
331 lines
14 KiB

// $Id$
// Links
// Copyright (C) 2002 Mike Little -- mike@zed1.com
// This is an add-on to b2 weblog / news publishing tool
// b2 is copyright (c)2001, 2002 by Michel Valdrighi - m@tidakada.com
// **********************************************************************
// Copyright (C) 2002 Mike Little
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// Mike Little (mike@zed1.com)
// *****************************************************************
/** function get_linksbyname()
** Gets the links associated with category 'cat_name'.
** Parameters:
** cat_name (default 'noname') - The category name to use. If no
** match is found uses all
** before (default '') - the html to output before the link
** after (default '<br />') - the html to output after the link
** between (default ' ') - the html to output between the link/image
** and it's description. Not used if no image or show_images == true
** show_images (default true) - whether to show images (if defined).
** orderby (default 'id') - the order to output the links. E.g. 'id', 'name',
** 'url', 'description' or 'rating'. Or maybe owner. If you start the
** name with an underscore the order will be reversed.
** You can also specify 'rand' as the order which will return links in a
** random order.
** show_description (default true) - whether to show the description if
** show_images=false/not defined
** show_rating (default false) - show rating stars/chars
** limit (default -1) - Limit to X entries. If not specified, all entries
** are shown.
** show_updated (default 0) - whether to show last updated timestamp
function get_linksbyname($cat_name = "noname", $before = '', $after = '<br />',
$between = " ", $show_images = true, $orderby = 'id',
$show_description = true, $show_rating = false,
$limit = -1, $show_updated = 0) {
global $tablelinkcategories;
$cat_id = -1;
$sql = "SELECT cat_id FROM $tablelinkcategories WHERE cat_name='$cat_name'";
$result = mysql_query($sql)
or die("Oops, couldn't query the db for categories."
. $sql . mysql_error());
if ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
$cat_id = $row->cat_id;
get_links($cat_id, $before, $after, $between, $show_images, $orderby,
$show_description, $show_rating, $limit, $show_updated);
/** function get_links()
** Gets the links associated with category n.
** Parameters:
** category (default -1) - The category to use. If no category supplied
** uses all
** before (default '') - the html to output before the link
** after (default '<br />') - the html to output after the link
** between (default ' ') - the html to output between the link/image
** and it's description. Not used if no image or show_images == true
** show_images (default true) - whether to show images (if defined).
** orderby (default 'id') - the order to output the links. E.g. 'id', 'name',
** 'url', 'description', or 'rating'. Or maybe owner. If you start the
** name with an underscore the order will be reversed.
** You can also specify 'rand' as the order which will return links in a
** random order.
** show_description (default true) - whether to show the description if
** show_images=false/not defined .
** show_rating (default false) - show rating stars/chars
** limit (default -1) - Limit to X entries. If not specified, all entries
** are shown.
** show_updated (default 0) - whether to show last updated timestamp
function get_links($category = -1, $before = '', $after = '<br />',
$between = " ", $show_images = true, $orderby = 'id',
$show_description = true, $show_rating = false,
$limit = -1, $show_updated = 0) {
global $tablelinks, $links_rating_type, $links_rating_char,
$links_rating_image, $links_rating_ignore_zero,
$direction = ' ASC';
$category_query = "";
if ($category != -1) {
$category_query = " AND link_category = $category ";
if ($show_updated) {
$get_updated = ", DATE_FORMAT(link_updated, '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i') AS link_updated ";
$sql = "SELECT link_url, link_name, link_image, link_target, " .
" link_description, link_rating, link_rel $get_updated " .
" FROM $tablelinks " .
" WHERE link_visible = 'Y' " .
if ($orderby == '')
$orderby = 'id';
if (substr($orderby,0,1) == '_') {
$direction = ' DESC';
$orderby = substr($orderby,1);
if (strcasecmp('rand',$orderby) == 0) {
$orderby = 'rand()';
} else {
$orderby = " link_" . $orderby;
$sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $orderby;
$sql .= $direction;
/* The next 2 lines implement LIMIT TO processing */
if ($limit != -1)
$sql .= " LIMIT $limit";
$result = mysql_query($sql)
or die("Couldn't execute query. " . $sql . mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
$the_link = '#';
if (($row->link_url != null) || ($row->link_url != '')) {
$the_link = $row->link_url;
$rel = stripslashes($row->link_rel);
if ($rel != '') {
$rel = 'rel="'.$rel.'"';
echo("<a href=\"".$the_link."\" $rel title=\"" .
stripslashes($row->link_description) .
"\" target=\"$row->link_target\">");
if (($row->link_image != null) && $show_images) {
echo("<img src=\"$row->link_image\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" .
stripslashes($row->link_name) . "\" title=\"" .
stripslashes($row->link_description) . "\" />");
} else {
if ((($row->link_image != null) && $show_images) || !$show_description) {
} else {
echo("</a>$between" . stripslashes($row->link_description));
if ($show_updated) {
if (substr($row->link_updated,0,2) != '00') {
echo("</a>$between " . $row->link_updated);
// now do the rating
if ($show_rating) {
if ($links_rating_type == 'number') {
if (($row->link_rating != 0) || ($links_rating_ignore_zero != 1)) {
echo(" $row->link_rating\n");
} else if ($links_rating_type == 'char') {
for ($r = $row->link_rating; $r > 0; $r--) {
} else if ($links_rating_type == 'image') {
if ($links_rating_single_image) {
for ($r = $row->link_rating; $r > 0; $r--) {
echo(' <img src="'.$links_rating_image[0].'" alt="' .
$row->link_rating.'" />'."\n");
} else {
if (($row->link_rating != 0) || ($links_rating_ignore_zero != 1)) {
echo(' <img src="' .
$links_rating_image[$row->link_rating].'" alt="' .
$row->link_rating.'" />'."\n");
} // end if image
} // end if show_rating
} // end while
/** function get_linksbyname_withrating()
** Gets the links associated with category 'cat_name' and display rating stars/chars.
** Parameters:
** cat_name (default 'noname') - The category name to use. If no
** match is found uses all
** before (default '') - the html to output before the link
** after (default '<br />') - the html to output after the link
** between (default ' ') - the html to output between the link/image
** and it's description. Not used if no image or show_images == true
** show_images (default true) - whether to show images (if defined).
** orderby (default 'id') - the order to output the links. E.g. 'id', 'name',
** 'url' or 'description'. Or maybe owner. If you start the
** name with an underscore the order will be reversed.
** You can also specify 'rand' as the order which will return links in a
** random order.
** show_description (default true) - whether to show the description if
** show_images=false/not defined
** limit (default -1) - Limit to X entries. If not specified, all entries
** are shown.
** show_updated (default 0) - whether to show last updated timestamp
function get_linksbyname_withrating($cat_name = "noname", $before = '',
$after = '<br />', $between = " ",
$show_images = true, $orderby = 'id',
$show_description = true, $limit = -1, $show_updated = 0) {
get_linksbyname($cat_name, $before, $after, $between, $show_images,
$orderby, $show_description, true, $limit, $show_updated);
/** function get_links_withrating()
** Gets the links associated with category n and display rating stars/chars.
** Parameters:
** category (default -1) - The category to use. If no category supplied
** uses all
** before (default '') - the html to output before the link
** after (default '<br />') - the html to output after the link
** between (default ' ') - the html to output between the link/image
** and it's description. Not used if no image or show_images == true
** show_images (default true) - whether to show images (if defined).
** orderby (default 'id') - the order to output the links. E.g. 'id', 'name',
** 'url' or 'description'. Or maybe owner. If you start the
** name with an underscore the order will be reversed.
** You can also specify 'rand' as the order which will return links in a
** random order.
** show_description (default true) - whether to show the description if
** show_images=false/not defined .
** limit (default -1) - Limit to X entries. If not specified, all entries
** are shown.
** show_updated (default 0) - whether to show last updated timestamp
function get_links_withrating($category = -1, $before = '', $after = '<br />',
$between = " ", $show_images = true,
$orderby = 'id', $show_description = true,
$limit = -1, $show_updated = 0) {
get_links($category, $before, $after, $between, $show_images, $orderby,
$show_description, true, $limit, $show_updated);
/** function get_linkcatname()
** Gets the name of category n.
** Parameters: id (default 0) - The category to get. If no category supplied
** uses 0
function get_linkcatname($id = 0) {
global $tablelinkcategories;
$cat_name = "noname";
$sql = "SELECT cat_name FROM $tablelinkcategories WHERE cat_id=$id";
$result = mysql_query($sql)
or die("Couldn't query the db for categories:". $sql. mysql_error());
if ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
$cat_name = stripslashes($row->cat_name);
return $cat_name;
/** function get_get_autotoggle()
** Gets the auto_toggle setting of category n.
** Parameters: id (default 0) - The category to get. If no category supplied
** uses 0
function get_autotoggle($id = 0) {
global $tablelinkcategories;
$auto_toggle = "N";
$sql = "SELECT auto_toggle FROM $tablelinkcategories WHERE cat_id=$id";
$result = mysql_query($sql)
or die("Couldn't query the db for categories:". $sql.
if ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
$auto_toggle = $row->auto_toggle;
return $auto_toggle;
/** function links_popup_script()
** This function contributed by Fullo -- http://sprite.csr.unibo.it/fullo/
** Show the link to the links popup and the number of links
** Parameters:
** text (default Links) - the text of the link
** width (default 400) - the width of the popup window
** height (default 400) - the height of the popup window
** file (default linkspopup.php) - the page to open in the popup window
** count (default true) - the number of links in the db
function links_popup_script($text = 'Links', $width=400, $height=400,
$file='links.all.php', $count = true) {
global $tablelinks;
if ($count == true) {
$sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM $tablelinks";
$result = mysql_query($sql)
or die("Couldn't query the db for categories:". $sql .
if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
$counts = $row[0];
$javascript = "<a href=\"#\" " .
" onclick=\"javascript:window.open('$file?popup=1', '_blank', " .
"'width=$width,height=$height,scrollbars=yes,status=no'); " .
" return false\">";
$javascript .= $text;
if ($count == true) {
$javascript .= " ($counts)";
$javascript .="</a>\n\n";
echo $javascript;