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synced 2025-03-09 07:00:01 +00:00
The dimension attributes `width` and `height` should be present on every image in order to avoid layout shifts and be able to leverage WordPress core's image loading optimization functionality. This changeset adds dimension attributes to the `core/image` blocks used in block patterns in Twenty Twenty-Two, where this is particularly critical as WordPress core cannot backfill the attributes for those images, as their sources are not part of the Media Library. Props spacedmonkey, thekt12, mukesh27, flixos90. Fixes #59256. Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@56613 git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@56125 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
33 lines
2.7 KiB
33 lines
2.7 KiB
* Page layout with image and text.
return array(
'title' => __( 'Page layout with image and text', 'twentytwentytwo' ),
'categories' => array( 'pages' ),
'content' => '<!-- wp:group {"align":"full","style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"var(--wp--custom--spacing--large, 8rem)","bottom":"2rem"}}},"layout":{"inherit":true}} -->
<div class="wp-block-group alignfull" style="padding-top:var(--wp--custom--spacing--large, 8rem);padding-bottom:2rem"><!-- wp:heading {"align":"wide","style":{"typography":{"fontSize":"clamp(4rem, 8vw, 7.5rem)","lineHeight":"1.15","fontWeight":"300"}}} -->
<h2 class="alignwide" style="font-size:clamp(4rem, 8vw, 7.5rem);font-weight:300;line-height:1.15">' . wp_kses_post( __( '<em>Watching Birds </em><br><em>in the Garden</em>', 'twentytwentytwo' ) ) . '</h2>
<!-- /wp:heading --></div>
<!-- /wp:group -->
<!-- wp:image {"align":"full","width":2400,"height":1800,"style":{"color":{}}} -->
<figure class="wp-block-image alignfull is-resized"><img src="' . esc_url( get_template_directory_uri() ) . '/assets/images/flight-path-on-transparent-b.png" alt="' . esc_attr_x( 'TBD', 'Short for to be determined', 'twentytwentytwo' ) . '" width="2400" height="1800"/></figure>
<!-- /wp:image -->
<!-- wp:group {"align":"full","style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"2rem","bottom":"var(--wp--custom--spacing--large, 8rem)"}}},"layout":{"inherit":true}} -->
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<!-- wp:columns {"align":"wide"} -->
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<div class="wp-block-column is-vertically-aligned-bottom" style="padding-bottom:1em"><!-- wp:site-logo {"width":60} /--></div>
<!-- /wp:column -->
<!-- wp:column {"verticalAlignment":"bottom"} -->
<div class="wp-block-column is-vertically-aligned-bottom"><!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>' . wp_kses_post( __( 'Oh hello. My name’s Angelo, and I operate this blog. I was born in Portland, but I currently live in upstate New York. You may recognize me from publications with names like <a href="#">Eagle Beagle</a> and <a href="#">Mourning Dive</a>. I write for a living.<br><br>I usually use this blog to catalog extensive lists of birds and other things that I find interesting. If you find an error with one of my lists, please keep it to yourself.<br><br>If that’s not your cup of tea, <a href="#">I definitely recommend this tea</a>. It’s my favorite.', 'twentytwentytwo' ) ) . '</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>
<!-- /wp:column --></div>
<!-- /wp:columns --></div>
<!-- /wp:group -->',