
996 lines
34 KiB

// Big Mess
// Dandy new recursive multiple category stuff.
function cat_rows( $parent = 0, $level = 0, $categories = 0 ) {
if ( !$categories ) {
$args = array('hide_empty' => 0);
if ( !empty($_GET['s']) )
$args['search'] = $_GET['s'];
$categories = get_categories( $args );
$children = _get_term_hierarchy('category');
if ( $categories ) {
foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
if ( $category->parent == $parent) {
echo "\t" . _cat_row( $category, $level );
if ( isset($children[$category->term_id]) )
cat_rows( $category->term_id, $level +1, $categories );
$output = ob_get_contents();
$output = apply_filters('cat_rows', $output);
echo $output;
} else {
return false;
function _cat_row( $category, $level, $name_override = false ) {
global $class;
$category = get_category( $category );
$pad = str_repeat( '&#8212; ', $level );
if ( current_user_can( 'manage_categories' ) ) {
$edit = "<a href='categories.php?action=edit&amp;cat_ID=$category->term_id'>". ( $name_override ? $name_override : $pad . ' ' . $category->name ) ."</a>";
$default_cat_id = (int) get_option( 'default_category' );
} else {
$edit = ( $name_override ? $name_override : $pad . ' ' . $category->name );
$class = " class='alternate'" == $class ? '' : " class='alternate'";
$category->count = number_format_i18n( $category->count );
$posts_count = ( $category->count > 0 ) ? "<a href='edit.php?cat=$category->term_id'>$category->count</a>" : $category->count;
$output = "<tr id='cat-$category->term_id'$class>
<th scope='row' style='text-align: center'><input type='checkbox' name='delete[]' value='$category->term_id' /></th>
<td align='center'>$posts_count</td>\n\t</tr>\n";
return apply_filters('cat_row', $output);
function link_cat_row( $category ) {
global $class;
if ( !$category = get_term( $category, 'link_category' ) )
return false;
if ( is_wp_error( $category ) )
return $category;
if ( current_user_can( 'manage_categories' ) ) {
$edit = "<a href='link-category.php?action=edit&amp;cat_ID=$category->term_id' class='edit'>". ( $name_override ? $name_override : $category->name ) ."</a>";
$default_cat_id = (int) get_option( 'default_link_category' );
} else {
$edit = ( $name_override ? $name_override : $category->name );
$class = " class='alternate'" == $class ? '' : " class='alternate'";
$category->count = number_format_i18n( $category->count );
$count = ( $category->count > 0 ) ? "<a href='link-manager.php?cat_id=$category->term_id'>$category->count</a>" : $category->count;
$output = "<tr id='link-cat-$category->term_id'$class>" .
'<td style="text-align: center"> <input type="checkbox" name="delete[]" value="' . $category->term_id . '" /></td>' .
<td align='center'>$count</td>";
return apply_filters( 'link_cat_row', $output );
function checked( $checked, $current) {
if ( $checked == $current)
echo ' checked="checked"';
function selected( $selected, $current) {
if ( $selected == $current)
echo ' selected="selected"';
// Nasty Category Stuff
function sort_cats( $cat1, $cat2 ) {
if ( $cat1['checked'] || $cat2['checked'] )
return ( $cat1['checked'] && !$cat2['checked'] ) ? -1 : 1;
return strcasecmp( $cat1['cat_name'], $cat2['cat_name'] );
function wp_set_checked_post_categories( $default = 0 ) {
global $post_ID, $checked_categories;
if ( empty($checked_categories) ) {
if ( $post_ID ) {
$checked_categories = wp_get_post_categories($post_ID);
if ( count( $checked_categories ) == 0 ) {
// No selected categories, strange
$checked_categories[] = $default;
} else {
$checked_categories[] = $default;
function get_nested_categories( $default = 0, $parent = 0 ) {
global $checked_categories;
wp_set_checked_post_categories( $default = 0 );
if ( is_object($parent) ) { // Hack: if passed a category object, will return nested cats with parent as root
$root = array(
'children' => get_nested_categories( $default, $parent->term_id ),
'cat_ID' => $parent->term_id,
'checked' => in_array( $parent->term_id, $checked_categories ),
'cat_name' => get_the_category_by_ID( $parent->term_id )
$result = array( $parent->term_id => $root );
} else {
$parent = (int) $parent;
$cats = get_categories("parent=$parent&hide_empty=0&fields=ids");
$result = array();
if ( is_array( $cats ) ) {
foreach ( $cats as $cat ) {
$result[$cat]['children'] = get_nested_categories( $default, $cat );
$result[$cat]['cat_ID'] = $cat;
$result[$cat]['checked'] = in_array( $cat, $checked_categories );
$result[$cat]['cat_name'] = get_the_category_by_ID( $cat );
$result = apply_filters('get_nested_categories', $result);
usort( $result, 'sort_cats' );
return $result;
function write_nested_categories( $categories ) {
foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
echo "\n", '<li id="category-', $category['cat_ID'], '"><label for="in-category-', $category['cat_ID'], '" class="selectit"><input value="', $category['cat_ID'], '" type="checkbox" name="post_category[]" id="in-category-', $category['cat_ID'], '"', ($category['checked'] ? ' checked="checked"' : "" ), '/> ', wp_specialchars( apply_filters('the_category', $category['cat_name'] )), '</label>';
if ( $category['children'] ) {
echo "\n<ul>";
write_nested_categories( $category['children'] );
echo "\n</ul>";
echo '</li>';
function dropdown_categories( $default = 0, $parent = 0 ) {
write_nested_categories( get_nested_categories( $default, $parent ) );
function wp_popular_terms_checklist( $taxonomy, $default = 0, $number = 10 ) {
$categories = get_terms( $taxonomy, array( 'orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC', 'number' => $number ) );
foreach ( (array) $categories as $category ) {
$id = "popular-category-$category->term_id";
<li id="<?php echo $id; ?>">
<label class="selectit" for="in-<?php echo $id; ?>">
<input id="in-<?php echo $id; ?>" type="checkbox" value="<?php echo (int) $category->term_id; ?>" />
<?php echo wp_specialchars( apply_filters( 'the_category', $category->name ) ); ?>
function dropdown_link_categories( $default = 0 ) {
global $link_id;
if ( $link_id ) {
$checked_categories = wp_get_link_cats($link_id);
if ( count( $checked_categories ) == 0 ) {
// No selected categories, strange
$checked_categories[] = $default;
} else {
$checked_categories[] = $default;
$categories = get_terms('link_category', 'orderby=count&hide_empty=0');
if ( empty($categories) )
foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
$cat_id = $category->term_id;
$name = wp_specialchars( apply_filters('the_category', $category->name));
$checked = in_array( $cat_id, $checked_categories );
echo '<li id="link-category-', $cat_id, '"><label for="in-link-category-', $cat_id, '" class="selectit"><input value="', $cat_id, '" type="checkbox" name="link_category[]" id="in-link-category-', $cat_id, '"', ($checked ? ' checked="checked"' : "" ), '/> ', $name, "</label></li>";
// Tag stuff
// Returns a single tag row (see tag_rows below)
// Note: this is also used in admin-ajax.php!
function _tag_row( $tag, $class = '' ) {
$count = number_format_i18n( $tag->count );
$count = ( $count > 0 ) ? "<a href='edit.php?tag=$tag->slug'>$count</a>" : $count;
$out = '';
$out .= '<tr id="tag-' . $tag->term_id . '"' . $class . '>';
$out .= '<td style="text-align: center"> <input type="checkbox" name="delete_tags[]" value="' . $tag->term_id . '" /></td>';
$out .= '<td><a href="edit-tags.php?action=edit&amp;tag_ID=' . $tag->term_id . '">' .
apply_filters( 'term_name', $tag->name ) . '</td>';
$out .= "<td>$count</td>";
$out .= '</tr>';
return $out;
// Outputs appropriate rows for the Nth page of the Tag Management screen,
// assuming M tags displayed at a time on the page
// Returns the number of tags displayed
function tag_rows( $page = 1, $pagesize = 20, $searchterms = '' ) {
// Get a page worth of tags
$start = ($page - 1) * $pagesize;
$args = array('offset' => $start, 'number' => $pagesize, 'hide_empty' => 0);
if ( !empty( $searchterms ) ) {
$args['search'] = $searchterms;
$tags = get_terms( 'post_tag', $args );
// convert it to table rows
$out = '';
$class = '';
$i = 0;
$count = 0;
foreach( $tags as $tag ) {
if( $i ) {
$i = 0;
$class = ' class="alternate"';
} else {
$i = 1;
$class = '';
$out .= _tag_row( $tag, $class );
// filter and send to screen
$out = apply_filters('tag_rows', $out);
echo $out;
return $count;
// define the columns to display, the syntax is 'internal name' => 'display name'
function wp_manage_posts_columns() {
$posts_columns = array();
$posts_columns['cb'] = '<div style="text-align: center"><input type="checkbox" onclick="checkAll(document.getElementById(\'posts-filter\'));" /></div>';
if ( 'draft' === $_GET['post_status'] )
$posts_columns['modified'] = __('Modified');
elseif ( 'pending' === $_GET['post_status'] )
$posts_columns['modified'] = __('Submitted');
$posts_columns['date'] = __('Date');
$posts_columns['title'] = __('Title');
$posts_columns['author'] = __('Author');
$posts_columns['categories'] = __('Categories');
$posts_columns['tags'] = __('Tags');
if ( !in_array($_GET['post_status'], array('pending', 'draft', 'future')) )
$posts_columns['comments'] = '<div style="text-align: center"><img alt="" src="images/comment-grey-bubble.png" /></div>';
$posts_columns['status'] = __('Status');
$posts_columns = apply_filters('manage_posts_columns', $posts_columns);
return $posts_columns;
// define the columns to display, the syntax is 'internal name' => 'display name'
function wp_manage_media_columns() {
$posts_columns = array();
$posts_columns['cb'] = '<div style="text-align: center"><input type="checkbox" onclick="checkAll(document.getElementById(\'posts-filter\'));" /></div>';
$posts_columns['icon'] = '';
$posts_columns['media'] = _c('Media|media column header');
$posts_columns['desc'] = _c('Description|media column header');
$posts_columns['date'] = _c('Date Added|media column header');
$posts_columns['parent'] = _c('Appears with|media column header');
$posts_columns['location'] = _c('Location|media column header');
$posts_columns = apply_filters('manage_media_columns', $posts_columns);
return $posts_columns;
function wp_manage_pages_columns() {
$posts_columns = array();
$posts_columns['cb'] = '<div style="text-align: center"><input type="checkbox" onclick="checkAll(document.getElementById(\'posts-filter\'));" /></div>';
if ( 'draft' === $_GET['post_status'] )
$posts_columns['modified'] = __('Modified');
elseif ( 'pending' === $_GET['post_status'] )
$posts_columns['modified'] = __('Submitted');
$posts_columns['date'] = __('Date');
$posts_columns['title'] = __('Title');
$posts_columns['author'] = __('Author');
if ( !in_array($_GET['post_status'], array('pending', 'draft', 'future')) )
$posts_columns['comments'] = '<div style="text-align: center"><img alt="" src="images/comment-grey-bubble.png" /></div>';
$posts_columns['status'] = __('Status');
$posts_columns = apply_filters('manage_pages_columns', $posts_columns);
return $posts_columns;
* display one row if the page doesn't have any children
* otherwise, display the row and its children in subsequent rows
function display_page_row( $page, &$children_pages, $level = 0 ) {
global $post;
static $class;
$post = $page;
$page->post_title = wp_specialchars( $page->post_title );
$pad = str_repeat( '&#8212; ', $level );
$id = (int) $page->ID;
$class = ('alternate' == $class ) ? '' : 'alternate';
$posts_columns = wp_manage_pages_columns();
<tr id='page-<?php echo $id; ?>' class='<?php echo $class; ?>'>
foreach ($posts_columns as $column_name=>$column_display_name) {
switch ($column_name) {
case 'cb':
<th scope="row" style="text-align: center"><input type="checkbox" name="delete[]" value="<?php the_ID(); ?>" /></th>
case 'modified':
<td><?php if ( '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ==$page->post_modified ) _e('Never'); else the_modified_time(__('Y/m/d \<\b\r \/\> g:i:s a')); ?></td>
case 'date':
<td><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" rel="permalink">
if ( '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ==$page->post_date ) {
} else {
if ( ( abs(time() - get_post_time()) ) < 86400 ) {
if ( ( 'future' == $page->post_status) )
echo sprintf( __('%s from now'), human_time_diff( get_post_time() ) );
echo sprintf( __('%s ago'), human_time_diff( get_post_time() ) );
} else {
case 'title':
$title = get_the_title();
if ( empty($title) )
$title = __('(no title)');
<td><strong><a href="page.php?action=edit&post=<?php the_ID(); ?>"><?php echo $pad; echo $title ?></a></strong>
<?php if ('private' == $page->post_status) _e(' &#8212; <strong>Private</strong>'); ?></td>
case 'comments':
<td style="text-align: center">
$left = get_pending_comments_num( $page->ID );
$pending_phrase = sprintf( __('%s pending'), number_format( $left ) );
if ( $left )
echo '<strong>';
comments_number("<a href='edit-pages.php?p=$id&amp;c=1' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count comment-count'><span>" . __('0') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-pages.php?p=$id&amp;c=1' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count comment-count'><span>" . __('1') . '</span></a>', "<a href='edit-pages.php?p=$id&amp;c=1' title='$pending_phrase' class='post-com-count comment-count'><span>" . __('%') . '</span></a>');
if ( $left )
echo '</strong>';
case 'author':
<td><a href="edit-pages.php?author=<?php the_author_ID(); ?>"><?php the_author() ?></a></td>
case 'status':
switch ( $page->post_status ) {
case 'publish' :
case 'private' :
case 'future' :
case 'pending' :
_e('Pending Review');
case 'draft' :
<td><?php do_action('manage_pages_custom_column', $column_name, $id); ?></td>
if ( ! $children_pages )
return true;
for ( $i = 0; $i < count($children_pages); $i++ ) {
$child = $children_pages[$i];
if ( $child->post_parent == $id ) {
array_splice($children_pages, $i, 1);
display_page_row($child, $children_pages, $level+1);
$i = -1; //as numeric keys in $children_pages are not preserved after splice
* displays pages in hierarchical order
function page_rows( $pages ) {
if ( ! $pages )
$pages = get_pages( 'sort_column=menu_order' );
if ( ! $pages )
return false;
// splice pages into two parts: those without parent and those with parent
$top_level_pages = array();
$children_pages = array();
foreach ( $pages as $page ) {
// catch and repair bad pages
if ( $page->post_parent == $page->ID ) {
$page->post_parent = 0;
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_parent = '0' WHERE ID = %d", $page->ID) );
clean_page_cache( $page->ID );
if ( 0 == $page->post_parent )
$top_level_pages[] = $page;
$children_pages[] = $page;
foreach ( $top_level_pages as $page )
display_page_row($page, $children_pages, 0);
* display the remaining children_pages which are orphans
* having orphan requires parental attention
if ( count($children_pages) > 0 ) {
$empty_array = array();
foreach ( $children_pages as $orphan_page ) {
clean_page_cache( $orphan_page->ID);
display_page_row( $orphan_page, $empty_array, 0 );
function user_row( $user_object, $style = '', $role = '' ) {
global $wp_roles;
if ( !( is_object( $user_object) && is_a( $user_object, 'WP_User' ) ) )
$user_object = new WP_User( (int) $user_object );
$email = $user_object->user_email;
$url = $user_object->user_url;
$short_url = str_replace( 'http://', '', $url );
$short_url = str_replace( 'www.', '', $short_url );
if ('/' == substr( $short_url, -1 ))
$short_url = substr( $short_url, 0, -1 );
if ( strlen( $short_url ) > 35 )
$short_url = substr( $short_url, 0, 32 ).'...';
$numposts = get_usernumposts( $user_object->ID );
if ( current_user_can( 'edit_user', $user_object->ID ) ) {
$edit = add_query_arg( 'wp_http_referer', urlencode( clean_url( stripslashes( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) ), "user-edit.php?user_id=$user_object->ID" );
$edit = "<a href=\"$edit\">$user_object->user_login</a>";
} else {
$edit = $user_object->user_login;
$r = "<tr id='user-$user_object->ID'$style>
<td><input type='checkbox' name='users[]' id='user_{$user_object->ID}' class='$role' value='{$user_object->ID}' /></td>
<td>$user_object->first_name $user_object->last_name</td>
<td><a href='mailto:$email' title='" . sprintf( __('e-mail: %s' ), $email ) . "'>$email</a></td>
$r .= "\n\t\t<td>";
if ( $numposts > 0 ) {
$r .= "<a href='edit.php?author=$user_object->ID' title='" . __( 'View posts by this author' ) . "' class='edit'>";
$r .= $numposts;
$r .= '</a>';
} else {
$r .= 0;
$r .= "</td>\n\t</tr>";
return $r;
function _wp_get_comment_list( $s = false, $start, $num ) {
global $wpdb;
$start = abs( (int) $start );
$num = (int) $num;
if ( $s ) {
$s = $wpdb->escape($s);
$comments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE
(comment_author LIKE '%$s%' OR
comment_author_email LIKE '%$s%' OR
comment_author_url LIKE ('%$s%') OR
comment_author_IP LIKE ('%$s%') OR
comment_content LIKE ('%$s%') ) AND
comment_approved != 'spam'
ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC LIMIT $start, $num");
} else {
$comments = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM $wpdb->comments USE INDEX (comment_date_gmt) WHERE comment_approved = '0' OR comment_approved = '1' ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC LIMIT $start, $num" );
$total = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT FOUND_ROWS()" );
return array($comments, $total);
function _wp_comment_list_item( $id, $alt = 0 ) {
global $authordata, $comment;
$comment =& get_comment( $id );
$id = (int) $comment->comment_ID;
$class = '';
$post = get_post($comment->comment_post_ID);
$authordata = get_userdata($post->post_author);
$comment_status = wp_get_comment_status($id);
if ( 'unapproved' == $comment_status )
$class .= ' unapproved';
if ( $alt % 2 )
$class .= ' alternate';
echo "<li id='comment-$id' class='$class'>";
<p><strong class="comment-author"><?php comment_author(); ?></strong> <?php if ($comment->comment_author_email) { ?>| <?php comment_author_email_link() ?> <?php } if ($comment->comment_author_url && 'http://' != $comment->comment_author_url) { ?> | <?php comment_author_url_link() ?> <?php } ?>| <?php _e('IP:') ?> <a href="http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=<?php comment_author_IP() ?>"><?php comment_author_IP() ?></a></p>
<?php comment_text() ?>
<p><?php comment_date(__('M j, g:i A')); ?> &#8212; [
if ( current_user_can('edit_post', $comment->comment_post_ID) ) {
echo " <a href='comment.php?action=editcomment&amp;c=$id'>" . __('Edit') . '</a>';
$url = clean_url( wp_nonce_url( "comment.php?action=deletecomment&p=$comment->comment_post_ID&c=$id", "delete-comment_$id" ) );
echo " | <a href='$url' class='delete:the-comment-list:comment-$id'>" . __('Delete') . '</a> ';
if ( ('none' != $comment_status) && ( current_user_can('moderate_comments') ) ) {
$url = clean_url( wp_nonce_url( "comment.php?action=unapprovecomment&p=$comment->comment_post_ID&c=$id", "unapprove-comment_$id" ) );
echo "<span class='unapprove'> | <a href='$url' class='dim:the-comment-list:comment-$id:unapproved:FFFF33'>" . __('Unapprove') . '</a> </span>';
$url = clean_url( wp_nonce_url( "comment.php?action=approvecomment&p=$comment->comment_post_ID&c=$id", "approve-comment_$id" ) );
echo "<span class='approve'> | <a href='$url' class='dim:the-comment-list:comment-$id:unapproved:33FF33:33FF33'>" . __('Approve') . '</a> </span>';
$url = clean_url( wp_nonce_url( "comment.php?action=deletecomment&dt=spam&p=$comment->comment_post_ID&c=$id", "delete-comment_$id" ) );
echo " | <a href='$url' class='delete:the-comment-list:comment-$id::spam=1'>" . __('Spam') . '</a> ';
if ( !is_single() ) {
$post = get_post($comment->comment_post_ID, OBJECT, 'display');
$post_title = wp_specialchars( $post->post_title, 'double' );
$post_title = ('' == $post_title) ? "# $comment->comment_post_ID" : $post_title;
] &#8212; <a href="<?php echo get_permalink($comment->comment_post_ID); ?>"><?php echo $post_title; ?></a>
<?php } ?>
function wp_dropdown_cats( $currentcat = 0, $currentparent = 0, $parent = 0, $level = 0, $categories = 0 ) {
if (!$categories )
$categories = get_categories( 'hide_empty=0' );
if ( $categories ) {
foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
if ( $currentcat != $category->term_id && $parent == $category->parent) {
$pad = str_repeat( '&#8211; ', $level );
$category->name = wp_specialchars( $category->name );
echo "\n\t<option value='$category->term_id'";
if ( $currentparent == $category->term_id )
echo " selected='selected'";
echo ">$pad$category->name</option>";
wp_dropdown_cats( $currentcat, $currentparent, $category->term_id, $level +1, $categories );
} else {
return false;
function list_meta( $meta ) {
// Exit if no meta
if (!$meta ) {
echo '<tbody id="the-list" class="list:meta"><tr style="display: none;"><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></tbody>'; //TBODY needed for list-manipulation JS
$count = 0;
<th><?php _e( 'Key' ) ?></th>
<th><?php _e( 'Value' ) ?></th>
<th colspan='2'><?php _e( 'Action' ) ?></th>
<tbody id='the-list' class='list:meta'>
foreach ( $meta as $entry )
echo _list_meta_row( $entry, $count );
echo "\n\t</tbody>";
function _list_meta_row( $entry, &$count ) {
$r = '';
++ $count;
if ( $count % 2 )
$style = 'alternate';
$style = '';
if ('_' == $entry['meta_key'] { 0 } )
$style .= ' hidden';
if ( is_serialized( $entry['meta_value'] ) ) {
if ( is_serialized_string( $entry['meta_value'] ) ) {
// this is a serialized string, so we should display it
$entry['meta_value'] = maybe_unserialize( $entry['meta_value'] );
} else {
// this is a serialized array/object so we should NOT display it
$entry['meta_key'] = attribute_escape($entry['meta_key']);
$entry['meta_value'] = attribute_escape($entry['meta_value']);
$entry['meta_id'] = (int) $entry['meta_id'];
$r .= "\n\t<tr id='meta-{$entry['meta_id']}' class='$style'>";
$r .= "\n\t\t<td valign='top'><input name='meta[{$entry['meta_id']}][key]' tabindex='6' type='text' size='20' value='{$entry['meta_key']}' /></td>";
$r .= "\n\t\t<td><textarea name='meta[{$entry['meta_id']}][value]' tabindex='6' rows='2' cols='30'>{$entry['meta_value']}</textarea></td>";
$r .= "\n\t\t<td align='center'><input name='updatemeta' type='submit' tabindex='6' value='".attribute_escape(__( 'Update' ))."' class='add:the-list:meta-{$entry['meta_id']} updatemeta' /><br />";
$r .= "\n\t\t<input name='deletemeta[{$entry['meta_id']}]' type='submit' ";
$r .= "class='delete:the-list:meta-{$entry['meta_id']} deletemeta' tabindex='6' value='".attribute_escape(__( 'Delete' ))."' />";
$r .= "</td>\n\t</tr>";
return $r;
function meta_form() {
global $wpdb;
$limit = (int) apply_filters( 'postmeta_form_limit', 30 );
$keys = $wpdb->get_col( "
SELECT meta_key
FROM $wpdb->postmeta
WHERE meta_key NOT LIKE '\_%'
GROUP BY meta_key
LIMIT $limit" );
if ( $keys )
<p><strong><?php _e( 'Add a new custom field:' ) ?></strong></p>
<table id="newmeta" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3">
<th colspan="2"><?php _e( 'Key' ) ?></th>
<th><?php _e( 'Value' ) ?></th>
<tr valign="top">
<td align="right" width="18%">
<?php if ( $keys ) : ?>
<select id="metakeyselect" name="metakeyselect" tabindex="7">
<option value="#NONE#"><?php _e( '- Select -' ); ?></option>
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
$key = attribute_escape( $key );
echo "\n\t<option value='$key'>$key</option>";
</select> <?php _e( 'or' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<td><input type="text" id="metakeyinput" name="metakeyinput" tabindex="7" /></td>
<td><textarea id="metavalue" name="metavalue" rows="3" cols="25" tabindex="8"></textarea></td>
<tr class="submit"><td colspan="3">
<?php wp_nonce_field( 'change_meta', '_ajax_nonce', false ); ?>
<input type="submit" id="addmetasub" name="addmeta" class="add:the-list:newmeta" tabindex="9" value="<?php _e( 'Add Custom Field &raquo;' ) ?>" />
function touch_time( $edit = 1, $for_post = 1, $tab_index = 0 ) {
global $wp_locale, $post, $comment;
if ( $for_post )
$edit = ( in_array($post->post_status, array('draft', 'pending') ) && (!$post->post_date || '0000-00-00 00:00:00' == $post->post_date ) ) ? false : true;
$tab_index_attribute = '';
if ( (int) $tab_index > 0 )
$tab_index_attribute = " tabindex=\"$tab_index\"";
echo '<legend><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="edit_date" value="1" id="timestamp"'.$tab_index_attribute.' /> <label for="timestamp">'.__( 'Edit timestamp' ).'</label></legend>';
$time_adj = time() + (get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) * 3600 );
$post_date = ($for_post) ? $post->post_date : $comment->comment_date;
$jj = ($edit) ? mysql2date( 'd', $post_date ) : gmdate( 'd', $time_adj );
$mm = ($edit) ? mysql2date( 'm', $post_date ) : gmdate( 'm', $time_adj );
$aa = ($edit) ? mysql2date( 'Y', $post_date ) : gmdate( 'Y', $time_adj );
$hh = ($edit) ? mysql2date( 'H', $post_date ) : gmdate( 'H', $time_adj );
$mn = ($edit) ? mysql2date( 'i', $post_date ) : gmdate( 'i', $time_adj );
$ss = ($edit) ? mysql2date( 's', $post_date ) : gmdate( 's', $time_adj );
echo "<select name=\"mm\" onchange=\"edit_date.checked=true\"$tab_index_attribute>\n";
for ( $i = 1; $i < 13; $i = $i +1 ) {
echo "\t\t\t<option value=\"$i\"";
if ( $i == $mm )
echo ' selected="selected"';
echo '>' . $wp_locale->get_month( $i ) . "</option>\n";
<input type="text" id="jj" name="jj" value="<?php echo $jj; ?>" size="2" maxlength="2" onchange="edit_date.checked=true"<?php echo $tab_index_attribute ?> />
<input type="text" id="aa" name="aa" value="<?php echo $aa ?>" size="4" maxlength="5" onchange="edit_date.checked=true"<?php echo $tab_index_attribute ?> /> @
<input type="text" id="hh" name="hh" value="<?php echo $hh ?>" size="2" maxlength="2" onchange="edit_date.checked=true"<?php echo $tab_index_attribute ?> /> :
<input type="text" id="mn" name="mn" value="<?php echo $mn ?>" size="2" maxlength="2" onchange="edit_date.checked=true"<?php echo $tab_index_attribute ?> />
<input type="hidden" id="ss" name="ss" value="<?php echo $ss ?>" size="2" maxlength="2" onchange="edit_date.checked=true" />
function page_template_dropdown( $default = '' ) {
$templates = get_page_templates();
ksort( $templates );
foreach (array_keys( $templates ) as $template )
: if ( $default == $templates[$template] )
$selected = " selected='selected'";
$selected = '';
echo "\n\t<option value='".$templates[$template]."' $selected>$template</option>";
function parent_dropdown( $default = 0, $parent = 0, $level = 0 ) {
global $wpdb, $post_ID;
$items = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT ID, post_parent, post_title FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_parent = $parent AND post_type = 'page' ORDER BY menu_order" );
if ( $items ) {
foreach ( $items as $item ) {
// A page cannot be its own parent.
if (!empty ( $post_ID ) ) {
if ( $item->ID == $post_ID ) {
$pad = str_repeat( '&nbsp;', $level * 3 );
if ( $item->ID == $default)
$current = ' selected="selected"';
$current = '';
echo "\n\t<option value='$item->ID'$current>$pad " . wp_specialchars($item->post_title) . "</option>";
parent_dropdown( $default, $item->ID, $level +1 );
} else {
return false;
function browse_happy() {
$getit = __( 'WordPress recommends a better browser' );
echo '
<p id="bh" style="float: right"><a href="http://browsehappy.com/" title="'.$getit.'"><img src="images/browse-happy.gif" alt="Browse Happy" /></a></p>
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') !== false)
add_action( 'in_admin_footer', 'browse_happy' );
function the_attachment_links( $id = false ) {
$id = (int) $id;
$post = & get_post( $id );
if ( $post->post_type != 'attachment' )
return false;
$icon = get_attachment_icon( $post->ID );
$attachment_data = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $id );
$thumb = isset( $attachment_data['thumb'] );
<form id="the-attachment-links">
<col />
<col class="widefat" />
<th scope="row"><?php _e( 'URL' ) ?></th>
<td><textarea rows="1" cols="40" type="text" class="attachmentlinks" readonly="readonly"><?php echo wp_get_attachment_url(); ?></textarea></td>
<?php if ( $icon ) : ?>
<th scope="row"><?php $thumb ? _e( 'Thumbnail linked to file' ) : _e( 'Image linked to file' ); ?></th>
<td><textarea rows="1" cols="40" type="text" class="attachmentlinks" readonly="readonly"><a href="<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url(); ?>"><?php echo $icon ?></a></textarea></td>
<th scope="row"><?php $thumb ? _e( 'Thumbnail linked to page' ) : _e( 'Image linked to page' ); ?></th>
<td><textarea rows="1" cols="40" type="text" class="attachmentlinks" readonly="readonly"><a href="<?php echo get_attachment_link( $post->ID ) ?>" rel="attachment wp-att-<?php echo $post->ID; ?>"><?php echo $icon ?></a></textarea></td>
<?php else : ?>
<th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Link to file' ) ?></th>
<td><textarea rows="1" cols="40" type="text" class="attachmentlinks" readonly="readonly"><a href="<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url(); ?>" class="attachmentlink"><?php echo basename( wp_get_attachment_url() ); ?></a></textarea></td>
<th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Link to page' ) ?></th>
<td><textarea rows="1" cols="40" type="text" class="attachmentlinks" readonly="readonly"><a href="<?php echo get_attachment_link( $post->ID ) ?>" rel="attachment wp-att-<?php echo $post->ID ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></textarea></td>
<?php endif; ?>
function wp_dropdown_roles( $default = false ) {
global $wp_roles;
$r = '';
foreach( $wp_roles->role_names as $role => $name )
if ( $default == $role ) // Make default first in list
$p = "\n\t<option selected='selected' value='$role'>$name</option>";
$r .= "\n\t<option value='$role'>$name</option>";
echo $p . $r;
function wp_convert_hr_to_bytes( $size ) {
$size = strtolower($size);
$bytes = (int) $size;
if ( strpos($size, 'k') !== false )
$bytes = intval($size) * 1024;
elseif ( strpos($size, 'm') !== false )
$bytes = intval($size) * 1024 * 1024;
elseif ( strpos($size, 'g') !== false )
$bytes = intval($size) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
return $bytes;
function wp_convert_bytes_to_hr( $bytes ) {
$units = array( 0 => 'B', 1 => 'kB', 2 => 'MB', 3 => 'GB' );
$log = log( $bytes, 1024 );
$power = (int) $log;
$size = pow(1024, $log - $power);
return $size . $units[$power];
function wp_max_upload_size() {
$u_bytes = wp_convert_hr_to_bytes( ini_get( 'upload_max_filesize' ) );
$p_bytes = wp_convert_hr_to_bytes( ini_get( 'post_max_size' ) );
$bytes = apply_filters( 'upload_size_limit', min($u_bytes, $p_bytes), $u_bytes, $p_bytes );
return $bytes;
function wp_import_upload_form( $action ) {
$bytes = apply_filters( 'import_upload_size_limit', wp_max_upload_size() );
$size = wp_convert_bytes_to_hr( $bytes );
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" id="import-upload-form" method="post" action="<?php echo attribute_escape($action) ?>">
<?php wp_nonce_field('import-upload'); ?>
<label for="upload"><?php _e( 'Choose a file from your computer:' ); ?></label> (<?php printf( __('Maximum size: %s' ), $size ); ?>)
<input type="file" id="upload" name="import" size="25" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="save" />
<input type="hidden" name="max_file_size" value="<?php echo $bytes; ?>" />
<p class="submit">
<input type="submit" value="<?php _e( 'Upload file and import &raquo;' ); ?>" />
function wp_remember_old_slug() {
global $post;
$name = attribute_escape($post->post_name); // just in case
if ( strlen($name) )
echo '<input type="hidden" id="wp-old-slug" name="wp-old-slug" value="' . $name . '" />';
* add_meta_box() - Add a meta box to an edit form
* @since 2.5
* @param string $id String for use in the 'id' attribute of tags.
* @param string $title Title of the meta box
* @param string $callback Function that fills the box with the desired content. The function should echo its output.
* @param string $page The type of edit page on which to show the box (post, page, link)
* @param string $context The context within the page where the boxes should show ('normal', 'advanced')
function add_meta_box($id, $title, $callback, $page, $context = 'advanced') {
global $wp_meta_boxes;
if ( !isset($wp_meta_boxes) )
$wp_meta_boxes = array();
if ( !isset($wp_meta_boxes[$page]) )
$wp_meta_boxes[$page] = array();
if ( !isset($wp_meta_boxes[$page][$context]) )
$wp_meta_boxes[$page][$context] = array();
$wp_meta_boxes[$page][$context][] = array('id' => $id, 'title' => $title, 'callback' => $callback);
function do_meta_boxes($page, $context, $object) {
global $wp_meta_boxes;
if ( !isset($wp_meta_boxes) || !isset($wp_meta_boxes[$page]) || !isset($wp_meta_boxes[$page][$context]) )
foreach ( (array) $wp_meta_boxes[$page][$context] as $box ) {
echo '<div id="' . $box['id'] . '" class="postbox ' . postbox_classes($box['id'], $page) . '">' . "\n";
echo "<h3>{$box['title']}</h3>\n";
echo '<div class="inside">' . "\n";
call_user_func($box['callback'], $object);
echo "</div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";