
535 lines
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* wp.media.model.Attachments
* A collection of attachments.
* This collection has no persistence with the server without supplying
* 'options.props.query = true', which will mirror the collection
* to an Attachments Query collection - @see wp.media.model.Attachments.mirror().
* @class
* @augments Backbone.Collection
* @param {array} [models] Models to initialize with the collection.
* @param {object} [options] Options hash for the collection.
* @param {string} [options.props] Options hash for the initial query properties.
* @param {string} [options.props.order] Initial order (ASC or DESC) for the collection.
* @param {string} [options.props.orderby] Initial attribute key to order the collection by.
* @param {string} [options.props.query] Whether the collection is linked to an attachments query.
* @param {string} [options.observe]
* @param {string} [options.filters]
var Attachment = require( './attachment.js' ),
Attachments = Backbone.Collection.extend({
* @type {wp.media.model.Attachment}
model: Attachment,
* @param {Array} [models=[]] Array of models used to populate the collection.
* @param {Object} [options={}]
initialize: function( models, options ) {
options = options || {};
this.props = new Backbone.Model();
this.filters = options.filters || {};
// Bind default `change` events to the `props` model.
this.props.on( 'change', this._changeFilteredProps, this );
this.props.on( 'change:order', this._changeOrder, this );
this.props.on( 'change:orderby', this._changeOrderby, this );
this.props.on( 'change:query', this._changeQuery, this );
this.props.set( _.defaults( options.props || {} ) );
if ( options.observe ) {
this.observe( options.observe );
* Sort the collection when the order attribute changes.
* @access private
_changeOrder: function() {
if ( this.comparator ) {
* Set the default comparator only when the `orderby` property is set.
* @access private
* @param {Backbone.Model} model
* @param {string} orderby
_changeOrderby: function( model, orderby ) {
// If a different comparator is defined, bail.
if ( this.comparator && this.comparator !== Attachments.comparator ) {
if ( orderby && 'post__in' !== orderby ) {
this.comparator = Attachments.comparator;
} else {
delete this.comparator;
* If the `query` property is set to true, query the server using
* the `props` values, and sync the results to this collection.
* @access private
* @param {Backbone.Model} model
* @param {Boolean} query
_changeQuery: function( model, query ) {
if ( query ) {
this.props.on( 'change', this._requery, this );
} else {
this.props.off( 'change', this._requery, this );
* @access private
* @param {Backbone.Model} model
_changeFilteredProps: function( model ) {
// If this is a query, updating the collection will be handled by
// `this._requery()`.
if ( this.props.get('query') ) {
var changed = _.chain( model.changed ).map( function( t, prop ) {
var filter = Attachments.filters[ prop ],
term = model.get( prop );
if ( ! filter ) {
if ( term && ! this.filters[ prop ] ) {
this.filters[ prop ] = filter;
} else if ( ! term && this.filters[ prop ] === filter ) {
delete this.filters[ prop ];
} else {
// Record the change.
return true;
}, this ).any().value();
if ( ! changed ) {
// If no `Attachments` model is provided to source the searches
// from, then automatically generate a source from the existing
// models.
if ( ! this._source ) {
this._source = new Attachments( this.models );
this.reset( this._source.filter( this.validator, this ) );
validateDestroyed: false,
* Checks whether an attachment is valid.
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachment} attachment
* @returns {Boolean}
validator: function( attachment ) {
if ( ! this.validateDestroyed && attachment.destroyed ) {
return false;
return _.all( this.filters, function( filter ) {
return !! filter.call( this, attachment );
}, this );
* Add or remove an attachment to the collection depending on its validity.
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachment} attachment
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {wp.media.model.Attachments} Returns itself to allow chaining
validate: function( attachment, options ) {
var valid = this.validator( attachment ),
hasAttachment = !! this.get( attachment.cid );
if ( ! valid && hasAttachment ) {
this.remove( attachment, options );
} else if ( valid && ! hasAttachment ) {
this.add( attachment, options );
return this;
* Add or remove all attachments from another collection depending on each one's validity.
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachments} attachments
* @param {object} [options={}]
* @fires wp.media.model.Attachments#reset
* @returns {wp.media.model.Attachments} Returns itself to allow chaining
validateAll: function( attachments, options ) {
options = options || {};
_.each( attachments.models, function( attachment ) {
this.validate( attachment, { silent: true });
}, this );
if ( ! options.silent ) {
this.trigger( 'reset', this, options );
return this;
* Start observing another attachments collection change events
* and replicate them on this collection.
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachments} The attachments collection to observe.
* @returns {wp.media.model.Attachments} Returns itself to allow chaining.
observe: function( attachments ) {
this.observers = this.observers || [];
this.observers.push( attachments );
attachments.on( 'add change remove', this._validateHandler, this );
attachments.on( 'reset', this._validateAllHandler, this );
this.validateAll( attachments );
return this;
* Stop replicating collection change events from another attachments collection.
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachments} The attachments collection to stop observing.
* @returns {wp.media.model.Attachments} Returns itself to allow chaining
unobserve: function( attachments ) {
if ( attachments ) {
attachments.off( null, null, this );
this.observers = _.without( this.observers, attachments );
} else {
_.each( this.observers, function( attachments ) {
attachments.off( null, null, this );
}, this );
delete this.observers;
return this;
* @access private
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachments} attachment
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachments} attachments
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {wp.media.model.Attachments} Returns itself to allow chaining
_validateHandler: function( attachment, attachments, options ) {
// If we're not mirroring this `attachments` collection,
// only retain the `silent` option.
options = attachments === this.mirroring ? options : {
silent: options && options.silent
return this.validate( attachment, options );
* @access private
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachments} attachments
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {wp.media.model.Attachments} Returns itself to allow chaining
_validateAllHandler: function( attachments, options ) {
return this.validateAll( attachments, options );
* Start mirroring another attachments collection, clearing out any models already
* in the collection.
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachments} The attachments collection to mirror.
* @returns {wp.media.model.Attachments} Returns itself to allow chaining
mirror: function( attachments ) {
if ( this.mirroring && this.mirroring === attachments ) {
return this;
this.mirroring = attachments;
// Clear the collection silently. A `reset` event will be fired
// when `observe()` calls `validateAll()`.
this.reset( [], { silent: true } );
this.observe( attachments );
return this;
* Stop mirroring another attachments collection.
unmirror: function() {
if ( ! this.mirroring ) {
this.unobserve( this.mirroring );
delete this.mirroring;
* Retrive more attachments from the server for the collection.
* Only works if the collection is mirroring a Query Attachments collection,
* and forwards to its `more` method. This collection class doesn't have
* server persistence by itself.
* @param {object} options
* @returns {Promise}
more: function( options ) {
var deferred = jQuery.Deferred(),
mirroring = this.mirroring,
attachments = this;
if ( ! mirroring || ! mirroring.more ) {
return deferred.resolveWith( this ).promise();
// If we're mirroring another collection, forward `more` to
// the mirrored collection. Account for a race condition by
// checking if we're still mirroring that collection when
// the request resolves.
mirroring.more( options ).done( function() {
if ( this === attachments.mirroring ) {
deferred.resolveWith( this );
return deferred.promise();
* Whether there are more attachments that haven't been sync'd from the server
* that match the collection's query.
* Only works if the collection is mirroring a Query Attachments collection,
* and forwards to its `hasMore` method. This collection class doesn't have
* server persistence by itself.
* @returns {boolean}
hasMore: function() {
return this.mirroring ? this.mirroring.hasMore() : false;
* A custom AJAX-response parser.
* See trac ticket #24753
* @param {Object|Array} resp The raw response Object/Array.
* @param {Object} xhr
* @returns {Array} The array of model attributes to be added to the collection
parse: function( resp, xhr ) {
if ( ! _.isArray( resp ) ) {
resp = [resp];
return _.map( resp, function( attrs ) {
var id, attachment, newAttributes;
if ( attrs instanceof Backbone.Model ) {
id = attrs.get( 'id' );
attrs = attrs.attributes;
} else {
id = attrs.id;
attachment = Attachment.get( id );
newAttributes = attachment.parse( attrs, xhr );
if ( ! _.isEqual( attachment.attributes, newAttributes ) ) {
attachment.set( newAttributes );
return attachment;
* If the collection is a query, create and mirror an Attachments Query collection.
* @access private
_requery: function( refresh ) {
var props, Query;
if ( this.props.get('query') ) {
Query = require( './query.js' );
props = this.props.toJSON();
props.cache = ( true !== refresh );
this.mirror( Query.get( props ) );
* If this collection is sorted by `menuOrder`, recalculates and saves
* the menu order to the database.
* @returns {undefined|Promise}
saveMenuOrder: function() {
if ( 'menuOrder' !== this.props.get('orderby') ) {
// Removes any uploading attachments, updates each attachment's
// menu order, and returns an object with an { id: menuOrder }
// mapping to pass to the request.
var attachments = this.chain().filter( function( attachment ) {
return ! _.isUndefined( attachment.id );
}).map( function( attachment, index ) {
// Indices start at 1.
index = index + 1;
attachment.set( 'menuOrder', index );
return [ attachment.id, index ];
if ( _.isEmpty( attachments ) ) {
return wp.media.post( 'save-attachment-order', {
nonce: wp.media.model.settings.post.nonce,
post_id: wp.media.model.settings.post.id,
attachments: attachments
}, {
* A function to compare two attachment models in an attachments collection.
* Used as the default comparator for instances of wp.media.model.Attachments
* and its subclasses. @see wp.media.model.Attachments._changeOrderby().
* @static
* @param {Backbone.Model} a
* @param {Backbone.Model} b
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {Number} -1 if the first model should come before the second,
* 0 if they are of the same rank and
* 1 if the first model should come after.
comparator: function( a, b, options ) {
var key = this.props.get('orderby'),
order = this.props.get('order') || 'DESC',
ac = a.cid,
bc = b.cid;
a = a.get( key );
b = b.get( key );
if ( 'date' === key || 'modified' === key ) {
a = a || new Date();
b = b || new Date();
// If `options.ties` is set, don't enforce the `cid` tiebreaker.
if ( options && options.ties ) {
ac = bc = null;
return ( 'DESC' === order ) ? wp.media.compare( a, b, ac, bc ) : wp.media.compare( b, a, bc, ac );
* @namespace
filters: {
* @static
* Note that this client-side searching is *not* equivalent
* to our server-side searching.
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachment} attachment
* @this wp.media.model.Attachments
* @returns {Boolean}
search: function( attachment ) {
if ( ! this.props.get('search') ) {
return true;
return _.any(['title','filename','description','caption','name'], function( key ) {
var value = attachment.get( key );
return value && -1 !== value.search( this.props.get('search') );
}, this );
* @static
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachment} attachment
* @this wp.media.model.Attachments
* @returns {Boolean}
type: function( attachment ) {
var type = this.props.get('type');
return ! type || -1 !== type.indexOf( attachment.get('type') );
* @static
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachment} attachment
* @this wp.media.model.Attachments
* @returns {Boolean}
uploadedTo: function( attachment ) {
var uploadedTo = this.props.get('uploadedTo');
if ( _.isUndefined( uploadedTo ) ) {
return true;
return uploadedTo === attachment.get('uploadedTo');
* @static
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachment} attachment
* @this wp.media.model.Attachments
* @returns {Boolean}
status: function( attachment ) {
var status = this.props.get('status');
if ( _.isUndefined( status ) ) {
return true;
return status === attachment.get('status');
module.exports = Attachments;