2019-05-13 10:42:48 +08:00
# frozen_string_literal: true
2018-10-10 16:59:13 +05:30
class Queries
def self . default
2018-11-18 01:49:57 +05:30
# WARNING: Edit the query hash carefully
2018-10-10 16:59:13 +05:30
# For each query, add id, name and description here and add sql below
2018-11-18 01:49:57 +05:30
# Feel free to add new queries at the bottom of the hash in numerical order
# If any query has been run on an instance, it is then saved in the local db
# Locally stored queries are updated from the below data only when they are run again
2018-12-28 12:15:41 +05:30
# eg. If you update a query with id=-1 in this file and the query has been run on a site,
# you must run the query with id=-1 on the site again to update these changes in the site db
2018-11-18 01:49:57 +05:30
2018-10-10 16:59:13 +05:30
queries = {
" most-common-likers " : {
" id " : - 1 ,
" name " : " Most Common Likers " ,
" description " : " Which users like particular other users the most? "
} ,
" most-messages " : {
" id " : - 2 ,
" name " : " Who has been sending the most messages in the last week? " ,
" description " : " tracking down suspicious PM activity "
} ,
" edited-post-spam " : {
" id " : - 3 ,
" name " : " Last 500 posts that were edited by TL0/TL1 users " ,
" description " : " fighting human-driven copy-paste spam "
} ,
" new-topics " : {
" id " : - 4 ,
" name " : " New Topics by Category " ,
" description " : " Lists all new topics ordered by category and creation_date. The query accepts a ‘ months_ago’ parameter. It defaults to 0 to give you the stats for the current month. "
} ,
" active-topics " : {
" id " : - 5 ,
" name " : " Top 100 Active Topics " ,
" description " : " based on the number of replies, it accepts a ‘ months_ago’ parameter, defaults to 1 to give results for the last calendar month. "
} ,
" top-likers " : {
" id " : - 6 ,
" name " : " Top 100 Likers " ,
" description " : " returns the top 100 likers for a given monthly period ordered by like_count. It accepts a ‘ months_ago’ parameter, defaults to 1 to give results for the last calendar month. "
} ,
" quality-users " : {
" id " : - 7 ,
" name " : " Top 50 Quality Users " ,
" description " : " based on post score calculated using reply count, likes, incoming links, bookmarks, time spent and read count. "
} ,
" user-participation " : {
" id " : - 8 ,
" name " : " User Participation Statistics " ,
2018-12-28 12:15:41 +05:30
" description " : " Detailed statistics for the most active users. "
2018-12-24 14:03:57 +05:30
} ,
" largest-uploads " : {
" id " : - 9 ,
" name " : " Top 50 Largest Uploads " ,
2018-12-28 12:15:41 +05:30
" description " : " sorted by file size. "
} ,
" inactive-users " : {
" id " : - 10 ,
" name " : " Inactive Users with no posts " ,
" description " : " analyze pre-Discourse signups. "
} ,
" active-lurkers " : {
" id " : - 11 ,
" name " : " Most Active Lurkers " ,
2019-05-07 06:28:10 -07:00
" description " : " active users without posts and excessive read times, it accepts a post_read_count parameter that sets the threshold for posts read. "
2019-02-27 21:58:32 +01:00
} ,
" topic-user-notification-level " : {
" id " : - 12 ,
" name " : " List of topics a user is watching/tracking/muted " ,
" description " : " The query requires a ‘ notification_level’ parameter. Use 0 for muted, 1 for regular, 2 for tracked and 3 for watched topics. "
2019-04-15 16:11:05 +10:00
} ,
2019-05-07 19:21:45 +05:30
" assigned-topics-report " : {
2019-05-07 19:16:23 +05:30
" id " : - 13 ,
2019-05-07 19:21:45 +05:30
" name " : " List of assigned topics by user " ,
" description " : " This report requires the assign plugin, it will find all assigned topics "
} ,
" group-members-reply-count " : {
" id " : - 14 ,
2019-05-07 19:16:23 +05:30
" name " : " Group Members Reply Count " ,
" description " : " Number of replies by members of a group over a given time period. Requires 'group_name', 'start_date', and 'end_date' parameters. Dates need to be in the form 'yyyy-mm-dd'. Accepts an 'include_pms' parameter. "
2019-05-13 14:41:37 +10:00
} ,
" total-assigned-topics-report " : {
" id " : - 15 ,
" name " : " Total topics assigned per user " ,
" description " : " Count of assigned topis per user linking to assign list "
2019-11-14 15:59:23 -03:00
} ,
" poll-results " : {
" id " : - 16 ,
" name " : " Poll results report " ,
" description " : " Details of a poll result, including details about each vote and voter, useful for analyzing results in external software. "
2018-10-10 16:59:13 +05:30
} . with_indifferent_access
queries [ " most-common-likers " ] [ " sql " ] = << ~ SQL
WITH pairs AS (
SELECT p . user_id liked , pa . user_id liker
FROM post_actions pa
LEFT JOIN posts p ON p . id = pa . post_id
WHERE post_action_type_id = 2
SELECT liker liker_user_id , liked liked_user_id , count ( * )
FROM pairs
GROUP BY liked , liker
queries [ " most-messages " ] [ " sql " ] = << ~ SQL
SELECT user_id , count ( * ) AS message_count
FROM topics
WHERE archetype = 'private_message' AND subtype = 'user_to_user'
AND age ( created_at ) < interval '7 days'
GROUP BY user_id
ORDER BY message_count DESC
queries [ " edited-post-spam " ] [ " sql " ] = << ~ SQL
p . id AS post_id ,
FROM posts p
JOIN users u
ON u . id = p . user_id
JOIN topics t
ON t . id = p . topic_id
WHERE p . last_editor_id = p . user_id
AND p . self_edits > 0
AND ( u . trust_level = 0 OR u . trust_level = 1 )
AND p . deleted_at IS NULL
AND t . deleted_at IS NULL
AND t . archetype = 'regular'
ORDER BY p . updated_at DESC
queries [ " new-topics " ] [ " sql " ] = << ~ SQL
- - [ params ]
- - int :months_ago = 1
WITH query_period as (
date_trunc ( 'month' , CURRENT_DATE ) - INTERVAL ':months_ago months' as period_start ,
date_trunc ( 'month' , CURRENT_DATE ) - INTERVAL ':months_ago months' + INTERVAL '1 month' - INTERVAL '1 second' as period_end
t . id as topic_id ,
t . category_id
FROM topics t
RIGHT JOIN query_period qp
ON t . created_at > = qp . period_start
AND t . created_at < = qp . period_end
WHERE t . user_id > 0
AND t . category_id IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY t . category_id , t . created_at DESC
queries [ " active-topics " ] [ " sql " ] = << ~ SQL
- - [ params ]
- - int :months_ago = 1
WITH query_period AS
( SELECT date_trunc ( 'month' , CURRENT_DATE ) - INTERVAL ':months_ago months' AS period_start ,
date_trunc ( 'month' , CURRENT_DATE ) - INTERVAL ':months_ago months' + INTERVAL '1 month' - INTERVAL '1 second' AS period_end )
SELECT t . id AS topic_id ,
t . category_id ,
COUNT ( p . id ) AS reply_count
FROM topics t
JOIN posts p ON t . id = p . topic_id
JOIN query_period qp ON p . created_at > = qp . period_start
AND p . created_at < = qp . period_end
WHERE t . archetype = 'regular'
AND t . user_id > 0
GROUP BY t . id
ORDER BY COUNT ( p . id ) DESC , t . score DESC
queries [ " top-likers " ] [ " sql " ] = << ~ SQL
- - [ params ]
- - int :months_ago = 1
WITH query_period AS (
date_trunc ( 'month' , CURRENT_DATE ) - INTERVAL ':months_ago months' as period_start ,
date_trunc ( 'month' , CURRENT_DATE ) - INTERVAL ':months_ago months' + INTERVAL '1 month' - INTERVAL '1 second' as period_end
ua . user_id ,
count ( 1 ) AS like_count
FROM user_actions ua
INNER JOIN query_period qp
ON ua . created_at > = qp . period_start
AND ua . created_at < = qp . period_end
WHERE ua . action_type = 1
GROUP BY ua . user_id
ORDER BY like_count DESC
queries [ " quality-users " ] [ " sql " ] = << ~ SQL
SELECT sum ( p . score ) / count ( p ) AS " average score per post " ,
count ( p . id ) AS post_count ,
p . user_id
FROM posts p
JOIN users u ON u . id = p . user_id
WHERE p . created_at > = CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '6 month'
AND NOT u . admin
AND u . active
GROUP BY user_id ,
u . views
HAVING count ( p . id ) > 50
ORDER BY sum ( p . score ) / count ( p ) DESC
2018-10-15 16:21:13 -04:00
2018-10-10 16:59:13 +05:30
queries [ " user-participation " ] [ " sql " ] = << ~ SQL
- - [ params ]
- - int :from_days_ago = 0
- - int :duration_days = 30
SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - ( ( :from_days_ago + :duration_days ) * ( INTERVAL '1 days' ) ) AS START ,
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - ( :from_days_ago * ( INTERVAL '1 days' ) ) AS END
) ,
pr AS (
SELECT user_id , COUNT ( 1 ) AS visits ,
SUM ( posts_read ) AS posts_read
FROM user_visits , t
WHERE posts_read > 0
AND visited_at > t . START
AND visited_at < t .
) ,
pc AS (
SELECT user_id , COUNT ( 1 ) AS posts_created
FROM posts , t
created_at > t . START
AND created_at < t .
) ,
ttopics AS (
SELECT user_id , posts_count
FROM topics , t
WHERE created_at > t . START
AND created_at < t .
) ,
tc AS (
SELECT user_id , COUNT ( 1 ) AS topics_created
FROM ttopics
GROUP BY user_id
) ,
twr AS (
SELECT user_id , COUNT ( 1 ) AS topics_with_replies
FROM ttopics
WHERE posts_count > 1
GROUP BY user_id
) ,
tv AS (
SELECT user_id ,
COUNT ( DISTINCT ( topic_id ) ) AS topics_viewed
FROM topic_views , t
WHERE viewed_at > t . START
AND viewed_at < t .
GROUP BY user_id
) ,
likes AS (
SELECT post_actions . user_id AS given_by_user_id ,
posts . user_id AS received_by_user_id
FROM t ,
ON post_actions . post_id = posts . id
post_actions . created_at > t . START
AND post_actions . created_at < t .
AND post_action_type_id = 2
) ,
lg AS (
SELECT given_by_user_id AS user_id ,
COUNT ( 1 ) AS likes_given
FROM likes
GROUP BY user_id
) ,
lr AS (
SELECT received_by_user_id AS user_id ,
COUNT ( 1 ) AS likes_received
FROM likes
GROUP BY user_id
) ,
e AS (
SELECT email , user_id
FROM user_emails u
pr . user_id ,
username ,
name ,
email ,
visits ,
COALESCE ( topics_viewed , 0 ) AS topics_viewed ,
COALESCE ( posts_read , 0 ) AS posts_read ,
COALESCE ( posts_created , 0 ) AS posts_created ,
COALESCE ( topics_created , 0 ) AS topics_created ,
COALESCE ( topics_with_replies , 0 ) AS topics_with_replies ,
COALESCE ( likes_given , 0 ) AS likes_given ,
COALESCE ( likes_received , 0 ) AS likes_received
LEFT JOIN tv USING ( user_id )
LEFT JOIN pc USING ( user_id )
LEFT JOIN tc USING ( user_id )
LEFT JOIN twr USING ( user_id )
LEFT JOIN lg USING ( user_id )
LEFT JOIN lr USING ( user_id )
LEFT JOIN e USING ( user_id )
LEFT JOIN users ON pr . user_id = users . id
visits DESC ,
posts_read DESC ,
posts_created DESC
2018-12-24 14:03:57 +05:30
queries [ " largest-uploads " ] [ " sql " ] = << ~ SQL
SELECT posts . id AS post_id ,
uploads . original_filename ,
ROUND ( uploads . filesize / 1000000 . 0 , 2 ) AS size_in_mb ,
uploads . extension ,
uploads . created_at ,
uploads . url
FROM post_uploads
JOIN uploads ON uploads . id = post_uploads . upload_id
JOIN posts ON posts . id = post_uploads . post_id
ORDER BY uploads . filesize DESC
2018-12-28 12:15:41 +05:30
queries [ " inactive-users " ] [ " sql " ] = << ~ SQL
u . id ,
u . username_lower AS " username " ,
u . created_at ,
u . last_seen_at
FROM users u
WHERE u . active = false
ORDER BY u . id
queries [ " active-lurkers " ] [ " sql " ] = << ~ SQL
- - [ params ]
- - int :post_read_count = 100
WITH posts_by_user AS (
SELECT COUNT ( * ) AS posts , user_id
FROM posts
GROUP BY user_id
) , posts_read_by_user AS (
SELECT SUM ( posts_read ) AS posts_read , user_id
FROM user_visits
GROUP BY user_id
u . id ,
u . username_lower AS " username " ,
u . created_at ,
u . last_seen_at ,
COALESCE ( pbu . posts , 0 ) AS " posts_created " ,
COALESCE ( prbu . posts_read , 0 ) AS " posts_read "
FROM users u
LEFT JOIN posts_by_user pbu ON pbu . user_id = u . id
LEFT JOIN posts_read_by_user prbu ON prbu . user_id = u . id
WHERE u . active = true
AND posts_read > :post_read_count
ORDER BY u . id
2019-02-27 21:58:32 +01:00
queries [ " topic-user-notification-level " ] [ " sql " ] = << ~ SQL
- - [ params ]
- - null int :user
- - null int :notification_level
SELECT t . category_id AS category_id , t . id AS topic_id , tu . last_visited_at AS topic_last_visited_at
FROM topics t
JOIN topic_users tu ON tu . topic_id = t . id AND tu . user_id = :user AND tu . notification_level = :notification_level
ORDER BY tu . last_visited_at DESC
2019-05-07 19:21:45 +05:30
queries [ " assigned-topics-report " ] [ " sql " ] = << ~ SQL
SELECT value :: int user_id , topic_id
FROM topic_custom_fields tf
JOIN topics t on t . id = topic_id
JOIN users u on u . id = value :: int
WHERE tf . name = 'assigned_to_id'
AND t . deleted_at IS NULL
ORDER BY username , topic_id
2019-05-07 06:28:10 -07:00
queries [ " group-members-reply-count " ] [ " sql " ] = << ~ SQL
2019-05-13 14:41:37 +10:00
- - [ params ]
- - date :start_date
- - date :end_date
- - string :group_name
- - boolean :include_pms = false
2019-05-07 19:16:23 +05:30
2019-05-13 14:41:37 +10:00
WITH target_users AS (
u . id AS user_id
FROM users u
JOIN group_users gu
ON gu . user_id = u . id
JOIN groups g
ON g . id = gu . group_id
WHERE g . name = :group_name
AND gu . created_at :: date < = :end_date
) ,
target_posts AS (
p . id ,
p . user_id
FROM posts p
JOIN topics t
ON t . id = p . topic_id
WHERE CASE WHEN :include_pms THEN true ELSE t . archetype = 'regular' END
AND t . deleted_at IS NULL
AND p . deleted_at IS NULL
AND p . created_at :: date > = :start_date
AND p . created_at :: date < = :end_date
AND p . post_number > 1
2019-05-07 19:16:23 +05:30
2019-05-13 14:41:37 +10:00
tu . user_id ,
COALESCE ( COUNT ( tp . id ) , 0 ) AS reply_count
FROM target_users tu
LEFT OUTER JOIN target_posts tp
ON tp . user_id = tu . user_id
GROUP BY tu . user_id
ORDER BY reply_count DESC , tu . user_id
queries [ " total-assigned-topics-report " ] [ " sql " ] = << ~ SQL
SELECT value :: int user_id ,
count ( * ) :: varchar || ',/u/' || username_lower || '/activity/assigned' assigned_url
FROM topic_custom_fields tf
JOIN topics t on t . id = topic_id
JOIN users u on u . id = value :: int
WHERE tf . name = 'assigned_to_id'
AND t . deleted_at IS NULL
GROUP BY value :: int , username_lower
ORDER BY count ( * ) DESC , username_lower
2019-04-15 16:11:05 +10:00
2019-11-14 15:59:23 -03:00
queries [ " poll-results " ] [ " sql " ] = << ~ SQL
- - [ params ]
- - string :poll_name
- - int :post_id
poll_votes . updated_at AS vote_time ,
poll_votes . poll_option_id AS vote_option ,
users . id AS user_id ,
users . username ,
users . name ,
users . trust_level
polls ON polls . id = poll_votes . poll_id
users ON users . id = poll_votes . user_id
polls . name = :poll_name AND
polls . post_id = :post_id
2018-10-10 16:59:13 +05:30
# convert query ids from "mostcommonlikers" to "-1", "mostmessages" to "-2" etc.
queries . transform_keys! . with_index { | key , idx | " - #{ idx + 1 } " }