
890 lines
30 KiB

Plugin Name: WordPress Database Backup
Plugin URI: http://www.skippy.net/blog/plugins/
Description: On-demand backup of your WordPress database.
Author: Scott Merrill
Version: 1.7
Author URI: http://www.skippy.net/
Much of this was modified from Mark Ghosh's One Click Backup, which
in turn was derived from phpMyAdmin.
Many thanks to Owen (http://asymptomatic.net/wp/) for his patch
$rand = substr( md5( md5( DB_PASSWORD ) ), -5 );
define('WP_BACKUP_DIR', 'wp-content/backup-' . $rand);
define('ROWS_PER_SEGMENT', 100);
class wpdbBackup {
var $backup_complete = false;
var $backup_file = '';
var $backup_dir = WP_BACKUP_DIR;
var $backup_errors = array();
var $basename;
function gzip() {
return function_exists('gzopen');
function wpdbBackup() {
add_action('wp_cron_daily', array(&$this, 'wp_cron_daily'));
$this->backup_dir = trailingslashit($this->backup_dir);
$this->basename = preg_replace('/^.*wp-content[\\\\\/]plugins[\\\\\/]/', '', __FILE__);
if (isset($_POST['do_backup'])) {
switch($_POST['do_backup']) {
case 'backup':
case 'fragments':
add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'fragment_menu'));
} elseif (isset($_GET['fragment'] )) {
add_action('init', array(&$this, 'init'));
} elseif (isset($_GET['backup'] )) {
add_action('init', array(&$this, 'init'));
} else {
add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'admin_menu'));
function init() {
global $user_level;
if ($user_level < 9) die(__('Need higher user level.'));
if (isset($_GET['backup'])) {
$via = isset($_GET['via']) ? $_GET['via'] : 'http';
$this->backup_file = $_GET['backup'];
switch($via) {
case 'smtp':
case 'email':
$this->deliver_backup ($this->backup_file, 'smtp', $_GET['recipient']);
echo '
<!-- ' . $via . ' -->
<script type="text/javascript"><!--\\
if($this->backup_errors) {
foreach($this->backup_errors as $error) {
echo "window.parent.addError('$error');\n";
echo '
alert("' . __('Backup Complete!') . '");
$this->deliver_backup ($this->backup_file, $via);
if (isset($_GET['fragment'] )) {
list($table, $segment, $filename) = explode(':', $_GET['fragment']);
$this->backup_fragment($table, $segment, $filename);
function build_backup_script() {
global $table_prefix, $wpdb;
$datum = date("Ymd_B");
$backup_filename = DB_NAME . "_$table_prefix$datum.sql";
if ($this->gzip()) $backup_filename .= '.gz';
echo "<div class='wrap'>";
//echo "<pre>" . print_r($_POST, 1) . "</pre>";
echo '<h2>' . __('Backup') . '</h2>
<fieldset class="options"><legend>' . __('Progress') . '</legend>
<p><strong>' .
<li>'.__('Close this browser').'</li>
<li>'.__('Reload this page').'</li>
<li>'.__('Click the Stop or Back buttons in your browser').'</li>
<p><strong>' . __('Progress:') . '</strong></p>
<div id="meterbox" style="height:11px;width:80%;padding:3px;border:1px solid #659fff;"><div id="meter" style="height:11px;background-color:#659fff;width:0%;text-align:center;font-size:6pt;">&nbsp;</div></div>
<div id="progress_message"></div>
<div id="errors"></div>
<iframe id="backuploader" src="about:blank" style="border:0px solid white;height:1em;width:1em;"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--//
function setMeter(pct) {
var meter = document.getElementById("meter");
meter.style.width = pct + "%";
meter.innerHTML = Math.floor(pct) + "%";
function setProgress(str) {
var progress = document.getElementById("progress_message");
progress.innerHTML = str;
function addError(str) {
var errors = document.getElementById("errors");
errors.innerHTML = errors.innerHTML + str + "<br />";
function backup(table, segment) {
var fram = document.getElementById("backuploader");
fram.src = "' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&fragment=" + table + ":" + segment + ":' . $backup_filename . '";
var curStep = 0;
function nextStep() {
function finishBackup() {
var fram = document.getElementById("backuploader");
$this_basename = preg_replace('/^.*wp-content[\\\\\/]plugins[\\\\\/]/', '', __FILE__);
$download_uri = get_settings('siteurl') . "/wp-admin/edit.php?page={$this_basename}&backup={$backup_filename}";
switch($_POST['deliver']) {
case 'http':
echo '
setProgress("' . sprintf(__("Backup complete, preparing <a href=\\\"%s\\\">backup</a> for download..."), $download_uri) . '");
fram.src = "' . $download_uri . '";
case 'smtp':
echo '
setProgress("' . sprintf(__("Backup complete, sending <a href=\\\"%s\\\">backup</a> via email..."), $download_uri) . '");
fram.src = "' . $download_uri . '&via=email&recipient=' . $_POST['backup_recipient'] . '";
echo '
setProgress("' . sprintf(__("Backup complete, download <a href=\\\"%s\\\">here</a>."), $download_uri) . '");
echo '
function backupStep(step) {
switch(step) {
case 0: backup("", 0); break;
$also_backup = array();
if (isset($_POST['other_tables'])) {
$also_backup = $_POST['other_tables'];
} else {
$also_backup = array();
$core_tables = $_POST['core_tables'];
$tables = array_merge($core_tables, $also_backup);
$step_count = 1;
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$rec_count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM {$table}");
$rec_segments = ceil($rec_count / ROWS_PER_SEGMENT);
$table_count = 0;
do {
echo "case {$step_count}: backup(\"{$table}\", {$table_count}); break;\n";
} while($table_count < $rec_segments);
echo "case {$step_count}: backup(\"{$table}\", -1); break;\n";
echo "case {$step_count}: finishBackup(); break;";
echo '
if(step != 0) setMeter(100 * step / ' . $step_count . ');
function backup_fragment($table, $segment, $filename) {
global $table_prefix, $wpdb;
echo "$table:$segment:$filename";
if($table == '') {
$msg = __('Creating backup file...');
} else {
if($segment == -1) {
$msg = sprintf(__('Finished backing up table \\"%s\\".'), $table);
} else {
$msg = sprintf(__('Backing up table \\"%s\\"...'), $table);
echo '<script type="text/javascript"><!--//
var msg = "' . $msg . '";
if (is_writable(ABSPATH . $this->backup_dir)) {
$this->fp = $this->open(ABSPATH . $this->backup_dir . $filename, 'a');
if(!$this->fp) {
$this->backup_error(__('Could not open the backup file for writing!'));
$this->fatal_error = __('The backup file could not be saved. Please check the permissions for writing to your backup directory and try again.');
else {
if($table == '') {
//Begin new backup of MySql
$this->stow("# WordPress MySQL database backup\n");
$this->stow("# Generated: " . date("l j. F Y H:i T") . "\n");
$this->stow("# Hostname: " . DB_HOST . "\n");
$this->stow("# Database: " . $this->backquote(DB_NAME) . "\n");
$this->stow("# --------------------------------------------------------\n");
} else {
if($segment == 0) {
// Increase script execution time-limit to 15 min for every table.
if ( !ini_get('safe_mode')) @set_time_limit(15*60);
//ini_set('memory_limit', '16M');
// Create the SQL statements
$this->stow("# --------------------------------------------------------\n");
$this->stow("# Table: " . $this->backquote($table) . "\n");
$this->stow("# --------------------------------------------------------\n");
$this->backup_table($table, $segment);
} else {
$this->backup_error(__('The backup directory is not writeable!'));
$this->fatal_error = __('The backup directory is not writeable! Please check the permissions for writing to your backup directory and try again.');
if($this->fp) $this->close($this->fp);
if($this->backup_errors) {
foreach($this->backup_errors as $error) {
echo "window.parent.addError('$error');\n";
if($this->fatal_error) {
echo '
alert("' . addslashes($this->fatal_error) . '");
else {
echo '
function perform_backup() {
// are we backing up any other tables?
$also_backup = array();
if (isset($_POST['other_tables'])) {
$also_backup = $_POST['other_tables'];
$core_tables = $_POST['core_tables'];
$this->backup_file = $this->db_backup($core_tables, $also_backup);
if (FALSE !== $backup_file) {
if ('smtp' == $_POST['deliver']) {
$this->deliver_backup ($this->backup_file, $_POST['deliver'], $_POST['backup_recipient']);
} elseif ('http' == $_POST['deliver']) {
$this_basename = preg_replace('/^.*wp-content[\\\\\/]plugins[\\\\\/]/', '', __FILE__);
header('Refresh: 3; ' . get_settings('siteurl') . "/wp-admin/edit.php?page={$this_basename}&backup={$this->backup_file}");
// we do this to say we're done.
$this->backup_complete = true;
function admin_menu() {
add_management_page(__('Backup'), __('Backup'), 9, basename(__FILE__), array(&$this, 'backup_menu'));
function fragment_menu() {
add_management_page(__('Backup'), __('Backup'), 9, basename(__FILE__), array(&$this, 'build_backup_script'));
function sql_addslashes($a_string = '', $is_like = FALSE)
Better addslashes for SQL queries.
Taken from phpMyAdmin.
if ($is_like) {
$a_string = str_replace('\\', '\\\\\\\\', $a_string);
} else {
$a_string = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $a_string);
$a_string = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $a_string);
return $a_string;
} // function sql_addslashes($a_string = '', $is_like = FALSE)
function backquote($a_name)
Add backqouotes to tables and db-names in
SQL queries. Taken from phpMyAdmin.
if (!empty($a_name) && $a_name != '*') {
if (is_array($a_name)) {
$result = array();
while(list($key, $val) = each($a_name)) {
$result[$key] = '`' . $val . '`';
return $result;
} else {
return '`' . $a_name . '`';
} else {
return $a_name;
} // function backquote($a_name, $do_it = TRUE)
function open($filename = '', $mode = 'w') {
if ('' == $filename) return false;
if ($this->gzip()) {
$fp = @gzopen($filename, $mode);
} else {
$fp = @fopen($filename, $mode);
return $fp;
function close($fp) {
if ($this->gzip()) {
} else {
function stow($query_line) {
if ($this->gzip()) {
if(@gzwrite($this->fp, $query_line) === FALSE) {
backup_error(__('There was an error writing a line to the backup script:'));
backup_error('&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $query_line);
} else {
if(@fwrite($this->fp, $query_line) === FALSE) {
backup_error(__('There was an error writing a line to the backup script:'));
backup_error('&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $query_line);
function backup_error($err) {
if(count($this->backup_errors) < 20) {
$this->backup_errors[] = $err;
} elseif(count($this->backup_errors) == 20) {
$this->backup_errors[] = __('Subsequent errors have been omitted from this log.');
function backup_table($table, $segment = 'none') {
global $wpdb;
Taken partially from phpMyAdmin and partially from
Alain Wolf, Zurich - Switzerland
Website: http://restkultur.ch/personal/wolf/scripts/db_backup/
Modified by Scott Merril (http://www.skippy.net/)
to use the WordPress $wpdb object
$table_structure = $wpdb->get_results("DESCRIBE $table");
if (! $table_structure) {
backup_errors(__('Error getting table details') . ": $table");
return FALSE;
if(($segment == 'none') || ($segment == 0)) {
// Add SQL statement to drop existing table
$this->stow("# Delete any existing table " . $this->backquote($table) . "\n");
$this->stow("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . $this->backquote($table) . ";\n");
//Table structure
// Comment in SQL-file
$this->stow("# Table structure of table " . $this->backquote($table) . "\n");
$create_table = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW CREATE TABLE $table", ARRAY_N);
if (FALSE === $create_table) {
$this->backup_error(sprintf(__("Error with SHOW CREATE TABLE for %s."), $table));
$this->stow("#\n# Error with SHOW CREATE TABLE for $table!\n#\n");
$this->stow($create_table[0][1] . ' ;');
if (FALSE === $table_structure) {
$this->backup_error(sprintf(__("Error getting table structure of %s"), $table));
$this->stow("#\n# Error getting table structure of $table!\n#\n");
// Comment in SQL-file
$this->stow('# Data contents of table ' . $this->backquote($table) . "\n");
if(($segment == 'none') || ($segment >= 0)) {
$ints = array();
foreach ($table_structure as $struct) {
if ( (0 === strpos($struct->Type, 'tinyint')) ||
(0 === strpos(strtolower($struct->Type), 'smallint')) ||
(0 === strpos(strtolower($struct->Type), 'mediumint')) ||
(0 === strpos(strtolower($struct->Type), 'int')) ||
(0 === strpos(strtolower($struct->Type), 'bigint')) ||
(0 === strpos(strtolower($struct->Type), 'timestamp')) ) {
$ints[strtolower($struct->Field)] = "1";
// Batch by $row_inc
if($segment == 'none') {
$row_start = 0;
$row_inc = ROWS_PER_SEGMENT;
} else {
$row_start = $segment * ROWS_PER_SEGMENT;
$row_inc = ROWS_PER_SEGMENT;
do {
if ( !ini_get('safe_mode')) @set_time_limit(15*60);
$table_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $table LIMIT {$row_start}, {$row_inc}", ARRAY_A);
if (FALSE === $table_data) {
$wp_backup_error .= "Error getting table contents from $table\r\n";
fwrite($fp, "#\n# Error getting table contents fom $table!\n#\n");
$entries = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->backquote($table) . ' VALUES (';
// \x08\\x09, not required
$search = array("\x00", "\x0a", "\x0d", "\x1a");
$replace = array('\0', '\n', '\r', '\Z');
if($table_data) {
foreach ($table_data as $row) {
$values = array();
foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
if ($ints[strtolower($key)]) {
$values[] = $value;
} else {
$values[] = "'" . str_replace($search, $replace, $this->sql_addslashes($value)) . "'";
$this->stow(" \n" . $entries . implode(', ', $values) . ') ;');
$row_start += $row_inc;
} while((count($table_data) > 0) and ($segment=='none'));
if(($segment == 'none') || ($segment < 0)) {
// Create footer/closing comment in SQL-file
$this->stow("# End of data contents of table " . $this->backquote($table) . "\n");
$this->stow("# --------------------------------------------------------\n");
} // end backup_table()
function return_bytes($val) {
$val = trim($val);
$last = strtolower($val{strlen($val)-1});
switch($last) {
// The 'G' modifier is available since PHP 5.1.0
case 'g':
$val *= 1024;
case 'm':
$val *= 1024;
case 'k':
$val *= 1024;
return $val;
function db_backup($core_tables, $other_tables) {
global $table_prefix, $wpdb;
$datum = date("Ymd_B");
$wp_backup_filename = DB_NAME . "_$table_prefix$datum.sql";
if ($this->gzip()) {
$wp_backup_filename .= '.gz';
if (is_writable(ABSPATH . $this->backup_dir)) {
$this->fp = $this->open(ABSPATH . $this->backup_dir . $wp_backup_filename);
if(!$this->fp) {
$this->backup_error(__('Could not open the backup file for writing!'));
return false;
} else {
$this->backup_error(__('The backup directory is not writeable!'));
return false;
//Begin new backup of MySql
$this->stow("# WordPress MySQL database backup\n");
$this->stow("# Generated: " . date("l j. F Y H:i T") . "\n");
$this->stow("# Hostname: " . DB_HOST . "\n");
$this->stow("# Database: " . $this->backquote(DB_NAME) . "\n");
$this->stow("# --------------------------------------------------------\n");
if ( (is_array($other_tables)) && (count($other_tables) > 0) )
$tables = array_merge($core_tables, $other_tables);
$tables = $core_tables;
foreach ($tables as $table) {
// Increase script execution time-limit to 15 min for every table.
if ( !ini_get('safe_mode')) @set_time_limit(15*60);
// Create the SQL statements
$this->stow("# --------------------------------------------------------\n");
$this->stow("# Table: " . $this->backquote($table) . "\n");
$this->stow("# --------------------------------------------------------\n");
if (count($this->backup_errors)) {
return false;
} else {
return $wp_backup_filename;
} //wp_db_backup
function deliver_backup ($filename = '', $delivery = 'http', $recipient = '') {
if ('' == $filename) { return FALSE; }
$diskfile = ABSPATH . $this->backup_dir . $filename;
if ('http' == $delivery) {
if (! file_exists($diskfile)) {
$msg = sprintf(__('File not found:%s'), "<br /><strong>$filename</strong><br />");
$this_basename = preg_replace('/^.*wp-content[\\\\\/]plugins[\\\\\/]/', '', __FILE__);
$msg .= '<br /><a href="' . get_settings('siteurl') . "/wp-admin/edit.php?page={$this_basename}" . '">' . __('Return to Backup');
header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($diskfile));
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename");
} elseif ('smtp' == $delivery) {
if (! file_exists($diskfile)) return false;
if (! is_email ($recipient)) {
$recipient = get_settings('admin_email');
$randomish = md5(time());
$boundary = "==WPBACKUP-BY-SKIPPY-$randomish";
$fp = fopen($diskfile,"rb");
$file = fread($fp,filesize($diskfile));
$data = chunk_split(base64_encode($file));
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$boundary\"\n";
$headers .= 'From: ' . get_settings('admin_email') . "\n";
$message = sprintf(__("Attached to this email is\n %1s\n Size:%2s kilobytes\n"), $filename, round(filesize($diskfile)/1024));
// Add a multipart boundary above the plain message
$message = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n\n" .
"--{$boundary}\n" .
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n" .
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n" .
$message . "\n\n";
// Add file attachment to the message
$message .= "--{$boundary}\n" .
"Content-Type: application/octet-stream;\n" .
" name=\"{$filename}\"\n" .
"Content-Disposition: attachment;\n" .
" filename=\"{$filename}\"\n" .
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n" .
$data . "\n\n" .
if (function_exists('wp_mail')) {
wp_mail ($recipient, get_bloginfo('name') . ' ' . __('Database Backup'), $message, $headers);
} else {
mail ($recipient, get_bloginfo('name') . ' ' . __('Database Backup'), $message, $headers);
function backup_menu() {
global $table_prefix, $wpdb;
$feedback = '';
// did we just do a backup? If so, let's report the status
if ( $this->backup_complete ) {
$feedback = '<div class="updated"><p>' . __('Backup Successful') . '!';
$file = $this->backup_file;
switch($_POST['deliver']) {
case 'http':
$feedback .= '<br />' . sprintf(__('Your backup file: <a href="%1s">%2s</a> should begin downloading shortly.'), get_settings('siteurl') . "/{$this->backup_dir}{$this->backup_file}", $this->backup_file);
case 'smtp':
if (! is_email($_POST['backup_recipient'])) {
$feedback .= get_settings('admin_email');
} else {
$feedback .= $_POST['backup_recipient'];
$feedback = '<br />' . sprintf(__('Your backup has been emailed to %s'), $feedback);
case 'none':
$feedback .= '<br />' . __('Your backup file has been saved on the server. If you would like to download it now, right click and select "Save As"');
$feedback .= ':<br /> <a href="' . get_settings('siteurl') . "/{$this->backup_dir}$file\">$file</a> : " . sprintf(__('%s bytes'), filesize(ABSPATH . $this->backup_dir . $file));
$feedback .= '</p></div>';
if (count($this->backup_errors)) {
$feedback .= '<div class="updated error">' . __('The following errors were reported:') . "<pre>";
foreach($this->backup_errors as $error) {
$feedback .= "{$error}\n"; //Errors are already localized
$feedback .= "</pre></div>";
// did we just save options for wp-cron?
if ( (function_exists('wp_cron_init')) && isset($_POST['wp_cron_backup_options']) ) {
update_option('wp_cron_backup_schedule', intval($_POST['cron_schedule']), FALSE);
update_option('wp_cron_backup_tables', $_POST['wp_cron_backup_tables']);
if (is_email($_POST['cron_backup_recipient'])) {
update_option('wp_cron_backup_recipient', $_POST['cron_backup_recipient'], FALSE);
$feedback .= '<div class="updated"><p>' . __('Scheduled Backup Options Saved!') . '</p></div>';
// Simple table name storage
$wp_table_names = explode(',','categories,comments,linkcategories,links,options,post2cat,postmeta,posts,users,usermeta');
// Apply WP DB prefix to table names
$wp_table_names = array_map(create_function('$a', 'global $table_prefix;return "{$table_prefix}{$a}";'), $wp_table_names);
$other_tables = array();
$also_backup = array();
// Get complete db table list
$all_tables = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW TABLES", ARRAY_N);
$all_tables = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a[0];'), $all_tables);
// Get list of WP tables that actually exist in this DB (for 1.6 compat!)
$wp_backup_default_tables = array_intersect($all_tables, $wp_table_names);
// Get list of non-WP tables
$other_tables = array_diff($all_tables, $wp_backup_default_tables);
if ('' != $feedback) {
echo $feedback;
// Give the new dirs the same perms as wp-content.
$stat = stat( ABSPATH . 'wp-content' );
$dir_perms = $stat['mode'] & 0000777; // Get the permission bits.
if ( !file_exists( ABSPATH . $this->backup_dir) ) {
if ( @ mkdir( ABSPATH . $this->backup_dir) ) {
@ chmod( ABSPATH . $this->backup_dir, $dir_perms);
} else {
echo '<div class="updated error"><p align="center">' . __('WARNING: Your wp-content directory is <strong>NOT</strong> writable! We can not create the backup directory.') . '<br />' . ABSPATH . $this->backup_dir . "</p></div>";
if ( !is_writable( ABSPATH . $this->backup_dir) ) {
echo '<div class="updated error"><p align="center">' . __('WARNING: Your backup directory is <strong>NOT</strong> writable! We can not create the backup directory.') . '<br />' . ABSPATH . "</p></div>";
if ( !file_exists( ABSPATH . $this->backup_dir . 'index.php') ) {
@ touch( ABSPATH . $this->backup_dir . "index.php");
echo "<div class='wrap'>";
echo '<h2>' . __('Backup') . '</h2>';
echo '<fieldset class="options"><legend>' . __('Tables') . '</legend>';
echo '<form method="post">';
echo '<table align="center" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5"><tr><td width="50%" align="left" class="alternate" valign="top">';
echo __('These core WordPress tables will always be backed up:') . '<br /><ul>';
foreach ($wp_backup_default_tables as $table) {
echo "<li><input type='hidden' name='core_tables[]' value='$table' />$table</li>";
echo '</ul></td><td width="50%" align="left" valign="top">';
if (count($other_tables) > 0) {
echo __('You may choose to include any of the following tables:') . ' <br />';
foreach ($other_tables as $table) {
echo "<label style=\"display:block;\"><input type='checkbox' name='other_tables[]' value='{$table}' /> {$table}</label>";
echo '</tr></table></fieldset>';
echo '<fieldset class="options"><legend>' . __('Backup Options') . '</legend>';
echo __('What to do with the backup file:') . "<br />";
echo '<label style="display:block;"><input type="radio" name="deliver" value="none" /> ' . __('Save to server') . " ({$this->backup_dir})</label>";
echo '<label style="display:block;"><input type="radio" checked="checked" name="deliver" value="http" /> ' . __('Download to your computer') . '</label>';
echo '<div><input type="radio" name="deliver" id="do_email" value="smtp" /> ';
echo '<label for="do_email">'.__('Email backup to:').'</label><input type="text" name="backup_recipient" size="20" value="' . get_settings('admin_email') . '" />');
// Check DB dize.
$table_status = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM " . $this->backquote(DB_NAME));
$core_size = $db_size = 0;
foreach($table_status as $table) {
$table_size = $table->Data_length - $table->Data_free;
if(in_array($table->Name, $wp_backup_default_tables)) {
$core_size += $table_size;
$db_size += $table_size;
$mem_limit = ini_get('memory_limit');
$mem_limit = $this->return_bytes($mem_limit);
$mem_limit = ($mem_limit == 0) ? 8*1024*1024 : $mem_limit - 2000000;
if (! $WHOOPS) {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="do_backup" id="do_backup" value="backup" /></div>';
echo '<p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" onclick="document.getElementById(\'do_backup\').value=\'fragments\';" value="' . __('Backup') . '!" / ></p>';
} else {
echo '<p class="alternate">' . __('WARNING: Your backup directory is <strong>NOT</strong> writable!') . '</p>';
echo '</fieldset>';
echo '</form>';
// this stuff only displays if wp_cron is installed
if (function_exists('wp_cron_init')) {
echo '<fieldset class="options"><legend>' . __('Scheduled Backup') . '</legend>';
$datetime = get_settings('date_format') . ' @ ' . get_settings('time_format');
echo '<p>' . __('Last WP-Cron Daily Execution') . ': ' . date($datetime, get_option('wp_cron_daily_lastrun')) . '<br />';
echo __('Next WP-Cron Daily Execution') . ': ' . date($datetime, (get_option('wp_cron_daily_lastrun') + 86400)) . '</p>';
echo '<form method="post">';
echo '<table width="100%" callpadding="5" cellspacing="5">';
echo '<tr><td align="center">';
echo __('Schedule: ');
$wp_cron_backup_schedule = get_option('wp_cron_backup_schedule');
$schedule = array(0 => __('None'), 1 => __('Daily'));
foreach ($schedule as $value => $name) {
echo ' <input type="radio" name="cron_schedule"';
if ($wp_cron_backup_schedule == $value) {
echo ' checked="checked" ';
echo 'value="' . $value . '" /> ' . __($name);
echo '</td><td align="center">';
$cron_recipient = get_option('wp_cron_backup_recipient');
if (! is_email($cron_recipient)) {
$cron_recipient = get_settings('admin_email');
echo __('Email backup to:') . ' <input type="text" name="cron_backup_recipient" size="20" value="' . $cron_recipient . '" />';
echo '</td></tr>';
$cron_tables = get_option('wp_cron_backup_tables');
if (! is_array($cron_tables)) {
$cron_tables = array();
if (count($other_tables) > 0) {
echo '<tr><td colspan="2" align="left">' . __('Tables to include:') . '<br />';
foreach ($other_tables as $table) {
echo '<input type="checkbox" ';
if (in_array($table, $cron_tables)) {
echo 'checked=checked ';
echo "name='wp_cron_backup_tables[]' value='{$table}' /> {$table}<br />";
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="hidden" name="wp_cron_backup_options" value="SET" /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . __('Submit') . '" /></td></tr></table></form>';
echo '</fieldset>';
// end of wp_cron section
echo '</div>';
}// end wp_backup_menu()
function wp_cron_daily() {
$schedule = intval(get_option('wp_cron_backup_schedule'));
if (0 == $schedule) {
// Scheduled backup is disabled
global $table_prefix, $wpdb;
$wp_table_names = explode(',','categories,comments,linkcategories,links,options,post2cat,postmeta,posts,users,usermeta');
$wp_table_names = array_map(create_function('$a', 'global $table_prefix;return "{$table_prefix}{$a}";'), $wp_table_names);
$all_tables = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW TABLES", ARRAY_N);
$all_tables = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a[0];'), $all_tables);
$core_tables = array_intersect($all_tables, $wp_table_names);
$other_tables = get_option('wp_cron_backup_tables');
$recipient = get_option('wp_cron_backup_recipient');
$backup_file = $this->db_backup($core_tables, $other_tables);
if (FALSE !== $backup_file) {
$this->deliver_backup ($backup_file, 'smtp', $recipient);
} // wp_cron_db_backup
$mywpdbbackup = new wpdbBackup();