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synced 2025-03-06 17:59:29 +00:00
When creating a new Discourse post from slack with the `post` feature, record the slack `ts` thread ID for the resulting topic post using an HTML comment to pass the `ts` through. When notifying slack of new Discourse posts, record the slack `ts` thread ID in the post's topic if it has not yet been recorded. (Normally, this will be done for the topic post, except where notifications are being posted for old topics before this feature was created.) Add a new rule filter `thread` which posts threaded responses to slack if there is a `ts` recorded for the post topic. Modify the `trigger_notifications` interface to enable other integrations to implement similar functionality. Present the `thread` rule in the help text and admin UI only for the slack providers. https://meta.discourse.org/t/optionally-threading-posts-to-parent-topic-in-slack-integration/150759
270 lines
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270 lines
13 KiB
chat_integration_enabled: 'Enable the discourse-chat-integration plugin'
chat_integration_discourse_username: 'Username of user to act as when fetching content.'
chat_integration_delay_seconds: 'Number of seconds to wait after post creation before sending chat notitifications'
########## SLACK SETTINGS #############
chat_integration_slack_username: "Bot's username to post to slack with"
chat_integration_slack_enabled: 'Enable the slack chat-integration provider'
chat_integration_slack_access_token: 'OAuth Access Token for authenticating with Slack'
chat_integration_slack_incoming_webhook_token: 'The verification token used to authenticate incoming requests'
chat_integration_slack_excerpt_length: 'Slack post excerpt length'
chat_integration_slack_icon_url: 'Icon to post to slack with (defaults to forum logo)'
chat_integration_slack_outbound_webhook_url: "For using Slack's 'Incoming Webhook' system instead of of the OAuth API. Not recommended."
chat_integration_slack_api_configs_are_empty: "You must enter either an outbound webhook URL, or an access token"
######### TELEGRAM SETTINGS ###########
chat_integration_telegram_enabled: "Enable the Telegram chat-integration provider"
chat_integration_telegram_access_token: "Your bot's access token from the Telegram botfather"
chat_integration_telegram_excerpt_length: "Telegram post excerpt length"
chat_integration_telegram_enable_slash_commands: "Allow telegram subscriptions to be managed using 'slash commands'"
########## DISCORD SETTINGS ###########
chat_integration_discord_enabled: "Enable the Discord chat-integration provider"
chat_integration_discord_message_content: "The message to include above the summary when sending a notification to Discord"
chat_integration_discord_excerpt_length: "Discord post excerpt length"
######## MATTERMOST SETTINGS ##########
chat_integration_mattermost_enabled: "Enable the Mattermost chat-integration provider"
chat_integration_mattermost_webhook_url: 'URL for the Mattermost webhook'
chat_integration_mattermost_incoming_webhook_token: 'The verification token used to authenticate incoming requests'
chat_integration_mattermost_icon_url: "Icon for posts to Mattermost (defaults to forum logo)"
chat_integration_mattermost_excerpt_length: "Mattermost post excerpt length"
############ MATRIX SETTINGS ##########
chat_integration_matrix_enabled: "Enable the Matrix chat integration provider"
chat_integration_matrix_homeserver: "Homeserver to connect to. Make sure to include the protocol"
chat_integration_matrix_access_token: "Access token for the bot's Matrix account"
chat_integration_matrix_excerpt_length: "Matrix post excerpt length"
chat_integration_matrix_use_notice: "Use notice instead of plain message"
########### ZULIP SETTINGS ############
chat_integration_zulip_enabled: "Enable the Zulip chat integration provider"
chat_integration_zulip_server: "The base URL for your Zulip server. Make sure to include http(s)://"
chat_integration_zulip_bot_email_address: "The email address associated with your Zulip bot"
chat_integration_zulip_bot_api_key: "The API key for your Zulip bot"
chat_integration_zulip_excerpt_length: "Zulip post excerpt length"
###### ROCKET CHAT SETTINGS ###########
chat_integration_rocketchat_enabled: "Enable the Rocket Chat chat integration provider"
chat_integration_rocketchat_webhook_url: "The URL for the Rocket Chat integration webhook"
chat_integration_rocketchat_excerpt_length: "Rocket Chat post excerpt length"
############ GITTER SETTINGS ##########
chat_integration_gitter_enabled: "Enable the Gitter chat integration provider"
########## FLOWDOCK SETTINGS ##########
chat_integration_flowdock_enabled: "Enable the Flowdock chat integration provider"
chat_integration_flowdock_excerpt_length: "Flowdock post excerpt length"
########## GROUPME SETTINGS ##########
chat_integration_groupme_enabled: "Enable the Groupme chat integration provider"
chat_integration_groupme_excerpt_length: "Groupme post excerpt length"
chat_integration_groupme_bot_ids: "*required* Bot IDs, seperated by ',' if there are multiple"
chat_integration_groupme_instance_names: " *required* Name of the GroupMe chat, seperated by ',' if there are multiple (same order as Bot IDs)"
all_categories: "(all categories)"
deleted_category: "(deleted category)"
deleted_group: "(deleted group)"
group_mention_template: "mentions of: @%{name}"
group_message_template: "messages to: @%{name}"
admin_error: "Some chat integration channels have errors. Visit <a href='%{base_path}/admin/plugins/chat'>the chat integration section</a> to find out more."
########## SLACK STRINGS ##############
header: |
*Rules for this channel*
(if multiple rules match a post, the topmost rule is executed)
no_rules: "There are no rules set up for this channel. Run `/discourse help` for instructions."
rule_string: "*%{index})* *%{filter}* posts in *%{category}*"
rule_string_tags_suffix: " with tags: *%{tags}*"
parse_error: "Sorry, I didn't understand that. Run `/discourse help` for instructions."
created: "Rule created successfully"
updated: "Rule updated successfully"
error: "Sorry, an error occured while creating that rule."
success: "Rule deleted successfully"
error: "Sorry, an error occured while deleting that rule. Run `/discourse status` for a list of rules."
tag: "The *%{name}* tag cannot be found."
category: "The *%{name}* category cannot be found. Available categories: *%{list}*"
help: |
*New rule:* `/discourse [thread|watch|follow|mute] [category] [tag:name]`
(you must specify a rule type and at least one category or tag)
- *thread* – notify this channel for new topics, thread replies if possible
- *watch* – notify this channel for new topics and new replies
- *follow* – notify this channel for new topics
- *mute* – block notifications to this channel
*Remove rule:* `/discourse remove [rule number]`
(`[rule number]` can be found by running `/discourse status`)
*List rules:* `/discourse status`
*[Experimental] Post transcript:* `/discourse post [n]`
Create a draft topic on discourse containing the last `n` posts in this channel
*Help:* `/discourse help`
error: "Something went wrong when building the transcript, sorry!"
post_to_discourse: "Click here to draft a post on Discourse with a transcript"
api_required: "Sorry, this integration isn't setup to support posting transcripts."
view_on_slack: "View in %{name} on Slack"
first_message_pretext: "starting %{n} messages ago:"
last_message_pretext: "and ending %{n} messages ago:"
posted_in: "posted in %{name}"
change_first_message: "Change first message..."
change_last_message: "Change last message..."
loading: "Loading the transcript..."
########## TELEGRAM STRINGS ###########
unknown_chat: "This chat isn't setup on %{site_title}. Ask an administrator to add a channel with 'Chat ID' %{chat_id}."
known_chat: "This chat is setup on %{site_title}. Configure it in the admin panel. (Chat ID: %{chat_id})"
message: |-
<b>%{user}</b> posted in <a href="%{post_url}">%{title}</a>
header: |
<b>Rules for this channel</b>
(if multiple rules match a post, the topmost rule is executed)
no_rules: "There are no rules set up for this channel. Run <code>/help</code> for instructions."
rule_string: "<b>%{index})</b> <b>%{filter}</b> posts in <b>%{category}</b>"
rule_string_tags_suffix: " with tags: <b>%{tags}</b>"
parse_error: "Sorry, I didn't understand that. Run <code>/help</code> for instructions."
created: "Rule created successfully"
updated: "Rule updated successfully"
error: "Sorry, an error occured while creating that rule."
success: "Rule deleted successfully"
error: "Sorry, an error occured while deleting that rule. Run <code>/status</code> for a list of rules."
tag: "The <b>%{name}</b> tag cannot be found."
category: "The <b>%{name}</b> category cannot be found. Available categories: <b>%{list}</b>"
help: |
<b>New rule:</b> <code>/[watch|follow|mute] [category] [tag:name]</code>
(you must specify a rule type and at least one category or tag)
- <b>watch</b> – notify this channel for new topics and new replies
- <b>follow</b> – notify this channel for new topics
- <b>mute</b> – block notifications to this channel
<b>Remove rule:</b> <code>/remove [rule number]</code>
(<code>[rule number]</code> can be found by running <code>/status</code>)
<b>List rules:</b> <code>/status</code>
<b>Help:</b> <code>/help</code>
########### HIPCHAT STRINGS ###########
message: <b>%{user}</b> posted in <a href="%{post_url}">%{title}</a>
######## MATTERMOST STRINGS ###########
header: |
*Rules for this channel*
(if multiple rules match a post, the topmost rule is executed)
no_rules: "There are no rules set up for this channel. Run `/discourse help` for instructions."
rule_string: "*%{index})* *%{filter}* posts in *%{category}*"
rule_string_tags_suffix: " with tags: *%{tags}*"
parse_error: "Sorry, I didn't understand that. Run `/discourse help` for instructions."
created: "Rule created successfully"
updated: "Rule updated successfully"
error: "Sorry, an error occured while creating that rule."
success: "Rule deleted successfully"
error: "Sorry, an error occured while deleting that rule. Run `/discourse status` for a list of rules."
tag: "The *%{name}* tag cannot be found."
category: "The *%{name}* category cannot be found. Available categories: *%{list}*"
help: |
*New rule:* `/discourse [watch|follow|mute] [category] [tag:name]`
(you must specify a rule type and at least one category or tag)
- *watch* – notify this channel for new topics and new replies
- *follow* – notify this channel for new topics
- *mute* – block notifications to this channel
*Remove rule:* `/discourse remove [rule number]`
(`[rule number]` can be found by running `/discourse status`)
*List rules:* `/discourse status`
*Help:* `/discourse help`
############ MATRIX STRINGS ###########
text_message: "%{user} posted in %{title} - %{post_url}"
formatted_message: |
<b>%{user}</b> posted in <b><a href='%{post_url}'>%{title}</a></b>
############# ZULIP STRINGS ###########
message: |
**%{user}** posted in **[%{title}](%{post_url})**
########### FLOWDOCK STRINGS ##########
message_title: "posted"
########### GROUPME STRINGS ##########
message_title: "posted" |