omarreiss bdbaccce37 General: Explicitly assigns all JS globals to the window.
Many variables in the JavaScript were defined in the global scope without being explicitly assigned to the window. When built with Webpack, the code gets encapsulated in anonymous functions and those implicit globals get assigned to the wrong scope. This patch prevents that from happening.

Fixes . See .

Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@43577

git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@43406 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2018-08-19 13:33:24 +00:00

1003 lines
28 KiB

* @output wp-admin/js/edit-comments.js
/* global adminCommentsL10n, thousandsSeparator, list_args, QTags, ajaxurl, wpAjax */
/* global commentReply, theExtraList, theList, setCommentsList */
(function($) {
var getCount, updateCount, updateCountText, updatePending, updateApproved,
updateHtmlTitle, updateDashboardText, adminTitle = document.title,
isDashboard = $('#dashboard_right_now').length,
titleDiv, titleRegEx;
getCount = function(el) {
var n = parseInt( el.html().replace(/[^0-9]+/g, ''), 10 );
if ( isNaN(n) ) {
return 0;
return n;
updateCount = function(el, n) {
var n1 = '';
if ( isNaN(n) ) {
n = n < 1 ? '0' : n.toString();
if ( n.length > 3 ) {
while ( n.length > 3 ) {
n1 = thousandsSeparator + n.substr(n.length - 3) + n1;
n = n.substr(0, n.length - 3);
n = n + n1;
updateApproved = function( diff, commentPostId ) {
var postSelector = '.post-com-count-' + commentPostId,
noClass = 'comment-count-no-comments',
approvedClass = 'comment-count-approved',
updateCountText( 'span.approved-count', diff );
if ( ! commentPostId ) {
// cache selectors to not get dupes
approved = $( 'span.' + approvedClass, postSelector );
noComments = $( 'span.' + noClass, postSelector );
approved.each(function() {
var a = $(this), n = getCount(a) + diff;
if ( n < 1 )
n = 0;
if ( 0 === n ) {
a.removeClass( approvedClass ).addClass( noClass );
} else {
a.addClass( approvedClass ).removeClass( noClass );
updateCount( a, n );
noComments.each(function() {
var a = $(this);
if ( diff > 0 ) {
a.removeClass( noClass ).addClass( approvedClass );
} else {
a.addClass( noClass ).removeClass( approvedClass );
updateCount( a, diff );
updateCountText = function( selector, diff ) {
$( selector ).each(function() {
var a = $(this), n = getCount(a) + diff;
if ( n < 1 ) {
n = 0;
updateCount( a, n );
updateDashboardText = function ( response ) {
if ( ! isDashboard || ! response || ! response.i18n_comments_text ) {
var rightNow = $( '#dashboard_right_now' );
$( '.comment-count a', rightNow ).text( response.i18n_comments_text );
$( '.comment-mod-count a', rightNow ).text( response.i18n_moderation_text )
[ response.in_moderation > 0 ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass' ]( 'hidden' );
updateHtmlTitle = function ( diff ) {
var newTitle, regExMatch, titleCount, commentFrag;
titleRegEx = titleRegEx || new RegExp( adminCommentsL10n.docTitleCommentsCount.replace( '%s', '\\([0-9' + thousandsSeparator + ']+\\)' ) + '?' );
// count funcs operate on a $'d element
titleDiv = titleDiv || $( '<div />' );
newTitle = adminTitle;
commentFrag = titleRegEx.exec( document.title );
if ( commentFrag ) {
commentFrag = commentFrag[0];
titleDiv.html( commentFrag );
titleCount = getCount( titleDiv ) + diff;
} else {
titleDiv.html( 0 );
titleCount = diff;
if ( titleCount >= 1 ) {
updateCount( titleDiv, titleCount );
regExMatch = titleRegEx.exec( document.title );
if ( regExMatch ) {
newTitle = document.title.replace( regExMatch[0], adminCommentsL10n.docTitleCommentsCount.replace( '%s', titleDiv.text() ) + ' ' );
} else {
regExMatch = titleRegEx.exec( newTitle );
if ( regExMatch ) {
newTitle = newTitle.replace( regExMatch[0], adminCommentsL10n.docTitleComments );
document.title = newTitle;
updatePending = function( diff, commentPostId ) {
var postSelector = '.post-com-count-' + commentPostId,
noClass = 'comment-count-no-pending',
noParentClass = 'post-com-count-no-pending',
pendingClass = 'comment-count-pending',
if ( ! isDashboard ) {
updateHtmlTitle( diff );
$( 'span.pending-count' ).each(function() {
var a = $(this), n = getCount(a) + diff;
if ( n < 1 )
n = 0;
a.closest('.awaiting-mod')[ 0 === n ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]('count-0');
updateCount( a, n );
if ( ! commentPostId ) {
// cache selectors to not get dupes
pending = $( 'span.' + pendingClass, postSelector );
noPending = $( 'span.' + noClass, postSelector );
pending.each(function() {
var a = $(this), n = getCount(a) + diff;
if ( n < 1 )
n = 0;
if ( 0 === n ) {
a.parent().addClass( noParentClass );
a.removeClass( pendingClass ).addClass( noClass );
} else {
a.parent().removeClass( noParentClass );
a.addClass( pendingClass ).removeClass( noClass );
updateCount( a, n );
noPending.each(function() {
var a = $(this);
if ( diff > 0 ) {
a.parent().removeClass( noParentClass );
a.removeClass( noClass ).addClass( pendingClass );
} else {
a.parent().addClass( noParentClass );
a.addClass( noClass ).removeClass( pendingClass );
updateCount( a, diff );
window.setCommentsList = function() {
var totalInput, perPageInput, pageInput, dimAfter, delBefore, updateTotalCount, delAfter, refillTheExtraList, diff,
lastConfidentTime = 0;
totalInput = $('input[name="_total"]', '#comments-form');
perPageInput = $('input[name="_per_page"]', '#comments-form');
pageInput = $('input[name="_page"]', '#comments-form');
// Updates the current total (stored in the _total input)
updateTotalCount = function( total, time, setConfidentTime ) {
if ( time < lastConfidentTime )
if ( setConfidentTime )
lastConfidentTime = time;
totalInput.val( total.toString() );
// this fires when viewing "All"
dimAfter = function( r, settings ) {
var editRow, replyID, replyButton, response,
c = $( '#' + settings.element );
if ( true !== settings.parsed ) {
response = settings.parsed.responses[0];
editRow = $('#replyrow');
replyID = $('#comment_ID', editRow).val();
replyButton = $('#replybtn', editRow);
if ( c.is('.unapproved') ) {
if ( settings.data.id == replyID )
c.find( '.row-actions span.view' ).addClass( 'hidden' ).end()
.find( 'div.comment_status' ).html( '0' );
} else {
if ( settings.data.id == replyID )
c.find( '.row-actions span.view' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ).end()
.find( 'div.comment_status' ).html( '1' );
diff = $('#' + settings.element).is('.' + settings.dimClass) ? 1 : -1;
if ( response ) {
updateDashboardText( response.supplemental );
updatePending( diff, response.supplemental.postId );
updateApproved( -1 * diff, response.supplemental.postId );
} else {
updatePending( diff );
updateApproved( -1 * diff );
// Send current total, page, per_page and url
delBefore = function( settings, list ) {
var note, id, el, n, h, a, author,
action = false,
wpListsData = $( settings.target ).attr( 'data-wp-lists' );
settings.data._total = totalInput.val() || 0;
settings.data._per_page = perPageInput.val() || 0;
settings.data._page = pageInput.val() || 0;
settings.data._url = document.location.href;
settings.data.comment_status = $('input[name="comment_status"]', '#comments-form').val();
if ( wpListsData.indexOf(':trash=1') != -1 )
action = 'trash';
else if ( wpListsData.indexOf(':spam=1') != -1 )
action = 'spam';
if ( action ) {
id = wpListsData.replace(/.*?comment-([0-9]+).*/, '$1');
el = $('#comment-' + id);
note = $('#' + action + '-undo-holder').html();
el.find('.check-column :checkbox').prop('checked', false); // Uncheck the row so as not to be affected by Bulk Edits.
if ( el.siblings('#replyrow').length && commentReply.cid == id )
if ( el.is('tr') ) {
n = el.children(':visible').length;
author = $('.author strong', el).text();
h = $('<tr id="undo-' + id + '" class="undo un' + action + '" style="display:none;"><td colspan="' + n + '">' + note + '</td></tr>');
} else {
author = $('.comment-author', el).text();
h = $('<div id="undo-' + id + '" style="display:none;" class="undo un' + action + '">' + note + '</div>');
$('strong', '#undo-' + id).text(author);
a = $('.undo a', '#undo-' + id);
a.attr('href', 'comment.php?action=un' + action + 'comment&c=' + id + '&_wpnonce=' + settings.data._ajax_nonce);
a.attr('data-wp-lists', 'delete:the-comment-list:comment-' + id + '::un' + action + '=1');
a.attr('class', 'vim-z vim-destructive');
$('.avatar', el).first().clone().prependTo('#undo-' + id + ' .' + action + '-undo-inside');
a.click(function( e ){
e.stopPropagation(); // ticket #35904
$('#undo-' + id).css( {backgroundColor:'#ceb'} ).fadeOut(350, function(){
$('#comment-' + id).css('backgroundColor', '').fadeIn(300, function(){ $(this).show(); });
return settings;
// In admin-ajax.php, we send back the unix time stamp instead of 1 on success
delAfter = function( r, settings ) {
var total_items_i18n, total, animated, animatedCallback,
response = true === settings.parsed ? {} : settings.parsed.responses[0],
commentStatus = true === settings.parsed ? '' : response.supplemental.status,
commentPostId = true === settings.parsed ? '' : response.supplemental.postId,
newTotal = true === settings.parsed ? '' : response.supplemental,
targetParent = $( settings.target ).parent(),
commentRow = $('#' + settings.element),
spamDiff, trashDiff, pendingDiff, approvedDiff,
approved = commentRow.hasClass( 'approved' ),
unapproved = commentRow.hasClass( 'unapproved' ),
spammed = commentRow.hasClass( 'spam' ),
trashed = commentRow.hasClass( 'trash' ),
undoing = false; // ticket #35904
updateDashboardText( newTotal );
// the order of these checks is important
// .unspam can also have .approve or .unapprove
// .untrash can also have .approve or .unapprove
if ( targetParent.is( 'span.undo' ) ) {
// the comment was spammed
if ( targetParent.hasClass( 'unspam' ) ) {
spamDiff = -1;
if ( 'trash' === commentStatus ) {
trashDiff = 1;
} else if ( '1' === commentStatus ) {
approvedDiff = 1;
} else if ( '0' === commentStatus ) {
pendingDiff = 1;
// the comment was trashed
} else if ( targetParent.hasClass( 'untrash' ) ) {
trashDiff = -1;
if ( 'spam' === commentStatus ) {
spamDiff = 1;
} else if ( '1' === commentStatus ) {
approvedDiff = 1;
} else if ( '0' === commentStatus ) {
pendingDiff = 1;
undoing = true;
// user clicked "Spam"
} else if ( targetParent.is( 'span.spam' ) ) {
// the comment is currently approved
if ( approved ) {
approvedDiff = -1;
// the comment is currently pending
} else if ( unapproved ) {
pendingDiff = -1;
// the comment was in the trash
} else if ( trashed ) {
trashDiff = -1;
// you can't spam an item on the spam screen
spamDiff = 1;
// user clicked "Unspam"
} else if ( targetParent.is( 'span.unspam' ) ) {
if ( approved ) {
pendingDiff = 1;
} else if ( unapproved ) {
approvedDiff = 1;
} else if ( trashed ) {
// the comment was previously approved
if ( targetParent.hasClass( 'approve' ) ) {
approvedDiff = 1;
// the comment was previously pending
} else if ( targetParent.hasClass( 'unapprove' ) ) {
pendingDiff = 1;
} else if ( spammed ) {
if ( targetParent.hasClass( 'approve' ) ) {
approvedDiff = 1;
} else if ( targetParent.hasClass( 'unapprove' ) ) {
pendingDiff = 1;
// you can Unspam an item on the spam screen
spamDiff = -1;
// user clicked "Trash"
} else if ( targetParent.is( 'span.trash' ) ) {
if ( approved ) {
approvedDiff = -1;
} else if ( unapproved ) {
pendingDiff = -1;
// the comment was in the spam queue
} else if ( spammed ) {
spamDiff = -1;
// you can't trash an item on the trash screen
trashDiff = 1;
// user clicked "Restore"
} else if ( targetParent.is( 'span.untrash' ) ) {
if ( approved ) {
pendingDiff = 1;
} else if ( unapproved ) {
approvedDiff = 1;
} else if ( trashed ) {
if ( targetParent.hasClass( 'approve' ) ) {
approvedDiff = 1;
} else if ( targetParent.hasClass( 'unapprove' ) ) {
pendingDiff = 1;
// you can't go from trash to spam
// you can untrash on the trash screen
trashDiff = -1;
// User clicked "Approve"
} else if ( targetParent.is( 'span.approve:not(.unspam):not(.untrash)' ) ) {
approvedDiff = 1;
pendingDiff = -1;
// User clicked "Unapprove"
} else if ( targetParent.is( 'span.unapprove:not(.unspam):not(.untrash)' ) ) {
approvedDiff = -1;
pendingDiff = 1;
// User clicked "Delete Permanently"
} else if ( targetParent.is( 'span.delete' ) ) {
if ( spammed ) {
spamDiff = -1;
} else if ( trashed ) {
trashDiff = -1;
if ( pendingDiff ) {
updatePending( pendingDiff, commentPostId );
updateCountText( 'span.all-count', pendingDiff );
if ( approvedDiff ) {
updateApproved( approvedDiff, commentPostId );
updateCountText( 'span.all-count', approvedDiff );
if ( spamDiff ) {
updateCountText( 'span.spam-count', spamDiff );
if ( trashDiff ) {
updateCountText( 'span.trash-count', trashDiff );
if (
( ( 'trash' === settings.data.comment_status ) && !getCount( $( 'span.trash-count' ) ) ) ||
( ( 'spam' === settings.data.comment_status ) && !getCount( $( 'span.spam-count' ) ) )
) {
$( '#delete_all' ).hide();
if ( ! isDashboard ) {
total = totalInput.val() ? parseInt( totalInput.val(), 10 ) : 0;
if ( $(settings.target).parent().is('span.undo') )
if ( total < 0 )
total = 0;
if ( 'object' === typeof r ) {
if ( response.supplemental.total_items_i18n && lastConfidentTime < response.supplemental.time ) {
total_items_i18n = response.supplemental.total_items_i18n || '';
if ( total_items_i18n ) {
$('.displaying-num').text( total_items_i18n );
$('.total-pages').text( response.supplemental.total_pages_i18n );
$('.tablenav-pages').find('.next-page, .last-page').toggleClass('disabled', response.supplemental.total_pages == $('.current-page').val());
updateTotalCount( total, response.supplemental.time, true );
} else if ( response.supplemental.time ) {
updateTotalCount( total, response.supplemental.time, false );
} else {
updateTotalCount( total, r, false );
if ( ! theExtraList || theExtraList.length === 0 || theExtraList.children().length === 0 || undoing ) {
theList.get(0).wpList.add( theExtraList.children( ':eq(0):not(.no-items)' ).remove().clone() );
animated = $( ':animated', '#the-comment-list' );
animatedCallback = function () {
if ( ! $( '#the-comment-list tr:visible' ).length ) {
theList.get(0).wpList.add( theExtraList.find( '.no-items' ).clone() );
if ( animated.length ) {
animated.promise().done( animatedCallback );
} else {
refillTheExtraList = function(ev) {
var args = $.query.get(), total_pages = $('.total-pages').text(), per_page = $('input[name="_per_page"]', '#comments-form').val();
if (! args.paged)
args.paged = 1;
if (args.paged > total_pages) {
if (ev) {
args.number = Math.min(8, per_page); // see WP_Comments_List_Table::prepare_items() @ class-wp-comments-list-table.php
} else {
args.number = 1;
args.offset = Math.min(8, per_page) - 1; // fetch only the next item on the extra list
args.no_placeholder = true;
args.paged ++;
// $.query.get() needs some correction to be sent into an ajax request
if ( true === args.comment_type )
args.comment_type = '';
args = $.extend(args, {
'action': 'fetch-list',
'list_args': list_args,
'_ajax_fetch_list_nonce': $('#_ajax_fetch_list_nonce').val()
url: ajaxurl,
global: false,
dataType: 'json',
data: args,
success: function(response) {
theExtraList.get(0).wpList.add( response.rows );
window.theExtraList = $('#the-extra-comment-list').wpList( { alt: '', delColor: 'none', addColor: 'none' } );
window.theList = $('#the-comment-list').wpList( { alt: '', delBefore: delBefore, dimAfter: dimAfter, delAfter: delAfter, addColor: 'none' } )
.bind('wpListDelEnd', function(e, s){
var wpListsData = $(s.target).attr('data-wp-lists'), id = s.element.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, '');
if ( wpListsData.indexOf(':trash=1') != -1 || wpListsData.indexOf(':spam=1') != -1 )
$('#undo-' + id).fadeIn(300, function(){ $(this).show(); });
window.commentReply = {
cid : '',
act : '',
originalContent : '',
init : function() {
var row = $('#replyrow');
$('a.cancel', row).click(function() { return commentReply.revert(); });
$('a.save', row).click(function() { return commentReply.send(); });
$( 'input#author-name, input#author-email, input#author-url', row ).keypress( function( e ) {
if ( e.which == 13 ) {
return false;
// add events
$('#the-comment-list .column-comment > p').dblclick(function(){
$('#doaction, #doaction2, #post-query-submit').click(function(){
if ( $('#the-comment-list #replyrow').length > 0 )
this.comments_listing = $('#comments-form > input[name="comment_status"]').val() || '';
/* $(listTable).bind('beforeChangePage', function(){
}); */
addEvents : function(r) {
r.each(function() {
$(this).find('.column-comment > p').dblclick(function(){
toggle : function(el) {
if ( 'none' !== $( el ).css( 'display' ) && ( $( '#replyrow' ).parent().is('#com-reply') || window.confirm( adminCommentsL10n.warnQuickEdit ) ) ) {
$( el ).find( 'a.vim-q' ).click();
revert : function() {
if ( $('#the-comment-list #replyrow').length < 1 )
return false;
$('#replyrow').fadeOut('fast', function(){
return false;
close : function() {
var commentRow = $(),
replyRow = $( '#replyrow' );
// replyrow is not showing?
if ( replyRow.parent().is( '#com-reply' ) ) {
if ( this.cid ) {
commentRow = $( '#comment-' + this.cid );
* When closing the Quick Edit form, show the comment row and move focus
* back to the Quick Edit button.
if ( 'edit-comment' === this.act ) {
commentRow.fadeIn( 300, function() {
.find( '.vim-q' )
.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' )
} ).css( 'backgroundColor', '' );
// When closing the Reply form, move focus back to the Reply button.
if ( 'replyto-comment' === this.act ) {
commentRow.find( '.vim-r' )
.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' )
// reset the Quicktags buttons
if ( typeof QTags != 'undefined' )
$('#add-new-comment').css('display', '');
$( '#com-reply' ).append( replyRow );
$('#replycontent').css('height', '').val('');
$('#edithead input').val('');
$( '.notice-error', replyRow )
.addClass( 'hidden' )
.find( '.error' ).empty();
$( '.spinner', replyRow ).removeClass( 'is-active' );
this.cid = '';
this.originalContent = '';
open : function(comment_id, post_id, action) {
var editRow, rowData, act, replyButton, editHeight,
t = this,
c = $('#comment-' + comment_id),
h = c.height(),
colspanVal = 0;
if ( ! this.discardCommentChanges() ) {
return false;
t.cid = comment_id;
editRow = $('#replyrow');
rowData = $('#inline-'+comment_id);
action = action || 'replyto';
act = 'edit' == action ? 'edit' : 'replyto';
act = t.act = act + '-comment';
t.originalContent = $('textarea.comment', rowData).val();
colspanVal = $( '> th:visible, > td:visible', c ).length;
// Make sure it's actually a table and there's a `colspan` value to apply.
if ( editRow.hasClass( 'inline-edit-row' ) && 0 !== colspanVal ) {
$( 'td', editRow ).attr( 'colspan', colspanVal );
$('#action', editRow).val(act);
$('#comment_post_ID', editRow).val(post_id);
$('#comment_ID', editRow).val(comment_id);
if ( action == 'edit' ) {
$( '#author-name', editRow ).val( $( 'div.author', rowData ).text() );
$('#author-email', editRow).val( $('div.author-email', rowData).text() );
$('#author-url', editRow).val( $('div.author-url', rowData).text() );
$('#status', editRow).val( $('div.comment_status', rowData).text() );
$('#replycontent', editRow).val( $('textarea.comment', rowData).val() );
$( '#edithead, #editlegend, #savebtn', editRow ).show();
$('#replyhead, #replybtn, #addhead, #addbtn', editRow).hide();
if ( h > 120 ) {
// Limit the maximum height when editing very long comments to make it more manageable.
// The textarea is resizable in most browsers, so the user can adjust it if needed.
editHeight = h > 500 ? 500 : h;
$('#replycontent', editRow).css('height', editHeight + 'px');
c.after( editRow ).fadeOut('fast', function(){
$('#replyrow').fadeIn(300, function(){ $(this).show(); });
} else if ( action == 'add' ) {
$('#addhead, #addbtn', editRow).show();
$( '#replyhead, #replybtn, #edithead, #editlegend, #savebtn', editRow ) .hide();
} else {
replyButton = $('#replybtn', editRow);
$( '#edithead, #editlegend, #savebtn, #addhead, #addbtn', editRow ).hide();
$('#replyhead, #replybtn', editRow).show();
if ( c.hasClass('unapproved') ) {
} else {
$('#replyrow').fadeIn(300, function(){ $(this).show(); });
setTimeout(function() {
var rtop, rbottom, scrollTop, vp, scrollBottom;
rtop = $('#replyrow').offset().top;
rbottom = rtop + $('#replyrow').height();
scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
vp = document.documentElement.clientHeight || window.innerHeight || 0;
scrollBottom = scrollTop + vp;
if ( scrollBottom - 20 < rbottom )
window.scroll(0, rbottom - vp + 35);
else if ( rtop - 20 < scrollTop )
window.scroll(0, rtop - 35);
if ( e.which == 27 )
commentReply.revert(); // close on Escape
}, 600);
return false;
send : function() {
var post = {},
$errorNotice = $( '#replysubmit .error-notice' );
$errorNotice.addClass( 'hidden' );
$( '#replysubmit .spinner' ).addClass( 'is-active' );
$('#replyrow input').not(':button').each(function() {
var t = $(this);
post[ t.attr('name') ] = t.val();
post.content = $('#replycontent').val();
post.id = post.comment_post_ID;
post.comments_listing = this.comments_listing;
post.p = $('[name="p"]').val();
if ( $('#comment-' + $('#comment_ID').val()).hasClass('unapproved') )
post.approve_parent = 1;
type : 'POST',
url : ajaxurl,
data : post,
success : function(x) { commentReply.show(x); },
error : function(r) { commentReply.error(r); }
return false;
show : function(xml) {
var t = this, r, c, id, bg, pid;
if ( typeof(xml) == 'string' ) {
t.error({'responseText': xml});
return false;
r = wpAjax.parseAjaxResponse(xml);
if ( r.errors ) {
t.error({'responseText': wpAjax.broken});
return false;
r = r.responses[0];
id = '#comment-' + r.id;
if ( 'edit-comment' == t.act )
if ( r.supplemental.parent_approved ) {
pid = $('#comment-' + r.supplemental.parent_approved);
updatePending( -1, r.supplemental.parent_post_id );
if ( this.comments_listing == 'moderated' ) {
pid.animate( { 'backgroundColor':'#CCEEBB' }, 400, function(){
if ( r.supplemental.i18n_comments_text ) {
if ( isDashboard ) {
updateDashboardText( r.supplemental );
} else {
updateApproved( 1, r.supplemental.parent_post_id );
updateCountText( 'span.all-count', 1 );
c = $.trim(r.data); // Trim leading whitespaces
id = $(id);
bg = id.hasClass('unapproved') ? '#FFFFE0' : id.closest('.widefat, .postbox').css('backgroundColor');
id.animate( { 'backgroundColor':'#CCEEBB' }, 300 )
.animate( { 'backgroundColor': bg }, 300, function() {
if ( pid && pid.length ) {
pid.animate( { 'backgroundColor':'#CCEEBB' }, 300 )
.animate( { 'backgroundColor': bg }, 300 )
error : function(r) {
var er = r.statusText,
$errorNotice = $( '#replysubmit .notice-error' ),
$error = $errorNotice.find( '.error' );
$( '#replysubmit .spinner' ).removeClass( 'is-active' );
if ( r.responseText )
er = r.responseText.replace( /<.[^<>]*?>/g, '' );
if ( er ) {
$errorNotice.removeClass( 'hidden' );
$error.html( er );
addcomment: function(post_id) {
var t = this;
$('#add-new-comment').fadeOut(200, function(){
t.open(0, post_id, 'add');
$('table.comments-box').css('display', '');
* Alert the user if they have unsaved changes on a comment that will be
* lost if they proceed.
* @returns {boolean}
discardCommentChanges: function() {
var editRow = $( '#replyrow' );
if ( this.originalContent === $( '#replycontent', editRow ).val() ) {
return true;
return window.confirm( adminCommentsL10n.warnCommentChanges );
var make_hotkeys_redirect, edit_comment, toggle_all, make_bulk;
$(document).on( 'click', 'span.delete a.delete', function( e ) {
if ( typeof $.table_hotkeys != 'undefined' ) {
make_hotkeys_redirect = function(which) {
return function() {
var first_last, l;
first_last = 'next' == which? 'first' : 'last';
l = $('.tablenav-pages .'+which+'-page:not(.disabled)');
if (l.length)
window.location = l[0].href.replace(/\&hotkeys_highlight_(first|last)=1/g, '')+'&hotkeys_highlight_'+first_last+'=1';
edit_comment = function(event, current_row) {
window.location = $('span.edit a', current_row).attr('href');
toggle_all = function() {
$('#cb-select-all-1').data( 'wp-toggle', 1 ).trigger( 'click' ).removeData( 'wp-toggle' );
make_bulk = function(value) {
return function() {
var scope = $('select[name="action"]');
$('option[value="' + value + '"]', scope).prop('selected', true);
'a', 'u', 's', 'd', 'r', 'q', 'z',
['e', edit_comment],
['shift+x', toggle_all],
['shift+a', make_bulk('approve')],
['shift+s', make_bulk('spam')],
['shift+d', make_bulk('delete')],
['shift+t', make_bulk('trash')],
['shift+z', make_bulk('untrash')],
['shift+u', make_bulk('unapprove')]
highlight_first: adminCommentsL10n.hotkeys_highlight_first,
highlight_last: adminCommentsL10n.hotkeys_highlight_last,
prev_page_link_cb: make_hotkeys_redirect('prev'),
next_page_link_cb: make_hotkeys_redirect('next'),
hotkeys_opts: {
disableInInput: true,
type: 'keypress',
noDisable: '.check-column input[type="checkbox"]'
cycle_expr: '#the-comment-list tr',
start_row_index: 0
// Quick Edit and Reply have an inline comment editor.
$( '#the-comment-list' ).on( 'click', '.comment-inline', function() {
var $el = $( this ),
action = 'replyto';
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof $el.data( 'action' ) ) {
action = $el.data( 'action' );
$( this ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );
commentReply.open( $el.data( 'commentId' ), $el.data( 'postId' ), action );
} );