#frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe DiscourseAi::AiBot::Commands::SearchCommand do before { SearchIndexer.enable } after { SearchIndexer.disable } fab!(:parent_category) { Fabricate(:category, name: "animals") } fab!(:category) { Fabricate(:category, parent_category: parent_category, name: "amazing-cat") } fab!(:tag_funny) { Fabricate(:tag, name: "funny") } fab!(:tag_sad) { Fabricate(:tag, name: "sad") } fab!(:tag_hidden) { Fabricate(:tag, name: "hidden") } fab!(:staff_tag_group) do tag_group = Fabricate.build(:tag_group, name: "Staff only", tag_names: ["hidden"]) tag_group.permissions = [ [Group::AUTO_GROUPS[:staff], TagGroupPermission.permission_types[:full]], ] tag_group.save! tag_group end fab!(:topic_with_tags) do Fabricate(:topic, category: category, tags: [tag_funny, tag_sad, tag_hidden]) end before { SiteSetting.ai_bot_enabled = true } describe "#process" do it "can handle no results" do post1 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic_with_tags) search = described_class.new(bot: nil, post: post1, args: nil) results = search.process(query: "order:fake ABDDCDCEDGDG") expect(results[:args]).to eq({ query: "order:fake ABDDCDCEDGDG" }) expect(results[:rows]).to eq([]) end describe "semantic search" do let (:query) { "this is an expanded search" } after { DiscourseAi::Embeddings::SemanticSearch.clear_cache_for(query) } it "supports semantic search when enabled" do SiteSetting.ai_embeddings_semantic_search_enabled = true SiteSetting.ai_embeddings_discourse_service_api_endpoint = "http://test.com" WebMock.stub_request(:post, "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions").to_return( status: 200, body: JSON.dump(OpenAiCompletionsInferenceStubs.response(query)), ) hyde_embedding = [0.049382, 0.9999] EmbeddingsGenerationStubs.discourse_service( SiteSetting.ai_embeddings_model, query, hyde_embedding, ) post1 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic_with_tags) search = described_class.new(bot: nil, post: post1, args: nil) DiscourseAi::Embeddings::VectorRepresentations::AllMpnetBaseV2 .any_instance .expects(:asymmetric_topics_similarity_search) .returns([post1.topic_id]) results = search.process(search_query: "hello world, sam", status: "public") expect(results[:args]).to eq({ search_query: "hello world, sam", status: "public" }) expect(results[:rows].length).to eq(1) end end it "supports subfolder properly" do Discourse.stubs(:base_path).returns("/subfolder") post1 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic_with_tags) search = described_class.new(bot: nil, post: post1, args: nil) results = search.process(limit: 1, user: post1.user.username) expect(results[:rows].to_s).to include("/subfolder" + post1.url) end it "returns category and tags" do post1 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic_with_tags) search = described_class.new(bot: nil, post: post1, args: nil) results = search.process(user: post1.user.username) row = results[:rows].first category = row[results[:column_names].index("category")] expect(category).to eq("animals > amazing-cat") tags = row[results[:column_names].index("tags")] expect(tags).to eq("funny, sad") end it "can handle limits" do post1 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic_with_tags) _post2 = Fabricate(:post, user: post1.user) _post3 = Fabricate(:post, user: post1.user) # search has no built in support for limit: so handle it from the outside search = described_class.new(bot: nil, post: post1, args: nil) results = search.process(limit: 2, user: post1.user.username) expect(results[:rows].length).to eq(2) # just searching for everything results = search.process(order: "latest_topic") expect(results[:rows].length).to be > 1 end end end