2020-04-28 10:37:33 +00:00
< ? php
2020-07-12 10:42:13 +00:00
if ( ! defined ( 'ABSPATH' )) exit ; // if direct access
2020-04-28 10:37:33 +00:00
/* Input fields
* Text
* Select
* Checkbox
* Checkbox Multi
* Radio
* Textarea
* Number
* Hidden
* Range
* Color
* Email
* Tel
* Search
* Month
* Week
* Date
* Time
* Submit
* Text multi
* Select multi
* Select2
* Range with input
* Color picker
* Datepicker
* Media
* Media Gallery
* Switcher
* Switch
* Switch multi
* Switch image
* Dimensions ( width , height , custom )
* WP Editor
* Code Editor
* Link Color
* Repeatable
* Icon
* Icon multi
* Date format
* Time format
* Grid
* Custom_html
* Color palette
* Color palette multi
* Color set
* User select
* Color picker multi
* Google reCaptcha
* Nonce
* Border
* Margin
* Padding
* Google Map
* Image Select
* Background
* Typography
* Spinner
if ( ! class_exists ( 'FormFieldsGenerator' ) ) {
class FormFieldsGenerator {
public function field_post_objects ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$sortable = isset ( $option [ 'sortable' ] ) ? $option [ 'sortable' ] : true ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : array ();
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : array ();
$values = ! empty ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : array ();
$values = ! empty ( $values ) ? $values : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $values )) :
foreach ( $values as $value ) :
$values_sort [ $value ] = $value ;
endforeach ;
$args = array_replace ( $values_sort , $args );
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?>
id = " field-wrapper-<?php echo $id ; ?> " class = " <?php if(!empty( $depends )) echo 'dependency-field';
?> field-wrapper field-post-objects-wrapper
field - post - objects - wrapper -< ? php echo $field_id ; ?> ">
< div class = " field-list <?php if( $sortable ) { echo 'sortable'; }?> " id = " <?php echo $field_id ; ?> " >
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $args )) :
foreach ( $args as $argsKey => $arg ) :
< div class = " item " >
< ? php if ( $sortable ) : ?>
< span class = " ppof-button sort " >< i class = " fas fa-arrows-alt " ></ i ></ span >
< ? php endif ; ?>
< label >
< input type = " checkbox " < ? php if ( in_array ( $argsKey , $values )) echo 'checked' ; ?> value="<?php
echo esc_attr ( $argsKey ); ?> " name="<?php echo esc_attr($field_name); ?>[]">
< span >< ? php echo esc_attr ( $arg ); ?> </span>
</ label >
</ div >
< ? php
endforeach ;
endif ;
</ div >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_switcher ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$checked = ! empty ( $value ) ? 'checked' : '' ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?>
id = " field-wrapper-<?php echo esc_attr( $id ); ?> " class = " <?php if(!empty( $depends )) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-switcher-wrapper
field - switcher - wrapper -< ? php echo esc_attr ( $id ); ?> ">
< label class = " switcher <?php echo $checked ; ?> " >
< input type = " checkbox " id = " <?php echo esc_attr( $id ); ?> " value = " <?php echo esc_attr( $value ); ?> "
name = " <?php echo esc_attr( $field_name ); ?> " < ? php echo esc_attr ( $checked ); ?> >
< span class = " layer " ></ span >
< span class = " slider " ></ span >
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $args ))
foreach ( $args as $index => $arg ) :
< span unselectable = " on " class = " switcher-text <?php echo esc_attr( $index ); ?> " >< ? php echo esc_html ( $arg );
?> </span>
< ? php
endforeach ;
</ label >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_google_map ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : array ();
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : " " ;
$preview = isset ( $option [ 'preview' ] ) ? $option [ 'preview' ] : false ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$values = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
$lat = isset ( $values [ 'lat' ]) ? $values [ 'lat' ] : '' ;
$lng = isset ( $values [ 'lng' ]) ? $values [ 'lng' ] : '' ;
$zoom = isset ( $values [ 'zoom' ]) ? $values [ 'zoom' ] : '' ;
$title = isset ( $values [ 'title' ]) ? $values [ 'title' ] : '' ;
$apikey = isset ( $values [ 'apikey' ]) ? $values [ 'apikey' ] : '' ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
if ( ! empty ( $args )) :
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?>
id = " field-wrapper-<?php echo $id ; ?> " class = " <?php if(!empty( $depends )) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-google-map-wrapper
field - google - map - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< div class = " item-list " >
< ? php
foreach ( $args as $index => $name ) :
< div class = " item " >
< span class = " field-title " >< ? php echo $name ; ?> </span>
< span class = " input-wrapper " >< input type = 'text' name = ' < ? php echo $field_name ; ?> [<?php
echo $index ; ?> ]' value='<?php
echo $values [ $index ]; ?> ' /></span>
</ div >
< ? php
endforeach ;
</ div >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
if ( $preview ) :
< div id = " map-<?php echo $field_id ; ?> " ></ div >
< script >
function initMap () {
var myLatLng = { lat : < ? php echo $lat ; ?> , lng: <?php echo $lng; ?>};
var map = new google . maps . Map ( document . getElementById ( 'map-<?php echo $field_id; ?>' ), {
zoom : < ? php echo $zoom ; ?> ,
center : myLatLng
var marker = new google . maps . Marker ({
position : myLatLng ,
map : map ,
title : '<?php echo $title; ?>'
</ script >
< script async defer
src = " https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=<?php echo $apikey ; ?>&callback=initMap " >
</ script >
< ? php
endif ;
endif ;
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_border ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : array ();
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$values = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
$width = $values [ 'width' ];
$unit = $values [ 'unit' ];
$style = $values [ 'style' ];
$color = $values [ 'color' ];
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?>
id = " field-wrapper-<?php echo $id ; ?> " class = " <?php if(!empty( $depends )) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-border-wrapper
field - border - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< div class = " item-list " >
< div class = " item " >
< span class = " field-title " > Width </ span >
< span class = " input-wrapper " >< input type = 'number' name = '<?php echo $field_name;?>[width]' value = ' < ? php
echo $width ; ?> ' /></span>
< select name = " <?php echo $field_name ;?>[unit] " >
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'px' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="px">px</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == '%' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="%">%</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'em' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="em">em</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'cm' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="cm">cm</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'mm' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="mm">mm</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'in' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="in">in</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'pt' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="pt">pt</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'pc' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="pc">pc</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'ex' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="ex">ex</option>
</ select >
</ div >
< div class = " item " >
< span class = " field-title " > Style </ span >
< select name = " <?php echo $field_name ;?>[style] " >
< option < ? php if ( $style == 'dotted' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="dotted">dotted</option>
< option < ? php if ( $style == 'dashed' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="dashed">dashed</option>
< option < ? php if ( $style == 'solid' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="solid">solid</option>
< option < ? php if ( $style == 'double' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="double">double</option>
< option < ? php if ( $style == 'groove' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="groove">groove</option>
< option < ? php if ( $style == 'ridge' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="ridge">ridge</option>
< option < ? php if ( $style == 'inset' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="inset">inset</option>
< option < ? php if ( $style == 'outset' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="outset">outset</option>
< option < ? php if ( $style == 'none' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="none">none</option>
</ select >
</ div >
< div class = " item " >
< span class = " field-title " > Color </ span >
< span class = " input-wrapper " >< input class = " colorpicker " type = 'text' name = ' < ? php echo $field_name ;
?> [color]' value='<?php echo $color; ?>' /></span>
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_dimensions ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : array ();
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : array ();
$values = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
if ( ! empty ( $args )) :
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-margin-wrapper
field - margin - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< div class = " item-list " >
< ? php
foreach ( $args as $index => $arg ) :
$name = $arg [ 'name' ];
$unit = $values [ $index ][ 'unit' ];
< div class = " item " >
< span class = " field-title " >< ? php echo $name ; ?> </span>
< span class = " input-wrapper " >< input type = 'number' name = ' < ? php echo $field_name ; ?> [<?php
echo $index ; ?> ][val]' value='<?php
echo $values [ $index ][ 'val' ]; ?> ' /></span>
< select name = " <?php echo $field_name ;?>[<?php echo $index ; ?>][unit] " >
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'px' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="px">px</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == '%' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="%">%</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'em' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="em">em</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'cm' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="cm">cm</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'mm' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="mm">mm</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'in' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="in">in</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'pt' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="pt">pt</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'pc' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="pc">pc</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'ex' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="ex">ex</option>
</ select >
</ div >
< ? php
endforeach ;
</ div >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
endif ;
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_padding ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : array ();
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : array ();
$values = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
if ( ! empty ( $args )) :
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-padding-wrapper
field - padding - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< label >< input type = " checkbox " class = " change-together " > Apply for all </ label >
< div class = " item-list " >
< ? php
foreach ( $args as $index => $arg ) :
$name = $arg [ 'name' ];
$unit = $values [ $index ][ 'unit' ];
< div class = " item " >
< span class = " field-title " >< ? php echo $name ; ?> </span>
< span class = " input-wrapper " >< input type = 'number' name = ' < ? php echo $field_name ; ?> [<?php
echo $index ; ?> ][val]' value='<?php
echo $values [ $index ][ 'val' ]; ?> ' /></span>
< select name = " <?php echo $field_name ;?>[<?php echo $index ; ?>][unit] " >
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'px' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="px">px</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == '%' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="%">%</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'em' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="em">em</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'cm' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="cm">cm</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'mm' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="mm">mm</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'in' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="in">in</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'pt' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="pt">pt</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'pc' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="pc">pc</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'ex' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="ex">ex</option>
</ select >
</ div >
< ? php
endforeach ;
</ div >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< script >
jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ) {
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'keyup change' , '.field-padding-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> input[type="number"]' ,
function () {
is_checked = jQuery ( '.field-padding-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .change-together' ) . attr ( 'checked' );
if ( is_checked == 'checked' ){
val = jQuery ( this ) . val ();
i = 0 ;
$ ( '.field-padding-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> input[type="number"]' ) . each ( function ( index ) {
if ( i > 0 ){
jQuery ( this ) . val ( val );
i ++ ;
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.field-padding-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .change-together' , function () {
is_checked = this . checked ;
if ( is_checked ){
i = 0 ;
$ ( '.field-padding-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> input[type="number"]' ) . each ( function ( index ) {
if ( i > 0 ){
jQuery ( this ) . attr ( 'readonly' , 'readonly' );
i ++ ;
i = 0 ;
$ ( '.field-padding-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> select' ) . each ( function ( index ) {
if ( i > 0 ){
i ++ ;
} else {
jQuery ( '.field-padding-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> input[type="number"]' ) . removeAttr ( 'readonly' );
//jQuery('.field-margin-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> select').removeAttr('disabled');
</ script >
< ? php
endif ;
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_margin ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : array ();
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : array ();
$values = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
if ( ! empty ( $args )) :
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-margin-wrapper field-margin-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>">
< label >< input type = " checkbox " class = " change-together " > Apply for all </ label >
< div class = " item-list " >
< ? php
foreach ( $args as $index => $arg ) :
$name = $arg [ 'name' ];
$unit = $values [ $index ][ 'unit' ];
< div class = " item " >
< span class = " field-title " >< ? php echo $name ; ?> </span>
< span class = " input-wrapper " >< input class = " <?php echo $index ; ?> " type = 'number'
name = ' < ? php echo $field_name ; ?> [<?php
echo $index ; ?> ][val]' value='<?php
echo $values [ $index ][ 'val' ]; ?> ' /></span>
< select name = " <?php echo $field_name ;?>[<?php echo $index ; ?>][unit] " >
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'px' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="px">px</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == '%' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="%">%</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'em' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="em">em</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'cm' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="cm">cm</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'mm' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="mm">mm</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'in' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="in">in</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'pt' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="pt">pt</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'pc' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="pc">pc</option>
< option < ? php if ( $unit == 'ex' ) echo 'selected' ; ?> value="ex">ex</option>
</ select >
</ div >
< ? php
endforeach ;
</ div >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< script >
jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ) {
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'keyup change' , '.field-margin-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> input[type="number"]' ,
function () {
is_checked = jQuery ( '.field-margin-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .change-together' ) . attr ( 'checked' );
if ( is_checked == 'checked' ){
val = jQuery ( this ) . val ();
i = 0 ;
$ ( '.field-margin-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> input[type="number"]' ) . each ( function ( index ) {
if ( i > 0 ){
jQuery ( this ) . val ( val );
i ++ ;
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.field-margin-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .change-together' , function () {
is_checked = this . checked ;
if ( is_checked ){
i = 0 ;
$ ( '.field-margin-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> input[type="number"]' ) . each ( function ( index ) {
if ( i > 0 ){
jQuery ( this ) . attr ( 'readonly' , 'readonly' );
i ++ ;
i = 0 ;
$ ( '.field-margin-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> select' ) . each ( function ( index ) {
if ( i > 0 ){
i ++ ;
} else {
jQuery ( '.field-margin-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> input[type="number"]' ) . removeAttr ( 'readonly' );
//jQuery('.field-margin-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> select').removeAttr('disabled');
</ script >
< ? php
endif ;
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_google_recaptcha ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$secret_key = isset ( $option [ 'secret_key' ] ) ? $option [ 'secret_key' ] : " " ;
$site_key = isset ( $option [ 'site_key' ] ) ? $option [ 'site_key' ] : " " ;
$version = isset ( $option [ 'version' ] ) ? $option [ 'version' ] : " " ;
$action_name = isset ( $option [ 'action_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'action_name' ] : " action_name " ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-google-recaptcha-wrapper
field - google - recaptcha - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ;
?> ">
< ? php if ( $version == 'v2' ) : ?>
< div class = " g-recaptcha " data - sitekey = " <?php echo $site_key ; ?> " ></ div >
< script src = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js' ></ script >
< ? php elseif ( $version == 'v3' ) : ?>
< script src = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=<?php echo $site_key; ?>' ></ script >
< script >
grecaptcha . ready ( function () {
grecaptcha . execute ( '<?php echo $site_key; ?>' , { action : '<?php echo $action_name; ?>' })
. then ( function ( token ) {
// Verify the token on the server.
</ script >
< ? php endif ; ?>
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_img_select ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$width = isset ( $option [ 'width' ] ) ? $option [ 'width' ] : " " ;
$height = isset ( $option [ 'height' ] ) ? $option [ 'height' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : array ();
$args = is_array ( $args ) ? $args : $this -> args_from_string ( $args );
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-img-select-wrapper
field - img - select - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< div class = " img-list " >
< ? php
foreach ( $args as $key => $arg ) :
$checked = ( $arg == $value ) ? " checked " : " " ;
?> <label class="<?php echo $checked; ?>" for='<?php echo $id; ?>-<?php echo $key; ?>'><input type='radio' id='<?php echo $id; ?>-<?php echo $key; ?>' value='<?php echo $key; ?>' <?php echo $checked; ?>><span class="sw-button"><img data-id="<?php echo $id; ?>" src="<?php echo $arg; ?>"> </span></label><?php
endforeach ;
</ div >
< div class = " img-val " >
< input type = " text " name = " <?php echo $field_name ; ?> " value = " <?php echo $value ; ?> " >
</ div >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_submit ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-submit-wrapper
field - submit - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< input type = 'submit' name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' placeholder = '<?php echo $placeholder; ?>' value = '<?php echo $value; ?>' />
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_nonce ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$action_name = isset ( $option [ 'action_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'action_name' ] : " " ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-nonce-wrapper
field - nonce - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< ? php wp_nonce_field ( $action_name , $field_name ); ?>
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_color ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-color-wrapper
field - color - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< input type = 'color' name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' placeholder = '<?php echo $placeholder; ?>' value = '<?php echo $value; ?>' />
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_email ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-email-wrapper
field - email - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< input type = 'email' name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' placeholder = '<?php echo $placeholder; ?>' value = '<?php echo $value; ?>' />
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_password ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$password_meter = isset ( $option [ 'password_meter' ] ) ? $option [ 'password_meter' ] : true ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-password-wrapper
field - password - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< input type = 'password' name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' placeholder = '<?php echo $placeholder; ?>' value = '<?php echo $value; ?>' />
< ? php if ( $password_meter ) : ?>
< div class = " scorePassword " ></ div >
< div class = " scoreText " ></ div >
< ? php endif ; ?>
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_search ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-search-wrapper
field - search - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< input type = 'search' name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' placeholder = '<?php echo $placeholder; ?>' value = '<?php echo $value; ?>' />
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_month ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-month-wrapper
field - month - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< input type = 'time' name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' placeholder = '<?php echo $placeholder; ?>' value = '<?php echo $value; ?>' />
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_date ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-date-wrapper
field - date - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< input type = 'date' name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' placeholder = '<?php echo $placeholder; ?>' value = '<?php echo $value; ?>' />
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_url ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-url-wrapper field-url-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>">
< input type = 'url' name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' placeholder = '<?php echo $placeholder; ?>' value = '<?php echo $value; ?>' />
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_time ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-time-wrapper
field - time - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< input type = 'time' name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' placeholder = '<?php echo $placeholder; ?>' value = '<?php echo $value; ?>' />
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_tel ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-tel-wrapper field-tel-wrapper-<?php
echo $id ; ?> ">
< input type = 'tel' name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' placeholder = '<?php echo $placeholder; ?>' value = '<?php echo $value; ?>' />
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_text ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$visible = isset ( $option [ 'visible' ] ) ? $option [ 'visible' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?>
id = " field-wrapper-<?php echo $id ; ?> " class = " <?php if(!empty( $depends )) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-text-wrapper
field - text - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< input type = 'text' name = '<?php echo esc_attr($field_name); ?>' id = '<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>'
placeholder = ' < ? php
echo esc_attr ( $placeholder ); ?> ' value='<?php echo esc_attr($value); ?>' />
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_hidden ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-hidden-wrapper
field - hidden - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< input type = 'hidden' name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' placeholder = ' < ? php
echo $placeholder ; ?> ' value='<?php echo $value; ?>' />
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_text_multi ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$remove_text = isset ( $option [ 'remove_text' ] ) ? $option [ 'remove_text' ] : '<i class="fas fa-times"></i>' ;
$sortable = isset ( $option [ 'sortable' ] ) ? $option [ 'sortable' ] : true ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : array ();
$values = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : array ();
$values = ! empty ( $values ) ? $values : $default ;
$limit = ! empty ( $option [ 'limit' ] ) ? $option [ 'limit' ] : '' ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-text-multi-wrapper
field - text - multi - wrapper -< ? php echo $field_id ; ?> ">
< span class = " ppof-button add-item " >< ? php echo __ ( 'Add' , 'pickplugins-options-framework' ); ?> </span>
< div class = " field-list <?php if( $sortable ) { echo 'sortable'; }?> " id = " <?php echo $field_id ; ?> " >
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $values )) :
foreach ( $values as $value ) :
< div class = " item " >
< input type = 'text' name = '<?php echo esc_attr($field_name); ?>[]' placeholder = ' < ? php
echo esc_attr ( $placeholder ); ?> ' value="<?php echo esc_attr($value); ?>" />
< span class = " ppof-button clone " >< i class = " far fa-clone " ></ i ></ span >
< ? php if ( $sortable ) : ?>
< span class = " ppof-button sort " >< i class = " fas fa-arrows-alt " ></ i ></ span >
< ? php endif ; ?>
< span class = " ppof-button remove " onclick = " jQuery(this).parent().remove() " >< ? php echo ( $remove_text ); ?> </span>
</ div >
< ? php
endforeach ;
else :
< div class = " item " >
< input type = 'text' name = '<?php echo esc_attr($field_name); ?>[]' placeholder = ' < ? php echo
esc_attr ( $placeholder ); ?> '
value = '' />< span class = " button remove " onclick = " jQuery(this).parent().remove()
" ><?php echo ( $remove_text ); ?></span>
< ? php if ( $sortable ) : ?>
< span class = " button sort " >< i class = " fas fa-arrows-alt " ></ i ></ span >
< ? php endif ; ?>
< span class = " button clone " >< i class = " far fa-clone " ></ i ></ span >
</ div >
< ? php
endif ;
</ div >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
< script >
jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ) {
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.field-text-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .clone' , function (){
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $limit )) :
var limit = < ? php echo $limit ; ?> ;
var node_count = $ ( " .field-text-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id ; ?> .field-list .item " ) . size ();
if ( limit > node_count ){
$ ( this ) . parent () . clone () . appendTo ( '.field-text-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .field-list' );
} else {
jQuery ( '.field-text-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .error-mgs' ) . html ( 'Sorry! you can add max ' + limit + ' item' ) . stop () . fadeIn ( 400 ) . delay ( 3000 ) . fadeOut ( 400 );
< ? php
else :
$ ( this ) . parent () . clone () . appendTo ( '.field-text-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .field-list' );
< ? php
endif ;
//$( this ).parent().appendTo( '.field-text-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .field-list' );
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.field-text-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .add-item' , function (){
html_ < ? php echo $id ; ?> = '<div class="item">';
html_ < ? php echo $id ; ?> += '<input type="text" name="<?php echo esc_attr($field_name); ?>[]" placeholder="<?php
echo esc_attr ( $placeholder ); ?> " />';
html_ < ? php echo $id ; ?> += '<span class="button remove" onclick="jQuery(this).parent().remove()' +
'"><?php echo ($remove_text); ?></span>' ;
html_ < ? php echo $id ; ?> += '<span class="button clone"><i class="far fa-clone"></i></span>';
< ? php if ( $sortable ) : ?>
html_ < ? php echo $id ; ?> += ' <span class="button sort" ><i class="fas fa-arrows-alt"></i></span>';
< ? php endif ; ?>
html_ < ? php echo $id ; ?> += '</div>';
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $limit )) :
var limit = < ? php echo $limit ; ?> ;
var node_count = $ ( " .field-text-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id ; ?> .field-list .item " ) . size ();
if ( limit > node_count ){
jQuery ( '.field-text-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .field-list' ) . append ( html_ < ? php echo $id ; ?> );
} else {
jQuery ( '.field-text-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .error-mgs' ) . html ( 'Sorry! you can add max ' + limit + ' item' ) . stop () . fadeIn ( 400 ) . delay ( 3000 ) . fadeOut ( 400 );
< ? php
else :
jQuery ( '.field-text-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .field-list' ) . append ( html_ < ? php echo $id ; ?> );
< ? php
endif ;
</ script >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_textarea ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$visible = isset ( $option [ 'visible' ] ) ? $option [ 'visible' ] : " " ;
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : array ();
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?>
id = " field-wrapper-<?php echo $id ; ?> " class = " <?php if(!empty( $depends )) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-textarea-wrapper field-textarea-wrapper-<?php echo $field_id ; ?> " >
< textarea name = '<?php echo esc_attr($field_name); ?>' id = '<?php echo esc_attr($field_id); ?>'
cols = '40' rows = '5'
placeholder = '<?php echo $placeholder; ?>' >< ? php echo esc_attr ( $value ); ?> </textarea>
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_code ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : array ();
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : array (
'lineNumbers' => true ,
'mode' => " javascript " ,
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-code-wrapper
field - code - wrapper -< ? php echo $field_id ; ?> ">
< textarea name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' cols = '40' rows = '5' placeholder = '<?php echo $placeholder; ?>' >< ? php echo $value ; ?> </textarea>
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< script >
var editor = CodeMirror . fromTextArea ( document . getElementById ( " <?php echo $field_id ; ?> " ), {
< ? php
foreach ( $args as $argkey => $arg ) :
echo $argkey . ':' . $arg . ',' ;
endforeach ;
</ script >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_checkbox ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : array ();
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : array ();
$args = is_array ( $args ) ? $args : $this -> args_from_string ( $args );
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : array ();
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?>
id = " field-wrapper-<?php echo $id ; ?> " class = " <?php if(!empty( $depends )) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-checkbox-wrapper
field - checkbox - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< ? php
foreach ( $args as $key => $argName ) :
$checked = ( $key == $value ) ? " checked " : " " ;
< label for = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' >< input class = " <?php echo $field_id ; ?> " name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' type = 'checkbox' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' value = '<?php echo $key; ?>' < ? php echo $checked ; ?> ><?php echo $argName; ?></label><br>
< ? php
endforeach ;
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_checkbox_multi ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : array ();
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : array ();
$args = is_array ( $args ) ? $args : $this -> args_from_string ( $args );
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : array ();
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name . '[]' : $id . '[]' ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-checkbox-wrapper
field - checkbox - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< ? php
foreach ( $args as $key => $argName ) :
$checked = is_array ( $value ) && in_array ( $key , $value ) ? " checked " : " " ;
< label for = '<?php echo $field_id.' - '.$key; ?>' >< input class = " <?php echo $field_id ; ?> " name = ' < ? php
echo $field_name ; ?> ' type='checkbox' id='<?php echo $field_id.'-'.$key; ?>' value='<?php
echo $key ; ?> ' <?php echo $checked; ?>><?php echo $argName; ?></label><br>
< ? php
endforeach ;
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_radio ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : array ();
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : array ();
$args = is_array ( $args ) ? $args : $this -> args_from_string ( $args );
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-radio-wrapper
field - radio - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< ? php
foreach ( $args as $key => $argName ) :
$checked = ( $key == $value ) ? " checked " : " " ;
< label for = '<?php echo $field_id.' - '.$key; ?>' >< input name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' type = 'radio' id = '<?php echo $field_id.' - '.$key; ?>' value = '<?php echo $key; ?>' < ? php echo $checked ; ?> ><?php echo $argName; ?></label><br>
< ? php
endforeach ;
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_select ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : " " ;
$args = is_array ( $args ) ? $args : $this -> args_from_string ( $args );
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$multiple = isset ( $option [ 'multiple' ] ) ? $option [ 'multiple' ] : false ;
$limit = ! empty ( $option [ 'limit' ] ) ? $option [ 'limit' ] : '' ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-select-wrapper
field - select - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< ? php
if ( $multiple ) :
< select name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>[]' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' multiple >
< ? php
else :
< select name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' >
< ? php
endif ;
foreach ( $args as $key => $argName ) :
if ( $multiple ) $selected = is_array ( $value ) && in_array ( $key , $value ) ? " selected " : " " ;
else $selected = ( $value == $key ) ? " selected " : " " ;
< option < ? php echo $selected ; ?> value='<?php echo $key; ?>'><?php echo $argName; ?></option>
< ? php
endforeach ;
</ select >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< script >
jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ) {
< ? php
if ( $limit > 0 ) :
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'change' , '.field-select-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> select' , function () {
last_value = $ ( '.field-select-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> select :selected' ) . last () . val ();
var node_count = $ ( " .field-select-wrapper-<?php echo $id ; ?> select :selected " ) . size ();
console . log ( last_value );
var limit = < ? php echo $limit ; ?> ;
//var node_count = $(".field-select-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> select :selected").length;
//var node_count = $( ".field-select-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .field-list .item-wrap" ).size();
if ( limit >= node_count ){
//jQuery('.<?php echo 'field-select-wrapper-'.$id; ?> .field-list').append(html);
} else {
$ ( " .field-select-wrapper-<?php echo $id ; ?> select option[value=' " + last_value + " '] " ) . prop ( " selected " , false );
jQuery ( '.field-select-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .error-mgs' ) . html ( 'Sorry! you can select max ' + limit + ' item' ) . stop () . fadeIn ( 400 ) . delay ( 3000 ) . fadeOut ( 400 );
< ? php
endif ;
</ script >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_range ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$min = isset ( $args [ 'min' ] ) ? $args [ 'min' ] : 0 ;
$max = isset ( $args [ 'max' ] ) ? $args [ 'max' ] : 100 ;
$step = isset ( $args [ 'step' ] ) ? $args [ 'step' ] : 1 ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-range-wrapper
field - range - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< input type = 'range' min = '<?php echo $min; ?>' max = '<?php echo $max; ?>' step = '<?php echo $args[' step ']; ?>' name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' value = '<?php echo $value; ?>' />
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_range_input ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$min = isset ( $args [ 'min' ] ) ? $args [ 'min' ] : 0 ;
$max = isset ( $args [ 'max' ] ) ? $args [ 'max' ] : 100 ;
$step = isset ( $args [ 'step' ] ) ? $args [ 'step' ] : 1 ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-range-input-wrapper
field - range - input - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< input type = " number " class = " range-val " name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' value = " <?php echo $value ; ?> " >
< input type = 'range' class = 'range-hndle' id = " <?php echo $field_id ; ?> " min = '<?php echo $args[' min ']; ?>' max = ' < ? php echo
$args [ 'max' ]; ?> ' step='<?php echo $args['step']; ?>' value='<?php echo $value; ?>' />
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_switch ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : array ();
$args = is_array ( $args ) ? $args : $this -> args_from_string ( $args );
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-switch-wrapper
field - switch - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< ? php
foreach ( $args as $key => $argName ) :
$checked = ( $key == $value ) ? " checked " : " " ;
?> <label class="<?php echo $checked; ?>" for='<?php echo $id; ?>-<?php echo $key; ?>'><input name='<?php echo $field_name; ?>' type='radio' id='<?php echo $id; ?>-<?php echo $key; ?>' value='<?php echo $key; ?>' <?php echo $checked; ?>><span class="sw-button"><?php echo $argName; ?></span></label><?php
endforeach ;
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_switch_multi ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : array ();
$args = is_array ( $args ) ? $args : $this -> args_from_string ( $args );
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : array ();
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-switch-multi-wrapper
field - switch - multi - wrapper -< ? php echo
$id ; ?> ">
< ? php
foreach ( $args as $key => $argName ) :
$checked = is_array ( $value ) && in_array ( $key , $value ) ? " checked " : " " ;
?> <label class="<?php echo $checked; ?>" for='<?php echo $field_id; ?>-<?php echo $key; ?>'><input name='<?php echo $field_name; ?>[]' type='checkbox' id='<?php echo $field_id; ?>-<?php echo $key; ?>' value='<?php echo $key; ?>' <?php echo $checked; ?>><span class="sw-button"><?php echo $argName; ?></span></label><?php
endforeach ;
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_switch_img ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$width = isset ( $option [ 'width' ] ) ? $option [ 'width' ] : " " ;
$height = isset ( $option [ 'height' ] ) ? $option [ 'height' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : array ();
$args = is_array ( $args ) ? $args : $this -> args_from_string ( $args );
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-switch-img-wrapper
field - switch - img - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< ? php
foreach ( $args as $key => $arg ) :
$src = isset ( $arg [ 'src' ] ) ? $arg [ 'src' ] : " " ;
$checked = ( $key == $value ) ? " checked " : " " ;
?> <label class="<?php echo $checked; ?>" for='<?php echo $id; ?>-<?php echo $key; ?>'><input name='<?php echo $field_name; ?>' type='radio' id='<?php echo $id; ?>-<?php echo $key; ?>' value='<?php echo $key; ?>' <?php echo $checked; ?>><span class="sw-button"><img src="<?php echo $src; ?>"> </span></label><?php
endforeach ;
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_time_format ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-time-format-wrapper
field - time - format - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< div class = " format-list " >
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $args )) :
foreach ( $args as $item ) :
$checked = ( $item == $value ) ? 'checked' : false ;
< div class = " format " datavalue = " <?php echo $item ; ?> " >
< label >< input type = " radio " < ? php echo $checked ; ?> name="preset_<?php echo $id; ?>" value="<?php echo $item; ?>">
< span class = " name " >< ? php echo date ( $item ); ?> </span></label>
< span class = " format " >< code >< ? php echo $item ; ?> </code></span>
</ div >
< ? php
endforeach ;
< div class = " format-value " >
< span class = " format " >< input value = " <?php echo $value ; ?> " name = " <?php echo $field_name ; ?> " ></ span >
< div class = " " > Preview : < ? php echo date ( $value ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< ? php
endif ;
</ div >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_date_format ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-date-format-wrapper
field - date - format - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< div class = " format-list " >
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $args )) :
foreach ( $args as $item ) :
$checked = ( $item == $value ) ? 'checked' : false ;
< div class = " format " datavalue = " <?php echo $item ; ?> " >
< label >< input type = " radio " < ? php echo $checked ; ?> name="preset_<?php echo $id; ?>" value="<?php echo $item; ?>"><span class="name"><?php echo date($item); ?></span></label>
< span class = " format " >< code >< ? php echo $item ; ?> </code></span>
</ div >
< ? php
endforeach ;
< div class = " format-value " >
< span class = " format " >< input value = " <?php echo $value ; ?> " name = " <?php echo $field_name ; ?> " ></ span >
< div class = " " > Preview : < ? php echo date ( $value ); ?> </div>
</ div >
< ? php
endif ;
</ div >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_datepicker ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$date_format = isset ( $option [ 'date_format' ] ) ? $option [ 'date_format' ] : " dd-mm-yy " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-datepicker-wrapper
field - datepicker - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< input type = 'text' name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' placeholder = '<?php echo $placeholder; ?>' value = '<?php echo $value; ?>' />
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< script >
jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ) {
$ ( '#<?php echo $field_id; ?>' ) . datepicker ({ dateFormat : '<?php echo $date_format; ?>' })});
</ script >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_colorpicker ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-colorpicker-wrapper
field - colorpicker - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< input type = 'text' name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' placeholder = '<?php echo $placeholder; ?>' value = '<?php echo $value; ?>' />
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< script > jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ) { $ ( '#<?php echo $field_id; ?>' ) . wpColorPicker ();}); </ script >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_colorpicker_multi ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$limit = isset ( $option [ 'limit' ] ) ? $option [ 'limit' ] : " " ;
$remove_text = isset ( $option [ 'remove_text' ] ) ? $option [ 'remove_text' ] : " X " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : array ();
$values = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
if ( ! empty ( $values )) :
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-colorpicker-multi-wrapper
field - colorpicker - multi - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ;
?> ">
< div class = " ppof-button add " >< ? php echo __ ( 'Add' , 'pickplugins-options-framework' ); ?> </div>
< div class = " item-list " >
< ? php
foreach ( $values as $value ) :
< div class = " item " >
< span class = " ppof-button remove " >< ? php echo $remove_text ; ?> </span>
< input type = 'text' name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>[]' value = '<?php echo $value; ?>' />
</ div >
< ? php
endforeach ;
</ div >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
endif ;
< script >
jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ) {
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.field-colorpicker-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .item-list .remove' , function (){
jQuery ( this ) . parent () . remove ();
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.field-colorpicker-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .add' , function () {
html = '<div class="item">' ;
html += '<span class="button remove"><?php echo $remove_text; ?></span> <input type="text" name="<?php echo $field_name; ?>[]" value="" />' ;
html += '</div>' ;
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $limit )) :
var limit = < ? php echo $limit ; ?> ;
var node_count = $ ( " .field-colorpicker-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id ; ?> .item-list .item " ) . size ();
if ( limit > node_count ){
$ ( '.field-colorpicker-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .item-list' ) . append ( html );
$ ( '.field-colorpicker-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> input' ) . wpColorPicker ();
} else {
jQuery ( '.field-colorpicker-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .error-mgs' ) . html ( 'Sorry! you can add max ' + limit + ' item' ) . stop () . fadeIn ( 400 ) . delay ( 3000 ) . fadeOut ( 400 );
< ? php
endif ;
$ ( '.field-colorpicker-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> input' ) . wpColorPicker ();
</ script >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_link_color ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : array ( 'link' => '#1B2A41' , 'hover' => '#3F3244' , 'active' => '#60495A' , 'visited' => '#7D8CA3' );
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-link-color-wrapper
field - link - color - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $values ) && is_array ( $values )) :
foreach ( $args as $argindex => $value ) :
< div >
< div class = " item " >< span class = " title " > a :< ? php echo $argindex ; ?> Color</span><div class="colorpicker"><input type='text' class='<?php echo $id; ?>' name='<?php echo $field_name; ?>[<?php echo $argindex; ?>]' value='<?php echo $values[$argindex]; ?>' /></div></div>
</ div >
< ? php
endforeach ;
else :
foreach ( $args as $argindex => $value ) :
< div >
< div class = " item " >< span class = " title " > a :< ? php echo $argindex ; ?> Color</span><div class="colorpicker"><input type='text' class='<?php echo $id; ?>' name='<?php echo $field_name; ?>[<?php echo $argindex; ?>]' value='<?php echo $value; ?>' /></div></div>
</ div >
< ? php
endforeach ;
endif ;
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< script > jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ) { $ ( '.<?php echo $id; ?>' ) . wpColorPicker ();}); </ script >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_user ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : array ();
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : array ();
$icons = is_array ( $args ) ? $args : $this -> args_from_string ( $args );
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$values = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-user-multi-wrapper
field - user - multi - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< div class = " users-wrapper " >
< ? php if ( ! empty ( $values )) :
foreach ( $values as $user_id ) :
$get_avatar_url = get_avatar_url ( $user_id , array ( 'size' => '60' ));
?> <div class="item" title="click to remove"><img src="<?php echo $get_avatar_url; ?>" /><input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $field_name; ?>[]" value="<?php echo $user_id; ?>"></div><?php
endforeach ;
endif ; ?>
</ div >
< div class = " user-list " >
< div class = " ppof-button select-user " >< ? php echo __ ( 'Choose User' , 'pickplugins-options-framework' ); ?> </div>
< div class = " search-user " >< input class = " " type = " text " placeholder = " <?php echo __('Start typing...','pickplugins-options-framework');?> " ></ div >
< ul >
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $icons )) :
foreach ( $icons as $user_id => $iconTitle ) :
$user_data = get_user_by ( 'ID' , $user_id );
$get_avatar_url = get_avatar_url ( $user_id , array ( 'size' => '60' ));
< li title = " <?php echo $user_data->display_name ; ?>(#<?php echo $user_id ; ?>) "
userSrc = " <?php echo
$get_avatar_url ; ?> "
iconData = " <?php echo $user_id ; ?> " >< img src = " <?php echo $get_avatar_url ; ?> " />
</ li >
< ? php
endforeach ;
endif ;
</ ul >
</ div >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< script >
jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ){
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.field-user-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .users-wrapper .item' , function (){
jQuery ( this ) . remove ();
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.field-user-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .select-user' , function (){
if ( jQuery ( this ) . parent () . hasClass ( 'active' )){
jQuery ( this ) . parent () . removeClass ( 'active' );
} else {
jQuery ( this ) . parent () . addClass ( 'active' );
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'keyup' , '.field-user-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .search-user input' , function (){
text = jQuery ( this ) . val ();
$ ( '.field-user-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .user-list li' ) . each ( function ( index ) {
//console.log( index + ": " + $( this ).attr('title') );
title = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'title' );
n = title . indexOf ( text );
if ( n < 0 ){
$ ( this ) . hide ();
} else {
$ ( this ) . show ();
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.field-user-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .user-list li' , function (){
iconData = jQuery ( this ) . attr ( 'iconData' );
userSrc = jQuery ( this ) . attr ( 'userSrc' );
html = '' ;
html = '<div class="item" title="click to remove"><img src="' + userSrc + '" /><input type="hidden" ' +
'name="<?php echo $field_name; ?>[]" value="' + iconData + '"></div>' ;
jQuery ( '.field-user-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .users-wrapper' ) . append ( html );
</ script >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_icon ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : array ();
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$icons = is_array ( $args ) ? $args : $this -> args_from_string ( $args );
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-icon-wrapper
field - icon - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< div class = " icon-wrapper " >
< span >< i class = " <?php echo $value ; ?> " ></ i ></ span >
< input type = " hidden " name = " <?php echo $field_name ; ?> " value = " <?php echo $value ; ?> " >
</ div >
< div class = " icon-list " >
< div class = " ppof-button select-icon " >< ? php echo __ ( 'Choose Icon' , 'pickplugins-options-framework' ); ?> </div>
< div class = " search-icon " >< input class = " " type = " text " placeholder = " <?php echo __('Start typing...','pickplugins-options-framework'); ?> " ></ div >
< ul >
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $icons )) :
foreach ( $icons as $iconindex => $iconTitle ) :
< li title = " <?php echo $iconTitle ; ?> " iconData = " <?php echo $iconindex ; ?> " >< i class = " <?php echo $iconindex ; ?> " ></ i ></ li >
< ? php
endforeach ;
endif ;
</ ul >
</ div >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_icon_multi ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : array ();
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : array ();
$icons = is_array ( $args ) ? $args : $this -> args_from_string ( $args );
$limit = isset ( $option [ 'limit' ] ) ? $option [ 'limit' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$values = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-icon-multi-wrapper
field - icon - multi - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< div class = " icons-wrapper " >
< ? php if ( ! empty ( $values )) :
foreach ( $values as $value ) :
?> <div class="item" title="click to remove"><span><i class="<?php echo $value; ?>"></i></span><input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $field_name; ?>[]" value="<?php echo $value; ?>"></div><?php
endforeach ;
endif ; ?>
</ div >
< div class = " icon-list " >
< div class = " ppof-button select-icon " >< ? php echo __ ( 'Choose Icon' , 'pickplugins-options-framework' ); ?> </div>
< div class = " search-icon " >< input class = " " type = " text " placeholder = " <?php echo __('Start typing...','pickplugins-options-framework'); ?> " ></ div >
< ul >
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $icons )) :
foreach ( $icons as $iconindex => $iconTitle ) :
?> <li title="<?php echo $iconTitle; ?>" iconData="<?php echo $iconindex; ?>"><i class="<?php echo $iconindex; ?>"></i></li><?php
endforeach ;
endif ;
</ ul >
</ div >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< script >
jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ){
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.field-icon-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .icons-wrapper .item' , function (){
jQuery ( this ) . remove ();
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.field-icon-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .select-icon' , function (){
if ( jQuery ( this ) . parent () . hasClass ( 'active' )){
jQuery ( this ) . parent () . removeClass ( 'active' );
} else {
jQuery ( this ) . parent () . addClass ( 'active' );
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'keyup' , '.field-icon-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .search-icon input' , function (){
text = jQuery ( this ) . val ();
$ ( '.field-icon-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .icon-list li' ) . each ( function ( index ) {
console . log ( index + " : " + $ ( this ) . attr ( 'title' ) );
title = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'title' );
n = title . indexOf ( text );
if ( n < 0 ){
$ ( this ) . hide ();
} else {
$ ( this ) . show ();
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.field-icon-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .icon-list li' , function (){
iconData = jQuery ( this ) . attr ( 'iconData' );
html = '<div class="item" title="click to remove"><span><i class="' + iconData + '"></i></span><input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $field_name; ?>[]" value="' + iconData + '"></div>' ;
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $limit )) :
var limit = < ? php echo $limit ; ?> ;
var node_count = $ ( " .field-icon-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id ; ?> .icons-wrapper .item " ) . size ();
if ( limit > node_count ){
jQuery ( '.field-icon-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .icons-wrapper' ) . append ( html );
} else {
jQuery ( '.field-icon-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .error-mgs' ) . html ( 'Sorry! you can add max ' + limit + ' item' ) . stop () . fadeIn ( 400 ) . delay ( 3000 ) . fadeOut ( 400 );
< ? php
endif ;
</ script >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_number ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-number-wrapper
field - number - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< input type = 'number' class = '' name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' placeholder = '<?php echo $placeholder; ?>' value = '<?php echo $value; ?>' />
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_wp_editor ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$editor_settings = isset ( $option [ 'editor_settings' ] ) ? $option [ 'editor_settings' ] : array ( 'textarea_name' => $field_name );
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : " " ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-wp_editor-wrapper
field - wp_editor - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< ? php
wp_editor ( $value , $id , $settings = $editor_settings );
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_select2 ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : " " ;
$args = is_array ( $args ) ? $args : $this -> args_from_string ( $args );
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : " " ;
$multiple = isset ( $option [ 'multiple' ] ) ? $option [ 'multiple' ] : false ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( $multiple ) :
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : array ();
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-select2-wrapper
field - select2 - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< ? php
if ( $multiple ) :
< select name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>[]' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' multiple >
< ? php
else :
< select name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' id = '<?php echo $field_id; ?>' >
< ? php
endif ;
foreach ( $args as $key => $name ) :
if ( $multiple ) $selected = in_array ( $key , $value ) ? " selected " : " " ;
else $selected = $value == $key ? " selected " : " " ;
< option < ? php echo $selected ; ?> value='<?php echo $key; ?>'><?php echo $name; ?></option>
< ? php
endforeach ;
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
</ select >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_option_group ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
$options = isset ( $option [ 'options' ] ) ? $option [ 'options' ] : array ();
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$values = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$FormFieldsGenerator = new FormFieldsGenerator ();
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-option-group-tabs-wrapper
field - option - group - tabs - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $options )) :
< table class = " form-table " >
< tbody >
< ? php
foreach ( $options as $key => $option ) :
$option_id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ]) ? $option [ 'id' ] : '' ;
$option_title = isset ( $option [ 'title' ]) ? $option [ 'title' ] : '' ;
$option [ 'field_name' ] = $field_name . '[' . $option_id . ']' ;
$option [ 'value' ] = isset ( $values [ $option_id ]) ? $values [ $option_id ] : '' ;
< tr >
< th scope = " row " >< ? php echo $option_title ; ?> </th>
< td >
< ? php
if ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'text' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_text ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'text_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_text_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'textarea' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_textarea ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'checkbox' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_checkbox ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'checkbox_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_checkbox_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'radio' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_radio ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'select' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_select ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'range' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_range ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'range_input' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_range_input ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'switch' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_switch ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'switch_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_switch_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'switch_img' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_switch_img ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'time_format' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_time_format ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'date_format' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_date_format ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'datepicker' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_datepicker ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'colorpicker' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_colorpicker ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'colorpicker_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_colorpicker_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'link_color' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_link_color ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'icon' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_icon ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'icon_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_icon_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'dimensions' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_dimensions ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'wp_editor' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_wp_editor ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'select2' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_select2 ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'faq' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_faq ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'grid' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_grid ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'color_sets' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_color_sets ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'color_palette' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_color_palette ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'color_palette_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_color_palette_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'media' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_media ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'media_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_media_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'repeatable' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_repeatable ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'user' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_user ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'margin' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_margin ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'padding' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_padding ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'border' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_border ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'switcher' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_switcher ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'password' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_password ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'post_objects' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_post_objects ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'google_map' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_google_map ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'image_link' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_image_link ( $option );
</ td >
</ tr >
< ? php
endforeach ;
</ tbody >
</ table >
< ? php
endif ;
< ? php
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_option_group_tabs ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : array ();
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$values = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$FormFieldsGenerator = new FormFieldsGenerator ();
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< script >
jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ) {
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.faq-list-<?php echo $id; ?> .faq-header' , function () {
if ( jQuery ( this ) . parent () . hasClass ( 'active' )){
jQuery ( this ) . parent () . removeClass ( 'active' );
} else {
jQuery ( this ) . parent () . addClass ( 'active' );
</ script >
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-option-group-tabs-wrapper
field - option - group - tabs - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< ul class = " tab-navs " >
< ? php
$i = 1 ;
foreach ( $args as $key => $value ) :
$title = $value [ 'title' ];
< li index = " <?php echo $i ; ?> " class = " <?php if( $i == 1) echo 'active'; ?> " >< ? php echo $title ; ?> </li>
< ? php
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
</ ul >
< ? php
$i = 1 ;
foreach ( $args as $key => $value ) :
$title = $value [ 'title' ];
$link = $value [ 'link' ];
$options = $value [ 'options' ];
< div class = " tab-content tab-content-<?php echo $i ; ?> <?php if( $i == 1) echo 'active'; ?> " >
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $options )) :
< table class = " form-table " >
< tbody >
< ? php
foreach ( $options as $option ) :
$option_id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ]) ? $option [ 'id' ] : '' ;
$option_title = isset ( $option [ 'title' ]) ? $option [ 'title' ] : '' ;
$option [ 'field_name' ] = $field_name . '[' . $key . '][' . $option_id . ']' ;
$option [ 'value' ] = isset ( $values [ $key ][ $option_id ]) ? $values [ $key ][ $option_id ] : '' ;
< tr >
< th scope = " row " >< ? php echo $option [ 'title' ]; ?> </th>
< td >
< ? php
if ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'text' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_text ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'text_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_text_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'textarea' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_textarea ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'checkbox' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_checkbox ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'checkbox_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_checkbox_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'radio' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_radio ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'select' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_select ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'range' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_range ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'range_input' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_range_input ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'switch' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_switch ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'switch_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_switch_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'switch_img' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_switch_img ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'time_format' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_time_format ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'date_format' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_date_format ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'datepicker' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_datepicker ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'colorpicker' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_colorpicker ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'colorpicker_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_colorpicker_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'link_color' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_link_color ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'icon' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_icon ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'icon_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_icon_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'dimensions' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_dimensions ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'wp_editor' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_wp_editor ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'select2' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_select2 ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'faq' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_faq ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'grid' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_grid ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'color_sets' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_color_sets ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'color_palette' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_color_palette ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'color_palette_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_color_palette_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'media' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_media ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'media_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_media_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'repeatable' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_repeatable ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'user' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_user ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'margin' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_margin ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'padding' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_padding ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'border' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_border ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'switcher' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_switcher ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'password' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_password ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'post_objects' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_post_objects ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'google_map' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_google_map ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'image_link' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_image_link ( $option );
</ td >
</ tr >
< ? php
endforeach ;
</ tbody >
</ table >
< ? php
endif ;
</ div >
< ? php
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< script >
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.field-option-group-tabs-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .tab-navs li' , function () {
index = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'index' );
jQuery ( " .field-option-group-tabs-wrapper-<?php echo $id ; ?> .tab-navs li " ) . removeClass ( 'active' );
jQuery ( " .field-option-group-tabs-wrapper-<?php echo $id ; ?> .tab-content " ) . removeClass ( 'active' );
if ( jQuery ( this ) . hasClass ( 'active' )){
} else {
jQuery ( this ) . addClass ( 'active' );
jQuery ( " .field-option-group-tabs-wrapper-<?php echo $id ; ?> .tab-content- " + index ) . addClass ( 'active' );
</ script >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_option_group_accordion ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : array ();
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$values = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$FormFieldsGenerator = new FormFieldsGenerator ();
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< script >
jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ) {
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.faq-list-<?php echo $id; ?> .faq-header' , function () {
if ( jQuery ( this ) . parent () . hasClass ( 'active' )){
jQuery ( this ) . parent () . removeClass ( 'active' );
} else {
jQuery ( this ) . parent () . addClass ( 'active' );
</ script >
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-faq-wrapper
field - faq - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< div class = 'faq-list faq-list-<?php echo $id; ?>' >
< ? php
foreach ( $args as $key => $value ) :
$title = $value [ 'title' ];
$link = $value [ 'link' ];
$options = $value [ 'options' ];
< div class = " faq-item " >
< div class = " faq-header " >< ? php echo $title ; ?> </div>
< div class = " faq-content " >
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $options )) :
< table class = " form-table " >
< tbody >
< ? php
foreach ( $options as $option ) :
$option [ 'field_name' ] = $field_name . '[' . $key . '][' . $option [ 'id' ] . ']' ;
$option [ 'value' ] = $values [ $key ][ $option [ 'id' ]];
< tr >
< th scope = " row " >< ? php echo $option [ 'title' ]; ?> </th>
< td >
< ? php
if ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'text' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_text ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'text_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_text_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'textarea' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_textarea ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'checkbox' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_checkbox ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'checkbox_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_checkbox_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'radio' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_radio ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'select' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_select ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'range' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_range ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'range_input' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_range_input ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'switch' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_switch ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'switch_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_switch_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'switch_img' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_switch_img ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'time_format' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_time_format ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'date_format' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_date_format ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'datepicker' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_datepicker ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'colorpicker' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_colorpicker ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'colorpicker_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_colorpicker_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'link_color' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_link_color ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'icon' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_icon ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'icon_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_icon_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'dimensions' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_dimensions ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'wp_editor' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_wp_editor ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'select2' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_select2 ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'faq' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_faq ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'grid' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_grid ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'color_sets' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_color_sets ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'color_palette' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_color_palette ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'color_palette_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_color_palette_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'media' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_media ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'media_multi' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_media_multi ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'repeatable' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_repeatable ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'user' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_user ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'margin' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_margin ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'padding' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_padding ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'border' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_border ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'switcher' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_switcher ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'password' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_password ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'post_objects' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_post_objects ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'google_map' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_google_map ( $option );
elseif ( isset ( $option [ 'type' ]) && $option [ 'type' ] === 'image_link' ){
echo $FormFieldsGenerator -> field_image_link ( $option );
</ td >
</ tr >
< ? php
endforeach ;
</ tbody >
</ table >
< ? php
endif ;
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php
endforeach ;
</ div >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_faq ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : array ();
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< script >
jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ) {
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.faq-list-<?php echo $id; ?> .faq-header' , function () {
if ( jQuery ( this ) . parent () . hasClass ( 'active' )){
jQuery ( this ) . parent () . removeClass ( 'active' );
} else {
jQuery ( this ) . parent () . addClass ( 'active' );
</ script >
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-faq-wrapper
field - faq - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< div class = 'faq-list faq-list-<?php echo $id; ?>' >
< ? php
foreach ( $args as $key => $value ) :
$title = $value [ 'title' ];
$link = $value [ 'link' ];
$content = $value [ 'content' ];
< div class = " faq-item " >
< div class = " faq-header " >< ? php echo $title ; ?> </div>
< div class = " faq-content " >< ? php echo $content ; ?> </div>
</ div >
< ? php
endforeach ;
</ div >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_grid ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : " " ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$widths = isset ( $option [ 'width' ] ) ? $option [ 'width' ] : array ( '768px' => '100%' , '992px' => '50%' , '1200px' => '30%' , );
$heights = isset ( $option [ 'height' ] ) ? $option [ 'height' ] : array ( '768px' => 'auto' , '992px' => '250px' , '1200px' => '250px' , );
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-grid-wrapper
field - grid - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< ? php
foreach ( $args as $key => $grid_item ){
$title = isset ( $grid_item [ 'title' ]) ? $grid_item [ 'title' ] : '' ;
$link = isset ( $grid_item [ 'link' ]) ? $grid_item [ 'link' ] : '' ;
$thumb = isset ( $grid_item [ 'thumb' ]) ? $grid_item [ 'thumb' ] : '' ;
< div class = " item " >
< div class = " thumb " >< a href = " <?php echo $link ; ?> " >< img src = " <?php echo $thumb ; ?> " ></ img ></ a ></ div >
< div class = " name " >< a href = " <?php echo $link ; ?> " >< ? php echo $title ; ?> </a></div>
</ div >
< ? php
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< style type = " text/css " >
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $widths )) :
foreach ( $widths as $screen_size => $width ) :
$height = ! empty ( $heights [ $screen_size ]) ? $heights [ $screen_size ] : 'auto' ;
@ media screen and ( min - width : < ? php echo $screen_size ; ?> ) {
. field - grid - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> .item{
width : < ? php echo $width ; ?> ;
. field - grid - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> .item .thumb{
height : < ? php echo $height ; ?> ;
< ? php
endforeach ;
endif ;
</ style >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_color_sets ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : array ();
$width = isset ( $args [ 'width' ] ) ? $args [ 'width' ] : " " ;
$height = isset ( $args [ 'height' ] ) ? $args [ 'height' ] : " " ;
$sets = isset ( $option [ 'sets' ] ) ? $option [ 'sets' ] : array ();
//$option_value = get_option( $id );
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-color-sets-wrapper
field - color - sets - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< ? php
foreach ( $sets as $key => $set ) :
$checked = ( $key == $value ) ? " checked " : " " ;
< label class = " <?php echo $checked ; ?> " for = '<?php echo $id; ?>-<?php echo $key; ?>' >
< input name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' type = 'radio' id = '<?php echo $id; ?>-<?php echo $key; ?>' value = '<?php echo $key; ?>' < ? php echo $checked ; ?> >
< ? php
foreach ( $set as $color ) :
< span class = " color-srick " style = " background-color: <?php echo $color ; ?>; " ></ span >
< ? php
endforeach ;
< span class = " checked-icon " >< i class = " fas fa-check " ></ i ></ span >
</ label >< ? php
endforeach ;
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< style type = " text/css " >
. field - color - palette - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> .sw-button{
transition : ease all 1 s ;
< ? php if ( ! empty ( $width )) : ?>
width : < ? php echo $width ; ?> ;
< ? php endif ; ?>
< ? php if ( ! empty ( $height )) : ?>
height : < ? php echo $height ; ?> ;
< ? php endif ; ?>
. field - color - palette - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> label:hover .sw-button{
</ style >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_image_link ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : array ();
$width = isset ( $args [ 'width' ] ) ? $args [ 'width' ] : " " ;
$height = isset ( $args [ 'height' ] ) ? $args [ 'height' ] : " " ;
$links = isset ( $option [ 'links' ] ) ? $option [ 'links' ] : array ();
//$option_value = get_option( $id );
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-image-link-wrapper
field - image - link - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $links ))
foreach ( $links as $key => $link ) :
$checked = ( $link == $value ) ? " checked " : " " ;
?> <label class="<?php echo $checked; ?>" for='<?php echo $id; ?>-<?php echo $key; ?>'><input
type = 'radio' id = '<?php echo $id; ?>-<?php echo $key; ?>'
value = '<?php echo $key; ?>' < ? php echo $checked ; ?> >
< img src = " <?php echo $link ; ?> " >
< span class = " checked-icon " >< i class = " fas fa-check " ></ i ></ span >
</ label >< ? php
endforeach ;
if ( ! in_array ( $value , $links )){
?> <label class="checked" for='<?php echo $id; ?>-custom'><input
type = 'radio' id = '<?php echo $id; ?>-custom'
value = '<?php echo $value; ?>' checked >
< img src = " <?php echo $value ; ?> " >
< span class = " checked-icon " >< i class = " fas fa-check " ></ i ></ span >
</ label >< ? php
< div class = " val-wrap " >
< input class = " link-val " name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' type = " text " value = " <?php echo $value ; ?> " > < span class = 'ppof-button upload' id = 'media_upload_<?php echo $id; ?>' >< ? php echo __ ( 'Upload' , 'pickplugins-options-framework' ); ?> </span> <span class="ppof-button clear">Clear</span>
</ div >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< script > jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ){
$ ( '#media_upload_<?php echo $id; ?>' ) . click ( function () {
//var send_attachment_bkp = wp.media.editor.send.attachment;
wp . media . editor . send . attachment = function ( props , attachment ) {
//$('#media_preview_<?php echo $id; ?>').attr('src', attachment.url);
//$('#media_input_<?php echo $id; ?>').val(attachment.url);
jQuery ( '.field-image-link-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .link-val' ) . val ( attachment . url );
//wp.media.editor.send.attachment = send_attachment_bkp;
wp . media . editor . open ( $ ( this ));
return false ;
</ script >
< style type = " text/css " >
. field - image - link - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> img{
transition : ease all 1 s ;
< ? php if ( ! empty ( $width )) : ?>
width : < ? php echo $width ; ?> ;
< ? php endif ; ?>
< ? php if ( ! empty ( $height )) : ?>
height : < ? php echo $height ; ?> ;
< ? php endif ; ?>
. field - color - palette - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> label:hover .sw-button{
</ style >
< script >
jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ) {
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.field-image-link-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .clear' , function () {
jQuery ( '.field-image-link-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .link-val' ) . val ( " " );
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.field-image-link-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> img' , function () {
var src = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'src' );
jQuery ( '.field-image-link-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .link-val' ) . val ( src );
jQuery ( '.field-image-link-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> label' ) . removeClass ( 'checked' );
if ( jQuery ( this ) . parent () . hasClass ( 'checked' )){
jQuery ( this ) . parent () . removeClass ( 'checked' );
} else {
jQuery ( this ) . parent () . addClass ( 'checked' );
</ script >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_color_palette ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : array ();
$width = isset ( $args [ 'width' ] ) ? $args [ 'width' ] : " " ;
$height = isset ( $args [ 'height' ] ) ? $args [ 'height' ] : " " ;
$colors = isset ( $option [ 'colors' ] ) ? $option [ 'colors' ] : array ();
//$option_value = get_option( $id );
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-color-palette-wrapper
field - color - palette - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< ? php
foreach ( $colors as $key => $color ) :
$checked = ( $key == $value ) ? " checked " : " " ;
?> <label class="<?php echo $checked; ?>" for='<?php echo $id; ?>-<?php echo $key; ?>'><input
name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' type = 'radio' id = '<?php echo $id; ?>-<?php echo $key; ?>'
value = '<?php echo $key; ?>' < ? php echo $checked ; ?> ><span title="<?php echo $color; ?>" style="background-color: <?php
echo $color ; ?> " class="sw-button"></span>
< span class = " checked-icon " >< i class = " fas fa-check " ></ i ></ span >
</ label >< ? php
endforeach ;
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< style type = " text/css " >
. field - color - palette - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> .sw-button{
transition : ease all 1 s ;
< ? php if ( ! empty ( $width )) : ?>
width : < ? php echo $width ; ?> ;
< ? php endif ; ?>
< ? php if ( ! empty ( $height )) : ?>
height : < ? php echo $height ; ?> ;
< ? php endif ; ?>
. field - color - palette - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> label:hover .sw-button{
</ style >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_color_palette_multi ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : array ();
$width = isset ( $args [ 'width' ] ) ? $args [ 'width' ] : " " ;
$height = isset ( $args [ 'height' ] ) ? $args [ 'height' ] : " " ;
$colors = isset ( $option [ 'colors' ] ) ? $option [ 'colors' ] : array ();
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-color-palette-multi-wrapper
field - color - palette - multi - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< ? php
foreach ( $colors as $key => $color ) :
$checked = is_array ( $value ) && in_array ( $key , $value ) ? " checked " : " " ;
?> <label class="<?php echo $checked; ?>" for='<?php echo $id; ?>-<?php echo $key; ?>'><input
name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>[]' type = 'checkbox' id = '<?php echo $id; ?>-<?php echo $key; ?>'
value = '<?php echo $key; ?>' < ? php echo $checked ; ?> ><span title="<?php echo $color; ?>" style="background-color: <?php
echo $color ; ?> " class="sw-button"></span>
< span class = " checked-icon " >< i class = " fas fa-check " ></ i ></ span >
</ label >< ? php
endforeach ;
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< style type = " text/css " >
. field - color - palette - multi - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> .sw-button{
transition : ease all 1 s ;
< ? php if ( ! empty ( $width )) : ?>
width : < ? php echo $width ; ?> ;
< ? php endif ; ?>
< ? php if ( ! empty ( $height )) : ?>
height : < ? php echo $height ; ?> ;
< ? php endif ; ?>
. field - color - palette - multi - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> label:hover .sw-button{
</ style >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_media ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$value = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $value ) ? $value : $default ;
$media_url = wp_get_attachment_url ( $value );
$media_type = get_post_mime_type ( $value );
$media_title = get_the_title ( $value );
$media_url = ! empty ( $media_url ) ? $media_url : $placeholder ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
wp_enqueue_media ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-media-wrapper
field - media - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< div class = 'media_preview' style = 'width: 150px;margin-bottom: 10px;background: #eee;padding: 5px; text-align: center;' >
< ? php
if ( " audio/mpeg " == $media_type ){
< div id = 'media_preview_$id' class = 'dashicons dashicons-format-audio' style = 'font-size: 70px;display: inline;' ></ div >
< div >< ? php echo $media_title ; ?> </div>
< ? php
else {
< img id = 'media_preview_<?php echo $id; ?>' src = '<?php echo $media_url; ?>' style = 'width:100%' />
< ? php
</ div >
< input type = 'hidden' name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>' id = 'media_input_<?php echo $id; ?>' value = '<?php echo $value; ?>' />
< div class = 'ppof-button upload' id = 'media_upload_<?php echo $id; ?>' >< ? php echo __ ( 'Upload' , 'pickplugins-options-framework' ); ?> </div><div class='ppof-button clear' id='media_clear_<?php echo $id; ?>'><?php echo __('Clear','pickplugins-options-framework');?></div>
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< script > jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ){
$ ( '#media_upload_<?php echo $id; ?>' ) . click ( function () {
var send_attachment_bkp = wp . media . editor . send . attachment ;
wp . media . editor . send . attachment = function ( props , attachment ) {
$ ( '#media_preview_<?php echo $id; ?>' ) . attr ( 'src' , attachment . url );
$ ( '#media_input_<?php echo $id; ?>' ) . val ( attachment . id );
wp . media . editor . send . attachment = send_attachment_bkp ;
wp . media . editor . open ( $ ( this ));
return false ;
$ ( '#media_clear_<?php echo $id; ?>' ) . click ( function () {
$ ( '#media_input_<?php echo $id; ?>' ) . val ( '' );
$ ( '#media_preview_<?php echo $id; ?>' ) . attr ( 'src' , '' );
</ script >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_media_multi ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$remove_text = isset ( $option [ 'remove_text' ] ) ? $option [ 'remove_text' ] : '<i class="fas fa-times"></i>' ;
$default = isset ( $option [ 'default' ] ) ? $option [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$values = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
wp_enqueue_media ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-media-multi-wrapper
field - media - multi - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< div class = 'ppof-button upload' id = 'media_upload_<?php echo $id; ?>' >< ? php echo __ ( 'Upload' , 'pickplugins-options-framework' ); ?> </div><div class='ppof-button clear'
id = ' media_clear_ < ? php echo
$id ;
?> '><?php echo __('Clear','pickplugins-options-framework');?></div>
< div class = " media-list media-list-<?php echo $id ; ?> sortable " >
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $values ) && is_array ( $values )) :
foreach ( $values as $value ) :
$media_url = wp_get_attachment_url ( $value );
$media_type = get_post_mime_type ( $value );
$media_title = get_the_title ( $value );
< div class = " item " >
< span class = " remove " onclick = " jQuery(this).parent().remove() " >< ? php echo $remove_text ; ?> </span>
< span class = " sort " > sort </ span >
< img id = 'media_preview_<?php echo $id; ?>' src = '<?php echo $media_url; ?>' style = 'width:100%' />
< div class = " item-title " >< ? php echo $media_title ; ?> </div>
< input type = 'hidden' name = '<?php echo $field_name; ?>[]' value = '<?php echo $value; ?>' />
</ div >
< ? php
endforeach ;
endif ;
</ div >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< script > jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ){
$ ( '#media_upload_<?php echo $id; ?>' ) . click ( function () {
//var send_attachment_bkp = wp.media.editor.send.attachment;
wp . media . editor . send . attachment = function ( props , attachment ) {
attachment_id = attachment . id ;
attachment_url = attachment . url ;
html = '<div class="item">' ;
html += '<span class="remove" onclick="jQuery(this).parent().remove()"><?php echo $remove_text; ?></span>' ;
html += '<img src="' + attachment_url + '" style="width:100%"/>' ;
html += '<input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $field_name; ?>[]" value="' + attachment_id + '" />' ;
html += '</div>' ;
$ ( '.media-list-<?php echo $id; ?>' ) . append ( html );
//wp.media.editor.send.attachment = send_attachment_bkp;
wp . media . editor . open ( $ ( this ));
return false ;
$ ( '#media_clear_<?php echo $id; ?>' ) . click ( function () {
$ ( '.media-list-<?php echo $id; ?> .item' ) . remove ();
</ script >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function field_custom_html ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : " " ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$html = isset ( $option [ 'html' ] ) ? $option [ 'html' ] : " " ;
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?>
id = " field-wrapper-<?php echo $id ; ?> " class = " <?php if(!empty( $depends )) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-custom-html-wrapper
field - custom - html - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
< ? php
echo $html ;
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
function get_form_title ( $arr , $val ){
foreach ( $arr as $_arr ) {
$name [] = $val [ $_arr ];
return join ( ' - ' , $name );
public function field_repeatable ( $option ){
$id = isset ( $option [ 'id' ] ) ? $option [ 'id' ] : " " ;
if ( empty ( $id )) return ;
$field_name = isset ( $option [ 'field_name' ] ) ? $option [ 'field_name' ] : $id ;
$conditions = isset ( $option [ 'conditions' ] ) ? $option [ 'conditions' ] : array ();
$sortable = isset ( $option [ 'sortable' ] ) ? $option [ 'sortable' ] : true ;
$collapsible = isset ( $option [ 'collapsible' ] ) ? $option [ 'collapsible' ] : true ;
$placeholder = isset ( $option [ 'placeholder' ] ) ? $option [ 'placeholder' ] : " " ;
$values = isset ( $option [ 'value' ] ) ? $option [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$btntext = isset ( $option [ 'btn_text' ] ) ? $option [ 'btn_text' ] : 'Add' ;
$fields = isset ( $option [ 'fields' ] ) ? $option [ 'fields' ] : array ();
$title_field = isset ( $option [ 'title_field' ] ) ? $option [ 'title_field' ] : '' ;
$remove_text = isset ( $option [ 'remove_text' ] ) ? $option [ 'remove_text' ] : '<i class="fas fa-times"></i>' ;
$limit = isset ( $option [ 'limit' ] ) ? $option [ 'limit' ] : '' ;
$args = isset ( $option [ 'args' ] ) ? $option [ 'args' ] : '' ;
$args = is_array ( $args ) ? $args : $this -> args_from_string ( $args );
$field_id = $id ;
$field_name = ! empty ( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id ;
$new_title = explode ( '/' , $title_field );
$title_field = $new_title ;
foreach ( $fields as $key => $value ) {
# code...
$new [ $key ][ 'type' ] = $fields [ $key ][ 'type' ];
2020-07-12 10:42:13 +00:00
$new [ $key ][ 'default' ] = $fields [ $key ][ 'default' ];
2020-04-28 10:37:33 +00:00
$new [ $key ][ 'item_id' ] = $fields [ $key ][ 'item_id' ];
$new [ $key ][ 'name' ] = $fields [ $key ][ 'name' ];
2020-07-12 10:42:13 +00:00
$new [ $key ][ 'args' ] = ! is_array ( $fields [ $key ][ 'args' ]) ? $this -> args_from_string ( $fields [ $key ][ 'args' ]) : $fields [ $key ][ 'args' ];
2020-04-28 10:37:33 +00:00
$fields = $new ;
2020-07-12 10:42:13 +00:00
2020-04-28 10:37:33 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $conditions )) :
$depends = '' ;
$field = isset ( $conditions [ 'field' ]) ? $conditions [ 'field' ] : '' ;
$cond_value = isset ( $conditions [ 'value' ]) ? $conditions [ 'value' ] : '' ;
$type = isset ( $conditions [ 'type' ]) ? $conditions [ 'type' ] : '' ;
$pattern = isset ( $conditions [ 'pattern' ]) ? $conditions [ 'pattern' ] : '' ;
$modifier = isset ( $conditions [ 'modifier' ]) ? $conditions [ 'modifier' ] : '' ;
$like = isset ( $conditions [ 'like' ]) ? $conditions [ 'like' ] : '' ;
$strict = isset ( $conditions [ 'strict' ]) ? $conditions [ 'strict' ] : '' ;
$empty = isset ( $conditions [ 'empty' ]) ? $conditions [ 'empty' ] : '' ;
$sign = isset ( $conditions [ 'sign' ]) ? $conditions [ 'sign' ] : '' ;
$min = isset ( $conditions [ 'min' ]) ? $conditions [ 'min' ] : '' ;
$max = isset ( $conditions [ 'max' ]) ? $conditions [ 'max' ] : '' ;
$depends .= " { '[name= " . $field . " ]': " ;
$depends .= '{' ;
if ( ! empty ( $type )) :
$depends .= " 'type': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $type . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $modifier )) :
$depends .= " ,'modifier': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $modifier . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $like )) :
$depends .= " ,'like': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $like . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $strict )) :
$depends .= " ,'strict': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $strict . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $empty )) :
$depends .= " ,'empty': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $empty . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $sign )) :
$depends .= " ,'sign': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $sign . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $min )) :
$depends .= " ,'min': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $min . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $max )) :
$depends .= " ,'max': " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $max . " ' " ;
endif ;
if ( ! empty ( $cond_value )) :
$depends .= " ,'value': " ;
if ( is_array ( $cond_value )) :
$count = count ( $cond_value );
$i = 1 ;
$depends .= " [ " ;
foreach ( $cond_value as $val ) :
$depends .= " ' " . $val . " ' " ;
if ( $i < $count )
$depends .= " , " ;
$i ++ ;
endforeach ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
else :
$depends .= " [ " ;
$depends .= " ' " . $cond_value . " ' " ;
$depends .= " ] " ;
endif ;
endif ;
$depends .= '}}' ;
endif ;
ob_start ();
< script >
jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ) {
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.field-repeatable-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .collapsible .header .title-text' , function () {
if ( jQuery ( this ) . parent () . parent () . hasClass ( 'active' )){
jQuery ( this ) . parent () . parent () . removeClass ( 'active' );
} else {
jQuery ( this ) . parent () . parent () . addClass ( 'active' );
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.field-repeatable-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .clone' , function (){
index_id = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'index_id' );
now = jQuery . now ();
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $limit )) :
var limit = < ? php echo $limit ; ?> ;
var node_count = $ ( " .field-repeatable-wrapper-<?php echo $id ; ?> .field-list .item-wrap " ) . size ();
if ( limit > node_count ){
$ ( this ) . parent () . parent () . clone () . appendTo ( '.field-repeatable-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .field-list' );
// html = $( this ).parent().parent().clone();
//var html_new = html.replace(index_id, now);
//jQuery('.<?php echo 'field-repeatable-wrapper-'.$id; ?> .field-list').append(html_new);
} else {
jQuery ( '.field-repeatable-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .error-mgs' ) . html ( 'Sorry! you can add max ' + limit + ' item' ) . stop () . fadeIn ( 400 ) . delay ( 3000 ) . fadeOut ( 400 );
< ? php
else :
$ ( this ) . parent () . clone () . appendTo ( '.field-repeatable-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .field-list' );
< ? php
endif ;
//$( this ).parent().appendTo( '.field-text-multi-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .field-list' );
//$('.field-repeatable-wrapper-<?php //echo $id; ?>// .field-list .item-wrap').each(function( index ) {
// $(this).children('.item .content').each(function( index2 ) {
// console.log(index2);
// })
jQuery ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.field-repeatable-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .add-item' , function () {
now = jQuery . now ();
fields_arr = < ? php echo json_encode ( $fields ); ?> ;
html = '<div class="item-wrap collapsible"><div class="header"><span class="button remove" ' +
'onclick="jQuery(this).parent().parent().remove()"><?php echo $remove_text; ?></span> ' ;
//html += '<span index_id="" class="button clone"><i class="far fa-clone"></i></span>';
< ? php if ( $sortable ) : ?>
html += '<span class="button sort" ><i class="fas fa-arrows-alt"></i></span>' ;
< ? php endif ; ?>
html += ' <span class="title-text" style="cursor:pointer;display: inline-block;width: 84%;">==> Click to Expand</span></div>' ;
// html += ' <span class="title-text">#'+now+'</span></div>';
fields_arr . forEach ( function ( element ) {
type = element . type ;
item_id = element . item_id ;
default_val = element . default ;
html += '<div class="item">' ;
< ? php if ( $collapsible ) : ?>
html += '<div class="content">' ;
< ? php endif ; ?>
html += '<div class="item-title">' + element . name + '</div>' ;
if ( type == 'text' ){
html += '<input type="text" name="<?php echo $field_name; ?>[' + now + '][' + element . item_id + ']"/>' ;
} else if ( type == 'number' ){
html += '<input type="number" name="<?php echo $field_name; ?>[' + now + '][' + element . item_id + ']"/>' ;
} else if ( type == 'tel' ){
html += '<input type="tel" name="<?php echo $field_name; ?>[' + now + '][' + element . item_id + ']"/>' ;
} else if ( type == 'time' ){
html += '<input type="time" name="<?php echo $field_name; ?>[' + now + '][' + element . item_id + ']"/>' ;
} else if ( type == 'url' ){
html += '<input type="url" name="<?php echo $field_name; ?>[' + now + '][' + element . item_id + ']"/>' ;
} else if ( type == 'date' ){
html += '<input type="date" name="<?php echo $field_name; ?>[' + now + '][' + element . item_id + ']"/>' ;
} else if ( type == 'month' ){
html += '<input type="month" name="<?php echo $field_name; ?>[' + now + '][' + element . item_id + ']"/>' ;
} else if ( type == 'search' ){
html += '<input type="search" name="<?php echo $field_name; ?>[' + now + '][' + element . item_id + ']"/>' ;
} else if ( type == 'color' ){
html += '<input type="color" name="<?php echo $field_name; ?>[' + now + '][' + element . item_id + ']"/>' ;
} else if ( type == 'email' ){
html += '<input type="email" name="<?php echo $field_name; ?>[' + now + '][' + element . item_id + ']"/>' ;
} else if ( type == 'textarea' ){
html += '<textarea name="<?php echo $field_name; ?>[' + now + '][' + element . item_id + ']"></textarea>' ;
} else if ( type == 'select' ){
args = element . args ;
html += '<select name="<?php echo $field_name; ?>[' + now + '][' + element . item_id + ']">' ;
2020-07-12 10:42:13 +00:00
for ( argKey in args ){
2020-04-28 10:37:33 +00:00
html += '<option value="' + argKey + '">' + args [ argKey ] + '</option>' ;
html += '</select>' ;
} else if ( type == 'radio' ){
args = element . args ;
for ( argKey in args ){
html += '<label>' ;
html += '<input value="' + argKey + '" type="radio" name="<?php echo $field_name; ?>[' + now + '][' + element . item_id + ']"/>' ;
html += args [ argKey ];
html += '</label ><br/>' ;
} else if ( type == 'checkbox' ){
args = element . args ;
for ( argKey in args ){
html += '<label>' ;
html += '<input value="' + argKey + '" type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $field_name; ?>[' + now + '][' + element . item_id + ']"/>' ;
html += args [ argKey ];
html += '</label ><br/>' ;
< ? php if ( $collapsible ) : ?>
html += '</div>' ;
< ? php endif ; ?>
html += '</div>' ;
html += '</div>' ;
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $limit )) :
var limit = < ? php echo $limit ; ?> ;
var node_count = $ ( " .field-repeatable-wrapper-<?php echo $id ; ?> .field-list .item-wrap " ) . size ();
if ( limit > node_count ){
jQuery ( '.<?php echo ' field - repeatable - wrapper - '.$id; ?> .field-list' ) . append ( html );
} else {
jQuery ( '.field-repeatable-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?> .error-mgs' ) . html ( 'Sorry! you can add max ' + limit + ' item' ) . stop () . fadeIn ( 400 ) . delay ( 3000 ) . fadeOut ( 400 );
< ? php
else :
jQuery ( '.<?php echo ' field - repeatable - wrapper - '.$id; ?> .field-list' ) . append ( html );
< ? php
endif ;
</ script >
< div < ? php if ( ! empty ( $depends )) { ?> data-depends="[<?php echo $depends; ?>]" <?php } ?> id="field-wrapper-<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php if(!empty($depends)) echo 'dependency-field'; ?> field-wrapper field-repeatable-wrapper
field - repeatable - wrapper -< ? php echo $id ; ?> ">
2020-07-12 10:42:13 +00:00
2020-04-28 10:37:33 +00:00
< div class = " field-list <?php if( $sortable ) { echo 'sortable'; }?> " id = " <?php echo $id ; ?> " >
< ? php
if ( ! empty ( $values )) :
$count = 1 ;
foreach ( $values as $index => $val ) :
$title_field_val = ! empty ( $title_field ) ? $this -> get_form_title ( $title_field , $val ) : '==> Click to Expand' ;
< div class = " item-wrap <?php if( $collapsible ) echo 'collapsible'; ?> " >
< ? php if ( $collapsible ) : ?>
< div class = " header " >
< ? php endif ; ?>
2020-07-12 10:42:13 +00:00
2020-04-28 10:37:33 +00:00
<!-- < span index_id = " --><?php //echo $index ; ?><!-- " class = " button clone " >< i class = " far fa-clone " ></ i ></ span >-->
< ? php if ( $sortable ) : ?>
< span class = " button sort " >< i class = " fas fa-arrows-alt " ></ i ></ span >
< ? php endif ; ?>
< span class = " title-text " style = " cursor:pointer;display: inline-block;width: 84%; " >< ? php echo $title_field_val ; ?> </span>
< span class = " button remove " onclick = " jQuery(this).parent().parent().remove() " >< ? php echo $remove_text ; ?> </span>
< ? php if ( $collapsible ) : ?>
</ div >
< ? php endif ; ?>
< ? php foreach ( $fields as $field_index => $field ) :
2020-07-12 10:42:13 +00:00
$type = $field [ 'type' ];
2020-04-28 10:37:33 +00:00
$item_id = $field [ 'item_id' ];
$name = $field [ 'name' ];
$title_field_class = ( $title_field == $field_index ) ? 'title-field' : '' ;
< div class = " item <?php echo $title_field_class ; ?> " >
< ? php if ( $collapsible ) : ?>
< div class = " content " >
< ? php endif ; ?>
< div >< ? php echo $name ; ?> </div>
< ? php if ( $type == 'text' ) :
$default = isset ( $field [ 'default' ]) ? $field [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $val [ $item_id ]) ? $val [ $item_id ] : $default ;
< input type = " text " class = " regular-text " name = " <?php echo $field_name ; ?>[<?php echo $index ; ?>][<?php echo $item_id ; ?>] " placeholder = " " value = " <?php echo esc_html( $value ); ?> " >
< ? php elseif ( $type == 'number' ) :
$default = isset ( $field [ 'default' ]) ? $field [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $val [ $item_id ]) ? $val [ $item_id ] : $default ;
< input type = " number " class = " regular-text " name = " <?php echo $field_name ; ?>[<?php echo $index ; ?>][<?php echo $item_id ; ?>] " placeholder = " " value = " <?php echo esc_html( $value ); ?> " >
< ? php elseif ( $type == 'url' ) :
$default = isset ( $field [ 'default' ]) ? $field [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $val [ $item_id ]) ? $val [ $item_id ] : $default ;
< input type = " url " class = " regular-text " name = " <?php echo $field_name ; ?>[<?php echo $index ; ?>][<?php echo $item_id ; ?>] " placeholder = " " value = " <?php echo esc_html( $value ); ?> " >
< ? php elseif ( $type == 'tel' ) :
$default = isset ( $field [ 'default' ]) ? $field [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $val [ $item_id ]) ? $val [ $item_id ] : $default ;
< input type = " tel " class = " regular-text " name = " <?php echo $field_name ; ?>[<?php echo $index ; ?>][<?php echo $item_id ; ?>] " placeholder = " " value = " <?php echo esc_html( $value ); ?> " >
< ? php elseif ( $type == 'time' ) :
$default = isset ( $field [ 'default' ]) ? $field [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $val [ $item_id ]) ? $val [ $item_id ] : $default ;
< input type = " time " class = " regular-text " name = " <?php echo $field_name ; ?>[<?php echo $index ; ?>][<?php echo $item_id ; ?>] " placeholder = " " value = " <?php echo esc_html( $value ); ?> " >
< ? php elseif ( $type == 'search' ) :
$default = isset ( $field [ 'default' ]) ? $field [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $val [ $item_id ]) ? $val [ $item_id ] : $default ;
< input type = " search " class = " regular-text " name = " <?php echo $field_name ; ?>[<?php echo $index ; ?>][<?php echo $item_id ; ?>] " placeholder = " " value = " <?php echo esc_html( $value ); ?> " >
< ? php elseif ( $type == 'month' ) :
$default = isset ( $field [ 'default' ]) ? $field [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $val [ $item_id ]) ? $val [ $item_id ] : $default ;
< input type = " month " class = " regular-text " name = " <?php echo $field_name ; ?>[<?php echo $index ; ?>][<?php echo $item_id ; ?>] " placeholder = " " value = " <?php echo esc_html( $value ); ?> " >
< ? php elseif ( $type == 'color' ) :
$default = isset ( $field [ 'default' ]) ? $field [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $val [ $item_id ]) ? $val [ $item_id ] : $default ;
< input type = " color " class = " regular-text " name = " <?php echo $field_name ; ?>[<?php echo $index ; ?>][<?php echo $item_id ; ?>] " placeholder = " " value = " <?php echo esc_html( $value ); ?> " >
< ? php elseif ( $type == 'date' ) :
$default = isset ( $field [ 'default' ]) ? $field [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $val [ $item_id ]) ? $val [ $item_id ] : $default ;
< input type = " date " class = " regular-text " name = " <?php echo $field_name ; ?>[<?php echo $index ; ?>][<?php echo $item_id ; ?>] " placeholder = " " value = " <?php echo esc_html( $value ); ?> " >
< ? php elseif ( $type == 'email' ) :
$default = isset ( $field [ 'default' ]) ? $field [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $val [ $item_id ]) ? $val [ $item_id ] : $default ;
< input type = " email " class = " regular-text " name = " <?php echo $field_name ; ?>[<?php echo $index ; ?>][<?php echo $item_id ; ?>] " placeholder = " " value = " <?php echo esc_html( $value ); ?> " >
< ? php elseif ( $type == 'textarea' ) :
$default = isset ( $field [ 'default' ]) ? $field [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $val [ $item_id ]) ? $val [ $item_id ] : $default ;
< textarea name = " <?php echo $field_name ; ?>[<?php echo $index ; ?>][<?php echo $item_id ; ?>] " >< ? php echo esc_html ( $value ); ?> </textarea>
< ? php elseif ( $type == 'select' ) :
$args = isset ( $field [ 'args' ]) ? $field [ 'args' ] : array ();
$default = isset ( $field [ 'default' ]) ? $field [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $val [ $item_id ]) ? $val [ $item_id ] : $default ;
< select class = " " name = " <?php echo $field_name ; ?>[<?php echo $index ; ?>][<?php echo $item_id ; ?>] " >
2020-07-12 10:42:13 +00:00
< ? php
if ( ! is_array ( $args )){
2020-04-28 10:37:33 +00:00
$this -> args_from_string ( $args );
2020-07-12 10:42:13 +00:00
} else {
2020-04-28 10:37:33 +00:00
foreach ( $args as $argIndex => $argName ) :
$selected = ( $argIndex == $value ) ? 'selected' : '' ;
< option < ? php echo $selected ; ?> value="<?php echo $argIndex; ?>"><?php echo $argName; ?></option>
< ? php endforeach ; } ?>
</ select >
< ? php elseif ( $type == 'radio' ) :
$args = isset ( $field [ 'args' ]) ? $field [ 'args' ] : array ();
$default = isset ( $field [ 'default' ]) ? $field [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $val [ $item_id ]) ? $val [ $item_id ] : $default ;
2020-07-12 10:42:13 +00:00
< ? php
if ( ! is_array ( $args )){
2020-04-28 10:37:33 +00:00
$this -> args_from_string ( $args );
2020-07-12 10:42:13 +00:00
} else {
2020-04-28 10:37:33 +00:00
foreach ( $args as $argIndex => $argName ) :
$checked = ( $argIndex == $value ) ? 'checked' : '' ;
2020-07-12 10:42:13 +00:00
2020-04-28 10:37:33 +00:00
< label class = " " >
< input type = " radio " name = " <?php echo $field_name ; ?>[<?php echo $index ; ?>][<?php echo $item_id ; ?>] " < ? php echo $checked ; ?> value="<?php echo $argIndex; ?>"><?php echo $argName; ?></input>
</ label >
< ? php endforeach ; } ?>
< ? php elseif ( $type == 'checkbox' ) :
$args = isset ( $field [ 'args' ]) ? $field [ 'args' ] : array ();
$default = isset ( $field [ 'default' ]) ? $field [ 'default' ] : '' ;
$value = ! empty ( $val [ $item_id ]) ? $val [ $item_id ] : $default ;
2020-07-12 10:42:13 +00:00
< ? php
2020-04-28 10:37:33 +00:00
foreach ( $args as $argIndex => $argName ) :
2020-07-12 10:42:13 +00:00
$value = is_array ( $value ) ? $value : array ();
// print_r($value);
2020-04-28 10:37:33 +00:00
$checked = in_array ( $argIndex , $value ) ? 'checked' : '' ;
2020-07-12 10:42:13 +00:00
// $checked = isset($argIndex) ? 'checked' : '';
2020-04-28 10:37:33 +00:00
< label class = " " >
< input type = " checkbox " name = " <?php echo $field_name ; ?>[<?php echo $index ; ?>][<?php echo $item_id ; ?>][] " < ? php echo $checked ; ?> value="<?php echo $argIndex; ?>"><?php echo $argName; ?></input>
</ label >
< ? php endforeach ; ?>
< ? php
else :
do_action ( 'repeatable_custom_input_field_' . $type , $field );
< ? php endif ; ?>
< ? php if ( $collapsible ) : ?>
</ div >
< ? php endif ; ?>
</ div >
< ? php endforeach ; ?>
</ div >
2020-07-12 10:42:13 +00:00
2020-04-28 10:37:33 +00:00
< ? php
$count ++ ;
endforeach ;
< ? php
else :
< ? php
endif ;
2020-07-12 10:42:13 +00:00
2020-04-28 10:37:33 +00:00
</ div >
< div class = " error-mgs " ></ div >
< div class = " ppof-button add-item " >< i class = " fas fa-plus-square " ></ i > < ? php echo $btntext ; ?> </div>
</ div >
< ? php
return ob_get_clean ();
public function get_tax_data ( $args ){
foreach ( $this -> get_rep_taxonomies_array ( $args ) as $argIndex => $argName ) :
$selected = ( $argIndex == $value ) ? 'selected' : '' ; ?> <option <?php echo $selected; ?> value="<?php echo $argIndex; ?>"><?php echo $argName; ?></option> <?php endforeach;
public function args_from_string ( $string ){
if ( strpos ( $string , 'PAGES_IDS_ARRAY' ) !== false ) return $this -> get_pages_array ();
if ( strpos ( $string , 'POSTS_IDS_ARRAY' ) !== false ) return $this -> get_posts_array ();
if ( strpos ( $string , 'POST_TYPES_ARRAY' ) !== false ) return $this -> get_post_types_array ();
if ( strpos ( $string , 'TAX_' ) !== false ) return $this -> get_taxonomies_array ( $string );
if ( strpos ( $string , 'TAXN_' ) !== false ) return $this -> get_rep_taxonomies_array ( $string );
if ( strpos ( $string , 'CPT_' ) !== false ) return $this -> get_cpt_array ( $string );
if ( strpos ( $string , 'USER_ROLES' ) !== false ) return $this -> get_user_roles_array ();
if ( strpos ( $string , 'USER_IDS_ARRAY' ) !== false ) return $this -> get_user_ids_array ();
if ( strpos ( $string , 'MENUS' ) !== false ) return $this -> get_menus_array ();
if ( strpos ( $string , 'SIDEBARS_ARRAY' ) !== false ) return $this -> get_sidebars_array ();
if ( strpos ( $string , 'THUMB_SIEZS_ARRAY' ) !== false ) return $this -> get_thumb_sizes_array ();
if ( strpos ( $string , 'FONTAWESOME_ARRAY' ) !== false ) return $this -> get_font_aws_array ();
return array ();
public function get_rep_taxonomies_array ( $string ){
$taxonomies = array ();
preg_match_all ( " / \ %([^ \ ]]*) \ %/ " , $string , $matches );
if ( isset ( $matches [ 1 ][ 0 ] ) ) $taxonomy = $matches [ 1 ][ 0 ];
else throw new Pick_error ( 'Invalid taxonomy declaration !' );
if ( ! taxonomy_exists ( $taxonomy ) ) throw new Pick_error ( " Taxonomy <strong> $taxonomy </strong> doesn't exists ! " );
$terms = get_terms ( $taxonomy , array (
'hide_empty' => false ,
) );
foreach ( $terms as $term ) $taxonomies [ $term -> name ] = $term -> name ;
return $taxonomies ;
public function get_taxonomies_array ( $string ){
$taxonomies = array ();
preg_match_all ( " / \ %([^ \ ]]*) \ %/ " , $string , $matches );
if ( isset ( $matches [ 1 ][ 0 ] ) ) $taxonomy = $matches [ 1 ][ 0 ];
else throw new Pick_error ( 'Invalid taxonomy declaration !' );
if ( ! taxonomy_exists ( $taxonomy ) ) throw new Pick_error ( " Taxonomy <strong> $taxonomy </strong> doesn't exists ! " );
$terms = get_terms ( $taxonomy , array (
'hide_empty' => false ,
) );
foreach ( $terms as $term ) $taxonomies [ $term -> term_id ] = $term -> name ;
return $taxonomies ;
public function get_cpt_array ( $string ){
preg_match_all ( " / \ %([^ \ ]]*) \ %/ " , $string , $matches );
$cpt_name = $matches [ 1 ][ 0 ];
$defaults = array (
'numberposts' => - 1 ,
'post_type' => $cpt_name ,
$cpt_arr = get_posts ( $defaults );
$cpt = array ();
foreach ( $cpt_arr as $_cpt_arr ) {
$cpt [ $_cpt_arr -> ID ] = $_cpt_arr -> post_title ;
return $cpt ;
public function get_user_ids_array (){
$user_ids = array ();
$users = get_users ();
foreach ( $users as $user ) $user_ids [ $user -> ID ] = $user -> display_name . '(#' . $user -> ID . ')' ;
return apply_filters ( 'USER_IDS_ARRAY' , $user_ids );
public function get_pages_array (){
$pages_array = array ();
foreach ( get_pages () as $page ) $pages_array [ $page -> ID ] = $page -> post_title ;
return apply_filters ( 'PAGES_IDS_ARRAY' , $pages_array );
public function get_menus_array (){
$menus = get_registered_nav_menus ();
return apply_filters ( 'MENUS_ARRAY' , $menus );
public function get_sidebars_array (){
global $wp_registered_sidebars ;
$sidebars = $wp_registered_sidebars ;
foreach ( $sidebars as $index => $sidebar ){
$sidebars_name [ $index ] = $sidebar [ 'name' ];
return apply_filters ( 'SIDEBARS_ARRAY' , $sidebars_name );
public function get_user_roles_array (){
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/user.php' ;
$roles = get_editable_roles ();
foreach ( $roles as $index => $data ){
$role_name [ $index ] = $data [ 'name' ];
return apply_filters ( 'USER_ROLES' , $role_name );
public function get_post_types_array (){
$post_types = get_post_types ( '' , 'names' );
$pages_array = array ();
foreach ( $post_types as $index => $name ) $pages_array [ $index ] = $name ;
return apply_filters ( 'POST_TYPES_ARRAY' , $pages_array );
public function get_posts_array (){
$posts_array = array ();
foreach ( get_posts ( array ( 'posts_per_page' =>- 1 )) as $page ) $posts_array [ $page -> ID ] = $page -> post_title ;
return apply_filters ( 'POSTS_IDS_ARRAY' , $posts_array );
public function get_thumb_sizes_array (){
$get_intermediate_image_sizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes ();
$get_intermediate_image_sizes = array_merge ( $get_intermediate_image_sizes , array ( 'full' ));
$thumb_sizes_array = array ();
foreach ( $get_intermediate_image_sizes as $key => $name ) :
$size_key = str_replace ( '_' , ' ' , $name );
$size_key = str_replace ( '-' , ' ' , $size_key );
$size_name = ucfirst ( $size_key );
$thumb_sizes_array [ $name ] = $size_name ;
endforeach ;
return apply_filters ( 'THUMB_SIEZS_ARRAY' , $get_intermediate_image_sizes );
public function get_font_aws_array (){
$fonts_arr = array (
'fab fa-500px' => __ ( '500px' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-accessible-icon' => __ ( 'accessible-icon' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-accusoft' => __ ( 'accusoft' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-address-book' => __ ( 'address-book' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-address-book' => __ ( 'address-book' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-address-card' => __ ( 'address-card' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-address-card' => __ ( 'address-card' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-adjust' => __ ( 'adjust' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-adn' => __ ( 'adn' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-adversal' => __ ( 'adversal' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-affiliatetheme' => __ ( 'affiliatetheme' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-algolia' => __ ( 'algolia' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-align-center' => __ ( 'align-center' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-align-justify' => __ ( 'align-justify' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-align-left' => __ ( 'align-left' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-align-right' => __ ( 'align-right' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-allergies' => __ ( 'allergies' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-amazon' => __ ( 'amazon' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-amazon-pay' => __ ( 'amazon-pay' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-ambulance' => __ ( 'ambulance' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-american-sign-language-interpreting' => __ ( 'american-sign-language-interpreting' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-amilia' => __ ( 'amilia' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-anchor' => __ ( 'anchor' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-android' => __ ( 'android' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-angellist' => __ ( 'angellist' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-angle-double-down' => __ ( 'angle-double-down' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-angle-double-left' => __ ( 'angle-double-left' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-angle-double-right' => __ ( 'angle-double-right' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-angle-double-up' => __ ( 'angle-double-up' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-angle-down' => __ ( 'angle-down' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-angle-left' => __ ( 'angle-left' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-angle-right' => __ ( 'angle-right' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-angle-up' => __ ( 'angle-up' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-angrycreative' => __ ( 'angrycreative' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-angular' => __ ( 'angular' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-app-store' => __ ( 'app-store' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-app-store-ios' => __ ( 'app-store-ios' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-apper' => __ ( 'apper' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-apple' => __ ( 'apple' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-apple-pay' => __ ( 'apple-pay' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-archive' => __ ( 'archive' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-down' => __ ( 'arrow-alt-circle-down' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-down' => __ ( 'arrow-alt-circle-down' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-left' => __ ( 'arrow-alt-circle-left' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-left' => __ ( 'arrow-alt-circle-left' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-right' => __ ( 'arrow-alt-circle-right' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-right' => __ ( 'arrow-alt-circle-right' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-up' => __ ( 'arrow-alt-circle-up' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-up' => __ ( 'arrow-alt-circle-up' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-arrow-circle-down' => __ ( 'arrow-circle-down' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-arrow-circle-left' => __ ( 'arrow-circle-left' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-arrow-circle-right' => __ ( 'arrow-circle-right' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-arrow-circle-up' => __ ( 'arrow-circle-up' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-arrow-down' => __ ( 'arrow-down' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-arrow-left' => __ ( 'arrow-left' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-arrow-right' => __ ( 'arrow-right' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-arrow-up' => __ ( 'arrow-up' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-arrows-alt' => __ ( 'arrows-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-arrows-alt-h' => __ ( 'arrows-alt-h' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-arrows-alt-v' => __ ( 'arrows-alt-v' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-assistive-listening-systems' => __ ( 'assistive-listening-systems' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-asterisk' => __ ( 'asterisk' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-asymmetrik' => __ ( 'asymmetrik' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-at' => __ ( 'at' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-audible' => __ ( 'audible' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-audio-description' => __ ( 'audio-description' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-autoprefixer' => __ ( 'autoprefixer' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-avianex' => __ ( 'avianex' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-aviato' => __ ( 'aviato' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-aws' => __ ( 'aws' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-backward' => __ ( 'backward' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-balance-scale' => __ ( 'balance-scale' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-ban' => __ ( 'ban' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-band-aid' => __ ( 'band-aid' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-bandcamp' => __ ( 'bandcamp' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-barcode' => __ ( 'barcode' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-bars' => __ ( 'bars' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-baseball-ball' => __ ( 'baseball-ball' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-basketball-ball' => __ ( 'basketball-ball' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-bath' => __ ( 'bath' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-battery-empty' => __ ( 'battery-empty' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-battery-full' => __ ( 'battery-full' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-battery-half' => __ ( 'battery-half' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-battery-quarter' => __ ( 'battery-quarter' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-battery-three-quarters' => __ ( 'battery-three-quarters' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-bed' => __ ( 'bed' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-beer' => __ ( 'beer' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-behance' => __ ( 'behance' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-behance-square' => __ ( 'behance-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-bell' => __ ( 'bell' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-bell' => __ ( 'bell' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-bell-slash' => __ ( 'bell-slash' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-bell-slash' => __ ( 'bell-slash' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-bicycle' => __ ( 'bicycle' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-bimobject' => __ ( 'bimobject' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-binoculars' => __ ( 'binoculars' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-birthday-cake' => __ ( 'birthday-cake' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-bitbucket' => __ ( 'bitbucket' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-bitcoin' => __ ( 'bitcoin' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-bity' => __ ( 'bity' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-black-tie' => __ ( 'black-tie' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-blackberry' => __ ( 'blackberry' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-blind' => __ ( 'blind' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-blogger' => __ ( 'blogger' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-blogger-b' => __ ( 'blogger-b' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-bluetooth' => __ ( 'bluetooth' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-bluetooth-b' => __ ( 'bluetooth-b' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-bold' => __ ( 'bold' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-bolt' => __ ( 'bolt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-bomb' => __ ( 'bomb' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-book' => __ ( 'book' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-bookmark' => __ ( 'bookmark' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-bookmark' => __ ( 'bookmark' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-bowling-ball' => __ ( 'bowling-ball' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-box' => __ ( 'box' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-box-open' => __ ( 'box-open' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-boxes' => __ ( 'boxes' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-braille' => __ ( 'braille' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-briefcase' => __ ( 'briefcase' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-briefcase-medical' => __ ( 'briefcase-medical' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-btc' => __ ( 'btc' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-bug' => __ ( 'bug' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-building' => __ ( 'building' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-building' => __ ( 'building' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-bullhorn' => __ ( 'bullhorn' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-bullseye' => __ ( 'bullseye' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-burn' => __ ( 'burn' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-buromobelexperte' => __ ( 'buromobelexperte' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-bus' => __ ( 'bus' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-buysellads' => __ ( 'buysellads' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-calculator' => __ ( 'calculator' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-calendar' => __ ( 'calendar' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-calendar' => __ ( 'calendar' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-calendar-alt' => __ ( 'calendar-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-calendar-alt' => __ ( 'calendar-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-calendar-check' => __ ( 'calendar-check' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-calendar-check' => __ ( 'calendar-check' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-calendar-minus' => __ ( 'calendar-minus' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-calendar-minus' => __ ( 'calendar-minus' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-calendar-plus' => __ ( 'calendar-plus' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-calendar-plus' => __ ( 'calendar-plus' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-calendar-times' => __ ( 'calendar-times' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-calendar-times' => __ ( 'calendar-times' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-camera' => __ ( 'camera' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-camera-retro' => __ ( 'camera-retro' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-capsules' => __ ( 'capsules' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-car' => __ ( 'car' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-caret-down' => __ ( 'caret-down' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-caret-left' => __ ( 'caret-left' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-caret-right' => __ ( 'caret-right' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-caret-square-down' => __ ( 'caret-square-down' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-caret-square-down' => __ ( 'caret-square-down' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-caret-square-left' => __ ( 'caret-square-left' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-caret-square-left' => __ ( 'caret-square-left' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-caret-square-right' => __ ( 'caret-square-right' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-caret-square-right' => __ ( 'caret-square-right' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-caret-square-up' => __ ( 'caret-square-up' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-caret-square-up' => __ ( 'caret-square-up' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-caret-up' => __ ( 'caret-up' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-cart-arrow-down' => __ ( 'cart-arrow-down' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-cart-plus' => __ ( 'cart-plus' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-cc-amazon-pay' => __ ( 'cc-amazon-pay' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-cc-amex' => __ ( 'cc-amex' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-cc-apple-pay' => __ ( 'cc-apple-pay' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-cc-diners-club' => __ ( 'cc-diners-club' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-cc-discover' => __ ( 'cc-discover' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-cc-jcb' => __ ( 'cc-jcb' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-cc-mastercard' => __ ( 'cc-mastercard' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-cc-paypal' => __ ( 'cc-paypal' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-cc-stripe' => __ ( 'cc-stripe' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-cc-visa' => __ ( 'cc-visa' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-centercode' => __ ( 'centercode' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-certificate' => __ ( 'certificate' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-chart-area' => __ ( 'chart-area' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-chart-bar' => __ ( 'chart-bar' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-chart-bar' => __ ( 'chart-bar' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-chart-line' => __ ( 'chart-line' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-chart-pie' => __ ( 'chart-pie' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-check' => __ ( 'check' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-check-circle' => __ ( 'check-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-check-circle' => __ ( 'check-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-check-square' => __ ( 'check-square' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-check-square' => __ ( 'check-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-chess' => __ ( 'chess' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-chess-bishop' => __ ( 'chess-bishop' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-chess-board' => __ ( 'chess-board' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-chess-king' => __ ( 'chess-king' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-chess-knight' => __ ( 'chess-knight' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-chess-pawn' => __ ( 'chess-pawn' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-chess-queen' => __ ( 'chess-queen' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-chess-rook' => __ ( 'chess-rook' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-chevron-circle-down' => __ ( 'chevron-circle-down' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-chevron-circle-left' => __ ( 'chevron-circle-left' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-chevron-circle-right' => __ ( 'chevron-circle-right' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-chevron-circle-up' => __ ( 'chevron-circle-up' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-chevron-down' => __ ( 'chevron-down' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-chevron-left' => __ ( 'chevron-left' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-chevron-right' => __ ( 'chevron-right' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-chevron-up' => __ ( 'chevron-up' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-child' => __ ( 'child' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-chrome' => __ ( 'chrome' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-circle' => __ ( 'circle' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-circle' => __ ( 'circle' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-circle-notch' => __ ( 'circle-notch' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-clipboard' => __ ( 'clipboard' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-clipboard' => __ ( 'clipboard' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-clipboard-check' => __ ( 'clipboard-check' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-clipboard-list' => __ ( 'clipboard-list' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-clock' => __ ( 'clock' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-clock' => __ ( 'clock' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-clone' => __ ( 'clone' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-clone' => __ ( 'clone' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-closed-captioning' => __ ( 'closed-captioning' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-closed-captioning' => __ ( 'closed-captioning' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-cloud' => __ ( 'cloud' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-cloud-download-alt' => __ ( 'cloud-download-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-cloud-upload-alt' => __ ( 'cloud-upload-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-cloudscale' => __ ( 'cloudscale' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-cloudsmith' => __ ( 'cloudsmith' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-cloudversify' => __ ( 'cloudversify' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-code' => __ ( 'code' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-code-branch' => __ ( 'code-branch' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-codepen' => __ ( 'codepen' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-codiepie' => __ ( 'codiepie' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-coffee' => __ ( 'coffee' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-cog' => __ ( 'cog' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-cogs' => __ ( 'cogs' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-columns' => __ ( 'columns' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-comment' => __ ( 'comment' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-comment' => __ ( 'comment' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-comment-alt' => __ ( 'comment-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-comment-alt' => __ ( 'comment-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-comment-dots' => __ ( 'comment-dots' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-comment-slash' => __ ( 'comment-slash' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-comments' => __ ( 'comments' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-comments' => __ ( 'comments' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-compass' => __ ( 'compass' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-compass' => __ ( 'compass' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-compress' => __ ( 'compress' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-connectdevelop' => __ ( 'connectdevelop' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-contao' => __ ( 'contao' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-copy' => __ ( 'copy' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-copy' => __ ( 'copy' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-copyright' => __ ( 'copyright' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-copyright' => __ ( 'copyright' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-couch' => __ ( 'couch' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-cpanel' => __ ( 'cpanel' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-creative-commons' => __ ( 'creative-commons' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-credit-card' => __ ( 'credit-card' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-credit-card' => __ ( 'credit-card' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-crop' => __ ( 'crop' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-crosshairs' => __ ( 'crosshairs' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-css3' => __ ( 'css3' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-css3-alt' => __ ( 'css3-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-cube' => __ ( 'cube' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-cubes' => __ ( 'cubes' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-cut' => __ ( 'cut' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-cuttlefish' => __ ( 'cuttlefish' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-d-and-d' => __ ( 'd-and-d' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-dashcube' => __ ( 'dashcube' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-database' => __ ( 'database' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-deaf' => __ ( 'deaf' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-delicious' => __ ( 'delicious' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-deploydog' => __ ( 'deploydog' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-deskpro' => __ ( 'deskpro' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-desktop' => __ ( 'desktop' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-deviantart' => __ ( 'deviantart' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-diagnoses' => __ ( 'diagnoses' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-digg' => __ ( 'digg' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-digital-ocean' => __ ( 'digital-ocean' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-discord' => __ ( 'discord' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-discourse' => __ ( 'discourse' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-dna' => __ ( 'dna' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-dochub' => __ ( 'dochub' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-docker' => __ ( 'docker' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-dollar-sign' => __ ( 'dollar-sign' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-dolly' => __ ( 'dolly' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-dolly-flatbed' => __ ( 'dolly-flatbed' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-donate' => __ ( 'donate' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-dot-circle' => __ ( 'dot-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-dot-circle' => __ ( 'dot-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-dove' => __ ( 'dove' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-download' => __ ( 'download' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-draft2digital' => __ ( 'draft2digital' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-dribbble' => __ ( 'dribbble' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-dribbble-square' => __ ( 'dribbble-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-dropbox' => __ ( 'dropbox' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-drupal' => __ ( 'drupal' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-dyalog' => __ ( 'dyalog' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-earlybirds' => __ ( 'earlybirds' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-edge' => __ ( 'edge' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-edit' => __ ( 'edit' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-edit' => __ ( 'edit' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-eject' => __ ( 'eject' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-elementor' => __ ( 'elementor' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-ellipsis-h' => __ ( 'ellipsis-h' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-ellipsis-v' => __ ( 'ellipsis-v' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-ember' => __ ( 'ember' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-empire' => __ ( 'empire' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-envelope' => __ ( 'envelope' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-envelope' => __ ( 'envelope' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-envelope-open' => __ ( 'envelope-open' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-envelope-open' => __ ( 'envelope-open' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-envelope-square' => __ ( 'envelope-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-envira' => __ ( 'envira' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-eraser' => __ ( 'eraser' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-erlang' => __ ( 'erlang' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-ethereum' => __ ( 'ethereum' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-etsy' => __ ( 'etsy' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-euro-sign' => __ ( 'euro-sign' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-exchange-alt' => __ ( 'exchange-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-exclamation' => __ ( 'exclamation' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-exclamation-circle' => __ ( 'exclamation-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-exclamation-triangle' => __ ( 'exclamation-triangle' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-expand' => __ ( 'expand' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-expand-arrows-alt' => __ ( 'expand-arrows-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-expeditedssl' => __ ( 'expeditedssl' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-external-link-alt' => __ ( 'external-link-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-external-link-square-alt' => __ ( 'external-link-square-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-eye' => __ ( 'eye' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-eye-dropper' => __ ( 'eye-dropper' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-eye-slash' => __ ( 'eye-slash' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-eye-slash' => __ ( 'eye-slash' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-facebook' => __ ( 'facebook' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-facebook-f' => __ ( 'facebook-f' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-facebook-messenger' => __ ( 'facebook-messenger' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-facebook-square' => __ ( 'facebook-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-fast-backward' => __ ( 'fast-backward' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-fast-forward' => __ ( 'fast-forward' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-fax' => __ ( 'fax' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-female' => __ ( 'female' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-fighter-jet' => __ ( 'fighter-jet' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-file' => __ ( 'file' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-file' => __ ( 'file' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-file-alt' => __ ( 'file-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-file-alt' => __ ( 'file-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-file-archive' => __ ( 'file-archive' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-file-archive' => __ ( 'file-archive' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-file-audio' => __ ( 'file-audio' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-file-audio' => __ ( 'file-audio' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-file-code' => __ ( 'file-code' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-file-code' => __ ( 'file-code' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-file-excel' => __ ( 'file-excel' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-file-excel' => __ ( 'file-excel' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-file-image' => __ ( 'file-image' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-file-image' => __ ( 'file-image' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-file-medical' => __ ( 'file-medical' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-file-medical-alt' => __ ( 'file-medical-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-file-pdf' => __ ( 'file-pdf' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-file-pdf' => __ ( 'file-pdf' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-file-powerpoint' => __ ( 'file-powerpoint' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-file-powerpoint' => __ ( 'file-powerpoint' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-file-video' => __ ( 'file-video' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-file-video' => __ ( 'file-video' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-file-word' => __ ( 'file-word' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-file-word' => __ ( 'file-word' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-film' => __ ( 'film' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-filter' => __ ( 'filter' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-fire' => __ ( 'fire' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-fire-extinguisher' => __ ( 'fire-extinguisher' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-firefox' => __ ( 'firefox' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-first-aid' => __ ( 'first-aid' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-first-order' => __ ( 'first-order' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-firstdraft' => __ ( 'firstdraft' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-flag' => __ ( 'flag' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-flag' => __ ( 'flag' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-flag-checkered' => __ ( 'flag-checkered' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-flask' => __ ( 'flask' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-flickr' => __ ( 'flickr' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-flipboard' => __ ( 'flipboard' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-fly' => __ ( 'fly' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-folder' => __ ( 'folder' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-folder' => __ ( 'folder' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-folder-open' => __ ( 'folder-open' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-folder-open' => __ ( 'folder-open' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-font' => __ ( 'font' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-font-awesome' => __ ( 'font-awesome' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-font-awesome-alt' => __ ( 'font-awesome-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-font-awesome-flag' => __ ( 'font-awesome-flag' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-fonticons' => __ ( 'fonticons' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-fonticons-fi' => __ ( 'fonticons-fi' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-football-ball' => __ ( 'football-ball' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-fort-awesome' => __ ( 'fort-awesome' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-fort-awesome-alt' => __ ( 'fort-awesome-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-forumbee' => __ ( 'forumbee' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-forward' => __ ( 'forward' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-foursquare' => __ ( 'foursquare' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-free-code-camp' => __ ( 'free-code-camp' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-freebsd' => __ ( 'freebsd' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-frown' => __ ( 'frown' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-frown' => __ ( 'frown' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-futbol' => __ ( 'futbol' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-futbol' => __ ( 'futbol' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-gamepad' => __ ( 'gamepad' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-gavel' => __ ( 'gavel' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-gem' => __ ( 'gem' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-gem' => __ ( 'gem' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-genderless' => __ ( 'genderless' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-get-pocket' => __ ( 'get-pocket' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-gg' => __ ( 'gg' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-gg-circle' => __ ( 'gg-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-gift' => __ ( 'gift' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-git' => __ ( 'git' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-git-square' => __ ( 'git-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-github' => __ ( 'github' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-github-alt' => __ ( 'github-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-github-square' => __ ( 'github-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-gitkraken' => __ ( 'gitkraken' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-gitlab' => __ ( 'gitlab' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-gitter' => __ ( 'gitter' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-glass-martini' => __ ( 'glass-martini' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-glide' => __ ( 'glide' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-glide-g' => __ ( 'glide-g' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-globe' => __ ( 'globe' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-gofore' => __ ( 'gofore' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-golf-ball' => __ ( 'golf-ball' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-goodreads' => __ ( 'goodreads' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-goodreads-g' => __ ( 'goodreads-g' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-google' => __ ( 'google' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-google-drive' => __ ( 'google-drive' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-google-play' => __ ( 'google-play' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-google-plus' => __ ( 'google-plus' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-google-plus-g' => __ ( 'google-plus-g' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-google-plus-square' => __ ( 'google-plus-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-google-wallet' => __ ( 'google-wallet' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-graduation-cap' => __ ( 'graduation-cap' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-gratipay' => __ ( 'gratipay' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-grav' => __ ( 'grav' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-gripfire' => __ ( 'gripfire' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-grunt' => __ ( 'grunt' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-gulp' => __ ( 'gulp' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-h-square' => __ ( 'h-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-hacker-news' => __ ( 'hacker-news' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-hacker-news-square' => __ ( 'hacker-news-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hand-holding' => __ ( 'hand-holding' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hand-holding-heart' => __ ( 'hand-holding-heart' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hand-holding-usd' => __ ( 'hand-holding-usd' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hand-lizard' => __ ( 'hand-lizard' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-hand-lizard' => __ ( 'hand-lizard' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hand-paper' => __ ( 'hand-paper' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-hand-paper' => __ ( 'hand-paper' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hand-peace' => __ ( 'hand-peace' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-hand-peace' => __ ( 'hand-peace' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hand-point-down' => __ ( 'hand-point-down' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-hand-point-down' => __ ( 'hand-point-down' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hand-point-left' => __ ( 'hand-point-left' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-hand-point-left' => __ ( 'hand-point-left' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hand-point-right' => __ ( 'hand-point-right' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-hand-point-right' => __ ( 'hand-point-right' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hand-point-up' => __ ( 'hand-point-up' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-hand-point-up' => __ ( 'hand-point-up' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hand-pointer' => __ ( 'hand-pointer' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-hand-pointer' => __ ( 'hand-pointer' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hand-rock' => __ ( 'hand-rock' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-hand-rock' => __ ( 'hand-rock' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hand-scissors' => __ ( 'hand-scissors' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-hand-scissors' => __ ( 'hand-scissors' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hand-spock' => __ ( 'hand-spock' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-hand-spock' => __ ( 'hand-spock' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hands' => __ ( 'hands' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hands-helping' => __ ( 'hands-helping' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-handshake' => __ ( 'handshake' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-handshake' => __ ( 'handshake' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hashtag' => __ ( 'hashtag' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hdd' => __ ( 'hdd' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-hdd' => __ ( 'hdd' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-heading' => __ ( 'heading' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-headphones' => __ ( 'headphones' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-heart' => __ ( 'heart' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-heart' => __ ( 'heart' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-heartbeat' => __ ( 'heartbeat' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-hips' => __ ( 'hips' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-hire-a-helper' => __ ( 'hire-a-helper' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-history' => __ ( 'history' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hockey-puck' => __ ( 'hockey-puck' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-home' => __ ( 'home' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-hooli' => __ ( 'hooli' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hospital' => __ ( 'hospital' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-hospital' => __ ( 'hospital' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hospital-alt' => __ ( 'hospital-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hospital-symbol' => __ ( 'hospital-symbol' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-hotjar' => __ ( 'hotjar' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hourglass' => __ ( 'hourglass' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-hourglass' => __ ( 'hourglass' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hourglass-end' => __ ( 'hourglass-end' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hourglass-half' => __ ( 'hourglass-half' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-hourglass-start' => __ ( 'hourglass-start' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-houzz' => __ ( 'houzz' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-html5' => __ ( 'html5' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-hubspot' => __ ( 'hubspot' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-i-cursor' => __ ( 'i-cursor' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-id-badge' => __ ( 'id-badge' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-id-badge' => __ ( 'id-badge' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-id-card' => __ ( 'id-card' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-id-card' => __ ( 'id-card' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-id-card-alt' => __ ( 'id-card-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-image' => __ ( 'image' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-image' => __ ( 'image' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-images' => __ ( 'images' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-images' => __ ( 'images' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-imdb' => __ ( 'imdb' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-inbox' => __ ( 'inbox' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-indent' => __ ( 'indent' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-industry' => __ ( 'industry' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-info' => __ ( 'info' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-info-circle' => __ ( 'info-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-instagram' => __ ( 'instagram' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-internet-explorer' => __ ( 'internet-explorer' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-ioxhost' => __ ( 'ioxhost' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-italic' => __ ( 'italic' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-itunes' => __ ( 'itunes' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-itunes-note' => __ ( 'itunes-note' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-java' => __ ( 'java' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-jenkins' => __ ( 'jenkins' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-joget' => __ ( 'joget' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-joomla' => __ ( 'joomla' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-js' => __ ( 'js' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-js-square' => __ ( 'js-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-jsfiddle' => __ ( 'jsfiddle' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-key' => __ ( 'key' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-keyboard' => __ ( 'keyboard' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-keyboard' => __ ( 'keyboard' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-keycdn' => __ ( 'keycdn' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-kickstarter' => __ ( 'kickstarter' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-kickstarter-k' => __ ( 'kickstarter-k' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-korvue' => __ ( 'korvue' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-language' => __ ( 'language' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-laptop' => __ ( 'laptop' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-laravel' => __ ( 'laravel' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-lastfm' => __ ( 'lastfm' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-lastfm-square' => __ ( 'lastfm-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-leaf' => __ ( 'leaf' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-leanpub' => __ ( 'leanpub' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-lemon' => __ ( 'lemon' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-lemon' => __ ( 'lemon' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-less' => __ ( 'less' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-level-down-alt' => __ ( 'level-down-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-level-up-alt' => __ ( 'level-up-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-life-ring' => __ ( 'life-ring' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-life-ring' => __ ( 'life-ring' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-lightbulb' => __ ( 'lightbulb' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-lightbulb' => __ ( 'lightbulb' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-line' => __ ( 'line' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-link' => __ ( 'link' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-linkedin' => __ ( 'linkedin' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-linkedin-in' => __ ( 'linkedin-in' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-linode' => __ ( 'linode' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-linux' => __ ( 'linux' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-lira-sign' => __ ( 'lira-sign' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-list' => __ ( 'list' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-list-alt' => __ ( 'list-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-list-alt' => __ ( 'list-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-list-ol' => __ ( 'list-ol' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-list-ul' => __ ( 'list-ul' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-location-arrow' => __ ( 'location-arrow' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-lock' => __ ( 'lock' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-lock-open' => __ ( 'lock-open' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-down' => __ ( 'long-arrow-alt-down' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-left' => __ ( 'long-arrow-alt-left' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-right' => __ ( 'long-arrow-alt-right' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-up' => __ ( 'long-arrow-alt-up' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-low-vision' => __ ( 'low-vision' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-lyft' => __ ( 'lyft' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-magento' => __ ( 'magento' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-magic' => __ ( 'magic' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-magnet' => __ ( 'magnet' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-male' => __ ( 'male' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-map' => __ ( 'map' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-map' => __ ( 'map' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-map-marker' => __ ( 'map-marker' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-map-marker-alt' => __ ( 'map-marker-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-map-pin' => __ ( 'map-pin' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-map-signs' => __ ( 'map-signs' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-mars' => __ ( 'mars' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-mars-double' => __ ( 'mars-double' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-mars-stroke' => __ ( 'mars-stroke' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-mars-stroke-h' => __ ( 'mars-stroke-h' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-mars-stroke-v' => __ ( 'mars-stroke-v' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-maxcdn' => __ ( 'maxcdn' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-medapps' => __ ( 'medapps' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-medium' => __ ( 'medium' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-medium-m' => __ ( 'medium-m' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-medkit' => __ ( 'medkit' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-medrt' => __ ( 'medrt' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-meetup' => __ ( 'meetup' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-meh' => __ ( 'meh' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-meh' => __ ( 'meh' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-mercury' => __ ( 'mercury' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-microchip' => __ ( 'microchip' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-microphone' => __ ( 'microphone' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-microphone-slash' => __ ( 'microphone-slash' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-microsoft' => __ ( 'microsoft' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-minus' => __ ( 'minus' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-minus-circle' => __ ( 'minus-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-minus-square' => __ ( 'minus-square' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-minus-square' => __ ( 'minus-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-mix' => __ ( 'mix' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-mixcloud' => __ ( 'mixcloud' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-mizuni' => __ ( 'mizuni' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-mobile' => __ ( 'mobile' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-mobile-alt' => __ ( 'mobile-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-modx' => __ ( 'modx' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-monero' => __ ( 'monero' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-money-bill-alt' => __ ( 'money-bill-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-money-bill-alt' => __ ( 'money-bill-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-moon' => __ ( 'moon' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-moon' => __ ( 'moon' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-motorcycle' => __ ( 'motorcycle' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-mouse-pointer' => __ ( 'mouse-pointer' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-music' => __ ( 'music' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-napster' => __ ( 'napster' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-neuter' => __ ( 'neuter' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-newspaper' => __ ( 'newspaper' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-newspaper' => __ ( 'newspaper' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-nintendo-switch' => __ ( 'nintendo-switch' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-node' => __ ( 'node' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-node-js' => __ ( 'node-js' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-notes-medical' => __ ( 'notes-medical' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-npm' => __ ( 'npm' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-ns8' => __ ( 'ns8' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-nutritionix' => __ ( 'nutritionix' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-object-group' => __ ( 'object-group' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-object-group' => __ ( 'object-group' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-object-ungroup' => __ ( 'object-ungroup' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-object-ungroup' => __ ( 'object-ungroup' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-odnoklassniki' => __ ( 'odnoklassniki' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-odnoklassniki-square' => __ ( 'odnoklassniki-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-opencart' => __ ( 'opencart' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-openid' => __ ( 'openid' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-opera' => __ ( 'opera' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-optin-monster' => __ ( 'optin-monster' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-osi' => __ ( 'osi' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-outdent' => __ ( 'outdent' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-page4' => __ ( 'page4' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-pagelines' => __ ( 'pagelines' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-paint-brush' => __ ( 'paint-brush' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-palfed' => __ ( 'palfed' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-pallet' => __ ( 'pallet' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-paper-plane' => __ ( 'paper-plane' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-paper-plane' => __ ( 'paper-plane' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-paperclip' => __ ( 'paperclip' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-parachute-box' => __ ( 'parachute-box' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-paragraph' => __ ( 'paragraph' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-paste' => __ ( 'paste' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-patreon' => __ ( 'patreon' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-pause' => __ ( 'pause' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-pause-circle' => __ ( 'pause-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-pause-circle' => __ ( 'pause-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-paw' => __ ( 'paw' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-paypal' => __ ( 'paypal' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-pen-square' => __ ( 'pen-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-pencil-alt' => __ ( 'pencil-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-people-carry' => __ ( 'people-carry' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-percent' => __ ( 'percent' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-periscope' => __ ( 'periscope' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-phabricator' => __ ( 'phabricator' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-phoenix-framework' => __ ( 'phoenix-framework' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-phone' => __ ( 'phone' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-phone-slash' => __ ( 'phone-slash' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-phone-square' => __ ( 'phone-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-phone-volume' => __ ( 'phone-volume' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-php' => __ ( 'php' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-pied-piper' => __ ( 'pied-piper' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-pied-piper-alt' => __ ( 'pied-piper-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-pied-piper-hat' => __ ( 'pied-piper-hat' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-pied-piper-pp' => __ ( 'pied-piper-pp' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-piggy-bank' => __ ( 'piggy-bank' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-pills' => __ ( 'pills' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-pinterest' => __ ( 'pinterest' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-pinterest-p' => __ ( 'pinterest-p' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-pinterest-square' => __ ( 'pinterest-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-plane' => __ ( 'plane' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-play' => __ ( 'play' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-play-circle' => __ ( 'play-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-play-circle' => __ ( 'play-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-playstation' => __ ( 'playstation' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-plug' => __ ( 'plug' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-plus' => __ ( 'plus' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-plus-circle' => __ ( 'plus-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-plus-square' => __ ( 'plus-square' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-plus-square' => __ ( 'plus-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-podcast' => __ ( 'podcast' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-poo' => __ ( 'poo' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-pound-sign' => __ ( 'pound-sign' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-power-off' => __ ( 'power-off' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-prescription-bottle' => __ ( 'prescription-bottle' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-prescription-bottle-alt' => __ ( 'prescription-bottle-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-print' => __ ( 'print' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-procedures' => __ ( 'procedures' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-product-hunt' => __ ( 'product-hunt' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-pushed' => __ ( 'pushed' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-puzzle-piece' => __ ( 'puzzle-piece' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-python' => __ ( 'python' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-qq' => __ ( 'qq' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-qrcode' => __ ( 'qrcode' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-question' => __ ( 'question' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-question-circle' => __ ( 'question-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-question-circle' => __ ( 'question-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-quidditch' => __ ( 'quidditch' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-quinscape' => __ ( 'quinscape' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-quora' => __ ( 'quora' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-quote-left' => __ ( 'quote-left' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-quote-right' => __ ( 'quote-right' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-random' => __ ( 'random' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-ravelry' => __ ( 'ravelry' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-react' => __ ( 'react' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-readme' => __ ( 'readme' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-rebel' => __ ( 'rebel' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-recycle' => __ ( 'recycle' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-red-river' => __ ( 'red-river' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-reddit' => __ ( 'reddit' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-reddit-alien' => __ ( 'reddit-alien' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-reddit-square' => __ ( 'reddit-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-redo' => __ ( 'redo' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-redo-alt' => __ ( 'redo-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-registered' => __ ( 'registered' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-registered' => __ ( 'registered' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-rendact' => __ ( 'rendact' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-renren' => __ ( 'renren' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-reply' => __ ( 'reply' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-reply-all' => __ ( 'reply-all' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-replyd' => __ ( 'replyd' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-resolving' => __ ( 'resolving' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-retweet' => __ ( 'retweet' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-ribbon' => __ ( 'ribbon' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-road' => __ ( 'road' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-rocket' => __ ( 'rocket' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-rocketchat' => __ ( 'rocketchat' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-rockrms' => __ ( 'rockrms' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-rss' => __ ( 'rss' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-rss-square' => __ ( 'rss-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-ruble-sign' => __ ( 'ruble-sign' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-rupee-sign' => __ ( 'rupee-sign' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-safari' => __ ( 'safari' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-sass' => __ ( 'sass' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-save' => __ ( 'save' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-save' => __ ( 'save' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-schlix' => __ ( 'schlix' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-scribd' => __ ( 'scribd' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-search' => __ ( 'search' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-search-minus' => __ ( 'search-minus' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-search-plus' => __ ( 'search-plus' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-searchengin' => __ ( 'searchengin' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-seedling' => __ ( 'seedling' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-sellcast' => __ ( 'sellcast' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-sellsy' => __ ( 'sellsy' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-server' => __ ( 'server' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-servicestack' => __ ( 'servicestack' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-share' => __ ( 'share' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-share-alt' => __ ( 'share-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-share-alt-square' => __ ( 'share-alt-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-share-square' => __ ( 'share-square' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-share-square' => __ ( 'share-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-shekel-sign' => __ ( 'shekel-sign' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-shield-alt' => __ ( 'shield-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-ship' => __ ( 'ship' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-shipping-fast' => __ ( 'shipping-fast' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-shirtsinbulk' => __ ( 'shirtsinbulk' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-shopping-bag' => __ ( 'shopping-bag' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-shopping-basket' => __ ( 'shopping-basket' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-shopping-cart' => __ ( 'shopping-cart' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-shower' => __ ( 'shower' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-sign' => __ ( 'sign' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-sign-in-alt' => __ ( 'sign-in-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-sign-language' => __ ( 'sign-language' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-sign-out-alt' => __ ( 'sign-out-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-signal' => __ ( 'signal' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-simplybuilt' => __ ( 'simplybuilt' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-sistrix' => __ ( 'sistrix' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-sitemap' => __ ( 'sitemap' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-skyatlas' => __ ( 'skyatlas' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-skype' => __ ( 'skype' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-slack' => __ ( 'slack' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-slack-hash' => __ ( 'slack-hash' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-sliders-h' => __ ( 'sliders-h' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-slideshare' => __ ( 'slideshare' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-smile' => __ ( 'smile' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-smile' => __ ( 'smile' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-smoking' => __ ( 'smoking' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-snapchat' => __ ( 'snapchat' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-snapchat-ghost' => __ ( 'snapchat-ghost' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-snapchat-square' => __ ( 'snapchat-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-snowflake' => __ ( 'snowflake' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-snowflake' => __ ( 'snowflake' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-sort' => __ ( 'sort' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-sort-alpha-down' => __ ( 'sort-alpha-down' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-sort-alpha-up' => __ ( 'sort-alpha-up' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-sort-amount-down' => __ ( 'sort-amount-down' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-sort-amount-up' => __ ( 'sort-amount-up' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-sort-down' => __ ( 'sort-down' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-sort-numeric-down' => __ ( 'sort-numeric-down' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-sort-numeric-up' => __ ( 'sort-numeric-up' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-sort-up' => __ ( 'sort-up' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-soundcloud' => __ ( 'soundcloud' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-space-shuttle' => __ ( 'space-shuttle' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-speakap' => __ ( 'speakap' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-spinner' => __ ( 'spinner' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-spotify' => __ ( 'spotify' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-square' => __ ( 'square' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-square' => __ ( 'square' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-square-full' => __ ( 'square-full' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-stack-exchange' => __ ( 'stack-exchange' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-stack-overflow' => __ ( 'stack-overflow' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-star' => __ ( 'star' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-star' => __ ( 'star' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-star-half' => __ ( 'star-half' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-star-half' => __ ( 'star-half' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-staylinked' => __ ( 'staylinked' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-steam' => __ ( 'steam' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-steam-square' => __ ( 'steam-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-steam-symbol' => __ ( 'steam-symbol' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-step-backward' => __ ( 'step-backward' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-step-forward' => __ ( 'step-forward' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-stethoscope' => __ ( 'stethoscope' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-sticker-mule' => __ ( 'sticker-mule' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-sticky-note' => __ ( 'sticky-note' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-sticky-note' => __ ( 'sticky-note' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-stop' => __ ( 'stop' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-stop-circle' => __ ( 'stop-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-stop-circle' => __ ( 'stop-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-stopwatch' => __ ( 'stopwatch' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-strava' => __ ( 'strava' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-street-view' => __ ( 'street-view' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-strikethrough' => __ ( 'strikethrough' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-stripe' => __ ( 'stripe' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-stripe-s' => __ ( 'stripe-s' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-studiovinari' => __ ( 'studiovinari' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-stumbleupon' => __ ( 'stumbleupon' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-stumbleupon-circle' => __ ( 'stumbleupon-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-subscript' => __ ( 'subscript' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-subway' => __ ( 'subway' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-suitcase' => __ ( 'suitcase' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-sun' => __ ( 'sun' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-sun' => __ ( 'sun' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-superpowers' => __ ( 'superpowers' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-superscript' => __ ( 'superscript' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-supple' => __ ( 'supple' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-sync' => __ ( 'sync' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-sync-alt' => __ ( 'sync-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-syringe' => __ ( 'syringe' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-table' => __ ( 'table' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-table-tennis' => __ ( 'table-tennis' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-tablet' => __ ( 'tablet' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-tablet-alt' => __ ( 'tablet-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-tablets' => __ ( 'tablets' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-tachometer-alt' => __ ( 'tachometer-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-tag' => __ ( 'tag' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-tags' => __ ( 'tags' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-tape' => __ ( 'tape' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-tasks' => __ ( 'tasks' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-taxi' => __ ( 'taxi' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-telegram' => __ ( 'telegram' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-telegram-plane' => __ ( 'telegram-plane' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-tencent-weibo' => __ ( 'tencent-weibo' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-terminal' => __ ( 'terminal' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-text-height' => __ ( 'text-height' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-text-width' => __ ( 'text-width' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-th' => __ ( 'th' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-th-large' => __ ( 'th-large' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-th-list' => __ ( 'th-list' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-themeisle' => __ ( 'themeisle' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-thermometer' => __ ( 'thermometer' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-thermometer-empty' => __ ( 'thermometer-empty' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-thermometer-full' => __ ( 'thermometer-full' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-thermometer-half' => __ ( 'thermometer-half' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-thermometer-quarter' => __ ( 'thermometer-quarter' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-thermometer-three-quarters' => __ ( 'thermometer-three-quarters' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-thumbs-down' => __ ( 'thumbs-down' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-thumbs-down' => __ ( 'thumbs-down' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-thumbs-up' => __ ( 'thumbs-up' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-thumbs-up' => __ ( 'thumbs-up' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-thumbtack' => __ ( 'thumbtack' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-ticket-alt' => __ ( 'ticket-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-times' => __ ( 'times' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-times-circle' => __ ( 'times-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-times-circle' => __ ( 'times-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-tint' => __ ( 'tint' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-toggle-off' => __ ( 'toggle-off' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-toggle-on' => __ ( 'toggle-on' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-trademark' => __ ( 'trademark' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-train' => __ ( 'train' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-transgender' => __ ( 'transgender' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-transgender-alt' => __ ( 'transgender-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-trash' => __ ( 'trash' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-trash-alt' => __ ( 'trash-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-trash-alt' => __ ( 'trash-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-tree' => __ ( 'tree' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-trello' => __ ( 'trello' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-tripadvisor' => __ ( 'tripadvisor' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-trophy' => __ ( 'trophy' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-truck' => __ ( 'truck' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-truck-loading' => __ ( 'truck-loading' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-truck-moving' => __ ( 'truck-moving' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-tty' => __ ( 'tty' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-tumblr' => __ ( 'tumblr' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-tumblr-square' => __ ( 'tumblr-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-tv' => __ ( 'tv' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-twitch' => __ ( 'twitch' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-twitter' => __ ( 'twitter' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-twitter-square' => __ ( 'twitter-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-typo3' => __ ( 'typo3' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-uber' => __ ( 'uber' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-uikit' => __ ( 'uikit' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-umbrella' => __ ( 'umbrella' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-underline' => __ ( 'underline' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-undo' => __ ( 'undo' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-undo-alt' => __ ( 'undo-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-uniregistry' => __ ( 'uniregistry' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-universal-access' => __ ( 'universal-access' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-university' => __ ( 'university' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-unlink' => __ ( 'unlink' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-unlock' => __ ( 'unlock' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-unlock-alt' => __ ( 'unlock-alt' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-untappd' => __ ( 'untappd' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-upload' => __ ( 'upload' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-usb' => __ ( 'usb' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-user' => __ ( 'user' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-user' => __ ( 'user' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-user-circle' => __ ( 'user-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-user-circle' => __ ( 'user-circle' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-user-md' => __ ( 'user-md' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-user-plus' => __ ( 'user-plus' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-user-secret' => __ ( 'user-secret' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-user-times' => __ ( 'user-times' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-users' => __ ( 'users' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-ussunnah' => __ ( 'ussunnah' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-utensil-spoon' => __ ( 'utensil-spoon' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-utensils' => __ ( 'utensils' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-vaadin' => __ ( 'vaadin' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-venus' => __ ( 'venus' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-venus-double' => __ ( 'venus-double' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-venus-mars' => __ ( 'venus-mars' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-viacoin' => __ ( 'viacoin' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-viadeo' => __ ( 'viadeo' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-viadeo-square' => __ ( 'viadeo-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-vial' => __ ( 'vial' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-vials' => __ ( 'vials' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-viber' => __ ( 'viber' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-video' => __ ( 'video' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-video-slash' => __ ( 'video-slash' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-vimeo' => __ ( 'vimeo' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-vimeo-square' => __ ( 'vimeo-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-vimeo-v' => __ ( 'vimeo-v' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-vine' => __ ( 'vine' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-vk' => __ ( 'vk' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-vnv' => __ ( 'vnv' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-volleyball-ball' => __ ( 'volleyball-ball' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-volume-down' => __ ( 'volume-down' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-volume-off' => __ ( 'volume-off' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-volume-up' => __ ( 'volume-up' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-vuejs' => __ ( 'vuejs' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-warehouse' => __ ( 'warehouse' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-weibo' => __ ( 'weibo' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-weight' => __ ( 'weight' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-weixin' => __ ( 'weixin' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-whatsapp' => __ ( 'whatsapp' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-whatsapp-square' => __ ( 'whatsapp-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-wheelchair' => __ ( 'wheelchair' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-whmcs' => __ ( 'whmcs' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-wifi' => __ ( 'wifi' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-wikipedia-w' => __ ( 'wikipedia-w' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-window-close' => __ ( 'window-close' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-window-close' => __ ( 'window-close' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-window-maximize' => __ ( 'window-maximize' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-window-maximize' => __ ( 'window-maximize' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-window-minimize' => __ ( 'window-minimize' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-window-minimize' => __ ( 'window-minimize' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-window-restore' => __ ( 'window-restore' , 'buildr' ),
'far fa-window-restore' => __ ( 'window-restore' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-windows' => __ ( 'windows' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-wine-glass' => __ ( 'wine-glass' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-won-sign' => __ ( 'won-sign' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-wordpress' => __ ( 'wordpress' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-wordpress-simple' => __ ( 'wordpress-simple' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-wpbeginner' => __ ( 'wpbeginner' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-wpexplorer' => __ ( 'wpexplorer' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-wpforms' => __ ( 'wpforms' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-wrench' => __ ( 'wrench' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-x-ray' => __ ( 'x-ray' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-xbox' => __ ( 'xbox' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-xing' => __ ( 'xing' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-xing-square' => __ ( 'xing-square' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-y-combinator' => __ ( 'y-combinator' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-yahoo' => __ ( 'yahoo' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-yandex' => __ ( 'yandex' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-yandex-international' => __ ( 'yandex-international' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-yelp' => __ ( 'yelp' , 'buildr' ),
'fas fa-yen-sign' => __ ( 'yen-sign' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-yoast' => __ ( 'yoast' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-youtube' => __ ( 'youtube' , 'buildr' ),
'fab fa-youtube-square' => __ ( 'youtube-square' , 'buildr' ),
return apply_filters ( 'FONTAWESOME_ARRAY' , $fonts_arr );
global $wbtmcore ;
$wbtmcore = new FormFieldsGenerator ();
2020-07-12 10:42:13 +00:00