# WARNING: Never edit this file. # It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Crowdin. # # To work with us on translations, join this project: # https://translate.discourse.org/ zh_CN: js: discourse_automation: ai_models: claude_2: Claude 2 scriptables: llm_report: fields: sender: label: "发送人" title: label: "标题" categories: label: "类别" tags: label: "标签" llm_triage: fields: category: label: "类别" tags: label: "标签" canned_reply: label: "回复" discourse_ai: modals: select_option: "选择一个选项…" ai_persona: name: 名称 description: 描述 save: 保存 enabled: 已启用 new: 新 delete: 删除 related_topics: pill: "相关" ai_helper: title: "使用 AI 提出更改建议" description: "选择以下选项之一,AI 将向您推荐新版本文本。" selection_hint: "提示:您也可以在打开助手之前选择文本的一部分来仅重写该文本。" context_menu: back: "返回" undo: "撤消" cancel: "取消" regen: "重试" confirm: "确认" revert: "还原" post_options_menu: close: "关闭" copy: "复制" copied: "已复制!" cancel: "取消" reviewables: model_used: "使用的模型:" accuracy: "准确性:" embeddings: semantic_search: "话题(语义)" ai_bot: cancel_streaming: "停止回复" default_pm_prefix: "[无标题 AI 机器人私信]" shortcut_title: "使用 AI 机器人启动私信" bot_names: gpt-4: "GPT-4" gpt-3: 5-turbo: "GPT-3.5" claude-2: "Claude 2" review: types: reviewable_ai_post: title: "AI 举报的帖子" reviewable_ai_chat_message: title: "AI 举报的聊天消息"