desrosj c7133f4fae Build/Test Tools: Bump the required versions of Node.js and npm.
This changes the minimum required version of Node.js to 16.19.1, and npm to 8.19.3.

Node.js 14.x reached end of life on April 30, 2023. While 18.x is the currently active LTS version, it can’t yet be used due to a systems level constraint on the build server. 

Updating further will be considered once this blocker is resolved.

Gutenberg has also been updated to follow the same version requirements for consistency.

Props youknowriad, gziolo, swissspidy, kevin940726, desrosj.
Fixes #56658.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@56378

git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@55890 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2023-08-09 18:54:51 +00:00

1047 lines
31 KiB

/******/ (function() { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ "use strict";
/******/ // The require scope
/******/ var __webpack_require__ = {};
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
/******/ !function() {
/******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, definition) {
/******/ for(var key in definition) {
/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ }();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
/******/ !function() {
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(obj, prop) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop); }
/******/ }();
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */
/******/ !function() {
/******/ // define __esModule on exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {
/******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });
/******/ }
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
/******/ };
/******/ }();
var __webpack_exports__ = {};
__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
"store": function() { return /* reexport */ store; }
// NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/annotations/build-module/store/selectors.js
var selectors_namespaceObject = {};
__webpack_require__.d(selectors_namespaceObject, {
"__experimentalGetAllAnnotationsForBlock": function() { return __experimentalGetAllAnnotationsForBlock; },
"__experimentalGetAnnotations": function() { return __experimentalGetAnnotations; },
"__experimentalGetAnnotationsForBlock": function() { return __experimentalGetAnnotationsForBlock; },
"__experimentalGetAnnotationsForRichText": function() { return __experimentalGetAnnotationsForRichText; }
// NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/annotations/build-module/store/actions.js
var actions_namespaceObject = {};
__webpack_require__.d(actions_namespaceObject, {
"__experimentalAddAnnotation": function() { return __experimentalAddAnnotation; },
"__experimentalRemoveAnnotation": function() { return __experimentalRemoveAnnotation; },
"__experimentalRemoveAnnotationsBySource": function() { return __experimentalRemoveAnnotationsBySource; },
"__experimentalUpdateAnnotationRange": function() { return __experimentalUpdateAnnotationRange; }
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","richText"]
var external_wp_richText_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["richText"];
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","i18n"]
var external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["i18n"];
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/annotations/build-module/store/constants.js
* The identifier for the data store.
* @type {string}
const STORE_NAME = 'core/annotations';
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/annotations/build-module/format/annotation.js
* WordPress dependencies
const FORMAT_NAME = 'core/annotation';
const ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX = 'annotation-text-';
* Internal dependencies
* Applies given annotations to the given record.
* @param {Object} record The record to apply annotations to.
* @param {Array} annotations The annotation to apply.
* @return {Object} A record with the annotations applied.
function applyAnnotations(record, annotations = []) {
annotations.forEach(annotation => {
let {
} = annotation;
if (start > record.text.length) {
start = record.text.length;
if (end > record.text.length) {
end = record.text.length;
const className = ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + annotation.source;
const id = ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + annotation.id;
record = (0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.applyFormat)(record, {
attributes: {
}, start, end);
return record;
* Removes annotations from the given record.
* @param {Object} record Record to remove annotations from.
* @return {Object} The cleaned record.
function removeAnnotations(record) {
return removeFormat(record, 'core/annotation', 0, record.text.length);
* Retrieves the positions of annotations inside an array of formats.
* @param {Array} formats Formats with annotations in there.
* @return {Object} ID keyed positions of annotations.
function retrieveAnnotationPositions(formats) {
const positions = {};
formats.forEach((characterFormats, i) => {
characterFormats = characterFormats || [];
characterFormats = characterFormats.filter(format => format.type === FORMAT_NAME);
characterFormats.forEach(format => {
let {
} = format.attributes;
if (!positions.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
positions[id] = {
start: i
} // Annotations refer to positions between characters.
// Formats refer to the character themselves.
// So we need to adjust for that here.
positions[id].end = i + 1;
return positions;
* Updates annotations in the state based on positions retrieved from RichText.
* @param {Array} annotations The annotations that are currently applied.
* @param {Array} positions The current positions of the given annotations.
* @param {Object} actions
* @param {Function} actions.removeAnnotation Function to remove an annotation from the state.
* @param {Function} actions.updateAnnotationRange Function to update an annotation range in the state.
function updateAnnotationsWithPositions(annotations, positions, {
}) {
annotations.forEach(currentAnnotation => {
const position = positions[currentAnnotation.id]; // If we cannot find an annotation, delete it.
if (!position) {
// Apparently the annotation has been removed, so remove it from the state:
// Remove...
const {
} = currentAnnotation;
if (start !== position.start || end !== position.end) {
updateAnnotationRange(currentAnnotation.id, position.start, position.end);
const annotation = {
title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Annotation'),
tagName: 'mark',
className: 'annotation-text',
attributes: {
className: 'class',
id: 'id'
edit() {
return null;
__experimentalGetPropsForEditableTreePreparation(select, {
}) {
return {
annotations: select(STORE_NAME).__experimentalGetAnnotationsForRichText(blockClientId, richTextIdentifier)
}) {
return (formats, text) => {
if (annotations.length === 0) {
return formats;
let record = {
record = applyAnnotations(record, annotations);
return record.formats;
__experimentalGetPropsForEditableTreeChangeHandler(dispatch) {
return {
removeAnnotation: dispatch(STORE_NAME).__experimentalRemoveAnnotation,
updateAnnotationRange: dispatch(STORE_NAME).__experimentalUpdateAnnotationRange
__experimentalCreateOnChangeEditableValue(props) {
return formats => {
const positions = retrieveAnnotationPositions(formats);
const {
} = props;
updateAnnotationsWithPositions(annotations, positions, {
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/annotations/build-module/format/index.js
* WordPress dependencies
* Internal dependencies
const {
name: format_name,
} = annotation;
(0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.registerFormatType)(format_name, settings);
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","hooks"]
var external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["hooks"];
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","data"]
var external_wp_data_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["data"];
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/annotations/build-module/block/index.js
* WordPress dependencies
* Internal dependencies
* Adds annotation className to the block-list-block component.
* @param {Object} OriginalComponent The original BlockListBlock component.
* @return {Object} The enhanced component.
const addAnnotationClassName = OriginalComponent => {
return (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.withSelect)((select, {
}) => {
const annotations = select(STORE_NAME).__experimentalGetAnnotationsForBlock(clientId);
return {
className: annotations.map(annotation => {
return 'is-annotated-by-' + annotation.source;
}).concat(className).filter(Boolean).join(' ')
(0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.addFilter)('editor.BlockListBlock', 'core/annotations', addAnnotationClassName);
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/annotations/build-module/store/reducer.js
* Filters an array based on the predicate, but keeps the reference the same if
* the array hasn't changed.
* @param {Array} collection The collection to filter.
* @param {Function} predicate Function that determines if the item should stay
* in the array.
* @return {Array} Filtered array.
function filterWithReference(collection, predicate) {
const filteredCollection = collection.filter(predicate);
return collection.length === filteredCollection.length ? collection : filteredCollection;
* Creates a new object with the same keys, but with `callback()` called as
* a transformer function on each of the values.
* @param {Object} obj The object to transform.
* @param {Function} callback The function to transform each object value.
* @return {Array} Transformed object.
const mapValues = (obj, callback) => Object.entries(obj).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => ({ ...acc,
[key]: callback(value)
}), {});
* Verifies whether the given annotations is a valid annotation.
* @param {Object} annotation The annotation to verify.
* @return {boolean} Whether the given annotation is valid.
function isValidAnnotationRange(annotation) {
return typeof annotation.start === 'number' && typeof annotation.end === 'number' && annotation.start <= annotation.end;
* Reducer managing annotations.
* @param {Object} state The annotations currently shown in the editor.
* @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
* @return {Array} Updated state.
function annotations(state = {}, action) {
var _state$blockClientId;
switch (action.type) {
const blockClientId = action.blockClientId;
const newAnnotation = {
id: action.id,
richTextIdentifier: action.richTextIdentifier,
source: action.source,
selector: action.selector,
range: action.range
if (newAnnotation.selector === 'range' && !isValidAnnotationRange(newAnnotation.range)) {
return state;
const previousAnnotationsForBlock = (_state$blockClientId = state?.[blockClientId]) !== null && _state$blockClientId !== void 0 ? _state$blockClientId : [];
return { ...state,
[blockClientId]: [...previousAnnotationsForBlock, newAnnotation]
return mapValues(state, annotationsForBlock => {
return filterWithReference(annotationsForBlock, annotation => {
return annotation.id !== action.annotationId;
return mapValues(state, annotationsForBlock => {
let hasChangedRange = false;
const newAnnotations = annotationsForBlock.map(annotation => {
if (annotation.id === action.annotationId) {
hasChangedRange = true;
return { ...annotation,
range: {
start: action.start,
end: action.end
return annotation;
return hasChangedRange ? newAnnotations : annotationsForBlock;
return mapValues(state, annotationsForBlock => {
return filterWithReference(annotationsForBlock, annotation => {
return annotation.source !== action.source;
return state;
/* harmony default export */ var reducer = (annotations);
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/rememo/rememo.js
/** @typedef {(...args: any[]) => *[]} GetDependants */
/** @typedef {() => void} Clear */
* @typedef {{
* getDependants: GetDependants,
* clear: Clear
* }} EnhancedSelector
* Internal cache entry.
* @typedef CacheNode
* @property {?CacheNode|undefined} [prev] Previous node.
* @property {?CacheNode|undefined} [next] Next node.
* @property {*[]} args Function arguments for cache entry.
* @property {*} val Function result.
* @typedef Cache
* @property {Clear} clear Function to clear cache.
* @property {boolean} [isUniqueByDependants] Whether dependants are valid in
* considering cache uniqueness. A cache is unique if dependents are all arrays
* or objects.
* @property {CacheNode?} [head] Cache head.
* @property {*[]} [lastDependants] Dependants from previous invocation.
* Arbitrary value used as key for referencing cache object in WeakMap tree.
* @type {{}}
var LEAF_KEY = {};
* Returns the first argument as the sole entry in an array.
* @template T
* @param {T} value Value to return.
* @return {[T]} Value returned as entry in array.
function arrayOf(value) {
return [value];
* Returns true if the value passed is object-like, or false otherwise. A value
* is object-like if it can support property assignment, e.g. object or array.
* @param {*} value Value to test.
* @return {boolean} Whether value is object-like.
function isObjectLike(value) {
return !!value && 'object' === typeof value;
* Creates and returns a new cache object.
* @return {Cache} Cache object.
function createCache() {
/** @type {Cache} */
var cache = {
clear: function () {
cache.head = null;
return cache;
* Returns true if entries within the two arrays are strictly equal by
* reference from a starting index.
* @param {*[]} a First array.
* @param {*[]} b Second array.
* @param {number} fromIndex Index from which to start comparison.
* @return {boolean} Whether arrays are shallowly equal.
function isShallowEqual(a, b, fromIndex) {
var i;
if (a.length !== b.length) {
return false;
for (i = fromIndex; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] !== b[i]) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns a memoized selector function. The getDependants function argument is
* called before the memoized selector and is expected to return an immutable
* reference or array of references on which the selector depends for computing
* its own return value. The memoize cache is preserved only as long as those
* dependant references remain the same. If getDependants returns a different
* reference(s), the cache is cleared and the selector value regenerated.
* @template {(...args: *[]) => *} S
* @param {S} selector Selector function.
* @param {GetDependants=} getDependants Dependant getter returning an array of
* references used in cache bust consideration.
/* harmony default export */ function rememo(selector, getDependants) {
/** @type {WeakMap<*,*>} */
var rootCache;
/** @type {GetDependants} */
var normalizedGetDependants = getDependants ? getDependants : arrayOf;
* Returns the cache for a given dependants array. When possible, a WeakMap
* will be used to create a unique cache for each set of dependants. This
* is feasible due to the nature of WeakMap in allowing garbage collection
* to occur on entries where the key object is no longer referenced. Since
* WeakMap requires the key to be an object, this is only possible when the
* dependant is object-like. The root cache is created as a hierarchy where
* each top-level key is the first entry in a dependants set, the value a
* WeakMap where each key is the next dependant, and so on. This continues
* so long as the dependants are object-like. If no dependants are object-
* like, then the cache is shared across all invocations.
* @see isObjectLike
* @param {*[]} dependants Selector dependants.
* @return {Cache} Cache object.
function getCache(dependants) {
var caches = rootCache,
isUniqueByDependants = true,
for (i = 0; i < dependants.length; i++) {
dependant = dependants[i];
// Can only compose WeakMap from object-like key.
if (!isObjectLike(dependant)) {
isUniqueByDependants = false;
// Does current segment of cache already have a WeakMap?
if (caches.has(dependant)) {
// Traverse into nested WeakMap.
caches = caches.get(dependant);
} else {
// Create, set, and traverse into a new one.
map = new WeakMap();
caches.set(dependant, map);
caches = map;
// We use an arbitrary (but consistent) object as key for the last item
// in the WeakMap to serve as our running cache.
if (!caches.has(LEAF_KEY)) {
cache = createCache();
cache.isUniqueByDependants = isUniqueByDependants;
caches.set(LEAF_KEY, cache);
return caches.get(LEAF_KEY);
* Resets root memoization cache.
function clear() {
rootCache = new WeakMap();
/* eslint-disable jsdoc/check-param-names */
* The augmented selector call, considering first whether dependants have
* changed before passing it to underlying memoize function.
* @param {*} source Source object for derivation.
* @param {...*} extraArgs Additional arguments to pass to selector.
* @return {*} Selector result.
/* eslint-enable jsdoc/check-param-names */
function callSelector(/* source, ...extraArgs */) {
var len = arguments.length,
// Create copy of arguments (avoid leaking deoptimization).
args = new Array(len);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
args[i] = arguments[i];
dependants = normalizedGetDependants.apply(null, args);
cache = getCache(dependants);
// If not guaranteed uniqueness by dependants (primitive type), shallow
// compare against last dependants and, if references have changed,
// destroy cache to recalculate result.
if (!cache.isUniqueByDependants) {
if (
cache.lastDependants &&
!isShallowEqual(dependants, cache.lastDependants, 0)
) {
cache.lastDependants = dependants;
node = cache.head;
while (node) {
// Check whether node arguments match arguments
if (!isShallowEqual(node.args, args, 1)) {
node = node.next;
// At this point we can assume we've found a match
// Surface matched node to head if not already
if (node !== cache.head) {
// Adjust siblings to point to each other.
/** @type {CacheNode} */ (node.prev).next = node.next;
if (node.next) {
node.next.prev = node.prev;
node.next = cache.head;
node.prev = null;
/** @type {CacheNode} */ (cache.head).prev = node;
cache.head = node;
// Return immediately
return node.val;
// No cached value found. Continue to insertion phase:
node = /** @type {CacheNode} */ ({
// Generate the result from original function
val: selector.apply(null, args),
// Avoid including the source object in the cache.
args[0] = null;
node.args = args;
// Don't need to check whether node is already head, since it would
// have been returned above already if it was
// Shift existing head down list
if (cache.head) {
cache.head.prev = node;
node.next = cache.head;
cache.head = node;
return node.val;
callSelector.getDependants = normalizedGetDependants;
callSelector.clear = clear;
return /** @type {S & EnhancedSelector} */ (callSelector);
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/annotations/build-module/store/selectors.js
* External dependencies
* Shared reference to an empty array for cases where it is important to avoid
* returning a new array reference on every invocation, as in a connected or
* other pure component which performs `shouldComponentUpdate` check on props.
* This should be used as a last resort, since the normalized data should be
* maintained by the reducer result in state.
* @type {Array}
const EMPTY_ARRAY = [];
* Returns the annotations for a specific client ID.
* @param {Object} state Editor state.
* @param {string} clientId The ID of the block to get the annotations for.
* @return {Array} The annotations applicable to this block.
const __experimentalGetAnnotationsForBlock = rememo((state, blockClientId) => {
var _state$blockClientId;
return ((_state$blockClientId = state?.[blockClientId]) !== null && _state$blockClientId !== void 0 ? _state$blockClientId : []).filter(annotation => {
return annotation.selector === 'block';
}, (state, blockClientId) => {
var _state$blockClientId2;
return [(_state$blockClientId2 = state?.[blockClientId]) !== null && _state$blockClientId2 !== void 0 ? _state$blockClientId2 : EMPTY_ARRAY];
function __experimentalGetAllAnnotationsForBlock(state, blockClientId) {
var _state$blockClientId3;
return (_state$blockClientId3 = state?.[blockClientId]) !== null && _state$blockClientId3 !== void 0 ? _state$blockClientId3 : EMPTY_ARRAY;
* Returns the annotations that apply to the given RichText instance.
* Both a blockClientId and a richTextIdentifier are required. This is because
* a block might have multiple `RichText` components. This does mean that every
* block needs to implement annotations itself.
* @param {Object} state Editor state.
* @param {string} blockClientId The client ID for the block.
* @param {string} richTextIdentifier Unique identifier that identifies the given RichText.
* @return {Array} All the annotations relevant for the `RichText`.
const __experimentalGetAnnotationsForRichText = rememo((state, blockClientId, richTextIdentifier) => {
var _state$blockClientId4;
return ((_state$blockClientId4 = state?.[blockClientId]) !== null && _state$blockClientId4 !== void 0 ? _state$blockClientId4 : []).filter(annotation => {
return annotation.selector === 'range' && richTextIdentifier === annotation.richTextIdentifier;
}).map(annotation => {
const {
} = annotation;
return { ...range,
}, (state, blockClientId) => {
var _state$blockClientId5;
return [(_state$blockClientId5 = state?.[blockClientId]) !== null && _state$blockClientId5 !== void 0 ? _state$blockClientId5 : EMPTY_ARRAY];
* Returns all annotations in the editor state.
* @param {Object} state Editor state.
* @return {Array} All annotations currently applied.
function __experimentalGetAnnotations(state) {
return Object.values(state).flat();
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/native.js
const randomUUID = typeof crypto !== 'undefined' && crypto.randomUUID && crypto.randomUUID.bind(crypto);
/* harmony default export */ var esm_browser_native = ({
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/rng.js
// Unique ID creation requires a high quality random # generator. In the browser we therefore
// require the crypto API and do not support built-in fallback to lower quality random number
// generators (like Math.random()).
let getRandomValues;
const rnds8 = new Uint8Array(16);
function rng() {
// lazy load so that environments that need to polyfill have a chance to do so
if (!getRandomValues) {
// getRandomValues needs to be invoked in a context where "this" is a Crypto implementation.
getRandomValues = typeof crypto !== 'undefined' && crypto.getRandomValues && crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto);
if (!getRandomValues) {
throw new Error('crypto.getRandomValues() not supported. See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid#getrandomvalues-not-supported');
return getRandomValues(rnds8);
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/stringify.js
* Convert array of 16 byte values to UUID string format of the form:
const byteToHex = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
byteToHex.push((i + 0x100).toString(16).slice(1));
function unsafeStringify(arr, offset = 0) {
// Note: Be careful editing this code! It's been tuned for performance
// and works in ways you may not expect. See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid/pull/434
return (byteToHex[arr[offset + 0]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 1]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 2]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 3]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 4]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 5]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 6]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 7]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 8]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 9]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 10]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 11]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 12]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 13]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 14]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 15]]).toLowerCase();
function stringify(arr, offset = 0) {
const uuid = unsafeStringify(arr, offset); // Consistency check for valid UUID. If this throws, it's likely due to one
// of the following:
// - One or more input array values don't map to a hex octet (leading to
// "undefined" in the uuid)
// - Invalid input values for the RFC `version` or `variant` fields
if (!validate(uuid)) {
throw TypeError('Stringified UUID is invalid');
return uuid;
/* harmony default export */ var esm_browser_stringify = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (stringify)));
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/v4.js
function v4(options, buf, offset) {
if (esm_browser_native.randomUUID && !buf && !options) {
return esm_browser_native.randomUUID();
options = options || {};
const rnds = options.random || (options.rng || rng)(); // Per 4.4, set bits for version and `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved`
rnds[6] = rnds[6] & 0x0f | 0x40;
rnds[8] = rnds[8] & 0x3f | 0x80; // Copy bytes to buffer, if provided
if (buf) {
offset = offset || 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
buf[offset + i] = rnds[i];
return buf;
return unsafeStringify(rnds);
/* harmony default export */ var esm_browser_v4 = (v4);
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/annotations/build-module/store/actions.js
* External dependencies
* @typedef WPAnnotationRange
* @property {number} start The offset where the annotation should start.
* @property {number} end The offset where the annotation should end.
* Adds an annotation to a block.
* The `block` attribute refers to a block ID that needs to be annotated.
* `isBlockAnnotation` controls whether or not the annotation is a block
* annotation. The `source` is the source of the annotation, this will be used
* to identity groups of annotations.
* The `range` property is only relevant if the selector is 'range'.
* @param {Object} annotation The annotation to add.
* @param {string} annotation.blockClientId The blockClientId to add the annotation to.
* @param {string} annotation.richTextIdentifier Identifier for the RichText instance the annotation applies to.
* @param {WPAnnotationRange} annotation.range The range at which to apply this annotation.
* @param {string} [annotation.selector="range"] The way to apply this annotation.
* @param {string} [annotation.source="default"] The source that added the annotation.
* @param {string} [annotation.id] The ID the annotation should have. Generates a UUID by default.
* @return {Object} Action object.
function __experimentalAddAnnotation({
richTextIdentifier = null,
range = null,
selector = 'range',
source = 'default',
id = esm_browser_v4()
}) {
const action = {
if (selector === 'range') {
action.range = range;
return action;
* Removes an annotation with a specific ID.
* @param {string} annotationId The annotation to remove.
* @return {Object} Action object.
function __experimentalRemoveAnnotation(annotationId) {
return {
* Updates the range of an annotation.
* @param {string} annotationId ID of the annotation to update.
* @param {number} start The start of the new range.
* @param {number} end The end of the new range.
* @return {Object} Action object.
function __experimentalUpdateAnnotationRange(annotationId, start, end) {
return {
* Removes all annotations of a specific source.
* @param {string} source The source to remove.
* @return {Object} Action object.
function __experimentalRemoveAnnotationsBySource(source) {
return {
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/annotations/build-module/store/index.js
* WordPress dependencies
* Internal dependencies
* Module Constants
* Store definition for the annotations namespace.
* @see https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/blob/HEAD/packages/data/README.md#createReduxStore
* @type {Object}
const store = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createReduxStore)(STORE_NAME, {
reducer: reducer,
selectors: selectors_namespaceObject,
actions: actions_namespaceObject
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/annotations/build-module/index.js
* Internal dependencies
(window.wp = window.wp || {}).annotations = __webpack_exports__;
/******/ })()