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synced 2025-03-09 14:35:34 +00:00
Providers can define their own errors, and these are presented in the user interface. e.g. Slack can define an error that says “That channel doesn’t exist”. Errors in the UI disappear once a message has been sent successfully, or the rule is edited.
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99 lines
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module DiscourseChat
module Manager
def self.guardian
Guardian.new(User.find_by(username: SiteSetting.chat_integration_discourse_username))
def self.trigger_notifications(post_id)
Rails.logger.info("Triggering chat notifications for post #{post_id}")
post = Post.find_by(id: post_id)
# Abort if the chat_user doesn't have permission to see the post
return if !guardian.can_see?(post)
# Abort if the post is blank, or is non-regular (e.g. a "topic closed" notification)
return if post.blank? || post.post_type != Post.types[:regular]
topic = post.topic
# Abort if a private message (possible TODO: Add support for notifying about group PMs)
return if topic.blank? || topic.archetype == Archetype.private_message
# Load all the rules that apply to this topic's category
matching_rules = DiscourseChat::Rule.all_for_category(topic.category_id)
if topic.category # Also load the rules for the wildcard category
matching_rules += DiscourseChat::Rule.all_for_category(nil)
# If tagging is enabled, thow away rules that don't apply to this topic
if SiteSetting.tagging_enabled
topic_tags = topic.tags.present? ? topic.tags.pluck(:name) : []
matching_rules = matching_rules.select do |rule|
next true if rule.tags.nil? or rule.tags.empty? # Filter has no tags specified
any_tags_match = !((rule.tags & topic_tags).empty?)
next any_tags_match # If any tags match, keep this filter, otherwise throw away
# Sort by order of precedence (mute always wins; watch beats follow)
precedence = { 'mute' => 0, 'watch' => 1, 'follow' => 2}
sort_func = proc { |a, b| precedence[a.filter] <=> precedence[b.filter] }
matching_rules = matching_rules.sort(&sort_func)
# Take the first rule for each channel
uniq_func = proc { |rule| [rule.provider, rule.channel] }
matching_rules = matching_rules.uniq(&uniq_func)
# If a matching rule is set to mute, we can discard it now
matching_rules = matching_rules.select { |rule| rule.filter != "mute" }
# If this is not the first post, discard all "follow" rules
if not post.is_first_post?
matching_rules = matching_rules.select { |rule| rule.filter != "follow" }
# All remaining rules now require a notification to be sent
# If there are none left, abort
return false if matching_rules.empty?
# Loop through each rule, and trigger appropriate notifications
matching_rules.each do |rule|
provider = ::DiscourseChat::Provider.get_by_name(rule.provider)
is_enabled = ::DiscourseChat::Provider.is_enabled(provider)
if provider and is_enabled
provider.trigger_notification(post, rule.channel)
rule.update({error_key: nil}, false) if rule.error_key
rescue => e
if e.class == DiscourseChat::ProviderError and e.info.key?(:error_key) and !e.info[:error_key].nil?
rule.error_key = e.info[:error_key]
rule.error_key = 'chat_integration.rule_exception'
rule.save(false) # Save without validations
# Log the error
message: "Triggering notifications failed",
extra: { provider_name: provider::PROVIDER_NAME,
channel: rule.channel,
post_id: post.id,
error_info: e.class == DiscourseChat::ProviderError ? e.info : nil }
elsif provider
# Provider is disabled, don't do anything
# TODO: Handle when the provider does not exist
end |