Sam 0d7f353284
FEATURE: AI artifacts (#898)
This is a significant PR that introduces AI Artifacts functionality to the discourse-ai plugin along with several other improvements. Here are the key changes:

1. AI Artifacts System:
   - Adds a new `AiArtifact` model and database migration
   - Allows creation of web artifacts with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript content
   - Introduces security settings (`strict`, `lax`, `disabled`) for controlling artifact execution
   - Implements artifact rendering in iframes with sandbox protection
   - New `CreateArtifact` tool for AI to generate interactive content

2. Tool System Improvements:
   - Adds support for partial tool calls, allowing incremental updates during generation
   - Better handling of tool call states and progress tracking
   - Improved XML tool processing with CDATA support
   - Fixes for tool parameter handling and duplicate invocations

3. LLM Provider Updates:
   - Updates for Anthropic Claude models with correct token limits
   - Adds support for native/XML tool modes in Gemini integration
   - Adds new model configurations including Llama 3.1 models
   - Improvements to streaming response handling

4. UI Enhancements:
   - New artifact viewer component with expand/collapse functionality
   - Security controls for artifact execution (click-to-run in strict mode)
   - Improved dialog and response handling
   - Better error management for tool execution

5. Security Improvements:
   - Sandbox controls for artifact execution
   - Public/private artifact sharing controls
   - Security settings to control artifact behavior
   - CSP and frame-options handling for artifacts

6. Technical Improvements:
   - Better post streaming implementation
   - Improved error handling in completions
   - Better memory management for partial tool calls
   - Enhanced testing coverage

7. Configuration:
   - New site settings for artifact security
   - Extended LLM model configurations
   - Additional tool configuration options

This PR significantly enhances the plugin's capabilities for generating and displaying interactive content while maintaining security and providing flexible configuration options for administrators.
2024-11-19 09:22:39 +11:00

94 lines
3.4 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: true
DiscourseAi::Engine.routes.draw do
scope module: :ai_helper, path: "/ai-helper", defaults: { format: :json } do
post "suggest" => "assistant#suggest"
post "suggest_title" => "assistant#suggest_title"
post "suggest_category" => "assistant#suggest_category"
post "suggest_tags" => "assistant#suggest_tags"
post "stream_suggestion" => "assistant#stream_suggestion"
post "caption_image" => "assistant#caption_image"
scope module: :embeddings, path: "/embeddings", defaults: { format: :json } do
get "semantic-search" => "embeddings#search"
get "quick-search" => "embeddings#quick_search"
scope module: :discord, path: "/discord", defaults: { format: :json } do
post "interactions" => "bot#interactions"
scope module: :ai_bot, path: "/ai-bot", defaults: { format: :json } do
get "bot-username" => "bot#show_bot_username"
get "post/:post_id/show-debug-info" => "bot#show_debug_info"
get "show-debug-info/:id" => "bot#show_debug_info_by_id"
post "post/:post_id/stop-streaming" => "bot#stop_streaming_response"
scope module: :ai_bot, path: "/ai-bot/shared-ai-conversations" do
post "/" => "shared_ai_conversations#create"
delete "/:share_key" => "shared_ai_conversations#destroy"
get "/:share_key" => "shared_ai_conversations#show"
get "/preview/:topic_id" => "shared_ai_conversations#preview"
scope module: :ai_bot, path: "/ai-bot/artifacts" do
get "/:id" => "artifacts#show"
scope module: :summarization, path: "/summarization", defaults: { format: :json } do
get "/t/:topic_id" => "summary#show", :constraints => { topic_id: /\d+/ }
get "/channels/:channel_id" => "chat_summary#show"
Discourse::Application.routes.draw do
mount ::DiscourseAi::Engine, at: "discourse-ai"
get "admin/dashboard/sentiment" => "discourse_ai/admin/dashboard#sentiment",
:constraints => StaffConstraint.new
scope "/admin/plugins/discourse-ai", constraints: AdminConstraint.new do
resources :ai_personas,
only: %i[index create show update destroy],
path: "ai-personas",
controller: "discourse_ai/admin/ai_personas"
post "/ai-personas/stream-reply" => "discourse_ai/admin/ai_personas#stream_reply"
only: %i[index create show update destroy],
path: "ai-tools",
controller: "discourse_ai/admin/ai_tools",
post "/ai-tools/:id/test", to: "discourse_ai/admin/ai_tools#test"
post "/ai-personas/:id/create-user", to: "discourse_ai/admin/ai_personas#create_user"
put "/ai-personas/:id/files/remove", to: "discourse_ai/admin/ai_personas#remove_file"
get "/ai-personas/:id/files/status", to: "discourse_ai/admin/ai_personas#indexing_status_check"
post "/rag-document-fragments/files/upload",
to: "discourse_ai/admin/rag_document_fragments#upload_file"
get "/rag-document-fragments/files/status",
to: "discourse_ai/admin/rag_document_fragments#indexing_status_check"
resources :ai_llms,
only: %i[index create show update destroy],
path: "ai-llms",
controller: "discourse_ai/admin/ai_llms" do
collection { get :test }
Discourse::Application.routes.append do
get "u/:username/preferences/ai" => "users#preferences",
:constraints => {
username: RouteFormat.username,