=== Mage Woo Event Booking Manager ===
Contributors: MagePeople Team
Tags: event, event with woocommerce, woocommerce event, wordpress event plugin, event management wordpress, event booking for woocommerce, best wordpress event plugin, event booking manager wordpress, wordpress event
Requires at least: 3.7
Tested up to: 4.9
Stable tag: 1.0
License: GPLv2 or later

Mage Woo Event Booking Manager is a Event Plugin for WordPress which is based on WooCommerce.

== Description ==

This is one of the best and simple event management plugin is WordPress directory, Its used Woocommerce for making payment so Its freedom to use any payment gateway via WooCommerce. This plugin will run with Woocommerce but it will work as event post it will not take any effect on woocommerce products so if you want you can sale your product along with it.


* Shortcode Powred
* Unlimited Category
* Unlimited Organization
* Unlimited Event
* Open Source
* Responsive Design
* Developer Friendly
* Based on Woo-commerce
* Works with any standards compliant WordPress theme
* Plays well with other Plugins
* 100% Customizable
* Easy to modify templates
* Use Shortcode [event-list] for showing all faq question. if you want to show a event list of any particular category use [event-list cat=ID].
* Live demo http://demo.wp-people.net/mage-woo-event-booking-manager-free/

== Installation ==

Upload the Mage FAQ plugin to your blog, Activate it, then use shortcode as your need).

1, 2, 3: You're done!

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Is Mage Woo Event Booking Manager Free? =
Yes! Mage Woo Event Booking Manager is free.

You can check the demo of this plugin from here http://demo.wp-people.net/mage-woo-event-booking-manager-free/

= How its work? =
Mage Woo Event Booking Manager one of the simple event plugin for WordPress which is based on Woocommerce. Its work as an individual event and its payment functionality handle with woocommerce so there are no worries about payment gateway you can use every payment gateway which is support woocommerce. The interesting part is the event post type is completely different there is no connection with woocommerce product so if you can sell anything from woocommerce product. 

= How can i get the attendee list? =
After successfull booking user data will be saved under event attendee list, You can find the list from Events -> attendee list  or Go to event list and click on the attendee list on right side of event to get that particular event attendee list.

= How can i display event list? =
You can display the event list on any page by using the ShortCode. Just use this shortcode to display all events list [event-list]. If you want to display any particular category events just use [event-list cat=ID] here ID will be the category id which will you find in the category section of the dashboard.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =
*Initial Release Date - 02 February 2018*
No description provided
Readme 3.5 MiB
PHP 82.5%
CSS 11.8%
JavaScript 4.4%
HTML 1.3%