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ye(al),Li.inputStyles={textarea:Nl,contenteditable:Ml},Li.defineMode=function(e){Li.defaults.mode||"null"==e||(Li.defaults.mode=e),function(e,t){arguments.length>2&&(t.dependencies=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,2)),Fo[e]=t}.apply(this,arguments)},Li.defineMIME=function(e,t){Po[e]=t},Li.defineMode("null",function(){return{token:function(e){return e.skipToEnd()}}}),Li.defineMIME("text/plain","null"),Li.defineExtension=function(e,t){Li.prototype[e]=t},Li.defineDocExtension=function(e,t){al.prototype[e]=t},Li.fromTextArea=function(e,t){function r(){e.value=a.getValue()}if(t=t?c(t):{},t.value=e.value,!t.tabindex&&e.tabIndex&&(t.tabindex=e.tabIndex),!t.placeholder&&e.placeholder&&(t.placeholder=e.placeholder),null==t.autofocus){var n=l();t.autofocus=n==e||null!=e.getAttribute("autofocus")&&n==document.body}var i;if(e.form&&(No(e.form,"submit",r),!t.leaveSubmitMethodAlone)){var o=e.form;i=o.submit;try{var 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a},function(e){e.off=de,e.on=No,e.wheelEventPixels=Rr,e.Doc=al,e.splitLines=Ao,e.countColumn=h,e.findColumn=d,e.isWordChar=b,e.Pass=vo,e.signal=pe,e.Line=Go,e.changeEnd=Vr,e.scrollbarModel=$o,e.Pos=H,e.cmpPos=F,e.modes=Fo,e.mimeModes=Po,e.resolveMode=Me,e.getMode=Ne,e.modeExtensions=Eo,e.extendMode=Oe,e.copyState=Ae,e.startState=De,e.innerMode=We,e.commands=vl,e.keyMap=gl,e.keyName=Jn,e.isModifierKey=Zn,e.lookupKey=$n,e.normalizeKeyMap=qn,e.StringStream=zo,e.SharedTextMarker=ll,e.TextMarker=ol,e.LineWidget=nl,e.e_preventDefault=be,e.e_stopPropagation=we,e.e_stop=Ce,e.addClass=s,e.contains=o,e.rmClass=uo,e.keyNames=hl}(Li),Li.version="5.32.0",Li});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/form-field-dependency.js b/js/form-field-dependency.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5da6163
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/form-field-dependency.js
@@ -0,0 +1,912 @@
+'use strict';
+(function ($) {
+ $.fn.formFieldDependency = function (options) {
+ /**
+ * Plugin Settings
+ * @type {void|*}
+ */
+ var settings = $.extend({
+ 'attribute' : 'data-depends',
+ 'rules' : {}
+ }, options);
+ /**
+ * Check array exists on array
+ * @param needleArray
+ * @param haystackArray
+ * @param strict
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+ var arrayInArraysHelper = function (needleArray, haystackArray, strict) {
+ if (typeof strict == 'undefined') {
+ strict = false;
+ }
+ if (needleArray == null) {
+ needleArray = [];
+ }
+ if (strict == true) {
+ if ((needleArray.sort().join(',').toLowerCase()) == (haystackArray.sort().join(',').toLowerCase())) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ else {
+ for (var i = 0; i < needleArray.length; i++) {
+ if (haystackArray.indexOf(needleArray[i]) >= 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Check string exist on array value
+ * @param needleString
+ * @param haystackArray
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+ var stringInArraysHelper = function (needleString, haystackArray) {
+ if (($.inArray(needleString, haystackArray) >= 0) && $.isArray(haystackArray)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Check value is empty or not
+ * @param value
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+ var isEmpty = function (value) {
+ if (typeof value == 'null' || typeof value == 'undefined') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (typeof value == 'string') {
+ return ($.trim(value) == '') ? true : false;
+ }
+ if (typeof value == 'string') {
+ return ($.trim(value) == '') ? true : false;
+ }
+ if (typeof value == 'object') {
+ if ($.isArray(value)) {
+ var _tmp = $.map(value, function (val, i) {
+ return ($.trim(val) == '') ? null : val;
+ });
+ return $.isEmptyObject(_tmp);
+ }
+ else {
+ return $.isEmptyObject(value);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * For Regular Expression Dependency
+ * @param element
+ * @param depObject
+ * @param parent
+ * @param useEvent
+ */
+ var typeRegExpDependency = function (element, depObject, parent, useEvent) {
+ if (typeof useEvent == 'undefined') {
+ useEvent = false;
+ }
+ if( typeof $(parent).prop("tagName")=='undefined' ){
+ return false;
+ }
+ var tag = $(parent).prop("tagName").toLowerCase();
+ var type = $(parent).prop("type").toLowerCase();
+ var name = tag + ':' + type;
+ var value = $.trim($(parent).val());
+ switch (name) {
+ case "input:text":
+ case "input:password":
+ case "input:number":
+ case "input:date":
+ case "input:email":
+ case "input:url":
+ case "input:tel":
+ case "textarea:textarea":
+ var modifier = ( typeof depObject.modifier == 'undefined' ) ? '' : depObject.modifier;
+ var pattern = new RegExp(depObject.pattern, modifier);
+ if (pattern.test(value)) {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ else {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (useEvent) {
+ $(document.body).on('keyup', $(parent), function (e) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ typeRegExpDependency(element, depObject, parent, false);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * For Empty TextBox
+ * @param element
+ * @param depObject
+ * @param parent
+ * @param useEvent
+ */
+ var typeEmptyDependency = function (element, depObject, parent, useEvent) {
+ if (typeof useEvent == 'undefined') {
+ useEvent = false;
+ }
+ if( typeof $(parent).prop("tagName")=='undefined' ){
+ return false;
+ }
+ var tag = $(parent).prop("tagName").toLowerCase();
+ var type = $(parent).prop("type").toLowerCase();
+ var name = tag + ':' + type;
+ var value = $(parent).val();
+ switch (name) {
+ case "input:text":
+ case "input:password":
+ case "input:number":
+ case "input:date":
+ case "input:email":
+ case "input:url":
+ case "input:tel":
+ case "textarea:textarea":
+ case "select:select-one":
+ if ($.trim(value) == '') {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ else {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ break;
+ case "input:checkbox":
+ if ($(parent).is(':checked') && $.trim(value) != '') {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ break;
+ case "select:select-multiple":
+ if (isEmpty(value)) {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ else {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (useEvent) {
+ $(document.body).on('keyup change', $(parent), function (e) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ typeEmptyDependency(element, depObject, parent, false);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * For non empty TextBox
+ * @param element
+ * @param depObject
+ * @param parent
+ * @param useEvent
+ */
+ var typeNotEmptyDependency = function (element, depObject, parent, useEvent) {
+ if (typeof useEvent == 'undefined') {
+ useEvent = false;
+ }
+ if( typeof $(parent).prop("tagName")=='undefined' ){
+ return false;
+ }
+ var tag = $(parent).prop("tagName").toLowerCase();
+ var type = $(parent).prop("type").toLowerCase();
+ var name = tag + ':' + type;
+ var value = $(parent).val();
+ switch (name) {
+ case "input:text":
+ case "input:password":
+ case "input:number":
+ case "input:date":
+ case "input:email":
+ case "input:url":
+ case "input:tel":
+ case "textarea:textarea":
+ case "select:select-one":
+ if ($.trim(value) != '') {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ else {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ break;
+ case "input:checkbox":
+ if ($(parent).is(':checked') && $.trim(value) != '') {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ else {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ break;
+ case "select:select-multiple":
+ if (isEmpty(value)) {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (useEvent) {
+ $(document.body).on('keyup change', $(parent), function (e) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ typeNotEmptyDependency(element, depObject, parent, false);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * TextBox value matched with value or with array values
+ * @param element
+ * @param depObject
+ * @param parent
+ * @param useEvent
+ */
+ var typeEqualDependency = function (element, depObject, parent, useEvent) {
+ console.log(useEvent);
+ if (typeof useEvent == 'undefined') {
+ useEvent = false;
+ }
+ if( typeof $(parent).prop("tagName")=='undefined' ){
+ return false;
+ }
+ var tag = $(parent).prop("tagName").toLowerCase();
+ var type = $(parent).prop("type").toLowerCase();
+ var name = tag + ':' + type;
+ var value = $(parent).val();
+ var equalLike = (typeof depObject.like == 'undefined') ? false : true;
+ // show if empty?. default false
+ depObject.empty = (typeof depObject.empty == 'undefined') ? false : depObject.empty;
+ depObject.strict = (typeof depObject.strict == 'undefined') ? false : depObject.strict;
+ if (equalLike) {
+ var eqtag = $(depObject.like).prop("tagName").toLowerCase();
+ var eqtype = $(depObject.like).prop("type").toLowerCase();
+ var eqname = eqtag + ':' + eqtype;
+ if (eqname == 'input:checkbox' || eqname == 'input:radio') {
+ depObject.value = $(depObject.like + ':checked').map(function () {
+ return this.value;
+ }).get();
+ }
+ else {
+ depObject.value = $(depObject.like).val();
+ if (!showOnEmptyValue) {
+ depObject.value = ($.trim($(depObject.like).val()) == '') ? null : $(depObject.like).val();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch (name) {
+ case "input:text":
+ case "input:password":
+ case "input:number":
+ case "input:date":
+ case "input:email":
+ case "input:url":
+ case "input:tel":
+ case "textarea:textarea":
+ case "select:select-one":
+ if ($.trim(value) == depObject.value) {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ else if (stringInArraysHelper(value, depObject.value)) {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ else {
+ if( $.trim(value)=='' && depObject.empty ){
+ $(element).show();
+ }else{
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "input:checkbox":
+ case "input:radio":
+ var value = $(parent + ':checked').map(function () {
+ return this.value;
+ }).get();
+ if (value == depObject.value) {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ else if (stringInArraysHelper(value, depObject.value)) {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ else if (arrayInArraysHelper(value, depObject.value, depObject.strict)) {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ else {
+ if( isEmpty(value) && depObject.empty){
+ $(element).show();
+ } else {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "select:select-multiple":
+ if (arrayInArraysHelper(value, depObject.value, depObject.strict)) {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ else {
+ if( value==null && depObject.empty ){
+ $(element).show();
+ } else{
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (useEvent) {
+ $(document.body).on('keyup change', $(parent), function (e) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ typeEqualDependency(element, depObject, parent, false);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * TextBox value not equal with value or with array values
+ * @param element
+ * @param depObject
+ * @param parent
+ * @param useEvent
+ */
+ var typeNotEqualDependency = function (element, depObject, parent, useEvent) {
+ if (typeof useEvent == 'undefined') {
+ useEvent = false;
+ }
+ if( typeof $(parent).prop("tagName")=='undefined' ){
+ return false;
+ }
+ var tag = $(parent).prop("tagName").toLowerCase();
+ var type = $(parent).prop("type").toLowerCase();
+ var name = tag + ':' + type;
+ var value = $(parent).val();
+ var equalLike = (typeof depObject.like == 'undefined') ? false : true;
+ depObject.strict = (typeof depObject.strict == 'undefined') ? false : depObject.strict;
+ // show if empty? default is true
+ depObject.empty = (typeof depObject.empty == 'undefined') ? true : depObject.empty;
+ if (equalLike) {
+ var eqtag = $(depObject.like).prop("tagName").toLowerCase();
+ var eqtype = $(depObject.like).prop("type").toLowerCase();
+ var eqname = eqtag + ':' + eqtype;
+ if (eqname == 'input:checkbox' || eqname == 'input:radio') {
+ depObject.value = $(depObject.like + ':checked').map(function () {
+ return this.value;
+ }).get();
+ }
+ else {
+ depObject.value = $(depObject.like).val();
+ if (!showOnEmptyValue) {
+ depObject.value = ($.trim($(depObject.like).val()) == '') ? null : $(depObject.like).val();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch (name) {
+ case "input:text":
+ case "input:password":
+ case "input:number":
+ case "input:date":
+ case "input:email":
+ case "input:url":
+ case "input:tel":
+ case "textarea:textarea":
+ case "select:select-one":
+ if (value == depObject.value) {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ else if (stringInArraysHelper(value, depObject.value)) {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($.trim(value) == '' && !depObject.empty) {
+ $(element).hide();
+ } else {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "input:checkbox":
+ case "input:radio":
+ value = $(parent + ':checked').map(function () {
+ return this.value;
+ }).get();
+ if (typeof depObject.strict == 'undefined') {
+ depObject.strict = false;
+ }
+ if (value == depObject.value) {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ else if (stringInArraysHelper(value, depObject.value)) {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ else if (arrayInArraysHelper(value, depObject.value, depObject.strict)) {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ if (isEmpty(value) && !depObject.empty) {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }else{
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "select:select-multiple":
+ if (arrayInArraysHelper(value, depObject.value, depObject.strict)) {
+ $(element).hide();
+ } else {
+ if( value==null && !depObject.empty ) {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }else{
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (useEvent) {
+ $(document.body).on('keyup change', $(parent), function (e) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ typeNotEqualDependency(element, depObject, parent, false);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * TextBox value compare
+ * @param element
+ * @param depObject
+ * @param parent
+ * @param useEvent
+ */
+ var typeCompareDependency = function (element, depObject, parent, useEvent) {
+ if (typeof useEvent == 'undefined') {
+ useEvent = false;
+ }
+ if( typeof $(parent).prop("tagName")=='undefined' ){
+ return false;
+ }
+ var tag = $(parent).prop("tagName").toLowerCase();
+ var type = $(parent).prop("type").toLowerCase();
+ var name = tag + ':' + type;
+ var value = parseInt($(parent).val());
+ depObject.value = parseInt(depObject.value);
+ switch (depObject.sign) {
+ case "<":
+ case "lt":
+ case "lessthen":
+ case "less-then":
+ case "LessThen":
+ if (value < depObject.value) {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ else {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ break;
+ case "<=":
+ case "lteq":
+ case "lessthenequal":
+ case "less-then-equal":
+ case "LessThenEqual":
+ case "eqlt":
+ if (value <= depObject.value) {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ else {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ break;
+ case ">=":
+ case "gteq":
+ case "greaterthenequal":
+ case "greater-then-equal":
+ case "GreaterThenEqual":
+ case "eqgt":
+ if (value >= depObject.value) {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ else {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ break;
+ case ">":
+ case "gt":
+ case "greaterthen":
+ case "greater-then":
+ case "GreaterThen":
+ if (value > depObject.value) {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ else {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (useEvent) {
+ $(document.body).on('keyup change', $(parent), function (e) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ typeCompareDependency(element, depObject, parent, false);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * TextBox value range
+ * @param element
+ * @param depObject
+ * @param parent
+ * @param useEvent
+ */
+ var typeRangeDependency = function (element, depObject, parent, useEvent) {
+ if (typeof useEvent == 'undefined') {
+ useEvent = false;
+ }
+ if( typeof $(parent).prop("tagName")=='undefined' ){
+ return false;
+ }
+ var tag = $(parent).prop("tagName").toLowerCase();
+ var type = $(parent).prop("type").toLowerCase();
+ var name = tag + ':' + type;
+ var value = parseInt($(parent).val());
+ var min, max;
+ // value = [50, 100]
+ if ($.isArray(depObject.value)) {
+ min = parseInt(depObject.value[0]);
+ max = parseInt(depObject.value[1]);
+ }
+ if (typeof depObject.value == 'undefined') {
+ min = parseInt(depObject.min);
+ max = parseInt(depObject.max);
+ }
+ if (min < value && value < max) {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ else {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ if (useEvent) {
+ $(document.body).on('keyup change', $(parent), function (e) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ typeRangeDependency(element, depObject, parent, false);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * TextBox value length
+ * @param element
+ * @param depObject
+ * @param parent
+ * @param useEvent
+ */
+ var typeLengthDependency = function (element, depObject, parent, useEvent) {
+ if (typeof useEvent == 'undefined') {
+ useEvent = false;
+ }
+ if( typeof $(parent).prop("tagName")=='undefined' ){
+ return false;
+ }
+ var tag = $(parent).prop("tagName").toLowerCase();
+ var type = $(parent).prop("type").toLowerCase();
+ var name = tag + ':' + type;
+ var value = $(parent).val().length;
+ depObject.value = parseInt(depObject.value);
+ switch ( depObject.sign ){
+ case "<":
+ case "lt":
+ case "lessthen":
+ case "less-then":
+ case "LessThen":
+ if (value < depObject.value) {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ else {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ break;
+ case "<=":
+ case "lteq":
+ case "lessthenequal":
+ case "less-then-equal":
+ case "LessThenEqual":
+ case "eqlt":
+ if (value <= depObject.value){
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ else{
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ break;
+ case ">=":
+ case "gteq":
+ case "greaterthenequal":
+ case "greater-then-equal":
+ case "GreaterThenEqual":
+ case "eqgt":
+ if (value >= depObject.value) {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ else {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ break;
+ case ">":
+ case "gt":
+ case "greaterthen":
+ case "greater-then":
+ case "GreaterThen":
+ if (value > depObject.value) {
+ $(element).show();
+ }
+ else {
+ $(element).hide();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (useEvent) {
+ $(document.body).on('keyup change', $(parent), function (e) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ typeLengthDependency(element, depObject, parent, false);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Using Types
+ * @param $el
+ * @param $data
+ */
+ var useTypes = function ($el, $data) {
+ $.each($data, function (selector, depObject) {
+ switch (depObject.type) {
+ case "empty":
+ typeEmptyDependency($el, depObject, selector, true);
+ break;
+ case "notempty":
+ case "not-empty":
+ case "notEmpty":
+ case "!empty":
+ typeNotEmptyDependency($el, depObject, selector, true);
+ break;
+ case "equal":
+ case "==":
+ case "=":
+ typeEqualDependency($el, depObject, selector, true);
+ break;
+ case "!equal":
+ case "notequal":
+ case "!=":
+ case "not-equal":
+ case "notEqual":
+ typeNotEqualDependency($el, depObject, selector, true);
+ break;
+ case "regexp":
+ case "expression":
+ case "reg":
+ case "exp":
+ typeRegExpDependency($el, depObject, selector, true);
+ break;
+ case "compare":
+ case "comp":
+ typeCompareDependency($el, depObject, selector, true);
+ break;
+ case "length":
+ case "lng":
+ typeLengthDependency($el, depObject, selector, true);
+ break;
+ case "range":
+ typeRangeDependency($el, depObject, selector, true);
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ (function ($data) {
+ $.each($data, function ($el, depObject) {
+ useTypes($($el), depObject);
+ });
+ })(settings.rules);
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $data = JSON.parse($(this).attr(settings.attribute).replace(/'/g, '"'));
+ var that = $(this);
+ $.each($data, function(el, obj){
+ useTypes(that, obj);
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/form-field-dependency.min.js b/js/form-field-dependency.min.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ccdb80b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/form-field-dependency.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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f=a.extend(!0,{},e),g=e.children.length-1;g>=0;g--){null==c(d,e.children[g])&&f.children.splice(g,1)}return f.children.length>0?f:c(d,f)}var h=b(e.text).toUpperCase(),i=b(d.term).toUpperCase();return h.indexOf(i)>-1?e:null}this.defaults={amdBase:"./",amdLanguageBase:"./i18n/",closeOnSelect:!0,debug:!1,dropdownAutoWidth:!1,escapeMarkup:j.escapeMarkup,language:C,matcher:c,minimumInputLength:0,maximumInputLength:0,maximumSelectionLength:0,minimumResultsForSearch:0,selectOnClose:!1,sorter:function(a){return a},templateResult:function(a){return a.text},templateSelection:function(a){return a.text},theme:"default",width:"resolve"}},D.prototype.set=function(b,c){var d=a.camelCase(b),e={};e[d]=c;var f=j._convertData(e);a.extend(this.defaults,f)},new D}),b.define("select2/options",["require","jquery","./defaults","./utils"],function(a,b,c,d){function e(b,e){if(this.options=b,null!=e&&this.fromElement(e),this.options=c.apply(this.options),e&&e.is("input")){var 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c=e.__super__.trigger,d={open:"opening",close:"closing",select:"selecting",unselect:"unselecting"};if(void 0===b&&(b={}),a in d){var f=d[a],g={prevented:!1,name:a,args:b};if(c.call(this,f,g),g.prevented)return void(b.prevented=!0)}c.call(this,a,b)},e.prototype.toggleDropdown=function(){this.options.get("disabled")||(this.isOpen()?this.close():this.open())},e.prototype.open=function(){this.isOpen()||this.trigger("query",{})},e.prototype.close=function(){this.isOpen()&&this.trigger("close",{})},e.prototype.isOpen=function(){return this.$container.hasClass("select2-container--open")},e.prototype.hasFocus=function(){return this.$container.hasClass("select2-container--focus")},e.prototype.focus=function(a){this.hasFocus()||(this.$container.addClass("select2-container--focus"),this.trigger("focus",{}))},e.prototype.enable=function(a){this.options.get("debug")&&window.console&&console.warn&&console.warn('Select2: The `select2("enable")` method has been deprecated and will be removed in later Select2 versions. 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Use $element.val() instead.'),null==b||0===b.length)return this.$element.val();var c=b[0];a.isArray(c)&&(c=a.map(c,function(a){return a.toString()})),this.$element.val(c).trigger("change")},e.prototype.destroy=function(){this.$container.remove(),this.$element[0].detachEvent&&this.$element[0].detachEvent("onpropertychange",this._syncA),null!=this._observer?(this._observer.disconnect(),this._observer=null):this.$element[0].removeEventListener&&(this.$element[0].removeEventListener("DOMAttrModified",this._syncA,!1),this.$element[0].removeEventListener("DOMNodeInserted",this._syncS,!1),this.$element[0].removeEventListener("DOMNodeRemoved",this._syncS,!1)),this._syncA=null,this._syncS=null,this.$element.off(".select2"),this.$element.attr("tabindex",this.$element.data("old-tabindex")),this.$element.removeClass("select2-hidden-accessible"),this.$element.attr("aria-hidden","false"),this.$element.removeData("select2"),this.dataAdapter.destroy(),this.selection.destroy(),this.dropdown.destroy(),this.results.destroy(),this.dataAdapter=null,this.selection=null,this.dropdown=null,this.results=null},e.prototype.render=function(){var b=a('');return b.attr("dir",this.options.get("dir")),this.$container=b,this.$container.addClass("select2-container--"+this.options.get("theme")),b.data("element",this.$element),b},e}),b.define("jquery-mousewheel",["jquery"],function(a){return a}),b.define("jquery.select2",["jquery","jquery-mousewheel","./select2/core","./select2/defaults"],function(a,b,c,d){if(null==a.fn.select2){var e=["open","close","destroy"];a.fn.select2=function(b){if("object"==typeof(b=b||{}))return this.each(function(){var d=a.extend(!0,{},b);new c(a(this),d)}),this;if("string"==typeof b){var d,f=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1);return this.each(function(){var c=a(this).data("select2");null==c&&window.console&&console.error&&console.error("The select2('"+b+"') method was called on an element that is not using Select2."),d=c[b].apply(c,f)}),a.inArray(b,e)>-1?this:d}throw new Error("Invalid arguments for Select2: "+b)}}return null==a.fn.select2.defaults&&(a.fn.select2.defaults=d),c}),{define:b.define,require:b.require}}(),c=b.require("jquery.select2");return a.fn.select2.amd=b,c});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/classes/class-form-fields-generator.php b/lib/classes/class-form-fields-generator.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a686353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/classes/class-form-fields-generator.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10038 @@
+ data-depends="[]"
+ id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-post-objects-wrapper
+ field-post-objects-wrapper-">
+ $arg):
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]"
+ id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-switcher-wrapper
+ field-switcher-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]"
+ id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-google-map-wrapper
+ field-google-map-wrapper-">
+ $name):
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]"
+ id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-border-wrapper
+ field-border-wrapper-">
+ Width
+ Style
+ Color
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-margin-wrapper
+ field-margin-wrapper-">
+ $arg):
+ $name = $arg['name'];
+ $unit = $values[$index]['unit'];
+ ?>
+ ' />
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-padding-wrapper
+ field-padding-wrapper-">
+ $arg):
+ $name = $arg['name'];
+ $unit = $values[$index]['unit'];
+ ?>
+ ' />
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-margin-wrapper field-margin-wrapper-">
+ $arg):
+ $name = $arg['name'];
+ $unit = $values[$index]['unit'];
+ ?>
+ ' />
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-google-recaptcha-wrapper
+ field-google-recaptcha-wrapper-">
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : '';
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-img-select-wrapper
+ field-img-select-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-submit-wrapper
+ field-submit-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-nonce-wrapper
+ field-nonce-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-color-wrapper
+ field-color-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-email-wrapper
+ field-email-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-password-wrapper
+ field-password-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-search-wrapper
+ field-search-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-month-wrapper
+ field-month-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-date-wrapper
+ field-date-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" class=" field-wrapper field-url-wrapper field-url-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-time-wrapper
+ field-time-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-tel-wrapper field-tel-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]"
+ id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-text-wrapper
+ field-text-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-hidden-wrapper
+ field-hidden-wrapper-">
+ ';
+ $sortable = isset( $option['sortable'] ) ? $option['sortable'] : true;
+ $default = isset( $option['default'] ) ? $option['default'] : array();
+ $values = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : array();
+ $values = !empty($values) ? $values : $default;
+ $limit = !empty( $option['limit'] ) ? $option['limit'] : '';
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-text-multi-wrapper
+ field-text-multi-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]"
+ id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-textarea-wrapper field-textarea-wrapper-">
+ true,
+ 'mode' => "javascript",
+ );
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-code-wrapper
+ field-code-wrapper-">
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : array();
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]"
+ id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-checkbox-wrapper
+ field-checkbox-wrapper-">
+ $argName ):
+ $checked = ( $key == $value ) ? "checked" : "";
+ ?>
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : array();
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name.'[]' : $id.'[]';
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-checkbox-wrapper
+ field-checkbox-wrapper-">
+ $argName ):
+ $checked = is_array( $value ) && in_array( $key, $value ) ? "checked" : "";
+ ?>
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : '';
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-radio-wrapper
+ field-radio-wrapper-">
+ $argName ):
+ $checked = ( $key == $value ) ? "checked" : "";
+ ?>
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $default = isset( $option['default'] ) ? $option['default'] : "";
+ $multiple = isset( $option['multiple'] ) ? $option['multiple'] : false;
+ $limit = !empty( $option['limit'] ) ? $option['limit'] : '';
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : '';
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-select-wrapper
+ field-select-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-range-wrapper
+ field-range-wrapper-">
' name='' id='' value='' />
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : "";
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-switch-wrapper
+ field-switch-wrapper-">
+ $argName ):
+ $checked = ( $key == $value ) ? "checked" : "";
+ ?>
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : array();
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-switch-multi-wrapper
+ field-switch-multi-wrapper-">
+ $argName ):
+ $checked = is_array( $value ) && in_array( $key, $value ) ? "checked" : "";
+ ?>
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : "";
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-switch-img-wrapper
+ field-switch-img-wrapper-">
+ $arg ):
+ $src = isset( $arg['src'] ) ? $arg['src'] : "";
+ $checked = ( $key == $value ) ? "checked" : "";
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-time-format-wrapper
+ field-time-format-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-date-format-wrapper
+ field-date-format-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-datepicker-wrapper
+ field-datepicker-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-colorpicker-wrapper
+ field-colorpicker-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-colorpicker-multi-wrapper
+ field-colorpicker-multi-wrapper-">
+ '#1B2A41','hover' => '#3F3244','active' => '#60495A','visited' => '#7D8CA3' );
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-link-color-wrapper
+ field-link-color-wrapper-">
+ $value):
+ ?>
+ $value):
+ ?>
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : "";
+ $values = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-user-multi-wrapper
+ field-user-multi-wrapper-">
+ $iconTitle):
+ $user_data = get_user_by('ID',$user_id);
+ $get_avatar_url = get_avatar_url($user_id,array('size'=>'60'));
+ ?>
+ -
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-icon-wrapper
+ field-icon-wrapper-">
+ $iconTitle):
+ ?>
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $limit = isset( $option['limit'] ) ? $option['limit'] : "";
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : "";
+ $values = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-icon-multi-wrapper
+ field-icon-multi-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-number-wrapper
+ field-number-wrapper-">
+ $field_name);
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : "";
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-wp_editor-wrapper
+ field-wp_editor-wrapper-">
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $default = isset( $option['default'] ) ? $option['default'] : "";
+ $multiple = isset( $option['multiple'] ) ? $option['multiple'] : false;
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : '';
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if($multiple):
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : array();
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-select2-wrapper
+ field-select2-wrapper-">
+ $name ):
+ if( $multiple ) $selected = in_array( $key, $value ) ? "selected" : "";
+ else $selected = $value == $key ? "selected" : "";
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-option-group-tabs-wrapper
+ field-option-group-tabs-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-option-group-tabs-wrapper
+ field-option-group-tabs-wrapper-">
+ $value ):
+ $title = $value['title'];
+ ?>
+ $value ):
+ $title = $value['title'];
+ $link = $value['link'];
+ $options = $value['options'];
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-faq-wrapper
+ field-faq-wrapper-">
+ $value ):
+ $title = $value['title'];
+ $link = $value['link'];
+ $options = $value['options'];
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-faq-wrapper
+ field-faq-wrapper-">
+ $value ):
+ $title = $value['title'];
+ $link = $value['link'];
+ $content = $value['content'];
+ ?>
+ '100%','992px'=>'50%', '1200px'=>'30%', );
+ $heights = isset( $option['height'] ) ? $option['height'] : array('768px'=>'auto','992px'=>'250px', '1200px'=>'250px', );
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-grid-wrapper
+ field-grid-wrapper-">
+ $grid_item){
+ $title = isset($grid_item['title']) ? $grid_item['title'] : '';
+ $link = isset($grid_item['link']) ? $grid_item['link'] : '';
+ $thumb = isset($grid_item['thumb']) ? $grid_item['thumb'] : '';
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-color-sets-wrapper
+ field-color-sets-wrapper-">
+ $set ):
+ //var_dump($value);
+ $checked = ( $key == $value ) ? "checked" : "";
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-color-palette-wrapper
+ field-color-palette-wrapper-">
+ $color ):
+ $checked = ( $key == $value ) ? "checked" : "";
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-color-palette-multi-wrapper
+ field-color-palette-multi-wrapper-">
+ $color ):
+ $checked = is_array( $value ) && in_array( $key, $value ) ? "checked" : "";
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-media-wrapper
+ field-media-wrapper-">
+ ';
+ $default = isset( $option['default'] ) ? $option['default'] : '';
+ $values = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : '';
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ wp_enqueue_media();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-media-multi-wrapper
+ field-media-multi-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]"
+ id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-custom-html-wrapper
+ field-custom-html-wrapper-">
+ ';
+ $limit = isset( $option['limit'] ) ? $option['limit'] : '';
+ $args = isset( $option['args'] ) ? $option['args'] : '';
+ $args = is_array( $args ) ? $args : $this->args_from_string( $args );
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ $new_title = explode('/',$title_field);
+ $title_field = $new_title;
+ foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
+ # code...
+ $new[$key]['type'] = $fields[$key]['type'];
+ $new[$key]['default'] = isset($fields[$key]['default']) ? $fields[$key]['default'] : "";
+ $new[$key]['item_id'] = $fields[$key]['item_id'];
+ $new[$key]['name'] = $fields[$key]['name'];
+ $define_args = isset($fields[$key]['args']) ? $fields[$key]['args'] : "";
+ $new[$key]['args'] = $this->args_from_string( $define_args );
+ }
+ $fields = $new;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-repeatable-wrapper
+ field-repeatable-wrapper-">
+ $val):
+ $title_field_val = !empty($title_field) ? $this->get_form_title($title_field,$val) : '==> Click to Expand';
+ ?>
+ $field):
+ $type = $field['type'];
+ $item_id = $field['item_id'];
+ $name = $field['name'];
+ $title_field_class = ($title_field == $field_index) ? 'title-field':'';
+ ?>
+ get_rep_taxonomies_array( $args ) as $argIndex => $argName):
+ $selected = ($argIndex == $value) ? 'selected' : ''; ?> get_pages_array();
+ if( strpos( $string, 'POSTS_IDS_ARRAY' ) !== false ) return $this->get_posts_array();
+ if( strpos( $string, 'POST_TYPES_ARRAY' ) !== false ) return $this->get_post_types_array();
+ if( strpos( $string, 'TAX_' ) !== false ) return $this->get_taxonomies_array( $string );
+ if( strpos( $string, 'TAXN_' ) !== false ) return $this->get_rep_taxonomies_array( $string );
+ if( strpos( $string, 'CPT_' ) !== false ) return $this->get_cpt_array( $string );
+ if( strpos( $string, 'USER_ROLES' ) !== false ) return $this->get_user_roles_array();
+ if( strpos( $string, 'USER_IDS_ARRAY' ) !== false ) return $this->get_user_ids_array();
+ if( strpos( $string, 'MENUS' ) !== false ) return $this->get_menus_array();
+ if( strpos( $string, 'SIDEBARS_ARRAY' ) !== false ) return $this->get_sidebars_array();
+ if( strpos( $string, 'THUMB_SIEZS_ARRAY' ) !== false ) return $this->get_thumb_sizes_array();
+ if( strpos( $string, 'FONTAWESOME_ARRAY' ) !== false ) return $this->get_font_aws_array();
+ return array();
+ }
+ public function get_rep_taxonomies_array( $string ){
+ $taxonomies = array();
+ preg_match_all( "/\%([^\]]*)\%/", $string, $matches );
+ if( isset( $matches[1][0] ) ) $taxonomy = $matches[1][0];
+ else throw new Pick_error('Invalid taxonomy declaration !');
+ if( ! taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy ) ) throw new Pick_error("Taxonomy $taxonomy doesn't exists !");
+ $terms = get_terms( $taxonomy, array(
+ 'hide_empty' => false,
+ ) );
+ foreach( $terms as $term ) $taxonomies[ $term->name ] = $term->name;
+ return $taxonomies;
+ }
+ public function get_taxonomies_array( $string ){
+ $taxonomies = array();
+ preg_match_all( "/\%([^\]]*)\%/", $string, $matches );
+ if( isset( $matches[1][0] ) ) $taxonomy = $matches[1][0];
+ else throw new Pick_error('Invalid taxonomy declaration !');
+ if( ! taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy ) ) throw new Pick_error("Taxonomy $taxonomy doesn't exists !");
+ $terms = get_terms( $taxonomy, array(
+ 'hide_empty' => false,
+ ) );
+ foreach( $terms as $term ) $taxonomies[ $term->term_id ] = $term->name;
+ return $taxonomies;
+ }
+ public function get_cpt_array( $string ){
+ preg_match_all( "/\%([^\]]*)\%/", $string, $matches );
+ $cpt_name = $matches[1][0];
+ $defaults = array(
+ 'numberposts' => -1,
+ 'post_type' => $cpt_name,
+ );
+ $cpt_arr = get_posts($defaults);
+ $cpt = array();
+ foreach ($cpt_arr as $_cpt_arr) {
+ $cpt[$_cpt_arr->ID] = $_cpt_arr->post_title;
+ }
+ return $cpt;
+ }
+ public function get_user_ids_array(){
+ $user_ids = array();
+ $users = get_users();
+ foreach( $users as $user ) $user_ids[ $user->ID ] = $user->display_name. '(#'.$user->ID.')';
+ return apply_filters( 'USER_IDS_ARRAY', $user_ids );
+ }
+ public function get_pages_array(){
+ $pages_array = array();
+ foreach( get_pages() as $page ) $pages_array[ $page->ID ] = $page->post_title;
+ return apply_filters( 'PAGES_IDS_ARRAY', $pages_array );
+ }
+ public function get_menus_array(){
+ $menus = get_registered_nav_menus();
+ return apply_filters( 'MENUS_ARRAY', $menus );
+ }
+ public function get_sidebars_array(){
+ global $wp_registered_sidebars;
+ $sidebars = $wp_registered_sidebars;
+ foreach ($sidebars as $index => $sidebar){
+ $sidebars_name[$index] = $sidebar['name'];
+ }
+ return apply_filters( 'SIDEBARS_ARRAY', $sidebars_name );
+ }
+ public function get_user_roles_array(){
+ require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/user.php';
+ $roles = get_editable_roles();
+ foreach ($roles as $index => $data){
+ $role_name[$index] = $data['name'];
+ }
+ return apply_filters( 'USER_ROLES', $role_name );
+ }
+ public function get_post_types_array(){
+ $post_types = get_post_types('', 'names' );
+ $pages_array = array();
+ foreach( $post_types as $index => $name ) $pages_array[ $index ] = $name;
+ return apply_filters( 'POST_TYPES_ARRAY', $pages_array );
+ }
+ public function get_posts_array(){
+ $posts_array = array();
+ foreach( get_posts(array('posts_per_page'=>-1)) as $page ) $posts_array[ $page->ID ] = $page->post_title;
+ return apply_filters( 'POSTS_IDS_ARRAY', $posts_array );
+ }
+ public function get_thumb_sizes_array(){
+ $get_intermediate_image_sizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes();
+ $get_intermediate_image_sizes = array_merge($get_intermediate_image_sizes,array('full'));
+ $thumb_sizes_array = array();
+ foreach( $get_intermediate_image_sizes as $key => $name ):
+ $size_key = str_replace('_', ' ',$name);
+ $size_key = str_replace('-', ' ',$size_key);
+ $size_name = ucfirst($size_key);
+ $thumb_sizes_array[$name] = $size_name;
+ endforeach;
+ return apply_filters( 'THUMB_SIEZS_ARRAY', $get_intermediate_image_sizes );
+ }
+ public function get_font_aws_array(){
+ $fonts_arr = array (
+ 'fab fa-500px' => __( '500px', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-accessible-icon' => __( 'accessible-icon', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-accusoft' => __( 'accusoft', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-address-book' => __( 'address-book', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-address-book' => __( 'address-book', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-address-card' => __( 'address-card', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-address-card' => __( 'address-card', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-adjust' => __( 'adjust', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-adn' => __( 'adn', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-adversal' => __( 'adversal', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-affiliatetheme' => __( 'affiliatetheme', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-algolia' => __( 'algolia', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-align-center' => __( 'align-center', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-align-justify' => __( 'align-justify', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-align-left' => __( 'align-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-align-right' => __( 'align-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-allergies' => __( 'allergies', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-amazon' => __( 'amazon', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-amazon-pay' => __( 'amazon-pay', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-ambulance' => __( 'ambulance', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-american-sign-language-interpreting' => __( 'american-sign-language-interpreting', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-amilia' => __( 'amilia', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-anchor' => __( 'anchor', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-android' => __( 'android', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-angellist' => __( 'angellist', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-angle-double-down' => __( 'angle-double-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-angle-double-left' => __( 'angle-double-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-angle-double-right' => __( 'angle-double-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-angle-double-up' => __( 'angle-double-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-angle-down' => __( 'angle-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-angle-left' => __( 'angle-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-angle-right' => __( 'angle-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-angle-up' => __( 'angle-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-angrycreative' => __( 'angrycreative', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-angular' => __( 'angular', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-app-store' => __( 'app-store', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-app-store-ios' => __( 'app-store-ios', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-apper' => __( 'apper', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-apple' => __( 'apple', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-apple-pay' => __( 'apple-pay', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-archive' => __( 'archive', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-down' => __( 'arrow-alt-circle-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-down' => __( 'arrow-alt-circle-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-left' => __( 'arrow-alt-circle-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-left' => __( 'arrow-alt-circle-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-right' => __( 'arrow-alt-circle-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-right' => __( 'arrow-alt-circle-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-up' => __( 'arrow-alt-circle-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-up' => __( 'arrow-alt-circle-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-circle-down' => __( 'arrow-circle-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-circle-left' => __( 'arrow-circle-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-circle-right' => __( 'arrow-circle-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-circle-up' => __( 'arrow-circle-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-down' => __( 'arrow-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-left' => __( 'arrow-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-right' => __( 'arrow-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-up' => __( 'arrow-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrows-alt' => __( 'arrows-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrows-alt-h' => __( 'arrows-alt-h', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrows-alt-v' => __( 'arrows-alt-v', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-assistive-listening-systems' => __( 'assistive-listening-systems', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-asterisk' => __( 'asterisk', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-asymmetrik' => __( 'asymmetrik', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-at' => __( 'at', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-audible' => __( 'audible', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-audio-description' => __( 'audio-description', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-autoprefixer' => __( 'autoprefixer', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-avianex' => __( 'avianex', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-aviato' => __( 'aviato', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-aws' => __( 'aws', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-backward' => __( 'backward', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-balance-scale' => __( 'balance-scale', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-ban' => __( 'ban', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-band-aid' => __( 'band-aid', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-bandcamp' => __( 'bandcamp', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-barcode' => __( 'barcode', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bars' => __( 'bars', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-baseball-ball' => __( 'baseball-ball', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-basketball-ball' => __( 'basketball-ball', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bath' => __( 'bath', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-battery-empty' => __( 'battery-empty', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-battery-full' => __( 'battery-full', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-battery-half' => __( 'battery-half', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-battery-quarter' => __( 'battery-quarter', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-battery-three-quarters' => __( 'battery-three-quarters', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bed' => __( 'bed', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-beer' => __( 'beer', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-behance' => __( 'behance', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-behance-square' => __( 'behance-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bell' => __( 'bell', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-bell' => __( 'bell', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bell-slash' => __( 'bell-slash', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-bell-slash' => __( 'bell-slash', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bicycle' => __( 'bicycle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-bimobject' => __( 'bimobject', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-binoculars' => __( 'binoculars', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-birthday-cake' => __( 'birthday-cake', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-bitbucket' => __( 'bitbucket', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-bitcoin' => __( 'bitcoin', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-bity' => __( 'bity', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-black-tie' => __( 'black-tie', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-blackberry' => __( 'blackberry', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-blind' => __( 'blind', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-blogger' => __( 'blogger', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-blogger-b' => __( 'blogger-b', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-bluetooth' => __( 'bluetooth', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-bluetooth-b' => __( 'bluetooth-b', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bold' => __( 'bold', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bolt' => __( 'bolt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bomb' => __( 'bomb', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-book' => __( 'book', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bookmark' => __( 'bookmark', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-bookmark' => __( 'bookmark', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bowling-ball' => __( 'bowling-ball', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-box' => __( 'box', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-box-open' => __( 'box-open', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-boxes' => __( 'boxes', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-braille' => __( 'braille', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-briefcase' => __( 'briefcase', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-briefcase-medical' => __( 'briefcase-medical', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-btc' => __( 'btc', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bug' => __( 'bug', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-building' => __( 'building', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-building' => __( 'building', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bullhorn' => __( 'bullhorn', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bullseye' => __( 'bullseye', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-burn' => __( 'burn', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-buromobelexperte' => __( 'buromobelexperte', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bus' => __( 'bus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-buysellads' => __( 'buysellads', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-calculator' => __( 'calculator', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-calendar' => __( 'calendar', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-calendar' => __( 'calendar', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-calendar-alt' => __( 'calendar-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-calendar-alt' => __( 'calendar-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-calendar-check' => __( 'calendar-check', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-calendar-check' => __( 'calendar-check', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-calendar-minus' => __( 'calendar-minus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-calendar-minus' => __( 'calendar-minus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-calendar-plus' => __( 'calendar-plus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-calendar-plus' => __( 'calendar-plus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-calendar-times' => __( 'calendar-times', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-calendar-times' => __( 'calendar-times', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-camera' => __( 'camera', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-camera-retro' => __( 'camera-retro', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-capsules' => __( 'capsules', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-car' => __( 'car', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-caret-down' => __( 'caret-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-caret-left' => __( 'caret-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-caret-right' => __( 'caret-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-caret-square-down' => __( 'caret-square-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-caret-square-down' => __( 'caret-square-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-caret-square-left' => __( 'caret-square-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-caret-square-left' => __( 'caret-square-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-caret-square-right' => __( 'caret-square-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-caret-square-right' => __( 'caret-square-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-caret-square-up' => __( 'caret-square-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-caret-square-up' => __( 'caret-square-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-caret-up' => __( 'caret-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-cart-arrow-down' => __( 'cart-arrow-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-cart-plus' => __( 'cart-plus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cc-amazon-pay' => __( 'cc-amazon-pay', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cc-amex' => __( 'cc-amex', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cc-apple-pay' => __( 'cc-apple-pay', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cc-diners-club' => __( 'cc-diners-club', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cc-discover' => __( 'cc-discover', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cc-jcb' => __( 'cc-jcb', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cc-mastercard' => __( 'cc-mastercard', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cc-paypal' => __( 'cc-paypal', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cc-stripe' => __( 'cc-stripe', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cc-visa' => __( 'cc-visa', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-centercode' => __( 'centercode', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-certificate' => __( 'certificate', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chart-area' => __( 'chart-area', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chart-bar' => __( 'chart-bar', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-chart-bar' => __( 'chart-bar', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chart-line' => __( 'chart-line', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chart-pie' => __( 'chart-pie', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-check' => __( 'check', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-check-circle' => __( 'check-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-check-circle' => __( 'check-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-check-square' => __( 'check-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-check-square' => __( 'check-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chess' => __( 'chess', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chess-bishop' => __( 'chess-bishop', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chess-board' => __( 'chess-board', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chess-king' => __( 'chess-king', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chess-knight' => __( 'chess-knight', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chess-pawn' => __( 'chess-pawn', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chess-queen' => __( 'chess-queen', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chess-rook' => __( 'chess-rook', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chevron-circle-down' => __( 'chevron-circle-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chevron-circle-left' => __( 'chevron-circle-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chevron-circle-right' => __( 'chevron-circle-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chevron-circle-up' => __( 'chevron-circle-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chevron-down' => __( 'chevron-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chevron-left' => __( 'chevron-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chevron-right' => __( 'chevron-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chevron-up' => __( 'chevron-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-child' => __( 'child', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-chrome' => __( 'chrome', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-circle' => __( 'circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-circle' => __( 'circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-circle-notch' => __( 'circle-notch', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-clipboard' => __( 'clipboard', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-clipboard' => __( 'clipboard', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-clipboard-check' => __( 'clipboard-check', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-clipboard-list' => __( 'clipboard-list', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-clock' => __( 'clock', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-clock' => __( 'clock', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-clone' => __( 'clone', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-clone' => __( 'clone', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-closed-captioning' => __( 'closed-captioning', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-closed-captioning' => __( 'closed-captioning', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-cloud' => __( 'cloud', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-cloud-download-alt' => __( 'cloud-download-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-cloud-upload-alt' => __( 'cloud-upload-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cloudscale' => __( 'cloudscale', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cloudsmith' => __( 'cloudsmith', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cloudversify' => __( 'cloudversify', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-code' => __( 'code', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-code-branch' => __( 'code-branch', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-codepen' => __( 'codepen', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-codiepie' => __( 'codiepie', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-coffee' => __( 'coffee', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-cog' => __( 'cog', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-cogs' => __( 'cogs', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-columns' => __( 'columns', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-comment' => __( 'comment', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-comment' => __( 'comment', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-comment-alt' => __( 'comment-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-comment-alt' => __( 'comment-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-comment-dots' => __( 'comment-dots', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-comment-slash' => __( 'comment-slash', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-comments' => __( 'comments', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-comments' => __( 'comments', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-compass' => __( 'compass', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-compass' => __( 'compass', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-compress' => __( 'compress', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-connectdevelop' => __( 'connectdevelop', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-contao' => __( 'contao', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-copy' => __( 'copy', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-copy' => __( 'copy', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-copyright' => __( 'copyright', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-copyright' => __( 'copyright', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-couch' => __( 'couch', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cpanel' => __( 'cpanel', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-creative-commons' => __( 'creative-commons', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-credit-card' => __( 'credit-card', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-credit-card' => __( 'credit-card', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-crop' => __( 'crop', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-crosshairs' => __( 'crosshairs', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-css3' => __( 'css3', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-css3-alt' => __( 'css3-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-cube' => __( 'cube', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-cubes' => __( 'cubes', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-cut' => __( 'cut', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cuttlefish' => __( 'cuttlefish', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-d-and-d' => __( 'd-and-d', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-dashcube' => __( 'dashcube', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-database' => __( 'database', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-deaf' => __( 'deaf', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-delicious' => __( 'delicious', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-deploydog' => __( 'deploydog', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-deskpro' => __( 'deskpro', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-desktop' => __( 'desktop', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-deviantart' => __( 'deviantart', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-diagnoses' => __( 'diagnoses', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-digg' => __( 'digg', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-digital-ocean' => __( 'digital-ocean', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-discord' => __( 'discord', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-discourse' => __( 'discourse', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-dna' => __( 'dna', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-dochub' => __( 'dochub', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-docker' => __( 'docker', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-dollar-sign' => __( 'dollar-sign', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-dolly' => __( 'dolly', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-dolly-flatbed' => __( 'dolly-flatbed', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-donate' => __( 'donate', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-dot-circle' => __( 'dot-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-dot-circle' => __( 'dot-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-dove' => __( 'dove', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-download' => __( 'download', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-draft2digital' => __( 'draft2digital', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-dribbble' => __( 'dribbble', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-dribbble-square' => __( 'dribbble-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-dropbox' => __( 'dropbox', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-drupal' => __( 'drupal', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-dyalog' => __( 'dyalog', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-earlybirds' => __( 'earlybirds', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-edge' => __( 'edge', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-edit' => __( 'edit', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-edit' => __( 'edit', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-eject' => __( 'eject', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-elementor' => __( 'elementor', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-ellipsis-h' => __( 'ellipsis-h', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-ellipsis-v' => __( 'ellipsis-v', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-ember' => __( 'ember', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-empire' => __( 'empire', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-envelope' => __( 'envelope', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-envelope' => __( 'envelope', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-envelope-open' => __( 'envelope-open', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-envelope-open' => __( 'envelope-open', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-envelope-square' => __( 'envelope-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-envira' => __( 'envira', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-eraser' => __( 'eraser', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-erlang' => __( 'erlang', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-ethereum' => __( 'ethereum', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-etsy' => __( 'etsy', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-euro-sign' => __( 'euro-sign', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-exchange-alt' => __( 'exchange-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-exclamation' => __( 'exclamation', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-exclamation-circle' => __( 'exclamation-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-exclamation-triangle' => __( 'exclamation-triangle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-expand' => __( 'expand', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-expand-arrows-alt' => __( 'expand-arrows-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-expeditedssl' => __( 'expeditedssl', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-external-link-alt' => __( 'external-link-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-external-link-square-alt' => __( 'external-link-square-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-eye' => __( 'eye', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-eye-dropper' => __( 'eye-dropper', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-eye-slash' => __( 'eye-slash', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-eye-slash' => __( 'eye-slash', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-facebook' => __( 'facebook', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-facebook-f' => __( 'facebook-f', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-facebook-messenger' => __( 'facebook-messenger', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-facebook-square' => __( 'facebook-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-fast-backward' => __( 'fast-backward', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-fast-forward' => __( 'fast-forward', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-fax' => __( 'fax', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-female' => __( 'female', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-fighter-jet' => __( 'fighter-jet', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file' => __( 'file', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file' => __( 'file', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-alt' => __( 'file-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file-alt' => __( 'file-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-archive' => __( 'file-archive', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file-archive' => __( 'file-archive', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-audio' => __( 'file-audio', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file-audio' => __( 'file-audio', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-code' => __( 'file-code', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file-code' => __( 'file-code', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-excel' => __( 'file-excel', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file-excel' => __( 'file-excel', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-image' => __( 'file-image', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file-image' => __( 'file-image', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-medical' => __( 'file-medical', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-medical-alt' => __( 'file-medical-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-pdf' => __( 'file-pdf', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file-pdf' => __( 'file-pdf', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-powerpoint' => __( 'file-powerpoint', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file-powerpoint' => __( 'file-powerpoint', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-video' => __( 'file-video', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file-video' => __( 'file-video', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-word' => __( 'file-word', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file-word' => __( 'file-word', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-film' => __( 'film', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-filter' => __( 'filter', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-fire' => __( 'fire', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-fire-extinguisher' => __( 'fire-extinguisher', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-firefox' => __( 'firefox', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-first-aid' => __( 'first-aid', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-first-order' => __( 'first-order', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-firstdraft' => __( 'firstdraft', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-flag' => __( 'flag', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-flag' => __( 'flag', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-flag-checkered' => __( 'flag-checkered', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-flask' => __( 'flask', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-flickr' => __( 'flickr', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-flipboard' => __( 'flipboard', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-fly' => __( 'fly', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-folder' => __( 'folder', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-folder' => __( 'folder', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-folder-open' => __( 'folder-open', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-folder-open' => __( 'folder-open', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-font' => __( 'font', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-font-awesome' => __( 'font-awesome', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-font-awesome-alt' => __( 'font-awesome-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-font-awesome-flag' => __( 'font-awesome-flag', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-fonticons' => __( 'fonticons', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-fonticons-fi' => __( 'fonticons-fi', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-football-ball' => __( 'football-ball', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-fort-awesome' => __( 'fort-awesome', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-fort-awesome-alt' => __( 'fort-awesome-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-forumbee' => __( 'forumbee', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-forward' => __( 'forward', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-foursquare' => __( 'foursquare', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-free-code-camp' => __( 'free-code-camp', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-freebsd' => __( 'freebsd', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-frown' => __( 'frown', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-frown' => __( 'frown', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-futbol' => __( 'futbol', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-futbol' => __( 'futbol', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-gamepad' => __( 'gamepad', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-gavel' => __( 'gavel', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-gem' => __( 'gem', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-gem' => __( 'gem', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-genderless' => __( 'genderless', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-get-pocket' => __( 'get-pocket', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-gg' => __( 'gg', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-gg-circle' => __( 'gg-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-gift' => __( 'gift', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-git' => __( 'git', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-git-square' => __( 'git-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-github' => __( 'github', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-github-alt' => __( 'github-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-github-square' => __( 'github-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-gitkraken' => __( 'gitkraken', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-gitlab' => __( 'gitlab', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-gitter' => __( 'gitter', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-glass-martini' => __( 'glass-martini', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-glide' => __( 'glide', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-glide-g' => __( 'glide-g', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-globe' => __( 'globe', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-gofore' => __( 'gofore', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-golf-ball' => __( 'golf-ball', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-goodreads' => __( 'goodreads', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-goodreads-g' => __( 'goodreads-g', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-google' => __( 'google', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-google-drive' => __( 'google-drive', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-google-play' => __( 'google-play', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-google-plus' => __( 'google-plus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-google-plus-g' => __( 'google-plus-g', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-google-plus-square' => __( 'google-plus-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-google-wallet' => __( 'google-wallet', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-graduation-cap' => __( 'graduation-cap', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-gratipay' => __( 'gratipay', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-grav' => __( 'grav', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-gripfire' => __( 'gripfire', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-grunt' => __( 'grunt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-gulp' => __( 'gulp', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-h-square' => __( 'h-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-hacker-news' => __( 'hacker-news', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-hacker-news-square' => __( 'hacker-news-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-holding' => __( 'hand-holding', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-holding-heart' => __( 'hand-holding-heart', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-holding-usd' => __( 'hand-holding-usd', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-lizard' => __( 'hand-lizard', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-lizard' => __( 'hand-lizard', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-paper' => __( 'hand-paper', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-paper' => __( 'hand-paper', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-peace' => __( 'hand-peace', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-peace' => __( 'hand-peace', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-point-down' => __( 'hand-point-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-point-down' => __( 'hand-point-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-point-left' => __( 'hand-point-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-point-left' => __( 'hand-point-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-point-right' => __( 'hand-point-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-point-right' => __( 'hand-point-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-point-up' => __( 'hand-point-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-point-up' => __( 'hand-point-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-pointer' => __( 'hand-pointer', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-pointer' => __( 'hand-pointer', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-rock' => __( 'hand-rock', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-rock' => __( 'hand-rock', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-scissors' => __( 'hand-scissors', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-scissors' => __( 'hand-scissors', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-spock' => __( 'hand-spock', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-spock' => __( 'hand-spock', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hands' => __( 'hands', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hands-helping' => __( 'hands-helping', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-handshake' => __( 'handshake', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-handshake' => __( 'handshake', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hashtag' => __( 'hashtag', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hdd' => __( 'hdd', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hdd' => __( 'hdd', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-heading' => __( 'heading', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-headphones' => __( 'headphones', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-heart' => __( 'heart', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-heart' => __( 'heart', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-heartbeat' => __( 'heartbeat', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-hips' => __( 'hips', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-hire-a-helper' => __( 'hire-a-helper', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-history' => __( 'history', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hockey-puck' => __( 'hockey-puck', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-home' => __( 'home', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-hooli' => __( 'hooli', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hospital' => __( 'hospital', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hospital' => __( 'hospital', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hospital-alt' => __( 'hospital-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hospital-symbol' => __( 'hospital-symbol', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-hotjar' => __( 'hotjar', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hourglass' => __( 'hourglass', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hourglass' => __( 'hourglass', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hourglass-end' => __( 'hourglass-end', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hourglass-half' => __( 'hourglass-half', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hourglass-start' => __( 'hourglass-start', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-houzz' => __( 'houzz', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-html5' => __( 'html5', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-hubspot' => __( 'hubspot', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-i-cursor' => __( 'i-cursor', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-id-badge' => __( 'id-badge', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-id-badge' => __( 'id-badge', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-id-card' => __( 'id-card', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-id-card' => __( 'id-card', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-id-card-alt' => __( 'id-card-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-image' => __( 'image', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-image' => __( 'image', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-images' => __( 'images', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-images' => __( 'images', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-imdb' => __( 'imdb', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-inbox' => __( 'inbox', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-indent' => __( 'indent', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-industry' => __( 'industry', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-info' => __( 'info', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-info-circle' => __( 'info-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-instagram' => __( 'instagram', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-internet-explorer' => __( 'internet-explorer', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-ioxhost' => __( 'ioxhost', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-italic' => __( 'italic', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-itunes' => __( 'itunes', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-itunes-note' => __( 'itunes-note', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-java' => __( 'java', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-jenkins' => __( 'jenkins', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-joget' => __( 'joget', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-joomla' => __( 'joomla', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-js' => __( 'js', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-js-square' => __( 'js-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-jsfiddle' => __( 'jsfiddle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-key' => __( 'key', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-keyboard' => __( 'keyboard', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-keyboard' => __( 'keyboard', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-keycdn' => __( 'keycdn', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-kickstarter' => __( 'kickstarter', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-kickstarter-k' => __( 'kickstarter-k', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-korvue' => __( 'korvue', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-language' => __( 'language', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-laptop' => __( 'laptop', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-laravel' => __( 'laravel', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-lastfm' => __( 'lastfm', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-lastfm-square' => __( 'lastfm-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-leaf' => __( 'leaf', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-leanpub' => __( 'leanpub', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-lemon' => __( 'lemon', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-lemon' => __( 'lemon', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-less' => __( 'less', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-level-down-alt' => __( 'level-down-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-level-up-alt' => __( 'level-up-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-life-ring' => __( 'life-ring', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-life-ring' => __( 'life-ring', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-lightbulb' => __( 'lightbulb', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-lightbulb' => __( 'lightbulb', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-line' => __( 'line', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-link' => __( 'link', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-linkedin' => __( 'linkedin', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-linkedin-in' => __( 'linkedin-in', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-linode' => __( 'linode', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-linux' => __( 'linux', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-lira-sign' => __( 'lira-sign', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-list' => __( 'list', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-list-alt' => __( 'list-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-list-alt' => __( 'list-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-list-ol' => __( 'list-ol', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-list-ul' => __( 'list-ul', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-location-arrow' => __( 'location-arrow', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-lock' => __( 'lock', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-lock-open' => __( 'lock-open', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-down' => __( 'long-arrow-alt-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-left' => __( 'long-arrow-alt-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-right' => __( 'long-arrow-alt-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-up' => __( 'long-arrow-alt-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-low-vision' => __( 'low-vision', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-lyft' => __( 'lyft', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-magento' => __( 'magento', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-magic' => __( 'magic', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-magnet' => __( 'magnet', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-male' => __( 'male', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-map' => __( 'map', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-map' => __( 'map', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-map-marker' => __( 'map-marker', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-map-marker-alt' => __( 'map-marker-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-map-pin' => __( 'map-pin', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-map-signs' => __( 'map-signs', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-mars' => __( 'mars', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-mars-double' => __( 'mars-double', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-mars-stroke' => __( 'mars-stroke', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-mars-stroke-h' => __( 'mars-stroke-h', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-mars-stroke-v' => __( 'mars-stroke-v', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-maxcdn' => __( 'maxcdn', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-medapps' => __( 'medapps', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-medium' => __( 'medium', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-medium-m' => __( 'medium-m', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-medkit' => __( 'medkit', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-medrt' => __( 'medrt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-meetup' => __( 'meetup', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-meh' => __( 'meh', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-meh' => __( 'meh', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-mercury' => __( 'mercury', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-microchip' => __( 'microchip', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-microphone' => __( 'microphone', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-microphone-slash' => __( 'microphone-slash', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-microsoft' => __( 'microsoft', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-minus' => __( 'minus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-minus-circle' => __( 'minus-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-minus-square' => __( 'minus-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-minus-square' => __( 'minus-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-mix' => __( 'mix', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-mixcloud' => __( 'mixcloud', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-mizuni' => __( 'mizuni', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-mobile' => __( 'mobile', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-mobile-alt' => __( 'mobile-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-modx' => __( 'modx', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-monero' => __( 'monero', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-money-bill-alt' => __( 'money-bill-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-money-bill-alt' => __( 'money-bill-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-moon' => __( 'moon', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-moon' => __( 'moon', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-motorcycle' => __( 'motorcycle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-mouse-pointer' => __( 'mouse-pointer', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-music' => __( 'music', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-napster' => __( 'napster', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-neuter' => __( 'neuter', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-newspaper' => __( 'newspaper', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-newspaper' => __( 'newspaper', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-nintendo-switch' => __( 'nintendo-switch', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-node' => __( 'node', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-node-js' => __( 'node-js', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-notes-medical' => __( 'notes-medical', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-npm' => __( 'npm', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-ns8' => __( 'ns8', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-nutritionix' => __( 'nutritionix', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-object-group' => __( 'object-group', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-object-group' => __( 'object-group', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-object-ungroup' => __( 'object-ungroup', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-object-ungroup' => __( 'object-ungroup', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-odnoklassniki' => __( 'odnoklassniki', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-odnoklassniki-square' => __( 'odnoklassniki-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-opencart' => __( 'opencart', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-openid' => __( 'openid', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-opera' => __( 'opera', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-optin-monster' => __( 'optin-monster', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-osi' => __( 'osi', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-outdent' => __( 'outdent', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-page4' => __( 'page4', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-pagelines' => __( 'pagelines', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-paint-brush' => __( 'paint-brush', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-palfed' => __( 'palfed', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-pallet' => __( 'pallet', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-paper-plane' => __( 'paper-plane', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-paper-plane' => __( 'paper-plane', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-paperclip' => __( 'paperclip', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-parachute-box' => __( 'parachute-box', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-paragraph' => __( 'paragraph', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-paste' => __( 'paste', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-patreon' => __( 'patreon', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-pause' => __( 'pause', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-pause-circle' => __( 'pause-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-pause-circle' => __( 'pause-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-paw' => __( 'paw', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-paypal' => __( 'paypal', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-pen-square' => __( 'pen-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-pencil-alt' => __( 'pencil-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-people-carry' => __( 'people-carry', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-percent' => __( 'percent', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-periscope' => __( 'periscope', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-phabricator' => __( 'phabricator', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-phoenix-framework' => __( 'phoenix-framework', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-phone' => __( 'phone', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-phone-slash' => __( 'phone-slash', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-phone-square' => __( 'phone-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-phone-volume' => __( 'phone-volume', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-php' => __( 'php', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-pied-piper' => __( 'pied-piper', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-pied-piper-alt' => __( 'pied-piper-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-pied-piper-hat' => __( 'pied-piper-hat', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-pied-piper-pp' => __( 'pied-piper-pp', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-piggy-bank' => __( 'piggy-bank', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-pills' => __( 'pills', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-pinterest' => __( 'pinterest', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-pinterest-p' => __( 'pinterest-p', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-pinterest-square' => __( 'pinterest-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-plane' => __( 'plane', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-play' => __( 'play', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-play-circle' => __( 'play-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-play-circle' => __( 'play-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-playstation' => __( 'playstation', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-plug' => __( 'plug', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-plus' => __( 'plus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-plus-circle' => __( 'plus-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-plus-square' => __( 'plus-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-plus-square' => __( 'plus-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-podcast' => __( 'podcast', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-poo' => __( 'poo', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-pound-sign' => __( 'pound-sign', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-power-off' => __( 'power-off', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-prescription-bottle' => __( 'prescription-bottle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-prescription-bottle-alt' => __( 'prescription-bottle-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-print' => __( 'print', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-procedures' => __( 'procedures', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-product-hunt' => __( 'product-hunt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-pushed' => __( 'pushed', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-puzzle-piece' => __( 'puzzle-piece', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-python' => __( 'python', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-qq' => __( 'qq', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-qrcode' => __( 'qrcode', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-question' => __( 'question', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-question-circle' => __( 'question-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-question-circle' => __( 'question-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-quidditch' => __( 'quidditch', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-quinscape' => __( 'quinscape', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-quora' => __( 'quora', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-quote-left' => __( 'quote-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-quote-right' => __( 'quote-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-random' => __( 'random', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-ravelry' => __( 'ravelry', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-react' => __( 'react', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-readme' => __( 'readme', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-rebel' => __( 'rebel', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-recycle' => __( 'recycle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-red-river' => __( 'red-river', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-reddit' => __( 'reddit', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-reddit-alien' => __( 'reddit-alien', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-reddit-square' => __( 'reddit-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-redo' => __( 'redo', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-redo-alt' => __( 'redo-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-registered' => __( 'registered', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-registered' => __( 'registered', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-rendact' => __( 'rendact', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-renren' => __( 'renren', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-reply' => __( 'reply', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-reply-all' => __( 'reply-all', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-replyd' => __( 'replyd', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-resolving' => __( 'resolving', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-retweet' => __( 'retweet', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-ribbon' => __( 'ribbon', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-road' => __( 'road', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-rocket' => __( 'rocket', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-rocketchat' => __( 'rocketchat', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-rockrms' => __( 'rockrms', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-rss' => __( 'rss', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-rss-square' => __( 'rss-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-ruble-sign' => __( 'ruble-sign', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-rupee-sign' => __( 'rupee-sign', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-safari' => __( 'safari', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-sass' => __( 'sass', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-save' => __( 'save', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-save' => __( 'save', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-schlix' => __( 'schlix', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-scribd' => __( 'scribd', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-search' => __( 'search', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-search-minus' => __( 'search-minus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-search-plus' => __( 'search-plus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-searchengin' => __( 'searchengin', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-seedling' => __( 'seedling', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-sellcast' => __( 'sellcast', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-sellsy' => __( 'sellsy', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-server' => __( 'server', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-servicestack' => __( 'servicestack', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-share' => __( 'share', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-share-alt' => __( 'share-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-share-alt-square' => __( 'share-alt-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-share-square' => __( 'share-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-share-square' => __( 'share-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-shekel-sign' => __( 'shekel-sign', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-shield-alt' => __( 'shield-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-ship' => __( 'ship', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-shipping-fast' => __( 'shipping-fast', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-shirtsinbulk' => __( 'shirtsinbulk', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-shopping-bag' => __( 'shopping-bag', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-shopping-basket' => __( 'shopping-basket', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-shopping-cart' => __( 'shopping-cart', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-shower' => __( 'shower', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sign' => __( 'sign', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sign-in-alt' => __( 'sign-in-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sign-language' => __( 'sign-language', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sign-out-alt' => __( 'sign-out-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-signal' => __( 'signal', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-simplybuilt' => __( 'simplybuilt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-sistrix' => __( 'sistrix', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sitemap' => __( 'sitemap', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-skyatlas' => __( 'skyatlas', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-skype' => __( 'skype', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-slack' => __( 'slack', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-slack-hash' => __( 'slack-hash', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sliders-h' => __( 'sliders-h', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-slideshare' => __( 'slideshare', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-smile' => __( 'smile', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-smile' => __( 'smile', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-smoking' => __( 'smoking', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-snapchat' => __( 'snapchat', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-snapchat-ghost' => __( 'snapchat-ghost', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-snapchat-square' => __( 'snapchat-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-snowflake' => __( 'snowflake', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-snowflake' => __( 'snowflake', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sort' => __( 'sort', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sort-alpha-down' => __( 'sort-alpha-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sort-alpha-up' => __( 'sort-alpha-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sort-amount-down' => __( 'sort-amount-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sort-amount-up' => __( 'sort-amount-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sort-down' => __( 'sort-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sort-numeric-down' => __( 'sort-numeric-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sort-numeric-up' => __( 'sort-numeric-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sort-up' => __( 'sort-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-soundcloud' => __( 'soundcloud', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-space-shuttle' => __( 'space-shuttle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-speakap' => __( 'speakap', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-spinner' => __( 'spinner', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-spotify' => __( 'spotify', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-square' => __( 'square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-square' => __( 'square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-square-full' => __( 'square-full', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-stack-exchange' => __( 'stack-exchange', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-stack-overflow' => __( 'stack-overflow', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-star' => __( 'star', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-star' => __( 'star', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-star-half' => __( 'star-half', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-star-half' => __( 'star-half', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-staylinked' => __( 'staylinked', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-steam' => __( 'steam', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-steam-square' => __( 'steam-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-steam-symbol' => __( 'steam-symbol', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-step-backward' => __( 'step-backward', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-step-forward' => __( 'step-forward', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-stethoscope' => __( 'stethoscope', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-sticker-mule' => __( 'sticker-mule', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sticky-note' => __( 'sticky-note', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-sticky-note' => __( 'sticky-note', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-stop' => __( 'stop', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-stop-circle' => __( 'stop-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-stop-circle' => __( 'stop-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-stopwatch' => __( 'stopwatch', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-strava' => __( 'strava', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-street-view' => __( 'street-view', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-strikethrough' => __( 'strikethrough', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-stripe' => __( 'stripe', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-stripe-s' => __( 'stripe-s', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-studiovinari' => __( 'studiovinari', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-stumbleupon' => __( 'stumbleupon', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-stumbleupon-circle' => __( 'stumbleupon-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-subscript' => __( 'subscript', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-subway' => __( 'subway', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-suitcase' => __( 'suitcase', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sun' => __( 'sun', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-sun' => __( 'sun', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-superpowers' => __( 'superpowers', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-superscript' => __( 'superscript', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-supple' => __( 'supple', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sync' => __( 'sync', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sync-alt' => __( 'sync-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-syringe' => __( 'syringe', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-table' => __( 'table', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-table-tennis' => __( 'table-tennis', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tablet' => __( 'tablet', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tablet-alt' => __( 'tablet-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tablets' => __( 'tablets', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tachometer-alt' => __( 'tachometer-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tag' => __( 'tag', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tags' => __( 'tags', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tape' => __( 'tape', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tasks' => __( 'tasks', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-taxi' => __( 'taxi', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-telegram' => __( 'telegram', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-telegram-plane' => __( 'telegram-plane', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-tencent-weibo' => __( 'tencent-weibo', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-terminal' => __( 'terminal', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-text-height' => __( 'text-height', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-text-width' => __( 'text-width', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-th' => __( 'th', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-th-large' => __( 'th-large', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-th-list' => __( 'th-list', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-themeisle' => __( 'themeisle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-thermometer' => __( 'thermometer', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-thermometer-empty' => __( 'thermometer-empty', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-thermometer-full' => __( 'thermometer-full', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-thermometer-half' => __( 'thermometer-half', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-thermometer-quarter' => __( 'thermometer-quarter', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-thermometer-three-quarters' => __( 'thermometer-three-quarters', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-thumbs-down' => __( 'thumbs-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-thumbs-down' => __( 'thumbs-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-thumbs-up' => __( 'thumbs-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-thumbs-up' => __( 'thumbs-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-thumbtack' => __( 'thumbtack', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-ticket-alt' => __( 'ticket-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-times' => __( 'times', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-times-circle' => __( 'times-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-times-circle' => __( 'times-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tint' => __( 'tint', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-toggle-off' => __( 'toggle-off', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-toggle-on' => __( 'toggle-on', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-trademark' => __( 'trademark', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-train' => __( 'train', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-transgender' => __( 'transgender', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-transgender-alt' => __( 'transgender-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-trash' => __( 'trash', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-trash-alt' => __( 'trash-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-trash-alt' => __( 'trash-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tree' => __( 'tree', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-trello' => __( 'trello', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-tripadvisor' => __( 'tripadvisor', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-trophy' => __( 'trophy', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-truck' => __( 'truck', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-truck-loading' => __( 'truck-loading', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-truck-moving' => __( 'truck-moving', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tty' => __( 'tty', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-tumblr' => __( 'tumblr', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-tumblr-square' => __( 'tumblr-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tv' => __( 'tv', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-twitch' => __( 'twitch', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-twitter' => __( 'twitter', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-twitter-square' => __( 'twitter-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-typo3' => __( 'typo3', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-uber' => __( 'uber', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-uikit' => __( 'uikit', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-umbrella' => __( 'umbrella', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-underline' => __( 'underline', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-undo' => __( 'undo', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-undo-alt' => __( 'undo-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-uniregistry' => __( 'uniregistry', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-universal-access' => __( 'universal-access', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-university' => __( 'university', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-unlink' => __( 'unlink', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-unlock' => __( 'unlock', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-unlock-alt' => __( 'unlock-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-untappd' => __( 'untappd', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-upload' => __( 'upload', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-usb' => __( 'usb', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-user' => __( 'user', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-user' => __( 'user', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-user-circle' => __( 'user-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-user-circle' => __( 'user-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-user-md' => __( 'user-md', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-user-plus' => __( 'user-plus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-user-secret' => __( 'user-secret', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-user-times' => __( 'user-times', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-users' => __( 'users', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-ussunnah' => __( 'ussunnah', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-utensil-spoon' => __( 'utensil-spoon', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-utensils' => __( 'utensils', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-vaadin' => __( 'vaadin', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-venus' => __( 'venus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-venus-double' => __( 'venus-double', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-venus-mars' => __( 'venus-mars', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-viacoin' => __( 'viacoin', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-viadeo' => __( 'viadeo', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-viadeo-square' => __( 'viadeo-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-vial' => __( 'vial', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-vials' => __( 'vials', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-viber' => __( 'viber', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-video' => __( 'video', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-video-slash' => __( 'video-slash', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-vimeo' => __( 'vimeo', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-vimeo-square' => __( 'vimeo-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-vimeo-v' => __( 'vimeo-v', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-vine' => __( 'vine', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-vk' => __( 'vk', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-vnv' => __( 'vnv', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-volleyball-ball' => __( 'volleyball-ball', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-volume-down' => __( 'volume-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-volume-off' => __( 'volume-off', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-volume-up' => __( 'volume-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-vuejs' => __( 'vuejs', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-warehouse' => __( 'warehouse', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-weibo' => __( 'weibo', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-weight' => __( 'weight', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-weixin' => __( 'weixin', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-whatsapp' => __( 'whatsapp', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-whatsapp-square' => __( 'whatsapp-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-wheelchair' => __( 'wheelchair', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-whmcs' => __( 'whmcs', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-wifi' => __( 'wifi', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-wikipedia-w' => __( 'wikipedia-w', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-window-close' => __( 'window-close', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-window-close' => __( 'window-close', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-window-maximize' => __( 'window-maximize', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-window-maximize' => __( 'window-maximize', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-window-minimize' => __( 'window-minimize', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-window-minimize' => __( 'window-minimize', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-window-restore' => __( 'window-restore', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-window-restore' => __( 'window-restore', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-windows' => __( 'windows', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-wine-glass' => __( 'wine-glass', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-won-sign' => __( 'won-sign', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-wordpress' => __( 'wordpress', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-wordpress-simple' => __( 'wordpress-simple', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-wpbeginner' => __( 'wpbeginner', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-wpexplorer' => __( 'wpexplorer', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-wpforms' => __( 'wpforms', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-wrench' => __( 'wrench', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-x-ray' => __( 'x-ray', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-xbox' => __( 'xbox', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-xing' => __( 'xing', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-xing-square' => __( 'xing-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-y-combinator' => __( 'y-combinator', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-yahoo' => __( 'yahoo', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-yandex' => __( 'yandex', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-yandex-international' => __( 'yandex-international', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-yelp' => __( 'yelp', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-yen-sign' => __( 'yen-sign', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-yoast' => __( 'yoast', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-youtube' => __( 'youtube', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-youtube-square' => __( 'youtube-square', 'buildr' ),
+ );
+ return apply_filters( 'FONTAWESOME_ARRAY', $fonts_arr );
+ }
+ }
+ global $wbtmcore;
+ $wbtmcore = new FormFieldsGenerator();
diff --git a/lib/classes/class-form-fields-wrapper.php b/lib/classes/class-form-fields-wrapper.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c18fcb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/classes/class-form-fields-wrapper.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8898 @@
+ data-depends="[]"
+ id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-post-objects-wrapper
+ field-post-objects-wrapper-">
+ $arg):
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]"
+ id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-switcher-wrapper
+ field-switcher-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]"
+ id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-google-map-wrapper
+ field-google-map-wrapper-">
+ $name):
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]"
+ id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-border-wrapper
+ field-border-wrapper-">
+ Width
+ Style
+ Color
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-margin-wrapper
+ field-margin-wrapper-">
+ $arg):
+ $name = $arg['name'];
+ $unit = $values[$index]['unit'];
+ ?>
+ ' />
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-padding-wrapper
+ field-padding-wrapper-">
+ $arg):
+ $name = $arg['name'];
+ $unit = $values[$index]['unit'];
+ ?>
+ ' />
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-margin-wrapper
+ field-margin-wrapper-">
+ $arg):
+ $name = $arg['name'];
+ $unit = $values[$index]['unit'];
+ ?>
+ ' />
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-google-recaptcha-wrapper
+ field-google-recaptcha-wrapper-">
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : '';
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-img-select-wrapper
+ field-img-select-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-submit-wrapper
+ field-submit-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-nonce-wrapper
+ field-nonce-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-color-wrapper
+ field-color-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-email-wrapper
+ field-email-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-password-wrapper
+ field-password-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-search-wrapper
+ field-search-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-month-wrapper
+ field-month-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-date-wrapper
+ field-date-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" class=" field-wrapper field-url-wrapper field-url-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-time-wrapper
+ field-time-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-tel-wrapper field-tel-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]"
+ id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-text-wrapper
+ field-text-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-hidden-wrapper
+ field-hidden-wrapper-">
+ ';
+ $sortable = isset( $option['sortable'] ) ? $option['sortable'] : true;
+ $default = isset( $option['default'] ) ? $option['default'] : array();
+ $values = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : array();
+ $values = !empty($values) ? $values : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-text-multi-wrapper
+ field-text-multi-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]"
+ id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-textarea-wrapper field-textarea-wrapper-">
+ true,
+ 'mode' => "javascript",
+ );
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-code-wrapper
+ field-code-wrapper-">
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : array();
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]"
+ id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-checkbox-wrapper
+ field-checkbox-wrapper-">
+ $argName ):
+ $checked = ( $key == $value ) ? "checked" : "";
+ ?>
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : array();
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name.'[]' : $id.'[]';
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-checkbox-wrapper
+ field-checkbox-wrapper-">
+ $argName ):
+ $checked = is_array( $value ) && in_array( $key, $value ) ? "checked" : "";
+ ?>
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : '';
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-radio-wrapper
+ field-radio-wrapper-">
+ $argName ):
+ $checked = ( $key == $value ) ? "checked" : "";
+ ?>
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $default = isset( $option['default'] ) ? $option['default'] : "";
+ $multiple = isset( $option['multiple'] ) ? $option['multiple'] : false;
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : '';
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-select-wrapper
+ field-select-wrapper-">
+ $argName ):
+ if( $multiple ) $selected = is_array( $value ) && in_array( $key, $value ) ? "selected" : "";
+ else $selected = ($value == $key) ? "selected" : "";
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-range-wrapper
+ field-range-wrapper-">
+ ' name='' id='' value='' />
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-range-input-wrapper
+ field-range-input-wrapper-">
+ ' max='' step='' value='' />
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : "";
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-switch-wrapper
+ field-switch-wrapper-">
+ $argName ):
+ $checked = ( $key == $value ) ? "checked" : "";
+ ?>
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : array();
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-switch-multi-wrapper
+ field-switch-multi-wrapper-">
+ $argName ):
+ $checked = is_array( $value ) && in_array( $key, $value ) ? "checked" : "";
+ ?>
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : "";
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-time-format-wrapper
+ field-time-format-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-date-format-wrapper
+ field-date-format-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-datepicker-wrapper
+ field-datepicker-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-colorpicker-wrapper
+ field-colorpicker-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-colorpicker-multi-wrapper
+ field-colorpicker-multi-wrapper-">
+ '#1B2A41','hover' => '#3F3244','active' => '#60495A','visited' => '#7D8CA3' );
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-link-color-wrapper
+ field-link-color-wrapper-">
+ $value):
+ ?>
+ $value):
+ ?>
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : "";
+ $values = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-user-multi-wrapper
+ field-user-multi-wrapper-">
Choose User
+ $iconTitle):
+ $user_data = get_user_by('ID',$user_id);
+ $get_avatar_url = get_avatar_url($user_id,array('size'=>'60'));
+ ?>
+ -
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-icon-wrapper
+ field-icon-wrapper-">
Choose Icon
+ $iconTitle):
+ ?>
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : "";
+ $values = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-icon-multi-wrapper
+ field-icon-multi-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-number-wrapper
+ field-number-wrapper-">
+ $id);
+ $value = isset( $option['value '] ) ? $option['value '] : "";
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-wp_editor-wrapper
+ field-wp_editor-wrapper-">
+ args_from_string( $args );
+ $default = isset( $option['default'] ) ? $option['default'] : "";
+ $multiple = isset( $option['multiple'] ) ? $option['multiple'] : false;
+ $value = isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : '';
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ $field_id = $id;
+ $field_name = !empty( $field_name ) ? $field_name : $id;
+ if($multiple):
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : array();
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-select2-wrapper
+ field-select2-wrapper-">
+ $name ):
+ if( $multiple ) $selected = in_array( $key, $value ) ? "selected" : "";
+ else $selected = $value == $key ? "selected" : "";
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-faq-wrapper
+ field-faq-wrapper-">
+ $value ):
+ $title = $value['title'];
+ $link = $value['link'];
+ $content = $value['content'];
+ ?>
+ '100%','992px'=>'50%', '1200px'=>'30%', );
+ $heights = isset( $option['height'] ) ? $option['height'] : array('768px'=>'auto','992px'=>'250px', '1200px'=>'250px', );
+ if(!empty($conditions)):
+ $depends = '';
+ $field = isset($conditions['field']) ? $conditions['field'] :'';
+ $cond_value = isset($conditions['value']) ? $conditions['value']: '';
+ $type = isset($conditions['type']) ? $conditions['type'] : '';
+ $pattern = isset($conditions['pattern']) ? $conditions['pattern'] : '';
+ $modifier = isset($conditions['modifier']) ? $conditions['modifier'] : '';
+ $like = isset($conditions['like']) ? $conditions['like'] : '';
+ $strict = isset($conditions['strict']) ? $conditions['strict'] : '';
+ $empty = isset($conditions['empty']) ? $conditions['empty'] : '';
+ $sign = isset($conditions['sign']) ? $conditions['sign'] : '';
+ $min = isset($conditions['min']) ? $conditions['min'] : '';
+ $max = isset($conditions['max']) ? $conditions['max'] : '';
+ $depends .= "{'[name=".$field."]':";
+ $depends .= '{';
+ if(!empty($type)):
+ $depends .= "'type':";
+ $depends .= "'".$type."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($modifier)):
+ $depends .= ",'modifier':";
+ $depends .= "'".$modifier."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($like)):
+ $depends .= ",'like':";
+ $depends .= "'".$like."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($strict)):
+ $depends .= ",'strict':";
+ $depends .= "'".$strict."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($empty)):
+ $depends .= ",'empty':";
+ $depends .= "'".$empty."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($sign)):
+ $depends .= ",'sign':";
+ $depends .= "'".$sign."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($min)):
+ $depends .= ",'min':";
+ $depends .= "'".$min."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($max)):
+ $depends .= ",'max':";
+ $depends .= "'".$max."'";
+ endif;
+ if(!empty($cond_value)):
+ $depends .= ",'value':";
+ if(is_array($cond_value)):
+ $count= count($cond_value);
+ $i = 1;
+ $depends .= "[";
+ foreach ($cond_value as $val):
+ $depends .= "'".$val."'";
+ if($i<$count)
+ $depends .= ",";
+ $i++;
+ endforeach;
+ $depends .= "]";
+ else:
+ $depends .= "[";
+ $depends .= "'".$cond_value."'";
+ $depends .= "]";
+ endif;
+ endif;
+ $depends .= '}}';
+ endif;
+ ob_start();
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-grid-wrapper
+ field-grid-wrapper-">
+ $grid_item){
+ $title = isset($grid_item['title']) ? $grid_item['title'] : '';
+ $link = isset($grid_item['link']) ? $grid_item['link'] : '';
+ $thumb = isset($grid_item['thumb']) ? $grid_item['thumb'] : '';
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-color-palette-wrapper
+ field-color-palette-wrapper-">
+ $color ):
+ $checked = ( $key == $value ) ? "checked" : "";
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-color-palette-multi-wrapper
+ field-color-palette-multi-wrapper-">
+ $color ):
+ $checked = is_array( $value ) && in_array( $key, $value ) ? "checked" : "";
+ ?>
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-media-wrapper
+ field-media-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-media-multi-wrapper
+ field-media-multi-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]"
+ id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-custom-html-wrapper
+ field-custom-html-wrapper-">
+ data-depends="[]" id="field-wrapper-" class=" field-wrapper field-repeatable-wrapper
+ field-repeatable-wrapper-">
+ $val):
+ $title_field_val = isset($val[$title_field]) ? $val[$title_field] : '#'.$count;
+ ?>
+ $field):
+ $type = $field['type'];
+ $item_id = $field['item_id'];
+ $name = $field['name'];
+ $title_field_class = ($title_field == $field_index) ? 'title-field':'';
+ ?>
+ get_pages_array();
+ if( strpos( $string, 'POSTS_IDS_ARRAY' ) !== false ) return $this->get_posts_array();
+ if( strpos( $string, 'POST_TYPES_ARRAY' ) !== false ) return $this->get_post_types_array();
+ if( strpos( $string, 'TAX_' ) !== false ) return $this->get_taxonomies_array( $string );
+ if( strpos( $string, 'USER_ROLES' ) !== false ) return $this->get_user_roles_array();
+ if( strpos( $string, 'USER_IDS_ARRAY' ) !== false ) return $this->get_user_ids_array();
+ if( strpos( $string, 'MENUS' ) !== false ) return $this->get_menus_array();
+ if( strpos( $string, 'SIDEBARS_ARRAY' ) !== false ) return $this->get_sidebars_array();
+ if( strpos( $string, 'THUMB_SIEZS_ARRAY' ) !== false ) return $this->get_thumb_sizes_array();
+ if( strpos( $string, 'FONTAWESOME_ARRAY' ) !== false ) return $this->get_font_aws_array();
+ return array();
+ }
+ public function get_taxonomies_array( $string ){
+ $taxonomies = array();
+ preg_match_all( "/\%([^\]]*)\%/", $string, $matches );
+ if( isset( $matches[1][0] ) ) $taxonomy = $matches[1][0];
+ else throw new Pick_error('Invalid taxonomy declaration !');
+ if( ! taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy ) ) throw new Pick_error("Taxonomy $taxonomy doesn't exists !");
+ $terms = get_terms( $taxonomy, array(
+ 'hide_empty' => false,
+ ) );
+ foreach( $terms as $term ) $taxonomies[ $term->term_id ] = $term->name;
+ return $taxonomies;
+ }
+ public function get_user_ids_array(){
+ $user_ids = array();
+ $users = get_users();
+ foreach( $users as $user ) $user_ids[ $user->ID ] = $user->display_name. '(#'.$user->ID.')';
+ return apply_filters( 'USER_IDS_ARRAY', $user_ids );
+ }
+ public function get_pages_array(){
+ $pages_array = array();
+ foreach( get_pages() as $page ) $pages_array[ $page->ID ] = $page->post_title;
+ return apply_filters( 'PAGES_IDS_ARRAY', $pages_array );
+ }
+ public function get_menus_array(){
+ $menus = get_registered_nav_menus();
+ return apply_filters( 'MENUS_ARRAY', $menus );
+ }
+ public function get_sidebars_array(){
+ global $wp_registered_sidebars;
+ $sidebars = $wp_registered_sidebars;
+ foreach ($sidebars as $index => $sidebar){
+ $sidebars_name[$index] = $sidebar['name'];
+ }
+ return apply_filters( 'SIDEBARS_ARRAY', $sidebars_name );
+ }
+ public function get_user_roles_array(){
+ require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/user.php';
+ $roles = get_editable_roles();
+ foreach ($roles as $index => $data){
+ $role_name[$index] = $data['name'];
+ }
+ return apply_filters( 'USER_ROLES', $role_name );
+ }
+ public function get_post_types_array(){
+ $post_types = get_post_types('', 'names' );
+ $pages_array = array();
+ foreach( $post_types as $index => $name ) $pages_array[ $index ] = $name;
+ return apply_filters( 'POST_TYPES_ARRAY', $pages_array );
+ }
+ public function get_posts_array(){
+ $posts_array = array();
+ foreach( get_posts(array('posts_per_page'=>-1)) as $page ) $posts_array[ $page->ID ] = $page->post_title;
+ return apply_filters( 'POSTS_IDS_ARRAY', $posts_array );
+ }
+ public function get_thumb_sizes_array(){
+ $get_intermediate_image_sizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes();
+ $get_intermediate_image_sizes = array_merge($get_intermediate_image_sizes,array('full'));
+ $thumb_sizes_array = array();
+ foreach( $get_intermediate_image_sizes as $key => $name ):
+ $size_key = str_replace('_', ' ',$name);
+ $size_key = str_replace('-', ' ',$size_key);
+ $size_name = ucfirst($size_key);
+ $thumb_sizes_array[$name] = $size_name;
+ endforeach;
+ return apply_filters( 'THUMB_SIEZS_ARRAY', $get_intermediate_image_sizes );
+ }
+ public function get_font_aws_array(){
+ $fonts_arr = array (
+ 'fab fa-500px' => __( '500px', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-accessible-icon' => __( 'accessible-icon', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-accusoft' => __( 'accusoft', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-address-book' => __( 'address-book', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-address-book' => __( 'address-book', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-address-card' => __( 'address-card', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-address-card' => __( 'address-card', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-adjust' => __( 'adjust', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-adn' => __( 'adn', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-adversal' => __( 'adversal', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-affiliatetheme' => __( 'affiliatetheme', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-algolia' => __( 'algolia', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-align-center' => __( 'align-center', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-align-justify' => __( 'align-justify', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-align-left' => __( 'align-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-align-right' => __( 'align-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-allergies' => __( 'allergies', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-amazon' => __( 'amazon', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-amazon-pay' => __( 'amazon-pay', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-ambulance' => __( 'ambulance', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-american-sign-language-interpreting' => __( 'american-sign-language-interpreting', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-amilia' => __( 'amilia', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-anchor' => __( 'anchor', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-android' => __( 'android', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-angellist' => __( 'angellist', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-angle-double-down' => __( 'angle-double-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-angle-double-left' => __( 'angle-double-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-angle-double-right' => __( 'angle-double-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-angle-double-up' => __( 'angle-double-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-angle-down' => __( 'angle-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-angle-left' => __( 'angle-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-angle-right' => __( 'angle-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-angle-up' => __( 'angle-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-angrycreative' => __( 'angrycreative', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-angular' => __( 'angular', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-app-store' => __( 'app-store', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-app-store-ios' => __( 'app-store-ios', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-apper' => __( 'apper', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-apple' => __( 'apple', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-apple-pay' => __( 'apple-pay', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-archive' => __( 'archive', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-down' => __( 'arrow-alt-circle-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-down' => __( 'arrow-alt-circle-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-left' => __( 'arrow-alt-circle-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-left' => __( 'arrow-alt-circle-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-right' => __( 'arrow-alt-circle-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-right' => __( 'arrow-alt-circle-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-up' => __( 'arrow-alt-circle-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-up' => __( 'arrow-alt-circle-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-circle-down' => __( 'arrow-circle-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-circle-left' => __( 'arrow-circle-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-circle-right' => __( 'arrow-circle-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-circle-up' => __( 'arrow-circle-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-down' => __( 'arrow-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-left' => __( 'arrow-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-right' => __( 'arrow-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrow-up' => __( 'arrow-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrows-alt' => __( 'arrows-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrows-alt-h' => __( 'arrows-alt-h', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-arrows-alt-v' => __( 'arrows-alt-v', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-assistive-listening-systems' => __( 'assistive-listening-systems', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-asterisk' => __( 'asterisk', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-asymmetrik' => __( 'asymmetrik', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-at' => __( 'at', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-audible' => __( 'audible', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-audio-description' => __( 'audio-description', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-autoprefixer' => __( 'autoprefixer', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-avianex' => __( 'avianex', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-aviato' => __( 'aviato', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-aws' => __( 'aws', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-backward' => __( 'backward', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-balance-scale' => __( 'balance-scale', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-ban' => __( 'ban', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-band-aid' => __( 'band-aid', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-bandcamp' => __( 'bandcamp', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-barcode' => __( 'barcode', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bars' => __( 'bars', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-baseball-ball' => __( 'baseball-ball', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-basketball-ball' => __( 'basketball-ball', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bath' => __( 'bath', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-battery-empty' => __( 'battery-empty', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-battery-full' => __( 'battery-full', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-battery-half' => __( 'battery-half', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-battery-quarter' => __( 'battery-quarter', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-battery-three-quarters' => __( 'battery-three-quarters', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bed' => __( 'bed', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-beer' => __( 'beer', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-behance' => __( 'behance', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-behance-square' => __( 'behance-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bell' => __( 'bell', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-bell' => __( 'bell', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bell-slash' => __( 'bell-slash', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-bell-slash' => __( 'bell-slash', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bicycle' => __( 'bicycle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-bimobject' => __( 'bimobject', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-binoculars' => __( 'binoculars', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-birthday-cake' => __( 'birthday-cake', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-bitbucket' => __( 'bitbucket', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-bitcoin' => __( 'bitcoin', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-bity' => __( 'bity', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-black-tie' => __( 'black-tie', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-blackberry' => __( 'blackberry', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-blind' => __( 'blind', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-blogger' => __( 'blogger', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-blogger-b' => __( 'blogger-b', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-bluetooth' => __( 'bluetooth', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-bluetooth-b' => __( 'bluetooth-b', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bold' => __( 'bold', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bolt' => __( 'bolt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bomb' => __( 'bomb', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-book' => __( 'book', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bookmark' => __( 'bookmark', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-bookmark' => __( 'bookmark', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bowling-ball' => __( 'bowling-ball', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-box' => __( 'box', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-box-open' => __( 'box-open', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-boxes' => __( 'boxes', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-braille' => __( 'braille', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-briefcase' => __( 'briefcase', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-briefcase-medical' => __( 'briefcase-medical', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-btc' => __( 'btc', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bug' => __( 'bug', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-building' => __( 'building', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-building' => __( 'building', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bullhorn' => __( 'bullhorn', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bullseye' => __( 'bullseye', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-burn' => __( 'burn', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-buromobelexperte' => __( 'buromobelexperte', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-bus' => __( 'bus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-buysellads' => __( 'buysellads', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-calculator' => __( 'calculator', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-calendar' => __( 'calendar', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-calendar' => __( 'calendar', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-calendar-alt' => __( 'calendar-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-calendar-alt' => __( 'calendar-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-calendar-check' => __( 'calendar-check', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-calendar-check' => __( 'calendar-check', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-calendar-minus' => __( 'calendar-minus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-calendar-minus' => __( 'calendar-minus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-calendar-plus' => __( 'calendar-plus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-calendar-plus' => __( 'calendar-plus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-calendar-times' => __( 'calendar-times', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-calendar-times' => __( 'calendar-times', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-camera' => __( 'camera', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-camera-retro' => __( 'camera-retro', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-capsules' => __( 'capsules', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-car' => __( 'car', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-caret-down' => __( 'caret-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-caret-left' => __( 'caret-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-caret-right' => __( 'caret-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-caret-square-down' => __( 'caret-square-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-caret-square-down' => __( 'caret-square-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-caret-square-left' => __( 'caret-square-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-caret-square-left' => __( 'caret-square-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-caret-square-right' => __( 'caret-square-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-caret-square-right' => __( 'caret-square-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-caret-square-up' => __( 'caret-square-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-caret-square-up' => __( 'caret-square-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-caret-up' => __( 'caret-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-cart-arrow-down' => __( 'cart-arrow-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-cart-plus' => __( 'cart-plus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cc-amazon-pay' => __( 'cc-amazon-pay', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cc-amex' => __( 'cc-amex', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cc-apple-pay' => __( 'cc-apple-pay', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cc-diners-club' => __( 'cc-diners-club', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cc-discover' => __( 'cc-discover', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cc-jcb' => __( 'cc-jcb', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cc-mastercard' => __( 'cc-mastercard', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cc-paypal' => __( 'cc-paypal', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cc-stripe' => __( 'cc-stripe', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cc-visa' => __( 'cc-visa', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-centercode' => __( 'centercode', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-certificate' => __( 'certificate', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chart-area' => __( 'chart-area', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chart-bar' => __( 'chart-bar', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-chart-bar' => __( 'chart-bar', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chart-line' => __( 'chart-line', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chart-pie' => __( 'chart-pie', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-check' => __( 'check', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-check-circle' => __( 'check-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-check-circle' => __( 'check-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-check-square' => __( 'check-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-check-square' => __( 'check-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chess' => __( 'chess', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chess-bishop' => __( 'chess-bishop', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chess-board' => __( 'chess-board', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chess-king' => __( 'chess-king', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chess-knight' => __( 'chess-knight', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chess-pawn' => __( 'chess-pawn', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chess-queen' => __( 'chess-queen', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chess-rook' => __( 'chess-rook', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chevron-circle-down' => __( 'chevron-circle-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chevron-circle-left' => __( 'chevron-circle-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chevron-circle-right' => __( 'chevron-circle-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chevron-circle-up' => __( 'chevron-circle-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chevron-down' => __( 'chevron-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chevron-left' => __( 'chevron-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chevron-right' => __( 'chevron-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-chevron-up' => __( 'chevron-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-child' => __( 'child', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-chrome' => __( 'chrome', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-circle' => __( 'circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-circle' => __( 'circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-circle-notch' => __( 'circle-notch', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-clipboard' => __( 'clipboard', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-clipboard' => __( 'clipboard', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-clipboard-check' => __( 'clipboard-check', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-clipboard-list' => __( 'clipboard-list', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-clock' => __( 'clock', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-clock' => __( 'clock', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-clone' => __( 'clone', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-clone' => __( 'clone', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-closed-captioning' => __( 'closed-captioning', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-closed-captioning' => __( 'closed-captioning', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-cloud' => __( 'cloud', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-cloud-download-alt' => __( 'cloud-download-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-cloud-upload-alt' => __( 'cloud-upload-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cloudscale' => __( 'cloudscale', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cloudsmith' => __( 'cloudsmith', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cloudversify' => __( 'cloudversify', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-code' => __( 'code', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-code-branch' => __( 'code-branch', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-codepen' => __( 'codepen', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-codiepie' => __( 'codiepie', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-coffee' => __( 'coffee', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-cog' => __( 'cog', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-cogs' => __( 'cogs', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-columns' => __( 'columns', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-comment' => __( 'comment', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-comment' => __( 'comment', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-comment-alt' => __( 'comment-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-comment-alt' => __( 'comment-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-comment-dots' => __( 'comment-dots', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-comment-slash' => __( 'comment-slash', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-comments' => __( 'comments', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-comments' => __( 'comments', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-compass' => __( 'compass', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-compass' => __( 'compass', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-compress' => __( 'compress', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-connectdevelop' => __( 'connectdevelop', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-contao' => __( 'contao', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-copy' => __( 'copy', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-copy' => __( 'copy', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-copyright' => __( 'copyright', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-copyright' => __( 'copyright', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-couch' => __( 'couch', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cpanel' => __( 'cpanel', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-creative-commons' => __( 'creative-commons', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-credit-card' => __( 'credit-card', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-credit-card' => __( 'credit-card', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-crop' => __( 'crop', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-crosshairs' => __( 'crosshairs', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-css3' => __( 'css3', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-css3-alt' => __( 'css3-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-cube' => __( 'cube', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-cubes' => __( 'cubes', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-cut' => __( 'cut', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-cuttlefish' => __( 'cuttlefish', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-d-and-d' => __( 'd-and-d', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-dashcube' => __( 'dashcube', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-database' => __( 'database', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-deaf' => __( 'deaf', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-delicious' => __( 'delicious', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-deploydog' => __( 'deploydog', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-deskpro' => __( 'deskpro', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-desktop' => __( 'desktop', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-deviantart' => __( 'deviantart', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-diagnoses' => __( 'diagnoses', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-digg' => __( 'digg', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-digital-ocean' => __( 'digital-ocean', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-discord' => __( 'discord', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-discourse' => __( 'discourse', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-dna' => __( 'dna', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-dochub' => __( 'dochub', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-docker' => __( 'docker', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-dollar-sign' => __( 'dollar-sign', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-dolly' => __( 'dolly', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-dolly-flatbed' => __( 'dolly-flatbed', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-donate' => __( 'donate', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-dot-circle' => __( 'dot-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-dot-circle' => __( 'dot-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-dove' => __( 'dove', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-download' => __( 'download', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-draft2digital' => __( 'draft2digital', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-dribbble' => __( 'dribbble', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-dribbble-square' => __( 'dribbble-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-dropbox' => __( 'dropbox', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-drupal' => __( 'drupal', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-dyalog' => __( 'dyalog', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-earlybirds' => __( 'earlybirds', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-edge' => __( 'edge', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-edit' => __( 'edit', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-edit' => __( 'edit', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-eject' => __( 'eject', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-elementor' => __( 'elementor', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-ellipsis-h' => __( 'ellipsis-h', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-ellipsis-v' => __( 'ellipsis-v', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-ember' => __( 'ember', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-empire' => __( 'empire', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-envelope' => __( 'envelope', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-envelope' => __( 'envelope', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-envelope-open' => __( 'envelope-open', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-envelope-open' => __( 'envelope-open', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-envelope-square' => __( 'envelope-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-envira' => __( 'envira', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-eraser' => __( 'eraser', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-erlang' => __( 'erlang', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-ethereum' => __( 'ethereum', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-etsy' => __( 'etsy', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-euro-sign' => __( 'euro-sign', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-exchange-alt' => __( 'exchange-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-exclamation' => __( 'exclamation', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-exclamation-circle' => __( 'exclamation-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-exclamation-triangle' => __( 'exclamation-triangle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-expand' => __( 'expand', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-expand-arrows-alt' => __( 'expand-arrows-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-expeditedssl' => __( 'expeditedssl', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-external-link-alt' => __( 'external-link-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-external-link-square-alt' => __( 'external-link-square-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-eye' => __( 'eye', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-eye-dropper' => __( 'eye-dropper', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-eye-slash' => __( 'eye-slash', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-eye-slash' => __( 'eye-slash', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-facebook' => __( 'facebook', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-facebook-f' => __( 'facebook-f', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-facebook-messenger' => __( 'facebook-messenger', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-facebook-square' => __( 'facebook-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-fast-backward' => __( 'fast-backward', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-fast-forward' => __( 'fast-forward', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-fax' => __( 'fax', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-female' => __( 'female', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-fighter-jet' => __( 'fighter-jet', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file' => __( 'file', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file' => __( 'file', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-alt' => __( 'file-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file-alt' => __( 'file-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-archive' => __( 'file-archive', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file-archive' => __( 'file-archive', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-audio' => __( 'file-audio', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file-audio' => __( 'file-audio', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-code' => __( 'file-code', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file-code' => __( 'file-code', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-excel' => __( 'file-excel', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file-excel' => __( 'file-excel', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-image' => __( 'file-image', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file-image' => __( 'file-image', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-medical' => __( 'file-medical', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-medical-alt' => __( 'file-medical-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-pdf' => __( 'file-pdf', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file-pdf' => __( 'file-pdf', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-powerpoint' => __( 'file-powerpoint', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file-powerpoint' => __( 'file-powerpoint', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-video' => __( 'file-video', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file-video' => __( 'file-video', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-file-word' => __( 'file-word', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-file-word' => __( 'file-word', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-film' => __( 'film', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-filter' => __( 'filter', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-fire' => __( 'fire', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-fire-extinguisher' => __( 'fire-extinguisher', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-firefox' => __( 'firefox', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-first-aid' => __( 'first-aid', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-first-order' => __( 'first-order', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-firstdraft' => __( 'firstdraft', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-flag' => __( 'flag', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-flag' => __( 'flag', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-flag-checkered' => __( 'flag-checkered', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-flask' => __( 'flask', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-flickr' => __( 'flickr', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-flipboard' => __( 'flipboard', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-fly' => __( 'fly', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-folder' => __( 'folder', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-folder' => __( 'folder', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-folder-open' => __( 'folder-open', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-folder-open' => __( 'folder-open', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-font' => __( 'font', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-font-awesome' => __( 'font-awesome', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-font-awesome-alt' => __( 'font-awesome-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-font-awesome-flag' => __( 'font-awesome-flag', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-fonticons' => __( 'fonticons', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-fonticons-fi' => __( 'fonticons-fi', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-football-ball' => __( 'football-ball', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-fort-awesome' => __( 'fort-awesome', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-fort-awesome-alt' => __( 'fort-awesome-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-forumbee' => __( 'forumbee', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-forward' => __( 'forward', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-foursquare' => __( 'foursquare', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-free-code-camp' => __( 'free-code-camp', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-freebsd' => __( 'freebsd', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-frown' => __( 'frown', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-frown' => __( 'frown', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-futbol' => __( 'futbol', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-futbol' => __( 'futbol', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-gamepad' => __( 'gamepad', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-gavel' => __( 'gavel', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-gem' => __( 'gem', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-gem' => __( 'gem', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-genderless' => __( 'genderless', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-get-pocket' => __( 'get-pocket', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-gg' => __( 'gg', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-gg-circle' => __( 'gg-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-gift' => __( 'gift', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-git' => __( 'git', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-git-square' => __( 'git-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-github' => __( 'github', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-github-alt' => __( 'github-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-github-square' => __( 'github-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-gitkraken' => __( 'gitkraken', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-gitlab' => __( 'gitlab', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-gitter' => __( 'gitter', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-glass-martini' => __( 'glass-martini', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-glide' => __( 'glide', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-glide-g' => __( 'glide-g', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-globe' => __( 'globe', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-gofore' => __( 'gofore', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-golf-ball' => __( 'golf-ball', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-goodreads' => __( 'goodreads', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-goodreads-g' => __( 'goodreads-g', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-google' => __( 'google', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-google-drive' => __( 'google-drive', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-google-play' => __( 'google-play', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-google-plus' => __( 'google-plus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-google-plus-g' => __( 'google-plus-g', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-google-plus-square' => __( 'google-plus-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-google-wallet' => __( 'google-wallet', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-graduation-cap' => __( 'graduation-cap', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-gratipay' => __( 'gratipay', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-grav' => __( 'grav', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-gripfire' => __( 'gripfire', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-grunt' => __( 'grunt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-gulp' => __( 'gulp', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-h-square' => __( 'h-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-hacker-news' => __( 'hacker-news', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-hacker-news-square' => __( 'hacker-news-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-holding' => __( 'hand-holding', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-holding-heart' => __( 'hand-holding-heart', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-holding-usd' => __( 'hand-holding-usd', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-lizard' => __( 'hand-lizard', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-lizard' => __( 'hand-lizard', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-paper' => __( 'hand-paper', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-paper' => __( 'hand-paper', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-peace' => __( 'hand-peace', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-peace' => __( 'hand-peace', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-point-down' => __( 'hand-point-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-point-down' => __( 'hand-point-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-point-left' => __( 'hand-point-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-point-left' => __( 'hand-point-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-point-right' => __( 'hand-point-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-point-right' => __( 'hand-point-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-point-up' => __( 'hand-point-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-point-up' => __( 'hand-point-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-pointer' => __( 'hand-pointer', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-pointer' => __( 'hand-pointer', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-rock' => __( 'hand-rock', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-rock' => __( 'hand-rock', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-scissors' => __( 'hand-scissors', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-scissors' => __( 'hand-scissors', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hand-spock' => __( 'hand-spock', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hand-spock' => __( 'hand-spock', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hands' => __( 'hands', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hands-helping' => __( 'hands-helping', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-handshake' => __( 'handshake', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-handshake' => __( 'handshake', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hashtag' => __( 'hashtag', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hdd' => __( 'hdd', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hdd' => __( 'hdd', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-heading' => __( 'heading', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-headphones' => __( 'headphones', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-heart' => __( 'heart', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-heart' => __( 'heart', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-heartbeat' => __( 'heartbeat', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-hips' => __( 'hips', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-hire-a-helper' => __( 'hire-a-helper', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-history' => __( 'history', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hockey-puck' => __( 'hockey-puck', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-home' => __( 'home', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-hooli' => __( 'hooli', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hospital' => __( 'hospital', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hospital' => __( 'hospital', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hospital-alt' => __( 'hospital-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hospital-symbol' => __( 'hospital-symbol', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-hotjar' => __( 'hotjar', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hourglass' => __( 'hourglass', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-hourglass' => __( 'hourglass', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hourglass-end' => __( 'hourglass-end', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hourglass-half' => __( 'hourglass-half', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-hourglass-start' => __( 'hourglass-start', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-houzz' => __( 'houzz', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-html5' => __( 'html5', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-hubspot' => __( 'hubspot', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-i-cursor' => __( 'i-cursor', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-id-badge' => __( 'id-badge', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-id-badge' => __( 'id-badge', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-id-card' => __( 'id-card', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-id-card' => __( 'id-card', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-id-card-alt' => __( 'id-card-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-image' => __( 'image', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-image' => __( 'image', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-images' => __( 'images', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-images' => __( 'images', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-imdb' => __( 'imdb', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-inbox' => __( 'inbox', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-indent' => __( 'indent', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-industry' => __( 'industry', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-info' => __( 'info', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-info-circle' => __( 'info-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-instagram' => __( 'instagram', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-internet-explorer' => __( 'internet-explorer', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-ioxhost' => __( 'ioxhost', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-italic' => __( 'italic', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-itunes' => __( 'itunes', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-itunes-note' => __( 'itunes-note', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-java' => __( 'java', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-jenkins' => __( 'jenkins', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-joget' => __( 'joget', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-joomla' => __( 'joomla', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-js' => __( 'js', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-js-square' => __( 'js-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-jsfiddle' => __( 'jsfiddle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-key' => __( 'key', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-keyboard' => __( 'keyboard', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-keyboard' => __( 'keyboard', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-keycdn' => __( 'keycdn', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-kickstarter' => __( 'kickstarter', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-kickstarter-k' => __( 'kickstarter-k', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-korvue' => __( 'korvue', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-language' => __( 'language', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-laptop' => __( 'laptop', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-laravel' => __( 'laravel', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-lastfm' => __( 'lastfm', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-lastfm-square' => __( 'lastfm-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-leaf' => __( 'leaf', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-leanpub' => __( 'leanpub', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-lemon' => __( 'lemon', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-lemon' => __( 'lemon', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-less' => __( 'less', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-level-down-alt' => __( 'level-down-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-level-up-alt' => __( 'level-up-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-life-ring' => __( 'life-ring', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-life-ring' => __( 'life-ring', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-lightbulb' => __( 'lightbulb', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-lightbulb' => __( 'lightbulb', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-line' => __( 'line', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-link' => __( 'link', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-linkedin' => __( 'linkedin', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-linkedin-in' => __( 'linkedin-in', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-linode' => __( 'linode', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-linux' => __( 'linux', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-lira-sign' => __( 'lira-sign', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-list' => __( 'list', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-list-alt' => __( 'list-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-list-alt' => __( 'list-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-list-ol' => __( 'list-ol', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-list-ul' => __( 'list-ul', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-location-arrow' => __( 'location-arrow', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-lock' => __( 'lock', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-lock-open' => __( 'lock-open', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-down' => __( 'long-arrow-alt-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-left' => __( 'long-arrow-alt-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-right' => __( 'long-arrow-alt-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-up' => __( 'long-arrow-alt-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-low-vision' => __( 'low-vision', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-lyft' => __( 'lyft', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-magento' => __( 'magento', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-magic' => __( 'magic', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-magnet' => __( 'magnet', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-male' => __( 'male', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-map' => __( 'map', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-map' => __( 'map', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-map-marker' => __( 'map-marker', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-map-marker-alt' => __( 'map-marker-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-map-pin' => __( 'map-pin', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-map-signs' => __( 'map-signs', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-mars' => __( 'mars', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-mars-double' => __( 'mars-double', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-mars-stroke' => __( 'mars-stroke', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-mars-stroke-h' => __( 'mars-stroke-h', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-mars-stroke-v' => __( 'mars-stroke-v', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-maxcdn' => __( 'maxcdn', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-medapps' => __( 'medapps', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-medium' => __( 'medium', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-medium-m' => __( 'medium-m', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-medkit' => __( 'medkit', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-medrt' => __( 'medrt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-meetup' => __( 'meetup', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-meh' => __( 'meh', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-meh' => __( 'meh', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-mercury' => __( 'mercury', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-microchip' => __( 'microchip', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-microphone' => __( 'microphone', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-microphone-slash' => __( 'microphone-slash', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-microsoft' => __( 'microsoft', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-minus' => __( 'minus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-minus-circle' => __( 'minus-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-minus-square' => __( 'minus-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-minus-square' => __( 'minus-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-mix' => __( 'mix', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-mixcloud' => __( 'mixcloud', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-mizuni' => __( 'mizuni', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-mobile' => __( 'mobile', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-mobile-alt' => __( 'mobile-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-modx' => __( 'modx', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-monero' => __( 'monero', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-money-bill-alt' => __( 'money-bill-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-money-bill-alt' => __( 'money-bill-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-moon' => __( 'moon', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-moon' => __( 'moon', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-motorcycle' => __( 'motorcycle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-mouse-pointer' => __( 'mouse-pointer', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-music' => __( 'music', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-napster' => __( 'napster', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-neuter' => __( 'neuter', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-newspaper' => __( 'newspaper', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-newspaper' => __( 'newspaper', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-nintendo-switch' => __( 'nintendo-switch', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-node' => __( 'node', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-node-js' => __( 'node-js', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-notes-medical' => __( 'notes-medical', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-npm' => __( 'npm', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-ns8' => __( 'ns8', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-nutritionix' => __( 'nutritionix', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-object-group' => __( 'object-group', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-object-group' => __( 'object-group', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-object-ungroup' => __( 'object-ungroup', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-object-ungroup' => __( 'object-ungroup', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-odnoklassniki' => __( 'odnoklassniki', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-odnoklassniki-square' => __( 'odnoklassniki-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-opencart' => __( 'opencart', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-openid' => __( 'openid', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-opera' => __( 'opera', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-optin-monster' => __( 'optin-monster', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-osi' => __( 'osi', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-outdent' => __( 'outdent', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-page4' => __( 'page4', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-pagelines' => __( 'pagelines', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-paint-brush' => __( 'paint-brush', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-palfed' => __( 'palfed', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-pallet' => __( 'pallet', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-paper-plane' => __( 'paper-plane', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-paper-plane' => __( 'paper-plane', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-paperclip' => __( 'paperclip', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-parachute-box' => __( 'parachute-box', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-paragraph' => __( 'paragraph', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-paste' => __( 'paste', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-patreon' => __( 'patreon', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-pause' => __( 'pause', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-pause-circle' => __( 'pause-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-pause-circle' => __( 'pause-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-paw' => __( 'paw', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-paypal' => __( 'paypal', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-pen-square' => __( 'pen-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-pencil-alt' => __( 'pencil-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-people-carry' => __( 'people-carry', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-percent' => __( 'percent', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-periscope' => __( 'periscope', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-phabricator' => __( 'phabricator', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-phoenix-framework' => __( 'phoenix-framework', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-phone' => __( 'phone', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-phone-slash' => __( 'phone-slash', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-phone-square' => __( 'phone-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-phone-volume' => __( 'phone-volume', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-php' => __( 'php', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-pied-piper' => __( 'pied-piper', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-pied-piper-alt' => __( 'pied-piper-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-pied-piper-hat' => __( 'pied-piper-hat', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-pied-piper-pp' => __( 'pied-piper-pp', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-piggy-bank' => __( 'piggy-bank', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-pills' => __( 'pills', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-pinterest' => __( 'pinterest', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-pinterest-p' => __( 'pinterest-p', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-pinterest-square' => __( 'pinterest-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-plane' => __( 'plane', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-play' => __( 'play', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-play-circle' => __( 'play-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-play-circle' => __( 'play-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-playstation' => __( 'playstation', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-plug' => __( 'plug', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-plus' => __( 'plus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-plus-circle' => __( 'plus-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-plus-square' => __( 'plus-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-plus-square' => __( 'plus-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-podcast' => __( 'podcast', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-poo' => __( 'poo', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-pound-sign' => __( 'pound-sign', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-power-off' => __( 'power-off', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-prescription-bottle' => __( 'prescription-bottle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-prescription-bottle-alt' => __( 'prescription-bottle-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-print' => __( 'print', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-procedures' => __( 'procedures', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-product-hunt' => __( 'product-hunt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-pushed' => __( 'pushed', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-puzzle-piece' => __( 'puzzle-piece', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-python' => __( 'python', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-qq' => __( 'qq', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-qrcode' => __( 'qrcode', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-question' => __( 'question', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-question-circle' => __( 'question-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-question-circle' => __( 'question-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-quidditch' => __( 'quidditch', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-quinscape' => __( 'quinscape', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-quora' => __( 'quora', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-quote-left' => __( 'quote-left', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-quote-right' => __( 'quote-right', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-random' => __( 'random', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-ravelry' => __( 'ravelry', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-react' => __( 'react', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-readme' => __( 'readme', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-rebel' => __( 'rebel', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-recycle' => __( 'recycle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-red-river' => __( 'red-river', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-reddit' => __( 'reddit', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-reddit-alien' => __( 'reddit-alien', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-reddit-square' => __( 'reddit-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-redo' => __( 'redo', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-redo-alt' => __( 'redo-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-registered' => __( 'registered', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-registered' => __( 'registered', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-rendact' => __( 'rendact', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-renren' => __( 'renren', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-reply' => __( 'reply', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-reply-all' => __( 'reply-all', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-replyd' => __( 'replyd', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-resolving' => __( 'resolving', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-retweet' => __( 'retweet', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-ribbon' => __( 'ribbon', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-road' => __( 'road', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-rocket' => __( 'rocket', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-rocketchat' => __( 'rocketchat', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-rockrms' => __( 'rockrms', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-rss' => __( 'rss', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-rss-square' => __( 'rss-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-ruble-sign' => __( 'ruble-sign', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-rupee-sign' => __( 'rupee-sign', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-safari' => __( 'safari', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-sass' => __( 'sass', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-save' => __( 'save', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-save' => __( 'save', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-schlix' => __( 'schlix', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-scribd' => __( 'scribd', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-search' => __( 'search', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-search-minus' => __( 'search-minus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-search-plus' => __( 'search-plus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-searchengin' => __( 'searchengin', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-seedling' => __( 'seedling', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-sellcast' => __( 'sellcast', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-sellsy' => __( 'sellsy', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-server' => __( 'server', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-servicestack' => __( 'servicestack', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-share' => __( 'share', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-share-alt' => __( 'share-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-share-alt-square' => __( 'share-alt-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-share-square' => __( 'share-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-share-square' => __( 'share-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-shekel-sign' => __( 'shekel-sign', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-shield-alt' => __( 'shield-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-ship' => __( 'ship', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-shipping-fast' => __( 'shipping-fast', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-shirtsinbulk' => __( 'shirtsinbulk', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-shopping-bag' => __( 'shopping-bag', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-shopping-basket' => __( 'shopping-basket', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-shopping-cart' => __( 'shopping-cart', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-shower' => __( 'shower', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sign' => __( 'sign', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sign-in-alt' => __( 'sign-in-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sign-language' => __( 'sign-language', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sign-out-alt' => __( 'sign-out-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-signal' => __( 'signal', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-simplybuilt' => __( 'simplybuilt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-sistrix' => __( 'sistrix', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sitemap' => __( 'sitemap', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-skyatlas' => __( 'skyatlas', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-skype' => __( 'skype', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-slack' => __( 'slack', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-slack-hash' => __( 'slack-hash', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sliders-h' => __( 'sliders-h', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-slideshare' => __( 'slideshare', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-smile' => __( 'smile', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-smile' => __( 'smile', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-smoking' => __( 'smoking', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-snapchat' => __( 'snapchat', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-snapchat-ghost' => __( 'snapchat-ghost', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-snapchat-square' => __( 'snapchat-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-snowflake' => __( 'snowflake', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-snowflake' => __( 'snowflake', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sort' => __( 'sort', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sort-alpha-down' => __( 'sort-alpha-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sort-alpha-up' => __( 'sort-alpha-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sort-amount-down' => __( 'sort-amount-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sort-amount-up' => __( 'sort-amount-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sort-down' => __( 'sort-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sort-numeric-down' => __( 'sort-numeric-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sort-numeric-up' => __( 'sort-numeric-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sort-up' => __( 'sort-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-soundcloud' => __( 'soundcloud', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-space-shuttle' => __( 'space-shuttle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-speakap' => __( 'speakap', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-spinner' => __( 'spinner', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-spotify' => __( 'spotify', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-square' => __( 'square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-square' => __( 'square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-square-full' => __( 'square-full', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-stack-exchange' => __( 'stack-exchange', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-stack-overflow' => __( 'stack-overflow', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-star' => __( 'star', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-star' => __( 'star', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-star-half' => __( 'star-half', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-star-half' => __( 'star-half', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-staylinked' => __( 'staylinked', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-steam' => __( 'steam', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-steam-square' => __( 'steam-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-steam-symbol' => __( 'steam-symbol', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-step-backward' => __( 'step-backward', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-step-forward' => __( 'step-forward', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-stethoscope' => __( 'stethoscope', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-sticker-mule' => __( 'sticker-mule', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sticky-note' => __( 'sticky-note', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-sticky-note' => __( 'sticky-note', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-stop' => __( 'stop', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-stop-circle' => __( 'stop-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-stop-circle' => __( 'stop-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-stopwatch' => __( 'stopwatch', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-strava' => __( 'strava', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-street-view' => __( 'street-view', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-strikethrough' => __( 'strikethrough', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-stripe' => __( 'stripe', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-stripe-s' => __( 'stripe-s', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-studiovinari' => __( 'studiovinari', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-stumbleupon' => __( 'stumbleupon', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-stumbleupon-circle' => __( 'stumbleupon-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-subscript' => __( 'subscript', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-subway' => __( 'subway', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-suitcase' => __( 'suitcase', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sun' => __( 'sun', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-sun' => __( 'sun', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-superpowers' => __( 'superpowers', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-superscript' => __( 'superscript', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-supple' => __( 'supple', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sync' => __( 'sync', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-sync-alt' => __( 'sync-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-syringe' => __( 'syringe', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-table' => __( 'table', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-table-tennis' => __( 'table-tennis', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tablet' => __( 'tablet', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tablet-alt' => __( 'tablet-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tablets' => __( 'tablets', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tachometer-alt' => __( 'tachometer-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tag' => __( 'tag', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tags' => __( 'tags', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tape' => __( 'tape', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tasks' => __( 'tasks', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-taxi' => __( 'taxi', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-telegram' => __( 'telegram', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-telegram-plane' => __( 'telegram-plane', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-tencent-weibo' => __( 'tencent-weibo', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-terminal' => __( 'terminal', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-text-height' => __( 'text-height', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-text-width' => __( 'text-width', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-th' => __( 'th', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-th-large' => __( 'th-large', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-th-list' => __( 'th-list', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-themeisle' => __( 'themeisle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-thermometer' => __( 'thermometer', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-thermometer-empty' => __( 'thermometer-empty', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-thermometer-full' => __( 'thermometer-full', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-thermometer-half' => __( 'thermometer-half', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-thermometer-quarter' => __( 'thermometer-quarter', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-thermometer-three-quarters' => __( 'thermometer-three-quarters', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-thumbs-down' => __( 'thumbs-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-thumbs-down' => __( 'thumbs-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-thumbs-up' => __( 'thumbs-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-thumbs-up' => __( 'thumbs-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-thumbtack' => __( 'thumbtack', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-ticket-alt' => __( 'ticket-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-times' => __( 'times', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-times-circle' => __( 'times-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-times-circle' => __( 'times-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tint' => __( 'tint', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-toggle-off' => __( 'toggle-off', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-toggle-on' => __( 'toggle-on', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-trademark' => __( 'trademark', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-train' => __( 'train', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-transgender' => __( 'transgender', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-transgender-alt' => __( 'transgender-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-trash' => __( 'trash', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-trash-alt' => __( 'trash-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-trash-alt' => __( 'trash-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tree' => __( 'tree', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-trello' => __( 'trello', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-tripadvisor' => __( 'tripadvisor', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-trophy' => __( 'trophy', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-truck' => __( 'truck', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-truck-loading' => __( 'truck-loading', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-truck-moving' => __( 'truck-moving', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tty' => __( 'tty', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-tumblr' => __( 'tumblr', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-tumblr-square' => __( 'tumblr-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-tv' => __( 'tv', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-twitch' => __( 'twitch', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-twitter' => __( 'twitter', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-twitter-square' => __( 'twitter-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-typo3' => __( 'typo3', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-uber' => __( 'uber', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-uikit' => __( 'uikit', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-umbrella' => __( 'umbrella', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-underline' => __( 'underline', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-undo' => __( 'undo', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-undo-alt' => __( 'undo-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-uniregistry' => __( 'uniregistry', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-universal-access' => __( 'universal-access', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-university' => __( 'university', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-unlink' => __( 'unlink', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-unlock' => __( 'unlock', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-unlock-alt' => __( 'unlock-alt', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-untappd' => __( 'untappd', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-upload' => __( 'upload', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-usb' => __( 'usb', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-user' => __( 'user', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-user' => __( 'user', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-user-circle' => __( 'user-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-user-circle' => __( 'user-circle', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-user-md' => __( 'user-md', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-user-plus' => __( 'user-plus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-user-secret' => __( 'user-secret', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-user-times' => __( 'user-times', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-users' => __( 'users', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-ussunnah' => __( 'ussunnah', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-utensil-spoon' => __( 'utensil-spoon', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-utensils' => __( 'utensils', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-vaadin' => __( 'vaadin', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-venus' => __( 'venus', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-venus-double' => __( 'venus-double', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-venus-mars' => __( 'venus-mars', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-viacoin' => __( 'viacoin', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-viadeo' => __( 'viadeo', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-viadeo-square' => __( 'viadeo-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-vial' => __( 'vial', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-vials' => __( 'vials', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-viber' => __( 'viber', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-video' => __( 'video', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-video-slash' => __( 'video-slash', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-vimeo' => __( 'vimeo', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-vimeo-square' => __( 'vimeo-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-vimeo-v' => __( 'vimeo-v', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-vine' => __( 'vine', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-vk' => __( 'vk', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-vnv' => __( 'vnv', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-volleyball-ball' => __( 'volleyball-ball', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-volume-down' => __( 'volume-down', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-volume-off' => __( 'volume-off', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-volume-up' => __( 'volume-up', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-vuejs' => __( 'vuejs', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-warehouse' => __( 'warehouse', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-weibo' => __( 'weibo', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-weight' => __( 'weight', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-weixin' => __( 'weixin', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-whatsapp' => __( 'whatsapp', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-whatsapp-square' => __( 'whatsapp-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-wheelchair' => __( 'wheelchair', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-whmcs' => __( 'whmcs', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-wifi' => __( 'wifi', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-wikipedia-w' => __( 'wikipedia-w', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-window-close' => __( 'window-close', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-window-close' => __( 'window-close', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-window-maximize' => __( 'window-maximize', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-window-maximize' => __( 'window-maximize', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-window-minimize' => __( 'window-minimize', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-window-minimize' => __( 'window-minimize', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-window-restore' => __( 'window-restore', 'buildr' ),
+ 'far fa-window-restore' => __( 'window-restore', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-windows' => __( 'windows', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-wine-glass' => __( 'wine-glass', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-won-sign' => __( 'won-sign', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-wordpress' => __( 'wordpress', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-wordpress-simple' => __( 'wordpress-simple', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-wpbeginner' => __( 'wpbeginner', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-wpexplorer' => __( 'wpexplorer', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-wpforms' => __( 'wpforms', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-wrench' => __( 'wrench', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-x-ray' => __( 'x-ray', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-xbox' => __( 'xbox', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-xing' => __( 'xing', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-xing-square' => __( 'xing-square', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-y-combinator' => __( 'y-combinator', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-yahoo' => __( 'yahoo', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-yandex' => __( 'yandex', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-yandex-international' => __( 'yandex-international', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-yelp' => __( 'yelp', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fas fa-yen-sign' => __( 'yen-sign', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-yoast' => __( 'yoast', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-youtube' => __( 'youtube', 'buildr' ),
+ 'fab fa-youtube-square' => __( 'youtube-square', 'buildr' ),
+ );
+ return apply_filters( 'FONTAWESOME_ARRAY', $fonts_arr );
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/classes/class-menu-page.php b/lib/classes/class-menu-page.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a9b6032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/classes/class-menu-page.php
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+data = &$args;
+ if( $this->add_in_menu() ) {
+ add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'add_menu_in_admin_menu' ), 12 );
+ }
+ add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'display_fields' ), 12 );
+ add_filter( 'whitelist_options', array( $this, 'whitelist_options' ), 99, 1 );
+ }
+ public function add_menu_in_admin_menu(){
+ if( "main" == $this->get_menu_type() ) {
+ add_menu_page( $this->get_menu_name(), $this->get_menu_title(), $this->get_capability(), $this->get_menu_slug(), array( $this, 'display_function' ), $this->get_menu_icon() );
+ }
+ foreach ($this->get_pages() as $panelsIndex=>$panels):
+ add_submenu_page( $this->get_menu_slug(), $panels['page_nav'], $panels['page_nav'], $this->get_capability(),
+ $panelsIndex,
+ array( $this, 'display_function' ) );
+ endforeach;
+ }
+ public function section_callback( $section ) {
+ $section_id = $section['id'];
+ $data = isset( $section['callback'][0]->data ) ? $section['callback'][0]->data : array();
+ ?>
+ ';
+ }
+ public function display_fields() {
+ foreach ($this->get_pages() as $panelsIndex=>$panels):
+ foreach ($panels['page_settings'] as $sectionIndex=>$sections):
+ add_settings_section(
+ $sectionIndex,
+ isset( $sections['title'] ) ? $sections['title'] : "",
+ array( $this, 'section_callback'),
+ $panelsIndex
+ );
+ foreach( $sections['options'] as $option ) :
+ add_settings_field( $option['id'], $option['title'], array($this,'field_generator'), $panelsIndex, $sectionIndex, $option );
+ endforeach;
+ endforeach;
+ endforeach;
+ }
+ public function field_generator( $option ) {
+ $id = isset( $option['id'] ) ? $option['id'] : "";
+ $type = isset( $option['type'] ) ? $option['type'] : "";
+ $details = isset( $option['details'] ) ? $option['details'] : "";
+ if( empty( $id ) ) return;
+ $prent_option_name = $this->get_option_name();
+ $FormFieldsGenerator = new FormFieldsGenerator();
+ if(!empty($prent_option_name)):
+ $field_name = $prent_option_name.'['.$id.']';
+ $option['field_name'] = $field_name;
+ $prent_option_value = get_option( $prent_option_name );
+ $option['value'] = isset($prent_option_value[$id]) ? $prent_option_value[$id] : '';
+ else:
+ $option['field_name'] = $id;
+ $option['value'] = get_option( $id );
+ endif;
+ ?>
+ field_text($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'text_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_text_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'textarea' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_textarea($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'checkbox' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_checkbox($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'checkbox_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_checkbox_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'radio' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_radio($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'select' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_select($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'range' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_range($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'range_input' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_range_input($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'switch' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_switch($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'switch_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_switch_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'switch_img' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_switch_img($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'time_format' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_time_format($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'date_format' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_date_format($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'datepicker' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_datepicker($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'colorpicker' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_colorpicker($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'colorpicker_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_colorpicker_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'link_color' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_link_color($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'icon' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_icon($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'icon_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_icon_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'dimensions' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_dimensions($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'wp_editor' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_wp_editor($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'select2' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_select2($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'faq' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_faq($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'grid' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_grid($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'color_sets' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_color_sets($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'color_palette' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_color_palette($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'color_palette_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_color_palette_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'media' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_media($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'media_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_media_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'repeatable' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_repeatable($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'user' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_user($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'margin' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_margin($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'padding' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_padding($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'border' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_border($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'switcher' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_switcher($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'password' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_password($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'post_objects' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_post_objects($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'google_map' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_google_map($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'image_link' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_image_link($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'option_group_accordion' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_option_group_accordion($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'option_group_tabs' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_option_group_tabs($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'option_group' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_option_group($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === $type ){
+ do_action( "wp_theme_settings_field_$type", $option );
+ }
+ if( !empty( $details ) ) echo "$details
+ }
+ public function generate_field_text( $option ){
+ $prent_option_name = $this->get_option_name();
+ $id = isset( $option['id'] ) ? $option['id'] : "";
+ $placeholder = isset( $option['placeholder'] ) ? $option['placeholder'] : "";
+ $default = isset( $option['default'] ) ? $option['default'] : "";
+ if($prent_option_name):
+ $field_name = $prent_option_name.'['.$id.']';
+ $prent_option_value = get_option( $prent_option_name );
+ $value = $prent_option_value[$id];
+ else:
+ $field_name = $id;
+ $value = get_option( $id );
+ endif;
+ $value = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
+ echo "";
+ }
+ public function whitelist_options( $whitelist_options ){
+ $prent_option_name = $this->get_option_name();
+ if($prent_option_name):
+ $whitelist_options[$this->get_menu_slug()][] = $prent_option_name;
+ else:
+ foreach( $this->get_pages() as $page_id => $page ): foreach( $page['page_settings'] as $section ):
+ foreach( $section['options'] as $option ):
+ $whitelist_options[$this->get_menu_slug()][] = $option['id'];
+ endforeach; endforeach;
+ endforeach;
+ endif;
+ update_option('whitelist_options',$whitelist_options );
+ return $whitelist_options;
+ }
+ public function display_function(){
+ ?>
+ get_current_page();
+ foreach( $this->get_pages() as $page_id => $page ):
+ $page_settings = !empty($page['page_settings']) ? $page['page_settings'] : array();
+ $page_settings_count = count($page_settings);
+ //var_dump($page_settings);
+ ?>
+ -
+ ' class='nav-item'>
+ 1)) echo ''; ?>
+ 1)):
+ ?>
+ $nav_sections):
+ $nav_sections_title = !empty($nav_sections['nav_title']) ? $nav_sections['nav_title'] : $nav_sections['title'];
+ //var_dump($nav_sections_title);
+ ?>
+ -
+ ' class='nav-item '>
+ get_pages() as $panelsIndex=>$panels):
+ $pages[] = $panelsIndex;
+ endforeach;
+ // var_dump($pages);
+ foreach ($pages as $page):
+ if($current_page == $page){
+ $_current_page = $page;
+ break;
+ }
+ else{
+ $_current_page = $pages[0];
+ }
+ endforeach;
+ return $_current_page;
+ }
+ private function get_item_name(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['item_name'] ) ) return $this->data['item_name'];
+ else return "PickPlugins";
+ }
+ private function get_item_version(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['item_version'] ) ) return $this->data['item_version'];
+ else return "1.0.0";
+ }
+ private function get_menu_type(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['menu_type'] ) ) return $this->data['menu_type'];
+ else return "main";
+ }
+ private function get_pages(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['panels'] ) ) return $this->data['panels'];
+ else return array();
+ }
+ private function get_settings_name(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['settings_name'] ) ) return $this->data['settings_name'];
+ else return "my_custom_settings";
+ }
+ private function get_menu_icon(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['menu_icon'] ) ) return $this->data['menu_icon'];
+ else return "";
+ }
+ private function get_menu_slug(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['menu_slug'] ) ) return $this->data['menu_slug'];
+ else return "my-custom-settings";
+ }
+ private function get_capability(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['capability'] ) ) return $this->data['capability'];
+ else return "manage_options";
+ }
+ private function get_menu_page_title(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['menu_page_title'] ) ) return $this->data['menu_page_title'];
+ else return "My Custom Menu";
+ }
+ private function get_menu_name(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['menu_name'] ) ) return $this->data['menu_name'];
+ else return "Menu Name";
+ }
+ private function get_menu_title(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['menu_title'] ) ) return $this->data['menu_title'];
+ else return "Menu Title";
+ }
+ private function get_page_title(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['page_title'] ) ) return $this->data['page_title'];
+ else return "Page Title";
+ }
+ private function add_in_menu(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['add_in_menu'] ) && $this->data['add_in_menu'] ) return true;
+ else return false;
+ }
+ private function get_option_name(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['option_name'] )) return $this->data['option_name'];
+ else return false;
+ }
+ private function get_option_id(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['option_id'] ) && $this->data['option_id'] ) return $this->data['option_id'];
+ else return "";
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/lib/classes/class-meta-box.php b/lib/classes/class-meta-box.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a4f9829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/classes/class-meta-box.php
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+data = &$args;
+ add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', array( $this, 'add_meta_boxes' ), 12 );
+ add_action( 'save_post', array( $this, 'save_post' ), 12 );
+ }
+ public function add_meta_boxes(){
+ add_meta_box($this->get_meta_box_id(),$this->get_meta_box_title(),array( $this, 'meta_box_callback' ),
+ $this->get_meta_box_screen(), $this->get_meta_box_context(), $this->get_meta_box_priority(),$this->get_callback_args());
+ }
+ public function save_post($post_id){
+ $get_option_name = $this->get_option_name();
+ $post_id = $this->get_post_id();
+ if(!empty($get_option_name)):
+ $option_value = serialize($_POST[$get_option_name]);
+ update_post_meta($post_id, $get_option_name, $option_value);
+ else:
+ foreach ($this->get_panels() as $panelsIndex=>$panel):
+ foreach ($panel['sections'] as $sectionIndex=>$section):
+ foreach ($section['options'] as $option):
+ $option_value = isset($_POST[$option['id']]) ? $_POST[$option['id']] : '';
+ if(is_array($option_value)){
+ $option_value = serialize($option_value);
+ }
+ update_post_meta($post_id, $option['id'], $option_value);
+ endforeach;
+ endforeach;
+ endforeach;
+ endif;
+ }
+ public function meta_box_callback(){
+ $get_nav_position = $this->get_nav_position();
+ //var_dump($get_nav_position);
+ ?>
+ get_post_id();
+ if( empty( $id ) ) return;
+ $prent_option_name = $this->get_option_name();
+ $FormFieldsGenerator = new FormFieldsGenerator();
+ if(!empty($prent_option_name)):
+ $field_name = $prent_option_name.'['.$id.']';
+ $option['field_name'] = $field_name;
+ $prent_option_value = get_post_meta($post_id, $prent_option_name, true );
+ $prent_option_value = is_serialized($prent_option_value) ? unserialize($prent_option_value): array();
+ $option['value'] = isset($prent_option_value[$id]) ? $prent_option_value[$id] : '';
+ else:
+ $option['field_name'] = $id;
+ $option_value = get_post_meta($post_id, $id, true );
+ $option['value'] = is_serialized($option_value) ? unserialize($option_value): $option_value;
+ endif;
+ //var_dump($prent_option_value);
+ ?>
+ field_text($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'text_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_text_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'textarea' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_textarea($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'checkbox' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_checkbox($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'checkbox_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_checkbox_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'radio' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_radio($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'select' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_select($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'range' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_range($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'range_input' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_range_input($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'switch' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_switch($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'switch_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_switch_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'switch_img' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_switch_img($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'time_format' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_time_format($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'date_format' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_date_format($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'datepicker' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_datepicker($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'color_sets' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_color_sets($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'colorpicker' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_colorpicker($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'colorpicker_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_colorpicker_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'link_color' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_link_color($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'icon' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_icon($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'icon_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_icon_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'dimensions' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_dimensions($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'wp_editor' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_wp_editor($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'select2' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_select2($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'faq' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_faq($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'grid' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_grid($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'color_palette' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_color_palette($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'color_palette_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_color_palette_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'media' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_media($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'media_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_media_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'repeatable' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_repeatable($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'user' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_user($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'margin' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_margin($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'padding' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_padding($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'border' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_border($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'switcher' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_switcher($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'password' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_password($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'post_objects' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_post_objects($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'google_map' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_google_map($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === $type ){
+ do_action( "wp_theme_settings_field_$type", $option );
+ }
+ if( !empty( $details ) ) echo "$details
+ }
+ private function get_meta_box_id(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['meta_box_id'] ) ) return $this->data['meta_box_id'];
+ else return "";
+ }
+ private function get_meta_box_title(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['meta_box_title'] ) ) return $this->data['meta_box_title'];
+ else return "";
+ }
+ private function get_meta_box_screen(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['screen'] ) ) return $this->data['screen'];
+ else return array('post');
+ }
+ private function get_meta_box_context(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['context'] ) ) return $this->data['context'];
+ else return 'normal';
+ }
+ private function get_meta_box_priority(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['priority'] ) ) return $this->data['priority'];
+ else return "high";
+ }
+ private function get_callback_args(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['callback_args'] ) ) return $this->data['callback_args'];
+ else return array();
+ }
+ private function get_panels(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['panels'] ) ) return $this->data['panels'];
+ else return array();
+ }
+ private function get_item_name(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['item_name'] ) ) return $this->data['item_name'];
+ else return "PickPlugins";
+ }
+ private function get_item_version(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['item_version'] ) ) return $this->data['item_version'];
+ else return "1.0.0";
+ }
+ private function get_option_name(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['option_name'] )) return $this->data['option_name'];
+ else return false;
+ }
+ private function get_nav_position(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['nav_position'] )) return $this->data['nav_position'];
+ else return 'left';
+ }
+ private function get_post_id(){
+ $post_id = get_the_ID();
+ return $post_id;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/classes/class-taxonomy-edit.php b/lib/classes/class-taxonomy-edit.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..97b99c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/classes/class-taxonomy-edit.php
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+data = &$args;
+ add_action( $this->get_taxonomy().'_add_form_fields', array( $this, 'add_form_fields' ), 12 );
+ add_action( $this->get_taxonomy().'_edit_form_fields', array( $this, 'edit_form_fields' ), 12 );
+ add_action( 'edited_'.$this->get_taxonomy(), array( $this, 'save_update_taxonomy' ), 12 );
+ add_action( 'create_'.$this->get_taxonomy(), array( $this, 'save_update_taxonomy' ), 12 );
+ }
+ public function save_update_taxonomy($term_id){
+ foreach ($this->get_panels() as $optionIndex=>$option):
+ $option_value = isset($_POST[$option['id']]) ? $_POST[$option['id']] : '';
+ if(is_array($option_value)){
+ $option_value = serialize($option_value);
+ }
+ update_term_meta($term_id, $option['id'], $option_value);
+ endforeach;
+ }
+ public function edit_form_fields($term){
+ $term_id = $term->term_id;
+ ?>
+ get_panels() as $optionIndex=>$option):
+ //var_dump($option);
+ ?>
+ |
+ field_generator($option, $term_id)
+ ?>
+ |
+ get_panels() as $optionIndex=>$option):
+ ?>
+ |
+ field_generator($option, $term_id)
+ ?>
+ |
+ field_text($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'text_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_text_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'textarea' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_textarea($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'checkbox' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_checkbox($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'radio' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_radio($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'select' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_select($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'range' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_range($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'range_input' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_range_input($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'switch' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_switch($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'switch_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_switch_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'switch_img' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_switch_img($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'time_format' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_time_format($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'date_format' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_date_format($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'datepicker' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_datepicker($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'colorpicker' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_colorpicker($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'colorpicker_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_colorpicker_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'link_color' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_link_color($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'icon' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_icon($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'icon_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_icon_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'dimensions' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_dimensions($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'wp_editor' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_wp_editor($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'select2' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_select2($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'faq' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_faq($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'grid' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_grid($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'color_palette' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_color_palette($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'color_palette_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_color_palette_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'media' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_media($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'media_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_media_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'repeatable' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_repeatable($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'user' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_user($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === $type ){
+ do_action( "wp_theme_settings_field_$type", $option );
+ }
+ if( !empty( $details ) ) echo "$details
+ }
+ private function get_taxonomy(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['taxonomy'] ) ) return $this->data['taxonomy'];
+ else return "category";
+ }
+ private function get_panels(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['options'] ) ) return $this->data['options'];
+ else return array();
+ }
+ private function get_tax_id(){
+ //$post_id = get_the_ID();
+ //return $post_id;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/classes/class-theme-page.php b/lib/classes/class-theme-page.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..63c5620
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/classes/class-theme-page.php
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+data = &$args;
+ if( $this->add_in_menu() ) {
+ add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'add_menu_in_admin_menu' ), 12 );
+ }
+ add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'display_fields' ), 12 );
+ add_filter( 'whitelist_options', array( $this, 'whitelist_options' ), 99, 1 );
+ }
+ public function add_menu_in_admin_menu(){
+ if( "main" == $this->get_menu_type() ) {
+ add_theme_page( $this->get_menu_name(), $this->get_menu_title(), $this->get_capability(), $this->get_menu_slug(), array( $this, 'display_function' ), $this->get_menu_icon() );
+ }
+ if( "sub" == $this->get_menu_type() ) {
+ add_submenu_page($this->data['cpt_menu'], $this->get_menu_title(), $this->get_menu_title(), $this->get_capability(), $this->get_menu_slug(), array( $this, 'display_function' ));
+ }
+ }
+ public function section_callback( $section ) {
+ $section_id = $section['id'];
+ //var_dump($section_id);
+ $data = isset( $section['callback'][0]->data ) ? $section['callback'][0]->data : array();
+ //$description = $section['description'];
+ $description = $section['id'] ;
+ echo '';
+ }
+ public function display_fields() {
+ foreach ($this->get_pages() as $panelsIndex=>$panels):
+ //var_dump($panelsIndex);
+ foreach ($panels['page_settings'] as $sectionIndex=>$sections):
+ add_settings_section(
+ $sectionIndex,
+ isset( $sections['title'] ) ? $sections['title'] : "",
+ array( $this, 'section_callback'),
+ $panelsIndex
+ );
+ foreach( $sections['options'] as $option ) :
+ add_settings_field( $option['id'], $option['title'], array($this,'field_generator'), $panelsIndex, $sectionIndex, $option );
+ endforeach;
+ endforeach;
+ endforeach;
+ }
+ public function field_generator( $option ) {
+ $id = isset( $option['id'] ) ? $option['id'] : "";
+ $type = isset( $option['type'] ) ? $option['type'] : "";
+ $details = isset( $option['details'] ) ? $option['details'] : "";
+ if( empty( $id ) ) return;
+ $FormFieldsGenerator = array();
+ $prent_option_name = $this->get_option_name();
+ $FormFieldsGenerator = new FormFieldsGenerator();
+ if(!empty($prent_option_name)):
+ $field_name = $prent_option_name.'['.$id.']';
+ $option['field_name'] = $field_name;
+ $prent_option_value = get_option( $prent_option_name );
+ $option['value'] = isset($prent_option_value[$id]) ? $prent_option_value[$id] : '';
+ else:
+ $option['field_name'] = $id;
+ $option['value'] = get_option( $id );
+ endif;
+ ?>
+ field_text($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'text_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_text_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'textarea' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_textarea($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'checkbox' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_checkbox($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'checkbox_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_checkbox_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'radio' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_radio($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'select' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_select($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'range' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_range($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'range_input' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_range_input($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'switch' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_switch($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'switch_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_switch_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'switch_img' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_switch_img($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'time_format' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_time_format($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'date_format' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_date_format($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'datepicker' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_datepicker($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'color_sets' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_color_sets($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'colorpicker' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_colorpicker($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'colorpicker_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_colorpicker_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'link_color' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_link_color($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'icon' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_icon($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'icon_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_icon_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'dimensions' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_dimensions($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'wp_editor' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_wp_editor($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'select2' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_select2($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'faq' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_faq($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'grid' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_grid($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'color_palette' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_color_palette($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'color_palette_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_color_palette_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'media' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_media($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'media_multi' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_media_multi($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'repeatable' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_repeatable($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'user' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_user($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'margin' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_margin($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'padding' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_padding($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'border' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_border($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'switcher' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_switcher($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'password' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_password($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'post_objects' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_post_objects($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === 'google_map' ){
+ echo $FormFieldsGenerator->field_google_map($option);
+ }
+ elseif( isset($option['type']) && $option['type'] === $type ){
+ do_action( "wp_theme_settings_field_$type", $option );
+ }
+ if( !empty( $details ) ) echo "$details
+ }
+ public function whitelist_options( $whitelist_options ){
+ $prent_option_name = $this->get_option_name();
+ if($prent_option_name):
+ $whitelist_options[$this->get_menu_slug()][] = $prent_option_name;
+ else:
+ foreach( $this->get_pages() as $page_id => $page ): foreach( $page['page_settings'] as $section ):
+ foreach( $section['options'] as $option ):
+ $whitelist_options[$this->get_menu_slug()][] = $option['id'];
+ endforeach; endforeach;
+ endforeach;
+ endif;
+ update_option('whitelist_options',$whitelist_options );
+ return $whitelist_options;
+ }
+ public function display_function(){
+ ?>
+ get_current_page();
+ foreach( $this->get_pages() as $page_id => $page ):
+ $page_settings = !empty($page['page_settings']) ? $page['page_settings'] : array();
+ $page_settings_count = count($page_settings);
+ //var_dump($page_settings);
+ ?>
+ -
+ ' class='nav-item'>
+ 1)) echo ''; ?>
+ 1)):
+ ?>
+ $nav_sections):
+ $nav_sections_title = !empty($nav_sections['nav_title']) ? $nav_sections['nav_title'] : $nav_sections['title'];
+ //var_dump($nav_sections_title);
+ ?>
+ -
+ ' class='nav-item '>
+ get_pages() as $panelsIndex=>$panels):
+ $pages[] = $panelsIndex;
+ endforeach;
+ // var_dump($pages);
+ foreach ($pages as $page):
+ if($current_page == $page){
+ $_current_page = $page;
+ break;
+ }
+ else{
+ $_current_page = $pages[0];
+ }
+ endforeach;
+ return $_current_page;
+ }
+ private function get_item_name(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['item_name'] ) ) return $this->data['item_name'];
+ else return "PickPlugins";
+ }
+ private function get_item_version(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['item_version'] ) ) return $this->data['item_version'];
+ else return "1.0.0";
+ }
+ private function get_menu_type(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['menu_type'] ) ) return $this->data['menu_type'];
+ else return "main";
+ }
+ private function get_pages(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['panels'] ) ) return $this->data['panels'];
+ else return array();
+ }
+ private function get_settings_name(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['settings_name'] ) ) return $this->data['settings_name'];
+ else return "my_custom_settings";
+ }
+ private function get_menu_icon(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['menu_icon'] ) ) return $this->data['menu_icon'];
+ else return "";
+ }
+ private function get_menu_slug(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['menu_slug'] ) ) return $this->data['menu_slug'];
+ else return "my-custom-settings";
+ }
+ private function get_capability(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['capability'] ) ) return $this->data['capability'];
+ else return "manage_options";
+ }
+ private function get_menu_page_title(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['menu_page_title'] ) ) return $this->data['menu_page_title'];
+ else return "My Custom Menu";
+ }
+ private function get_menu_name(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['menu_name'] ) ) return $this->data['menu_name'];
+ else return "Menu Name";
+ }
+ private function get_menu_title(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['menu_title'] ) ) return $this->data['menu_title'];
+ else return "Menu Title";
+ }
+ private function get_page_title(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['page_title'] ) ) return $this->data['page_title'];
+ else return "Page Title";
+ }
+ private function add_in_menu(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['add_in_menu'] ) && $this->data['add_in_menu'] ) return true;
+ else return false;
+ }
+ private function get_option_name(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['option_name'] )) return $this->data['option_name'];
+ else return false;
+ }
+ private function get_option_id(){
+ if( isset( $this->data['option_id'] ) && $this->data['option_id'] ) return $this->data['option_id'];
+ else return "";
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/lib/classes/class-wc-product-data.php b/lib/classes/class-wc-product-data.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8b4732e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/classes/class-wc-product-data.php
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ if ( ! $product->get_id() || ! ( $post_object = get_post( $product->get_id() ) ) || ! in_array( $post_object->post_type, $this->cpt_product() ) ) { // change birds with your post type
+ throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid product.', 'woocommerce' ) );
+ }
+ $id = $product->get_id();
+ $product->set_props( array(
+ 'name' => $post_object->post_title,
+ 'slug' => $post_object->post_name,
+ 'date_created' => 0 < $post_object->post_date_gmt ? wc_string_to_timestamp( $post_object->post_date_gmt ) : null,
+ 'date_modified' => 0 < $post_object->post_modified_gmt ? wc_string_to_timestamp( $post_object->post_modified_gmt ) : null,
+ 'status' => $post_object->post_status,
+ 'description' => $post_object->post_content,
+ 'product_id' => $post_object->ID,
+ 'sku' => $post_object->ID,
+ 'short_description' => $post_object->post_excerpt,
+ 'parent_id' => $post_object->post_parent,
+ 'menu_order' => $post_object->menu_order,
+ 'reviews_allowed' => 'open' === $post_object->comment_status,
+ ) );
+ $this->read_attributes( $product );
+ $this->read_downloads( $product );
+ $this->read_visibility( $product );
+ $this->read_product_data( $product );
+ $this->read_extra_data( $product );
+ $product->set_object_read( true );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the product type based on product ID.
+ *
+ * @since 3.0.0
+ * @param int $product_id
+ * @return bool|string
+ */
+ public function get_product_type( $product_id ) {
+ $post_type = get_post_type( $product_id );
+ if ( 'product_variation' === $post_type ) {
+ return 'variation';
+ } elseif ( in_array( $post_type, $this->cpt_product() ) ) { // change birds with your post type
+ $terms = get_the_terms( $product_id, 'product_type' );
+ return ! empty( $terms ) ? sanitize_title( current( $terms )->name ) : 'simple';
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ add_filter( 'woocommerce_data_stores', 'wbtm_woocommerce_data_stores' );
+ function wbtm_woocommerce_data_stores ( $stores ) {
+ $stores['product'] = 'MAGE_Product_Data_Store_CPT';
+ return $stores;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt
index b9eae4a..94a30b7 100644
--- a/readme.txt
+++ b/readme.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Tags: event, woocomerce events manager, events manager, Wordpress Events plugin,
Requires at least: 5.3
Stable tag: trunk
Version: 2.1.3
-Tested up to: 5.3
+Tested up to: 5.4
Requires PHP: 7.0
WC requires at least: 3.0
WC tested up to: 4.0
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ To Show the Event Only Title Style. example 👉[Title Style Demo](https://demo.
**Event Carousal:**
-To Show the Event Carousal. example 👉[Title Style Demo](https://demo.vaincode.com/mage-event/event-carousal/)👈:
+To Show the Event Carousal. example 👉[Event Carousal Demo](https://demo.vaincode.com/mage-event/event-carousal/)👈:
[event-list style='grid' pagination='carousal' carousal-dots='yes' carousal-nav='yes' column=3]
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ By default there is no pagination with the event list but if you want to show pa
**Filter By City:**
-Filter Event by City. example 👉[Title Style Demo](https://demo.vaincode.com/mage-event/event-list-filter-by-city/)👈:
+Filter Event by City. example 👉[Filter By City Demo](https://demo.vaincode.com/mage-event/event-list-filter-by-city/)👈:
[event-list style='grid' city='Dhaka' column=3 show=8]
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ Filter Event by City. example 👉[Title Style Demo](https://demo.vaincode.com/m
**Filter By Country:**
-Filter Event by Country.example 👉[Title Style Demo](https://demo.vaincode.com/mage-event/event-list-filter-by-country/)👈:
+Filter Event by Country.example 👉[Filter By Country Demo](https://demo.vaincode.com/mage-event/event-list-filter-by-country/)👈:
[event-list style='grid' country='India' column=3 show=8]
@@ -208,13 +208,27 @@ You can sort event list by event start datetime. By default it showing as Assend
-### Event City List ShortCode:
+### Event Add To Cart Section ShortCode:
+You can show Event Cart Section with Ticket type & extra servive list anywhere in your website by using the below shortcode. example 👉[See Demo](https://demo.vaincode.com/mage-event/event-add-to-cart-section/)👈:
+[event-add-cart-section event=EventID]
+### Event City List ShortCode:
+Display the City List which is used in the event anywhere in your website by using below shortcode. example 👉[City List Demo](https://demo.vaincode.com/mage-event/event-city-list/)👈:
+### Event Speaker List ShortCode:
+Display Event Speaker List Any Post or Page by using the below Shortcode.. example 👉[View Demo](https://demo.vaincode.com/mage-event/speaker-list/)👈:
+[event-speaker-list event=EventID]
= Some Others Very Nice Addon Support Available =
@@ -505,3 +519,20 @@ Fixed Grid style broken issue
Date Timezone Wrong name Display issue fixed
Calendar No Event Display Issue Fixed
11 April 2020*
+= 3.2.4 =
+* Update Release:
+Code Optimized & Improved
+Expire Event List Not showing issue fixed
+Wrong Download Button Removed from order list
+Wrong Timezone name show into Date issue fixed
+Virtual Event Theme Added
+Speaker List Added with Speaker Template
+Speaker List Shortcode Added
+Event Cart Section Shortcode Added
+Custom CSS Code section added into Event Settings
+Event Settings Page Design Improved
+Event Location & Date Show/Hide from Order Details and Email Body option added into the event settings
+Multi Date Expand/Collapse option added into Event Details Page.
+28 April 2020*
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/single-speaker.php b/templates/single-speaker.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7a1fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/single-speaker.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
-// print_r(get_queried_object());
name; ?>
description; ?>
- array( 'mep_events' ),
- 'posts_per_page' => -1,
- 'tax_query' => array(
- array(
- 'taxonomy' => 'mep_cat',
- 'field' => 'term_id',
- 'terms' => $term_id
- )
- )
- );
- $loop = new WP_Query( $args_search_qqq );
- while ($loop->have_posts()) {
- $loop->the_post();
- $event_meta = get_post_custom(get_the_id());
- $time = strtotime($event_meta['event_start_date'][0].' '.$event_meta['event_start_time'][0]);
- $newformat = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$time);
- if(time() < strtotime($newformat)){
- ?>
- on -
- ,, ,,,
name; ?>
description; ?>
+ have_posts()) {
+ $loop->the_post();
+ do_action('mep_event_list_shortcode', get_the_id(), 'three_column', 'grid');
+ }
+ wp_reset_postdata();
+ mep_event_pagination($loop->max_num_pages);
+ ?>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/taxonomy-organozer.php b/templates/taxonomy-organozer.php
index 5d826bf..5d02de7 100644
--- a/templates/taxonomy-organozer.php
+++ b/templates/taxonomy-organozer.php
@@ -1,71 +1,26 @@
-// print_r(get_queried_object());
name; ?>
description; ?>
- array( 'mep_events' ),
- 'posts_per_page' => -1,
- 'tax_query' => array(
- array(
- 'taxonomy' => 'mep_org',
- 'field' => 'term_id',
- 'terms' => $term_id
- )
- )
- );
- $loop = new WP_Query( $args_search_qqq );
- while ($loop->have_posts()) {
- $loop->the_post();
- $event_meta = get_post_custom(get_the_id());
- $time = strtotime($event_meta['event_start_date'][0].' '.$event_meta['event_start_time'][0]);
- $newformat = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$time);
- if(time() < strtotime($newformat)){
- $start_datetime = $event_meta['event_start_date'][0].' '.$event_meta['event_start_time'][0];
- $start_date = $event_meta['event_start_date'][0];
- $start_time = $event_meta['event_start_time'][0];
- $end_datetime = $event_meta['event_end_date'][0].' '.$event_meta['event_end_time'][0];
- $end_date = $event_meta['event_end_date'][0];
- $end_time = $event_meta['event_end_time'][0];
- ?>
- on -
- ,, ,,,
name; ?>
description; ?>
+ have_posts()) {
+ $loop->the_post();
+ do_action('mep_event_list_shortcode', get_the_id(), 'three_column', 'grid');
+ }
+ wp_reset_postdata();
+ mep_event_pagination($loop->max_num_pages);
+ ?>
diff --git a/templates/themes/default-theme.php b/templates/themes/default-theme.php
index ed6446c..792f7af 100644
--- a/templates/themes/default-theme.php
+++ b/templates/themes/default-theme.php
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
// Template Name: Default Theme
// Settings Value :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;
-$hide_date_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_date_from_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
-$hide_time_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_time_from_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
-$hide_location_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_location_from_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
-$hide_total_seat_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_total_seat_from_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
-$hide_org_by_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_org_from_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
-$hide_address_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_address_from_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
-$hide_schedule_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_event_schedule_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
-$hide_share_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_share_this_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
-$hide_calendar_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_calendar_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
+$hide_date_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_date_from_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
+$hide_time_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_time_from_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
+$hide_location_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_location_from_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
+$hide_total_seat_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_total_seat_from_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
+$hide_org_by_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_org_from_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
+$hide_address_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_address_from_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
+$hide_schedule_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_event_schedule_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
+$hide_share_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_share_this_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
+$hide_calendar_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_calendar_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
+$speaker_status = mep_get_option('mep_enable_speaker_list', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
@@ -62,11 +62,11 @@ $hide_calendar_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_calendar_details', 'gene
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ $hide_calendar_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_calendar_details', 'gene
@@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ $hide_calendar_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_calendar_details', 'gene
@@ -110,9 +111,20 @@ $hide_calendar_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_calendar_details', 'gene
diff --git a/templates/themes/theme-1.php b/templates/themes/theme-1.php
index 8d2a670..630625c 100644
--- a/templates/themes/theme-1.php
+++ b/templates/themes/theme-1.php
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ $hide_address_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_address_from_details', 'g
$hide_schedule_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_event_schedule_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
$hide_share_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_share_this_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
$hide_calendar_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_calendar_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
+$speaker_status = mep_get_option('mep_enable_speaker_list', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ $hide_calendar_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_calendar_details', 'gene
@@ -72,14 +72,22 @@ $hide_calendar_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_calendar_details', 'gene
diff --git a/templates/themes/theme-2.php b/templates/themes/theme-2.php
index 7d51b4c..3fde13f 100644
--- a/templates/themes/theme-2.php
+++ b/templates/themes/theme-2.php
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ $hide_address_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_address_from_details', 'g
$hide_schedule_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_event_schedule_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
$hide_share_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_share_this_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
$hide_calendar_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_calendar_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
+$speaker_status = mep_get_option('mep_enable_speaker_list', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
@@ -25,16 +26,24 @@ $hide_calendar_details = mep_get_option('mep_event_hide_calendar_details', 'gene
diff --git a/templates/themes/theme-3.php b/templates/themes/theme-3.php
index d696941..83d253d 100644
--- a/templates/themes/theme-3.php
+++ b/templates/themes/theme-3.php
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ $hide_address_details = mep_get_option( 'mep_event_hide_address_from_details',
$hide_schedule_details = mep_get_option( 'mep_event_hide_event_schedule_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
$hide_share_details = mep_get_option( 'mep_event_hide_share_this_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
$hide_calendar_details = mep_get_option( 'mep_event_hide_calendar_details', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
+$speaker_status = mep_get_option('mep_enable_speaker_list', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
@@ -60,12 +60,20 @@ $hide_calendar_details = mep_get_option( 'mep_event_hide_calendar_details', 'g
@@ -75,6 +83,6 @@ $hide_calendar_details = mep_get_option( 'mep_event_hide_calendar_details', 'g
diff --git a/templates/themes/virtual.php b/templates/themes/virtual.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e2dedb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/themes/virtual.php
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/woocommerce-event-press.php b/woocommerce-event-press.php
index e822580..9700b78 100644
--- a/woocommerce-event-press.php
+++ b/woocommerce-event-press.php
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* Plugin Name: Woocommerce Events Manager
* Plugin URI: http://mage-people.com
* Description: A Complete Event Solution for WordPress by MagePeople..
-* Version: 3.2.3
+* Version: 3.2.4
* Author: MagePeople Team
* Author URI: http://www.mage-people.com/
* Text Domain: mage-eventpress
@@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ function mep_admin_notice_wc_not_active() {
add_action( 'admin_notices', 'mep_admin_notice_wc_not_active' );
\ No newline at end of file