en: site_settings: chat_integration_enabled: 'Enable the discourse-chat-integration plugin' chat_integration_discourse_username: 'Username of user to act as when fetching content.' chat_integration_delay_seconds: 'Number of seconds to wait after post creation before sending chat notitifications' ####################################### ########## SLACK SETTINGS ############# ####################################### chat_integration_slack_username: "Bot's username to post to slack with" chat_integration_slack_enabled: 'Enable the slack chat-integration provider' chat_integration_slack_access_token: 'OAuth Access Token for authenticating with Slack' chat_integration_slack_incoming_webhook_token: 'The verification token used to authenticate incoming requests' chat_integration_slack_excerpt_length: 'Slack post excerpt length' chat_integration_slack_icon_url: 'Icon to post to slack with (defaults to forum logo)' chat_integration_slack_outbound_webhook_url: "For using Slack's 'Incoming Webhook' system instead of of the OAuth API. Not recommended." errors: chat_integration_slack_api_configs_are_empty: "You must enter either an outbound webhook URL, or an access token" ####################################### ######### TELEGRAM SETTINGS ########### ####################################### chat_integration_telegram_enabled: "Enable the Telegram chat-integration provider" chat_integration_telegram_access_token: "Your bot's access token from the Telegram botfather" chat_integration_telegram_excerpt_length: "Telegram post excerpt length" chat_integration_telegram_enable_slash_commands: "Allow telegram subscriptions to be managed using 'slash commands'" ####################################### ########## DISCORD SETTINGS ########### ####################################### chat_integration_discord_enabled: "Enable the Discord chat-integration provider" chat_integration_discord_message_content: "The message to include above the summary when sending a notification to Discord" chat_integration_discord_excerpt_length: "Discord post excerpt length" ####################################### ######## MATTERMOST SETTINGS ########## ####################################### chat_integration_mattermost_enabled: "Enable the Mattermost chat-integration provider" chat_integration_mattermost_webhook_url: 'URL for the Mattermost webhook' chat_integration_mattermost_incoming_webhook_token: 'The verification token used to authenticate incoming requests' chat_integration_mattermost_icon_url: "Icon for posts to Mattermost (defaults to forum logo)" chat_integration_mattermost_excerpt_length: "Mattermost post excerpt length" ####################################### ############ MATRIX SETTINGS ########## ####################################### chat_integration_matrix_enabled: "Enable the Matrix chat integration provider" chat_integration_matrix_homeserver: "Homeserver to connect to. Make sure to include the protocol" chat_integration_matrix_access_token: "Access token for the bot's Matrix account" chat_integration_matrix_excerpt_length: "Matrix post excerpt length" chat_integration_matrix_use_notice: "Use notice instead of plain message" ####################################### ########### ZULIP SETTINGS ############ ####################################### chat_integration_zulip_enabled: "Enable the Zulip chat integration provider" chat_integration_zulip_server: "The base URL for your Zulip server. Make sure to include http(s)://" chat_integration_zulip_bot_email_address: "The email address associated with your Zulip bot" chat_integration_zulip_bot_api_key: "The API key for your Zulip bot" chat_integration_zulip_excerpt_length: "Zulip post excerpt length" ####################################### ###### ROCKET CHAT SETTINGS ########### ####################################### chat_integration_rocketchat_enabled: "Enable the Rocket Chat chat integration provider" chat_integration_rocketchat_webhook_url: "The URL for the Rocket Chat integration webhook" chat_integration_rocketchat_excerpt_length: "Rocket Chat post excerpt length" ####################################### ############ GITTER SETTINGS ########## ####################################### chat_integration_gitter_enabled: "Enable the Gitter chat integration provider" ####################################### ########## FLOWDOCK SETTINGS ########## ####################################### chat_integration_flowdock_enabled: "Enable the Flowdock chat integration provider" chat_integration_flowdock_excerpt_length: "Flowdock post excerpt length" ####################################### ########## GROUPME SETTINGS ########## ####################################### chat_integration_groupme_enabled: "Enable the Groupme chat integration provider" chat_integration_groupme_excerpt_length: "Groupme post excerpt length" chat_integration_groupme_bot_ids: "*required* Bot IDs, seperated by ',' if there are multiple" chat_integration_groupme_instance_names: " *required* Name of the GroupMe chat, seperated by ',' if there are multiple (same order as Bot IDs)" ########################################### ######## MICROSOFT TEAMS SETTINGS ######### ########################################### chat_integration_teams_enabled: "Enable the Microsoft Teams chat integration provider" chat_integration_teams_excerpt_length: "Microsoft Team post excerpt length" chat_integration: all_categories: "(all categories)" deleted_category: "(deleted category)" deleted_group: "(deleted group)" group_mention_template: "mentions of: @%{name}" group_message_template: "messages to: @%{name}" admin_error: "Some chat integration channels have errors. Visit the chat integration section to find out more." provider: ####################################### ########## SLACK STRINGS ############## ####################################### slack: status: header: | *Rules for this channel* (if multiple rules match a post, the topmost rule is executed) no_rules: "There are no rules set up for this channel. Run `/discourse help` for instructions." rule_string: "*%{index})* *%{filter}* posts in *%{category}*" rule_string_tags_suffix: " with tags: *%{tags}*" parse_error: "Sorry, I didn't understand that. Run `/discourse help` for instructions." create: created: "Rule created successfully" updated: "Rule updated successfully" error: "Sorry, an error occured while creating that rule." delete: success: "Rule deleted successfully" error: "Sorry, an error occured while deleting that rule. Run `/discourse status` for a list of rules." not_found: tag: "The *%{name}* tag cannot be found." category: "The *%{name}* category cannot be found. Available categories: *%{list}*" help: | *New rule:* `/discourse [thread|watch|follow|mute] [category] [tag:name]` (you must specify a rule type and at least one category or tag) - *thread* – notify this channel for new topics, thread replies if possible - *watch* – notify this channel for new topics and new replies - *follow* – notify this channel for new topics - *mute* – block notifications to this channel *Remove rule:* `/discourse remove [rule number]` (`[rule number]` can be found by running `/discourse status`) *List rules:* `/discourse status` *[Experimental] Post transcript:* `/discourse post [n]` Create a draft topic on discourse containing the last `n` posts in this channel *Help:* `/discourse help` transcript: error: "Something went wrong when building the transcript, sorry!" post_to_discourse: "Click here to draft a post on Discourse with a transcript" api_required: "Sorry, this integration isn't setup to support posting transcripts." view_on_slack: "View in %{name} on Slack" first_message_pretext: "starting %{n} messages ago:" last_message_pretext: "and ending %{n} messages ago:" posted_in: "posted in %{name}" change_first_message: "Change first message..." change_last_message: "Change last message..." loading: "Loading the transcript..." ####################################### ########## TELEGRAM STRINGS ########### ####################################### telegram: unknown_chat: "This chat isn't setup on %{site_title}. Ask an administrator to add a channel with 'Chat ID' %{chat_id}." known_chat: "This chat is setup on %{site_title}. Configure it in the admin panel. (Chat ID: %{chat_id})" message: |- %{user} posted in %{title}
status: header: | Rules for this channel (if multiple rules match a post, the topmost rule is executed) no_rules: "There are no rules set up for this channel. Run /help for instructions." rule_string: "%{index}) %{filter} posts in %{category}" rule_string_tags_suffix: " with tags: %{tags}" parse_error: "Sorry, I didn't understand that. Run /help for instructions." create: created: "Rule created successfully" updated: "Rule updated successfully" error: "Sorry, an error occured while creating that rule." delete: success: "Rule deleted successfully" error: "Sorry, an error occured while deleting that rule. Run /status for a list of rules." not_found: tag: "The %{name} tag cannot be found." category: "The %{name} category cannot be found. Available categories: %{list}" help: | New rule: /[watch|follow|mute] [category] [tag:name] (you must specify a rule type and at least one category or tag) - watch – notify this channel for new topics and new replies - follow – notify this channel for new topics - mute – block notifications to this channel Remove rule: /remove [rule number] ([rule number] can be found by running /status) List rules: /status Help: /help ####################################### ########### HIPCHAT STRINGS ########### ####################################### hipchat: message: %{user} posted in %{title} ####################################### ######## MATTERMOST STRINGS ########### ####################################### mattermost: status: header: | *Rules for this channel* (if multiple rules match a post, the topmost rule is executed) no_rules: "There are no rules set up for this channel. Run `/discourse help` for instructions." rule_string: "*%{index})* *%{filter}* posts in *%{category}*" rule_string_tags_suffix: " with tags: *%{tags}*" parse_error: "Sorry, I didn't understand that. Run `/discourse help` for instructions." create: created: "Rule created successfully" updated: "Rule updated successfully" error: "Sorry, an error occured while creating that rule." delete: success: "Rule deleted successfully" error: "Sorry, an error occured while deleting that rule. Run `/discourse status` for a list of rules." not_found: tag: "The *%{name}* tag cannot be found." category: "The *%{name}* category cannot be found. Available categories: *%{list}*" help: | *New rule:* `/discourse [watch|follow|mute] [category] [tag:name]` (you must specify a rule type and at least one category or tag) - *watch* – notify this channel for new topics and new replies - *follow* – notify this channel for new topics - *mute* – block notifications to this channel *Remove rule:* `/discourse remove [rule number]` (`[rule number]` can be found by running `/discourse status`) *List rules:* `/discourse status` *Help:* `/discourse help` ####################################### ############ MATRIX STRINGS ########### ####################################### matrix: text_message: "%{user} posted in %{title} - %{post_url}" formatted_message: | %{user} posted in %{title}
####################################### ############# ZULIP STRINGS ########### ####################################### zulip: message: | **%{user}** posted in **[%{title}](%{post_url})** ~~~quote %{excerpt} ~~~ ####################################### ########### FLOWDOCK STRINGS ########## ####################################### flowdock: message_title: "posted" ####################################### ########### GROUPME STRINGS ########## ####################################### groupme: message_title: "posted"