaN(k.alt) && (event.altKey || event.originalEvent.altKey) ? k.alt :
!isNaN(k.ctrl) && event.ctrlKey ? k.ctrl :
!isNaN(k.shift) && event.shiftKey ? k.shift :
!isNaN(k.arrows) ? k.arrows : 10;
if (k.arrows == 'resize' || (k.shift == 'resize' && event.shiftKey) ||
(k.ctrl == 'resize' && event.ctrlKey) ||
(k.alt == 'resize' && (event.altKey || event.originalEvent.altKey)))
switch (key) {
case 37:
d = -d;
case 39:
t = max(x1, x2);
x1 = min(x1, x2);
x2 = max(t + d, x1);
case 38:
d = -d;
case 40:
t = max(y1, y2);
y1 = min(y1, y2);
y2 = max(t + d, y1);
else {
x1 = min(x1, x2);
y1 = min(y1, y2);
switch (key) {
case 37:
doMove(max(x1 - d, left), y1);
case 38:
doMove(x1, max(y1 - d, top));
case 39:
doMove(x1 + min(d, imgWidth - selX(x2)), y1);
case 40:
doMove(x1, y1 + min(d, imgHeight - selY(y2)));
return false;
function styleOptions($elem, props) {
for (option in props)
if (options[option] !== undefined)
$elem.css(props[option], options[option]);
function setOptions(newOptions) {
if (newOptions.parent)
($parent = $(newOptions.parent)).append($box.add($outer));
$.extend(options, newOptions);
if (newOptions.handles != null) {
$handles = $([]);
i = newOptions.handles ? newOptions.handles == 'corners' ? 4 : 8 : 0;
while (i--)
$handles = $handles.add(div());
$handles.addClass(options.classPrefix + '-handle').css({
position: 'absolute',
fontSize: 0,
zIndex: zIndex + 1 || 1
if (!parseInt($handles.css('width')) >= 0)
if (o = options.borderWidth)
$handles.css({ borderWidth: o, borderStyle: 'solid' });
styleOptions($handles, { borderColor1: 'border-color',
borderColor2: 'background-color',
borderOpacity: 'opacity' });
scaleX = options.imageWidth / imgWidth || 1;
scaleY = options.imageHeight / imgHeight || 1;
if (newOptions.x1 != null) {
setSelection(newOptions.x1, newOptions.y1, newOptions.x2,
newOptions.show = !newOptions.hide;
if (newOptions.keys)
options.keys = $.extend({ shift: 1, ctrl: 'resize' },
$outer.addClass(options.classPrefix + '-outer');
$area.addClass(options.classPrefix + '-selection');
for (i = 0; i++ < 4;)
$($border[i-1]).addClass(options.classPrefix + '-border' + i);
styleOptions($area, { selectionColor: 'background-color',
selectionOpacity: 'opacity' });
styleOptions($border, { borderOpacity: 'opacity',
borderWidth: 'border-width' });
styleOptions($outer, { outerColor: 'background-color',
outerOpacity: 'opacity' });
if (o = options.borderColor1)
$($border[0]).css({ borderStyle: 'solid', borderColor: o });
if (o = options.borderColor2)
$($border[1]).css({ borderStyle: 'dashed', borderColor: o });
if ($.browser.msie) {
if (o = $outer.css('filter').match(/opacity=([0-9]+)/))
$outer.css('opacity', o[1]/100);
if (o = $border.css('filter').match(/opacity=([0-9]+)/))
$border.css('opacity', o[1]/100);
if (newOptions.hide)
else if (newOptions.show && imgLoaded) {
shown = true;
aspectRatio = (d = (options.aspectRatio || '').split(/:/))[0] / d[1];
$img.add($outer).unbind('mousedown', imgMouseDown);
if (options.disable || options.enable === false) {
$box.unbind('mousemove', areaMouseMove).unbind('mousedown', areaMouseDown);
$(window).unbind('resize', windowResize);
else {
if (options.enable || options.disable === false) {
if (options.resizable || options.movable)
if (!options.persistent)
options.enable = options.disable = undefined;
this.remove = function () {
setOptions({ disable: true });
this.getOptions = function () { return options; };
this.setOptions = setOptions;
this.getSelection = getSelection;
this.setSelection = setSelection;
this.update = doUpdate;
$p = $img;
while ($p.length) {
zIndex = max(zIndex,
!isNaN($p.css('z-index')) ? $p.css('z-index') : zIndex);
if ($p.css('position') == 'fixed')
position = 'fixed';
$p = $p.parent(':not(body)');
zIndex = options.zIndex || zIndex;
if ($.browser.msie)
$img.attr('unselectable', 'on');
$.imgAreaSelect.keyPress = $.browser.msie ||
$.browser.safari ? 'keydown' : 'keypress';
if ($.browser.opera)
$areaOpera = div().css({ width: '100%', height: '100%',
position: 'absolute', zIndex: zIndex + 2 || 2 });
$box.add($outer).css({ visibility: 'hidden', position: position,
overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: zIndex || '0' });
$box.css({ zIndex: zIndex + 2 || 2 });
$area.add($border).css({ position: 'absolute', fontSize: 0 });
img.complete || img.readyState == 'complete' || !$img.is('img') ?
imgLoad() : $img.one('load', imgLoad);
if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version >= 9)
img.src = img.src;
$.fn.imgAreaSelect = function (options) {
options = options || {};
this.each(function () {
if ($(this).data('imgAreaSelect')) {
if (options.remove) {
else if (!options.remove) {
if (options.enable === undefined && options.disable === undefined)
options.enable = true;
$(this).data('imgAreaSelect', new $.imgAreaSelect(this, options));
if (options.instance)
return $(this).data('imgAreaSelect');
return this;