227 lines
8.8 KiB
227 lines
8.8 KiB
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
} // Cannot access pages directly.
* In the Version 3.5 we will introducing Mage Freamwork, All of our Plugin will use this same Freamwork, This is the Beta test in the Event Plugin.
add_action('admin_init', 'mep_fw_meta_boxs');
function mep_fw_meta_boxs()
$speaker_status = mep_get_option('mep_enable_speaker_list', 'general_setting_sec', 'no');
* This Will create Meta Boxes For Speakers Custom Post Type.
$speakers_meta_boxs = array(
'page_nav' => __('Speakers Meta Box', 'mage-eventpress'),
'priority' => 10,
'sections' => array(
'section_2' => array(
'title' => __('', 'mage-eventpress'),
'description' => __('', 'mage-eventpress'),
'options' => array(
// Meta Boxes Will Here as Array
$speaker_meta_args = array(
'meta_box_id' => 'mep_event_speakers_meta_boxes',
'meta_box_title' => __('Speakers Additional Information', 'mage-eventpress'),
//'callback' => '_meta_box_callback',
'screen' => array('mep_event_speaker'),
'context' => 'normal', // 'normal', 'side', and 'advanced'
'priority' => 'high', // 'high', 'low'
'callback_args' => array(),
'nav_position' => 'none', // right, top, left, none
'item_name' => "MagePeople",
'item_version' => "2.0",
'panels' => array(
'speakers_meta_boxs' => $speakers_meta_boxs
//new AddMetaBox( $speaker_meta_args );
* This Will create Meta Boxes For Events Custom Post Type.
$events_speaker_list_meta_boxs = array(
'page_nav' => __('Event Additional Meta Boxes', 'mage-eventpress'),
'priority' => 10,
'sections' => array(
'section_2' => array(
'title' => __('', 'mage-eventpress'),
'description' => __('', 'mage-eventpress'),
'options' => array(
// Meta Boxes Will Here as Array
'id' => 'mep_event_speaker_icon',
'title' => __('Speaker Icon','mage-eventpress'),
'details' => __('Please Select the Icon which will show as Speaker Icon','mage-eventpress'),
'default' => 'fas fa-microphone',
'type' => 'icon',
'id' => 'mep_speaker_title',
'title' => __('Section Label','mage-eventpress'),
'details' => __('This Text will be the heading of the Speaker List in the frontend. by default: Speakers ','mage-eventpress'),
'type' => 'text',
'default' => "Speaker's",
'placeholder' => __("Speaker's",'mage-eventpress'),
'id' => 'mep_event_speakers_list',
'title' => __('Speakers', 'mage-eventpress'),
'details' => __('Please select Speakers, You can <a href="' . get_admin_url() . 'post-new.php?post_type=mep_event_speaker' . '">Add New Speakers From Here</a>', 'mage-eventpress'),
'multiple' => true,
'limit' => '3',
'type' => 'select2',
'args' => 'CPT_%mep_event_speaker%',
'id' => 'mep_event_type',
'title' => __('Event Type', 'mage-eventpress'),
'details' => __('Please Select Event Type, This will add a Rebon in the event list', 'mage-eventpress'),
'type' => 'select',
'args' => array(
'offline' => __('Offline Event', 'mage-eventpress'),
'online' => __('Online/Virtual Event', 'mage-eventpress')
$events_speaker_list_meta_args = array(
'meta_box_id' => 'mep_event_speakers_list_meta_boxes',
'meta_box_title' => __('Event Speaker Information', 'mage-eventpress'),
'screen' => array('mep_events'),
'context' => 'normal',
'priority' => 'high',
'callback_args' => array(),
'nav_position' => 'none',
'item_name' => "MagePeople",
'item_version' => "2.0",
'panels' => array(
'events_speaker_list_meta_boxs' => $events_speaker_list_meta_boxs
if($speaker_status == 'yes'){
new AddMetaBox($events_speaker_list_meta_args);
$list_thumb_meta_boxs = array(
'page_nav' => __('Event List Thumbnail', 'mage-eventpress-gq'),
'priority' => 10,
'sections' => array(
'section_2' => array(
'title' => __('', 'mage-eventpress-gq'),
'description' => __('', 'mage-eventpress-gq'),
'options' => array(
'id' => 'mep_list_thumbnail',
'title' => __('Thumbmnail ','text-domain'),
'details' => __('Please upload image for event list','text-domain'),
'placeholder' => 'https://via.placeholder.com/1000x500',
'type' => 'media',
$list_thumb_meta_args = array(
'meta_box_id' => 'mep_event_list_thumbnail_meta_boxes',
'meta_box_title' => __('Event List Thumbnail', 'mage-eventpress'),
//'callback' => '_meta_box_callback',
'screen' => array('mep_events'),
'context' => 'side', // 'normal', 'side', and 'advanced'
'priority' => 'low', // 'high', 'low'
'callback_args' => array(),
'nav_position' => 'none', // right, top, left, none
'item_name' => "MagePeople",
'item_version' => "2.0",
'panels' => array(
'speakers_meta_boxs' => $list_thumb_meta_boxs
new AddMetaBox( $list_thumb_meta_args );
$email_body_meta_boxs = array(
'page_nav' => __('Event List Thumbnail', 'mage-eventpress-gq'),
'priority' => 10,
'sections' => array(
'section_2' => array(
'title' => __('', 'mage-eventpress-gq'),
'description' => __('', 'mage-eventpress-gq'),
'options' => array(
'id' => 'mep_event_cc_email_text',
'title' => __('Confirmation Email Text:','text-domain'),
'details' => __('','text-domain'),
'type' => 'wp_editor',
// 'editor_settings'=>array('textarea_name'=>'wp_editor_field', 'editor_height'=>'150px'),
'placeholder' => __('wp_editor value','text-domain'),
'default' => '',
$email_body_meta_args = array(
'meta_box_id' => 'mep_event_email_body_meta_boxes',
'meta_box_title' => __('Event Email Confirmation Text', 'mage-eventpress'),
//'callback' => '_meta_box_callback',
'screen' => array('mep_events'),
'context' => 'normal', // 'normal', 'side', and 'advanced'
'priority' => 'low', // 'high', 'low'
'callback_args' => array(),
'nav_position' => 'none', // right, top, left, none
'item_name' => "MagePeople",
'item_version' => "2.0",
'panels' => array(
'speakers_meta_boxs' => $email_body_meta_boxs
new AddMetaBox( $email_body_meta_args );
} |