Andrew Nacin da24201b92 Restore the duck punch of TinyMCE's schema from [23120], along with updated rules for all HTML5 elements, as painstakingly audited against the HTML5 spec.
Remove conflicting and unnecessary code in the WP TinyMCE plugin.

Fixes all known regressions when working with the embed, object, video, audio, source, and param elements in TinyMCE.

props markjaquith, koopersmith.
fixes #22790, #22842.

Merges [23153] to the 3.5 branch.

git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/branches/3.5@23154 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2012-12-10 10:12:47 +00:00

941 lines
30 KiB

* TinyMCE Schema.js
* Duck-punched by WordPress core to support a sane schema superset.
* Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
* Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
(function(tinymce) {
var mapCache = {}, makeMap = tinymce.makeMap, each = tinymce.each;
function split(str, delim) {
return str.split(delim || ',');
* Unpacks the specified lookup and string data it will also parse it into an object
* map with sub object for it's children. This will later also include the attributes.
function unpack(lookup, data) {
var key, elements = {};
function replace(value) {
return value.replace(/[A-Z]+/g, function(key) {
return replace(lookup[key]);
// Unpack lookup
for (key in lookup) {
if (lookup.hasOwnProperty(key))
lookup[key] = replace(lookup[key]);
// Unpack and parse data into object map
replace(data).replace(/#/g, '#text').replace(/(\w+)\[([^\]]+)\]\[([^\]]*)\]/g, function(str, name, attributes, children) {
attributes = split(attributes, '|');
elements[name] = {
attributes : makeMap(attributes),
attributesOrder : attributes,
children : makeMap(children, '|', {'#comment' : {}})
return elements;
* Returns the HTML5 schema and caches it in the mapCache.
function getHTML5() {
var html5 = mapCache.html5;
if (!html5) {
html5 = mapCache.html5 = unpack({
A : 'accesskey|class|contextmenu|dir|draggable|dropzone|hidden|id|inert|itemid|itemprop|itemref|itemscope|itemtype|lang|spellcheck|style|tabindex|title|translate|item|role|subject|onclick|ondblclick|onmousedown|onmouseup|onmouseover|onmousemove|onmouseout|onkeypress|onkeydown|onkeyup',
B : '#|a|abbr|area|audio|b|bdi|bdo|br|button|canvas|cite|code|command|data|datalist|del|dfn|em|embed|i|iframe|img|input|ins|kbd|keygen|label|link|map|mark|math|meta|meter|noscript|object|output|progress|q|ruby|s|samp|script|select|small|span|strong|sub|sup|svg|textarea|time|u|var|video|wbr',
C : '#|a|abbr|area|address|article|aside|audio|b|bdi|bdo|blockquote|br|button|canvas|cite|code|command|data|datalist|del|details|dfn|dialog|div|dl|em|embed|fieldset|figure|footer|form|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|header|hgroup|hr|i|iframe|img|input|ins|kbd|keygen|label|link|map|mark|math|menu|meta|meter|nav|noscript|ol|object|output|p|pre|progress|q|ruby|s|samp|script|section|select|small|span|strong|style|sub|sup|svg|table|textarea|time|u|ul|var|video|wbr'
}, 'html[A|manifest][body|head]' +
'head[A][base|command|link|meta|noscript|script|style|title]' +
'title[A][#]' +
'base[A|href|target][]' +
'link[A|href|rel|media|type|sizes|crossorigin|hreflang][]' +
'meta[A|http-equiv|name|content|charset][]' +
'style[A|type|media|scoped][#]' +
'script[A|charset|type|src|defer|async|crossorigin][#]' +
'noscript[A][C]' +
'body[A|onafterprint|onbeforeprint|onbeforeunload|onblur|onerror|onfocus|onfullscreenchange|onfullscreenerror|onhashchange|onload|onmessage|onoffline|ononline|onpagehide|onpageshow|onpopstate|onresize|onscroll|onstorage|onunload][C]' +
'section[A][C]' +
'nav[A][C]' +
'article[A][C]' +
'aside[A][C]' +
'h1[A][B]' +
'h2[A][B]' +
'h3[A][B]' +
'h4[A][B]' +
'h5[A][B]' +
'h6[A][B]' +
'hgroup[A][h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6]' +
'header[A][C]' +
'footer[A][C]' +
'address[A][C]' +
'p[A][B]' +
'br[A][]' +
'pre[A][B]' +
'dialog[A|open][C|dd|dt]' +
'blockquote[A|cite][C]' +
'ol[A|start|reversed][li]' +
'ul[A][li]' +
'li[A|value][C]' +
'dl[A][dd|dt]' +
'dt[A][C|B]' +
'dd[A][C]' +
'a[A|href|target|download|ping|rel|media|type][C|B]' +
'em[A][B]' +
'strong[A][B]' +
'small[A][B]' +
's[A][B]' +
'cite[A][B]' +
'q[A|cite][B]' +
'dfn[A][B]' +
'abbr[A][B]' +
'code[A][B]' +
'var[A][B]' +
'samp[A][B]' +
'kbd[A][B]' +
'sub[A][B]' +
'sup[A][B]' +
'i[A][B]' +
'b[A][B]' +
'u[A][B]' +
'mark[A][B]' +
'progress[A|value|max][B]' +
'meter[A|value|min|max|low|high|optimum][B]' +
'time[A|datetime][B]' +
'ruby[A][B|rt|rp]' +
'rt[A][B]' +
'rp[A][B]' +
'bdi[A][B]' +
'bdo[A][B]' +
'span[A][B]' +
'ins[A|cite|datetime][C|B]' +
'del[A|cite|datetime][C|B]' +
'figure[A][C|legend|figcaption]' +
'figcaption[A][C]' +
'img[A|alt|src|srcset|crossorigin|usemap|ismap|width|height][]' +
'iframe[A|name|src|srcdoc|height|width|sandbox|seamless|allowfullscreen][C|B]' +
'embed[A|src|height|width|type][]' +
'object[A|data|type|typemustmatch|name|usemap|form|width|height][C|B|param]' +
'param[A|name|value][]' +
'summary[A][B]' +
'details[A|open][C|legend|summary]' +
'command[A|type|label|icon|disabled|checked|radiogroup|command][]' +
'menu[A|type|label][C|li]' +
'legend[A][C|B]' +
'div[A][C]' +
'source[A|src|type|media][]' +
'track[A|kind|src|srclang|label|default][]' +
'audio[A|src|autobuffer|autoplay|loop|controls|crossorigin|preload|mediagroup|muted][C|source|track]' +
'video[A|src|autobuffer|autoplay|loop|controls|width|height|poster|crossorigin|preload|mediagroup|muted][C|source|track]' +
'hr[A][]' +
'form[A|accept-charset|action|autocomplete|enctype|method|name|novalidate|target][C]' +
'fieldset[A|disabled|form|name][C|legend]' +
'label[A|form|for][B]' +
'input[A|type|accept|alt|autocomplete|autofocus|checked|dirname|disabled|form|formaction|formenctype|formmethod|formnovalidate|formtarget|height|inputmode|list|max|maxlength|min|multiple|name|pattern|placeholder|readonly|required|size|src|step|value|width|files][]' +
'button[A|autofocus|disabled|form|formaction|formenctype|formmethod|formnovalidate|formtarget|name|type|value][B]' +
'select[A|autofocus|disabled|form|multiple|name|required|size][option|optgroup]' +
'data[A|value][B]' +
'datalist[A][B|option]' +
'optgroup[A|disabled|label][option]' +
'option[A|disabled|selected|label|value][#]' +
'textarea[A|autocomplete|autofocus|cols|dirname|disabled|form|inputmode|maxlength|name|placeholder|readonly|required|rows|wrap][#]' +
'keygen[A|autofocus|challenge|disabled|form|keytype|name][]' +
'output[A|for|form|name][B]' +
'canvas[A|width|height][a|button|input]' +
'map[A|name][C|B]' +
'area[A|alt|coords|shape|href|target|download|ping|rel|media|hreflang|type][]' +
'math[A][]' +
'svg[A][]' +
'table[A][caption|colgroup|thead|tfoot|tbody|tr]' +
'caption[A][C]' +
'colgroup[A|span][col]' +
'col[A|span][]' +
'thead[A][tr]' +
'tfoot[A][tr]' +
'tbody[A][tr]' +
'tr[A][th|td]' +
'th[A|headers|rowspan|colspan|scope][C]' +
'td[A|headers|rowspan|colspan][C]' +
return html5;
* Returns the HTML4 schema and caches it in the mapCache.
function getHTML4() {
var html4 = mapCache.html4;
if (!html4) {
// This is the XHTML 1.0 transitional elements with it's attributes and children packed to reduce it's size
html4 = mapCache.html4 = unpack({
Z : 'H|K|N|O|P',
Y : 'X|form|R|Q',
ZG : 'E|span|width|align|char|charoff|valign',
X : 'p|T|div|U|W|isindex|fieldset|table',
ZF : 'E|align|char|charoff|valign',
W : 'pre|hr|blockquote|address|center|noframes',
ZE : 'abbr|axis|headers|scope|rowspan|colspan|align|char|charoff|valign|nowrap|bgcolor|width|height',
ZD : '[E][S]',
U : 'ul|ol|dl|menu|dir',
ZC : 'p|Y|div|U|W|table|br|span|bdo|object|applet|img|map|K|N|Q',
T : 'h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6',
ZB : 'X|S|Q',
S : 'R|P',
ZA : 'a|G|J|M|O|P',
R : 'a|H|K|N|O',
Q : 'noscript|P',
P : 'ins|del|script',
O : 'input|select|textarea|label|button',
N : 'M|L',
M : 'em|strong|dfn|code|q|samp|kbd|var|cite|abbr|acronym',
L : 'sub|sup',
K : 'J|I',
J : 'tt|i|b|u|s|strike',
I : 'big|small|font|basefont',
H : 'G|F',
G : 'br|span|bdo',
F : 'object|applet|img|map|iframe',
E : 'A|B|C',
D : 'accesskey|tabindex|onfocus|onblur',
C : 'onclick|ondblclick|onmousedown|onmouseup|onmouseover|onmousemove|onmouseout|onkeypress|onkeydown|onkeyup',
B : 'lang|xml:lang|dir',
A : 'id|class|style|title'
}, 'script[id|charset|type|language|src|defer|xml:space][]' +
'style[B|id|type|media|title|xml:space][]' +
'object[E|declare|classid|codebase|data|type|codetype|archive|standby|width|height|usemap|name|tabindex|align|border|hspace|vspace][#|param|Y]' +
'param[id|name|value|valuetype|type][]' +
'p[E|align][#|S]' +
'a[E|D|charset|type|name|href|hreflang|rel|rev|shape|coords|target][#|Z]' +
'br[A|clear][]' +
'span[E][#|S]' +
'bdo[A|C|B][#|S]' +
'applet[A|codebase|archive|code|object|alt|name|width|height|align|hspace|vspace][#|param|Y]' +
'h1[E|align][#|S]' +
'img[E|src|alt|name|longdesc|width|height|usemap|ismap|align|border|hspace|vspace][]' +
'map[B|C|A|name][X|form|Q|area]' +
'h2[E|align][#|S]' +
'iframe[A|longdesc|name|src|frameborder|marginwidth|marginheight|scrolling|align|width|height][#|Y]' +
'h3[E|align][#|S]' +
'tt[E][#|S]' +
'i[E][#|S]' +
'b[E][#|S]' +
'u[E][#|S]' +
's[E][#|S]' +
'strike[E][#|S]' +
'big[E][#|S]' +
'small[E][#|S]' +
'font[A|B|size|color|face][#|S]' +
'basefont[id|size|color|face][]' +
'em[E][#|S]' +
'strong[E][#|S]' +
'dfn[E][#|S]' +
'code[E][#|S]' +
'q[E|cite][#|S]' +
'samp[E][#|S]' +
'kbd[E][#|S]' +
'var[E][#|S]' +
'cite[E][#|S]' +
'abbr[E][#|S]' +
'acronym[E][#|S]' +
'sub[E][#|S]' +
'sup[E][#|S]' +
'input[E|D|type|name|value|checked|disabled|readonly|size|maxlength|src|alt|usemap|onselect|onchange|accept|align][]' +
'select[E|name|size|multiple|disabled|tabindex|onfocus|onblur|onchange][optgroup|option]' +
'optgroup[E|disabled|label][option]' +
'option[E|selected|disabled|label|value][]' +
'textarea[E|D|name|rows|cols|disabled|readonly|onselect|onchange][]' +
'label[E|for|accesskey|onfocus|onblur][#|S]' +
'button[E|D|name|value|type|disabled][#|p|T|div|U|W|table|G|object|applet|img|map|K|N|Q]' +
'h4[E|align][#|S]' +
'ins[E|cite|datetime][#|Y]' +
'h5[E|align][#|S]' +
'del[E|cite|datetime][#|Y]' +
'h6[E|align][#|S]' +
'div[E|align][#|Y]' +
'ul[E|type|compact][li]' +
'li[E|type|value][#|Y]' +
'ol[E|type|compact|start][li]' +
'dl[E|compact][dt|dd]' +
'dt[E][#|S]' +
'dd[E][#|Y]' +
'menu[E|compact][li]' +
'dir[E|compact][li]' +
'pre[E|width|xml:space][#|ZA]' +
'hr[E|align|noshade|size|width][]' +
'blockquote[E|cite][#|Y]' +
'address[E][#|S|p]' +
'center[E][#|Y]' +
'noframes[E][#|Y]' +
'isindex[A|B|prompt][]' +
'fieldset[E][#|legend|Y]' +
'legend[E|accesskey|align][#|S]' +
'table[E|summary|width|border|frame|rules|cellspacing|cellpadding|align|bgcolor][caption|col|colgroup|thead|tfoot|tbody|tr]' +
'caption[E|align][#|S]' +
'col[ZG][]' +
'colgroup[ZG][col]' +
'thead[ZF][tr]' +
'tr[ZF|bgcolor][th|td]' +
'th[E|ZE][#|Y]' +
'form[E|action|method|name|enctype|onsubmit|onreset|accept|accept-charset|target][#|X|R|Q]' +
'noscript[E][#|Y]' +
'td[E|ZE][#|Y]' +
'tfoot[ZF][tr]' +
'tbody[ZF][tr]' +
'area[E|D|shape|coords|href|nohref|alt|target][]' +
'base[id|href|target][]' +
return html4;
* WordPress Core
* Returns a schema that is the result of a deep merge between the HTML5
* and HTML4 schemas.
function getSaneSchema() {
var cachedMapCache = mapCache,
html5, html4;
if ( mapCache.sane )
return mapCache.sane;
// Bust the mapCache so we're not dealing with the other schema objects.
mapCache = {};
html5 = getHTML5();
html4 = getHTML4();
mapCache = cachedMapCache;
each( html4, function( html4settings, tag ) {
var html5settings = html5[ tag ],
difference = [];
// Merge tags missing in HTML5 mode.
if ( ! html5settings ) {
html5[ tag ] = html4settings;
// Merge attributes missing from this HTML5 tag.
each( html4settings.attributes, function( attribute, key ) {
if ( ! html5settings.attributes[ key ] )
html5settings.attributes[ key ] = attribute;
// Merge any missing attributes into the attributes order.
each( html4settings.attributesOrder, function( key ) {
if ( -1 === tinymce.inArray( html5settings.attributesOrder, key ) )
difference.push( key );
html5settings.attributesOrder = html5settings.attributesOrder.concat( difference );
// Merge children missing from this HTML5 tag.
each( html4settings.children, function( child, key ) {
if ( ! html5settings.children[ key ] )
html5settings.children[ key ] = child;
return mapCache.sane = html5;
* Schema validator class.
* @class tinymce.html.Schema
* @example
* if (tinymce.activeEditor.schema.isValidChild('p', 'span'))
* alert('span is valid child of p.');
* if (tinymce.activeEditor.schema.getElementRule('p'))
* alert('P is a valid element.');
* @class tinymce.html.Schema
* @version 3.4
* Constructs a new Schema instance.
* @constructor
* @method Schema
* @param {Object} settings Name/value settings object.
tinymce.html.Schema = function(settings) {
var self = this, elements = {}, children = {}, patternElements = [], validStyles, schemaItems;
var whiteSpaceElementsMap, selfClosingElementsMap, shortEndedElementsMap, boolAttrMap, blockElementsMap, nonEmptyElementsMap, customElementsMap = {};
// Creates an lookup table map object for the specified option or the default value
function createLookupTable(option, default_value, extend) {
var value = settings[option];
if (!value) {
// Get cached default map or make it if needed
value = mapCache[option];
if (!value) {
value = makeMap(default_value, ' ', makeMap(default_value.toUpperCase(), ' '));
value = tinymce.extend(value, extend);
mapCache[option] = value;
} else {
// Create custom map
value = makeMap(value, ',', makeMap(value.toUpperCase(), ' '));
return value;
settings = settings || {};
* WordPress core uses a sane schema in place of the default "HTML5" schema.
schemaItems = settings.schema == "html5" ? getSaneSchema() : getHTML4();
// Allow all elements and attributes if verify_html is set to false
if (settings.verify_html === false)
settings.valid_elements = '*[*]';
// Build styles list
if (settings.valid_styles) {
validStyles = {};
// Convert styles into a rule list
each(settings.valid_styles, function(value, key) {
validStyles[key] = tinymce.explode(value);
// Setup map objects
whiteSpaceElementsMap = createLookupTable('whitespace_elements', 'pre script noscript style textarea');
selfClosingElementsMap = createLookupTable('self_closing_elements', 'colgroup dd dt li option p td tfoot th thead tr');
shortEndedElementsMap = createLookupTable('short_ended_elements', 'area base basefont br col frame hr img input isindex link meta param embed source wbr');
boolAttrMap = createLookupTable('boolean_attributes', 'checked compact declare defer disabled ismap multiple nohref noresize noshade nowrap readonly selected autoplay loop controls');
nonEmptyElementsMap = createLookupTable('non_empty_elements', 'td th iframe video audio object', shortEndedElementsMap);
textBlockElementsMap = createLookupTable('text_block_elements', 'h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p div address pre form ' +
'blockquote center dir fieldset header footer article section hgroup aside nav figure');
blockElementsMap = createLookupTable('block_elements', 'hr table tbody thead tfoot ' +
'th tr td li ol ul caption dl dt dd noscript menu isindex samp option datalist select optgroup', textBlockElementsMap);
// Converts a wildcard expression string to a regexp for example *a will become /.*a/.
function patternToRegExp(str) {
return new RegExp('^' + str.replace(/([?+*])/g, '.$1') + '$');
// Parses the specified valid_elements string and adds to the current rules
// This function is a bit hard to read since it's heavily optimized for speed
function addValidElements(valid_elements) {
var ei, el, ai, al, yl, matches, element, attr, attrData, elementName, attrName, attrType, attributes, attributesOrder,
prefix, outputName, globalAttributes, globalAttributesOrder, transElement, key, childKey, value,
elementRuleRegExp = /^([#+\-])?([^\[\/]+)(?:\/([^\[]+))?(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?$/,
attrRuleRegExp = /^([!\-])?(\w+::\w+|[^=:<]+)?(?:([=:<])(.*))?$/,
hasPatternsRegExp = /[*?+]/;
if (valid_elements) {
// Split valid elements into an array with rules
valid_elements = split(valid_elements);
if (elements['@']) {
globalAttributes = elements['@'].attributes;
globalAttributesOrder = elements['@'].attributesOrder;
// Loop all rules
for (ei = 0, el = valid_elements.length; ei < el; ei++) {
// Parse element rule
matches = elementRuleRegExp.exec(valid_elements[ei]);
if (matches) {
// Setup local names for matches
prefix = matches[1];
elementName = matches[2];
outputName = matches[3];
attrData = matches[4];
// Create new attributes and attributesOrder
attributes = {};
attributesOrder = [];
// Create the new element
element = {
attributes : attributes,
attributesOrder : attributesOrder
// Padd empty elements prefix
if (prefix === '#')
element.paddEmpty = true;
// Remove empty elements prefix
if (prefix === '-')
element.removeEmpty = true;
// Copy attributes from global rule into current rule
if (globalAttributes) {
for (key in globalAttributes)
attributes[key] = globalAttributes[key];
attributesOrder.push.apply(attributesOrder, globalAttributesOrder);
// Attributes defined
if (attrData) {
attrData = split(attrData, '|');
for (ai = 0, al = attrData.length; ai < al; ai++) {
matches = attrRuleRegExp.exec(attrData[ai]);
if (matches) {
attr = {};
attrType = matches[1];
attrName = matches[2].replace(/::/g, ':');
prefix = matches[3];
value = matches[4];
// Required
if (attrType === '!') {
element.attributesRequired = element.attributesRequired || [];
attr.required = true;
// Denied from global
if (attrType === '-') {
delete attributes[attrName];
attributesOrder.splice(tinymce.inArray(attributesOrder, attrName), 1);
// Default value
if (prefix) {
// Default value
if (prefix === '=') {
element.attributesDefault = element.attributesDefault || [];
element.attributesDefault.push({name: attrName, value: value});
attr.defaultValue = value;
// Forced value
if (prefix === ':') {
element.attributesForced = element.attributesForced || [];
element.attributesForced.push({name: attrName, value: value});
attr.forcedValue = value;
// Required values
if (prefix === '<')
attr.validValues = makeMap(value, '?');
// Check for attribute patterns
if (hasPatternsRegExp.test(attrName)) {
element.attributePatterns = element.attributePatterns || [];
attr.pattern = patternToRegExp(attrName);
} else {
// Add attribute to order list if it doesn't already exist
if (!attributes[attrName])
attributes[attrName] = attr;
// Global rule, store away these for later usage
if (!globalAttributes && elementName == '@') {
globalAttributes = attributes;
globalAttributesOrder = attributesOrder;
// Handle substitute elements such as b/strong
if (outputName) {
element.outputName = elementName;
elements[outputName] = element;
// Add pattern or exact element
if (hasPatternsRegExp.test(elementName)) {
element.pattern = patternToRegExp(elementName);
} else
elements[elementName] = element;
function setValidElements(valid_elements) {
elements = {};
patternElements = [];
each(schemaItems, function(element, name) {
children[name] = element.children;
// Adds custom non HTML elements to the schema
function addCustomElements(custom_elements) {
var customElementRegExp = /^(~)?(.+)$/;
if (custom_elements) {
each(split(custom_elements), function(rule) {
var matches = customElementRegExp.exec(rule),
inline = matches[1] === '~',
cloneName = inline ? 'span' : 'div',
name = matches[2];
children[name] = children[cloneName];
customElementsMap[name] = cloneName;
// If it's not marked as inline then add it to valid block elements
if (!inline) {
blockElementsMap[name.toUpperCase()] = {};
blockElementsMap[name] = {};
// Add elements clone if needed
if (!elements[name]) {
elements[name] = elements[cloneName];
// Add custom elements at span/div positions
each(children, function(element, child) {
if (element[cloneName])
element[name] = element[cloneName];
// Adds valid children to the schema object
function addValidChildren(valid_children) {
var childRuleRegExp = /^([+\-]?)(\w+)\[([^\]]+)\]$/;
if (valid_children) {
each(split(valid_children), function(rule) {
var matches = childRuleRegExp.exec(rule), parent, prefix;
if (matches) {
prefix = matches[1];
// Add/remove items from default
if (prefix)
parent = children[matches[2]];
parent = children[matches[2]] = {'#comment' : {}};
parent = children[matches[2]];
each(split(matches[3], '|'), function(child) {
if (prefix === '-')
delete parent[child];
parent[child] = {};
function getElementRule(name) {
var element = elements[name], i;
// Exact match found
if (element)
return element;
// No exact match then try the patterns
i = patternElements.length;
while (i--) {
element = patternElements[i];
if (element.pattern.test(name))
return element;
if (!settings.valid_elements) {
// No valid elements defined then clone the elements from the schema spec
each(schemaItems, function(element, name) {
elements[name] = {
attributes : element.attributes,
attributesOrder : element.attributesOrder
children[name] = element.children;
// Switch these on HTML4
if (settings.schema != "html5") {
each(split('strong/b,em/i'), function(item) {
item = split(item, '/');
elements[item[1]].outputName = item[0];
// Add default alt attribute for images
elements.img.attributesDefault = [{name: 'alt', value: ''}];
// Remove these if they are empty by default
each(split('ol,ul,sub,sup,blockquote,span,font,a,table,tbody,tr,strong,em,b,i'), function(name) {
if (elements[name]) {
elements[name].removeEmpty = true;
// Padd these by default
each(split('p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,th,td,pre,div,address,caption'), function(name) {
elements[name].paddEmpty = true;
} else
// Todo: Remove this when we fix list handling to be valid
// Delete invalid elements
if (settings.invalid_elements) {
tinymce.each(tinymce.explode(settings.invalid_elements), function(item) {
if (elements[item])
delete elements[item];
// If the user didn't allow span only allow internal spans
if (!getElementRule('span'))
* Name/value map object with valid parents and children to those parents.
* @example
* children = {
* div:{p:{}, h1:{}}
* };
* @field children
* @type {Object}
self.children = children;
* Name/value map object with valid styles for each element.
* @field styles
* @type {Object}
self.styles = validStyles;
* Returns a map with boolean attributes.
* @method getBoolAttrs
* @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for boolean attributes.
self.getBoolAttrs = function() {
return boolAttrMap;
* Returns a map with block elements.
* @method getBlockElements
* @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for block elements.
self.getBlockElements = function() {
return blockElementsMap;
* Returns a map with text block elements. Such as: p,h1-h6,div,address
* @method getTextBlockElements
* @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for block elements.
self.getTextBlockElements = function() {
return textBlockElementsMap;
* Returns a map with short ended elements such as BR or IMG.
* @method getShortEndedElements
* @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for short ended elements.
self.getShortEndedElements = function() {
return shortEndedElementsMap;
* Returns a map with self closing tags such as <li>.
* @method getSelfClosingElements
* @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for self closing tags elements.
self.getSelfClosingElements = function() {
return selfClosingElementsMap;
* Returns a map with elements that should be treated as contents regardless if it has text
* content in them or not such as TD, VIDEO or IMG.
* @method getNonEmptyElements
* @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for non empty elements.
self.getNonEmptyElements = function() {
return nonEmptyElementsMap;
* Returns a map with elements where white space is to be preserved like PRE or SCRIPT.
* @method getWhiteSpaceElements
* @return {Object} Name/value lookup map for white space elements.
self.getWhiteSpaceElements = function() {
return whiteSpaceElementsMap;
* Returns true/false if the specified element and it's child is valid or not
* according to the schema.
* @method isValidChild
* @param {String} name Element name to check for.
* @param {String} child Element child to verify.
* @return {Boolean} True/false if the element is a valid child of the specified parent.
self.isValidChild = function(name, child) {
var parent = children[name];
return !!(parent && parent[child]);
* Returns true/false if the specified element name and optional attribute is
* valid according to the schema.
* @method isValid
* @param {String} name Name of element to check.
* @param {String} attr Optional attribute name to check for.
* @return {Boolean} True/false if the element and attribute is valid.
self.isValid = function(name, attr) {
var attrPatterns, i, rule = getElementRule(name);
// Check if it's a valid element
if (rule) {
if (attr) {
// Check if attribute name exists
if (rule.attributes[attr]) {
return true;
// Check if attribute matches a regexp pattern
attrPatterns = rule.attributePatterns;
if (attrPatterns) {
i = attrPatterns.length;
while (i--) {
if (attrPatterns[i].pattern.test(name)) {
return true;
} else {
return true;
// No match
return false;
* Returns true/false if the specified element is valid or not
* according to the schema.
* @method getElementRule
* @param {String} name Element name to check for.
* @return {Object} Element object or undefined if the element isn't valid.
self.getElementRule = getElementRule;
* Returns an map object of all custom elements.
* @method getCustomElements
* @return {Object} Name/value map object of all custom elements.
self.getCustomElements = function() {
return customElementsMap;
* Parses a valid elements string and adds it to the schema. The valid elements format is for example "element[attr=default|otherattr]".
* Existing rules will be replaced with the ones specified, so this extends the schema.
* @method addValidElements
* @param {String} valid_elements String in the valid elements format to be parsed.
self.addValidElements = addValidElements;
* Parses a valid elements string and sets it to the schema. The valid elements format is for example "element[attr=default|otherattr]".
* Existing rules will be replaced with the ones specified, so this extends the schema.
* @method setValidElements
* @param {String} valid_elements String in the valid elements format to be parsed.
self.setValidElements = setValidElements;
* Adds custom non HTML elements to the schema.
* @method addCustomElements
* @param {String} custom_elements Comma separated list of custom elements to add.
self.addCustomElements = addCustomElements;
* Parses a valid children string and adds them to the schema structure. The valid children format is for example: "element[child1|child2]".
* @method addValidChildren
* @param {String} valid_children Valid children elements string to parse
self.addValidChildren = addValidChildren;
self.elements = elements;