class DiscourseChat::Rule < DiscourseChat::PluginModel KEY_PREFIX = 'rule:' # Setup ActiveRecord::Store to use the JSON field to read/write these values store :value, accessors: [ :provider, :channel, :category_id, :tags, :filter, :error_key ], coder: JSON after_initialize :init_filter def init_filter self.filter ||= 'watch' end validates :filter, :inclusion => { :in => %w(watch follow mute), :message => "%{value} is not a valid filter" } validate :provider_and_channel_valid?, :category_valid?, :tags_valid? def provider_and_channel_valid? # Validate provider if not ::DiscourseChat::Provider.provider_names.include? provider errors.add(:provider, "#{provider} is not a valid provider") return end # Validate channel if channel.blank? errors.add(:channel, "channel cannot be blank") return end provider_class = ::DiscourseChat::Provider.get_by_name(provider) if defined? provider_class::PROVIDER_CHANNEL_REGEX channel_regex = provider_class::PROVIDER_CHANNEL_REGEX if not channel_regex.match?(channel) errors.add(:channel, "#{channel} is not a valid channel for provider #{provider}") end end end def category_valid? # Validate category if not (category_id.nil? or Category.where(id: category_id).exists?) errors.add(:category_id, "#{category_id} is not a valid category id") end end def tags_valid? # Validate tags return if tags.nil? tags.each do |tag| if not Tag.where(name: tag).exists? errors.add(:tags, "#{tag} is not a valid tag") end end end # We never want an empty array, set it to nil instead def tags=(array) if array.nil? or array.empty? super(nil) else super(array) end end # Don't want this to end up as anything other than an integer def category_id=(val) if val.nil? or val.blank? super(nil) else super(val.to_i) end end scope :with_provider, ->(provider) { where("value::json->>'provider'=?", provider)} scope :with_channel, ->(provider, channel) { with_provider(provider).where("value::json->>'channel'=?", channel)} scope :with_category, ->(category_id) { category_id.nil? ? where("(value::json->'category_id') IS NULL OR json_typeof(value::json->'category_id')='null'") : where("value::json->>'category_id'=?", category_id.to_s)} end