2023-08-29 06:17:31 +00:00

145 lines
5.3 KiB

* @Author
* Copyright:
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
} // Cannot access pages directly.
if ( ! class_exists( 'MP_Global_Style' ) ) {
class MP_Global_Style {
public function __construct() {
add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'add_global_style' ), 100 );
add_action( 'admin_head', array( $this, 'add_global_style' ), 100 );
public function add_global_style() {
$default_color = MP_Global_Function::get_style_settings( 'default_text_color', '#303030' );
$theme_color = MP_Global_Function::get_style_settings( 'theme_color', '#2F9DF4' );
$alternate_color = MP_Global_Function::get_style_settings( 'theme_alternate_color', '#fff' );
$warning_color = MP_Global_Function::get_style_settings( 'warning_color', '#E67C30' );
$default_fs = MP_Global_Function::get_style_settings( 'default_font_size', '14' ) . 'px';
$fs_h1 = MP_Global_Function::get_style_settings( 'font_size_h1', '35' ) . 'px';
$fs_h2 = MP_Global_Function::get_style_settings( 'font_size_h2', '30' ) . 'px';
$fs_h3 = MP_Global_Function::get_style_settings( 'font_size_h3', '25' ) . 'px';
$fs_h4 = MP_Global_Function::get_style_settings( 'font_size_h4', '22' ) . 'px';
$fs_h5 = MP_Global_Function::get_style_settings( 'font_size_h5', '18' ) . 'px';
$fs_h6 = MP_Global_Function::get_style_settings( 'font_size_h6', '16' ) . 'px';
$fs_label = MP_Global_Function::get_style_settings( 'font_size_label', '16' ) . 'px';
$button_fs = MP_Global_Function::get_style_settings( 'button_font_size', '16' ) . 'px';
$button_color = MP_Global_Function::get_style_settings( 'button_color', $alternate_color );
$button_bg = MP_Global_Function::get_style_settings( 'button_bg', '#ea8125' );
$section_bg = MP_Global_Function::get_style_settings( 'section_bg', '#FAFCFE' );
:root {
--dContainer_Width: 1320px;
--sidebarLeft: 280px;
--sidebarRight: 300px;
--mainSection: calc(100% - 300px);
--dMPL: 40px;
--dMP: 20px;
--dMP_negetive: -20px;
--dMP_xs: 10px;
--dMP_xs_negative: -10px;
--dBRL: 10px;
--dBR: 5px;
--dShadow: 0 0 2px #665F5F7A;
/*****Font size********/
:root {
--fs: <?php echo esc_attr($default_fs); ?>;
--fw: normal;
--fs_small: 13px;
--fs_label: <?php echo esc_attr($fs_label); ?>;
--fs_h6: <?php echo esc_attr($fs_h6); ?>;
--fs_h5: <?php echo esc_attr($fs_h5); ?>;
--fs_h4: <?php echo esc_attr($fs_h4); ?>;
--fs_h3: <?php echo esc_attr($fs_h3); ?>;
--fs_h2: <?php echo esc_attr($fs_h2); ?>;
--fs_h1: <?php echo esc_attr($fs_h1); ?>;
--fw-thin: 300; /*font weight medium*/
--fw-normal: 500; /*font weight medium*/
--fw-medium: 600; /*font weight medium*/
--fw-bold: bold; /*font weight bold*/
:root {
--button_bg: <?php echo esc_attr($button_bg); ?>;
--color_button: <?php echo esc_attr($button_color); ?>;
--button_fs: <?php echo esc_attr($button_fs); ?>;
--button_height: 40px;
--button_height_xs: 30px;
--button_width: 120px;
--button_shadows: 0 8px 12px rgb(51 65 80 / 6%), 0 14px 44px rgb(51 65 80 / 11%);
:root {
--d_color: <?php echo esc_attr($default_color); ?>;
--color_border: #DDD;
--color_active: #0E6BB7;
--color_section: <?php echo esc_attr($section_bg); ?>;
--color_theme: <?php echo esc_attr($theme_color); ?>;
--color_theme_ee: <?php echo esc_attr($theme_color).'ee'; ?>;
--color_theme_cc: <?php echo esc_attr($theme_color).'cc'; ?>;
--color_theme_aa: <?php echo esc_attr($theme_color).'aa'; ?>;
--color_theme_88: <?php echo esc_attr($theme_color).'88'; ?>;
--color_theme_77: <?php echo esc_attr($theme_color).'77'; ?>;
--color_theme_alter: <?php echo esc_attr($alternate_color); ?>;
--color_warning: <?php echo esc_attr($warning_color); ?>;
--color_black: #000;
--color_success: #006607;
--color_danger: #C00;
--color_required: #C00;
--color_white: #FFFFFF;
--color_light: #F2F2F2;
--color_light_1: #BBB;
--color_light_2: #EAECEE;
--color_info: #666;
--color_yellow: #FEBB02;
--color_blue: #815DF2;
--color_navy_blue: #007CBA;
--color_1: #0C5460;
--color_2: #0CB32612;
--color_3: #FAFCFE;
--color_4: #6148BA;
--color_5: #BCB;
@media only screen and (max-width: 1100px) {
:root {
--fs: 14px;
--fs_small: 12px;
--fs_label: 15px;
--fs_h4: 20px;
--fs_h3: 22px;
--fs_h2: 25px;
--fs_h1: 30px;
--dMPL: 32px;
--dMP: 16px;
--dMP_negetive: -16px;
--dMP_xs: 8px;
--dMP_xs_negative: -8px;
@media only screen and (max-width: 700px) {
:root {
--fs: 12px;
--fs_small: 10px;
--fs_label: 13px;
--fs_h6: 15px;
--fs_h5: 16px;
--fs_h4: 18px;
--fs_h3: 20px;
--fs_h2: 22px;
--fs_h1: 24px;
--dMP: 10px;
--dMP_xs: 5px;
--dMP_xs_negative: -5px;
--button_fs: 14px;
new MP_Global_Style();