# encoding: utf-8 # # Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex. # # To work with us on translations, join this project: # https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/ et: js: admin: site_settings: categories: chat_integration: "Jututoa integratsioonid" chat_integration: menu_title: "Jututoa integratsioonid" settings: "Seaded" choose_group: "(vali grupp)" all_categories: "(kõik kategooriad)" all_tags: "(kõik sildid)" create_rule: "Loo reegel" create_channel: "Loo kanal" delete_channel: "Kustuta" test_channel: "Proovi" edit_channel: "Muuda" test_modal: title: "Saada proovisõnum" topic: "Teema" send: "Saada proovisõnum" close: "Sulge" success: "Sõnum on saadetud" type: normal: Tavaline group_message: Grupisõnumid filter: mute: 'Vaigista' follow: 'Ainult esimene postitus' watch: 'Kõik postitused ja vastused' rule_table: filter: "Filter" category: "Kategooria" tags: "Sildid" edit_rule: "Muuda" delete_rule: "Kustuta" edit_channel_modal: title: "Muuda kanalit" save: "Salvesta kanal" cancel: "Loobu" provider: "Teenusepakkuja" channel_validation: ok: "Kehtiv" fail: "Vigane vorming" edit_rule_modal: title: Muuda reeglit save: Salvesta reegel cancel: Tühista provider: Teenusepakkuja type: Tüüp channel: Kanal filter: Filter category: Kategooria group: Grupp tags: Sildid provider: slack: param: identifier: title: Kanal help: "nt. #channel, @username." telegram: title: "Telegramm" param: name: title: "Nimi" chat_id: title: Vestluse ID discord: param: name: title: "Nimi" mattermost: param: identifier: title: Kanal help: "nt. #kanal, @kasutajanimi." matrix: param: name: title: "Nimi" room_id: title: "Toa ID" zulip: title: "Zulip" param: stream: title: "Voog" subject: title: "Teema" rocketchat: param: identifier: title: Kanal help: "nt. #channel, @username." gitter: param: name: title: "Nimi" flowdock: title: "Flowdock"