diff --git a/config/locales/server.cs.yml b/config/locales/server.cs.yml index 7764d8c..03b3b9e 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.cs.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.cs.yml @@ -26,3 +26,5 @@ cs: amazon_through_trust_level: "Zobrazit reklamy uživatelům podle jejich důvěryhodnosti. Uživatelé s důvěryhodností vyšší než tato hodnota reklamy neuvidí." amazon_nth_post_code: "Zobrazit reklamu po každém N-tém příspěvku, kde N je tato hodnota." carbonads_through_trust_level: "Zobrazit reklamy uživatelům podle jejich důvěryhodnosti. Uživatelé s důvěryhodností vyšší než tato hodnota reklamy neuvidí." + adbutler_nth_post: "Zobrazit reklamu po každém N-tém příspěvku, kde N je tato hodnota" + adbutler_through_trust_level: "Zobrazit reklamy uživatelům podle jejich důvěryhodnosti. Uživatelé s důvěryhodností vyšší než tato hodnota reklamy neuvidí" diff --git a/config/locales/server.el.yml b/config/locales/server.el.yml index 929f76c..a567834 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.el.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.el.yml @@ -74,3 +74,5 @@ el: amazon_mobile_post_bottom_ad_height_code: "Input your ad height (mobile)" amazon_nth_post_code: "Show an ad after every N posts, where N is this value." carbonads_through_trust_level: "Show your ads to users based on trust levels. Users with trust level higher than this value will not see ads." + adbutler_nth_post: "Show an ad after every N posts, where N is this value" + adbutler_through_trust_level: "Show your ads to users based on trust levels. Users with trust level higher than this value will not see ads" diff --git a/config/locales/server.fa_IR.yml b/config/locales/server.fa_IR.yml index c0a3266..553e6a6 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.fa_IR.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.fa_IR.yml @@ -36,3 +36,4 @@ fa_IR: amazon_post_bottom_ad_width_code: "عرض تبلیغ خود را وارد کنید" amazon_post_bottom_ad_height_code: "ارتفاع تبلیغ خود را وارد کنید" carbonads_through_trust_level: "تبلیغات خود را به کاربران بر اساس سطح اعتماد نمایش دهید. کاربرانی با سطح اعتماد بالاتر از این مقدار نمی توانند تبلیغات شما را ببینند." + adbutler_through_trust_level: "تبلیغات خود را به کاربران بر اساس سطح اعتماد نمایش دهید. کاربرانی با سطح اعتماد بالاتر از این مقدار نمی توانند تبلیغات شما را ببینند" diff --git a/config/locales/server.gl.yml b/config/locales/server.gl.yml index f206d65..378990a 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.gl.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.gl.yml @@ -24,3 +24,4 @@ gl: adsense_through_trust_level: "Amose os anuncios aos usuarios baseándose nos niveis de confianza. Aqueles con niveis superiores a este valor non verán anuncios." amazon_through_trust_level: "Amose os anuncios aos usuarios baseándose nos niveis de confianza. Aqueles con niveis superiores a este valor non verán anuncios." carbonads_through_trust_level: "Amose os anuncios aos usuarios baseándose nos niveis de confianza. Aqueles con niveis superiores a este valor non verán anuncios." + adbutler_through_trust_level: "Amose os anuncios aos usuarios baseándose nos niveis de confianza. Aqueles con niveis superiores a este valor non verán anuncios" diff --git a/config/locales/server.nb_NO.yml b/config/locales/server.nb_NO.yml index 7a810b8..cfbf5a9 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.nb_NO.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.nb_NO.yml @@ -39,3 +39,5 @@ nb_NO: amazon_mobile_post_bottom_ad_height_code: "Velg din reklamehøyde (mobil)" amazon_nth_post_code: "Vis en reklame etter hvert N innlegg, der N er denne verdien." carbonads_through_trust_level: "Vis dine reklamer til brukere basert på tillitsnivå. Brukere med tillitsnivå høyere enn denne verdien vil ikke se reklamer." + adbutler_nth_post: "Vis en reklame etter hvert N innlegg, der N er denne verdien" + adbutler_through_trust_level: "Vis dine reklamer til brukere basert på tillitsnivå. Brukere med tillitsnivå høyere enn denne verdien vil ikke se reklamer" diff --git a/config/locales/server.pt.yml b/config/locales/server.pt.yml index df0dac9..34ecef2 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.pt.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.pt.yml @@ -52,3 +52,5 @@ pt: amazon_mobile_post_bottom_ad_height_code: "Insira a altura do seu anúncio (móvel)" amazon_nth_post_code: "Mostre um anúncio depois de cada N mensagens, onde N é este valor." carbonads_through_trust_level: "Mostre os seus anúncios aos utilizadores com base nos níveis de confiança. Os utilizadores com nível de confiança superior a este valor não irão ver anúncios." + adbutler_nth_post: "Mostre um anúncio depois de cada N mensagens, onde N é este valor" + adbutler_through_trust_level: "Mostre os seus anúncios aos utilizadores com base nos níveis de confiança. Os utilizadores com nível de confiança superior a este valor não irão ver anúncios" diff --git a/config/locales/server.zh_TW.yml b/config/locales/server.zh_TW.yml index 2f71f67..eebf98f 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.zh_TW.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.zh_TW.yml @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ zh_TW: site_settings: + dfp_through_trust_level: "根據信任級別向用戶展示您的廣告。信任級別高於此值的用戶將不會看到廣告。" + dfp_nth_post_code: "在每 N 個帖子後顯示一個廣告,其中 N 是這個值。" + adsense_through_trust_level: "根據信任級別向用戶展示您的廣告。信任級別高於此值的用戶將不會看到廣告。" adsense_topic_list_top_ad_sizes: "選擇您的廣告尺寸" adsense_mobile_topic_list_top_ad_size: "選擇您的廣告尺寸" adsense_topic_above_post_stream_code: "輸入要在帖子流位置上方的主題中顯示的廣告單元代碼。這是分配給廣告單元的編號,而不是 JavaScript 代碼。" @@ -14,6 +17,12 @@ zh_TW: adsense_mobile_topic_above_post_stream_ad_size: "選擇您的廣告尺寸" adsense_topic_above_suggested_code: "輸入要在建議位置上方的主題中顯示的廣告單元代碼。這是分配給廣告單元的編號,而不是 JavaScript 代碼。" adsense_mobile_topic_above_suggested_code: "輸入廣告單元代碼以在建議位置上方的主題中顯示移動廣告。這是分配給廣告單元的編號,而不是 JavaScript 代碼。" + adsense_topic_above_suggested_ad_sizes: "選擇您的廣告尺寸" + adsense_mobile_topic_above_suggested_ad_size: "選擇您的廣告尺寸" + adsense_post_bottom_ad_sizes: "選擇您的廣告尺寸" + adsense_mobile_post_bottom_ad_size: "選擇您的廣告尺寸" + adsense_nth_post_code: "在每 N 個帖子後顯示一個廣告,其中 N 是這個值。" + amazon_through_trust_level: "根據信任級別向用戶展示您的廣告。信任級別高於此值的用戶將不會看到廣告。" amazon_topic_list_top_src_code: "輸入 src 代碼顯示在主題列表頂部位置" amazon_topic_list_top_ad_width_code: "輸入您的廣告寬度" amazon_topic_list_top_ad_height_code: "輸入您的廣告高度"