diff --git a/assets/javascripts/discourse/connectors/composer-fields/persona-selector.gjs b/assets/javascripts/discourse/connectors/composer-fields/persona-selector.gjs
index e15922b0..0209aa81 100644
--- a/assets/javascripts/discourse/connectors/composer-fields/persona-selector.gjs
+++ b/assets/javascripts/discourse/connectors/composer-fields/persona-selector.gjs
@@ -36,11 +36,14 @@ export default class BotSelector extends Component {
if (this.botOptions && this.composer) {
- const personaId = this.preferredPersonaStore.getObject("id");
+ let personaId = this.preferredPersonaStore.getObject("id");
+ this._value = this.botOptions[0].id;
if (personaId) {
- this._value = parseInt(personaId, 10);
- } else {
- this._value = this.botOptions[0].personaId;
+ personaId = parseInt(personaId, 10);
+ if (this.botOptions.any((bot) => bot.id === personaId)) {
+ this._value = personaId;
+ }
this.composer.metaData = { ai_persona_id: this._value };
diff --git a/config/locales/server.en.yml b/config/locales/server.en.yml
index 3a38dea2..116b17c1 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.en.yml
@@ -143,6 +143,9 @@ en:
name: Creative
description: "AI Bot with no external integrations specialized in creative tasks"
+ dall_e3:
+ name: "DALL-E 3"
+ description: "AI Bot specialized in generating images using DALL-E 3"
topic_not_found: "Summary unavailable, topic not found!"
searching: "Searching for: '%{query}'"
@@ -157,10 +160,12 @@ en:
setting_context: "Look up site setting context"
schema: "Look up database schema"
search_settings: "Searching site settings"
+ dall_e: "Generate image"
read: "Reading: %{title}"
time: "Time in %{timezone} is %{time}"
summarize: "Summarized %{title}"
+ dall_e: "%{prompt}"
image: "%{prompt}"
one: "Found %{count} category"
diff --git a/lib/modules/ai_bot/commands/dall_e_command.rb b/lib/modules/ai_bot/commands/dall_e_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a6ad8f2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/modules/ai_bot/commands/dall_e_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+#frozen_string_literal: true
+module DiscourseAi::AiBot::Commands
+ class DallECommand < Command
+ class << self
+ def name
+ "dall_e"
+ end
+ def desc
+ "Renders images from supplied descriptions"
+ end
+ def parameters
+ [
+ Parameter.new(
+ name: "prompts",
+ description:
+ "The prompts used to generate or create or draw the image (5000 chars or less, be creative) up to 4 prompts",
+ type: "array",
+ item_type: "string",
+ required: true,
+ ),
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ def result_name
+ "results"
+ end
+ def description_args
+ { prompt: @last_prompt }
+ end
+ def chain_next_response
+ false
+ end
+ def custom_raw
+ @custom_raw
+ end
+ def process(prompts:)
+ # max 4 prompts
+ prompts = prompts.take(4)
+ @last_prompt = prompts[0]
+ show_progress(localized_description)
+ results = nil
+ # this ensures multisite safety since background threads
+ # generate the images
+ api_key = SiteSetting.ai_openai_api_key
+ threads = []
+ prompts.each_with_index do |prompt, index|
+ threads << Thread.new(prompt) do |inner_prompt|
+ attempts = 0
+ begin
+ DiscourseAi::Inference::OpenAiImageGenerator.perform!(inner_prompt, api_key: api_key)
+ rescue => e
+ attempts += 1
+ retry if attempts < 3
+ Discourse.warn_exception(e, message: "Failed to generate image for prompt #{prompt}")
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ while true
+ show_progress(".", progress_caret: true)
+ break if threads.all? { |t| t.join(2) }
+ end
+ results = threads.filter_map(&:value)
+ if results.blank?
+ return { prompts: prompts, error: "Something went wrong, could not generate image" }
+ end
+ uploads = []
+ results.each_with_index do |result, index|
+ result[:data].each do |image|
+ Tempfile.create("v1_txt2img_#{index}.png") do |file|
+ file.binmode
+ file.write(Base64.decode64(image[:b64_json]))
+ file.rewind
+ uploads << {
+ prompt: image[:revised_prompt],
+ upload: UploadCreator.new(file, "image.png").create_for(bot_user.id),
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ @custom_raw = <<~RAW
+ [grid]
+ #{
+ uploads
+ .map do |item|
+ "![#{item[:prompt].gsub(/\|\'\"/, "")}|512x512, 50%](#{item[:upload].short_url})"
+ end
+ .join(" ")
+ }
+ [/grid]
+ { prompts: uploads.map { |item| item[:prompt] } }
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/modules/ai_bot/entry_point.rb b/lib/modules/ai_bot/entry_point.rb
index e5f7eff3..6798ad56 100644
--- a/lib/modules/ai_bot/entry_point.rb
+++ b/lib/modules/ai_bot/entry_point.rb
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ module DiscourseAi
require_relative "commands/setting_context_command"
require_relative "commands/search_settings_command"
require_relative "commands/db_schema_command"
+ require_relative "commands/dall_e_command"
require_relative "personas/persona"
require_relative "personas/artist"
require_relative "personas/general"
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ module DiscourseAi
require_relative "personas/settings_explorer"
require_relative "personas/researcher"
require_relative "personas/creative"
+ require_relative "personas/dall_e_3"
require_relative "site_settings_extension"
diff --git a/lib/modules/ai_bot/personas/dall_e_3.rb b/lib/modules/ai_bot/personas/dall_e_3.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d490c5d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/modules/ai_bot/personas/dall_e_3.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#frozen_string_literal: true
+module DiscourseAi
+ module AiBot
+ module Personas
+ class DallE3 < Persona
+ def commands
+ [Commands::DallECommand]
+ end
+ def required_commands
+ [Commands::DallECommand]
+ end
+ def system_prompt
+ You are a bot specializing in generating images using DALL-E-3
+ - A good prompt needs to be detailed and specific.
+ - You can specify subject, medium (e.g. oil on canvas), artist (person who drew it or photographed it)
+ - You can specify details about lighting or time of day.
+ - You can specify a particular website you would like to emulate (artstation or deviantart)
+ - You can specify additional details such as "beutiful, dystopian, futuristic, etc."
+ - Prompts should generally be 40-80 words long, keep in mind API only accepts a maximum of 5000 chars per prompt
+ - You are extremely creative, when given short non descriptive prompts from a user you add your own details
+ - When generating images, usually opt to generate 4 images unless the user specifies otherwise.
+ - Be creative with your prompts, offer diverse options
+ - DALL-E-3 will rewrite your prompt to be more specific and detailed, use that one iterating on images
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/modules/ai_bot/personas/persona.rb b/lib/modules/ai_bot/personas/persona.rb
index 81754371..0ba7d48a 100644
--- a/lib/modules/ai_bot/personas/persona.rb
+++ b/lib/modules/ai_bot/personas/persona.rb
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module DiscourseAi
Personas::SettingsExplorer => -4,
Personas::Researcher => -5,
Personas::Creative => -6,
+ Personas::DallE3 => -7,
@@ -145,6 +146,8 @@ module DiscourseAi
all_commands << Commands::TagsCommand if SiteSetting.tagging_enabled
all_commands << Commands::ImageCommand if SiteSetting.ai_stability_api_key.present?
+ all_commands << Commands::DallECommand if SiteSetting.ai_openai_api_key.present?
if SiteSetting.ai_google_custom_search_api_key.present? &&
all_commands << Commands::GoogleCommand
diff --git a/lib/shared/inference/openai_image_generator.rb b/lib/shared/inference/openai_image_generator.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..683ba016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/shared/inference/openai_image_generator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module ::DiscourseAi
+ module Inference
+ class OpenAiImageGenerator
+ TIMEOUT = 60
+ def self.perform!(prompt, model: "dall-e-3", size: "1024x1024", api_key: nil)
+ api_key ||= SiteSetting.ai_openai_api_key
+ url = URI("https://api.openai.com/v1/images/generations")
+ headers = { "Content-Type" => "application/json", "Authorization" => "Bearer #{api_key}" }
+ payload = { model: model, prompt: prompt, n: 1, size: size, response_format: "b64_json" }
+ Net::HTTP.start(
+ url.host,
+ url.port,
+ use_ssl: url.scheme == "https",
+ read_timeout: TIMEOUT,
+ open_timeout: TIMEOUT,
+ write_timeout: TIMEOUT,
+ ) do |http|
+ request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url, headers)
+ request.body = payload.to_json
+ json = nil
+ http.request(request) do |response|
+ if response.code.to_i != 200
+ raise "OpenAI API returned #{response.code} #{response.body}"
+ else
+ json = JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true)
+ end
+ end
+ json
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/plugin.rb b/plugin.rb
index a4022c62..e2e410c4 100644
--- a/plugin.rb
+++ b/plugin.rb
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ after_initialize do
require_relative "lib/shared/inference/discourse_reranker"
require_relative "lib/shared/inference/openai_completions"
require_relative "lib/shared/inference/openai_embeddings"
+ require_relative "lib/shared/inference/openai_image_generator"
require_relative "lib/shared/inference/anthropic_completions"
require_relative "lib/shared/inference/stability_generator"
require_relative "lib/shared/inference/hugging_face_text_generation"
diff --git a/spec/lib/modules/ai_bot/commands/dall_e_command_spec.rb b/spec/lib/modules/ai_bot/commands/dall_e_command_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5165b9db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/lib/modules/ai_bot/commands/dall_e_command_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#frozen_string_literal: true
+RSpec.describe DiscourseAi::AiBot::Commands::DallECommand do
+ let(:bot_user) { User.find(DiscourseAi::AiBot::EntryPoint::GPT3_5_TURBO_ID) }
+ let(:bot) { DiscourseAi::AiBot::OpenAiBot.new(bot_user) }
+ before { SiteSetting.ai_bot_enabled = true }
+ describe "#process" do
+ it "can generate correct info" do
+ post = Fabricate(:post)
+ SiteSetting.ai_openai_api_key = "abc"
+ image =
+ data = [{ b64_json: image, revised_prompt: "a pink cow 1" }]
+ prompts = ["a pink cow", "a red cow"]
+ WebMock
+ .stub_request(:post, "https://api.openai.com/v1/images/generations")
+ .with do |request|
+ json = JSON.parse(request.body, symbolize_names: true)
+ expect(prompts).to include(json[:prompt])
+ true
+ end
+ .to_return(status: 200, body: { data: data }.to_json)
+ image = described_class.new(bot: bot, post: post, args: nil)
+ info = image.process(prompts: prompts).to_json
+ expect(JSON.parse(info)).to eq("prompts" => ["a pink cow 1", "a pink cow 1"])
+ expect(image.custom_raw).to include("upload://")
+ expect(image.custom_raw).to include("[grid]")
+ expect(image.custom_raw).to include("a pink cow 1")
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/system/ai_bot/persona_spec.rb b/spec/system/ai_bot/persona_spec.rb
index e2a6b4ad..b0275146 100644
--- a/spec/system/ai_bot/persona_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/system/ai_bot/persona_spec.rb
@@ -14,6 +14,11 @@ RSpec.describe "AI personas", type: :system, js: true do
visit "/"
find(".d-header .ai-bot-button").click()
persona_selector = PageObjects::Components::SelectKit.new(".persona-selector__dropdown")
+ id = DiscourseAi::AiBot::Personas.all(user: admin).first.id
+ expect(persona_selector).to have_selected_value(id)