2024-01-25 07:52:44 +00:00

88 lines
4.2 KiB

* Plugin Name: Event Manager and Tickets Selling Plugin for WooCommerce - WpEvently - WordPress Plugin
* Plugin URI:
* Description: A Complete Event Solution for WordPress by MagePeople..
* Version: 4.1.3
* Author: MagePeople Team
* Author URI:
* Text Domain: mage-eventpress
* Domain Path: /languages/
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
} // Cannot access pages directly.
// Checking woo
include_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php');
if (!defined('MPWEM_PLUGIN_DIR')) {
define('MPWEM_PLUGIN_DIR', dirname(__FILE__));
if (!defined('MPWEM_PLUGIN_URL')) {
define('MPWEM_PLUGIN_URL', plugins_url() . '/' . plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__)));
if (is_plugin_active('woocommerce/woocommerce.php')) {
function appsero_init_tracker_mage_eventpress() {
if (!class_exists('Appsero\Client')) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/lib/appsero/src/Client.php';
$client = new Appsero\Client('08cd627c-4ed9-49cf-a9b5-1536ec384a5a', 'Event Manager For Woocommerce ', __FILE__);
function mep_event_activation_redirect($plugin) {
$check_quick_setup = get_option('mep_quick_setup') ? get_option('mep_quick_setup') : 'no-done';
$slug = $check_quick_setup == 'done' ? 'edit.php?post_type=mep_events&page=mep_event_welcome_page' : 'edit.php?post_type=mep_events&page=mpwem_quick_setup';
if ($plugin == plugin_basename(__FILE__)) {
// add_action('activated_plugin', 'mep_event_activation_redirect');
require_once MPWEM_PLUGIN_DIR . '/inc/MPWEM_Dependencies.php';
// Get Plugin Data
if (!function_exists('mep_get_plugin_data')) {
function mep_get_plugin_data($data) {
$get_mep_plugin_data = get_plugin_data(__FILE__);
$mep_data = $get_mep_plugin_data[$data];
return $mep_data;
// Added Settings link to plugin action links
add_filter('plugin_action_links', 'mep_plugin_action_link', 10, 2);
function mep_plugin_action_link($links_array, $plugin_file_name) {
if (strpos($plugin_file_name, basename(__FILE__))) {
array_unshift($links_array, '<a href="' . esc_url(admin_url()) . 'edit.php?post_type=mep_events&page=mep_event_settings_page">' . __('Settings', 'mage-eventpress') . '</a>');
return $links_array;
// Added links to plugin row meta
add_filter('plugin_row_meta', 'mep_plugin_row_meta', 10, 2);
function mep_plugin_row_meta($links_array, $plugin_file_name) {
if (strpos($plugin_file_name, basename(__FILE__))) {
if (!is_plugin_active('woocommerce-event-manager-pdf-ticket/tickets.php') || !is_plugin_active('woocommerce-event-manager-addon-form-builder/addon-builder.php')) {
$wbbm_links = array(
'docs' => '<a href="' . esc_url("") . '" target="_blank">' . __('Docs', 'mage-eventpress') . '</a>',
'support' => '<a href="' . esc_url("") . '" target="_blank">' . __('Support', 'mage-eventpress') . '</a>',
'get_pro' => '<a href="' . esc_url("") . '" target="_blank" class="mep_plugin_pro_meta_link">' . __('Upgrade to PRO Version', 'mage-eventpress') . '</a>'
else {
$wbbm_links = array(
'docs' => '<a href="' . esc_url("") . '" target="_blank">' . __('Docs', 'mage-eventpress') . '</a>',
'support' => '<a href="' . esc_url("") . '" target="_blank">' . __('Support', 'mage-eventpress') . '</a>'
$links_array = array_merge($links_array, $wbbm_links);
return $links_array;
else {
require_once MPWEM_PLUGIN_DIR . '/inc/global/MP_Global_Function.php';
require_once MPWEM_PLUGIN_DIR . '/inc/global/MP_Global_Style.php';
require_once MPWEM_PLUGIN_DIR . '/Admin/MPWEM_Quick_Setup.php';
function mep_no_woo_event_activation_redirect($plugin) {
if ($plugin == plugin_basename(__FILE__)) {
add_action('activated_plugin', 'mep_no_woo_event_activation_redirect');