2019-04-10 07:36:55 -04:00
< ? php
* Plugin Name : Woocommerce Events Manager
* Plugin URI : http :// mage - people . com
* Description : A Complete Event Solution for WordPress by MagePeople ..
2019-05-05 07:01:44 -04:00
* Version : 2.5 . 9
2019-04-10 07:36:55 -04:00
* Author : MagePeople Team
* Author URI : http :// www . mage - people . com /
* Text Domain : mage - eventpress
* Domain Path : / languages /
include_once ( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' );
if ( is_plugin_active ( 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php' ) ) {
if ( ! defined ( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { die ; } // Cannot access pages directly.
require_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /inc/class/mep_settings_api.php " );
require_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /inc/mep_cpt.php " );
require_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /inc/mep_tax.php " );
require_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /inc/mep_event_meta.php " );
require_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /inc/mep_extra_price.php " );
require_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /inc/mep_shortcode.php " );
require_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /inc/admin_setting_panel.php " );
require_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /inc/mep_enque.php " );
require_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /templates/template-prts/templating.php " );
// require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/lib/PHPExcel.php");
require_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /inc/mep_csv_export.php " );
require_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /inc/mep_user_custom_style.php " );
require_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /inc/mep_tax_meta.php " );
require_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /inc/mep_addon_list.php " );
// Language Load
add_action ( 'init' , 'mep_language_load' );
function mep_language_load (){
$plugin_dir = basename ( dirname ( __FILE__ )) . " /languages/ " ;
load_plugin_textdomain ( 'mage-eventpress' , false , $plugin_dir );
2019-05-02 07:18:49 -04:00
// Flash Permalink only Once
function mep_flash_permalink_once () {
if ( get_option ( 'mep_flash_event_permalink' ) != 'completed' ) {
global $wp_rewrite ;
$wp_rewrite -> flush_rules ();
update_option ( 'mep_flash_event_permalink' , 'completed' );
add_action ( 'admin_init' , 'mep_flash_permalink_once' );
2019-04-10 07:36:55 -04:00
// Class for Linking with Woocommerce with Event Pricing
add_action ( 'plugins_loaded' , 'mep_load_wc_class' );
function mep_load_wc_class () {
if ( class_exists ( 'WC_Product_Data_Store_CPT' ) ) {
class MEP_Product_Data_Store_CPT extends WC_Product_Data_Store_CPT {
public function read ( & $product ) {
$product -> set_defaults ();
if ( ! $product -> get_id () || ! ( $post_object = get_post ( $product -> get_id () ) ) || ! in_array ( $post_object -> post_type , array ( 'mep_events' , 'product' ) ) ) { // change birds with your post type
throw new Exception ( __ ( 'Invalid product.' , 'woocommerce' ) );
$id = $product -> get_id ();
$product -> set_props ( array (
'name' => $post_object -> post_title ,
'slug' => $post_object -> post_name ,
'date_created' => 0 < $post_object -> post_date_gmt ? wc_string_to_timestamp ( $post_object -> post_date_gmt ) : null ,
'date_modified' => 0 < $post_object -> post_modified_gmt ? wc_string_to_timestamp ( $post_object -> post_modified_gmt ) : null ,
'status' => $post_object -> post_status ,
'description' => $post_object -> post_content ,
'short_description' => $post_object -> post_excerpt ,
'parent_id' => $post_object -> post_parent ,
'menu_order' => $post_object -> menu_order ,
'reviews_allowed' => 'open' === $post_object -> comment_status ,
) );
$this -> read_attributes ( $product );
$this -> read_downloads ( $product );
$this -> read_visibility ( $product );
$this -> read_product_data ( $product );
$this -> read_extra_data ( $product );
$product -> set_object_read ( true );
* Get the product type based on product ID .
* @ since 3.0 . 0
* @ param int $product_id
* @ return bool | string
public function get_product_type ( $product_id ) {
$post_type = get_post_type ( $product_id );
if ( 'product_variation' === $post_type ) {
return 'variation' ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $post_type , array ( 'mep_events' , 'product' ) ) ) { // change birds with your post type
$terms = get_the_terms ( $product_id , 'product_type' );
return ! empty ( $terms ) ? sanitize_title ( current ( $terms ) -> name ) : 'simple' ;
} else {
return false ;
function mep_get_order_info ( $info , $id ){
if ( $info ){
$stock_msg = $info ;
$koba = explode ( " _ " , $stock_msg );
return $koba [ $id ];
} else {
return null ;
add_filter ( 'woocommerce_data_stores' , 'mep_woocommerce_data_stores' );
function mep_woocommerce_data_stores ( $stores ) {
$stores [ 'product' ] = 'MEP_Product_Data_Store_CPT' ;
return $stores ;
} else {
add_action ( 'admin_notices' , 'wc_not_loaded' );
function wc_not_loaded () {
printf (
'<div class="error" style="background:red; color:#fff;"><p>%s</p></div>' ,
__ ( 'You Must Install WooCommerce Plugin before activating WooCommerce Event Manager, Becuase It is dependent on Woocommerce Plugin' )
add_action ( 'woocommerce_before_checkout_form' , 'mep_displays_cart_products_feature_image' );
function mep_displays_cart_products_feature_image () {
foreach ( WC () -> cart -> get_cart () as $cart_item ) {
$item = $cart_item [ 'data' ];
// Send Confirmation email to customer
function mep_event_confirmation_email_sent ( $event_id , $sent_email ){
$values = get_post_custom ( $event_id );
$global_email_text = mep_get_option ( 'mep_confirmation_email_text' , 'email_setting_sec' , '' );
$global_email_form_email = mep_get_option ( 'mep_email_form_email' , 'email_setting_sec' , '' );
$global_email_form = mep_get_option ( 'mep_email_form_name' , 'email_setting_sec' , '' );
$global_email_sub = mep_get_option ( 'mep_email_subject' , 'email_setting_sec' , '' );
$event_email_text = $values [ 'mep_event_cc_email_text' ][ 0 ];
$admin_email = get_option ( 'admin_email' );
$site_name = get_option ( 'blogname' );
if ( $global_email_sub ){
$email_sub = $global_email_sub ;
} else {
$email_sub = 'Confirmation Email' ;
if ( $global_email_form ){
$form_name = $global_email_form ;
} else {
$form_name = $site_name ;
if ( $global_email_form_email ){
$form_email = $global_email_form_email ;
} else {
$form_email = $admin_email ;
if ( $event_email_text ){
$email_body = $event_email_text ;
} else {
$email_body = $global_email_text ;
$headers [] = " From: $form_name < $form_email > " ;
if ( $email_body ){
$sent = wp_mail ( $sent_email , $email_sub , $email_body , $headers );
function mep_event_get_order_meta ( $item_id , $key ){
global $wpdb ;
$table_name = $wpdb -> prefix . " woocommerce_order_itemmeta " ;
$sql = 'SELECT meta_value FROM ' . $table_name . ' WHERE order_item_id =' . $item_id . ' AND meta_key="' . $key . '"' ;
$results = $wpdb -> get_results ( $sql ); //or die(mysql_error());
foreach ( $results as $result ) {
$value = $result -> meta_value ;
return $value ;
add_action ( 'woocommerce_thankyou' , 'mep_set_first_order_sts' );
function mep_set_first_order_sts ( $order_id ){
// Getting an instance of the order object
$order = wc_get_order ( $order_id );
$order_meta = get_post_meta ( $order_id );
# Iterating through each order items (WC_Order_Item_Product objects in WC 3+)
foreach ( $order -> get_items () as $item_id => $item_values ) {
$item_id = $item_id ;
$event_id = mep_event_get_order_meta ( $item_id , 'event_id' );
$mep_atnd = " _mep_atnd_ " . $order_id ;
update_post_meta ( $event_id , $mep_atnd , " a1 " );
add_action ( 'woocommerce_order_status_changed' , 'mep_event_seat_management' , 10 , 4 );
function mep_event_seat_management ( $order_id , $from_status , $to_status , $order ) {
global $wpdb ;
// Getting an instance of the order object
$order = wc_get_order ( $order_id );
$order_meta = get_post_meta ( $order_id );
$c = 1 ;
# Iterating through each order items (WC_Order_Item_Product objects in WC 3+)
foreach ( $order -> get_items () as $item_id => $item_values ) {
$item_quantity = $item_values -> get_quantity ();
$item_id = $item_id ;
2019-04-17 07:54:24 -04:00
$ordr_total = $order -> get_total ();
2019-04-10 07:36:55 -04:00
$event_id = mep_event_get_order_meta ( $item_id , 'event_id' );
$table_name = $wpdb -> prefix . 'woocommerce_order_itemmeta' ;
$result = $wpdb -> get_results ( " SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE order_item_id= $item_id " );
$mep_total = get_post_meta ( $event_id , 'total_booking' , true );
if ( $mep_total ){
$mep_total_booking = $mep_total ;
} else {
$mep_total_booking = 0 ;
$email = $order_meta [ '_billing_email' ][ 0 ];
$order_meta_text = " _stock_msg_ " . $order_id ;
$order_processing = " processing_ " . $order_id ;
$order_completed = " completed_ " . $order_id ;
$order_cancelled = " cancelled_ " . $order_id ;
$mep_atnd = " _mep_atnd_ " . $order_id ;
// if($order->has_status( 'processing' ) || $order->has_status( 'pending' )) {
if ( $order -> has_status ( 'processing' ) || $order -> has_status ( 'pending' )) {
// update_post_meta( $event_id, $mep_atnd, "a2");
$mep_stock_msgc = mep_get_order_info ( get_post_meta ( $event_id , $order_meta_text , true ), 0 );
$mep_stock_orderc = mep_get_order_info ( get_post_meta ( $event_id , $order_meta_text , true ), 1 );
if ( $mep_stock_orderc == $order_id ){
if ( $mep_stock_msgc == 'cancelled' ){
foreach ( $result as $page ){
if ( strpos ( $page -> meta_key , '_' ) !== 0 ) {
$order_option_name = $event_id . str_replace ( ' ' , '' , mep_get_string_part ( $page -> meta_key , 0 ));
$order_option_qty = mep_get_string_part ( $page -> meta_key , 1 );
$tes = get_post_meta ( $event_id , " mep_xtra_ $order_option_name " , true );
$ntes = ( $tes + $order_option_qty );
update_post_meta ( $event_id , " mep_xtra_ $order_option_name " , $ntes );
update_post_meta ( $event_id , $order_meta_text , $order_processing );
$mep_stock_msg = mep_get_order_info ( get_post_meta ( $event_id , $order_meta_text , true ), 0 );
$mep_stock_order = mep_get_order_info ( get_post_meta ( $event_id , $order_meta_text , true ), 1 );
if ( $mep_stock_order == $order_id ){
if ( $mep_stock_msg == 'completed' ){
update_post_meta ( $event_id , $order_meta_text , $order_processing );
else {
update_post_meta ( $event_id , 'total_booking' , ( $mep_total_booking + $item_quantity ));
update_post_meta ( $event_id , $order_meta_text , $order_processing );
if ( $order -> has_status ( 'cancelled' )) {
update_post_meta ( $event_id , $mep_atnd , " a2 " );
update_post_meta ( $event_id , $order_meta_text , $order_cancelled );
$mep_stock_msg = mep_get_order_info ( get_post_meta ( $event_id , $order_meta_text , true ), 0 );
$mep_stock_order = mep_get_order_info ( get_post_meta ( $event_id , $order_meta_text , true ), 1 );
if ( $mep_stock_order == $order_id ){
$update_total_booking = update_post_meta ( $event_id , 'total_booking' , ( $mep_total_booking - $item_quantity ));
foreach ( $result as $page ){
if ( strpos ( $page -> meta_key , '_' ) !== 0 ) {
$order_option_name = $event_id . str_replace ( ' ' , '' , mep_get_string_part ( $page -> meta_key , 0 ));
$order_option_qty = mep_get_string_part ( $page -> meta_key , 1 );
$tes = get_post_meta ( $event_id , " mep_xtra_ $order_option_name " , true );
$ntes = ( $tes - $order_option_qty );
if ( $tes > 0 ){
update_post_meta ( $event_id , " mep_xtra_ $order_option_name " , $ntes );
if ( $order -> has_status ( 'completed' )) {
update_post_meta ( $event_id , $mep_atnd , " a2 " );
// update_post_meta( $event_id, $order_meta_text, $order_completed);
$mep_stock_msg = mep_get_order_info ( get_post_meta ( $event_id , $order_meta_text , true ), 0 );
$mep_stock_order = mep_get_order_info ( get_post_meta ( $event_id , $order_meta_text , true ), 1 );
mep_event_confirmation_email_sent ( $event_id , $email );
2019-04-17 07:54:24 -04:00
if ( $ordr_total == 0 ){
update_post_meta ( $event_id , 'total_booking' , ( $mep_total_booking + $item_quantity ));
2019-04-10 07:36:55 -04:00
if ( $mep_stock_order == $order_id ){
if ( $mep_stock_msg == 'processing' ){
update_post_meta ( $event_id , $order_meta_text , $order_completed );
else {
2019-04-17 07:54:24 -04:00
2019-04-10 07:36:55 -04:00
// update_post_meta( $event_id, 'total_booking', ($mep_total_booking+$item_quantity));
update_post_meta ( $event_id , $order_meta_text , $order_completed );
foreach ( $result as $page ){
if ( strpos ( $page -> meta_key , '_' ) !== 0 ) {
$order_option_name = $event_id . str_replace ( ' ' , '' , mep_get_string_part ( $page -> meta_key , 0 ));
$order_option_qty = mep_get_string_part ( $page -> meta_key , 1 );
$tes = get_post_meta ( $event_id , " mep_xtra_ $order_option_name " , true );
$ntes = ( $tes + $order_option_qty );
update_post_meta ( $event_id , " mep_xtra_ $order_option_name " , $ntes );
add_action ( 'restrict_manage_posts' , 'mep_filter_post_type_by_taxonomy' );
function mep_filter_post_type_by_taxonomy () {
global $typenow ;
$post_type = 'mep_events' ; // change to your post type
$taxonomy = 'mep_cat' ; // change to your taxonomy
if ( $typenow == $post_type ) {
$selected = isset ( $_GET [ $taxonomy ]) ? $_GET [ $taxonomy ] : '' ;
$info_taxonomy = get_taxonomy ( $taxonomy );
wp_dropdown_categories ( array (
'show_option_all' => __ ( " Show All { $info_taxonomy -> label } " ),
'taxonomy' => $taxonomy ,
'name' => $taxonomy ,
'orderby' => 'name' ,
'selected' => $selected ,
'show_count' => true ,
'hide_empty' => true ,
add_filter ( 'parse_query' , 'mep_convert_id_to_term_in_query' );
function mep_convert_id_to_term_in_query ( $query ) {
global $pagenow ;
$post_type = 'mep_events' ; // change to your post type
$taxonomy = 'mep_cat' ; // change to your taxonomy
$q_vars = & $query -> query_vars ;
if ( $pagenow == 'edit.php' && isset ( $q_vars [ 'post_type' ]) && $q_vars [ 'post_type' ] == $post_type && isset ( $q_vars [ $taxonomy ]) && is_numeric ( $q_vars [ $taxonomy ]) && $q_vars [ $taxonomy ] != 0 ) {
$term = get_term_by ( 'id' , $q_vars [ $taxonomy ], $taxonomy );
$q_vars [ $taxonomy ] = $term -> slug ;
add_filter ( 'parse_query' , 'mep_attendee_filter_query' );
function mep_attendee_filter_query ( $query ) {
global $pagenow ;
$post_type = 'mep_events_attendees' ;
$q_vars = & $query -> query_vars ;
if ( $pagenow == 'edit.php' && isset ( $_GET [ 'post_type' ]) && $_GET [ 'post_type' ] == $post_type && isset ( $_GET [ 'meta_value' ]) && $_GET [ 'meta_value' ] != 0 ) {
$q_vars [ 'meta_key' ] = 'ea_event_id' ;
$q_vars [ 'meta_value' ] = $_GET [ 'meta_value' ];
// Add the data to the custom columns for the book post type:
add_action ( 'manage_mep_events_posts_custom_column' , 'mep_custom_event_column' , 10 , 2 );
function mep_custom_event_column ( $column , $post_id ) {
switch ( $column ) {
case 'mep_status' :
$values = get_post_custom ( $post_id );
echo mep_get_event_status ( $values [ 'mep_event_start_date' ][ 0 ]);
break ;
case 'mep_atten' :
echo '<a class="button button-primary button-large" href="' . get_site_url () . '/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=mep_events_attendees&meta_value=' . $post_id . '">Attendees List</a>' ;
break ;
// Getting event exprie date & time
function mep_get_event_status ( $startdatetime ){
$time = strtotime ( $startdatetime );
$newformat = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , $time );
$datetime1 = new DateTime ();
$datetime2 = new DateTime ( $newformat );
$interval = $datetime1 -> diff ( $datetime2 );
// print_r($newformat);
if ( time () > strtotime ( $newformat )){
return " <span class=err>Expired</span> " ;
else {
$days = $interval -> days ;
$hours = $interval -> h ;
$minutes = $interval -> i ;
if ( $days > 0 ){ $dd = $days . " days " ; } else { $dd = " " ; }
if ( $hours > 0 ){ $hh = $hours . " hours " ; } else { $hh = " " ; }
if ( $minutes > 0 ){ $mm = $minutes . " minutes " ; } else { $mm = " " ; }
return " <span class='active'> $dd $hh $mm </span> " ;
// Redirect to Checkout after successfuly event registration
add_filter ( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_redirect' , 'mep_event_redirect_to_checkout' );
function mep_event_redirect_to_checkout () {
global $woocommerce ;
$redirect_status = mep_get_option ( 'mep_event_direct_checkout' , 'general_setting_sec' , 'yes' );
if ( $redirect_status == 'yes' ){
$checkout_url = wc_get_checkout_url ();
return $checkout_url ;
function mep_load_events_templates ( $template ) {
global $post ;
if ( $post -> post_type == " mep_events " ){
$template_name = 'single-events.php' ;
$template_path = 'mage-events/' ;
$default_path = plugin_dir_path ( __FILE__ ) . 'templates/' ;
$template = locate_template ( array ( $template_path . $template_name ) );
if ( ! $template ) :
$template = $default_path . $template_name ;
endif ;
return $template ;
if ( $post -> post_type == " mep_events_attendees " ){
$plugin_path = plugin_dir_path ( __FILE__ );
$template_name = 'templates/single-mep_events_attendees.php' ;
if ( $template === get_stylesheet_directory () . '/' . $template_name
|| ! file_exists ( $plugin_path . $template_name )) {
return $template ;
return $plugin_path . $template_name ;
return $template ;
add_filter ( 'single_template' , 'mep_load_events_templates' );
add_filter ( 'template_include' , 'mep_organizer_set_template' );
function mep_organizer_set_template ( $template ){
if ( is_tax ( 'mep_org' )){
$template = plugin_dir_path ( __FILE__ ) . 'templates/taxonomy-organozer.php' ;
if ( is_tax ( 'mep_cat' )){
$template = plugin_dir_path ( __FILE__ ) . 'templates/taxonomy-category.php' ;
return $template ;
function mep_social_share (){
< ul class = 'mep-social-share' >
< li > < a data - toggle = " tooltip " title = " " class = " facebook " onclick = " window.open('https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=<?php the_permalink(); ?>','Facebook','width=600,height=300,left='+(screen.availWidth/2-300)+',top='+(screen.availHeight/2-150)+''); return false; " href = " http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=<?php the_permalink(); ?> " data - original - title = " Share on Facebook " >< i class = " fa fa-facebook " ></ i ></ a ></ li >
<!-- < li >< a data - toggle = " tooltip " title = " " class = " gpuls " onclick = " window.open('https://plus.google.com/share?url=<?php the_permalink(); ?>','Google plus','width=585,height=666,left='+(screen.availWidth/2-292)+',top='+(screen.availHeight/2-333)+''); return false; " href = " https://plus.google.com/share?url=<?php the_permalink(); ?> " data - original - title = " Share on Google Plus " >< i class = " fa fa-google-plus " ></ i ></ a > </ li > -->
< li >< a data - toggle = " tooltip " title = " " class = " twitter " onclick = " window.open('https://twitter.com/share?url=<?php the_permalink(); ?>&text=<?php the_title(); ?>','Twitter share','width=600,height=300,left='+(screen.availWidth/2-300)+',top='+(screen.availHeight/2-150)+''); return false; " href = " http://twitter.com/share?url=<?php the_permalink(); ?>&text=<?php the_title(); ?> " data - original - title = " Twittet it " >< i class = " fa fa-twitter " ></ i ></ a ></ li >
</ ul >
< ? php
function mep_calender_date ( $datetime ){
$time = strtotime ( $datetime );
$newdate = date ( 'Ymd' , $time );
$newtime = date ( 'Hi' , $time );
$newformat = $newdate . " T " . $newtime . " 00 " ;
return $newformat ;
function mep_add_to_google_calender_link ( $pid ){
$event = get_post ( $pid );
$event_meta = get_post_custom ( $pid );
$event_start = $event_meta [ 'mep_event_start_date' ][ 0 ];
$event_end = $event_meta [ 'mep_event_end_date' ][ 0 ];
$location = $event_meta [ 'mep_location_venue' ][ 0 ] . " " . $event_meta [ 'mep_street' ][ 0 ] . " " . $event_meta [ 'mep_city' ][ 0 ] . " " . $event_meta [ 'mep_state' ][ 0 ] . " " . $event_meta [ 'mep_postcode' ][ 0 ] . " " . $event_meta [ 'mep_country' ][ 0 ];
ob_start ();
< a href = " http://www.google.com/calendar/event?
action = TEMPLATE
& text =< ? php echo $event -> post_title ; ?>
& dates =< ? php echo mep_calender_date ( $event_start ); ?> /<?php echo mep_calender_date($event_end); ?>
& details =< ? php echo substr ( strip_tags ( $event -> post_content ), 0 , 1000 ); ?>
& location =< ? php echo $location ; ?>
& trp = false
& sprop =
& sprop = name : "
target = " _blank " class = 'mep-add-calender' rel = " nofollow " > < i class = " fa fa-calendar " ></ i > < ? php echo mep_get_label ( $pid , 'mep_calender_btn_text' , 'Add To Your Calendar' ); ?> </a>
< ? php
$content = ob_get_clean ();
echo $content ;
function mep_get_item_name ( $name ){
$explode_name = explode ( '_' , $name , 2 );
$the_item_name = str_replace ( '-' , ' ' , $explode_name [ 0 ]);
return $the_item_name ;
function mep_get_item_price ( $name ){
$explode_name = explode ( '_' , $name , 2 );
$the_item_name = str_replace ( '-' , ' ' , $explode_name [ 1 ]);
return $the_item_name ;
function mep_get_string_part ( $data , $string ){
$pieces = explode ( " x " , $data );
return $pieces [ $string ]; // piece1
function mep_get_event_order_metadata ( $id , $part ){
global $wpdb ;
$table_name = $wpdb -> prefix . 'woocommerce_order_itemmeta' ;
$result = $wpdb -> get_results ( " SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE order_item_id= $id " );
foreach ( $result as $page )
if ( strpos ( $page -> meta_key , '_' ) !== 0 ) {
echo mep_get_string_part ( $page -> meta_key , $part ) . '<br/>' ;
add_action ( 'woocommerce_account_dashboard' , 'mep_ticket_lits_users' );
function mep_ticket_lits_users (){
ob_start ();
< div class = " mep-user-ticket-list " >
< table >
< tr >
< th >< ? php _e ( 'Name' , 'mage-eventpress' ); ?> </th>
< th >< ? php _e ( 'Ticket' , 'mage-eventpress' ); ?> </th>
< th >< ? php _e ( 'Event' , 'mage-eventpress' ); ?> </th>
< th >< ? php _e ( 'Download' , 'mage-eventpress' ); ?> </th>
</ tr >
< ? php
$args_search_qqq = array (
'post_type' => array ( 'mep_events_attendees' ),
'posts_per_page' => - 1 ,
'meta_query' => array (
array (
'key' => 'ea_user_id' ,
'value' => get_current_user_id ()
$loop = new WP_Query ( $args_search_qqq );
while ( $loop -> have_posts ()) {
$loop -> the_post ();
$event_id = get_post_meta ( get_the_id (), 'ea_event_id' , true );
$event_meta = get_post_custom ( $event_id );
$time = strtotime ( $event_meta [ 'mep_event_start_date' ][ 0 ]);
$newformat = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , $time );
if ( time () < strtotime ( $newformat )){
< tr >
< td >< ? php echo get_post_meta ( get_the_id (), 'ea_name' , true ); ?> </td>
< td >< ? php echo get_post_meta ( get_the_id (), 'ea_ticket_type' , true ); ?> </td>
< td >< ? php echo get_post_meta ( get_the_id (), 'ea_event_name' , true ); ?> </td>
< td >< a href = " <?php the_permalink(); ?> " >< ? php _e ( 'Download' , 'mage-eventpress' ); ?> </a></td>
</ tr >
< ? php
</ table >
</ div >
< ? php
$content = ob_get_clean ();
echo $content ;
// event_template_name();
function event_template_name (){
$template_name = 'index.php' ;
$template_path = get_stylesheet_directory () . '/mage-events/themes/' ;
$default_path = plugin_dir_path ( __FILE__ ) . 'templates/themes/' ;
$template = locate_template ( array ( $template_path . $template_name ) );
if ( ! $template ) :
$template = $default_path . $template_name ;
endif ;
// echo $template_path;
if ( is_dir ( $template_path )) {
$thedir = glob ( $template_path . " * " );
} else {
$thedir = glob ( $default_path . " * " );
// file_get_contents('./people.txt', FALSE, NULL, 20, 14);
$theme = array ();
foreach ( $thedir as $filename ){
//Use the is_file function to make sure that it is not a directory.
if ( is_file ( $filename )){
$file = basename ( $filename );
$naame = str_replace ( " ?> " , " " , strip_tags ( file_get_contents ( $filename , FALSE , NULL , 24 , 14 )));
$theme [ $file ] = $naame ;
return $theme ;
function event_single_template_list ( $current_theme ){
$themes = event_template_name ();
$buffer = '<select name="mep_event_template">' ;
foreach ( $themes as $num => $desc ){
if ( $current_theme == $num ){ $cc = 'selected' ; } else { $cc = '' ; }
$buffer .= " <option value= $num $cc > $desc </option> " ;
} //end foreach
$buffer .= '</select>' ;
echo $buffer ;
function mep_title_cutoff_words ( $text , $length ){
if ( strlen ( $text ) > $length ) {
$text = substr ( $text , 0 , strpos ( $text , ' ' , $length ));
return $text ;
function mep_get_tshirts_sizes ( $event_id ){
$event_meta = get_post_custom ( $event_id );
$tee_sizes = $event_meta [ 'mep_reg_tshirtsize_list' ][ 0 ];
$tszrray = explode ( ',' , $tee_sizes );
$ts = " " ;
foreach ( $tszrray as $value ) {
$ts .= " <option value=' $value '> $value </option> " ;
return $ts ;
function my_function_meta_deta () {
global $order ;
$order_id = $_GET [ 'post' ];
// Getting an instance of the order object
$order = wc_get_order ( $order_id );
$order_meta = get_post_meta ( $order_id );
# Iterating through each order items (WC_Order_Item_Product objects in WC 3+)
foreach ( $order -> get_items () as $item_id => $item_values ) {
$product_id = $item_values -> get_product_id ();
$item_data = $item_values -> get_data ();
$product_id = $item_data [ 'product_id' ];
$item_quantity = $item_values -> get_quantity ();
$product = get_page_by_title ( $item_data [ 'name' ], OBJECT , 'mep_events' );
$event_name = $item_data [ 'name' ];
$event_id = $product -> ID ;
$item_id = $item_id ;
$user_info_arr = wc_get_order_item_meta ( $item_id , '_event_user_info' , true );
// print_r($user_info_arr);
ob_start ();
< div class = 'event-atendee-infos' >
< table class = " atendee-info " >
< tr >
< th > Name </ th >
< th > City </ th >
</ tr >
< ? php
foreach ( $user_info_arr as $_user_info ) {
$uname = $_user_info [ 'user_name' ];
$email = $_user_info [ 'user_email' ];
$phone = $_user_info [ 'user_phone' ];
$address = $_user_info [ 'user_address' ];
$gender = $_user_info [ 'user_gender' ];
$company = $_user_info [ 'user_company' ];
$designation = $_user_info [ 'user_designation' ];
$website = $_user_info [ 'user_website' ];
$vegetarian = $_user_info [ 'user_vegetarian' ];
$tshirtsize = $_user_info [ 'user_tshirtsize' ];
$ticket_type = $_user_info [ 'user_ticket_type' ];
< tr >< td >< ? php echo $uname ; ?> </td><td><?php echo $address; ?></td></tr>
< ? php
</ table >
</ div >
< ? php
$content = ob_get_clean ();
echo $content ;
// add_action( 'woocommerce_admin_order_totals_after_refunded','my_function_meta_deta', $order->id );
// add_action( 'woocommerce_thankyou', 'woocommerce_thankyou_change_order_status', 10, 1 );
function woocommerce_thankyou_change_order_status ( $order_id ){
if ( ! $order_id ) return ;
$order = wc_get_order ( $order_id );
if ( $order -> get_status () == 'processing' )
$order -> update_status ( 'completed' );
function mep_event_list_price ( $pid ){
global $post ;
$cur = get_woocommerce_currency_symbol ();
$mep_event_ticket_type = get_post_meta ( $pid , 'mep_event_ticket_type' , true );
$mep_events_extra_prices = get_post_meta ( $pid , 'mep_events_extra_prices' , true );
$n_price = get_post_meta ( $pid , '_price' , true );
if ( $n_price == 0 ){
$gn_price = " Free " ;
} else {
$gn_price = wc_price ( $n_price );
// if($mep_events_extra_prices){
// $gn_price = $cur.$mep_events_extra_prices[0]['option_price'];
// }
if ( $mep_event_ticket_type ){
2019-04-17 07:54:24 -04:00
$gn_price = wc_price ( $mep_event_ticket_type [ 0 ][ 'option_price_t' ]);
2019-04-10 07:36:55 -04:00
return $gn_price ;
function mep_get_label ( $pid , $label_id , $default_text ){
return mep_get_option ( $label_id , 'label_setting_sec' , $default_text );
// Add the custom columns to the book post type:
add_filter ( 'manage_mep_events_posts_columns' , 'mep_set_custom_edit_event_columns' );
function mep_set_custom_edit_event_columns ( $columns ) {
unset ( $columns [ 'date' ] );
$columns [ 'mep_status' ] = __ ( 'Status' , 'mage-eventpress' );
return $columns ;
function mep_get_full_time_and_date ( $datetime ){
$user_set_format = mep_get_option ( 'mep_event_time_format' , 'general_setting_sec' , 12 );
if ( $user_set_format == 12 ){
echo date_i18n ( 'D, d M Y h:i A' , strtotime ( $datetime ));
if ( $user_set_format == 24 ){
echo date_i18n ( 'D, d M Y H:i' , strtotime ( $datetime ));
function mep_get_only_time ( $datetime ){
$user_set_format = mep_get_option ( 'mep_event_time_format' , 'general_setting_sec' , 12 );
if ( $user_set_format == 12 ){
echo date_i18n ( 'h:i A' , strtotime ( $datetime ));
if ( $user_set_format == 24 ){
echo date_i18n ( 'H:i' , strtotime ( $datetime ));
function mep_get_event_city ( $id ){
$location_sts = get_post_meta ( $id , 'mep_org_address' , true );
$event_meta = get_post_custom ( $id );
if ( $location_sts ){
$org_arr = get_the_terms ( $id , 'mep_org' );
$org_id = $org_arr [ 0 ] -> term_id ;
echo " <span> " . get_term_meta ( $org_id , 'org_city' , true ) . " </span> " ;
} else {
echo " <span> " . $event_meta [ 'mep_city' ][ 0 ] . " </span> " ;
function mep_get_total_available_seat ( $event_id , $event_meta ){
$book_count = get_post_meta ( get_the_id (), 'total_booking' , true );
if ( $book_count ){ $total_book = $book_count ; } else { $total_book = 0 ; }
$simple_rsv = $event_meta [ 'mep_rsv_seat' ][ 0 ];
if ( $simple_rsv ){
$simple_rsv = $simple_rsv ;
} else {
$simple_rsv = 0 ;
$total_book = ( $total_book + $simple_rsv );
$mep_event_ticket_type = get_post_meta ( get_the_id (), 'mep_event_ticket_type' , true );
if ( $mep_event_ticket_type ){
$stc = 0 ;
$leftt = 0 ;
$res = 0 ;
foreach ( $mep_event_ticket_type as $field ) {
$qm = $field [ 'option_name_t' ];
$tesqn = get_the_id () . str_replace ( ' ' , '' , $qm );
$tesq = get_post_meta ( get_the_id (), " mep_xtra_ $tesqn " , true );
$stc = $stc + $field [ 'option_qty_t' ];
$res = $res + ( int ) $field [ 'option_rsv_t' ];
$res = ( int ) $res ;
$llft = ( $field [ 'option_qty_t' ] - ( int ) $tesq );
$leftt = ( $leftt + $llft );
$leftt = $leftt - $res ;
} else {
$leftt = ( int ) $event_meta [ 'mep_total_seat' ][ 0 ] - ( int ) $total_book ;
return $leftt ;
function mep_event_location_item ( $event_id , $item_name ){
return get_post_meta ( $event_id , $item_name , true );
function mep_event_org_location_item ( $event_id , $item_name ){
$location_sts = get_post_meta ( $event_id , 'mep_org_address' , true );
$org_arr = get_the_terms ( $event_id , 'mep_org' );
if ( $org_arr ){
$org_id = $org_arr [ 0 ] -> term_id ;
return get_term_meta ( $org_id , $item_name , true );
function mep_get_event_locaion_item ( $event_id , $item_name ){
if ( $event_id ){
$location_sts = get_post_meta ( $event_id , 'mep_org_address' , true );
if ( $item_name == 'mep_location_venue' ){
if ( $location_sts ){
$org_arr = get_the_terms ( $event_id , 'mep_org' );
$org_id = $org_arr [ 0 ] -> term_id ;
return get_term_meta ( $org_id , 'org_location' , true );
} else {
return get_post_meta ( $event_id , 'mep_location_venue' , true );
if ( $item_name == 'mep_location_venue' ){
if ( $location_sts ){
$org_arr = get_the_terms ( $event_id , 'mep_org' );
$org_id = $org_arr [ 0 ] -> term_id ;
return get_term_meta ( $org_id , 'org_location' , true );
} else {
return get_post_meta ( $event_id , 'mep_location_venue' , true );
if ( $item_name == 'mep_street' ){
if ( $location_sts ){
$org_arr = get_the_terms ( $event_id , 'mep_org' );
$org_id = $org_arr [ 0 ] -> term_id ;
return get_term_meta ( $org_id , 'org_street' , true );
} else {
return get_post_meta ( $event_id , 'mep_street' , true );
if ( $item_name == 'mep_city' ){
if ( $location_sts ){
$org_arr = get_the_terms ( $event_id , 'mep_org' );
$org_id = $org_arr [ 0 ] -> term_id ;
return get_term_meta ( $org_id , 'org_city' , true );
} else {
return get_post_meta ( $event_id , 'mep_city' , true );
if ( $item_name == 'mep_state' ){
if ( $location_sts ){
$org_arr = get_the_terms ( $event_id , 'mep_org' );
$org_id = $org_arr [ 0 ] -> term_id ;
return get_term_meta ( $org_id , 'org_state' , true );
} else {
return get_post_meta ( $event_id , 'mep_state' , true );
if ( $item_name == 'mep_postcode' ){
if ( $location_sts ){
$org_arr = get_the_terms ( $event_id , 'mep_org' );
$org_id = $org_arr [ 0 ] -> term_id ;
return get_term_meta ( $org_id , 'org_postcode' , true );
} else {
return get_post_meta ( $event_id , 'mep_postcode' , true );
if ( $item_name == 'mep_country' ){
if ( $location_sts ){
$org_arr = get_the_terms ( $event_id , 'mep_org' );
$org_id = $org_arr [ 0 ] -> term_id ;
return get_term_meta ( $org_id , 'org_country' , true );
} else {
return get_post_meta ( $event_id , 'mep_country' , true );
function mep_save_attendee_info_into_cart ( $product_id ){
$user = array ();
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'user_name' ])){
$mep_user_name = $_POST [ 'user_name' ];
} else { $mep_user_name = " " ; }
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'user_email' ])){
$mep_user_email = $_POST [ 'user_email' ];
} else { $mep_user_email = " " ; }
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'user_phone' ])){
$mep_user_phone = $_POST [ 'user_phone' ];
} else { $mep_user_phone = " " ; }
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'user_address' ])){
$mep_user_address = $_POST [ 'user_address' ];
} else { $mep_user_address = " " ; }
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'gender' ])){
$mep_user_gender = $_POST [ 'gender' ];
} else { $mep_user_gender = " " ; }
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'tshirtsize' ])){
$mep_user_tshirtsize = $_POST [ 'tshirtsize' ];
} else { $mep_user_tshirtsize = " " ; }
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'user_company' ])){
$mep_user_company = $_POST [ 'user_company' ];
} else { $mep_user_company = " " ; }
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'user_designation' ])){
$mep_user_desg = $_POST [ 'user_designation' ];
} else { $mep_user_desg = " " ; }
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'user_website' ])){
$mep_user_website = $_POST [ 'user_website' ];
} else { $mep_user_website = " " ; }
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'vegetarian' ])){
$mep_user_vegetarian = $_POST [ 'vegetarian' ];
} else { $mep_user_vegetarian = " " ; }
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'ticket_type' ])){
$mep_user_ticket_type = $_POST [ 'ticket_type' ];
} else { $mep_user_ticket_type = " " ; }
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'mep_ucf' ])){
$mep_user_cfd = $_POST [ 'mep_ucf' ];
} else {
$mep_user_cfd = " " ;
2019-04-17 07:54:24 -04:00
if ( $mep_user_name ){ $count_user = count ( $mep_user_name ); } else { $count_user = 0 ; }
2019-04-10 07:36:55 -04:00
for ( $iu = 0 ; $iu < $count_user ; $iu ++ ) {
if ( isset ( $mep_user_name [ $iu ])) :
$user [ $iu ][ 'user_name' ] = stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $mep_user_name [ $iu ] ) );
endif ;
if ( isset ( $mep_user_email [ $iu ])) :
$user [ $iu ][ 'user_email' ] = stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $mep_user_email [ $iu ] ) );
endif ;
if ( isset ( $mep_user_phone [ $iu ])) :
$user [ $iu ][ 'user_phone' ] = stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $mep_user_phone [ $iu ] ) );
endif ;
if ( isset ( $mep_user_address [ $iu ])) :
$user [ $iu ][ 'user_address' ] = stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $mep_user_address [ $iu ] ) );
endif ;
if ( isset ( $mep_user_gender [ $iu ])) :
$user [ $iu ][ 'user_gender' ] = stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $mep_user_gender [ $iu ] ) );
endif ;
if ( isset ( $mep_user_tshirtsize [ $iu ])) :
$user [ $iu ][ 'user_tshirtsize' ] = stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $mep_user_tshirtsize [ $iu ] ) );
endif ;
if ( isset ( $mep_user_company [ $iu ])) :
$user [ $iu ][ 'user_company' ] = stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $mep_user_company [ $iu ] ) );
endif ;
if ( isset ( $mep_user_desg [ $iu ])) :
$user [ $iu ][ 'user_designation' ] = stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $mep_user_desg [ $iu ] ) );
endif ;
if ( isset ( $mep_user_website [ $iu ])) :
$user [ $iu ][ 'user_website' ] = stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $mep_user_website [ $iu ] ) );
endif ;
if ( isset ( $mep_user_vegetarian [ $iu ])) :
$user [ $iu ][ 'user_vegetarian' ] = stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $mep_user_vegetarian [ $iu ] ) );
endif ;
if ( isset ( $mep_user_ticket_type [ $iu ])) :
$user [ $iu ][ 'user_ticket_type' ] = stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $mep_user_ticket_type [ $iu ] ) );
endif ;
$mep_form_builder_data = get_post_meta ( $product_id , 'mep_form_builder_data' , true );
if ( $mep_form_builder_data ) {
foreach ( $mep_form_builder_data as $_field ) {
$user [ $iu ][ $_field [ 'mep_fbc_id' ]] = stripslashes ( strip_tags ( $_POST [ $_field [ 'mep_fbc_id' ]][ $iu ] ) );
return $user ;
function mep_wc_price ( $price , $args = array () ) {
$args = apply_filters (
'wc_price_args' , wp_parse_args (
$args , array (
'ex_tax_label' => false ,
'currency' => '' ,
'decimal_separator' => wc_get_price_decimal_separator (),
'thousand_separator' => wc_get_price_thousand_separator (),
'decimals' => wc_get_price_decimals (),
'price_format' => get_woocommerce_price_format (),
$unformatted_price = $price ;
$negative = $price < 0 ;
$price = apply_filters ( 'raw_woocommerce_price' , floatval ( $negative ? $price * - 1 : $price ) );
$price = apply_filters ( 'formatted_woocommerce_price' , number_format ( $price , $args [ 'decimals' ], $args [ 'decimal_separator' ], $args [ 'thousand_separator' ] ), $price , $args [ 'decimals' ], $args [ 'decimal_separator' ], $args [ 'thousand_separator' ] );
if ( apply_filters ( 'woocommerce_price_trim_zeros' , false ) && $args [ 'decimals' ] > 0 ) {
$price = wc_trim_zeros ( $price );
$formatted_price = ( $negative ? '-' : '' ) . sprintf ( $args [ 'price_format' ], '' . '' . '' , $price );
$return = '' . $formatted_price . '' ;
if ( $args [ 'ex_tax_label' ] && wc_tax_enabled () ) {
$return .= '' . WC () -> countries -> ex_tax_or_vat () . '' ;
* Filters the string of price markup .
* @ param string $return Price HTML markup .
* @ param string $price Formatted price .
* @ param array $args Pass on the args .
* @ param float $unformatted_price Price as float to allow plugins custom formatting . Since 3.2 . 0.
return apply_filters ( 'mep_wc_price' , $return , $price , $args , $unformatted_price );
2019-05-05 07:01:44 -04:00
function mep_get_event_total_seat ( $event_id ){
$event_meta = get_post_custom ( $event_id );
$book_count = get_post_meta ( $event_id , 'total_booking' , true );
if ( $book_count ){ $total_book = $book_count ; } else { $total_book = 0 ; }
if ( array_key_exists ( 'mep_rsv_seat' , $event_meta )){
$simple_rsv = $event_meta [ 'mep_rsv_seat' ][ 0 ];
} else {
$simple_rsv = '' ;
if ( $simple_rsv ){
$simple_rsv = $simple_rsv ;
} else {
$simple_rsv = 0 ;
$total_book = ( $total_book + $simple_rsv );
$mep_event_ticket_type = get_post_meta ( $event_id , 'mep_event_ticket_type' , true );
if ( $mep_event_ticket_type ){
$stc = 0 ;
$leftt = 0 ;
$res = 0 ;
foreach ( $mep_event_ticket_type as $field ) {
$qm = $field [ 'option_name_t' ];
$tesqn = $event_id . str_replace ( ' ' , '' , $qm );
$tesq = get_post_meta ( $event_id , " mep_xtra_ $tesqn " , true );
$stc = $stc + $field [ 'option_qty_t' ];
$res = $res + ( int ) $field [ 'option_rsv_t' ];
$res = ( int ) $res ;
$llft = ( $field [ 'option_qty_t' ] - ( int ) $tesq );
$leftt = ( $leftt + $llft );
$leftt = $leftt - $res ;
2019-05-05 07:36:23 -04:00
< span style = " background: #dc3232;color: #fff;padding: 5px 10px; " > < ? php echo $leftt ; ?> /<?php echo $stc; ?> </span>
2019-05-05 07:01:44 -04:00
< ? php
} else {
if ( $event_meta [ 'mep_total_seat' ][ 0 ]){ ?>
2019-05-05 07:36:23 -04:00
< span style = " background: #dc3232;color: #fff;padding: 5px 10px; " > < ? php echo ( $event_meta [ 'mep_total_seat' ][ 0 ] - $total_book ); ?> /<?php echo $event_meta['mep_total_seat'][0]; ?></span>
2019-05-05 07:01:44 -04:00
< ? php }
// Add the custom columns to the book post type:
add_filter ( 'manage_mep_events_posts_columns' , 'mep_set_custom_mep_events_columns' );
function mep_set_custom_mep_events_columns ( $columns ) {
$columns [ 'mep_event_seat' ] = __ ( 'Seats' , 'mage-eventpress' );
return $columns ;
// Add the data to the custom columns for the book post type:
add_action ( 'manage_mep_events_posts_custom_column' , 'mep_mep_events_column' , 10 , 2 );
function mep_mep_events_column ( $column , $post_id ) {
switch ( $column ) {
case 'mep_event_seat' :
echo mep_get_event_total_seat ( $post_id );
break ;
2019-04-10 07:36:55 -04:00
} else {
function mep_admin_notice_wc_not_active () {
$class = 'notice notice-error' ;
printf (
'<div class="error" style="background:red; color:#fff;"><p>%s</p></div>' ,
__ ( 'You Must Install WooCommerce Plugin before activating WooCommerce Event Manager, Becuase It is dependent on Woocommerce Plugin' )
add_action ( 'admin_notices' , 'mep_admin_notice_wc_not_active' );
2019-04-07 07:15:31 -04:00