2023-02-17 11:33:47 -03:00
en :
2023-10-03 08:55:30 +11:00
discourse_automation :
scriptables :
llm_triage :
title : Triage posts using AI
description : "Triage posts using a large language model"
system_prompt_missing_post_placeholder : "System prompt must contain a placeholder for the post: %%POST%%"
2024-08-14 15:54:09 -03:00
flagged_post : |
<div>Response from the model:</div>
<b>Triggered by the <a href="/admin/plugins/discourse-automation/%%AUTOMATION_ID%%">%%AUTOMATION_NAME%%</a> rule.</b>
2023-12-19 12:04:15 +11:00
llm_report :
title : Periodic report using AI
description : "Periodic report based on a large language model"
2023-02-22 20:46:53 -03:00
site_settings :
2023-03-15 17:02:20 -03:00
discourse_ai_enabled : "Enable the discourse AI plugin."
2023-02-22 20:46:53 -03:00
ai_toxicity_enabled : "Enable the toxicity module."
ai_toxicity_inference_service_api_endpoint : "URL where the API is running for the toxicity module"
ai_toxicity_inference_service_api_key : "API key for the toxicity API"
ai_toxicity_inference_service_api_model : "Model to use for inference. Multilingual model works with Italian, French, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish."
ai_toxicity_flag_automatically : "Automatically flag posts / chat messages that are above the configured thresholds."
ai_toxicity_flag_threshold_toxicity : "Toxicity: a rude, disrespectful, or unreasonable comment that is somewhat likely to make you leave a discussion or give up on sharing your perspective"
ai_toxicity_flag_threshold_severe_toxicity : "Severe Toxicity: a very hateful, aggressive, or disrespectful comment that is very likely to make you leave a discussion or give up on sharing your perspective"
ai_toxicity_flag_threshold_obscene : "Obscene"
ai_toxicity_flag_threshold_identity_attack : "Identity Attack"
ai_toxicity_flag_threshold_insult : "Insult"
ai_toxicity_flag_threshold_threat : "Threat"
ai_toxicity_flag_threshold_sexual_explicit : "Sexual Explicit"
ai_toxicity_groups_bypass : "Users on those groups will not have their posts classified by the toxicity module."
ai_sentiment_enabled : "Enable the sentiment module."
ai_sentiment_inference_service_api_endpoint : "URL where the API is running for the sentiment module"
ai_sentiment_inference_service_api_key : "API key for the sentiment API"
ai_sentiment_models : "Models to use for inference. Sentiment classifies post on the positive/neutral/negative space. Emotion classifies on the anger/disgust/fear/joy/neutral/sadness/surprise space."
2023-03-15 17:02:20 -03:00
ai_nsfw_detection_enabled : "Enable the NSFW module."
2023-09-25 11:12:54 -07:00
ai_nsfw_inference_service_api_endpoint : "URL where the API is running for the NSFW module"
2023-03-15 17:02:20 -03:00
ai_nsfw_inference_service_api_key : "API key for the NSFW API"
ai_nsfw_flag_automatically : "Automatically flag NSFW posts that are above the configured thresholds."
ai_nsfw_flag_threshold_general : "General Threshold for an image to be considered NSFW."
ai_nsfw_flag_threshold_drawings : "Threshold for a drawing to be considered NSFW."
ai_nsfw_flag_threshold_hentai : "Threshold for an image classified as hentai to be considered NSFW."
ai_nsfw_flag_threshold_porn : "Threshold for an image classified as porn to be considered NSFW."
ai_nsfw_flag_threshold_sexy : "Threshold for an image classified as sexy to be considered NSFW."
ai_nsfw_models : "Models to use for NSFW inference."
2023-06-21 10:39:51 +10:00
ai_openai_embeddings_url : "Custom URL used for the OpenAI embeddings API. (in the case of Azure it can be: https://COMPANY.openai.azure.com/openai/deployments/DEPLOYMENT/embeddings?api-version=2023-05-15)"
2024-08-02 15:57:40 -03:00
ai_openai_api_key : "API key for OpenAI API. ONLY used for embeddings and Dall-E. For GPT use the LLM config tab"
2024-06-07 23:52:01 +10:00
ai_anthropic_native_tool_call_models : "List of models that will use native tool calls vs legacy XML based tools."
2024-02-08 12:18:05 -03:00
ai_hugging_face_tei_endpoint : URL where the API is running for the Hugging Face text embeddings inference
ai_hugging_face_tei_api_key : API key for Hugging Face text embeddings inference
2023-03-15 17:21:45 -03:00
2024-08-12 15:40:23 -07:00
ai_helper_enabled : "Enable the AI helper."
composer_ai_helper_allowed_groups : "Users on these groups will see the AI helper button in the composer."
2023-03-15 17:02:20 -03:00
ai_helper_allowed_in_pm : "Enable the composer's AI helper in PMs."
2023-03-28 23:22:34 -03:00
ai_helper_model : "Model to use for the AI helper."
2023-09-25 11:12:54 -07:00
ai_helper_custom_prompts_allowed_groups : "Users on these groups will see the custom prompt option in the AI helper."
2023-11-29 15:17:46 +11:00
ai_helper_automatic_chat_thread_title_delay : "Delay in minutes before the AI helper automatically sets the chat thread title."
ai_helper_automatic_chat_thread_title : "Automatically set the chat thread titles based on thread contents."
2024-01-05 09:03:23 -08:00
ai_helper_illustrate_post_model : "Model to use for the composer AI helper's illustrate post feature"
2024-02-01 14:58:04 -08:00
ai_helper_enabled_features : "Select the features to enable in the AI helper."
2024-02-08 12:18:05 -03:00
post_ai_helper_allowed_groups : "User groups allowed to access AI Helper features in posts"
2024-02-19 09:56:28 -08:00
ai_helper_image_caption_model : "Select the model to use for generating image captions"
2024-05-27 10:49:24 -07:00
ai_auto_image_caption_allowed_groups : "Users on these groups can toggle automatic image captioning."
2023-03-15 17:02:20 -03:00
2023-03-15 17:21:45 -03:00
ai_embeddings_enabled : "Enable the embeddings module."
ai_embeddings_discourse_service_api_endpoint : "URL where the API is running for the embeddings module"
ai_embeddings_discourse_service_api_key : "API key for the embeddings API"
2023-07-27 15:50:03 -03:00
ai_embeddings_model : "Use all-mpnet-base-v2 for local and fast inference in english, text-embedding-ada-002 to use OpenAI API (need API key) and multilingual-e5-large for local multilingual embeddings"
2023-03-15 17:21:45 -03:00
ai_embeddings_generate_for_pms : "Generate embeddings for personal messages."
2023-03-31 11:04:34 +11:00
ai_embeddings_semantic_related_topics_enabled : "Use Semantic Search for related topics."
ai_embeddings_semantic_related_topics : "Maximum number of topics to show in related topic section."
2023-10-26 12:07:37 -03:00
ai_embeddings_backfill_batch_size : "Number of embeddings to backfill every 15 minutes."
2023-03-15 17:21:45 -03:00
ai_embeddings_pg_connection_string : "PostgreSQL connection string for the embeddings module. Needs pgvector extension enabled and a series of tables created. See docs for more info."
2023-04-03 11:48:38 -03:00
ai_embeddings_semantic_search_enabled : "Enable full-page semantic search."
2024-03-08 08:02:50 -08:00
ai_embeddings_semantic_quick_search_enabled : "Enable semantic search option in search menu popup."
2023-05-16 14:38:21 -03:00
ai_embeddings_semantic_related_include_closed_topics : "Include closed topics in semantic search results"
2023-09-05 11:08:23 -03:00
ai_embeddings_semantic_search_hyde_model : "Model used to expand keywords to get better results during a semantic search"
2024-02-08 12:18:05 -03:00
ai_embeddings_per_post_enabled : Generate embeddings for each post
2024-07-04 10:48:18 +10:00
ai_summarization_enabled : "Enable the topic summarization module."
ai_summarization_model : "Model to use for summarization."
ai_custom_summarization_allowed_groups : "Groups allowed to use create new summaries."
2023-04-04 11:24:09 -03:00
2023-05-05 15:28:31 -03:00
ai_bot_enabled : "Enable the AI Bot module."
2023-08-17 06:29:58 +10:00
ai_bot_enable_chat_warning : "Display a warning when PM chat is initiated. Can be overriden by editing the translation string: discourse_ai.ai_bot.pm_warning"
2023-05-05 15:28:31 -03:00
ai_bot_allowed_groups : "When the GPT Bot has access to the PM, it will reply to members of these groups."
2024-04-15 23:22:06 +10:00
ai_bot_debugging_allowed_groups : "Allow these groups to see a debug button on posts which displays the raw AI request and response"
2024-05-29 11:04:47 +10:00
ai_bot_public_sharing_allowed_groups : "Allow these groups to share AI personal messages with the public via a unique publicly available link. Note: if your site requires login, shares will also require login."
2023-08-31 14:42:28 +10:00
ai_bot_add_to_header : "Display a button in the header to start a PM with a AI Bot"
2024-03-08 06:37:23 +11:00
ai_bot_github_access_token : "GitHub access token for use with GitHub AI tools (required for search support)"
2023-05-05 15:28:31 -03:00
2023-05-20 17:45:54 +10:00
ai_stability_api_key : "API key for the stability.ai API"
2023-08-10 19:07:13 +02:00
ai_stability_engine : "Image generation engine to use for the stability.ai API"
2023-05-20 17:45:54 +10:00
ai_stability_api_url : "URL for the stability.ai API"
ai_google_custom_search_api_key : "API key for the Google Custom Search API see: https://developers.google.com/custom-search"
ai_google_custom_search_cx : "CX for Google Custom Search API"
2023-05-05 15:28:31 -03:00
2023-03-07 15:39:28 -03:00
reviewables :
2023-09-25 11:12:54 -07:00
reasons :
flagged_by_toxicity : The AI plugin flagged this after classifying it as toxic.
flagged_by_nsfw : The AI plugin flagged this after classifying at least one of the attached images as NSFW.
2023-03-23 03:16:29 +11:00
2023-03-21 12:04:59 -03:00
errors :
prompt_message_length : The message %{idx} is over the 1000 character limit.
invalid_prompt_role : The message %{idx} has an invalid role.
2023-03-17 15:14:19 -03:00
2023-11-08 10:50:37 -03:00
reports :
overall_sentiment :
title : "Overall sentiment"
2023-11-09 17:23:25 -03:00
description : "This chart compares the number of posts classified either positive or negative."
2023-11-08 10:50:37 -03:00
xaxis : "Positive(%)"
yaxis : "Date"
post_emotion :
title : "Post emotion"
2023-11-09 17:23:25 -03:00
description : "Number of posts classified with one of the following emotions, grouped by poster's trust level."
2023-11-08 10:50:37 -03:00
xaxis :
yaxis :
2023-03-17 15:14:19 -03:00
discourse_ai :
2024-03-12 16:51:41 +11:00
unknown_model : "Unknown AI model"
2024-06-27 17:27:40 +10:00
tools :
custom_name : "%{name} (custom)"
presets :
browse_web_jina :
name : "Browse web using jina.ai"
exchange_rate :
name : "Exchange rate"
stock_quote :
name : "Stock quote (AlphaVantage)"
empty_tool :
name : "Start from blank..."
2023-03-17 15:14:19 -03:00
ai_helper :
2023-03-22 16:00:28 -03:00
errors :
completion_request_failed : "Something went wrong while trying to provide suggestions. Please, try again."
2023-03-17 15:14:19 -03:00
prompts :
2024-07-04 08:23:37 -07:00
translate : Translate to %{language}
2023-03-17 15:14:19 -03:00
generate_titles : Suggest topic titles
proofread : Proofread text
2023-03-23 03:16:29 +11:00
markdown_table : Generate Markdown table
2023-09-25 11:12:54 -07:00
custom_prompt : "Custom Prompt"
2023-10-23 11:41:36 -03:00
explain : "Explain"
2023-12-19 11:17:34 -08:00
illustrate_post : "Illustrate Post"
2024-01-03 13:01:19 -08:00
painter :
2024-01-09 23:20:28 +11:00
attribution :
2024-01-05 09:03:23 -08:00
stable_diffusion_xl : "Image by Stable Diffusion XL"
dall_e_3 : "Image by DALL-E 3"
2024-02-21 10:10:22 -08:00
image_caption :
attribution : "Captioned by AI"
2023-05-16 14:38:21 -03:00
2024-03-12 16:51:41 +11:00
share_ai :
read_more : "Read full transcript"
onebox_title : "AI Conversation with %{llm_name}"
2024-03-13 20:52:33 +11:00
formatted_excerpt : "AI Conversation with %{llm_name}:\n %{excerpt}"
2024-03-15 10:31:58 +00:00
title : "%{title} - AI Conversation - %{site_name}"
2024-03-12 16:51:41 +11:00
errors :
not_allowed : "You are not allowed to share this topic"
other_people_in_pm : "Personal messages with other humans cannot be shared publicly"
other_content_in_pm : "Personal messages containing posts from other people cannot be shared publicly"
failed_to_share : "Failed to share the conversation"
conversation_deleted : "Conversation share deleted successfully"
2023-05-16 14:38:21 -03:00
ai_bot :
2023-08-30 16:15:03 +10:00
personas :
2024-05-06 09:49:02 +10:00
default_llm_required : "Default LLM model is required prior to enabling Chat"
FEATURE: UI to update ai personas on admin page (#290)
Introduces a UI to manage customizable personas (admin only feature)
Part of the change was some extensive internal refactoring:
- AIBot now has a persona set in the constructor, once set it never changes
- Command now takes in bot as a constructor param, so it has the correct persona and is not generating AIBot objects on the fly
- Added a .prettierignore file, due to the way ALE is configured in nvim it is a pre-req for prettier to work
- Adds a bunch of validations on the AIPersona model, system personas (artist/creative etc...) are all seeded. We now ensure
- name uniqueness, and only allow certain properties to be touched for system personas.
- (JS note) the client side design takes advantage of nested routes, the parent route for personas gets all the personas via this.store.findAll("ai-persona") then child routes simply reach into this model to find a particular persona.
- (JS note) data is sideloaded into the ai-persona model the meta property supplied from the controller, resultSetMeta
- This removes ai_bot_enabled_personas and ai_bot_enabled_chat_commands, both should be controlled from the UI on a per persona basis
- Fixes a long standing bug in token accounting ... we were doing to_json.length instead of to_json.to_s.length
- Amended it so {commands} are always inserted at the end unconditionally, no need to add it to the template of the system message as it just confuses things
- Adds a concept of required_commands to stock personas, these are commands that must be configured for this stock persona to show up.
- Refactored tests so we stop requiring inference_stubs, it was very confusing to need it, added to plugin.rb for now which at least is clearer
- Migrates the persona selector to gjs
Co-authored-by: Joffrey JAFFEUX <j.jaffeux@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Martin Brennan <martin@discourse.org>
2023-11-21 16:56:43 +11:00
cannot_delete_system_persona : "System personas cannot be deleted, please disable it instead"
2024-06-11 18:14:14 +10:00
cannot_edit_system_persona : "System personas can only be renamed, you may not edit tools or system prompt, instead disable and make a copy"
2024-03-08 06:37:23 +11:00
github_helper :
name : "GitHub Helper"
description : "AI Bot specialized in assisting with GitHub-related tasks and questions"
2023-08-30 16:15:03 +10:00
general :
name : Forum Helper
description : "General purpose AI Bot capable of performing various tasks"
artist :
name : Artist
description : "AI Bot specialized in generating images"
sql_helper :
name : SQL Helper
description : "AI Bot specialized in helping craft SQL queries on this Discourse instance"
2023-08-31 17:02:03 +10:00
settings_explorer :
name : Settings Explorer
description : "AI Bot specialized in helping explore Discourse site settings"
2023-09-04 12:05:27 +10:00
researcher :
name : Researcher
description : "AI Bot with Google access that can research information for you"
2023-09-27 01:48:38 +01:00
creative :
name : Creative
description : "AI Bot with no external integrations specialized in creative tasks"
2023-11-24 18:08:08 +11:00
dall_e3 :
name : "DALL-E 3"
description : "AI Bot specialized in generating images using DALL-E 3"
2024-02-19 14:52:12 +11:00
discourse_helper :
name : "Discourse Helper"
description : "AI Bot specialized in helping with Discourse related tasks"
2023-05-22 12:09:14 +10:00
topic_not_found : "Summary unavailable, topic not found!"
2024-01-04 10:44:07 -03:00
summarizing : "Summarizing topic"
2023-09-14 16:46:56 +10:00
searching : "Searching for: '%{query}'"
2024-06-11 18:14:14 +10:00
tool_options :
2024-06-19 15:49:36 +10:00
read :
read_private :
name : "Read Private"
description : "Allow access to all topics user has access to (by default only public topics are included)"
2023-12-08 08:42:56 +11:00
search :
2024-05-10 11:32:34 +10:00
search_private :
name : "Search Private"
description : "Include all topics user has access to in search results (by default only public topics are included)"
2023-12-11 16:54:16 +11:00
max_results :
name : "Maximum number of results"
description : "Maximum number of results to include in the search - if empty default rules will be used and count will be scaled depending on model used. Highest value is 100."
2023-12-08 08:42:56 +11:00
base_query :
name : "Base Search Query"
description : "Base query to use when searching. Example: '#urgent' will prepend '#urgent' to the search query and only include topics with the urgent category or tag."
2024-06-11 18:14:14 +10:00
tool_summary :
2024-03-28 16:01:58 +11:00
web_browser : "Browse Web"
2024-05-30 06:33:50 +10:00
github_search_files : "GitHub search files"
2024-03-08 06:37:23 +11:00
github_search_code : "GitHub code search"
github_file_content : "GitHub file content"
github_pull_request_diff : "GitHub pull request diff"
2024-02-15 16:37:59 +11:00
random_picker : "Random Picker"
2023-05-20 17:45:54 +10:00
categories : "List categories"
search : "Search"
tags : "List tags"
time : "Time"
summarize : "Summarize"
image : "Generate image"
google : "Search Google"
2023-08-09 07:19:56 +10:00
read : "Read topic"
2023-08-29 10:43:58 +10:00
setting_context : "Look up site setting context"
2023-08-30 16:15:03 +10:00
schema : "Look up database schema"
2023-09-01 11:48:51 +10:00
search_settings : "Searching site settings"
2023-11-24 18:08:08 +11:00
dall_e : "Generate image"
2024-02-19 14:52:12 +11:00
search_meta_discourse : "Search Meta Discourse"
2024-05-21 07:57:01 +10:00
javascript_evaluator : "Evaluate JavaScript"
2024-06-11 18:14:14 +10:00
tool_help :
2024-03-28 16:01:58 +11:00
web_browser : "Browse web page using the AI Bot"
2024-03-08 06:37:23 +11:00
github_search_code : "Search for code in a GitHub repository"
2024-05-30 06:33:50 +10:00
github_search_files : "Search for files in a GitHub repository"
2024-03-08 06:37:23 +11:00
github_file_content : "Retrieve content of files from a GitHub repository"
github_pull_request_diff : "Retrieve a GitHub pull request diff"
2024-02-15 16:37:59 +11:00
random_picker : "Pick a random number or a random element of a list"
2023-12-08 08:42:56 +11:00
categories : "List all publicly visible categories on the forum"
search : "Search all public topics on the forum"
tags : "List all tags on the forum"
time : "Find time in various time zones"
2024-05-24 20:00:36 +08:00
summary : "Summarize a topic"
2023-12-08 08:42:56 +11:00
image : "Generate image using Stable Diffusion"
google : "Search Google for a query"
read : "Read public topic on the forum"
setting_context : "Look up site setting context"
schema : "Look up database schema"
search_settings : "Search site settings"
dall_e : "Generate image using DALL-E 3"
2024-02-19 14:52:12 +11:00
search_meta_discourse : "Search Meta Discourse"
2024-05-21 07:57:01 +10:00
javascript_evaluator : "Evaluate JavaScript"
2024-06-11 18:14:14 +10:00
tool_description :
2024-03-28 16:01:58 +11:00
web_browser : "Reading <a href='%{url}'>%{url}</a>"
2024-05-30 06:33:50 +10:00
github_search_files : "Searched for '%{keywords}' in %{repo}/%{branch}"
2024-03-08 06:37:23 +11:00
github_search_code : "Searched for '%{query}' in %{repo}"
github_pull_request_diff : "<a href='%{url}'>%{repo} %{pull_id}</a>"
github_file_content : "Retrieved content of %{file_paths} from %{repo_name}@%{branch}"
2024-02-15 16:37:59 +11:00
random_picker : "Picking from %{options}, picked: %{result}"
2023-08-09 16:01:48 +10:00
read : "Reading: <a href='%{url}'>%{title}</a>"
2023-05-20 17:45:54 +10:00
time : "Time in %{timezone} is %{time}"
summarize : "Summarized <a href='%{url}'>%{title}</a>"
2023-11-24 18:08:08 +11:00
dall_e : "%{prompt}"
2023-06-20 15:44:03 +10:00
image : "%{prompt}"
2023-05-20 17:45:54 +10:00
categories :
one : "Found %{count} category"
other : "Found %{count} categories"
tags :
one : "Found %{count} tag"
other : "Found %{count} tags"
search :
one : "Found %{count} <a href='%{url}'>result</a> for '%{query}'"
2024-02-19 14:52:12 +11:00
other : "Found %{count} <a href='%{url}'>results</a> for '%{query}'"
search_meta_discourse :
one : "Found %{count} <a href='%{url}'>result</a> for '%{query}'"
2023-05-20 17:45:54 +10:00
other : "Found %{count} <a href='%{url}'>results</a> for '%{query}'"
google :
one : "Found %{count} <a href='%{url}'>result</a> for '%{query}'"
other : "Found %{count} <a href='%{url}'>results</a> for '%{query}'"
2023-08-29 10:43:58 +10:00
setting_context : "Reading context for: %{setting_name}"
2023-08-30 16:15:03 +10:00
schema : "%{tables}"
2023-09-01 11:48:51 +10:00
search_settings :
one : "Found %{count} result for '%{query}'"
other : "Found %{count} results for '%{query}'"
2023-06-13 14:32:26 -03:00
summarization :
2023-06-20 15:44:03 +10:00
configuration_hint :
2023-06-13 14:32:26 -03:00
one : "Configure the `%{setting}` setting first."
other : "Configure these settings first: %{settings}"
2024-07-02 08:51:59 -07:00
chat :
no_targets : "There were no messages during the selected period."
FEATURE: UI to update ai personas on admin page (#290)
Introduces a UI to manage customizable personas (admin only feature)
Part of the change was some extensive internal refactoring:
- AIBot now has a persona set in the constructor, once set it never changes
- Command now takes in bot as a constructor param, so it has the correct persona and is not generating AIBot objects on the fly
- Added a .prettierignore file, due to the way ALE is configured in nvim it is a pre-req for prettier to work
- Adds a bunch of validations on the AIPersona model, system personas (artist/creative etc...) are all seeded. We now ensure
- name uniqueness, and only allow certain properties to be touched for system personas.
- (JS note) the client side design takes advantage of nested routes, the parent route for personas gets all the personas via this.store.findAll("ai-persona") then child routes simply reach into this model to find a particular persona.
- (JS note) data is sideloaded into the ai-persona model the meta property supplied from the controller, resultSetMeta
- This removes ai_bot_enabled_personas and ai_bot_enabled_chat_commands, both should be controlled from the UI on a per persona basis
- Fixes a long standing bug in token accounting ... we were doing to_json.length instead of to_json.to_s.length
- Amended it so {commands} are always inserted at the end unconditionally, no need to add it to the template of the system message as it just confuses things
- Adds a concept of required_commands to stock personas, these are commands that must be configured for this stock persona to show up.
- Refactored tests so we stop requiring inference_stubs, it was very confusing to need it, added to plugin.rb for now which at least is clearer
- Migrates the persona selector to gjs
Co-authored-by: Joffrey JAFFEUX <j.jaffeux@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Martin Brennan <martin@discourse.org>
2023-11-21 16:56:43 +11:00
2023-11-08 10:50:37 -03:00
sentiment :
reports :
overall_sentiment :
positive : "Positive"
negative : "Negative"
post_emotion :
2024-08-02 14:23:29 -07:00
sadness : "Sadness 😢"
surprise : "Surprise 😱"
neutral : "Neutral 😐"
fear : "Fear 😨"
anger : "Anger 😡"
joy : "Joy 😀"
disgust : "Disgust 🤢"
2024-01-29 16:04:25 -03:00
llm :
configuration :
disable_module_first : "You have to disable %{setting} first."
set_llm_first : "Set %{setting} first."
model_unreachable : "We couldn't get a response from this model. Check your settings first."
endpoints :
not_configured : "%{display_name} (not configured)"
configuration_hint :
one : "Make sure the `%{settings}` setting was configured."
other : "Make sure these settings were configured: %{settings}"
2024-05-29 11:04:47 +10:00
2024-05-27 16:44:08 -03:00
delete_failed :
one : "We couldn't delete this model because %{settings} is using it. Update the setting and try again."
other : "We couldn't delete this model because %{settings} are using it. Update the settings and try again."
2024-02-01 16:54:09 -03:00
embeddings :
configuration :
disable_embeddings : "You have to disable 'ai embeddings enabled' first."
choose_model : "Set 'ai embeddings model' first."
model_unreachable : "We failed to generate a test embedding with this model. Check your settings are correct."
2024-02-15 16:37:59 +11:00
hint :
2024-02-01 16:54:09 -03:00
one : "Make sure the `%{settings}` setting was configured."
other : "Make sure the settings of the provider you want were configured. Options are: %{settings}"
2024-08-07 16:08:56 -03:00
llm_models :
missing_provider_param : "%{param} can't be blank"
bedrock_invalid_url : "Please complete all the fields to contact this model."