2023-08-29 06:17:31 +00:00

1464 lines
82 KiB

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/******************************************************************** Loader Section ************************************************/
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25% { transform: rotate(90deg); }
50% { transform: rotate(180deg); }
75% { transform: rotate(270deg); }
100% { transform: rotate(360deg); }
div[class*="simpleSpinner"] { padding: var(--dMP); color: var(--color_theme); }
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position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: 111; content: '';
/*background: #f6f7f8;*/
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background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 2%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4) 18%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 33%);
-webkit-animation: placeholderAnimate 3s linear infinite; animation: placeholderAnimate 3s linear infinite;
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0% { background-position: -100% 0; }
100% { background-position: 100% 0; }
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100% { background-position: 1000px 0; }
/******************************************************************** Menu section ************************************************/
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/******************************************************************** Image/slider Section ************************************************/
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/*******Click slider***************/
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background-color: var(--color_active)
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/***********Bg Image****************/
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[data-bg-image] > * { color: #FFF; }
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[data-href] { cursor: pointer; }
[data-bg-image].circle {overflow: hidden;}
/**************** Super slider **********************************************/
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/*************Image Showcase***************/
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/*******image indicator***************/
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margin: 5px -5px;
div.superSlider .slideIndicatorItem {
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margin: 5px;
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width: 75px;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
div.superSlider .slideIndicatorItem.activeSlide {
border-color: var(--color_active);
background-color: var(--color_active);
/*******Icon indicator***************/
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position: absolute;
z-index: 111;
top: calc(50% - 15px);
font-size: 30px;
cursor: pointer;
color: #222;
div.superSlider .iconIndicator:hover {
color: #FFF;
div.superSlider .iconIndicator.prevItem {
left: 20px;
div.superSlider .iconIndicator.nextItem {
right: 20px;
/*************popup slider***************/
[data-target-popup] {
cursor: pointer;
div.superSlider .sliderPopup div.superSlider {
display: -webkit-flex;
display: flex;
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justify-content: space-between;
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-webkit-align-items: center;
align-items: center;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
margin: 0;
position: relative;
div.superSlider .sliderPopup {
display: none;
position: fixed;
left: 0;
right: 0;
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z-index: 1111;
overflow: hidden auto;
background: #000C;
div.superSlider .sliderPopup .popupClose {
position: absolute;
z-index: 1111;
cursor: pointer;
top: 100%;
right: 50px;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
background-color: #FFF;
color: #222;
font-size: 20px;
div.superSlider .sliderPopup .popupClose:hover {
color: #FFF;
background-color: #222;
div.superSlider .sliderPopup .sliderAllItem {
height: 70vh;
background-color: transparent;
margin: 0 auto;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
div.superSlider .sliderPopup .sliderAllItem img {
width: auto;
height: 100%;
div.superSlider .sliderPopup .popupHeader {
border-bottom: 1px solid #FFF;
div.superSlider .sliderPopup .popupHeader,
div.superSlider .sliderPopup .popupFooter {
color: #FFF;
padding: 15px;
max-height: 15vh;
overflow: hidden auto;
margin: 0 auto;
width: 100%;
background-color: #222;
position: relative;
div.superSlider .sliderPopup .popupHeader {
overflow: visible;
div.superSlider .sliderPopup .popupHeader h2 {
color: #FFF;
text-align: center;
div.superSlider .sliderPopup .popupFooter {
border-top: 1px solid #FFF;
div.superSlider .sliderPopup .popupBody {
position: relative;
width: 80%;
max-width: 100vh;
div.superSlider .sliderPopup .slideIndicator {
margin: 0;
/******************************************************************** Layout Section ************************************************/
@media only screen and (min-width: 10px) {
.mpStyle .circleIcon, .mpStyle [class*="_circleIcon"] { width: 40px; height: 40px; min-width: 40px; background-color: var(--color_theme); color: var(--color_theme_alter); margin: 0 var(--dMP) 0 0; }
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/*****Remove icon******/
.mpStyle .mp_remove_area { position: relative; }
.mpStyle .mp_remove_icon { position: absolute; top: -5px; right: -5px; width: 20px; height: 20px; cursor: pointer; opacity: 0; font-size: var(--fs); background-color: var(--color_danger); color: var(--color_theme_alter); }
.mpStyle .dLayout, .mpStyle [class*="_dLayout"] { padding: var(--dMP); margin-bottom: var(--dMP); background-color: var(--color_white); border: 1px solid var(--color_border); }
.mpStyle .dLayout_xs, .mpStyle [class*="_dLayout_xs"] { padding: var(--dMP_xs); background-color: var(--color_white); border: 1px solid var(--color_border); margin-bottom: var(--dMP_xs); }
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/******************************************************************** position Section************************************************/
@media only screen and (min-width: 10px) {
/********Absolute Content********/
.mpStyle .pFixed, .mpStyle [class*="_pFixed"] { position: fixed; }
.mpStyle .pRelative, .mpStyle [class*="_pRelative"] { position: relative; }
.mpStyle [class*="pRelative"]:hover [class*="hoverAbsolute"] { display: block; }
.mpStyle .pAbsolute, .mpStyle [class*="_pAbsolute"] { position: absolute; }
.mpStyle .fullAbsolute, .mpStyle [class*="_fullAbsolute"] { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: 11; width: 100%; height: 100%; }
.mpStyle [class*="hoverAbsolute"] { position: absolute; right: 0; top: 100%; left: 0; display: none; padding: 7px; border: 1px solid var(--color_border); font-size: 15px; z-index: 111; }
.mpStyle .abTopRight, .mpStyle [class*="_abTopRight"] { position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; }
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.mpStyle .abTopLeft, .mpStyle [class*="_abTopLeft"] { position: absolute; left: var(--dMP); top: var(--dMP); z-index: 1; }
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.mpStyle .abLeftRightBottom, .mpStyle [class*="_abLeftRightBottom"] { position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 100%; z-index: 111; padding: var(--dMP_xs); }
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.mpStyle .ribbon::before { content: ''; position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: -10px; width: 0; height: 0; border: 5px solid var(--color_warning); border-bottom-color: transparent; border-left-color: transparent; z-index: -1; }
.mpStyle .title_on_border { line-height: 1; height: 40px; position: absolute; top: -20px; left: 30px; color: var(--color_theme); background-color: var(--color_theme_alter); padding: 0 var(--dMP); border-radius: var(--dBR); }
/********fixed Content********/
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div.mpStyle .mp_sticky_area.mpSticky .mp_sticky_on_scroll { overflow: auto;z-index: 1111; }
/******************************************************************** Form section ************************************************/
@media only screen and (min-width: 10px) {
.mpStyle input,
.mpStyle optgroup,
.mpStyle select,
.mpStyle textarea,
.mpStyle button { font-family: inherit; line-height: 1.25; margin: 0; }
.mpStyle .formControl:-webkit-autofill,
.mpStyle .formControl:-webkit-autofill:hover,
.mpStyle .formControl:-webkit-autofill:focus,
.mpStyle .formControl:-webkit-autofill:active { -webkit-transition: color 9999s ease-out, background-color 9999s ease-out; transition: color 9999s ease-out, background-color 9999s ease-out; -webkit-transition-delay: 9999s; transition-delay: 9999s; }
div.mpStyle form { margin: 0; padding: 0; line-height: 1.25; }
.mpStyle label { position: relative; }
.mpStyle label span:not(.woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol) { margin: 0 var(--dMP_xs) 0 0;white-space: nowrap }
.mpStyle .formControl::placeholder { color: #0005; }
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div.mpStyle .formControl { width: 100%; height: auto; min-width: auto; max-width: inherit; min-height: 34px; border: 1px solid var(--color_border); padding: 5px var(--dMP_xs); font-size: var(--fs); color: var(--d_color); background-color: #FFF; }
.mpStyle .formControl:focus { outline: 0; background-color: #FFF; border-color: #80BDFF; }
div.mpStyle select.formControl {
background-image: url('../images/arrow_down.png');background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: calc(100% - var(--dMP_xs));background-size: auto;
-webkit-appearance: none; padding: var(--dMP_xs) 35px var(--dMP_xs) var(--dMP_xs);
div.mpStyle select.formControl:focus { background-color: var(--color_theme_aa); }
div.mpStyle .formControl.date_type,
div.mpStyle .formControl[type='date'] {
background-image: url('../images/calendar.png');background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: var(--dMP_xs) center; background-size: auto;
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font-size: var(--fs_h6); font-weight: var(--fw-medium);
padding: var(--dMP_xs) var(--dMP_xs) var(--dMP_xs) 50px;
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.mpStyle .mpForm label span::before { padding: 0 var(--dMP_xs); }
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.mpStyle .inputList textarea.formControl { height: auto; }
/******* group form*********/
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.mpStyle .inputGroup label { width: auto; padding: 0 var(--dMP) 0 0; }
.mpStyle .inputGroup label input[type="checkbox"] { margin: 0 var(--dMP_xs); }
/******* input as a select*********/
div.mpStyle div.mp_input_select .formControl:focus { border-color: var(--color_border); }
.mpStyle div.mp_input_select { position: relative; }
.mpStyle ul.mp_input_select_list {
display: none; z-index: 111; overflow: auto;
max-height: 250px; height: auto; width: 100%;
margin: 1px 0 0 0; padding: 10px;
position: absolute; left: 0; top: 100%; right: 0;
border: 1px solid var(--color_border); background-color: var(--color_white);
.mpStyle ul.mp_input_select_list li { padding: 10px; cursor: pointer; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color_border); margin: 0; list-style-type: none; }
.mpStyle ul.mp_input_select_list li:last-child { border-bottom: none; }
.mpStyle ul.mp_input_select_list li:hover { background-color: #777; color: #FFF; }
/*****Form inline*******/
.mpStyle .inputInline { padding: var(--dMP); margin: var(--dMP) 0 0 0; }
.mpStyle .inputInline .inputList { max-width: calc(20% - 10px); width: 100%; margin: 0 5px; }
/********Form Horizontal**************/
.mpStyle .inputHorizontal .mpForm { max-width: 500px; width: 100%; }
/**********Checkbox Radio*********/
div.mpStyle .customRadioLabel { font-size: var(--fs_h6); font-weight: var(--fw-medium); -webkit-flex-wrap: wrap; flex-wrap: wrap; }
div.mpStyle .customRadioLabel input[type="radio"] ~ .formControl,
.mpStyle .customRadioLabel input[type="radio"] { display: none; }
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.mpStyle .customRadio::before { content: ""; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; height: 20px; width: 20px; background-color: #FFF; border: 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) solid;; border-radius: 50%; }
.mpStyle .customRadioLabel input[type="radio"]:checked ~ .formControl { display: block; }
.mpStyle .customRadioLabel input[type="radio"]:checked ~ .customRadio::after,
.mpStyle .customRadio.active::after { content: ""; position: absolute; left: 5px; top: 5px; height: 10px; width: 10px; background-color: var(--color_theme); border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); border-radius: 50%; }
.mpStyle .customRadio.button_type {
padding: var(--dMP_xs); margin: 5px; min-width: 120px; text-align: center;
border: 1px solid var(--color_theme_alter);
color: var(--color_theme_alter); background-color: var(--color_theme);
.mpStyle .customRadio.button_type.active { background-color: grey; color: var(--color_theme_alter); }
.mpStyle .customRadio.button_type::before,
.mpStyle .customRadio.button_type::after { display: none; }
/**********Checkbox Custom*********/
.mpStyle .customCheckbox { padding: 3px 0 0 30px; position: relative; line-height: 1; min-width: auto; }
.mpStyle .customCheckbox::before {
content: ""; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; height: 20px; width: 20px;
background-color: var(--color_theme_alter);
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/*********Input Switch*******/
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/*****Form Qty inc dec*******/
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/******************************************************************** List section ************************************************/
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/******list Horizontal*****/
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/******All in one line*****/
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/******************************************************************** Tabs section ************************************************/
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/******Tab next*********/
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/******************************************************************** Panel section ************************************************/
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/******************************************************************** Faq section ************************************************/
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/******************************************************************** Popup section ************************************************/
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/******************************************************************** Pagination section ************************************************/
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/******************************************************************** Grid Section************************************************/
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/********Sidebar Content**************/
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/******************************************************************** Color section ************************************************/
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div.mpStyle [class*='textSuccess'] { color: var(--color_success); }
div.mpStyle [class*='bgSuccess'] { background-color: var(--color_success); }
div.mpStyle [class*='textInfo'] { color: var(--color_info); }
div.mpStyle [class*='bgInfo'] { background-color: var(--color_info); }
div.mpStyle .textDanger, div.mpStyle [class*='_textDanger'] { color: var(--color_danger); }
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div.mpStyle .bgRequired, div.mpStyle [class*='_bgRequired'] { background-color: var(--color_required); }
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div.mpStyle .bgBlack, div.mpStyle [class*='_bgBlack'] { background-color: var(--color_black);}
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div.mpStyle [class*='bgWhite'] { background-color: #FFF; }
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div.mpStyle [class*='textBorderBlue'] { border-color: var(--color_blue); color: var(--color_blue); }
/*****Navy blue*********/
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div.mpStyle .bgColor_3, div.mpStyle [class*='_bgColor_3'] { background-color: #F2FFC3; }
/******************************************************************** Icon Section************************************************/
@media only screen and (min-width: 10px) {
/*****Seat icon******/
[class*='mage_icon'] { display: inline-block; }
span[class*='mp_chair_icon'] { position: relative; width: 30px; height: 35px; border: 1px solid var(--color_border); text-align: center; padding: 5px 0 0 0; }
span[class*='mp_chair_icon_xs'] { width: 20px; height: 25px; padding: 3px 0 0 0; }
span[class*='mp_chair_icon'] ::before,
span[class*='mp_chair_icon'] ::after,
span[class*='mp_chair_icon'] { -webkit-border-radius: 2px; border-radius: 2px; }
span[class*='mp_chair_icon'] ::before,
span[class*='mp_chair_icon'] ::after { content: ""; position: absolute; width: 7px; height: 20px; border: 1px solid var(--color_border); bottom: -1px; background-color: #FFF; }
span[class*='mp_chair_icon_xs'] ::before,
span[class*='mp_chair_icon_xs'] ::after { width: 4px; height: 12px; }
span[class*='mp_chair_icon'] ::before { left: -4px; }
span[class*='mp_chair_icon'] ::after { right: -4px; }
span[class*='mp_chair_icon'] span.seat_handle { position: absolute; width: 25px; height: 6px; bottom: 0; left: 4px; border-top: 1px solid var(--color_border); background-color: #FFF; }
span[class*='mp_chair_icon_xs'] span.seat_handle { width: 15px; height: 4px; }
/******************************************************************** select_2 custom css************************************************/
@media only screen and (min-width: 10px) {
div.mpStyle span.selection,
div.mpStyle span.select2-container.select2,
div.mpStyle span.select2-container span.select2-selection { min-width: auto; width: 100% !important; height: 100%; }
div.mpStyle span.selection { overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; }
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div.mpStyle span.select2-container .select2-selection__arrow { top: 2px; height: 37px; }
div.mpStyle span.select2-container span { font-size: var(--fs); margin: 0; }
/******************************************************************** Owl Carousel************************************************/
@media only screen and (min-width: 10px) {
div.mpStyle .owl-nav { display: none; }
/******************************************************************** Load More************************************************/
@media only screen and (min-width: 10px) {
div.mpStyle .mp_load_more_text_area { color: var(--d_color); }
div.mpStyle [data-read] { color: var(--color_theme); cursor: pointer;}
/******************************************************************** Woocommerce cart ************************************************/
@media only screen and (min-width: 10px) {
.woocommerce-cart table.cart .product-remove { vertical-align: top; padding: var(--dMP_xs); width: 50px; }
.woocommerce-cart table.cart .product-remove a:hover { color: var(--color_danger); border-color: var(--color_danger); }
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div.woocommerce .dLayout_xs,
div.woocommerce .dLayout { background-color: transparent; }
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.woocommerce-order-details ul.wc-item-meta li > p { margin: 0; color: var(--d_color); }
/******************************************************************** Date picker ************************************************/
@media only screen and (min-width: 10px) {
#ui-datepicker-div {width: 342px;border-color: var(--color_theme);padding: 0;background-color: #FFF;}
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display: -webkit-flex;display: flex;-webkit-justify-content: center;justify-content: center;
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background-color: transparent;background-image: none;border: none;border-radius: 50%;
width: 35px;height: 35px;color: var(--color_theme);font-weight: bold;padding: 0;
display: -webkit-flex;display: flex;-webkit-align-items: center;align-items: center;-webkit-justify-content: center;justify-content: center;
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