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=== WooCommerce Event Manager ===
Contributors: magepeopleteam
Tags: event, woocomerce events manager, events manager, Wordpress Events plugin, Events plugin, wp events
Requires at least: 4.5
Stable tag: trunk
Version: 2.1.3
Tested up to: 4.9
WC requires at least: 3.0
WC tested up to: 3.5.0
Requires PHP: 5.6
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
WooCommerce Event Manager is a Event Plugin for WordPress which is based on WooCommerce.
== Description ==
This is one of the best and simple event management plugin is WordPress directory, Its used Woocommerce for making payment so Its freedom to use any payment gateway via WooCommerce. This plugin will run with Woocommerce but it will work as event post it will not take any effect on woocommerce products so if you want you can sale your product along with it.
### All major functions are available below:
➡ Works with WooCommerce and support all Payment method thats works on WooCommerce
➡ Showing Event in any page with Shortcode with different options
➡ Event Tickets with Quantity Management
➡ Event Extra Service with Quantity Management
➡ Event Venue with Google Map with google MAP and Iframe support
➡ Event Category
➡ Event Organizer
➡ Event Pricing with different type of event
➡ Event Calendar
➡ Custom email for every event
➡ Event Start & End Datetime and multiple date support
➡ Custom Registration Form for Event Attendee with every event
➡ Event Feature Image
➡ Responsive Design
➡ Developer fiendly
➡ Plays well with other Plugins
➡ Works with any standards compliant WordPress theme
➡ Event Template ( You can select a different template for each event)
➡ Ticket PDF Print and PDF ticket attachment with email (Pro version)
➡ Export Attendee List as csv format (Event Pro)
➡ Event Attendee List (Event Pro)
➡ Event Attendee Ticket with BarCode (QR code Addon)
➡ Nice Event Calenger Images support (Event Calender Pro Addon)
➡ Event book from Dashboard ( book from Dashborad Pro Addon)
➡ WooCommerce Support, You can Sale product and Event individually. There is no connection with Event with the WooCommerce Products.
👉 [View Live Demo](https://demo.vaincode.com/mage-event/)
👉 [Plugin Documentation](https://demo.vaincode.com/mage-event/documentation/)
👉[Buy WooCommerce Event Manager Pro](https://mage-people.com/product/mage-woo-event-booking-manager-pro/) 👈
### Shortcodes included with Woocommerce Events Manager
[event-list cat='' org='' style='grid' cat-filter='no' org-filter='no' show='' pagination='no' sort='ASC']
By default showing all event, but if you want to show event list of a particular category you can use this attribute, just put the category id with this. example:
[event-list cat='ID']
By default showing all event, but if you want to show event list of a particular organization you can use this attribute, just put the category id with this. example:
[event-list org='ID']
By default showing all event as grid. If you want to change the display style to list just change it to list. example:
[event-list style='list']
By default showing all event without any filter option. If you want to change it to with category filter use this. example:
[event-list cat-filter='yes']
By default showing all event without any filter option. If you want to change it to with organization filter use this. example:
[event-list org-filter='yes']
By default showing all event without any limition. If you want to change it and set limit input the limit number. example:
[event-list show='10']
By default there is no pagination with the event list but if you want to show pagination set yes the value. example:
[event-list pagination='yes']
You can sort event list by event start datetime. By default it showing as Assending format, If you want to change the sorting format you need you use this attribute. example:
[event-list sort='ASC/DESC']
### Event Calender ShortCode:
= Some Others Very Nice Addon Support Available =
👉[Event QR Code Addon](https://mage-people.com/product/woocommerce-event-qr-code-addon/)👈
👉[Event Calendar Addon](https://mage-people.com/product/woocommerce-event-calendar-addon/) 👈
👉[Event Coupon Code Addon](https://mage-people.com/product/woocommerce-event-coupon-code-addon/) 👈
👉[Event Waitlist Addon](https://mage-people.com/product/woocommerce-event-waitlist-addon/) 👈
👉[Event Book an Event From Dashboard](https://mage-people.com/product/woocommerce-event-book-an-event-from-dashboard/) 👈
👉[Event User Registration Form Position](https://mage-people.com/product/woocommerce-event-user-registration-form-position/) 👈
👉[Event Duplicator Addon](https://mage-people.com/product/woocommerce-event-duplicator-addon/) 👈
### Note:
We do best support for our plugin, we have fully confidence that our plugin working very well for any theme. in case you face any problem with our plugin or any customization needed please email us: magepeopleteam@gmail.com
our support team will back to you shortly.
### How to Add New Event
### How to Add Ticket Base Event
### How to Buy/Purchase/Booking an Event
[Bus Booking Manager](https://wordpress.org/plugins/bus-booking-manager/)
[Bus Ticket Booking with Seat Reservation](https://wordpress.org/plugins/bus-ticket-booking-with-seat-reservation/)
[Woocommerce Events Manager](https://wordpress.org/plugins/mage-eventpress/)
== Installation ==
Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Q.Is Woocommerce Events Manager Free? =
A. Yes! Woocommerce Events Manager is free.
You can check the demo of this plugin from here [Live Demo](https://demo.vaincode.com/mage-event/)
= Q.Any Documentation? =
A. Yes! Here is the [Online Documentation](https://demo.vaincode.com/mage-event/documentation/).
= Q.I installed correctly but 404 error what can I do ? =
A. You need to Re-save permalink settings it will solve the 404. if still not work that means you permalink not working, you may have httaccess problem or you have server permission problem.
= Q.How its work? =
A. Woocommerce Events Manager one of the simple event plugin for WordPress which is based on Woocommerce. Its work as an individual event and its payment functionality handle with woocommerce so there are no worries about payment gateway you can use every payment gateway which is support woocommerce. The interesting part is the event post type is completely different there is no connection with woocommerce product so if you can sell anything from woocommerce product.
= Q.How can i get the attendee list? =
A. After successfull booking user data will be saved under event attendee list, You can find the list from Events -> attendee list or Go to event list and click on the attendee list on right side of event to get that particular event attendee list.
= Q.How can i display event list? =
A. You can display the event list on any page by using the ShortCode. Just use this shortcode to display all events list [event-list]. If you want to display any particular category events just use [event-list cat=ID] here ID will be the category id which will you find in the category section of the dashboard.
= Q.why my shortcode not displaying anything ? =
A. Please make sure that you added shortcode in Text mode. if you add shortcode in tag embeded it may not work
= Q.Where Can I see Attendee list ? =
A. Attendee list includes in our [pro version](https://mage-people.com/product/mage-woo-event-booking-manager-pro/)
= Q.What features are included in pro version that are not in Free version ? =
A. Event Pro Version has major two version.
➡ Attendee form builder and attendee list with CSV export
➡ PDF ticketing and Email Attachment
= Q.I need More features what can I do ? =
A. you can create support ticket here with features details that you need, one of our support member will back to you shortly. [Support Ticket](https://mage-people.com/submit-ticket-2/)
= Q.How can I get best support from plugin Company =
A. you can create support ticket here with problem details with possible screenshot that you have problem, one of our support member will back to you shortly. [Support Ticket](https://mage-people.com/submit-ticket-2/)
== Changelog ==
= 1.0.0 =
*Initial Release Date - 02 February 2018*
= 1.0.2 =
*Quantity Manage Added - 14 February 2018*
= 1.0.5 =
*Update Release, Google Map and Add to calender feture added and some bug fixed - 22 February 2018*
= 1.0.6 =
*Update Release, Event Extra option feature added. So now you can add as many option with a event with price - 27 February 2018*
= 2.0 =
*Update Release, A Huge update released, added so many features. - 02 July 2018*
= 2.0.3 =
*Update Release, Responsive issue fixed, added label setting panel so now easily all lable changable from dashboard. 03 July 2018*
= 2.0.4 =
*Update Release, Minor Bug Fixs. 04 July 2018*
= 2.0.5 =
*Update Release,F.A.Q Feature added into every events. 07 July 2018*
= 2.0.6 =
*Update Release,Styling Section added into Event Setting Section, Now users can control all type of styling issue from dashboard. 09 July 2018*
= 2.0.8 =
*Update Release,Minor Bux Fixed 13 July 2018*
= 2.0.9 =
*Update Release,Quantity Box issue Fixed & Datepcker missing Next and Previuos button fixed 6 Aug 2018*
= 2.1.0 =
*Update Release, jQuery Conflict fixed with DiVi theme. 8 Aug 2018*
= 2.1.1 =
*Update Release, php warning and notice removed and date issue fixed. 16 Aug 2018*
= 2.1.2 =
*Update Release, php warning and notice removed and date issue fixed. 25 Aug 2018*
= 2.1.3 =
*Update Release, Date display issue fixed. 14 Sep 2018*
= 2.1.4 =
*Update Release, Sorting feture added into shortcode. 18 Sep 2018*
= 2.1.5 =
*Update Release, Fixed Google Calender Time issue fixed. 06 Nov 2018
*= 2.1.6 =
*Update Release, Event Expired Listing Query Issue has been fixed in this version.. 06 Nov 2018*
*= 2.1.9 =
*Update Release, Custom email sending issue has been fixed. 28 Nov 2018*
*= 2.2.0 =
*Update Release, Fixed no numeric error, and add feature to hide available seat count. 29 Nov 2018*
*= 2.2.1 & 2.2.2 =
*Update Release, fixed cart wrong calculation issue. 02 Dec 2018*
*= 2.2.3 =
*Update Release:
==> Added custom excerpt option into event
==> Fix zero amount add to cart issue
==> Showing Not Ticket available message when all tickets sold out
==> Price Label settings has been added into Event Settings
02 Dec 2018*
*= 2.2.6 =
*Update Release:
==> Translation ready
==> Bangla language fully supported
==> NL language fully supported
18 Dec 2018*
*= 2.3.1 =
*Update Release:
==> PDF Ticket New Design
==> Now you can add custom image as background of PDF Ticket
==> Terms and Condition text in PDF Ticket
==> Seat Reservation Feature added. Now owner can reserve of event seat
==> Add to cart Button issue fixed.
31 Jan 2019*
*= 2.3.2 =
*Update Release:
==> France Language Pack Ready.
05 Feb 2019* |