# WARNING: Never edit this file. # It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Crowdin. # # To work with us on translations, join this project: # https://translate.discourse.org/ hr: chat_integration: all_categories: "(sve kategorije)" group_mention_template: "spominjanje: @%{name}" group_message_template: "poruke na: @%{name}" topic_tag_changed: added_and_removed: "Dodano %{added} i uklonjeno %{removed}" added: "Dodano %{added}" removed: "je uklonio %{removed}" provider: slack: messaging: topic_tag_changed: added_and_removed: "Dodano %{added} i uklonjeno %{removed}" added: "Dodano %{added}" removed: "je uklonio %{removed}" flowdock: message_title: "objavljeno"