# frozen_string_literal: true module DiscourseAi module AiBot class Playground attr_reader :bot # An abstraction to manage the bot and topic interactions. # The bot will take care of completions while this class updates the topic title # and stream replies. REQUIRE_TITLE_UPDATE = "discourse-ai-title-update" def self.find_chat_persona(message, channel, user) if channel.direct_message_channel? AiPersona.allowed_chat.find do |p| p[:user_id].in?(channel.allowed_user_ids) && (user.group_ids & p[:allowed_group_ids]) end else # let's defer on the parse if there is no @ in the message if message.message.include?("@") mentions = message.parsed_mentions.parsed_direct_mentions if mentions.present? AiPersona.allowed_chat.find do |p| p[:username].in?(mentions) && (user.group_ids & p[:allowed_group_ids]) end end end end end def self.schedule_chat_reply(message, channel, user, context) return if !SiteSetting.ai_bot_enabled return if AiPersona.allowed_chat.blank? return if AiPersona.allowed_chat.any? { |m| m[:user_id] == user.id } persona = find_chat_persona(message, channel, user) return if !persona post_ids = nil post_ids = context.dig(:context, :post_ids) if context.is_a?(Hash) ::Jobs.enqueue( :create_ai_chat_reply, channel_id: channel.id, message_id: message.id, persona_id: persona[:id], context_post_ids: post_ids, ) end def self.is_bot_user_id?(user_id) # this will catch everything and avoid any feedback loops # we could get feedback loops between say discobot and ai-bot or third party plugins # and bots user_id.to_i <= 0 end def self.schedule_reply(post) return if is_bot_user_id?(post.user_id) bot_ids = DiscourseAi::AiBot::EntryPoint::BOT_USER_IDS mentionables = AiPersona.mentionables(user: post.user) bot_user = nil mentioned = nil if post.topic.private_message? bot_user = post.topic.topic_allowed_users.where(user_id: bot_ids).first&.user bot_user ||= post .topic .topic_allowed_users .where(user_id: mentionables.map { |m| m[:user_id] }) .first &.user end if mentionables.present? mentions = post.mentions.map(&:downcase) # in case we are replying to a post by a bot if post.reply_to_post_number && post.reply_to_post.user mentions << post.reply_to_post.user.username_lower end mentioned = mentionables.find { |mentionable| mentions.include?(mentionable[:username]) } # direct PM to mentionable if !mentioned && bot_user mentioned = mentionables.find { |mentionable| bot_user.id == mentionable[:user_id] } end # public topic so we need to use the persona user bot_user ||= User.find_by(id: mentioned[:user_id]) if mentioned end if bot_user && post.reply_to_post_number && !post.reply_to_post.user&.bot? # replying to a non-bot user return end if bot_user persona_id = mentioned&.dig(:id) || post.topic.custom_fields["ai_persona_id"] persona = nil if persona_id persona = DiscourseAi::AiBot::Personas::Persona.find_by(user: post.user, id: persona_id.to_i) end if !persona && persona_name = post.topic.custom_fields["ai_persona"] persona = DiscourseAi::AiBot::Personas::Persona.find_by(user: post.user, name: persona_name) end persona ||= DiscourseAi::AiBot::Personas::General bot = DiscourseAi::AiBot::Bot.as(bot_user, persona: persona.new) new(bot).update_playground_with(post) end end def initialize(bot) @bot = bot end def update_playground_with(post) if can_attach?(post) schedule_playground_titling(post) schedule_bot_reply(post) end end def conversation_context(post) # Pay attention to the `post_number <= ?` here. # We want to inject the last post as context because they are translated differently. # also setting default to 40, allowing huge contexts costs lots of tokens max_posts = 40 if bot.persona.class.respond_to?(:max_context_posts) max_posts = bot.persona.class.max_context_posts || 40 end post_types = [Post.types[:regular]] post_types << Post.types[:whisper] if post.post_type == Post.types[:whisper] context = post .topic .posts .joins(:user) .joins("LEFT JOIN post_custom_prompts ON post_custom_prompts.post_id = posts.id") .where("post_number <= ?", post.post_number) .order("post_number desc") .where("post_type in (?)", post_types) .limit(max_posts) .pluck( "posts.raw", "users.username", "post_custom_prompts.custom_prompt", "( SELECT array_agg(ref.upload_id) FROM upload_references ref WHERE ref.target_type = 'Post' AND ref.target_id = posts.id ) as upload_ids", ) builder = DiscourseAi::Completions::PromptMessagesBuilder.new context.reverse_each do |raw, username, custom_prompt, upload_ids| custom_prompt_translation = Proc.new do |message| # We can't keep backwards-compatibility for stored functions. # Tool syntax requires a tool_call_id which we don't have. if message[2] != "function" custom_context = { content: message[0], type: message[2].present? ? message[2].to_sym : :model, } custom_context[:id] = message[1] if custom_context[:type] != :model custom_context[:name] = message[3] if message[3] builder.push(**custom_context) end end if custom_prompt.present? custom_prompt.each(&custom_prompt_translation) else context = { content: raw, type: (available_bot_usernames.include?(username) ? :model : :user), } context[:id] = username if context[:type] == :user if upload_ids.present? && context[:type] == :user && bot.persona.class.vision_enabled context[:upload_ids] = upload_ids.compact end builder.push(**context) end end builder.to_a end def title_playground(post) context = conversation_context(post) bot .get_updated_title(context, post) .tap do |new_title| PostRevisor.new(post.topic.first_post, post.topic).revise!( bot.bot_user, title: new_title.sub(/\A"/, "").sub(/"\Z/, ""), ) post.topic.custom_fields.delete(DiscourseAi::AiBot::EntryPoint::REQUIRE_TITLE_UPDATE) post.topic.save_custom_fields end end def chat_context(message, channel, persona_user, context_post_ids) has_vision = bot.persona.class.vision_enabled include_thread_titles = !channel.direct_message_channel? && !message.thread_id current_id = message.id if !channel.direct_message_channel? # we are interacting via mentions ... strip mention instruction_message = message.message.gsub(/@#{bot.bot_user.username}/i, "").strip end messages = nil max_messages = 40 if bot.persona.class.respond_to?(:max_context_posts) max_messages = bot.persona.class.max_context_posts || 40 end if !message.thread_id && channel.direct_message_channel? messages = [message] elsif !channel.direct_message_channel? && !message.thread_id messages = Chat::Message .joins("left join chat_threads on chat_threads.id = chat_messages.thread_id") .where(chat_channel_id: channel.id) .where( "chat_messages.thread_id IS NULL OR chat_threads.original_message_id = chat_messages.id", ) .order(id: :desc) .limit(max_messages) .to_a .reverse end messages ||= ChatSDK::Thread.last_messages( thread_id: message.thread_id, guardian: Discourse.system_user.guardian, page_size: max_messages, ) builder = DiscourseAi::Completions::PromptMessagesBuilder.new guardian = Guardian.new(message.user) if context_post_ids builder.set_chat_context_posts(context_post_ids, guardian, include_uploads: has_vision) end messages.each do |m| # restore stripped message m.message = instruction_message if m.id == current_id && instruction_message if available_bot_user_ids.include?(m.user_id) builder.push(type: :model, content: m.message) else upload_ids = nil upload_ids = m.uploads.map(&:id) if has_vision && m.uploads.present? mapped_message = m.message thread_title = nil thread_title = m.thread&.title if include_thread_titles && m.thread_id mapped_message = "(#{thread_title})\n#{m.message}" if thread_title builder.push( type: :user, content: mapped_message, name: m.user.username, upload_ids: upload_ids, ) end end builder.to_a( limit: max_messages, style: channel.direct_message_channel? ? :chat_with_context : :chat, ) end def reply_to_chat_message(message, channel, context_post_ids) persona_user = User.find(bot.persona.class.user_id) participants = channel.user_chat_channel_memberships.map { |m| m.user.username } context_post_ids = nil if !channel.direct_message_channel? context = get_context( participants: participants.join(", "), conversation_context: chat_context(message, channel, persona_user, context_post_ids), user: message.user, skip_tool_details: true, ) reply = nil guardian = Guardian.new(persona_user) force_thread = message.thread_id.nil? && channel.direct_message_channel? in_reply_to_id = channel.direct_message_channel? ? message.id : nil new_prompts = bot.reply(context) do |partial, cancel, placeholder| if !reply # just eat all leading spaces we can not create the message next if partial.blank? reply = ChatSDK::Message.create( raw: partial, thread_id: message.thread_id, channel_id: channel.id, guardian: guardian, in_reply_to_id: in_reply_to_id, force_thread: force_thread, enforce_membership: !channel.direct_message_channel?, ) ChatSDK::Message.start_stream(message_id: reply.id, guardian: guardian) else streaming = ChatSDK::Message.stream(message_id: reply.id, raw: partial, guardian: guardian) if !streaming cancel&.call break end end end if new_prompts.length > 1 && reply.id ChatMessageCustomPrompt.create!(message_id: reply.id, custom_prompt: new_prompts) end ChatSDK::Message.stop_stream(message_id: reply.id, guardian: guardian) if reply reply end def get_context(participants:, conversation_context:, user:, skip_tool_details: nil) result = { site_url: Discourse.base_url, site_title: SiteSetting.title, site_description: SiteSetting.site_description, time: Time.zone.now, participants: participants, conversation_context: conversation_context, user: user, } result[:skip_tool_details] = true if skip_tool_details result end def reply_to(post) reply = +"" start = Time.now post_type = post.post_type == Post.types[:whisper] ? Post.types[:whisper] : Post.types[:regular] context = get_context( participants: post.topic.allowed_users.map(&:username).join(", "), conversation_context: conversation_context(post), user: post.user, ) context[:post_id] = post.id context[:topic_id] = post.topic_id context[:private_message] = post.topic.private_message? reply_user = bot.bot_user if bot.persona.class.respond_to?(:user_id) reply_user = User.find_by(id: bot.persona.class.user_id) || reply_user end stream_reply = post.topic.private_message? # we need to ensure persona user is allowed to reply to the pm if post.topic.private_message? if !post.topic.topic_allowed_users.exists?(user_id: reply_user.id) post.topic.topic_allowed_users.create!(user_id: reply_user.id) end end if stream_reply reply_post = PostCreator.create!( reply_user, topic_id: post.topic_id, raw: "", skip_validations: true, skip_jobs: true, post_type: post_type, ) publish_update(reply_post, { raw: reply_post.cooked }) redis_stream_key = "gpt_cancel:#{reply_post.id}" Discourse.redis.setex(redis_stream_key, 60, 1) end new_custom_prompts = bot.reply(context) do |partial, cancel, placeholder| reply << partial raw = reply.dup raw << "\n\n" << placeholder if placeholder.present? if stream_reply && !Discourse.redis.get(redis_stream_key) cancel&.call reply_post.update!(raw: reply, cooked: PrettyText.cook(reply)) end if stream_reply # Minor hack to skip the delay during tests. if placeholder.blank? next if (Time.now - start < 0.5) && !Rails.env.test? start = Time.now end Discourse.redis.expire(redis_stream_key, 60) publish_update(reply_post, { raw: raw }) end end return if reply.blank? if stream_reply # land the final message prior to saving so we don't clash reply_post.cooked = PrettyText.cook(reply) publish_final_update(reply_post) reply_post.revise( bot.bot_user, { raw: reply }, skip_validations: true, skip_revision: true, ) else reply_post = PostCreator.create!( reply_user, topic_id: post.topic_id, raw: reply, skip_validations: true, post_type: post_type, ) end # we do not need to add a custom prompt for a single reply if new_custom_prompts.length > 1 reply_post.post_custom_prompt ||= reply_post.build_post_custom_prompt(custom_prompt: []) prompt = reply_post.post_custom_prompt.custom_prompt || [] prompt.concat(new_custom_prompts) reply_post.post_custom_prompt.update!(custom_prompt: prompt) end # since we are skipping validations and jobs we # may need to fix participant count if reply_post.topic.private_message? && reply_post.topic.participant_count < 2 reply_post.topic.update!(participant_count: 2) end reply_post ensure publish_final_update(reply_post) if stream_reply end def available_bot_usernames @bot_usernames ||= AiPersona .joins(:user) .pluck(:username) .concat(DiscourseAi::AiBot::EntryPoint::BOTS.map(&:second)) end def available_bot_user_ids @bot_ids ||= AiPersona .joins(:user) .pluck("users.id") .concat(DiscourseAi::AiBot::EntryPoint::BOTS.map(&:first)) end private def publish_final_update(reply_post) return if @published_final_update if reply_post publish_update(reply_post, { cooked: reply_post.cooked, done: true }) # we subscribe at position -2 so we will always get this message # moving all cooked on every page load is wasteful ... this means # we have a benign message at the end, 2 is set to ensure last message # is delivered publish_update(reply_post, { noop: true }) @published_final_update = true end end def can_attach?(post) return false if bot.bot_user.nil? return false if post.topic.private_message? && post.post_type != Post.types[:regular] return false if (SiteSetting.ai_bot_allowed_groups_map & post.user.group_ids).blank? true end def schedule_playground_titling(post) if post.post_number == 1 && post.topic.private_message? post.topic.custom_fields[REQUIRE_TITLE_UPDATE] = true post.topic.save_custom_fields ::Jobs.enqueue_in( 1.minute, :update_ai_bot_pm_title, post_id: post.id, bot_user_id: bot.bot_user.id, model: bot.model, ) end end def schedule_bot_reply(post) persona_id = DiscourseAi::AiBot::Personas::Persona.system_personas[bot.persona.class] || bot.persona.class.id ::Jobs.enqueue( :create_ai_reply, post_id: post.id, bot_user_id: bot.bot_user.id, persona_id: persona_id, ) end def context(topic) { site_url: Discourse.base_url, site_title: SiteSetting.title, site_description: SiteSetting.site_description, time: Time.zone.now, participants: topic.allowed_users.map(&:username).join(", "), } end def publish_update(bot_reply_post, payload) payload = { post_id: bot_reply_post.id, post_number: bot_reply_post.post_number }.merge( payload, ) MessageBus.publish( "discourse-ai/ai-bot/topic/#{bot_reply_post.topic_id}", payload, user_ids: bot_reply_post.topic.allowed_user_ids, max_backlog_size: 2, max_backlog_age: 60, ) end end end end