# frozen_string_literal: true class RagDocumentFragment < ActiveRecord::Base # TODO Jan 2025 - remove self.ignored_columns = %i[ai_persona_id] belongs_to :upload belongs_to :target, polymorphic: true class << self def link_target_and_uploads(target, upload_ids) return if target.blank? return if upload_ids.blank? return if !DiscourseAi::Embeddings.enabled? UploadReference.ensure_exist!(upload_ids: upload_ids, target: target) upload_ids.each do |upload_id| Jobs.enqueue( :digest_rag_upload, target_id: target.id, target_type: target.class.to_s, upload_id: upload_id, ) end end def update_target_uploads(target, upload_ids) return if target.blank? return if !DiscourseAi::Embeddings.enabled? if upload_ids.blank? RagDocumentFragment.where(target: target).destroy_all UploadReference.where(target: target).destroy_all else RagDocumentFragment.where(target: target).where.not(upload_id: upload_ids).destroy_all link_target_and_uploads(target, upload_ids) end end def indexing_status(persona, uploads) embeddings_table = DiscourseAi::Embeddings::Schema.for(self).table results = DB.query( <<~SQL, SELECT uploads.id, SUM(CASE WHEN (rdf.upload_id IS NOT NULL) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS total, SUM(CASE WHEN (eft.rag_document_fragment_id IS NOT NULL) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as indexed, SUM(CASE WHEN (rdf.upload_id IS NOT NULL AND eft.rag_document_fragment_id IS NULL) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as left FROM uploads LEFT OUTER JOIN rag_document_fragments rdf ON uploads.id = rdf.upload_id AND rdf.target_id = :target_id AND rdf.target_type = :target_type LEFT OUTER JOIN #{embeddings_table} eft ON rdf.id = eft.rag_document_fragment_id WHERE uploads.id IN (:upload_ids) GROUP BY uploads.id SQL target_id: persona.id, target_type: persona.class.to_s, upload_ids: uploads.map(&:id), ) results.reduce({}) do |acc, r| acc[r.id] = { total: r.total, indexed: r.indexed, left: r.left } acc end end def publish_status(upload, status) MessageBus.publish("/discourse-ai/rag/#{upload.id}", status, user_ids: [upload.user_id]) end end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: rag_document_fragments # # id :bigint not null, primary key # fragment :text not null # upload_id :integer not null # fragment_number :integer not null # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # metadata :text # target_id :bigint not null # target_type :string(800) not null # # Indexes # # index_rag_document_fragments_on_target_type_and_target_id (target_type,target_id) #