# encoding: utf-8 # # Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex. # # To work with us on translations, join this project: # https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/ ko: js: chat_integration: settings: "설정" create_rule: "규칙 만들기" create_channel: "채널 만들기" delete_channel: "삭제" test_channel: "테스트" edit_channel: "수정" test_modal: topic: "토픽" close: "닫기" type: normal: '알림 : 일반' group_message: 그룹 메시지 filter: mute: '알림 끄기' rule_table: filter: "필터" category: "카테고리" tags: "태그" edit_rule: "수정" delete_rule: "삭제" edit_channel_modal: title: "채널 수정" save: "채널 저장" cancel: "취소" channel_validation: fail: "잘못된 형식" edit_rule_modal: title: 규칙 수정 save: 규칙 저장 cancel: 취소 type: 형식 channel: 채널 filter: 필터 category: 카테고리 group: 그룹 tags: 태그 provider: slack: param: identifier: title: 채널 telegram: title: "텔레그램" param: name: title: "이름" chat_id: title: 채팅 ID discord: param: name: title: "이름" mattermost: param: identifier: title: 채널 matrix: param: name: title: "이름" zulip: param: subject: title: "제목" rocketchat: param: identifier: title: 채널 gitter: param: name: title: "이름"